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S20.E04: Most Memorable Week

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*sigh* The return of contemporaries? Why, show? Why?


I might gag if Chris's most memorable year is this year (last year?) ... the year he did the Bachelor. We just saw that, I don't need to hear him wax poetic about Whitney (with an H). What am I saying, of course that's what's going to happen.


What sort of dance is Suzanne going to do to the Three's Company theme? And isn't that song like ... four lines long? Quickest DWTS dance ever.

Edited by McManda

The years may be very memorable but imo most of those songs aren't. Is that really the best they could come up with?

And I don't see Tony addressing CAI's "emotional depth" complaints with the "Three's Company" theme.*

I hope it won't be a litany of sob stories again. "Memorable" can be something very happy, too. When it gets too much about illness and/or death, I start feeling it's a way of manipulating sympathy votes. I hope there's less of that this time than there was last time.


*Not that I think he should. And I thought it was a silly criticism in week 3. I'm pretty sure I've heard CAI gush week after week for others who were just "bringing the entertainment every week".

Edited by Padma
  • Love 5

Nastia's pick is perfect in my opinion. She's not that old so her most memorable years/moments is likely limited and it does not get better I imagine, than winning an Olympic gold medal you've trained your whole life for. The floor routine was also what cinched the win for her.

It's also why it's a given Willow's routine will be to a song from the Hunger Games soundtrack because at 14, I doubt she has many options to choose from. Certainly none as big as starring in one of the biggest movie franchises.

  • Love 1

Contemporary, along with Jazz is pretty much a standard dance on the show now, along with all the ballroom styles so it's pretty much a given some pairings will get it during the season.


But given this was supposed to be the grand 20th, return-to-its-roots season I was kind of hoping they'd ditch those (well, at least contemporary ... they always suck) in favor of ... the standard dances they've forgotten about. When was the last time we saw someone do a waltz, or even a Viennese waltz? Or a ballroom tango? I'd much rather watch those than every couple being given a contemporary. This isn't So You Think You Can Dance.

  • Love 6

I feel like there are always several Viennese Waltzes. Less Ballroom Tangos and Waltz Walzes - Bethany & Derek were the only ones to get tango last season, though Wikipedia has a whole ton of tangos happening in S18. The last waltz I remember is Amy/Derek, though Wikipedia has Cheryl/Drew getting one that season too, and Michael/Emma getting one last season. 

  • Love 1

Just a small correction: this week is "Most Memorable Year", week 5 is Disney Night.



Ugh, I can't stand emotional manipulation week.

Contemporary, along with Jazz is pretty much a standard dance on the show now, along with all the ballroom styles so it's pretty much a given some pairings will get it during the season.



I understand wanting to change things up .... but why o why include jazz and contemporary on a ballroom show?  If the powers-that-be wanted to add new dance styles, why not stick with social/partner dances like disco, west coast swing, lindy hop, and so many others.  


If I wanted to watch contemporary or jazz, I'd watch So You Think You Can Dance.

  • Love 6

And I don't see Tony addressing CAI's "emotional depth" complaints with the "Three's Company" theme.

I hope it won't be a litany of sob stories again. "Memorable" can be something very happy, too. When it gets too much about illness and/or death, I start feeling it's a way of manipulating sympathy votes. I hope there's less of that this time than there was last time.


This choice wouldn't have been Tony's, though, would it? Doesn't the celeb dictate what their Most Memorable is, and their partner/TPTB have to work with it? I can appreciate Suzanne going with something lighthearted and happy for her Most Memorable--I assume she's going that route with the Three's Company theme, plus being cast for the role that made her famous would be mostly happy despite any behind the scenes conflict--when so many go for the sympathy (and having seen her made-for-TV biopic, she definitely has some sob stories she could have mined), but yeah, it's probably not going to meet CAI's "standards" of emotional depth.

The years may be very memorable but imo most of those songs aren't. Is that really the best they could come up with?

And I don't see Tony addressing CAI's "emotional depth" complaints with the "Three's Company" theme.

I hope it won't be a litany of sob stories again. "Memorable" can be something very happy, too. When it gets too much about illness and/or death, I start feeling it's a way of manipulating sympathy votes. I hope there's less of that this time than there was last time.



Oh dear God! (in my Frasier voice) I hate to cry through two hours of TV that is supposed to be my guilty pleasure for fun. Sheesh. Why does memorable have to mean rip my heart out?


I understand wanting to change things up .... but why o why include jazz and contemporary on a ballroom show?

