mwell345 April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 That's when she was leading that llama through Kyle's new house? Lol Back when the show used to be fun. Before it turned into the Kim and Brandi Show. 10 Link to comment
One Tough Cookie April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 For who? Kim hasn't done anything wrong. It was all Kyle's fault I thought it was Lisa Van der Pump's??? I'm so confused? 3 Link to comment
mwell345 April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 Once it was revealed Bravo had apparently a great deal of footage of Kim inebriated and obnoxious during season 1, I think a lot of what the viewers might have deemed as unjustifiable "rudeness" towards Kim was actually exasperation with how Kim was behaving, knowing Bravo could choose to use any and/or all of that footage at their discretion and that it was a nightmare waiting to happen. Has this ever really been revealed by Bravo production? I've always suspected it, but never heard it confirmed. What they showed of her in previous seasons - Mauricio's birthday with that Ken person - if that was the best they could get, the rest must have really been bad. 4 Link to comment
SFoster21 April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 (edited) Has this ever really been revealed by Bravo production? I've always suspected it, but never heard it confirmed. What they showed of her in previous seasons - Mauricio's birthday with that Ken person - if that was the best they could get, the rest must have really been bad. I'm with you. There has been plenty of embarassing footage of Kim! Just very little acknowledgment by the others of what was clearly an issue. Edited April 18, 2015 by SFoster21 5 Link to comment
jumper sage April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 (edited) Argh. My DVR didn't record this episode. It somehow picked up 2 WWHLs on the same night though. Wondering if it's worth watching it OnDemand. Can't FFW that channel. I noticed the episode was not labeled "new" on my display and had to lock it in by hand to the DVR. Glad I caught that. My best friend, now dead, was exactly the same way. "I'm sober.......", she would say but you could clearly see that was not the truth. Just like Kim at the reunion. She also had two dogs and could not understand why we all said the dogs were being abused. Just like Kim. She let her kids go to keep the dogs, just like Kim. Brandy did Kim no favors by "sticking up" for her and I do think Brandi has her own problems she just manages them better. Her alcoholism is compartmentalized where as Kim's is out there for all to see. Kyle can't just walk away. Kim's kids need their extended family. She can, however, let Kathy know it is her turn and just stand on the peripheral. Edited April 18, 2015 by jumper sage 10 Link to comment
zoeysmom April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 Has this ever really been revealed by Bravo production? I've always suspected it, but never heard it confirmed. What they showed of her in previous seasons - Mauricio's birthday with that Ken person - if that was the best they could get, the rest must have really been bad. Season 1 the producer use to write a blog and that is where much of the information comes from. Try as I might I am having a hard time pulling up Season 1 Bravo blogs. The other point of reference was Lisa V. and Taylor had mentioned some moments. 2 Link to comment
SwordQueen April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 I was really disappointed reading Kyle's blog that Kyle didn't hold Kim responsible for the dog bite and was ready to move past it. Luckily, Kim bringing up Alexia and inferring something does seem to be a line that Kyle has drawn and I hope Kyle does stay strong and maintain boundaries with Kim, even - or particularly - with Kim's recent arrest. Kim will not stop unless she's held accountable, which she won't be if family continues to enable her. Agree, and this is what we fixers and codependents do. We make it okay for the other person. We say "It's alright/it's okay" when someone apologizes (and even when they don't) instead of "No, it wasn't okay, what are you going to do to remedy it?". We take it into our own beings instead of leaving the guilt, shame and the responsibility for the other person to manage. We whine, we nag, we threaten, we sigh and throw our hands up in the air, we say "This is the last time." and never meant it. We feel so much relief if the other person actually says they're sorry, they will do better next time, never again, they're getting help, they love us, they're sober/clean, they didn't mean to hurt us, etc. -- even when we know in our hearts that they are lying. And then we'll start all over again, putting in more effort into the other person than the other person puts into themselves (or into us) and again, feel anger and resentment when they don't appreciate that effort and don't do what they've promised (even though we knew they were lying). Kyle is a classic codependent and fixer and I really hope she can release herself from that cycle and focus on working through her own issues. 14 Link to comment
Popular Post Found A Peanut April 18, 2015 Popular Post Share April 18, 2015 I can't believe anyone could be so callous to say something like to you. I'm so sorry you had to hear that... Are you okay? Thank you, yes, I'm really okay. It's not a kind of cancer that's ever considered to be fully in remission, so my smoking hot oncologist will be in my life like a same time next year boyfriend for a long time to come, but I'm better than fine. (And so is he, wowzers) (is that hugely inappropriate? Fuck it. I had cancer.) Cancer does weird things to your outlook on life. Good ones, for me, better than years of therapy for cutting through the crap and letting me see what I actually cared about. People show you who they are, too, which is always good information to have moving forward. And maybe I'm strange, but everything became funny to me. The ridiculousness of people being so excited as my weight dropped - "It's just melting off you!" - is just hysterically funny to me. Really, it was my soul that felt lighter. Life is absurd. 43 Link to comment
