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S20.E02: Favorite Songs Night

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I haven't ever watched So You Think You Can Dance, I don't know her husband either, so for me the only exposure to Alison's choreography and personality have been on this show. Which is why I haven't loved her. I don't hate her or anything like that, I just think her ballroom choreography seems lacking and she seems like she's not taking into consideration the tone of the actual dance she's supposed to be choreographing. I felt like she did a huge disservice to her partner in last season. Like truthaboutluv says above: "On top of that every performance she did at 110% speed which only overwhelmed Jonathan who not surprisingly could not keep up."

Even in last night's performance, though I enjoyed it very much, I felt like she threw in too many fast and/or hip-hop moves which can be distracting. It's a foxtrot. Show that your partner can actually do the elegant stuff and that the hook doesn't always have to be on contemporary moves. I thought Riker did a great job with the elegant moves; he didn't need it to be spiced up so much.

Here's a link to some of Allison's husband's background:


He's also made more appearances as the Guest DJ on Ellen DeGeneres' talk show than the linked info mentions. He's on there pretty frequently now. He's not the permanent, sole DJ... yet... But he's on pretty frequently lately.

Well, I don't give Rumor a pass on the "no competition" comments.  I thought it was arrogant and disrespectful to the other competitors and I would have felt exactly the same if a male celebrity had said it.  I feel confident she will be a finalist and probably win based on the popularity of her parents but I'm done with her.



Totally agree on this. Plus I heard a radio interview with her where she said DWTS had been asking her to be on for several seasons and she kept turning them down. MY THEORY: Because that gave her years to take dance lessons so she would win the mirrorball. And that's part of why she's so confident that no one on this show comes close to her talent. (Nastia immediately comes to mind as being dissed since Olympic athletes are not to be discounted, ever.)


And while maybe Rumer didn't have dance lessons from toddler on (which I still think she did, EVERY little girl takes dance lessons, right?), she doesn't come by her "almost flawless" dance moves naturally. One expects someone who has never danced to be awkward at first, score 5/6, then progressively get better on this show. Not come out dancing 9s the first week.


So there's that.


The Hamburger Girl's bullying complaint can be taken in many different ways with different sides presenting different arguments. But the bottom line is, if you are on a reality show and don't want to read negative or nasty posts about yourself, then stay off of social media and close your accounts. And don't read anything online, including this thread.


Problem solved.


ETA: What is/was Julianne saying about Allison? I turn the channel so I don't have to listen to judge comments so missed the diss.

Edited by saber5055
  • Love 3


And while maybe Rumer didn't have dance lessons from toddler on (which I still think she did, EVERY little girl takes dance lessons, right?)...


I assume you said that with a little "tongue in cheek" humor, but in case you meant it: Nope! As a little girl, I wanted to but it wasn't something my parents could afford so... no dance lessons for me. I lived vicariously through one of my friends who took ballet - she used to let me try on her practice ballet flats and I would "dance" around her basement. LOL. But she never taught me any moves and she didn't stick with it very long, so dance became just something I always wished I could have tried. And I know other girls who simply weren't interested - they were either tomboys or were interested in other activities like art or reading or tumbling, etc.

Edited by sinkwriter

Well, I won't miss Redfool at all, and while Charlotte isn't a very good dancer, I was so happy for Keo to not go home first after last year's debacle with Lolo. Charlotte seems sweet and about 1000% more fun than Lolo, so for his sake I hope they're on a few more weeks.

I found the ending interesting - many times you can't tell what the pros are thinking right before the boot, but I could see Witney's thoughts exactly: "Am I really going to go home first after WINNING last season???" Can't say that I blame her - she's definitely drawn the short straw this year.

Julianne isn't always coherent, but I would take her any day over CAI's ravings, and Julianne almost always drops in a comment about technique that I find interesting and helpful. Still weird to see her judge her brother but her scores are always in line with the other judges'.

I remember when Derek was dancing with Shawn Johnson and they got the rumba. It was similar - he had to coach her on how to show intense emotion when her gymnastics training said otherwise. But she got it, and even though her technique wasn't perfect (no hip action), I felt the connection between them. That was their Titanic dance. Even though Nastia's lines were lovely, I kept feeling like she was going to bust out laughing every time her eyes met Derek's, and it made it hard for me to get into it.

  • Love 3


Well, I won't miss Redfool at all, and while Charlotte isn't a very good dancer, I was so happy for Keo to not go home first after last year's debacle with Lolo.


That really was the best part about it. Keo's enthusiastic "YES!" when they made it to the next round made me very happy for him. He deserves a chance to show what he can do. His stint with Lolo barely scratched the surface.

  • Love 4

I'm not even buying her claim that she dropped out of high school because she was being bullied about her body.  Don't hate me because I'm beautiful?  Is that it?  Bullshit. 


