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S05.E22: Reunion Part 3

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Does Brandi seriously think occasionally indulging in a hit of weed is the same as relapsing from three years of sobriety?

Kim looked so bad during this reunion, man! Her face looked like the shiny, vulnerable skin of healing third-degree burns!


And Andy continued to sympathize with Brandi, although he didn't give Kim the same treatment.


I didn't see this at all; I just saw him attempting to word things carefully--as if talking to a preschooler whom one is trying to keep from having a tantrum and/or distract. 


Teresa? You have internet and TV privileges??


I miss her.


Seriously, Kyle gets a question about giving the finger, but Kim and Brandi never get similar questions? Really? I'm thinking that the other HWs were so on point, they didn't need to show the 200 viewer questions asking those two about their shit.


OH MY GOODNESS! What an example of seeing only what one wants to see! I mean, if Kyle was always doing that at Kim--like, every time they began clashing over something--maybe a mention would make sense. But really? That is what that viewer (or "viewer") notices to be a sticking point in Kim and Kyle's relationship...a juvenile hand gesture? 

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 7

I am deeply sorry to read about your child. My heart goes out to you. I can't even begin to know what you must have gone through and what you feel.  I can't hug you in person. Just know I am sending you one.


I am with you. FUCK YOU BRANDI!!


Allow me to add another "Fuck you" to Brandi. Kim too. Their comments and smirks about LisaR being a spokesperson for Depends, as if it was something shameful. I got news for you two  hypocritical and demented crackpots. People have to wear Depends for a variety of reasons. How dare you knock LisaR's gig or make fun of it.  I had a loved one who passed away. I miss that person dearly. This loved one had to wear Depends. He never said a word about having to wear them at such a young age. Life handed him a disease that he had no control over. When Brandi and Kim opened their foul-stenched mouths to remark about LisaR and Depends, it just really showed what a couple of low-rent twats they are. They are both scum. It pissed me off to hear Brandi and Kim smirk at LisaR, as if being a spokesperson for Depends was scraping the bottom of the barrel. FUCK YOU!! What is shameful, is gracing our television screens with your fucked up faces and your demented attitudes.


Kim and Brandi are vile creatures.  If I ever see either one of them on the streets, I swear I will call them out for the gutter filth that they are.


Kudos to LisaR for sending those texts and kudos to her for being a spokesperson for a great company. She also shows that wearing Depends is not something to be ashamed of.

I wish Lisa would have said something liek you just did to defend that job. It is something people don't want to talk about or make fun of but it effects millions. From elderly or the ill, and I wish Lisa wouldve told them that. Considering Kims shit stained pillow and Brandi's pancake tampon ass, they should want to wear them NOW

  • Love 10


I wish Lisa would have said something liek you just did to defend that job. It is something people don't want to talk about or make fun of but it effects millions. From elderly or the ill, and I wish Lisa wouldve told them that. Considering Kims shit stained pillow and Brandi's pancake tampon ass, they should want to wear them NOW

LisaR mentions the company, Kimberly-Clarke, in her blog after part 1.  She said they were a fabulous company to work with, that they donated $250K to her chosen charity for the ad, that it was a good product, good company etc. etc.  So I thought that was a good spokeswoman.  She didn't let it just pass as a  joke or a way to make money.  She gave them major thumbs up.

  • Love 14

At some point Kim is going to have to have a come to Jesus meeting with the term sober and sobriety.  What I hear people in recovery saying is they have been clean and sober for X number of days, months, years.  I don't believe Kim has ever truly been sober.  She may have been clean from alcohol but she certainly doesn't behave like a sober person.  I get the impression Kim is also taking something along the lines of a prescription drug for ADD-prescribed or self medicating. Back in the day she originally had a cocaine problem.  The way she argues, Kyle says, "I am leaving."  Kim retorts, "no I am leaving."  Kyle says, "you are mean."  Kim replies, "no you are mean."  Then of course she goes into her litany of "truths" she is going to tell on whoever she is talking about and claims you are only as sick as your secrets followed by a public meltdown of her dog biting her niece being made public.  Brandi might want slap a hypocrisy label across Kim's mouth.  I can only imagine what

is like for these folks to film with Kim-manic Kim or melancholy Kim. 


