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S31: Spoilers

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If Keith goes next it has to be due to splitting votes and/or idols.  Who wouldn't want Keith by their side at the end?


Guessing Spencer, Keith, and Kelley vote for one of the 3 in the remaining alliance (Jeremy, Tasha, and Kimm).  Abi is a swing vote with the latter thinking she's on their side and then she flips.

Keith did get the confessional last episode about he was there to win through whatever weather, twists, etc. Classic line by someone to be voted out soon.

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Here is the RC for tomorrow.  I wonder why there haven't been press pics or an episode description yet (assuming it isn't coming tomorrow).  I know with the holiday it set everything back, but I'm surprised they didn't get any of that up.


Also, I wonder if this RC will turn into one of those where someone can forfeit time with their visitor for the others, or they get to pick certain people to spend time with their loved ones, even if it isn't everybody.

If the boot order is accurate, I think it may be some good entertainment all the way to the F3.  Honestly, with Keith, Abi, and Kimmi all going before the 4 biggest remaining gamers going to the end, it seems we will will alot of back and forth, idol plays, immunity wins, etc. I can't see how anyone would allow Kelley and Jeremy go to the end without a fight.  Spencer and Tasha are a little less obvious but same with them. 

I'd imagine if those five are back at camp, it's likely that the other three are on reward somewhere with their family.  One of those three won reward got the Brenda choice and chose to keep their time with their family.

But it shows Joe and Keith doing some barbecue though, so that's definitely a reward, at least of some kind. Maybe the reward is food back at camp? Have they given "rewards" to other contestants with loved ones when they lost the challenge?

It looks like Dale back at camp and Keith's wife.  Not sure why Spencer/Jeremy/Tasha are the only 3 without their loved ones.  Maybe Jeremy wins but gives it up for himself, and picks Spencer/Tasha to also be deprived of a visit.  Could be he does it strategically so he can go off with Spencer alone while everyone else is busy with their loved ones.

They could but I can't see it happening here since I can't see those three being dumb enough to put a target on their back by doing such a thing. Not discounting it, but seriously doubting it.


Good point, especially after Stephen's snafu at the RC last week.  It is odd, though, that only 3 people would not get the reward.  Unless we are missing the loved ones of Jeremy/Tasha/Spencer in the picture.  I remember in Gabon all the loved ones got to come back to camp.  Could it be that case, or does one person just sacrifice their reward?  Maybe they get some advantage (not sure what it could be at this late stage, though-and frankly the way advantages have cursed those that had them, not sure I'd want any part of it lol)

One thing I noticed in those pics: Stephen looks really happy on the jury (which probably means Joe lost).

I definitely think Joe is out this week since this seems to be his week, but I would argue there are a lot of reasons for Stephen to look happy (something related to Jeremy or someone making a good Survivor move in Tribal Council). Though, I may be giving him too much credit not to be over the Joe thing

Edited by Sarahsmile416
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I definitely think Joe is out this week since this seems to be his week, but I would argue there are a lot of reasons for Stephen to look happy (something related to Jeremy or someone making a good Survivor move in Tribal Council). Though, I may be giving him too much credit not to be over the Joe thing


Sadly, you are probably right.  But I'm proud he made his goal of the family visit.  And he did better than last time (unless it equals out since there were 18 contestants last time when he finished 10th, compared to 20 when he may finish in 8th.  Interesting seeing Kimmi approach Tasha about a girl's alliance.  According to Kass, she said Tasha would be bringing the hatchet down on that (she made it seem future tense) and we had Monica saying Kimmi was sorry for backstabbing her.  Which makes me wonder, is this the start of that?  Do the girls stick together for the next two votes, then Tasha flips back to Jeremy/Spencer without the girls knowing and blindsides Abi? 


Also, Spencer looked a little shaky in that RC.  I had wondered if maybe we were wrong about who collapsed.

I don't understand why Spencer and Tasha immediately got back together with Jeremy. I was expecting to see Jeremy on the ropes, but he's right back in the thick of it. If they really do lose to him in the final 3, they deserved it.

Tasha tanking the girls' alliance seems almost certain now. She's already laid the groundwork. I just don't see the logic. She's got a better chance on every level against those girls.

Edited by Skeeter22
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I think it makes sense that Keith goes next for being a threat (and either being so out of the loop with the vote that he voted Tasha or he liked Joe enough not to make it a clean sweep).  The final 6 is interesting.  If Tasha is still secretly in cahoots with Jeremy/Spencer, I wonder if she spearheads a Jeremy a vote because she discovers he has an idol.  He plays it, Abi goes, and Kelley/Kimmi are in the majority.  Either that or someone else flips at that vote.  Maybe Kimmi goes back to Jeremy/Spencer/Tasha.  I'm thinking, though, that Abi is possibly being idoled out.  Is she really that unlikable that she isn't a proper goat to sit next to, or would they rather not take that route?