haydensterling April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 I don't judge Kim for being an addict, I don't really care about it. My trigger is the narcissism. If she was a decent or even semi-decent person, I'd be cheering her on to get on top of her drinking and other assorted meds. As it is, I see her behavior as part of her arsenal of tools to manipulate the people that care about her into making her issues the center of focus, and her excuse to be nasty. Just because I am happy to see her lies and manipulations exposed, I wouldn't root for her death or be pleased by it. Thank you for writing this, Reo. Absolutely how I feel. 12 Link to comment
BlackMamba April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 (edited) Ive been saying it for awhile Kyle and Kandi (RHOA) need to do lunch! They are one in the same how they allow their family members run them batshit and they still try to make it right and justify their garbage. It's frustrating because they know they need to put their foot down but they afraid of backlash from other family members and even those that watch as viewers. Fans of both franchises been asking or telling Kyle and Kandi they need to toughen their spin via social media and stop taking all the abuse and manipulation from their relatives. Yet they wont go there, or in the case of Kyle, she wont do it on camera any longer because of the shit she got the first time from it. I, even wrote her final blog was weak sauce and a cop out to protect Kim with her dog case approaching, Kyle knows the drill, she wont jeopardize "hurting" her sister especially with what happened with the IG fuckery that Kim guilt tripped her on. I feel for Kyle a lot. Even though I dont know of any drug-alcohol abusers in my family I do have some not so nice relatives that work my last nerve and get under my skin. Yet Ive been brave enough going into my 30s to not let them think they are gonna play, use or disrespect me. I talk back. I gives no shits. Dont start none it wont be none. Edited April 18, 2015 by BlackMamba 13 Link to comment
SwordQueen April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 Ive been saying it for awhile Kyle and Kandi (RHOA) need to do lunch! They are one in the same how they allow their family members run them batshit and they still try to make it right and justify their garbage. It's frustrating because they know they need to put their foot down but they afraid of backlash from other family members and even those that watch as viewers. Fans of both franchises been asking or telling Kyle and Kandi they need to toughen their spin via social media and stop taking all the abuse and manipulation from their relatives. Yet they wont go there, or in the case of Kyle, she wont do it on camera any longer because of the shit she got the first time from it. I, even wrote her final blog was weak sauce and a cop out to protect Kim with her dog case approaching, Kyle knows the drill, she wont jeopardize "hurting" her sister especially with that what happened with the IG fuckery. I feel for Kyle a lot. Even though I dont know of any drug-alcohol abusers in my family I do have some not so nice relatives that work my last nerve and get under my skin. Yet Ive been brave enough going into my 30s to not let them think they are gonna play, use or disrespect me. I talk back. I gives no shits. Dont start none it wont be none. I've felt the same about Kandi and honestly, I find it hard to watch RHoA because of her and her relationships, not only with her Narcissist mother, but with her daughter and her FI. It's hard to break that cycle. That's why Narcissists and Codependents fit so well together -- and the lines start to blur sometimes between who is whom. As great is the need for the Narc to control (use) through manipulation, so is the Codependents need to control (fix) through manipulation and I definitely see that in both Kyle and Kandi. As to your last paragraph, I have definitely been able to claim that part of me (the "Not gonna take shit" part) over the last how many years. But that codependent, obedient, fixer, people-pleaser, side tends to come out at the worst times. Hard to break that cycle when you still interact with those same Narcs who instilled and/or encouraged that in you to begin with. Change of environment is defnitely not just necessary for drug addicts, but also for people addicts. 10 Link to comment
FozzyBear April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 Oh Kim. Shut up. Nothing Kyle instagrams will change the fact that your dog is dangerous. Favorite moment? Kyle's sour puss reaction shot when Andy was talking to Brandi about sleeping with younger guys. Seriously, why does that bother her so much? What's it to her if Brandi dates college guys? How many dinner parties did she happily sit through with Mohammad and his series of child-brides? Also Brandi is not the problem between Kim and Kyle. Ugg, please no more Richards sisters. I hate them both. 5 Link to comment
Cherrio April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 People like Kyle and Kandi are classic enablers. They have to stop their behavior and get help just as much as Kim does. 4 Link to comment
Alonzo Mosely FBI April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 Has Bravo said anything yet? I remember way back when I worked for a company and we had someone drinking on the job and she was hard to fire because the problem she had stemmed from an illness (alcoholism) I wonder if Bravo has to be careful or is treading lightly on this for legal reasons. Just wondered. 2 Link to comment
BlackMamba April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 "One huggy duggy doo doo, Two huggy duggy doo doo..." How embarrassing. A 50 year old woman who has no grip on the English language. But knows sCOOBY doo lexicon! 3 Link to comment