Reminds me of that woman years ago who told the judge she couldn't go to prison because she was "too beautiful."  I forget her name, but remember her case. Which is kind of funny considering I don't even recognize the names OR pictures of most of the "stars" on DWTS this season.

If any dance deserved Len's "mucking about" comment it was Alison and Riker. When the dances are barely over a minute long at this stage, why are you up on that fake bridge not doing any foxtrot for the first twenty seconds? Also, when Allison actually gets into the choreography of the actual dance, it always feels like it's set on fast forward. Now I think Riker has the dance aptitude to keep up in a way that Jonathan never could....but if they aren't ever able to give some dynamics (slow and sensual, anyone?) I don't see how on merit he threaten's Nastia or Rumer battle for the mirrorball.


Michael and Robert already have the feel of a typical 4-6th place DWTS finisher. Competent, but the gap between them and the best dancers is still pretty evident.


Can we be honest, Patti and Noah don't dance/aren't capable of really dancing. I know the show will never really be up front about this, but Noah's limitations are going to give just about every dance, an off feel. Artem is seriously constrained by what he can actually do w/ Patti where in week two, it's already not fun to watch.


Happy that Charlotte improved some. She struggled w/ choreo so much in the live stream rehearsals, I just assumed that less prep time was going to be her death knell....but actually maybe it streamlined Keo's teaching, and her not getting too much in her own head to where the task was more manageable. She seemed to have more fun this week too. I can't see him leaving next week, but Chris just seemed lost throughout most of that routine.


Willow was way underscored week one, and probably overscored by a point or two this week. Still I'm enjoying her and Mark's partnership and think she is definitely someone who could improve in-season by a large margin.


Suzanne and Tony can go anytime now. Sorry Tony...

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
Keo's enthusiastic "YES!" when they made it to the next round made me very happy for him.


Absolutely, and I think he's learned from his experience last year, and is choreographing more to Charlotte's strengths - she is quite flexible (no double entendre intended) and he's using that well.


I re-watched Alison & Riker because I couldn't enjoy it at the time. It was still disjointed and strange. While it was on I kept thinking about the reaming she would get for the crazy choreo, and then she got praise! Isn't it always weird (and it seems to happen on every reality show) when someone does their thing, gets criticized for it over and over, and then suddently starts getting praised even though they haven't changed? Does she have a 2-season arc going?

  • Love 1

I do wonder why Derek agreed to compete considering his heavy schedule.  I'd be happy to see Nastia compete with Henry and it would save a lot of hassle.

I thought the same thing. Why did he come back this season if he's barely participating in the process? It seems like a disservice to Nastia's performance on the show, and unfair to Henry to do all the grunt work only to step aside for the live broadcast. I'm sure that's contributing to the chemistry issue, even with the annual Showmance Sunset Rhumba practice. Is Derek's presence that important for ratings?

  • Love 7

It is my understanding, I may be wrong, that Nastia is in NY Tuesday to Friday, where she works with Derek. She flies out to LA on Friday after her classes but Derek does not get in until Sunday, because he has performances on the weekend. So on Saturday Nastia works with Henry and does camera blocking with him. I highly doubt Nastia and Derek's routine isn't all but done at this point.

So I think it is a bit of an exaggeration to suggest, as some have been doing, that Henry is doing all this work and Derek just shows up on Monday to dance and take credit for Henry's hard work. I don't think any lack of chemistry between Derek and Nastia is because they aren't spending enough time together.

It is more than likely as some have said and Nastia herself noted, she was trained for years not to show emotion. So showing "emotion" and "vulnerability", especially in a competition, is simply not natural for her. So she can nail the technique and moves all day long but selling some emotional connection with Derek will simply not come naturally to her.

Derek and Nastia apparently get on red eye very soon after Monday's show where they're back rehearsing four hours plus everyday until she leaves on Friday. They really only seem to lose Saturday together so I don't think they're missing so much time together versus other pairings.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 2

Count me as another little girl who didn't take dance lessons as a kid. Yes, my original post of every kid taking lessons was tongue-in-cheek. But then again, I am not the product of two Hollywood movie stars NOR have I been asked to be on DWTS. So there's that, Rumor! There is a world of difference between me and everyone competing on this show.


However, if by some miracle Saber gets asked to join the 2016 cast, I'm in the dance studio taking lessons starting TODAY.

According to Henry's instagram, he worked with Nastia Saturday and Sunday of last week, and only Sunday of this week. It's Derek's choreo, and Derek is training Nastia in it in New York, Henry steps at the point where she's learned it, and both Henry and Nastia seem to be in very constant communication with Derek over the details of the dance - he posted a screenshot of the detailed communication they're having. It seems clear to me that it's Derek's work, though it wouldn't be possible without the assist, especially since Henry seems to be acting as an understudy in a very traditional sense - if something goes wrong with Derek's flight he is also primed to go. 