Tasha's not playing much of a devil's game if she just sticks with Jeremy to the end. I feel like either Probst overhyped that aspect of her play a lot of her strategy is being edited out. Flipping on the women's alliance (which didn't Kass or someone sort of spoil that Tasha will do?) isn't necessarily nice, but I wouldn't describe it as a devil's play if Tasha's doing it in favor of her original alliance.

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It could depend what happens between now the finale.  They may have to justify Tasha losing (heck, I think they need to show why Jeremy is worthy of winning because we haven't got much from him yet) so they may have to paint her in a less than flattering light, especially if she does flip and gets nailed at the FTC.  I have a feeling we'll be getting a more revealing side to her coming up.  Savage and Stephen likely will not vote for her.  Kass would vote for Savage before she'd vote for Tasha.  It would depend who Tasha was up against in the final 3 (Kimmi and Abi maybe she'd have Savage/Stephen).  If she betrayed Jeremy, she wouldn't have had his vote.  Joe likely won't vote for her.  Keith would probably vote for Natalie again.


Also, I don't think next week is going to be so great.  Probably a lot of red herrings that try to mask the obvious of Keith going.  I knew it was going to be because he was on the bottom and that he would prove himself a threat. 


Right now I'd say Jeremy, Spencer, and Wentworth have the best chances of winning.  However, with Spencer, it might depend who he is up against.

Edited by LadyChatts

It was so funny, I thought Wentworth's picks were perfect. Obviously Abi, but get in better with Kimmi, Keith can always be swayed to whatever anyone says at any moment, and with her last pick, take Joe away from the rest of the group. And then you had the scene of Jeremy/Spencer/Tasha alone saying "Hey...Final three? Yeah? Cool", and I just laughed because I totally believe in this list, and totally think they're the final three. The best laid plans....

So how does next week shape up? The "women's alliance" gets their way? I'm thinking a Wentworth idol gets played, but surely she would gun for Jeremy over Keith. I just can't quite wrap my head around how he goes over Jeremy, Spencer, Wentworth, or even Tasha and Abi. Looking forward to seeing it, though!

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Jeremy could either win immunity or play his idol.  My feeling is Wentworth's idol is what gets her to the final 4 over Kimmi, because I think she's a bigger threat than Kimmi to win.  I don't know how tight this women's alliance is and if it will have staying power.  Keith is on the bottom and proved tonight he's a challenge beast.  Why him over Spencer or Jeremy I don't know, if the women are sticking together-except, of course, idols and immunity.


Will be interesting to see what Jeff has to say!

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I think Keith goes next because he's actually the next challenge threat. I'm questioning whether Jeremy's idol will get played or not--I feel like he's got to be targeted sometime. Surely people have to eventually do it! 


I don't think Kelley's reward picks were a million dollar decision. If Spencer was going to go back to Jeremy that easily, then he was doing it because that's what he wanted. IMHO, Spencer voted out Stephen because Spencer wanted to be Jeremy's right hand man instead of Stephen. I do think he's playing for best loser to Jeremy. I think it's a little weird that Jeremy forgave Spencer's betrayal so easily, but I guess Jeremy is running out of options.... although really, you'd think Jeremy's ideal f3 would be Tasha and Kimmi. 

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She's already laid the groundwork. I just don't see the logic. She's got a better chance on every level against those girls




How? .She's obviously not in any of the girl's final three plans. If she goes with the girls, she's playing for fourth which I thought was a bad thing.

I don't think Kelley's reward picks were a million dollar decision. If Spencer was going to go back to Jeremy that easily, then he was doing it because that's what he wanted.


She just straight up telegraphed both Tasha and Spencer's importance to her when she made the Joe pick. It's not that hard to see why they'd look elsewhere for options when she's being so blatant about it.


That being said, that Keith boot isn't looking too smart next week for Spencer and Jeremy. WIth Keith gone, they have to know that they stand a 50/50 chance of being targeted.

It would be interesting to see if at the 6 that either Jeremy or Spencer has immunity and Jeremy puts the hii on whoever doesn't have it while at the same time that Kelley is targeted but plays her hii. I wonder what the rules would be at that point.

I don't think Kelley's reward picks were a million dollar decision. If Spencer was going to go back to Jeremy that easily, then he was doing it because that's what he wanted.


I don't know...Spencer got the title quote -- he was clearly very badly hurt by Kelley's decision not to include him in the family reward. Had he not been with Jeremy, he might've solidified an alliance with Kelley and Abi. As it stands now, he will pick Jeremy over Kelley (relatively speaking) at the final 4. Kelley just proved to him that his worth was as a "voting block" and not any long-term alliance. And they were the last two Ta'Keo standing.