Giselle April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 (edited) Dude. Oh, duuuuuuude. Let me tell y'all about the family member that said to me excitedly, "You're going to lose so much weight!" after I told her that I had stomach cancer. Because being fat is worse than cancer, obviously. Or the theory spun to me about how cancer manifests where you hold your anger, i.e., I have stomach cancer because I eat my rage. Oh, the many, many stories I could tell. If Kim is foolish enough to read Internet forums, or someone in her circle is foolish or cruel enough to tell her things from them, then she needs to learn one of my mantras. Maybe even write it on her mirror in that frosted pink lippy of hers underneath where Rinna has already scrawled "Be nice to your sister!" What other people think of you is none of your business, so don't worry about it. I truly hope you are better now. I hope your family member was coming from a place of loving humor hoping to give a moment of lightness to you in a bad situation. As for the other, I have no words. . I have got a gallows sense of humor, my dad did too I got it from him. We knew where the other was coming from. I was one person he could let lose with, to seriously talk with, to cry with, and to laugh with to get through the indignities and problems of multiple cancers and other issues. Our warped sense of humor made it easier for both of us, many didn't understand but we didn't care and he knew I'd be there for anything that happened and help get him through it, and if need be by laughing and lightening the mood with our dark joking. The day before my dad died, I cracked a joke about my dad in the Dr's office. My dad's new doctor said that it was interesting that we could joke about what was going to be happening with him in the coming months but that it was good that my dad and I could laugh. My dad said "What else can you do, it's life." The Dr. saw that it helped my dad. That night, I found out later, my dad stole and told his friends my last joke about him, the one said in the Dr's office earlier that day. My dad had a laugh that evening. He died the next morning. Once again I wish you the best! Edited April 18, 2015 by Giselle 18 Link to comment
LotusFlower April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 Bravo will Bravo like usual. When does this show usually start back filming, June or July? I expect before Kim's first court appearance either with the dog or her arrest Bravo will have their cameras ready to say "ACTION!" The dog lawsuit is a civil case, which means Kim doesn't have to show up for court, unless it ever goes to trial (which it never will, or would take years). I'm not even sure if she has to show up for this drunk and disorderly charge, but there's no way Bravo will film it for the show. Link to comment
SwordQueen April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 My dad said "What else can you do, it's life." I'm so sorry for your loss. Your dad sounded wise and also like a hoot. He's right about what he said, too. Sometimes you just have to laugh and I also have a really warped sense of humor. I still laugh at things that were from very scary and painful times for me but being able to find the humor in some of these situations is what gets me through. I get ragged on about the fact that I used to have to carry around those awful hemorrhoid doughnut pillows, to sit on because my bones would hurt me so much (and even had to use them on the toilet cause I'd fall in otherwise). Man, I hate those things! lol I have so many stories that I can look back on and chuckle about because sickness is sometimes pretty ludicrous, especially the remedies and things you have to do to work around them. 14 Link to comment
BlackMamba April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 OMG! THIS wins everything! Seriously, I consider the mic to be dropped after reading this. How the hell did I miss this! This has so much win! LMFAOOOOO. 8 Link to comment
LotusFlower April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 ^^ Me, too! Just read it. I have tears rolling down my face I'm laughing so hard. Ran a little long, but then again, so did the reunion. Space cakes, baby. 6 Link to comment
zoeysmom April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 Has Bravo said anything yet? I remember way back when I worked for a company and we had someone drinking on the job and she was hard to fire because the problem she had stemmed from an illness (alcoholism) I wonder if Bravo has to be careful or is treading lightly on this for legal reasons. Just wondered. None of the RH are employees of Evolution Media or Bravo they are all contract players which essentially means they serve at the leisure of Evolution/Bravo. 2 Link to comment
Popular Post JennyMominFL April 18, 2015 Popular Post Share April 18, 2015 (edited) Dude. Oh, duuuuuuude. Let me tell y'all about the family member that said to me excitedly, "You're going to lose so much weight!" after I told her that I had stomach cancer. Because being fat is worse than cancer, obviously. Or the theory spun to me about how cancer manifests where you hold your anger, i.e., I have stomach cancer because I eat my rage. Oh, the many, many stories I could tell. I hear you. I have AIDS. In 1998 when I started the anti-HIV meds I gained 20 pounds. My mother sent me a lettter saying that my husband would leave me if I got fat. HIV didn't scare him off but 20 pounds due to life saving meds would. I left Christianity and I have been told AIDS is gods punishment for that. I've had people say, "if that were me, I would have just killed myself". And of couse there are the denialists who don't believe AIDS exists. See, the difference between me and Kim is that I do everything I can to stay alive, and I don't use my disease as an excuse to hurt other people. A disease is not a weapon, Kim. You can choose to get better. I have to wait and hope for a cure. It's out of my hands. This is within Kims hands Edited April 18, 2015 by JennyMominFL 49 Link to comment
SwordQueen April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 Hugs Jenny. You're awesome, i hope you know that, and an inspiration to those of us who struggle to get back up and keep going, when we fall. 13 Link to comment