Well at least they waited to week 4 on this one.  After introducing it in the all star season,  For the past 4 seasons they've had these genres on the first week.  TBH it is somewhat easier for a celebrity to convey something with jazz hands than with ballroom technique, especially since a lot of pop songs are not strict ballroom tempo and celebrities do, at times have difficulty with changing song tempo. Of course there's a lot more that goes into it, but to the great unwashed it's just easier for a celeb to look good doing jazz and contemporary. exhibit one: Lindsay and Victor Ortiz doing contemporary season 16. Poor man couldn't do ballroom if his life depended on it, but he was credible as a fork lift. The other reason, I think is there is a ton of hip hop, jazz and contemporary pro dancers in LA so much easier for the powers that be to cast the show moving forward.  

My issue with that is they are sooooo gonna pull the same thing they did with Amy on this same theme night. Interesting how both had contemporary for "memorable year night".


The judges patronize him every week so far and have yet to acknowledge how little dancing he actually does. Say what you want about how they treated Amy but she could actually move and dance way better.



Willow: Holy. MOLY. I'm rooting for her now, please take the Mirrorball. That was perfection. I think from the very start she's had the most potential, so to see that was beyond words. Incredible progress in such a short time.


Robert/Kym was my second favorite. For me, both Robert and Willow encompass what this show is about. And although I'm tired of the dancers that are already technically proficient before they come on the show, I loved Rumer/Val. I don't agree with Len that there was no emotional depth in their dance; there was no emotional depth in Nastia and Derek's dance despite its technical perfection, but the emotional depth was aplenty in Rumer and Val's performance. She makes such gorgeous lines.


Keep Patti around for her one-liners, please. And Michael leaving before Chris is a travesty.


PS: Hi, Glenn Close!

  • Love 3

Well, Ryker must not be getting the votes they want. Willow either.


I was mostly bored by this episode (sob story week never really interests me, but Disney week next week should be fun), but two things stood out:


- classy Tony in a fitted tux is why I love this show. I wish they'd go back to that instead of the contemporaries. And Suzanne's Three's Company dance was much better in execution than I thought it would be in theory.


- Noah's strength astounds me. I can barely do squats with two legs and he's doing deep squats with added weight on one leg. Dear lord.


I find myself only really paying attention when Robert dances. I like that he's shown growth and seems more committed to learning the dance instead of aiming to win.

  • Love 5

Top dances of the night for me were Willow, Robert and Noah.  Mark continues to amaze with his innovative choreography.


Patti and Suzanne were fun to watch. I was glad to see Patti doing some dancing this week.   And I thought Chris was better than the scores they gave him.


Nastia, Rumer and Riker bored me.  Rumer had an obvious slip that the judges seemed to ignore.  

  • Love 1

Only got to watch the first hour but I agreed with Len about Nastia.  Technically the dance looked good but it just lacked something in it.  And I felt there were way too many lifts to be worthy of a 10.  


Sad about Michael's story and his relationship with his father.  At least he got to dance out some of his emotions before being booted.  I do hope he does find a team to play for soon.  (Hey my local Canadian Football League team is interested!) 


Robert won't win, but if he makes it to the top half I will consider that a big win for me.  

Edited by mtlchick
  • Love 3

Willow and Mark were overscored.  She must not be getting the votes or something.  I did not like that dance at all.  There were too many people and there was so much going on.  I couldn't focus on her at all.


Didn't watch Noah's dance because he danced to a Toby Keith song.  I hate Toby Keith.


I saw Rumer slip.  And that waltz really wasn't a waltz, was it?


I'm mad I missed Miss Patti's dance.  I only caught the end and from that bit, it looked entertaining.


Had to disagree with Len about Nastia and Derek.  That's all I'll really say about that.


I think it was obvious that Michael and Peta were getting the boot, but at least he got to go out on a good note.



Tony looked hot in that tux.


Yes, he did.  I was looking at Tony in a different way tonight.  I don't like that.  Good thing it was only for tonight.

Edited by superdeluxe
  • Love 2

I am firmly on the Willow/Mark train. She is so graceful and strong for a fourteen year old (which is still a gangly awkward stage), and Mark is so good at choreographing for his partner's personality now. Derek may be a better overall choreographer, but anyone could be slotted into his routines. Mark uses creativity to design a dance for his star. He did it with Sadie last season and he's on it again with Willow. He's come such a long way.

I'm glad Michael went out on that dance; it was terrific. I don't remember if his dance last week was better or worse than Chris'.