That's what I thought. I know last week there was some issue with Derek getting in on Sunday and Nastia joked about dancing with Henry on Monday if Derek didn't show up.

Eta: And for the record I take nothing from Henry's efforts. He and Derek do seem to work together a lot. I know when Derek had major back pain one show day, during Amber's season, Henry did dress rehearsals with her and camera blocking so Derek could rest his back for showtime.

So I take nothing from Henry and I'm sure Derek and Nastia appreciate his help. It's just as I said, in another of the long list of things Derek is judged for, some are suggesting Henry is pretty much doing everything while Derek gets the glory. I'm avoiding social media right now but my friend who watches the show, told me there were a bunch of tweets after their dance on Monday saying how Derek should thank Henry for the 9's, like he essentially did nothing in getting Nastia where she is.

Edited by truthaboutluv

If any dance deserved Len's "mucking about" comment it was Alison and Riker. When the dances are barely over a minute long at this stage, why are you up on that fake bridge not doing any foxtrot for the first twenty seconds? Also, when Allison actually gets into the choreography of the actual dance, it always feels like it's set on fast forward. Now I think Riker has the dance aptitude to keep up in a way that Jonathan never could....but if they aren't ever able to give some dynamics (slow and sensual, anyone?) I don't see how on merit he threaten's Nastia or Rumer battle for the mirrorball.


From the beginning, I didn't see anyone threatening Rumer or Nastia.  If Willow keeps performing like last night, she'll end in 3rd.  But I do hope Allison calms down in her choreography.  Young guys don't do well on DWTS anyway.  So she should try to conform as much as possible.  She's close friends with Derek.  You would think he or someone would've let her know about this issue because last season was the same way.  Her pace does not work for ballroom and the regular DWTS viewer will not appreciate it.


Edited by movement

Every season we have a ringer or discuss who may have had dance classes and has a leg up.  It doesn't matter.  Yes, some come in skilled and others are terrible.  This show is about entertainment and not about a "fair" competition.  There is never a level playing field and star power in the fan base arena is always there.  The best dancer wins, bottom line (I cannot believe I used that cliche, forgive me, I beg you).  


I am definitely going to be haired off if Robert does not survive Patti and Noah but I will get over it and not get too twisted.  Please, no one quote me on this because it is very likely I will go off the fucking rail.  Neither is better than Robert nor can they be.  GAH!  Okay, already headed off the rail.  Humor me.  I will be okay and promise not to buy a fire arm.  Well, I lie.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 2
TPTB has ultimate say re: what happens in the celebrities' introductory videos, and IIRC, she never brought up her breasticle area unless it was prompted by someone else, i.e. Julianne and Erin.



On the one hand, I guess Charlotte's breasts are sort of the 600cc gorillas in the room.  They're undeniably the reason for her being a "star" (as DWTS continues to define that term further and further down).  


But I also think TPTB realized that they probably overplayed that card last week and turned off the portion of the voting-population that votes based upon what they see on Monday nights.


So I think the cyber-bullying "theme" last night, which really was ridiculous, was a sort-of compensation to try and get Charlotte (and probably more importantly her pro-partner) enough votes to stick around for at least a little while longer.


Frankly, I'm more offended by the words "my jam" and "Michael Buble" being used in the same sentence.  Remake or not, considering that a Buble song instead of a Sinatra song is, IMO, heresy.


And I do agree with others that the band was absolutely awful last night.  Whoever was singing "Somebody I Used To Know" inaudibly squeaked the first couple of lines.  It was almost as if TPTB were saying "see, we were right to want to get rid of the live music"

  • Love 4

I am surprised to hear Riker actually competed in a troupe and they cast him on the show. I can understand if he had dance lessons because a lot of child stars took them, ex. Ryan Gosling.  It seems like he says such extreme advantages: competitive dance background and then the Hough advantage. 


Rumer is getting ahead of herself with the front runner business. I remember thinking that Ralph Macchio was on his way to winning during the first few weeks and he got fourth.  She has the age advantage but I don't know about a solid enough fan base. Initially, I thought she meant that she felt like her internal voice/perfectionism was her biggest competition.  I read a quote and realize I was wrong. Nastia has Derek and she has had some dance lessons.  She also has an Olympian's drive.  I don't think Rumer will get a pass very much longer if this becomes her angle and she continues to underestimate those around her.  


I wonder if Henry was supposed to be Nastia's partner if Derek hadn't signed on again. After his trio dance with Artem and Leah, I was hoping that he would be a pro this season. 


Has Jenna been in the troupe that long?  I had to look her up and didn't recognize her.  Also, she and Sasha didn't draw the short straws - those costumes looked like fun.  