Kim decided to Tweet- http://www.allabouttrh.com/kim-richards-says-she-is-still-the-same-person-after-getting-backlash-on-rhobh/

I went to her account to see if it was all sunshine and roses and all I can say is "oh my", Kim can't possibly be reading those conversations or be in a good place after reading them.

  • Love 8

I hate it when it takes me a few days to watch these episodes because all the good comments have been made already! :)  Anyhoo, my DVR has been a hot, steaming pile of shit lately and it won't play the last 15 min of the reunion (I think the segment with Lisa's pussy talk broke it).  Did I miss anything good?  I take it there wasn't any big shocking revelation at the end like BG promised us? 

  • Love 1

I cannot stand Andy!  The fact that he not only coddles Kim and Brandi throughout the reunion, but also allows Kim to get away with not blogging while the others are required to do so, is a bunch of bullshit!  Nothing like being obvious about who your favorites are, asshole!


Whatever is the worst that can happen to Kim regarding all the dog bites, is what I hope goes down.  Someone has to show her that she's not the cute, special little snowflake she thinks she is.  So far, the only good to come out of the Kingsley mess is that Kyle seems to be growing a backbone.  Be strong, Kyle, and dump that narcissistic, disgusting sister of yours!

  • Love 11

I hate it when it takes me a few days to watch these episodes because all the good comments have been made already! :)  Anyhoo, my DVR has been a hot, steaming pile of shit lately and it won't play the last 15 min of the reunion (I think the segment with Lisa's pussy talk broke it).  Did I miss anything good?  I take it there wasn't any big shocking revelation at the end like BG promised us? 

There was just a lot of Kim talking over anyone who dare speak.  Vanderpump made a plea for Kim to get it together before Monty passes and/or the wedding.  Brandi claimed she wanted the sisters to get back together-no one bought it.  Kim claims the good sister Kathy calls her three or four times a day and they do things like go out to dinner.  I was thinking to myself-after seeing Kathy around Kim and her bossiness, would that be considered a blessing or a curse?  I think Kathy will be around as long as she can drag half corpse Monty around and the initial public grieving period then it will be. "deuces MF, I am out here.  Call your kid-she married well and not working."  


I am going to be kind to Brandi for a moment perhaps she thought she could blow through Kim's emotions with this BFF charade because Kyle and Kim always seem to get back together.  I think this was one time, of many, that Brandi did not see the big photo until it was too late.  Brandi wanted out of the BFF and could not see a graceful way out and by that time she had essentially destroyed any relationship Kim had hoped to have had with Eileen, Rinna and ultimately Kyle.   In this case Brandi got stuck with Kim.

  • Love 6

I would loooove to be a fly on the wall when Andy and TPTB talk about blogs. I am positive the question-and-answer format was inspired by the RHOA either not blogging or not acknowledging anything they didn't like. I've read that other cast members from various franchises were admonished for writing blogs on their own sites because Bravo doesn't let them say everything they want (which seems unlikely judging by Jaqueline Laurita's 10+ page soliloquies). Then ghostwriting became a thing.

There's some tea here, I know it. I must unearth the tea...

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 6

It's not a fact that Kyle had smoked pot with Brandi at one time.  Even Brandi didn't say that.  She said that she was with Kyle when she (Brandi herself) had smoked pot.  She said Kyle was there, and Kyle didn't dispute it, so it's likely true that she was there.  But neither Brandi nor Kyle said that they had smoked together.  Brandi as usual was spinning her words.  Maybe they did, maybe they didn't, but we certainly don't have enough information to accept that as fact.


And even if they did, so freakin' what?  Brandi is so focused on causing trouble for these women that she continually crosses the line into absurdity.  Someone Kyle's age smoking pot is far from scandalous. Brandi needs to take a good hard look at the choices she herself has made and keep her puffy nose out of everyone else's business.  She has burned more bridges than I can count, and she did it in record time.


No worries.


