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WTH happened?  i came on to wish the Skankee fans ''good job" in getting to the Klubot, and it's 8-8 in the 13th?!

Is there anyone left in the Skanee bullpen?  Is there anyone left in the Indians?  (Other than Carrasco)


Come on Nats!  The baby bears had their turn!

Edited by roamyn
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^Sorry, I'm a salty loser.

Holy crap.  I was kidding but as soon as the ball went into the outfield I turned the channel quickly because fuck happy Indians fans and it really is the ninth.  Holy cow.


Poor Dellin.  He will absolutely not be available on Sunday.  At least the Yanks will get last licks at least once, if needed, which I hope it is not.

The only solace I have is that the Red Sox games start first so they lose first.  And the Yankees are putting up a much better fight.

Edited by mojoween
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34 minutes ago, MyAimIsTrue said:

I fear my mere presence in the DC metro area is jinxing the Nats.  Lucky for them I fly home tomorrow.

Darn.  I was hoping you were at the game, if for no other reason than you'd get to be at a post-season game.  Even if it was a Nats game...  

Don't worry, this is not your fault.  It's what the Nats do.

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As I'm watching this loooong first inning in the Dodger game I realize that I am still SO pissed that the Yankees let that magnificent opportunity get away that I hate all baseball and am too angry to even watch other teams.

At least Puig is nice to look at so there's that.

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Yeah, watching the replay of Gomes GW base hit, the announcer says it's gotta be demoralizing aft being up by 5 runs and depleting the bullpen more.

Sounds like Girardi made a lot of mistakes.

Bummed the Nats lost.

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I'm still pissed off but since it was guaranteed the Yankees would not lose today I figured no harm in watching the NLDS.  

My question is, since my familiarity with the NL is basically limited to what teams they have and that there is no DH, are the Cubs the better team, or are the Nats having an off series?

Edited by mojoween
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Hard to tell.  Cubs had been a half a bubble off for awhile this year with a 1st half hangover, and more concerningly starting pitcher injuries.  They were the second best behind only Cleveland in MLB in the second half, however.  Shcerzer being out for game 1 and not pitching until game 3 hurt the Nationals one-two punch in pitching.  Last night, however, was just a brilliant baseball game with both starters doing amazing things in different ways (Hendricks/Strasburg) and just the error the Nats third baseman gave the Cubs the smallest window to sneak through.  And they took it.

So, long way of saying, I think they are more closely matched than what a lot thought based on overall season results, and I think for the first time in over a century, it's not the Cubs with the monkey on their back, and last night's loss put a bit of pressure on the Nats.  Who knows how this series ends, however.

Regardless, and I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions mojoween, but I think whoever wins in the Cleveland/Houston series is going to take the whole thing here. 

ETA:  Pardon me, as I am off to vomit as the Nats just tied the game, which reminds me our bullpen can be shaky per usual.  Sigh.  

Edited by pennben
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I still have hope because stranger things have happened (yes mojoween I'm talking about the Yankee fiasco vs the BoSox (who I hope get their asses handed to them by Altuve & Co...AGAIN), but I do not see Yanks taking this to 5. In that instance I would root for Cleveland to win the WS so that we can finally end one of the last remaining "decades without winning a WS" teams and we can stop talking about teams of Destiny. Who's left? The Mets? Pirates? I guess Houston is next. Plus I hate the Dodgers and Diamond Backs and when West Coast teams  are in the World Series' (I'm sure West coasters hate East Coast WS, too). 

But honestly if Yanks miss out I really won't care too much who wins but I do prefer Indians or Astros. 

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23 hours ago, mojoween said:

At least Puig is nice to look at so there's that.

I find him painful to look at. One of the biggest man-children in current baseball. Everyone who joins the dodgers becomes 10 times more ugly-looking than whatever they looked like before. Including former Giants players.

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Great job, Nats!

I really want Dusty to get them over their playoff series hump.  I like Dusty.  Plus, wasn't he the Cubs manager at one point?

