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S04.E16: Poor Unfortunate Soul

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My thoughts on this episode:


Regarding Ursula’s backstory: I don’t understand why Ursula’s father did not simply take the voice-stealing shell back by force from Hook – he was easily able to take the Squid ink and immobilize Hook.


Someone on the writing team likes Homer.  The opening scene with the bewitching siren song is reminiscent of a book from The Odyssey, one of my favorite stories ever. 


Snow’s red coat is an improvement over the blue smock from the last episode.


We finally got to see Pinocchio’s lying-induced schnoz.  Good special effect.


Yay!  Ariel is back.  Enjoyed her slapping Hook. She is still feisty and I love it.


Liked:  Rumple’s “You’re gonna have to do a lot more than kidnap a marionette and torch a few logs” to fully join their group, Cruella’s “The scruff is so much more attractive than the timber”  and Hook’s “Either I’m good at surviving, or you’re bad at killing.” Ha!


Loved: Colin’s acting in the pub with young Ursula, and in the cabin with Emma.  He can express so much with just a look.

Edited by Worsel
  • Love 5

That was definitely my favorite episode so far! I just hope this isn't the end of Ursula, kinda gave the actress a raw deal even if it's good for the character. Also is the the first episode with an actual actor in the opening? By this I mean Ursula.


I'm glad the Rumple impersonating thing was swiftly revealed. I like the story behind how Ursula got her tentacles. The reunion with her father could have been explained better though. It was good to see Ariel too, even though it was terribly brief. I liked the tie-ins with Elsa.


August was great in this episode too and OMG yay the Author is near. I don't like that the sorcerer trapped the author though. Isn't the author omnipotent? 

  • Love 2

Awwwww URSULA'S HAPPY ENDING!!!! This episode was by far the most engaging of 4B, and I credit it all to Ursula getting her happy ending, which was awesome--though I'm PISSED we're apparently losing Ursula now. Way to squander all the potential with her, show!!!! Like seriously, what was even the point of writing her into this half-season? Loved young Ursula, the actress was really good, and Merrin Dungey was also very good in the present day. (Also, I'm sad my Ursula/Cruella crack ship just got torpedoed!)


The Author plot continues to be stupider than stupid. Now they're just making arbitrary shit up about how the Author can't do things here; Emma is the Savior (which has always been a made-up title!); and the Author is trapped in the book? SO STUPID. This episode at least had some significant movement on the plot--more than "Henry and Regina sitting around staring at pages from the book"--so that was a plus, but the plot still is just so dumb. Also, I hope August isn't back permanently--we already have too many damn characters.


I don't even like Hook, but I rolled my eyes SO HARD when he was all "angstycakes about being a former villain, means I can't get my happy ending!" Like, people, URSULA JUST GOT HER HAPPY ENDING, how is it possible you can see that and be all "nope, villains can't get happy ending!" I mean seriously, what. the. fuck. Can someone explain that logic to me? Even by Once's standards, that was some horrendous writing.


Oh, and since when would the fairies give anything to Rumple?

I assume he stole it.


Did like the special effects for the August torture scene.

Edited by stealinghome
  • Love 15

I am dead (no, seriously, I am typing this from beyond the grave ;)), and on my headstone it shall read, "Here lies Danielle, killed on the 22nd of March by OTP."


I actually really loved this episode. There was forward momentum. There was character development. There was a happy ending like it was season one back up in this place. And Emma is Killian's happy ending!


I'm sure I'll have more when I stop flailing. ;)

  • Love 12

Holy shit, what a difference a week makes. Much better! Loved Ursula's backstory, loved seeing Captain Hook and the Jolly Roger back. LOVED Ernie Hudson and Merrin and whoever played the young Ursula.

Loved seeing August and Emma together again and I hope he stick around for awhile now. I didn't realize how much I missed him.

Loved Captain Swan but oh snap, what is Killian going to do to protect Emma?