At the rate her cheeks are expanding, it already appears they're eating the nose right off of her helium balloon face.


I'm probably way off base, but damn...Brandi and Kim both just look like they stink.  


And I don't mean just their personalities.  


They just never look quite clean to me.

  • Love 11

Correct.  And she only mixed up her medications in Paris; that was not a relapse either.  Nor was that time she was found in a hotel hallway passed out in her underwear in Puerto Rico.


Was this the same trip with the shitty pillow?


I can't figure out how I missed these gems.


Does anybody have a link to where I can read about this or watch a clip or anything?



Edited by Persnickety1

The meds mix-up was in Paris, same trip as the shitty pillow.  It was quite the scene as all the ladies are standing on a lovely balcony overlooking Paris, and then Kim shows up (late) and high off her ass.  She was not making any sense, and it was obvious even to the Hunchback of Notre Dame that Kim was high.  When she was late for the bus ride to cooking class (?) the next day, Lisa asked if she had taken sleeping pills or something and then Hulk Kim came out - how dare you question my sobriety, Lisa!  After they returned from Paris (which is when Yo was carrying her shitty pillow through the airport though we did not see it), Kim and Kyle staged the standard damage control talk in Kyle's store, "Oh, you know what happened?  I mixed up my allergy pills with some old medication I had...they looked the same...I had no idea!"


The Puerto Rico hallway incident was not shown or discussed on the show or reunions, but was going around the internet.

  • Love 9

The meds mix-up was in Paris, same trip as the shitty pillow.  It was quite the scene as all the ladies are standing on a lovely balcony overlooking Paris, and then Kim shows up (late) and high off her ass.  She was not making any sense, and it was obvious even to the Hunchback of Notre Dame that Kim was high.  When she was late for the bus ride to cooking class (?) the next day, Lisa asked if she had taken sleeping pills or something and then Hulk Kim came out - how dare you question my sobriety, Lisa!  After they returned from Paris (which is when Yo was carrying her shitty pillow through the airport though we did not see it), Kim and Kyle staged the standard damage control talk in Kyle's store, "Oh, you know what happened?  I mixed up my allergy pills with some old medication I had...they looked the same...I had no idea!"


The Puerto Rico hallway incident was not shown or discussed on the show or reunions, but was going around the internet.


Thanks so much for the info, Izabella.


I did a little googling about the pillow incident and found it's Twitter account:




Alex McCord follows it on Twitter, which makes me giggle.

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 5

The meds mix-up was in Paris, same trip as the shitty pillow. It was quite the scene as all the ladies are standing on a lovely balcony overlooking Paris, and then Kim shows up (late) and high off her ass. She was not making any sense, and it was obvious even to the Hunchback of Notre Dame that Kim was high. When she was late for the bus ride to cooking class (?) the next day, Lisa asked if she had taken sleeping pills or something and then Hulk Kim came out - how dare you question my sobriety, Lisa! After they returned from Paris (which is when Yo was carrying her shitty pillow through the airport though we did not see it), Kim and Kyle staged the standard damage control talk in Kyle's store, "Oh, you know what happened? I mixed up my allergy pills with some old medication I had...they looked the same...I had no idea!"

The Puerto Rico hallway incident was not shown or discussed on the show or reunions, but was going around the internet.

This why Kyle said in one of her first sit downs, the one with Eileen, she said all she has done is protect Kim always and ever. But Kim sees it as she doesnt know what good intentions are anymore. There is no getting through to Kim. Just none.

  • Love 7

I can't look at this reunion and put anything into perspective at all. It was such a mangled mess of talking over each other, accusations, crying and lies and it's nearly impossible to make sense of any of it. They're all manipulating, lying, desperate woman.


Bravo broke the first commandment of reality television when they contracted two sisters to be on the same reality show. Of course, their narcissism and need for attention compelled both Kyle and Kim to agree to the participation. Bad idea all around. A sister relationship might survive being cast together in a sitcom or regular weekly series, but definitely not on a reality show. If they had issues before Real Housewives, those would issues would certainly be exacerbated and many new issues would erupt. Pairing up sisters in the same reality show works about as well as putting more of the husbands in the show. (We see how that worked for Russell and Taylor, Adrienne and Paul) It's a deadly relationship cocktail for any family members to appear together in a reality show. I wouldn't be surprised if  Kathy Hilton had been approached to join the cast and refused.