Seems like a pretty poor decision to me.


I keep wondering if Jeremy's "I'd do the same for you" is going to come back, and that he saves Spencer when the "evil" girl's alliance is targeting him.

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Episode 13 is called "Villains Have More Fun" (probably an Abi quote).


With the end in sight, castaways scramble to solidify a plan for the final three. Also, a frightening incident at the immunity challenge sends shockwaves through the entire tribe, and castaways are rewarded with a spiritual recharge at the temples of Cambodia



Jeff's teaser for next week:


Just two episodes left! Tease us up for the big penultimate episode.
It makes me sad that this season is winding down because as all Survivor fans know, each season is a new adventure and I really hate to let this one go. Next week is a pivotal episode. Seven players left. It’s do or die. The vote here is critical. You are deciding whom you will go toe to toe with in that final week. Nobody is certain of the right move. Plus, another scary situation and another Survivor in trouble.


Edited by LadyChatts

Boot list (close to order)


Savage (idoled out)

Kelly Wiglesworth

Ciera (idoled out)


Joe (fv)

Keith (fv)

Abi (fv)

Kimmi (fv)

Kelley Wentworth (fv)


Tasha (fv)

Spencer (fv)

Jeremy (fv)


According to the person who posted this, the final 3 and the remaining boots at the final 6 were correct.  However, they had the loved ones visit starting at the final 6, and it began two boots earlier.  It seems likely that the order is going to hold up, or at the very least that Keith is next.  There's 2 idols in the mix still (Kelley and Jeremy).  The boot list has held up, with the exception of Stephen and Savage's boots being switched.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I got to to see the episode late. Here is some of my thoughts:


Found it hilarious how Kimmi was bashing Monica so much for the girls alliance idea and now all of a sudden Kimmi of all people brings it up.

Keith being a target next makes sense. Probst made a big thing about how everyone is giving it their all. Keith lasting almost 90 minutes in an immunity challenge that he didn't need to win and beating Joe thats good for his resume and bad for everyone else since he has been right there with Joe in immunities. 

We saw the "proposed" F3 alliance scene. Its now the Jeremy and Spencer are in danger show if the boot list is right then they get out of it.

Kelley Wentworth really took a hit tonight. Spencer listed her as someone that could be beat in the FTC. I dunno if someone that is called that has ever won before.


So in summary : Keith immunity threat, Abi has been a target multiple episodes now, Kimmi must over play her hand since we see little scenes of a big move from her (maybe trying to take out jeremy or spencer?), Kelley has too many jury connections so I could see why they get rid of her.


Honestly Its all Jeremy right now with Spencer falling short. I will be shocked if the result is anything other than that. 


Also  couple things we have not seen:


Confusing tribal council that no one can give a good account of what happened

Tasha's devil move.  (Does she fake an injury maybe?)

Edited by anthonyd46



New preview.


So in summary : Keith immunity threat, Abi has been a target multiple episodes now, Kimmi must over play her hand since we see little scenes of a big move from her (maybe trying to take out jeremy or spencer?), Kelley has too many jury connections so I could see why they get rid of her.

Honestly Its all Jeremy right now with Spencer falling short. I will be shocked if the result is anything other than that.

Also  couple things we have not seen:

Confusing tribal council that no one can give a good account of what happened
Tasha's devil move.  (Does she fake an injury maybe?)



I still believe Abi and/or Kimmi are idoled out.  For some reason Abi, despite having no shot at winning, is still being targeted for elimination.  I've heard numerous players say they are voting for someone 'real' and who actually played the game.  So maybe no one wants to risk taking a goat to the end because that isn't the strongest strategy?  I'm just curious why it is she is continually up for elimination when she seems so easy to beat in the finals.  Keith going makes sense.  Challenge beast, nice guy, threat to win.  Not strategic but may earn some votes and respect for being one of the oldest (if not the oldest) this season, and outlasting a lot of the youngin's.  It is still possible he gets idoled out, too, if the women's alliance doesn't hold up.  

Edited by LadyChatts
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 So maybe no one wants to risk taking a goat to the end because that isn't the strongest strategy?  I'm just curious why it is she is continually up for elimination when she seems so easy to beat in the finals. 


I think there is a slightly different "ethos" this season about what constitutes a winner -- or perhaps there is a more unified ethos than in other seasons.  I would think this of all seasons would be the worst one to drag a goat along.  I think it would get the least respect from the jurors.  While it hasn't been hammered to death, there is a sense of honor and pride among these folks -- they feel they are the best, are playing with the best, and they want the best to go to the end and win.  I mean, someone like Savage is only going to vote for someone whose game he admires, right?  Didn't he say that the winner is a great "ambassador"?  That says it all.  For all of the remaining Survivors (except maybe Keith and Abi) their sense of identity and worth as a Survivor is to some degree tied up in who wins.