film noire April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 (edited) It's never too late. I belong to a group where people in their 80s are struggling to get sober. Now that's gangster right there. This brought tears to my eyes, thanks for sharing, NC -- for those people to keep fighting on, at that age -- glorious. (And to all the people here who have mentioned being in recovery, just wanted to say, you have only my admiration. Getting sober is one of the highest achievements, imo, any human can attain and it is a victory that we don't really celebrate in a manner equal to the achievement. Maybe because the card would be difficult to write { "Not raising a glass to your recovery!" doesn't have that festive ring :) but getting sober -- and getting back up after a relapse and owning the stumble and getting sober all over again -- that is the work of a hero.) And Found a Peanut -- thanks for sharing that (and a big bouquet of flowers to you for handling that shit:) ETA: See, the difference between me and Kim is that I do everything I can to stay alive, and I don't use my disease as an excuse to hurt other people. A disease is not a weapon, Kim. You can choose to get better. I have to wait and hope for a cure. It's out of my hands. This is within Kims hands ..I think stories like yours, Jenny, are part of the reason misplaced and indulgent sympathy for Kim Richards (not seen here, elsewhere) and how she is handling her disease makes me so crazy. All those feelings should be reserved for people like you -- people fighting on and fighting back, and being brave as hell -- whether it's alcoholism, cancer or AIDS, that's the road Kim should be taking (and could take, given her family and financial resources). And she doesn't because at core, she' s not just battling the disease of alcoholism, she's battling the disease of being Kim Richards. Edited April 18, 2015 by film noire 20 Link to comment
Found A Peanut April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 (edited) I truly hope you are better now. I hope your family member was coming from a place of loving humor hoping to give a moment of lightness to you in a bad situation. As for the other, I have no words. . I have got a gallows sense of humor, my dad did too I got it from him. We knew where the other was coming from. I was one person he could let lose with, to seriously talk with, to cry with, and to laugh with to get through the indignities and problems of multiple cancers and other issues. Our warped sense of humor made it easier for both of us, many didn't understand but we didn't care and he knew I'd be there for anything that happened and help get him through it, and if need be by laughing and lightening the mood with our dark joking. The day before my dad died, I cracked a joke about my dad in the Dr's office. My dad's new doctor said that it was interesting that we could joke about what was going to be happening with him in the coming months but that it was good that my dad and I could laugh. My dad said "What else can you do, it's life." The Dr. saw that it helped my dad. That night, I found out later, my dad stole and told his friends my last joke about him, the one said in the Dr's office earlier that day. My dad had a laugh that evening. He died the next morning. Once again I wish you the best! Thanks, Giselle. I'm doing really well. I wish for her sake I could say my relative was just trying to make me laugh, but she was genuinely looking for the bright side. I can't be mad at her or anything. When she was a little chubby as a girl, a little not a lot, her mom actually talked a doctor into putting her on thyroid medication that she didn't need to get her skinnier. As a culture, we have a very screwed up relationship with our bodies and food. She was far from the only person who tried to pep me up by talking about weight loss like I'd just won the door prize at the cancer clinic. And to bring it back to the show and the reunion, was there anyone on that stage who hasn't had surgeries and procedures to alter their appearances? Who isn't perpetually dieting? Including Andy? And all of them, every one, had already basically hit the genetic lottery by conventional beauty standards. I might laugh about Brandi looking like she's about to go trick or treating in a bad, plastic mask of her own face, but I feel bad for her and everyone else up there, too. I'm really sorry about your dad. He sounded like a funny, great guy. He was so lucky to have you to lean on. Laughter is the best gift you can give and, in my personal belief, probably one of the very few things you get to take with you when you go, along with love and memories. Your dad was blessed to have you. Edited April 18, 2015 by Found A Peanut 12 Link to comment
Juneau Gal April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 To all who have shared their personal struggles on this forum, I applaud your bravery and transperancy. Thank you for your stories; may your futures be bright. Stories like yours, are the reason so many of us had a difficult time watching this reunion and the behavior of Kim, and Brandi. It is within their power to get help, get well, be well yet they refuse to even aknowledge a problem. It is beyond uncomfortable and unpleasant to watch on TV, let alone what the real life participants must feel. This is not entertainment, this is not educational, this is not in any way shape or form what Bravo should produce and support. I feel the less for having watched and I don't like that feeling. 17 Link to comment
Cheetosandchoc April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 How embarrassing. A 50 year old woman who has no grip on the English language. But knows sCOOBY doo lexicon! Kim is more confused than Scooby Doo. 3 Link to comment
Cheetosandchoc April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 I truly hope you are better now. I hope your family member was coming from a place of loving humor hoping to give a moment of lightness to you in a bad situation. As for the other, I have no words. . I have got a gallows sense of humor, my dad did too I got it from him. We knew where the other was coming from. I was one person he could let lose with, to seriously talk with, to cry with, and to laugh with to get through the indignities and problems of multiple cancers and other issues. Our warped sense of humor made it easier for both of us, many didn't understand but we didn't care and he knew I'd be there for anything that happened and help get him through it, and if need be by laughing and lightening the mood with our dark joking. The day before my dad died, I cracked a joke about my dad in the Dr's office. My dad's new doctor said that it was interesting that we could joke about what was going to be happening with him in the coming months but that it was good that my dad and I could laugh. My dad said "What else can you do, it's life." The Dr. saw that it helped my dad. That night, I found out later, my dad stole and told his friends my last joke about him, the one said in the Dr's office earlier that day. My dad had a laugh that evening. He died the next morning. Once again I wish you the best! I think that is a lovely story. What a nice memory to have. I hope to be able to do the same for my mom. She is not well herself. She actually broke her nose two weeks ago, she is 80 and prim and proper. I told the staff in the ER to watch her cuz that old bitch will shank you! My mom laughed so hard her teeth fell out. The poor male nurse looked stunned. Found A peanut I hope the best for you. Thank You for your thoughts and perspective. I agree life is absurd at times. The worry we have about our looks and weight is absurd. I aim for well groomed and not smelly. I also try to look friendly ( I sometimes have a bitch resting face and am shy) I wish you Love and light, as the Jersey girls would say. 12 Link to comment