Kim is basically an emotionally shattered person and needs to be off this show and go away and heal. Yet in her wild, crazy and fantastical mind, she does show some logic. Kyle has sung the mantra of a devoted and caring sister to Kim, but she hasn't figured out yet that she and Kim need to work things out off camera with a therapist in order to avoid the on-screen confrontations and veiled threats towards each other.

My opinion of Lisa Rinna remains unchanged. I believe she, above all, has the tools and talent needed to do whatever she wants to do but present it in a way that she's the victim and blameless. She's the one that I would be wary of if I was one of the cast, and would watch my back when around Lisa. She's like that little piece of adorned cake that says 'eat me' but it's laced with poison.


I missed Yolanda being there because she's the one woman in the bunch that I can really take seriously. She's impartial, level-headed and doesn't let her emotions control her mouth. Her words are weighed and measured carefully.


Brandi Glanville in my opinion rings the bell for me for just being truthful and making sense. OMG I actually typed that! I never thought in a million years that I'd have the opinion that Brandi is raw but honest and tells it exactly as she sees it. At least she seems has the desire to get to the truth and heart of the matter.


Eileen Davidson and Lisa Vanderpump are trying to be part of the solution and not part of the problem so they fly under the radar for most of the time. The others would rather have negative image projecting than none at all.


Bonus image: Bethany Frankel and Kyle Richards.


OMG loved this! Concise and thought out and I feel the same way as you about Brandi and Kim as well as Lisa R. I really got annoyed with how LVP sat there all annoyed mumbling under her breath how Kyle has been there for Kim. I mean I get it, but I don't understand how these women can't acknowledge that it is quite possible that Kim has some truths of her own. I mean what's so absurd about the idea that Kyle is flawed, may have lashed out at Kim over the years and has been nasty time and time again? And just as I have posted in the past that I don't think all of their resentments stem from Kim's addiction which has annoyingly given Kyle all these "acceptable excuses" for any bad behavior towards Kim that comes to light it was finally said out loud that a lot of the issues between the sisters has nothing to do with alcohol or the addiction. I doubt that aspect will hold any weight regardless but at least it was finally said.


I think Brandi sees that Kyle gives Kim as much grief as Kim gives Kyle in different ways and that it can't all be about poor Kyle, she's been soooooo good to Kim and this is how Kim repays her. I mean there are people out there who will pull through for you in a pinch but will also use it against you whenever they feel the need to shut your character down in a situation where theirs may be in question. I see Kyle as that person. Sure that's her sister and she'll do what it takes to keep complete disaster from crashing down on her life but don't get it twisted. She'll slice her with that good deed whenever Kim "acts up" and wants to maybe just maybe hold Kyle accountable for some of their dysfunction. I feel like a lot of Kim's resistance for taking accountability to anything is because she has been beaten over the head with guilt for things she should be regretful for but also when it wasn't actually necessary but was lumped in for the fuck of it.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 2

I'm new to the site, so first of all, hi!  I'm so glad to have found you all since I'm addicted to TV and RHOBH is my guilty pleasure!


So many spot on observations have already been made and I probably don't need to repeat how evil and malicious Kim is and how stupid Brandi is.  Let's just hope these two aren't on next season.  Although watching just Kyle, LVP, Rinna, and Eileen probably would be boring since they'd just get along all the time for the most part!

  • Love 13

Correct.  And she only mixed up her medications in Paris; that was not a relapse either.  Nor was that time she was found in a hotel hallway passed out in her underwear in Puerto Rico.


Don't forget she also chose to have elective surgery. First a nose job then a boob job.


Her claim that she never took pain meds for either of those procedures is laughable.


In Kim's mind being a good sister and good friend is supporting her lie of sobriety. That's called enabling. Sometimes what you need to hear you will not like but that's what a real sister/friend would try do do.