  • Love 4

The thing with Willow and Mark's dance is that it was just a dance version of the Hunger Games. I get it. She's young (even though they're not talking about that anymore, except to say that they're not talking about how young she is) and she's had one big break in a blockbuster series. Maybe Mark should try to branch out a bit more. It would have been a great dance that I enjoyed if the Hunger Games/youngest contestant ever!!! thing hadn't already been beaten to death.


Between her being in jeopardy this week and the overinflated scores, she must really not be getting the kind of response tptb want.

Edited by McManda
  • Love 1

I'm going to take an opposite approach on why the show chose Willow and Riker to be in the B3 tonight.  I don't think either were really B3.  I'd be willing to guess Suzanne was in the real B2.  However I don't think it was entirely coincidental that they made the two stars with the most superficial stories about their careers be the ones to sweat it out.  I think the show was just trying to avoid putting any of the people with sob stories in the B3 unless they were legit going home, so Michael.   They probably thought they were being nice, however it made it very obvious to Michael he was leaving.


Now I do think Riker needs to be more worried about the elimination next week.  He probably had his weakest dance to date and he has no sob story to grab the viewers.  This is why I don't think his ringer status matters.  Even the judges told him Robert has better technique.  I didn't love Riker's dance tonight, but I do need him to stick around.  I also need to see him in the switch up when he gets a real ballroom pro.


I do think Willow is the stealth competitor here and she's going to be the one with the most obvious improvement arc week to week.  


I love Robert/Kym.  I can't help it.  It's not that I ship it or anything like that so much as I just like them.


Hmmm...one of the fansites is claiming switch up week has been cancelled.  Okay then.  Nevermind.

Edited by spanana
  • Love 5

I think Len is full of shit tonight. LOL. He kept talking about how he's honest, and that's what he does, even if no one likes it. He says he judges the dance and the technical stuff, and he swears that's it. No emotional stuff whatsoever, he swears. But that's crap. Because even he isn't immune to voting with his heart instead of his technical scorecard.


If he were voting according to technique only, he would have had more to say about Noah. Because he was definitely voting for Noah because of the inspiration factor. There's no question that Noah's story is powerful, and -- as Bruno pointed out -- for most of us it will always be unimaginable, the horror and the emotional and physical challenges he has endured. If one were voting on that, Noah would be at the top of the leaderboard every week.


But if one were to score purely on the dance... he didn't do much of anything but lifts. There was a brief section where he and Sharna were in sync with their movements, and that had potential to be interesting and technical, but the rest showed his strength in being able to lift Sharna and that's it. While that is impressive, especially given how his center of gravity must be greatly challenged by stuff like that, to me there really wasn't much else going on with their dance. It was emotionally impressive, but not technically impressive. Personally I think Sharna has given him more movement to do in previous weeks. This one was all about lifts, so it just wasn't particularly interesting for me to watch.


Same with Patti. I love Patti LaBelle. Sometimes when she sings, she makes me cry. But I think the judges give her higher scores than they should. Even Patti's son was harder on her! (LOL.) He saw what we do, that she's got those signature Patti moves and that's definitely fun, but in an overall sense she's not doing as many steps as the others are, and it's starting to show. But the judges are so enamored of her that they don't seem to want to say anything that would be critical. I felt like there were times she wasn't right on with the beat or the steps, but Len didn't point that out, not even in a softened way. 

Edited by sinkwriter
  • Love 4

I actually gave up some emotion tonight...so well done DWTS.



Riker: Agree that Riker's frame was wonky throughout that dance IMO his worse dance so far. He was much smoother in the foxtrot. Still frentic choreo..but I blame the music and not Allison this time.


Nastia was superb per usual.  A bit of a lift-fest. Derek had her in the air more than she was on the ground lol. This probably was the best A. Tango on DWTS (rivaling Nicole S. IMO). But I get what Len is saying. In another season I would think that this "no chemistry" is storyline so Nastia will have an "arc" later in the season.  But she really is kind of stone faced when she dances. Not sure what she can do to correct that since she's not a natural performer.


-Rumer was beautiful in every definition of the word. I saw the slip too...she might have gotten straight 9's or even a 10 otherwise. I agree with CAI I really do feel actual emotion when she dances.


-Willow was great.  Mark can be hit or miss with his contemporary (bicycle feet anyone?).  Tonight it was spot on.  HOWEVER there is no way that Willow deserved to be in 1st place over Nastia if we are being honest.