Also, she and Sasha didn't draw the short straws - those costumes looked like fun.


I'd say they drew the short straws in that wearing such a costume made them invisible -- in other words, no one knew they were in there, and the costume itself didn't offer an opportunity for real dancing, to show off what they could do. I would imagine after all the study they've put in, dancing in a crab costume (while potentially fun) is akin to dancing on a cruise ship or at a theme park when you really dream about dancing with the Rockettes or on Broadway or with a prodigious dance troupe.

Edited by sinkwriter

While Nastia was technically near perfect, she's just not really "there" in terms of feeling the dance.  They were definitely going through the motions and to me, didn't connect at all.  And, she looks older than Suzanne.  Too bad Henry is the one doing all of the work and getting no real credit.

Very sweet moment with Noah and his girl.  He was genuinely surprised.  Forget dance.  Just stand there and allow us to admire what has to be the world's most perfect set of abs.  Yum.

Bachelor was just a non entity.  I would have been perfectly happy to see him go instead of Redfoo, who greatly entertained me.  It was nice that Keo didn't get the first boot twice in a row.  While I'm of the opinion that we as a society us the term "bully" a little too loosely sometimes, I have defintely seen some really ugly stuff written about Charlotte.  The 'net gives a lot of false courage and people can say some mighty cruel things.  No one wants to read things like that about themselves.

I love Michael and his sweet smile.  He's not quite a dancer yet, but maybe Peta can work a miracle or two. 

Willow is adorable and did a great job on her tango.  Mark has done well with her.

The very definition of awesome is Patti LaBelle dancing to 50 Cent and In da club.  Too bad every second word had to be bleeped out!  Could she do that every single week to close the show?

Riker wasn't bad.  He's a good dancer and seems to also be a good sport. That foxtrot was too frantic though.

If one day out of seven is "all the work" then damn, I work too hard.


I think "all the work" is overstating it but so is claiming he's doing a day's work. Its not like Henry's brain is the Matrix. He spends the week learning the dance too so he can step into the camera blocking on top of all his other troupe responsibilities. He's got a lot going on this season and hopefully the show will reward him with a partner of his own next year.

  • Love 1

I think "all the work" is overstating it but so is claiming he's doing a day's work. Its not like Henry's brain is the Matrix. He spends the week learning the dance too so he can step into the camera blocking on top of all his other troupe responsibilities. He's got a lot going on this season and hopefully the show will reward him with a partner of his own next year.

Oh totally. Maybe a overstatement of my own. (But how long does it take for a pro dancer to learn a minute of choreo? I'm not a dancer, but I bet it's not days.)

I like Henry. I really want him to get another partner, and he's definitely pulling extra duties with this. I hope it gets him some bonus points and hopefully some extra pay? I just think it's a little much to say he's doing "all the work", especially since he's not choreographing or teaching. In terms of credit, the show hasn't officially given him kudos but both Nastia and Derek have publicly thanked him, and it's not like anyone's trying to keep his involvement a secret.

Edited by kitcloudkicker

Nastia was so uncomfortable with expressing passion, she giggled exactly like Shawn who had the same problem. Shawn was able to work out of it and it resulted in one of Derek's masterpieces, the Titanic dance. If they had been assigned the rumba for week 5 or 6, Nastia might have been able to overcome her discomfort. Her smiling throughout the dance detracted from the passion and it was disheartening to me because I think it was one of Derek's best choreographical moments. The stage setting, lighting, continuous movement and beautiful lines were magnificent.

Derek's rumbas don't measure up to his Pasos, Argentine Tangos, Jives and Sambas, but I consider his rumbas with Shawn, Maria, Ricki and Nicole on S10 finales as four of the best rumbas ever on DWTS by anyone.

Any ideas about which Pros get choreo help? I remember Mark bringing in Shirley Ballas to help Sabrina, Chelsea Kane and a few others, Maks got help with his Freestyles with Erin and another partner I can't remember. There were rumors about Val being helped with Janel and several Pros brought in to help when they were unfamiliar with a specific dance such as Derek with Shawn's Bhangra and Amber's Freestyle.

I've also noticed a number of dances that were similar to choreo on SYTYCD--definitely Mark's and Willows AT concept last night and Derek's Jazz dance with Amber. I agree with Louis that if a Pro gets help with an Emmy nominated dance, the choreographer who gave the help should get recognized for it.

If the celebs continue to improve the way they did from week one to week two, this looks to be one of the most promising seasons in a long time.

Boy, I thought Nastia showed some emotion last night.  They went on right after Noah's touching reunion with his fiancée, and I remember thinking she and Derek were the one pair least likely to be overlooked after such a touching and emotional moment.  And then I saw the look on her face before the commercial break -- she was NOT a happy camper, oh my goodness.