Any team that plays the Cubs, I want to see win.  Crush them.

I'm still bitter abt last year's Series.  He'll I'm still bitter abt '97.

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Just now, prican58 said:

Plus I hate the Dodgers and Diamond Backs and when West Coast teams  are in the World Series' (I'm sure West coasters hate East Coast WS, too). 

Yeah, pretty much. All the sports announcers always blow their load over east coast teams (and well, the dodgers, and cubs). So, screw the east coast. :) 

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30 minutes ago, roamyn said:

Great job, Nats!

I really want Dusty to get them over their playoff series hump.  I like Dusty.  Plus, wasn't he the Cubs manager at one point?

Any team that plays the Cubs, I want to see win.  Crush them.

I'm still bitter abt last year's Series.  He'll I'm still bitter abt '97.

Seems fair.


Edited by pennben
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This is true, I am not watching the game. :) I've watched enough games during the regular season (usually with the volume on super low because the dodgers have the god awful loudest sound system in a ballpark, that goes well with their classy fans throwing beach balls and doing the wave) with the little Puiggy though that I just roll my eyes at him and his antics. I do laugh with glee though every time he gets picked off or strikes out. One of these days his own bat will hit him in the head.

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I'm trying to to imagine the bat hitting him on the head and I can't stop laughing. I don't mind the other Dodgers but Puig makes me mad. They seem to be doing pretty well tonight- at least a happy husband is better than a mad one. 

Edited by twoods
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That's quite the rogues gallery Fox has assembled for their studio pre-game.

Keith Hernandez: Pittsburgh cocaine trail. Admitted user

Alex Rodriguez: Multiple failed PED tests

David Ortiz: Failed same initial screening test as Bonds and Clemens.

And they just got rid of Pete Rose who needs no introduction.

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Am I wrong in not thinking of Keith like that? I know coke use was the scourge of the majors, but it wasn't a PED. I feel that he should get into the Hall of Fame, though I'm certain the Veterans Committee will do it after Keith is smoking in Heaven. Yeah, maudlin as hell, but the image popped into my head.

Haven't been watching coverage. How is Papi doing? Could he get switched out for Kenan Thompson without anyone the wiser?

ETA: Damn, typing on an iPad makes you look drunk.

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6 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

Am I wrong in not thinking of Keith like that? I know coke use was the scourge of the majors, but it wasn't a PED. I feel that he should get into the Hall of Fame, though I'm certain the Veterans Committee will do it after Keith is smoking in Heaven. Yeah, maudlin as hell, but the image popped into my head.

Havent been able Ching coverage. How is Papi doing? Could he get switched out for Kenan Thompson without anyone the wiser?

As an Indians' fan, I remember quite well how Keith signed with the Tribe for a bundle, ended up getting injured and collected his multimillion dollar salary while partying in NYC.  He couldn't be bothered to come back to Cleveland to work with the younger players which was the reason the Indians signed him in the first place, moreso than expecting big numbers from him at that late stage of his career.  He's a selfish creep which is reason enough to keep him off my teevee.  As far as the Hall of Fame, he's borderline at best, a guy who benefits from having spent most of his career in NYC and garnering more attention than others.

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God, I hated Hernandez for the way he treated Cleveland.

The Astros lost BIG TIME!  I'm rooting for the Sox, 'cause the Stros are going to be much harder to deal with - even tho we beat them 5-1 this year in games.

Let's hope the Indians can close it out 2nite.

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And it was the Carrasco WE needed.  Don't want momentum to swing back.  

And now NYs bullpen gets another day of rest, dammit.

At least we didn't get creamed like the Astros. 

Edited by roamyn
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I missed both games yesterday, one due to an event I attended in the late afternoon and the other due to a four hour power outage at home last night, and I think the reverse jinx was in place as both teams I'm rooting for lost even though I didn't watch.