The order should be Nastia, Willow, Rumer, Robert, Riker IMO. (I think Robert was better than Riker and they shouldn't be tied).


-Noah...I really loved his dance and his strength is astounding.  But it's really hard to get emotional listening to a Toby Keith song.  I REALLY wish it was a different song


-I got NOTHING from Chris.  His package was not doing anything for me.  I think he grabbed a tissue at one point but there were no tears.  I don't even remember his dance either.


-Robert was the top male dancer tonight IMO.


-Patti & Suzanne were adequate. 

Edited by RemoteControl88
  • Love 2

Highlights for me tonight:


I haven't seen The Hunger Games; my sister-in-law gave me the books but they're still in my "to read" stack (that stack is way too high!). But it didn't matter that I only know basics about that film and book series. I liked the story of Willow's dance; that was dramatic and interesting to watch. I thought she did a terrific job.


I really liked Nastia's performance; I know nothing about Argentine Tango, so for all I know they didn't do anything proper in that regard, but it was still a strong performance and visually striking to me. I was moved by it.


I liked Suzanne's performance. It was fun and sweet and really cute. They moved well together (she definitely takes more steps than Patti! LOL), and the tribute to John Ritter was touching.


Robert's performance. Not much to say except that it was graceful and classic and lovely. Nicely done!


Things I wanted to like more:


Riker's performance. Visually, it was remarkable -- with the black and white squares behind them, and the bright red of their costumes, it was memorable in that way. But I definitely noticed that his frame seemed "off" in comparison to other weeks. Especially because -- from my limited knowledge -- the tango frame needs to be really sharp and almost like the two people are leaning their upper bodies away from each other? The leg work seemed good, but the upper body didn't seem sharp enough and arched enough.


Rumer's performance. I was moved by her story and her message, just as I was moved by Bethany's dance in the previous season, because self-esteem and body image issues is a personal topic to me. But I didn't think the dance honored that message as well as it could. The choreography didn't seem to fully fit and the music was too fast for their waltz, so the movements were too sharp, with too much staccato and snapping in place. I can see why Len wasn't happy with it in terms of waltz quality. It was a good performance, well done by both Val and Rumer, but it wasn't in keeping with what a waltz should be, even if one is trying to modernize it.

Edited by sinkwriter
  • Love 2

Willow and Mark were overscored.  She must not be getting the votes or something.  I did not like that dance at all.  There were too many people and there was so much going on.  I couldn't focus on her at all.

Thank you!! I was starting to feel alone in my dislike of Willow and Mark's number. The only thing that saved it from being my least-liked number was Suzanne Somers. Tony in a suit couldn't save that one for me.
  • Love 8

I'm really sorry to see Michael go. He's never been on the bottom in my eyes; he's always been a good performer in the middle, and I wanted to see more from him. I thought he had some nice moves going on in tonight's dance, some good flow.


I just think the fan votes weren't necessarily there for him and that's sad to me, because in my eyes he's every bit as inspirational as Noah, just in a different way. And I'm really sorry that his own father can't see that about him.

  • Love 21

I feel like I watched a different show.  I do not enjoy Willow's dancing.  I think she's too young for this show and moves like someone who has not yet grown into her body.  I wish she'd waited a few years.


With respect to Noah, I found the sight of his prosthetic REALLY distracting.  Perhaps there is some reason that a pant leg won't work with the prosthetic, in which case, that's life.  But so much of contemporary is about symmetry and lines that I found it very visually distracting that his legs were different sizes and thought it would have looked better with two pant legs of the same length.  Also, Toby Keith is one of my least favorite Americans of all times.  Maybe I would have liked the dance more if I hadn't watched it on mute.


Contemporary is my favorite style of dance.  It has no place on this show.  The only person who doesn't totally suck at choreographing it is Derek (and I guess maybe Allison, now?  I'm not sure I've seen one of hers) and even he's just okay.  

Edited by Rancide
  • Love 2

So Willow is REALLY not getting votes is she? Because I think that explains that massive overscoring that happened with her tonight. The dance was good, but in no way was that three 10's worthy, least of all because Willow was actually overshone for most of the dance by the other dancers and what she actually did was very, very little. But with that score, I have a feeling she may have been the real bottom two with Michael which is interesting because after the first week, I made the comment that I thought she could get lost in the mix. However after her last two dances I assumed she was slowly picking up more and more fans but I guess not.