Regina's voice out of Mary Margaret's mouth was pretty damn awesome.

Hated the author storyline. Again. If Ursula can get her happy ending without the author, shouldn't that be a sign for the rest of the villains?

And of course the most important question: does this mean the Jolly is officially back? Please please please!

  • Love 17

Hm. I wasn't sure what to think about some of this episode. But for the most part it was better than last week.


* Ursula. I felt sympathetic both to young and older Ursula. I'm glad she got her happy ending.

* We FINALLY got some more information on the Author plot.

* Cruella's "scruff" comment. That was funny.

* Wasn't sure to laugh or cry at the Part of Your World inclusion. Knew it was coming, but I still felt surprised when I heard it. 

* Snow/Charming/Emma working together. Yay for family break-in!

* We got to see a villain get their happy ending "against the book".

* Ursula isn't the same as goddess Ursula. That's nice.

* The flashbacks were decent for the most part. Liked Pirate Hook and Young Ursula together.



* This show is getting really ridiculous. So Hook traded his ship to Blackbeard, Elsa trapped the ship in a bottle, then Ursula summons the ship with part of the rigging, then Ariel comes with the bottle, saves Hook, and then she finds Poseidon within the hour? This episode particularly had too many contrivances. 
* So Poseidon had totally changed his mindset in time for a tearful reunion with his daughter? How convenient.

* The August torture was too disturbing and kind of nightmare-ish. Thought it was a little much.

* I still don't understand the Outlaw Queen dream. So the Evil Queen was protecting him? What? And how is Emma going to find Robin Hood without leaving Storybrooke? I doubt he has references anywhere, unless he got arrested.

* The Ursula/Poseidon conflict was the cliche " widower father is over-protective of teenage daughter who just wants to be free". Did we really need that line about, "When you live in my sea, you live by my rules"? I kept thinking of the Cosby Show or Sister Sister.

* Why the heck is Hook worried about losing his happy ending right after watching Ursula get hers against the book? It makes no sense.

* That were sure thorough about making sure Hook was really Hook! Nothing gets past these people!
* Belle was mysteriously nonchalant about finding out Rumple had tricked her. That was a shady moment.

* I'm sad we're seeing a Queen of Darkness go so soon.

* Regina's message through Snow's mouth creeped me out... kind of like an Allstate commercial.


Overall I thought this episode was much better. The story is starting to pick up steam again. See, this show can be decent!


Next week: Charming Family Issues!! So excited!!!

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 7

Great episode. If not for the last five minutes, this was almost a stand-alone episode featuring a batshit combination of fairytale characters, cheesy special effects, and really attractive men, which is really all I ever want from this show.



  • August’s back!
  • The Jolly Roger’s back!
  • The red vest of sex is back!
  • Ernie Hudson!
  • Glad the stuff about Rumple and the dagger came out straight away.
  • A+ shitty Once-style CGI and sets in this episode. I love the cheese.
  • Cruella hitting on August
  • I'm glad they finally addressed Hook and the whole "villains can't get their happy endings" thing
  • Snow actually did some banditry
  • Minimal Regina
  • Minimal Henry
  • Much as I dislike the author stuff, at least that storyline is finally going somewhere now
  • "I'm good at surviving, or you're bad at killing."



  • Was the entire “ship in a bottle” thing just an excuse to give Will something to do?
  • Robin. Even in dream form. 
  • The episode still felt like a bit of a mess, because there are just so many characters right now. But I'm choosing to ignore the non A-plot parts of it. 
  • (Probably this episode was full of plot holes I'll realise later, but I'm willing to overlook so much when the episode is largely good).
  • Next week looks super angsty. I hate super angsty. 
  • Love 7

I really enjoyed this one. The Little Mermaid has always been my favourite Disney movie so I loved all the elements from that which were incorporated into the Fairybacks. I also was glad the Rumple-dagger shenanigans from last week were cleared up quickly. I like the way Hook has fairly consistently (for this show) been shown in conflict between his sense of honour and general hero-ish ways and making bad calls because of the women he loves. It helps that Colin plays that conflict very well too. 