Cherrio April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 Hugs Jenny. You're awesome, i hope you know that, and an inspiration to those of us who struggle to get back up and keep going, when we fall. Ditto from me too. 7 Link to comment
lightbeam April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 (edited) Don't know if this is true, but I happened across this about Kim today: If it's true, it's very sad. You never know what people have gone through. Edited April 18, 2015 by lightbeam Link to comment
rehoboth April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 And she also has ridicule, humiliation and all those other obstacles in the meantime. A person going thru cancer isn't battling those outside demons as well as their cancer. Kim had various people saying to her all season that they were there for her if she needed any help at any time. And she ridiculed them, tried to humiliate them and threw obstacles ("blah, blah, blah"; "zip it!"; "I am not discussing this!") in their way. Blah, blah, blah.... 11 Link to comment
PreposterousISTA April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 Highly Recommended >>>>> 5 Link to comment
missy jo April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 (edited) I wonder about all of those "daily phone calls" to Kathy. Maybe not daily but I think Kim might only call on Kathy for the big shit. Kyle, she bothers all of the time and we've seen that it's worn her down and she's at her breaking point. Kathy seems to me to not be the type who'd put up with 2am phone calls from a cracked out junkie, even if it were her sister. Kyle, who can't seem to say no, I think was more willing to keep chugging along in the dysfunctional relationship Personally, I think the calls to Kathy are pure fiction. I doubt she has the time or patience to put up with that nonsense. And I'm a diehard feminist, but I hope the incident with Alexia finally gives Mauricio the leverage he needs to put his foot down and disconnect his family from Kim. In my opinion, it really speaks to the strength of Kyle and Mauricio's marriage that it has been able to withstand all the mess with Kim over the years. Edited April 18, 2015 by missy jo 18 Link to comment
jenny2682 April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 Thank you, yes, I'm really okay. It's not a kind of cancer that's ever considered to be fully in remission, so my smoking hot oncologist will be in my life like a same time next year boyfriend for a long time to come, but I'm better than fine. (And so is he, wowzers) (is that hugely inappropriate? Fuck it. I had cancer.) Cancer does weird things to your outlook on life. Good ones, for me, better than years of therapy for cutting through the crap and letting me see what I actually cared about. People show you who they are, too, which is always good information to have moving forward. And maybe I'm strange, but everything became funny to me. The ridiculousness of people being so excited as my weight dropped - "It's just melting off you!" - is just hysterically funny to me. Really, it was my soul that felt lighter. Life is absurd. Thank you, yes, I'm really okay. It's not a kind of cancer that's ever considered to be fully in remission, so my smoking hot oncologist will be in my life like a same time next year boyfriend for a long time to come, but I'm better than fine. (And so is he, wowzers) (is that hugely inappropriate? Fuck it. I had cancer.) Cancer does weird things to your outlook on life. Good ones, for me, better than years of therapy for cutting through the crap and letting me see what I actually cared about. People show you who they are, too, which is always good information to have moving forward. And maybe I'm strange, but everything became funny to me. The ridiculousness of people being so excited as my weight dropped - "It's just melting off you!" - is just hysterically funny to me. Really, it was my soul that felt lighter. Life is absurd. Glad you are ok. Im the same way. The stupidity of people is astounding. I have MS and couldnt drive for 5 years and people were like wow you don't have to drive and people taje you places. You get to join gym free because of ore existing condition? I have to pay. Assholes I have paid so much more in medical bills, have been blind and paralyzed. Yep lets trade places. Humanity is brain dead. 13 Link to comment
Cosmic Muffin April 18, 2015 Share April 18, 2015 Well, if Kyle and Mauricio's genders were reversed, or if they were two men or two women I'd still hope that Kyle's partner would be insisting on a final break from Kim. No more contact, no more financial support, no more help moving/finding places to move to, no more support of any other kind. 11 Link to comment
SwordQueen April 19, 2015 Share April 19, 2015 Personally, I think the calls to Kathy are pure fiction. I doubt she has the time or patience to put up with that nonsense. And I'm a diehard feminist, but I hope the incident with Alexia finally gives Mauricio the leverage he needs to put his foot down and disconnect his family from Kim. In my opinion, it really speaks to the strength of Kyle and Mauricio's marriage that it has been able to withstand all the mess with Kim over the years. From what I've seen of Kathy? No, she doesn't. lol I have no idea if the calls happened or not but I do think it gives Kim pleasure to hurt Kyle by inferring or directly stating that Kathy is more loved and valued by her -- both traits being what I believe to be Kyle's Achilles heal. Well, if Kyle and Mauricio's genders were reversed, or if they were two men or two women I'd still hope that Kyle's partner would be insisting on a final break from Kim. No more contact, no more financial support, no more help moving/finding places to move to, no more support of any other kind. Agreed. I admire Mauricio for putting up with that shit. He definitely must love Kyle a whole hell of a lot because that kind of drama is not fun to deal with and can you just imagine Big Kathy as a Mother-in-Law? Oh my. 5 Link to comment