And I guess Riker is also not pulling in as many votes. I don't think he was in danger of going home but this definitely felt like the usual "let's put the fear into his fanbase" manipulation. And I've never seen the judges so insistent about the couples in danger with them yelling for the viewers to vote for Riker and Erin as well. Yeah he's looking likely for a Sabrina Bryant shock boot.

His dance tonight was okay but there were a lot of issues going on with the posture and the feet and he may have been a little overscored in my opinion. I know there's been all the talk about Riker's past ballroom experience but honestly, I can almost understand why some may dismiss it even if they know because honestly, he's kind of messy in my opinion. Like the potential is definitely there and he's a hell of a performer and he goes for it 100 percent but there are a lot of technical things that aren't so great with him.

I knew Michael was in danger last week because he danced in the middle of the show, had a horrible dance and honestly kind of seemed to get lost in the pack. And once Willow was announced in jeopardy instead of Suzanne, as I was expecting, I knew it was a done deal. Pity because I do think he had potential but I'm not surprised he didn't have as many fan support as some of the other celebrities.

Speaking of Suzanne, I almost wonder if the judges were especially nice to her in hopes that her fans will get comfortable and she'll be voted off because that dance was not that great in my opinion. And seriously Tony, how old are you? Quit with the whinging about how the judges never like you. I mean hell with that whiny attitude I don't even really like you right now.

Okay Nastia's lines are RIDICULOUSLY GORGEOUS. I mean that was just stunning. That said, I do get what Len was saying. When the dance finished, my first thought was "brilliantly executed but lacking a bit of the intensity and passion that the Argentine Tango is known for." So I don't disagree or fault Len for his comments. He seemed a little unnaturally testy in sharing that opinion though, but I got his point.

That said, I think the 8 was a bit low and thought Julianne and Carrie Ann were fair in giving the 9 because again it was a gorgeous and technically amazing dance but not perfect because Nastia is still not fully connecting. I accept Bruno's 10 as canceling Len's 8. And the thing is I think it's good that Nastia does have something to work on. That's her journey and story for the season. Because she has the technique but she has to find it in herself to marry it fully with performance and emotional connection.

Um, so I have no clue what that was about with Robert's scores. I like the man, the dance was pretty but what the actual crap with those 9's. I mean, I give Kym props for choreographing a proper Waltz but again...say what now with the scores?

That said, speaking of a proper Waltz, I definitely didn't see one from Val and Rumer. It was interesting - Rumer's package finally showed some real and true vulnerability from her and it was beautiful. But then the dance, which should have really sold that even more was all intensity and aggression. I'm almost starting to wonder if Val has problems choreographing soft and quiet.

It's like as much as some mention Derek's dances always being a little cold because Derek really is all about precision and perfect technique, I am starting to feel like Val is a little too much with the intensity and so he loses some of the quiet and soft that is sometimes necessary for the dance. And I definitely saw that tonight with Rumer.

There was no vulnerability, no quiet, no gentleness, just all fast and dramatic. Not to mention I agreed with Len again that it didn't really feel like a Waltz and I felt the same a little with their Foxtrot. I disagreed with Len saying it was the same problem Nastia and Derek had because while Nastia missed the emotional and passionate connection, that was an Argentine Tango from beginning to end. Rumer and Val's dance did not feel like a Waltz at many points of the dance.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 4

Rumer is a beautiful dancer, and I sympathize with how hard it must have been growing up and getting called ugly in such a public way. BUT, her speech about finally accepting herself for who she is and what she looks like was total bullshit. She's had a lot of work done - as in plastic surgery, fillers, etc... If she looks in the mirror now and likes what she sees - it's her changed appearance that made the difference, not any newfound confidence or her sister's strength in admitting her struggles. That really pissed me off.

  • Love 6

So Willow is REALLY not getting votes is she? Because I think that explains that massive overscoring that happened with her tonight. The dance was good, but in no way was that three 10's worthy, least of all because Willow was actually overshone for most of the dance by the other dancers and what she actually did was very, very little. But with that score, I have a feeling she may have been the real bottom two with Michael which is interesting because after the first dance,  I made the comment that I thought she could get lost in the mix. However after her last two dances I assumed she was slowly picking up more and more fans but I guess not. 