During the big "but I'm a former villain" scene I was just waiting for (and dreading) the "Therefore I must break up with you for your own good". Really pleased we went with a sweet CS moment instead. 


I'm hoping this isn't the last we see of Ursula. I've been a fan since the days of Evil Francie.

Edited by satrunrose
  • Love 6

The think what made me the happiest was seeing the Jolly Roger back.  Ariel gets shit done.   She saves Hook and then crosses realms to find Ursula's father and brings him back just in time to save everyone again.  She is the only one at this point who deserves a happy ending.


The reason the villains keep losing is because they always tell people their evil plans.  Why would Gold tell everyone he was planning to turn Emma's heart black?  He had to know that at least one of them was going to be out for themselves and double cross him.


I am afraid to find out why the author was trapped in the book because I know it is going to be stupid. 

Edited by Autumn
  • Love 12

Great episode!  I liked Ursula's story and happy ending.  I'm sure Poseidon had regretted his decision the moment Ursula turned herself into the sea witch.  It was nice to see them both get a good ending.


Yay for the Jolly Roger being back.  Maybe we'll see Blackbeard come to Storybrooke to get it back?


I think Hook is worried because he found that he was still willing to go dark in order to get his happy ending.  He's not as reformed as he hoped and he thinks it will cost him Emma.  I like the reveal that he believes Emma is his happy ending, other than the kiss, what was Emma thinking in that moment?  This is also the second time Hook has outwardly stated his feelings, first the echo cave, now the cabin, when will we see Emma do the same?


I feel like the Robin/Regina moment was just put in for shippers.  Why would EQ be protecting Robin from Regina?


Of course the author is in the book, it doesn't write itself!

  • Love 1

Yes, Will is still woefully underused.  I keep waiting for an interesting scene for him, but it never seems to materialize.  And it is a shame because after watching a few episodes of the series in Wonderland, I really enjoyed this character.

I assume they have something for him, but they've pushed it back to next season. Still, I feel sorry for the actor. If they're barely going to use him, they may as well not use him at all so the poor guy doesn't have to hang around in the rain in Vancouver for what probably amounts to one hour of filming a week. 

  • Love 3

I have a lot to say and I've already forgotten half of it.


So, Captain Swan...I can't even articulate anything about them really.  But I would like to distribute a couple of fuck yous.  Fuck you David for having so little faith in the guy that you think he already turned because of his reaction to being impersonated by Gold.  And fuck you Snow (and I'm sure there will be more where that came from next week).


So, hmm, were we talking about penis size tonight in the form of a captain's ship?  Because, I'm pretty sure my jaw fell.  The Will and Hook interaction was pretty great.


Elsa mention and how she punished Blackbeard and I guess we now have full confirmation that Hook did trade his ship to Blackbeard.


Ariel is still so very awesome!  Her slapping Hook for making her save Blackbeard was pretty funny.


Hook's hook being key to his safe was rather awesome.


Emma defending her boyfriend was awesome.


Young!Ursula was awesome and I loved how they closed her chapter and how she got to go back to the sea with her father was really great.


Hook buying into the whole book thing?  Not good.  You just restored someone's happy ending after you helped wrong them.  She became a villain and now she got back what she lost, so isn't that a lesson?  


But really, him telling Emma how she is his happy ending and those tears were just too much for me tonight.


So I don't really see how the past!Hook we saw tonight was any different from the one we saw with Cora or Regina in season 2.  The press releases and articles need to stop hyping shit up like this.  He was selfish, but I thought Poseidon was even worst, because that's his child he is choosing to fuck over.  Not a good fatherly thing good sir.


The Jolly Roger is back which is just, it's the Jolly Roger, I love it, I missed it and it is back!


I'll skip over the author stuff because it's bullshit.