Lnmop April 19, 2015 Share April 19, 2015 Thank you, yes, I'm really okay. It's not a kind of cancer that's ever considered to be fully in remission, so my smoking hot oncologist will be in my life like a same time next year boyfriend for a long time to come, but I'm better than fine. (And so is he, wowzers) (is that hugely inappropriate? Fuck it. I had cancer.) Cancer does weird things to your outlook on life. Good ones, for me, better than years of therapy for cutting through the crap and letting me see what I actually cared about. People show you who they are, too, which is always good information to have moving forward. And maybe I'm strange, but everything became funny to me. The ridiculousness of people being so excited as my weight dropped - "It's just melting off you!" - is just hysterically funny to me. Really, it was my soul that felt lighter. Life is absurd. Peanut, congratulations on your smoking hot oncologist. As far as your relative goes, well, next time you see her tell her that you have an update on your health. Tell her you've lost well over X number of pounds and you just wanted to let her know because she has expressed her concern about you before. Then walk away. Maybe she'll get it, maybe she won't. All we can do is deal with the ignorance and insensitivity of those who are not in our positions the way that helps us best. I hope Kim finally reaches the point where she know she has to ask for help. And if I could tell Kyle one thing, it would be this: the best thing about when you quit hitting your head against a brick wall, is that it stops hurting. 9 Link to comment
Found A Peanut April 19, 2015 Share April 19, 2015 (edited) Hugs Jenny. You're awesome, i hope you know that, and an inspiration to those of us who struggle to get back up and keep going, when we fall. This. I want to jump on this bandwagon, please. Glad you are ok. Im the same way. The stupidity of people is astounding. I have MS and couldnt drive for 5 years and people were like wow you don't have to drive and people taje you places. You get to join gym free because of ore existing condition? I have to pay. Assholes I have paid so much more in medical bills, have been blind and paralyzed. Yep lets trade places. Humanity is brain dead. I'm so sorry you've had to deal with that nonsense. People can be just infuriating and ridiculous. Sometimes, when people like that walk away from me, I'm tempted to play "squish the head". Sometimes, while they're still speaking to me, I play it in my brain where they can't hear. Squish! Hey, maybe it's juvenile, but it gets through my day without actual violence, so I wouldn't call it maladaptive behavior. No Beverly Hills police officers were injured during the commission of this crime. Thank you to everyone for the kind words, and thank you especially to everyone sharing their personal stories. It's been really inspiring. And maybe a little weird. C'mon now, admit it y'all. You came in here to say mean shit about Brandi's pumpkin face, or Kim Richard's Kung Fu Panda impersonation, and here everybody is having, like, a spa day soaking in the milk of human kindness. I can't be the only one shocked to find myself holding hands with strangers. Awesome, amazing strangers! But, still, I don't even really like people, that's why I'm on the Internet. Now things are kinda real. It's spooky. I swear before you all, if Kim does a Kung Fu Panda impersonation on the show just once, then I will forgive her, I promise, and bring heirloom turtle jewelry to her next washed up stars of yesteryear autograph signing event. (Too soon?) Edited April 19, 2015 by Found A Peanut 14 Link to comment
Nanny pants April 19, 2015 Share April 19, 2015 I loved your post, nc social worker. It's interesting how so many of us here on PTV have crawled out of the woodwork (and by "us", I mean us alcoholics, addicts and family members). Emotions are all over the place...nights spent in jail, hours spent in counseling/meetings, and months spent in rehab, or waiting for those who are. It's too much "stuff" to have thrown up in our collective face to have one, appropriate reaction. And so we do what We do best (and why we are here). We snark. It's comfortable, it's satisfying and it's clean. 13 Link to comment
SwordQueen April 19, 2015 Share April 19, 2015 This. I want to jump on this bandwagon, please. <snip> Thank you to everyone for the kind words, and thank you especially to everyone sharing their personal stories. It's been really inspiring. And maybe a little weird. C'mon now, admit it y'all. You came in here to say mean shit about Brandi's pumpkin face, or Kim Richard's Kung Fu Panda impersonation, and here everybody is having, like, a spa day soaking in the milk of human kindness. I can't be the only one shocked to find myself holding hands with strangers. Awesome, amazing strangers! But, still, I don't even really like people, that's why I'm on the Internet. Now things are kinda real. It's spooky. You must wear your Goddamn Seatbelt at all times, while on this bandwagon. It's gonna be a bumpy ride and we don't want you to fall off 100% (but, like 20-30% is cool, as long as you have reasons. Just no raisins, please; they're hateful). ; - ) LOLOL So, your dislike of real life human beings reminded me of a favorite quote from an awesome TV show. "Computers are a great way to meet people you would find revolting in person." (Daria) 10 Link to comment
BlackMamba April 19, 2015 Share April 19, 2015 (edited) "Computers are a great way to meet people you would find revolting in person." (Daria) I love you. Daria was and still one of my fav shows of all time. She and Jane were like the Darlene Conner and Angela Chase of animated TV. Edited April 19, 2015 by BlackMamba 5 Link to comment
SwordQueen April 19, 2015 Share April 19, 2015 I love you. Daria was and still one of my fav shows of all time. She and Jane were like the Darlene Conner and Angela Chase of animated TV. Balls, they really were, weren't they?! That's brilliant. Never thought of them like that before. I'm still holding a grudge with CBS for cancelling MSCL, when they never promoted it as a teen show to begin with. BURN IT DOWN! I was an odd kid, because all of my teen idols were the freaks and weirdos, and not the cool girls or the hot guys in those stupid magazines. Mamba <3 2 Link to comment