I think Willow's got some potential, and Mark is the very best teacher for her.  She unfortunately does have limitations due to her age, and I'd say it's the muscle!  Her legs have already been noted, but I thought the problem was also with her core.  She's just lacking strength there.


I enjoyed the interplay between Robert and Kym.  It shows a warmth and a mature relationship in its beginnings.  I loved the way Kym interacted with him in their rehearsal footage.  I cannot imagine the shark is used to a woman leading him around in such a calm and confident manner.


I think Witney is having a lot of difficulty getting back to reality after the last two seasons, really.  Two season ago, it was having Drew Carey gushing over her on switch-up week, at Cheryl's expense.  That could make her think a bit about herself.  And then hitting the jackpot with Alfonso last season.  While their success had a lot to do with their chemistry, I think she may have started to buy into her own press.  Welcome back to reality with a frat boy, white man's overbite kind of dancer.  Perfect for Footloose style dancing, and not much else as he's not quite bright enough to figure it out.


Overall enjoying this season, I've been entertained!

  • Love 2
Any ideas about which Pros get choreo help? I remember Mark bringing in Shirley Ballas to help Sabrina, Chelsea Kane and a few others, Maks got help with his Freestyles with Erin and another partner I can't remember. There were rumors about Val being helped with Janel and several Pros brought in to help when they were unfamiliar with a specific dance such as Derek with Shawn's Bhangra and Amber's Freestyle.



I can't imagine that's what he's referring to because none of that is a secret. For example, for the Bhangra, the stepping in Amber's freestyle and the Flamenco with Kelly, Derek was vocal in each rehearsal package that he brought in outside help because he was unfamiliar with the styles. So it's not like it was hidden or a secret. Derek has been very open about using help if he has to do a dance style he's not familiar with, same as other Pros.


I think Louis is talking more about the weekly ballroom dance styles more than anything else. In other words the dances one would assume the Pros would be capable of coming up with a dance all on their own. At least I think that's what he's talking about. Also I don't think he's referring to someone just helping in terms of showing and teaching a Pro a style they're not used to but rather creating or helping significantly in creating the actual choreography of the dance.

I wondered when this cheorgaphy thing would become a topic of discussion. Last season before Sharna was added to the cast, her BF ranted and more than implied that Sharna was a Pro who not only did her own Cheorgaphy but helped the other pros do theirs.

I can't actually find his tweets right now but this examiner piece mentions them.


Edited by tarotx
  • Love 1

While not necessarily the place to get into it, there were always rumors about Cheryl getting help with her choreography.  While I am curious and I don't think pros should be getting award nominations for things they don't choreograph, I also think Louis is just a bit sour at this point because the show didn't ask him back.  From what he was saying pre-season, I think he got his hopes up that he would be asked back, only to get them dashed once again.  Not surprising he wants to spill the gossip.


I would like to see Henry get another chance at pro as well.  However I think the truth is somewhere between the two extremes where Henry and Derek are concerned.  I don't think Henry is doing all the work, but I do think he's putting in considerable time with Nastia and it would be nice if the show acknowledged his contribution.  But I also think it's blatantly untrue to claim that Henry is doing all the work.


As for Witney, I'm not going to presume anything.  Mind you I kind of love her, so I'm willing to cut her some slack.  I do think she got a little too used to having somebody with Alfonso's skill level, but I'm not sure it's anything more serious than that.

Edited by spanana
  • Love 3

I can't imagine that's what he's referring to because none of that is a secret. For example, for the Bhangra, the stepping in Amber's freestyle and the Flamenco with Kelly, Derek was vocal in each rehearsal package that he brought in outside help because he was unfamiliar with the styles. So it's not like it was hidden or a secret. Derek has been very open about using help if he has to do a dance style he's not familiar with, same as other Pros.


I think Louis is talking more about the weekly ballroom dance styles more than anything else. In other words the dances one would assume the Pros would be capable of coming up with a dance all on their own. At least I think that's what he's talking about. Also I don't think he's referring to someone just helping in terms of showing and teaching a Pro a style they're not used to but rather creating or helping significantly in creating the actual choreography of the dance.

Yes, almost all the examples cited by Danseur are probably the opposite of what he's referring to. Those were mostly instances where pros openly acknowledged that they brought in help to teach a style (in the case of Shirley Ballas) or to choreograph a style they were not that familiar with. Same with things like Val getting outside help for hip-hop. Or Mark co-choreographing Sadie's freestyle with Misha Gabriel, that's all in the open on his social media. What Louis might mean is that some pros get significant outside help for their dances week in and out (or perhaps don't choreograph at all) and it's never openly stated. But yes, he does seem to enjoy stirring these rumours. And it might be tied to his disappointment of not getting a spot this season, so I don't know...he might be overstating and exaggerating things to get back at the show to some degree.