This is also the second time Hook has outwardly stated his feelings, first the echo cave, now the cabin, when will we see Emma do the same?

She cried, so that's pretty telling imo as to where she is.

Edited by YaddaYadda
  • Love 9



The reason the villains keep losing is because they always tell people their evil plans.  Why would Gold tell everyone he was planning to turn Emma's heart black?  He had to know that at least one of them was going to be out for themselves and double cross him.




The get cocky and careless and think it won't matter if they share their plans.  I'm sure Rumple revealed his plan to Ursula over a bowl of ramen.

  • Love 7

As a Hook fan, I had high hopes for this ep. I think it mostly delivered, and I will definitely be doing a rewatch tomorrow.


Things I liked:


The return of Hook's coat and the Jolly Roger. The ship in the bottle thing was a little weird, but I'll take what I can get.


The too brief return of Ariel. I wouldn't mind if she became a series regular. She also had the line of the episode (and perhaps this half of the season) when she said that maybe villains were going about getting their happy endings in the wrong way.


I loved Hook telling Emma she was his happy ending. I was Awwwing and saying Duh at the same time.


Ursula getting her voice back and reuniting with her father was sweet.


Things that could have been better:


They found out about Gold's return too quickly. The "Hook" and Belle scene from last week had a lot of tension, and now that's gone.


Poseidon was kind of stiff and his dialogue was really dumbed down. I kind of don't buy that Hook would actually be able to best a Sea God either.


August wasn't acting like himself. The torture scenes made me squirm in my chair a little.


But, all in all, a very enjoyable episode.

I assume they have something for him, but they've pushed it back to next season. Still, I feel sorry for the actor. If they're barely going to use him, they may as well not use him at all so the poor guy doesn't have to hang around in the rain in Vancouver for what probably amounts to one hour of filming a week. 

I don't feel sorry for him, I imagine he and Emilie have a good laugh counting their paychecks when everyone around them actually has to show up and work for more than a minute an episode.

  • Love 8

"Don't you know, Emma? It's you."


My interest in this show has been waning, I admit. That moment brought me back. 


Also, this episode was funny. I loved the way CO'D delivered the size of a pirate ship line. It was such an obvious line to have him say, but something about the way it was delivered really made it work. 


Yay for The Little Mermaid singing voice! Was that the actual voice from the film or did they recreate it?

  • Love 6

Great episode! I liked Ursula's story and happy ending. I'm sure Poseidon had regretted his decision the moment Ursula turned herself into the sea witch. It was nice to see them both get a good ending.

Yay for the Jolly Roger being back. Maybe we'll see Blackbeard come to Storybrooke to get it back?

I think Hook is worried because he found that he was still willing to go dark in order to get his happy ending. He's not as reformed as he hoped and he thinks it will cost him Emma. I like the reveal that he believes Emma is his happy ending, other than the kiss, what was Emma thinking in that moment? This is also the second time Hook has outwardly stated his feelings, first the echo cave, now the cabin, when will we see Emma do the same?!

It may boil down to a life or death situation before she says it, like with (ugh) Neal.

Belle sure did break that pirate's oath pretty quickly, didn't she? I'm glad that plot point was cleared up so soon in the ep!

OK wait....so Hook's happy ending is not killing Rumpelstiltskin and getting his revenge? Character growth, I love you.

Edited by OnceUponAJen
  • Love 8

The too brief return of Ariel. I wouldn't mind if she became a series regular. She also had the line of the episode (and perhaps this half of the season) when she said that maybe villains were going about getting their happy endings in the wrong way.


Things that could have been better:


They found out about Gold's return too quickly. The "Hook" and Belle scene from last week had a lot of tension, and now that's gone.


Poseidon was kind of stiff and his dialogue was really dumbed down. I kind of don't buy that Hook would actually be able to best a Sea God either.

I agree on all counts. Ariel is great--I wish we could get her back more often, she just brings a spark that the show has been missing for a while now. And omg, her comments about the villains might have been the line of the entire SHOW!