And I guess Riker is also not pulling in as many votes. I don't think he was in danger of going home but this definitely felt like the usual "let's put the fear into his fanbase" manipulation. And I've never seen the judges so insistent about the couples in danger with them yelling for the viewers to vote for Riker and Erin as well. Yeah he's looking likely for a Sabrina Bryant shock boot. His dance tonight was okay but there was a lot of issues going on with the posture and the feet and he may have been a little overscored in my opinion. I know there's been all the talk about Riker's past ballroom experience but honestly, I can almost understand why some may dismiss it even if they know because honestly, he's kind of messy in my opinion. Like the potential is definitely there and he's a hell of a performer and he goes for it 100 percent but there are a lot of technical things that aren't so great with him. 


It's like as much as some mention Derek's dances always being a little cold because Derek really is all about precision and perfect technique, I am starting to feel like Val is a little too much with the intensity and so he loses some of the quiet and soft that sometimes necessary for the dance. And I definitely saw that tonight with Rumer. There was no vulnerability, no quiet, no gentleness, just all fast and dramatic. Not to mention I agreed with Len again that it didn't really feel like a Waltz and I felt the same a little with their Foxtrot. I disagreed with Len saying it was the same problem Nastia and Derek had because while Nastia missed the emotional and passionate connection, that was an Argentine Tango from beginning to end. Rumer and Val's dance did not feel like a Waltz at many points of the dance. 


I guess I'm not sure if Val can't choreograph quiet and soft so much as if maybe Val thinks Rumer can't perform quiet and soft?  Plus I also think Val was saddled with a song that didn't particularly work with a waltz.  If you think back to Val's past partners, he's done some fairly soft routines.  Think Danica for one.  Val in general excels in intensity, so maybe he sees that as Rumer's strength and is going into overkill mode a bit?


Also in general I'd like to point out that Sadie was made to sweat it out in the B2 very early last season and by no means do I think she was ever in danger.  In fact she was seemingly pulling in more votes than anyone but Alfonso.   So I don't think fake B2 means all that much.

Edited by spanana
  • Love 4

I thought Rumer and Val were great tonight, I loved the dance...yeah not a lot of technical Waltz content but the dance was really from the soul, and she can convey everything from her body, she has gorgeous arms. There was a softness and nuance tonight that I just loved. As for having work done, she says she hasn't, she has grown into her looks. Besides when it was first announced that she was on the show the comments on facebook were pretty much what she's been enduring for sometime.    

Edited by Andiethewestie
  • Love 4

I might be the worst person ever but I hated Noah's dance. I saw no connection between Noah and Sharna. There was one point when they were both on the floor that it looked more like yoga than dance. I'm impressed by his strength but not by the quality of his movement. His Cha Cha in week 1 was a better contemporary than this. I hated it.


I did love Willow's number! She is intense and you can see that she's getting more grounded every week as she gets physically stronger. I do wish Mark had ditched the large group a little earlier in the dance so Willow would have had more chance to shine, but that's not on Willow. I still enjoyed the choreography as a piece of dance but I wish it had highlighted Willow more.


Robert and Kym were great. He's not a superstar but they have a wonderful connection. (I don't care if its romantic or not, I just like seeing people who enjoy dancing together.) His story was touching, especially the moment he admitted that because he was rich he figured he could fix his mother's cancer. That's a really honest thing to say. He's doing the work and getting better week by week. I really want him to stick around and see how much he can do.


Nastia is a beautiful dancer. I can't argue with the quality of her movement but I just liked the dance. I wish there had been one less lift and a little more footwork. With those legs, Nastia would do some spectacular ganchos. Also, I don't think she and Derek have much of a connection.


I also would have preferred more waltz in Rumer and Val's number. When you have someone who can really dance, give them the steps. Sitting on a turntable is dramatic, but its not dancing. 

  • Love 6

Yeah, being in fake jeopardy just means being in fake jeopardy, doesn't have to mean anything about actual votes. They put Noah there last week, didn't believe that. They put Sadie there constantly last season, wasn't true either. It could mean something, but not necessarily. I mean the minute it was clear Riker, Willow and Michael were "in jeopardy", it was sure poor Michael was toast. Suzanne was probably the actual bottom two, at least that's my suspicion.


Loved Willow's dance, thought it was stunning. They don't know how to judge contemporary anyway so always go for the highest scores, but I thought it was very well danced and performed and Mark's choreography and staging was brilliant. I'm always a bit wary that he'll go overboard on these things, but IMO it was just right.


Riker could have profited today from a teacher with more ballroom experience IMO. And while Nastia's tango was lovely, I do think it showed that this talk about "chemistry" isn't just a narrative the show created, she is a rather closed off performer. Rumer had a great performance as always, but it did seem harsh for a waltz. Robert keeps on improving.

  • Love 2
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