OTOH, wasn't that a problem once with Emmy nominations? Louis, Derek and Mark all got Emmy noms for their work and it was fine (making me assume that they all do their own stuff or acknowledge otherwise...not that that's much of a surprise...). Cheryl was nominated as well once and then it came out that she didn't do Drew's freestyle or something?

Edited by katha

I wondered when this cheorgaphy thing would become a topic of discussion. Last season before Sharna was added to the cast, her BF ranted and more than implied that Sharna was a Pro who not only did her own Cheorgaphy but helped the other pros do theirs.

I can't actually find his tweets right now but this examiner piece mentions them.


I don't think this was a secret, though. Val mentioned in an interview during Sharna's first season as pro that she's his muse when it comes to dancing and his go to when he needs help.

The question is, if those that helped apparently have a gag order on them, why? Does the show pay them? What's stopping them from saying they choreographed?

Edited by CED9
While not necessarily the place to get into it, there were always rumors about Cheryl getting help with her choreography.



OTOH, wasn't that a problem once with Emmy nominations? Louis, Derek and Mark all got Emmy noms for their work and it was fine (making me assume that they all do their own stuff or acknowledge otherwise...not that that's much of a surprise...). Cheryl was nominated as well once and then it came out that she didn't do Drew's freestyle or something?



Taking to General Gabbery.

Okay, we go straight from Charlotte boo-hooing about mean Internet Bullies (which I could have sympathized with a bit if we didn't all know that if you just check Twitter, the crap always rises to the top).  To Tom and the judges panel making nice with her and decrying Internet meanies.  To Erin, putting her foot in her mouth, as usual, by telling her she "looked like a Barbie doll".  'Cause you know, Erin, comparing her to one is TOTALLY the best way to move the target off her physical attributes. Only... not.

I'm not accusing Charlotte of this, per se, but the whole situation with the tasteless intro followed by the complaints of bullying remind me of certain polarizing figures out there who seem to go out of their way to offend large segments of the population and then get outraged that people dare to be offended. She's playing surprised rather than outraged, and it may well be more TPTB's fault in the way they've presented her.


If it's true that some pros get regular, significant help with choreography, why aren't they doing that for Allison? She clearly needs the help in getting the basics of ballroom style down.

  • Love 1

I was thrilled to see Redfoo gone. I can't be the only one who's wondered just who the heck this clown is supposed to be ever since he graced the stage last year as a guest judge. Granted, he seemed game and earnest to do well, but apparently I'm not alone in never having heard of him before. Whatever fan base he has must be very localized.


I didn't understand the constant praise the judges were heaping on all the contestants for "improving." I saw little to no improvement in Red Foo, Suzanne, Michael or Willow. Not that any of them were awful but to me they did just as well (or not) as the previous week. Red Foo hit his steps but his technique is sloppy and unrefined. Willow has the energy and flexibility of any fourteen year old kid but despite what the judges see, I'm seeing a noticeable lack of maturity in her dancing. She had a lot of sloppy movements in a dance that needs to be exact. She just does not have the natural dance ability that Sadie had right out of the gate last season.


I also thought the judges were overly harsh with Chris and suspect something's going on with him behind the scenes. Notice in his rehearsal clip Witney scolds him, asking "are you even paying attention or are you just doing your own thing?" Word must have gotten back to the judges he just isn't taking this seriously enough or trying hard enough or something.


Biggest surprise of the night was how impressed I was with Riker. I thought what he did last week was an unimpressive party-style dance, but he nailed that Foxtrot. He's got great extension and understands how to finish all his moves. 

She had a lot of sloppy movements in a dance that needs to be exact. She just does not have the natural dance ability that Sadie had right out of the gate last season.



YMMV but I think, especially with that Argentine Tango that Willow showed far more natural talent than Sadie ever had. Of course I admit that I thought Sadie's technical abilities were grossly overrated for most of last season. She sure sold what Mark gave her but girl was often off in her timing and some of her movement was very gawky.


Willow's movements didn't look sloppy to me so much as she doesn't seem to have the strength in her arms and legs that someone older and maybe fitter would have and so her extensions aren't as straight and tight as they should be. But she shows loads of potential in my opinion and she clearly seems to have zero hang ups about the performances in terms of costume, choreography, etc. which should also help.


Whatever fan base he has must be very localized.



Not really. Redfoo is one half of LMFAO whose single Party Rock Anthem was huge all around the world in 2011 and sold like 12 million worldwide. Now I will say it's possible they were a flash in the pan, not surprisingly, and so people aren't as interested anymore as they were a few years ago. But he's definitely not a complete nobody.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I also thought the judges were overly harsh with Chris and suspect something's going on with him behind the scenes. Notice in his rehearsal clip Witney scolds him, asking "are you even paying attention or are you just doing your own thing?" Word must have gotten back to the judges he just isn't taking this seriously enough or trying hard enough or something.