ITA that they found out about Rumpel's return too quickly. This is Zelena 2.0, where the heroes find out about the secret villain in the fourth episode of the half-season and then sit around like ninnies for a few episodes, when really the show should've stretched out the villain reveal for another 2-3 episodes.  Also agree that there's no way Hook beats Poseidon that easily. Can't Poseidon just magic the voicebox out of his hand?


I agree that Belle gave up on the pirate's oath absurdly easily, but I'm fanwanking that she sensed something was off last week, and combining that with Hook's clear cluelessness this week is what led her to do so. Also agree that the show should've given her way more of a reaction to Rumpel playing her again.

Edited by stealinghome
  • Love 3

Great episode! I liked Ursula's story and happy ending. I'm sure Poseidon had regretted his decision the moment Ursula turned herself into the sea witch. It was nice to see them both get a good ending.

Yay for the Jolly Roger being back. Maybe we'll see Blackbeard come to Storybrooke to get it back?

I think Hook is worried because he found that he was still willing to go dark in order to get his happy ending. He's not as reformed as he hoped and he thinks it will cost him Emma. I like the reveal that he believes Emma is his happy ending, other than the kiss, what was Emma thinking in that moment? This is also the second time Hook has outwardly stated his feelings, first the echo cave, now the cabin, when will we see Emma do the same?

I feel like the Robin/Regina moment was just put in for shippers. Why would EQ be protecting Robin from Regina?

Of course the author is in the book, it doesn't write itself!

I think the implication was EQ was protecting Robin from Evil Emma.

  • Love 2

A mystic named “The Dragon” was searching for the book, and now Rumple is searching August’s trailer?  Why couldn’t they have searched his trailer before they kidnapped a kid and re-aged him to adulthood? 


Okay, I have to admit the smoke possessing Regina was well done and interesting, and I appreciate that Emma was upset about Augustnocchio and being fooled by Regina. 


I’m impressed--they didn’t drag out the Belle/Rumple/Hook dagger reveal, and they allowed Belle to blame Rumple and react to it like the bad thing it was.


I’m glad they finally gave us a reasonable explanation for why this Ursula is not particularly scary, while the 3rd season Ursula was.   Current Ursula and Hook played well off each other, but past Ursula?  I seem to be alone, but I can’t say I was particularly impressed with her performance--even if the story itself was one of the better back stories for a villain.


We got a reasonable explanation for why Hook was still well known in the Enchanted Forest--Pan sent him back once in a while to . . . get cake . . . and pirate? 


The Sorcerer trapped the Author behind a door?  And the door is somewhere in Storybrook.  Riveting.  Absolutely riveting.    Oh, wait.  No.  No, it wasn’t riveting.  It wasn’t riveting at all.

Edited by Mari
  • Love 1

I actually liked Ursula's story and happy ending except for Poseidon just walking away when Hook refused him the shell (what??).  Ernie Hudson was completely awesome.  

Yeah, I call bs that Poseidon couldn't get that shell. He could stop the men from reaching for their swords but he couldn't force open Hook's hand? And Hook should know better than to hold something in his hand that a powerful magic user desires. It didn't work so well for him last time. Well, last time he kept the object but lost a hand. I was worried he'd somehow temporarily lose the other hand. 



We got a reasonable explanation for why Hook was still well known in the Enchanted Forest--Pan sent him back once in a while to . . . get cake . . . and pirate?

I loved the cake thing and thought it was ridiculously in character for both OUaT's Pan and the other versions of Pan. Wasn't cake his happy thought or what he thought Rumple's happy thought should be? Oh [past] Pan, never change. 

Edited by InsertWordHere
  • Love 8
So is that it for Ursula? What was the point?


She wasn't even a terrible person or anything like that.  And we don't even know why she got banished in the first place and by whom since it doesn't even seem like her father is the one who did it unless I missed something because I was watching on the crappy TV that's way too dark.