  • Love 20

Kyle's blog



This was her big chance to say something about me, calling me a hypocrite for not partaking in the space cake. I have said it before, and I will say it again: I NEVER said I haven't smoked pot. I HAVE. It's just not my thing. I have a lot more fun having a few margaritas. Kim knows that. I would have appreciated her chiming in there


Watch next season, Bravo is going to send the ladies to somewhere warm and tons of fun that has Margaritas and Kyle is going to be lit, so as long as the fun is like Ojai, it would be great!  And pfft Kyle you asking your sister to defend you.  Girl, she hates you not to mention shes trying to keep her secrets from being outted by Brandi.  Bottomline is Kyle smoked before it wasn't with Brandi.  Brandi more than likely probably offered Kyle a drag the time she was smoking once and Kyle said no.  Brandi just wanted to make seem like Kyle is a pothead because she knows Kyle is a "perfect parent" and Brandi doesn't want to give Kyle the satisfaction since Brandi's parenting has been brought into question by viewers for years with all her antics.



Five days later, we found out that her bone was infected and she needed surgery to clean out the bone. Kim was upset, because I had posted pictures from the hospital. Like I said at the reunion, I NEVER said her dog bit Alexia. Never mentioned her OR her dog. TMZ ended up finding out that it was Kim's dog, and she blamed me, because I posted the pictures from the hospital. I did not do that to hurt my sister in any way or to "get Instagram followers," like she suggested. With all of my family coming and going at the hospital, people were bound to find out and talk.


In hindsight, I wish I hadn't posted that picture, but I certainly didn't mean to hurt Kim. She posted a picture when she was in the hospital this year. Yolanda and Camille have done so regularly. And where is her responsibility in all of this? However, I do feel bad about what it has led to. And I've told her that. I also felt terrible because I know she loves Kingsley, but I also love my child. It was a difficult time for all involved. I didn't blame Kim personally regarding the dog and was willing to drop it and move forward, yet she was too angry with me regarding the Instagram post to be able to do that. I wish that since I was willing to let go of my anger regarding my daughter being bit and what she had to go through that she could have let go of being upset about the Instagram post. I HAVE to believe she knows I did NOT do that to hurt her. For Kim to throw out that she would say something about Alexia ( like she did to Lisa R. regarding Harry ) nearly took my breath away. But her dog is off limits?  So there you have it.


People put 2-n-2 together that Kim's "son" was the one who bite Alexia that includes her outing her "son" as the attacker.  But Kyle you don't have to be careful with your wording.  We know why KimImpossible is upset by the pics and it has nothing to do with you and she having a social media battle over who has the most followers.  It's all about the lawsuit.  She doesn't want to talk about this issue at length because she knows she in the wrong and the lawyers of the family friend case is ready to sue the pants off her.  I'm pretty sure the attorneys to Kay Rosario have already downloaded Kim's implosion how she acted over her "son"  and ready to use it as damaging evidence.  And yes Kim will start or allude to a rumor but turn around and gaslight you the next.  She's drug addict narcissist that has no shame.



Brooke's wedding : Brooke did a small ceremony at my sister Kathy's house (part of it aired this season), so that Monty would be well enough to walk her down the aisle. The wedding we were referring to at the reunion is her actual "big wedding " coming up. And NO, I did not do anything "unspeakable" or "unforgivable" at the wedding at Kathy's house like Brandi has (once again) put out there. It was a beautiful, perfect day that Brandi Glanville is now trying to throw negativity on. She was NOT EVEN THERE. On top of everything else Brandi has done, she now wants to turn that beautiful day that my family celebrated into something to lie and gossip about. Shame on her.  Before They Were House


Brandi will say anything to stay relevant and afloat on blogs and press.  If she did get any "tea" on the first wedding it came from Kim and we all know how far that truth tends to go these days.  But remember you are the attention seeking whore in her book.  ;)



All I know is I am glad I don't have to relive all of this again on TV. Now I need to take a step back .


Ha!  If Kim comes back in season 6 you will relive it again.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 9

Thanks so much for the info, Izabella.