zoeysmom April 19, 2015 Share April 19, 2015 From what I've seen of Kathy? No, she doesn't. lol I have no idea if the calls happened or not but I do think it gives Kim pleasure to hurt Kyle by inferring or directly stating that Kathy is more loved and valued by her -- both traits being what I believe to be Kyle's Achilles heal. Agreed. I admire Mauricio for putting up with that shit. He definitely must love Kyle a whole hell of a lot because that kind of drama is not fun to deal with and can you just imagine Big Kathy as a Mother-in-Law? Oh my. After seeing Kim at Poker Night it got me to thinking maybe Kyle and her friends and family just don't really like being around her as a person. I am not talking her totally off the rails behavior but both Game Night and Poker Night she is not really fun to be around. I always get the impression from Kim her hobbies include chain smoking and twirling her hair extensions. She seems fairly comfortable being at home and having her kids around but not really a ball of fire as a guest. Listening Kyle and Kim at the Reunion it may just be they don't click socially. So why would Mauricio subject himself to Kim? To me Kim seems like she finds Kyle and her friends barely tolerable and that goes way back to Season 1. I also think Kim's proclamation of Brandi being her BFF is pretty much hooey. I think Kim, sober or drunk makes these gushing comments. What she liked about Brandi is she was single and she didn't have to deal with a husband. In a totally different direction-why is it no one ever calls truth cannon Brandi on the fact that she has a boyfriend and just seems to break up with him during filming? I would love for someone to do that someday. Maybe next season. 5 Link to comment
Nanny pants April 19, 2015 Share April 19, 2015 Some here are pooh-poohing (yes, I said it) the comparison between Kim's "situation" and that of cancer patients seen in the Oncology Dept. waiting room. To me, the likening is exactly right. But keep in mind, the "waiting room patients" are there to get help. They are not sitting at home or driving around or visiting the Polo Lounge, denying the fact that they have a very real and treatable disease. Ok, so at this point their cancer cannot be cured, but neither can alcoholism/drug addiction. Both diseases are, however, responsive to consistent, ongoing treatment to keep the certain ravages of the illness at bay. Kim has not yet discovered this. 5 Link to comment
SwordQueen April 19, 2015 Share April 19, 2015 (edited) After seeing Kim at Poker Night it got me to thinking maybe Kyle and her friends and family just don't really like being around her as a person. I am not talking her totally off the rails behavior but both Game Night and Poker Night she is not really fun to be around. I always get the impression from Kim her hobbies include chain smoking and twirling her hair extensions. She seems fairly comfortable being at home and having her kids around but not really a ball of fire as a guest. Listening Kyle and Kim at the Reunion it may just be they don't click socially. So why would Mauricio subject himself to Kim? To me Kim seems like she finds Kyle and her friends barely tolerable and that goes way back to Season 1. I also think Kim's proclamation of Brandi being her BFF is pretty much hooey. I think Kim, sober or drunk makes these gushing comments. What she liked about Brandi is she was single and she didn't have to deal with a husband. In a totally different direction-why is it no one ever calls truth cannon Brandi on the fact that she has a boyfriend and just seems to break up with him during filming? I would love for someone to do that someday. Maybe next season. Agree with your assessment. Kim just doesn't have much going for her. And actually, I think that's part of why she and BFF Brandi bonded so well after they realized that they only had each other left -- both have seemingly no hobbies, talents, or genuine passions in life. Except booze and benzos, that is, which is how they bonded, I'm guessing. Oh, and all of their kids, who I am sure struggle in coping with their sick, twisted mothers. They seem to have also come to the same conclusion about how they are victims by virtue of being single mothers, so I'm guessing they've had more than one bitch session about that. Kyle, on the other hand, seems to both internally and externally be so much more well-rounded as a person and multi-dimensional. Yeah, she can be annoying, childish, and a mean girl, but that's not all there is to her. She seems to really want a more "normal" family life and she fills her time with her kids, her boutique (which takes time and effort to grow), her parties, her husband and his business, and her friends and social life. We've seen her, in 5 seasons, doing more than just sitting around and bitching about life, because she's out living it. I don't think Kim does click with many people because she can't relate to them on that emotional level. She's surface because all of her attention is on herself and her own inner world. That and she's also busy with her drugs and booze and it's hard to try to act happy and sober when you're not. Takes a lot of energy and focus and she seems to become anxious at the idea of that. Brandi is a hard one to "call out". She's a professional victim so she'll turn it around and use it as an example of being bullied or being treated unfairly. Any answer she'd give would be total bullshit anyway and she'd just start screaming obscenities and threats, and then there's that voice ... Really, I'd love to just see everyone ignore her, in a calm, detached manner, like LVP did for much of this season. "Uhuh, Brandi, that's nice. Anyway ladies, as I was saying..." Edited April 19, 2015 by SwordQueen 12 Link to comment
BlackMamba April 19, 2015 Share April 19, 2015 Listening Kyle and Kim at the Reunion it may just be they don't click socially. I can't remember the episode here Kim said she and Kyle are polar opposites in terms of their interests even when one puts mustard or mayo on their hot dogs. If someone knows the title Id be happy to provide a type up of the dialogue. 1 Link to comment