They always are unnecessarily harsh and lowball whoever goes first. Unless it's flawless. Chris's timing was off from the get go which made him look sloppier than he was. I would've been ok with all 6's compared to how the rest of the night went.

Redfoo is one half of LMFAO whose single Party Rock Anthem was huge all around the world in 2011 and sold like 12 million worldwide. Now I will say it's possible they were a flash in the pan, not surprisingly, and so people aren't as interested anymore as they were a few years ago. But he's definitely not a complete nobody.

Not a complete nobody but deluded about his status. There's this anecdote from Dana White, UFC President, where Redfoo was demanding front-row tickets, etc. to UFC fights and Dana's reaction was, "LMFAO."

Edited by anonymiss
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Not a complete nobody but deluded about his status. There's this anecdote from Dana White, UFC President, where Redfoo was demanding front-row tickets, etc. to UFC fights and Dana's reaction was, "LMFAO."


Was he demanding them as "Redfoo, of Famous Band LMFAO" or as "Don't you know who my dad is, son of Berry Gordy, founder of Motown"? Because I could see him being a lil' entitled for his whole life, outside of any self-fame status. 

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It's so unfair that Suzanne got just a couple of points more than Charlotte. Sixty-eight-year-old is kicking young model's buns! btw i finally figured out who Charlotte when dancing reminds me of - Lisa in Dirty Dancing


I don't get Michael. At all. He looks so uncomfortable, so tense, and there is no even a hint of chemistry. I know, gay, yeah. I'm not expecting sizzle that Louis had with his partners (he is a pro) or incineration that Matt Bomer brings to the screen (again, actor, pro), but he doesn't even TRY to make it look like he likes whoever he is dancing with.


Rumer. OMFG. It's not one horse race after all!!! She is magnificent! 


Very weird to see a 14 y.o. dancing argentine tango with a 30 y.o. Not the best dance for those two.


I can't stop crying when Noah is doing anything... smiling and crying. That man... I have no words. I love the drive, I love the attitude. I mean even a little thing like him taking the stairs: two with his good leg to keep up and not make the other slow down just for him. Like he said: no excuses. Other people (including myself) need to take a page or two from his book.

They have been telegraphing the gf comeback so hard, it was still so sweet!


Nastia is truly beautiful when she moves. (why does she have to be with Derek???)  "natural talent for dance" Julianne? it's called years and years of training and developing skills for gymnastics. I hated what Derek did last week: Nastia is known for her lines and grace and he put her in a jerky and chaotic routine? This time at least he was smart enough to play to her strength.


I'm so happy that Artem is on this show! I don't think I have ever seen a dancer who loves dancing as much as he does: his whole body, not just face radiates how much enjoyment every movement brings to him. I remember it from SYTYCD, it was obvious even then, where he was out of his comfort zone of ballroom dancing but still looked so happy on stage. And i love this partnership. Patty is so positive so fun to watch!


Did not think Redfoo would be out first. Can't say I'm too disappointed, but I thought Charlotte would be leaving. 


I don't get Michael. At all. He looks so uncomfortable, so tense, and there is no even a hint of chemistry. I know, gay, yeah. I'm not expecting sizzle that Louis had with his partners (he is a pro) or incineration that Matt Bomer brings to the screen (again, actor, pro), but he doesn't even TRY to make it look like he likes whoever he is dancing with.


I thought it looked like he was having a lot of fun last week, but this week, honestly, I think he was just more in his own head with the moves, trying to keep up and not mess up a step, which made him seem really focused and not so much with the fun. Combined with the fact that his mind was on football training, and feeling sore from doing football training and dancing, maybe it just wasn't a good dance for him, and he'll be better next week. I think he's got it in him to do well, I really do.



i finally figured out who Charlotte when dancing reminds me of - Lisa in Dirty Dancing


Ha! Now that's a visual I hadn't thought of, but it's really funny. 

But did the producer/camera operator ask any of those people ON CAMERA about a romance and then shown that clip in the pre-dance package? Remind me if that ever happened, and with whom. All the prior showmances, real or fake, I heard about were via online posts, TMZ and other gossip sites, or pap video shown after the show when contestants are going out to party/celebrate, not filmed and shown by DWTS producers themselves.

All the ones I mentioned were from footage on the show.  It's kind of ubiquitous.  It seems like every season some poor pro pulls the showmance card.  I don't watch or read gossip about these people so I couldn't have pulled all those names from anywhere but the show.  