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Where did Andrew Savage say that the winner was a good ambassador for Survivor? Assuming he knows everyones vote, I wonder if his perception of a good ambassador is as follows: Jeremy, Spencer, Tasha, ….maybe Kimmi next or Keith. I wonder who he would rank the lowest and can he move past Kelley idoling him out to respect her game.

There are some logical ways Keith could go next. If Tasha's known to be with Spencer/Jeremy instead of Kelly/Kimmi/Abi, Keith is in the swing position. Keith could be a compromise vote out as a way to delay the big clash of alliances. Keith could get idoled out. Keith could get targeted since he's not really with either group and he's the next-in-line immunity threat (especially if Spencer or Jeremy has immunity--someone other than Keith is going to win the IC after all).

Where did Andrew Savage say that the winner was a good ambassador for Survivor? Assuming he knows everyones vote, I wonder if his perception of a good ambassador is as follows: Jeremy, Spencer, Tasha, ….maybe Kimmi next or Keith. I wonder who he would rank the lowest and can he move past Kelley idoling him out to respect her game.


Andrew said in one of his post boot interviews that the winner would be a great ambassador for the season.  Given what we know about Andrew, along with the boot list, the only person I can see him talking about would be Jeremy.  I don't know if he has any beef with Tasha, and I don't believe he has anything against Spencer (he wanted to target him only because he saw him as a threat).  Andrew is also about the cool kids, as we've seen in his Ponderosa vids, and he was all about the old school way of alliances and staying Bayon strong.so he may respect Jeremy for being in his original alliance and not ever double crossing him.  It's hard to say.  Plus, maybe Jeremy goes on an immunity run and goes to the end without ever receiving a vote against him (which I think is rare).  I can see where Savage might have more respect for Jeremy than Spencer or Tasha, in that both are family men that are established in their careers.  


I think there is a slightly different "ethos" this season about what constitutes a winner -- or perhaps there is a more unified ethos than in other seasons.  I would think this of all seasons would be the worst one to drag a goat along.  I think it would get the least respect from the jurors.  While it hasn't been hammered to death, there is a sense of honor and pride among these folks -- they feel they are the best, are playing with the best, and they want the best to go to the end and win.  I mean, someone like Savage is only going to vote for someone whose game he admires, right?  Didn't he say that the winner is a great "ambassador"?  That says it all.  For all of the remaining Survivors (except maybe Keith and Abi) their sense of identity and worth as a Survivor is to some degree tied up in who wins.



Very true.  There's a lot of emphasis from the castoffs about the fans and this being a fan driven season.  You can tell when someone is saying it because it is part of the script and when they actually mean it, but I think there was a different tone going into this AS season.  There wasn't someone playing for the 4th time, it was a mix that probably producers wouldn't have put together on their own, and I believe it may set the tone going forward for future seasons.  Not so much this voting evolution like Jeff said but for contestants to realize that the fans could determine their fate in returning.  And since a lot of fans have complained about people being carried to the end because they are easy to beat (I hate the strategy but I get it), I can see where maybe they would want someone to come out of this season winning because they earned it, not because they were the most likable in an unlikable final 3.


One thing I've been disappointed about in regards to idols this season, is that since the idols are supposed to be different I was hoping there might be more chaos in playing them at TC.  Everyone who has an idol has done a good job keeping it under wraps, and I don't know if Jeff ever revealed during the show that they would be different (I know he said it in an interview).  Maybe that will come in future season.

Edited by LadyChatts

Or that "first" that Andrew also mentioned.  I've seen some people speculate that the TC where Stephen used his advantage and got voted off must have been it.  If so, snooze.  Sure, it was a first to steal someone's vote, but it was still a double vote-which we saw last season. And Stephen was blindsided, but who hasn't been this season?  Varner?  Kass?  I think that's it.  Well, maybe Joe, to an extent.  So I hope that wasn't it and there's still something to come.  My guess is it might be around the Abi/Kimmi boots, since those seem a little random.  But it's why I wish contestants wouldn't throw stuff out there like that.  Especially when it is their opinion.  I'm all for any info to help with spoilers.  But in cases like this, you sometimes wait for it...and nothing.

Edited by LadyChatts

If the boot list is correct, that's a pretty strong F3. I am surprised either Spencer or Jeremy wasn't voted out at F4. At least one of them wouldn't have immunity. Though Kelley was a strong player too. A good final 4, IMO. All deserving of those spots.

Still trying to figure out if Spencer can pull out a win!

Edited by nutty1
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