runforcover April 19, 2015 Share April 19, 2015 (edited) Some here are pooh-poohing (yes, I said it) the comparison between Kim's "situation" and that of cancer patients seen in the Oncology Dept. waiting room. To me, the likening is exactly right. But keep in mind, the "waiting room patients" are there to get help. They are not sitting at home or driving around or visiting the Polo Lounge, denying the fact that they have a very real and treatable disease. Ok, so at this point their cancer cannot be cured, but neither can alcoholism/drug addiction. Both diseases are, however, responsive to consistent, ongoing treatment to keep the certain ravages of the illness at bay. Kim has not yet discovered this. This one is tough. But as someone familiar only with mental illness (thus far), it's only polite and more productive to not assume absolute comparison. In terms of what the comparison generates for better lives is another matter: The disease model of addiction is more of a technique and less a Thing. It is an extremely useful fantasy (in terms of psych/spirit efficacy, as opposed to the "goal" of directly targeting parts of brain). That's not to shit on it. Quite the opposite. Everyone needs to believe in order to take their medicine. Even if that "belief" is simply an agreement to take medicine (you're welcome, bipolar). On the scale of more biologically Real versus non, obv I'd have to give it to cancer et al. There's no debate. But what use is the measurement? And it's so hard to isolate the illness from its cure, solution, industry, audience, body. I feel like a bit of a jerk, here. As much garbage as I've seen, I know damn well I've been fucking lucky. And, just like KIM RICHARDS, I also know I've behaved as if the world owes me a constant explanation for my bullshit. Watching that reunion was tough. Listening to the equivocation and the histrionic displays of actual truths was reality-TV vertigo. I wanted to beat Kim with her own hand. So much blood-lust and for some dummy whose sobriety seemed to mean more to me than the dummy herself. The weirdest part of watching Kim, Brandi and whoever needs to grow up is that I can't in good faith write them off as hopeless - yeah, I know. I don't know why lights go on but they do. They did for me, so why not some other idiot? When I was taught that addiction was a disease, I had to ask what a disease was. And when some professional broke it down to "dis" "ease," as in unease, I felt like I was being lied to. Because I was. What I understand now is that the lie had to be absorbed by me in some manner, however many back-flips I've had to do, to get on with things. As far as mental illness goes, I believe because the "after" is sososo much better than the "before." So it takes all shapes and sizes of beliefs to be in the world alongside an illness. Yours, mine, and whomever else's. I feel for any and all of you who have had to live through medical nightmares. It's been kind of crazy here. Thanks for watching with me and for making me laugh. You make these shows worth far more than they probably deserve. Edited April 19, 2015 by runforcover 11 Link to comment
IKnowRight April 19, 2015 Share April 19, 2015 Thank you, yes, I'm really okay. It's not a kind of cancer that's ever considered to be fully in remission, so my smoking hot oncologist will be in my life like a same time next year boyfriend for a long time to come, but I'm better than fine. (And so is he, wowzers) (is that hugely inappropriate? Fuck it. I had cancer.) Cancer does weird things to your outlook on life. Good ones, for me, better than years of therapy for cutting through the crap and letting me see what I actually cared about. People show you who they are, too, which is always good information to have moving forward. And maybe I'm strange, but everything became funny to me. The ridiculousness of people being so excited as my weight dropped - "It's just melting off you!" - is just hysterically funny to me. Really, it was my soul that felt lighter. Life is absurd. You are a very strong person with a great outlook! Good for you! Life is hard enough, the fact that you have to deal with that when you have cancer is crazy. People in our lives are supposed to be reliable support in our times of struggle, not an added stress. 6 Link to comment
zoeysmom April 19, 2015 Share April 19, 2015 I can't remember the episode here Kim said she and Kyle are polar opposites in terms of their interests even when one puts mustard or mayo on their hot dogs. If someone knows the title Id be happy to provide a type up of the dialogue. I am trying to remember a season with Paris in it Portia looks about three and Kathy looks about 30 pounds lighter. Is it possible this is a wedding or other event? Link to comment
IKnowRight April 19, 2015 Share April 19, 2015 (edited) Oh Kim. Shut up. Nothing Kyle instagrams will change the fact that your dog is dangerous. Favorite moment? Kyle's sour puss reaction shot when Andy was talking to Brandi about sleeping with younger guys. Seriously, why does that bother her so much? What's it to her if Brandi dates college guys? How many dinner parties did she happily sit through with Mohammad and his series of child-brides? Also Brandi is not the problem between Kim and Kyle. Ugg, please no more Richards sisters. I hate them both. IMO Kyle's reaction to Brandi is the reaction, I believe, most people have with half of what Brandi says, on national television. It's that Brandi thinks bragging about her behavior, no discretion, is cool. Do we ever see Mohamed openly bragging about how many young women he's "had?" Brandi is just gross, and if I had to deal with her, I too would have that look on my face just like Kyle. I also think because the moving guy was in still in college and Amsterdam guy was Max Todd's childhood friend, it exaggerated a theme of crossing the line the way Brandi likes to do, or have us believe she does...If I were Kyle, I wouldn't speak to her, ever again. I don't think anyone thinks that Brandi is THE problem, just that many think, like Kyle, LVP, Eileen & Rinna that Brandi's actions are exacerbating the problems with Kyle. Example, poker night, hearing Brandi say Kyle wants Kim to fail, and again at the gay mixer. Brandi isn't the main problem at all, but she's contributing to their current angst and trying to get in between them to have someone on her team. Edited April 19, 2015 by IKnowRight 14 Link to comment
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