I'd say they drew the short straws in that wearing such a costume made them invisible -- in other words, no one knew they were in there, and the costume itself didn't offer an opportunity for real dancing, to show off what they could do. 

I'm not sure if it was Tom's choice to tell who the crabs were or if it was part of the script, but I think that took it from "drawing a short straw" to two adults having excuse to just have fun in those ridiculous costumes. It's not like they had to spend the whole night in them. I have no idea how the roles were assigned, but I can totally see at least couple of people crazy enough to actually volunteer to do something like this just to "take in of their bucket list". Hahaha now that's a person I'd wanna be friends with. Someone who would randomly have "dance in a ridiculous sea creature costume on national TV"

So I'd never heard of Charlotte before (like the vast majority of viewers) and she chose to introduce herself to all of us with schtick about her boobs, followed by a costume highlighting them. Then this week we're supposed to feel sorry for her being bullied about them?  


I think people on the internet can be very cruel. Is that really any surprise? "Consider the source" works pretty well. Oh, and if you don't want people to just think of you for your breasts, maybe you should try to showcase something else about yourself. Another old saying, "You don't get a second chance to make a first impression."


Then again, I guess you have to let people know why you're considered a "star" and if that's all you've got... go with it, I guess. But don't be surprised by the haters. They're really not envious of you or your beauty, they're just mean. Seriously, after the first week, what did she expect?

  • Love 2

Comparisons between Sadie and Willow are relatively pointless, but I'll play because apparently I can't help myself LOL. Sadie was better right out of the gate, she had more confidence, projected bigger, seemed more secure and "grounded". But it didn't seem to me that she had harder content compared to Willow, even in that first week, she just sold it better. Willow doesn't have Sadie's "larger than life" quality (though Sadie didn't have that everywhere, the more serious dances she had to get out of her comfort zone and wasn't as secure). What she does have on Sadie is musicality. That was a problem throughout the season, Sadie getting ahead of the music, looking to Mark to stay on the beat or get back on the beat, Mark making up songs to get her to stay on the music. You can already see that Willow doesn't have that problem. And there was a certain gawkiness with Sadie, and I would disagree with truthaboutluv and argue that it did get better as the season progressed (rumba, foxtrot, quickstep, AT...all of those were pretty well controlled), but yeah, it was there. Willow lacks in strength (being 14 and all), but there was a clear effort to finish her moves, to have correct body placement, point her feet, have proper extensions etc. And what you also saw is that they listened to the judges' critiques in the first week (which were really good and helpful, even if IMO the scores were a bit too low) and worked on that, that wobbliness and daintiness she had in the first week (don't know how to describe it in technical terms) really wasn't such an issue anymore.



Not really. Redfoo is one half of LMFAO whose single Party Rock Anthem was huge all around the world in 2011 and sold like 12 million worldwide. Now I will say it's possible they were a flash in the pan, not surprisingly, and so people aren't as interested anymore as they were a few years ago. But he's definitely not a complete nobody.

Well, I mean Redfoo has fanbase, but the kind of fanbase that's got about zero connection to something like DWTS. So he probably has a lot of casual fans who will pick up his next single, but they won't power vote for him on a silly reality show. And he's probably not immediately appealing to the core audience of the show who most likely have no idea who he is. And his dance the first week was pretty bad, it was both bad and forgettable. So I can see how he could be the first elimination.

Edited by katha
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So I'd never heard of Charlotte before (like the vast majority of viewers) and she chose to introduce herself to all of us with schtick about her boobs, followed by a costume highlighting them.


To be fair, it's less that Charlotte herself "chose" how to be presented than it is the decision of the show. I mean, maybe she could have really put her foot down when they presented the idea to her for her intro package and refused to do it, but she's mostly known for her SuperBowl commercial and her intro package was a parody of that. Probably seemed like a no-brainer to both her and the producers.

I felt a little sorry for her, and I normally don't feel sorry for celebs when people say mean things about them on the intra-webs, but she was clearly unprepared for the vitriol, some of which was uncalled for and no doubt some of which was even more vulgar than what they were allowed to repeat on TV. That said, I'm not sure what she expected given what she's known for. If she was expecting overwhelming adulation I'd say she's severely lacking in self awareness.

  • Love 1


I think people on the internet can be very cruel. Is that really any surprise?


It shouldn't have been to her--because there were negative comments about her burger commercial two months ago.  Fact-checking is harder on live TV, and I'm not condoning bullying, but I'm not condoning fake surprise either.


Also, were the others slamming the judges when they said "it takes no courage" to be critical?  Or is that only when you don't get a huge paycheck for it?  Counterpoint:  Erin's nose seems fine (I'm not a "nose person", and don't want to know if that's a thing, but her whole face is very pretty, and that should never define who she is, but she brought it up, so I'm calling it.)

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