I did a little googling about the pillow incident and found it's Twitter account:




Alex McCord follows it on Twitter, which makes me giggle.

I went off the rails last year about the shit stained pillow. I thought it was a horrible and humiliating thing to say and I posted feverishly about how awful that was. I thought Kim was a struggling addict and was making progress toward leading a sober life . My bad. Now that I know she has been sober for THREE YEARS and is not struggling with her sobriety AT ALL I now will join the rest of the world in laughing at it.

  • Love 20

That was exactly what I thought when I read it: "A thing of beauty".


Finally these women are saying what needs to be said and not holding back.  Lisa V is right on target. 



I think we're getting a lost footage episode because there is a preview on Bravo's site that I think is from the night that they went to Eileen's movie thing. It is with both Lisas, Eileen and Kyle, and it's fun.  And it reinforces how good this show would be if Bravo would just take out the trash.



Had to bump this because it cannot be said too often. Can't the show just be fun? Do we have to see an aging child star deteriorated clinically before our eyes? Can't we just have glamour and back-stage Hollywood biz and house porn and tickles and giggles among the rich and "famous"? 

  • Love 12

Did I hear Kim accuse Kyle of not giving Alexia the antibiotic for two days?! I'm sure Kyle had some master plan to with hold appropriate medical care to her daughter in an effort to make Kim look bad. If Alexia lost her hand, oh well, it would all be worth it if it put Kim in a bad light. Because Kyle isn't holding any secrets about Kims drunken, drugged out shenanigans over the years that might hurt Kims reputation. Infecting the wound was the only way Kyle could make Kim look bad. Poor Kim and her dog/son. Why do bad things happen to good people/ dog/ sons?

  • Love 22
Great job Auntie Kim. Youre adding more reasons for me not to like you even further.

Did I hear Kim accuse Kyle of not giving Alexia the antibiotic for two days?! I'm sure Kyle had some master plan to with hold appropriate medical care to her daughter in an effort to make Kim look bad. If Alexia lost her hand, oh well, it would all be worth it if it put Kim in a bad light. Because Kyle isn't holding any secrets about Kims drunken, drugged out shenanigans over the years that might hurt Kims reputation. Infecting the wound was the only way Kyle could make Kim look bad. Poor Kim and her dog/son. Why do bad things happen to good people/ dog/ sons?

Oh yes! Lets take responsibility, Kim, then turn it around and make it into Kyle's fault. This woman is nutty as a fruit cake on Xmas morning.

From LisaV's blog:

Our business became your business when we entered into your living room. We should strive for transparency, and we should deal with consequences as we profit from the benefits.

This is perhaps once of the best things I have ever read in any HoWive's blog. Ever.


Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 10

Gay Satan needs to just hand out boxing gloves and maybe set up a jello/mud-pit at these reunions.

Please don't give him any ideas.  


I agree that it probably went down that way.  But the thing is, Kim deserves to be sued.  Nothing around her makes her see reality so she needs an outside force.


Since the Kay Rozario bite was being kept on the down-low, did Kyle know that she had been bitten?

The sisters grew up with Kay around, so I'm guessing that she probably told Kyle and maybe Kathy what happened. 

My interpretation of the Brandi/Kyle weed smoking situation:


Out on one of those hikes in the hills, sit down to rest, Brandi pulls a blunt from some unknown orifice, and lights it up.


"Kyle, want to hit this?"


"No thanks, I'm good."


"What, you don't smoke weed???"


"I've smoked it a few times, it's really not my thing, but you go right ahead, it doesn't bother me."


I can totally see Brandi twisting something as simple as that into having been "with" Kyle the last time she smoked (but never saying Kyle partook) and twisting some benign mention of having smoked it a few times into being a "pothead."


Semantics are probably the only thing at which Brandi seems to be adept.







Heading to Google!!!


Oh, I wonder if she was drunk and/or under the influence of something?  I'm betting she was!!!