She wasn't dark, she was just miserable and sad.

  • Love 4
A mystic named “The Dragon” was searching for the book, and now Rumple is searching August’s trailer?  Why couldn’t they have searched his trailer before they kidnapped a kid and re-aged him to adulthood?

Also, wasn't it a big retcon to say that August was searching for the Dragon because he wanted to know more about the book/Author? I'm pretty sure he was searching for the Dragon in hopes that the Dragon could stop him from turning back into wood. (Unless that was a handy lie he was trying to tell, I suppose...does anyone remember if he said that before or after Rumpel truth potion'ed him.)


Has anyone told Gepetto kid Pinocchio is dead and August is back?

  • Love 3

Well...I'm trying to think of things to wipe this huge, teary grin off my face, but I just can't.  Yeah, I'm on a shipper high right now and it's a beautiful thing.  I'm not coming down any time soon.


Overall, very engaging and emotionally moving episode imo.  I thoroughly enjoyed all the Past!Hook back story.  Loooved the "you're a dead man" line.  Classic frat boy swagger there - though hard for Hook to back up, what with Poseidon being a god and all, lol.  SO EXCITED to have the Jolly back!!  I thought it was a creative way to bring her around again, but really felt that Will was shoehorned in again...and he just so happened to have some magic mushroom leftover somewhere to distill down.  Ok, sure.  At this point, I'll admit I'd take anything to get that kick ass ship back on the screen.  And Hook was so happy to have her back. Aww.


Is it just me, or is Ariel the most unfortunate little mermaid in all the realms?  Poor dear gets sucked up inadvertently in another spell, after just reuniting with her lost prince.  At least she's still got that sweet spirit no matter what situation she's in.  Great seeing her again.


And that CS moment was perfection.  I mean, how many other ways can he say he loves her without actually saying it?  *swoon*  I found his concerns regarding the author don't bother me (yet).  Killian's full of self-loathing, and I think it's easy for him to get caught up in the worry and fear of losing Emma.  I mean, he just proved how stupid this whole endeavor is with that little monologue.  If he's already got his happy ending as a former villain, then it was obviously attainable by some other means than the will of a stupid writer in the sky.  Like, I dunno, hard work and a genuine change of heart?


  • Love 6

Has anyone told Gepetto kid Pinocchio is dead and August is back?

I don't know.  Is it possible the August wore off, and he's Pinocchio again?  (We're never going to find out, are we?  They don't care enough to make sure to tell us.)


I forgot this earlier, but I am truly over the "Savior" title for Emma.  If they're going to repeatedly call her something, couldn't they have come up with a title that has fewer religious ties?  It pulls me out of the show every single time.

  • Love 1
If he's already got his happy ending as a former villain, then it was obviously attainable by some other means than the will of a stupid writer in the sky.  Like, I dunno, hard work and a genuine change of heart?


Very true, though I think his fear was based on the fact that he was sliding back into his old self again.  Old self = villain, villains don't get happy endings.


Book plot still stupid.  And he is trapped in the book now?  Blah blah blah book, blah blah blah author, blah blah blah I don't care!

  • Love 1

A mystic named “The Dragon” was searching for the book, and now Rumple is searching August’s trailer?  Why couldn’t they have searched his trailer before they kidnapped a kid and re-aged him to adulthood? 

Am I wrong, or was he talking about the Dragon he met in season 2?


I thought Regina's dream was her wanting to protect Robin Hood from herself. I'm a little disappointed with Ursula as a villain. I mean, the storyline about the author doesn't make sense if Ursula was able to get her happy ending. I did like that Ariel said that maybe the reason they couldn't get happy endings was because the means by which they tried to get them were evil.


Something about this half-season feels eerily like an ending, although I would think there'd be a season 5. With Rumpel being treated as irredeemable, all these past characters and arcs being mentioned, etc. Feels almost like a series ending, but so did the end of the Pan arc.