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I am irritated with the reaction to Joe Girardi.  Yes, I was angry with him on Friday but...

a. We can't know how CC was going to hold up after 77 pitches

b.  There is no guarantee New York was going to overturn the hit batsman call

c.  Joe didn't give up a grand slam 

d.  Joe didn't give up a solo home run

e.  Joe didn't give up a game-winning single

People booing him?  Settle the fuck down.

If Buster is right, and Joe is going to walk, that makes me sad.

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18 minutes ago, mojoween said:

People booing him?  Settle the fuck down.

I think this is a very normal NY fan reaction, and it makes me giggle. I mean, it's not like he's Santa Claus or somebody you can't boo. (Oh, hey, Philly fans. Didn't see you there... Heh.) Joe's been around, he knows. He admitted in his post-game interview that he saw it coming and warned his kids it would happen. He warned his kids! 

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I just listened to the Olney comment, and he says that should they not resign Girardi, it’s about 50/50 whether Joe won’t want to come back vs. the team not wanting him back.  If that happens, would the YES Network be an option?  I kind of miss him in the booth.

Edited by smittykins
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7 hours ago, mojoween said:

I am irritated with the reaction to Joe Girardi.  Yes, I was angry with him on Friday but...

a. We can't know how CC was going to hold up after 77 pitches

b.  There is no guarantee New York was going to overturn the hit batsman call

c.  Joe didn't give up a grand slam 

d.  Joe didn't give up a solo home run

e.  Joe didn't give up a game-winning single

People booing him?  Settle the fuck down.

If Buster is right, and Joe is going to walk, that makes me sad.

Joe completely mismanaged that bullpen.

No, he didn't give up the GS.  But he allowed the circumstances for it by a) not challenging a HBP; b) not pulling Greene immediately.  He left the last pitcher in too long, as well.

Then his lame excuse abt not disrupting the pitcher was BS, because his pitchers get disrupted more than anyone and maybe disrupting Greene would've helped him.

He also didn't trust his catcher.  That's clubhouse poison.

Personally I never liked him.  But I'm not a Skankee fan.

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Congrats to the Astros. I tuned in in time to see Rafael Devers hr. Man, that kid is like a force of nature. Glad Boston is out, but choosing who to root for in the next series will be tough.

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First thing's first:

I was watching the game at work on my work computer. I have a laptop dock with two big monitors. I did my regular work (well, I tried anyway) on the two big screens and had the game going on my laptop screen (which I usually have closed). Turned out I wasn't the only one pulling a work-watch, because when the go-ahead run came in the 8th, I heard several people around me yelling, "Yeah!"

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Joey G is my manager. Period. I want him back. But, I think that he should just say no. I think he is fatigued, mentally. By that I do not mean it's affecting his decisions. I just think that last season's craziness with A Rod and all the second guessing with resting players, all the myriad of things that go along with this job, I think he needs a rest. I think he wants to spend time with his family. I know that would mean his chances of returning as mgr in NY are meager but hey, he has done it all in baseball and even if he goes out to the Indians, he goes out proud. 

I love the guy.  

So happy the Papi-less Sox are down and out. We might be right behind them but that's ok. My only regret is that David Price didn't stink up the place and send them home earlier. I hate that guy.

Edited by prican58
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Congrats to the Astros. I don't think Justin Verlander will ever mouth "wow" again during a WS, but it would be fun to see him squirm again in one of these games (damn, 2012 was suuuuch a fun year).

NATS, you seriously need to eliminate the Cubs. Pleaaaaase. 

Dbacks, I have no hope in you. That team is performing about as well as the Giants did during the regular season. ;)

I guess I have no interest in what's going on with the Yanks/Indians because both teams are hard to root for, but I'm leaning toward the Indians even though I despise their team name and mascot. 

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Good lord, between the Cubs unorthodox strategy of getting no-hit for numerous innings before eeking out a win in this series, and tonight the stress of the Bears starting the kid QB, I've learned I need to significantly up my cardio if I am to survive the stress of two-a-day games.....from my couch!!!:)

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