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 10

Many years ago, my cousin's Doberman attacked his niece (also my cousin, but for clarity, I will stick to calling her the niece), and bit her in the face, practically removing her entire upper lip. This was not the dog's first attack, not even to a person's face, and the niece, who was only 8 at the time, has had to have multiple surgeries well into adulthood (which my cousin did pay for to his credit), so we assumed he would have the dog put down and we all expressed our sympathies because we did recognize that he viewed the dog as family. He was basically like, "what are you talking about. Why would I put the dog down?" Needless to say, everyone was appalled, and it caused quite a bit of family drama. Cut to a few years later, my cousin had his first child, and the dog not his crawling toddler. Thankfully, it was not as bad as the bite to the niece, but he had he dog put down that day. WTH did he think was going to happen? Anyway, one of the things we learned over all this is that part of the danger of breeds like those, along with pit bulls and chows is that they bite to kill. German shepherds and other herding dogs like that might bite, but their natural instinct is to bite a leg or an arm. My cousin and Kim are very lucky no one was killed, but it is only a matter of time. And there is something really disturbing about watching a show just waiting for something truly terrible to happen.

  • Love 8


She apparently locked herself in the bathroom...had slurred speech and was beligerent (no really?)..she also had a strong smell of alcohol on her.


Not surprising.


I wonder if BFF Brandi was with her.


I'm guessing NO.

  • Love 6


She apparently locked herself in the bathroom...had slurred speech and was beligerent (no really?)..she also had a strong smell of alcohol on her.

OMG Karma was quick!!


Let's place bets. How much you wanna bet she will blame Kyle?


Thanks BlackMamba for the breaking news!!

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 19

No, actually Kyle only mentions what she has done for Kim when Kim has thrown it in Kyle's face how she has never been there for her. Mind you, Kim demands that Kyle be there for her. She also tells Kyle to mind her own business and tend to her own family. So, which the fuck is it? Does Kim want Kyle to be there for her 3-4 times a day, as she claimed Kathy is there for her or, does she want Kyle to leave her alone and let her be? Rhetorical question.



So there's no way that Kyle slices Kim with the past when the cameras aren't rolling? This is the absolutes that I don't understand. There are plenty of hours and days we don't see in that one hour episode each week. Also I've seen on the show the way Kyle defends herself by randomly bringing shit up that has everything to do with shaming Kim (stealthly) and redirecting the focus on details of Kim's life that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with subject they are going on about. I mean how did the bite come up? Weren't they shrieking about something completely different and then BAM "Your dog bit my daughter" wait what? Not saying it isn't relevant but Kyle hurls randoms instead of letting Kim get into whatever it is she's planning on putting on the table.  It's like whenever Kim seems set on addressing something and it seems like she's going to get into a little more detail (not complete detail cause neither one want to stray from the keeps secrets mantra, although I think Kyle is more stealth and goes a little deeper without anyone noticing that she's more okay with the idea of letting things "slip") Kyle jumps in with something that focuses on the mess that is Kim Richards.


Kim deflects but Kyle does it too and uses the tragic ammunition of Kim's instability to shift the focus of where Kim is going with it whereas Kim, from what I can see approaches her grievances with Kyle with a particular direction, that is until Kyle starts maneuvering around with the "you hurt me toos" and "I've been there for you" and eventually shifts the topic of conversation to how Kim has been so terrible or "mean". There's a part of me that would like to look back over the seasons at their back and forths to see just how often Kim has a specific direction in mind when having talks with Kyle and Kyle changing the direction leaving Kim and her scattered brain confused and on the new track of just spouting randoms and generic accusations instead of actually hitting home with anything. I think that's the way Kyle gets out of having any conversations (on camera) where Kim could maybe express some details (nothing epic but maybe a balancing out the scales regarding character) that maybe surround some of Kyle's mistreatment of Kim. 

  • Love 1

Now that her whole "I am not struggling with my sobriety" bit came tumbling down. I would never wish ill will on anyone but her behavior at that hot mess of a reunion screamed of her addiction being large and in charge. I was married to one and he took his life because of it...i've seen it and when it is in control..you can't hide it.


As much as Kyle's botoxed cry face irritates me...Kim is clearly the abuser and I do believe she has many issues below the surface. I think keeping her on television is purely exploitation and it will never help her get truly sober.

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