  • Love 3

So they gave Ursula half of Ariel's backstory?  Classic Once.


Plus, Yay!  Ariel's back!  But she'll be gone by next episode, won't she?  We can't have any of the interesting Disney Princesses last on this show, can we?  :madface:


Also back - creepy fucking puppet August.  :shivers:


And apparently Emma has great darkness in her heart.  Emma is Riku, apparently.  Any previously.tv users out there who don't know who Riku is, go look him up on the Kingdom Hearts wikia and be confused :)

Edited by bmoore4026
  • Love 5

Hmm... I actually liked this episode compared to most of 4B so far.


A lot of it was because of Ursula's back-story, which went better then I expected.  Always fun seeing Ernie Hudson (even though him in that sea king get-up, was a sight to behold), and I was surprised how much I liked Tiffany Boone as Young Ursula, since I only knew her from The Following, which wasn't very pretty (to be fair, that show is making everyone look bad.)  But, I actually enjoyed Ursula's story and was glad when she finally got her happy ending.  I do think the silliest part though was the whole Poseidon just letting Hook take the shell.  No way the God of the Sea would have been that big of a pushover.


It is always interesting seeing how self-centered and dickish Hook was back then, and yet, I have no problems admitting I still like him way more then the rest of the so-called "villains."  And, that's because, in Storybrooke, he really does come off like he has a lot of regret and guilt for what he was like back in those days and what he did, and really wants to make amends not just for himself, but for those he wronged.  It doesn't excuse him for what he did, but I'll take it over Regina's pity-parties, and Rumple only feeling guilt for getting caught.


Always glad to see an Ariel cameo.  That still was some of the best casting this show has ever done.  JoAnna Garcia Swisher as Ariel is like a mixture of the animated Ariel and Amy Adams from Enchanted, and that is totally what  I want in a live-action Ariel.


I actually thought Rumple's method of "torture" with August, was one of the few creative things this show has done recently.  Still not interested in this overall plot though.  Could care less about Regina's dream, but I did laugh to her waking up to Maleficent and Cruelle staring at her, like a bunch of creepiers.  Weird, but hilarious.


So, Rumple's big plan is to put "darkness" into Emma.  Which, considering how the Charmings and the rest have been with her so far, I almost wouldn't blame her.


I really want a Hook and Will spin-off.

  • Love 2

* So Poseidon had totally changed his mindset in time for a tearful reunion with his daughter? How convenient.

* The Ursula/Poseidon conflict was the cliche " widower father is over-protective of teenage daughter who just wants to be free". Did we really need that line about, "When you live in my sea, you live by my rules"? I kept thinking of the Cosby Show or Sister Sister.

* I'm sad we're seeing a Queen of Darkness go so soon.

I'm not sure if anyone's posted this yet, but that's actually a line borrowed from The Little Mermaid film, so it didn't bother me. I agree, a lot of contrivances. I was waiting for the other pin to drop during Poseidon and Ursula's reunion scene, with him killing her or something.


I don't mind seeing one of the Queens abandoning Rumpel's goals for her own sake, but I was kind of hoping for an endgame of the Queens sticking together and screwing Rumpel over the same way he did them in the past. I think it's a little odd that Ursula would leave Maleficent and Cruella that easily; the show'd implied they'd all become pretty close.

  • Love 5

So if Ursula used to be a mermaid daughter of Poseidon does that mean Ursula and Ariel are half-sisters?  If so, that's new.


Good thing Gold-masquarading-as-Hook had Belle make that vow never to speak of having given him the dagger last episode.  Because it kept her from spilling the beans just as soon as anyone asked about it.  No, wait, it didn't.

  • Love 1

So if Ursula used to be a mermaid daughter of Poseidon does that mean Ursula and Ariel are half-sisters?  If so, that's new.


In the movie Ariel's father is King Triton. Triton in mythology is Poseidon's son. The theatrical adaptation of the Disney movie had Triton and Ursula as siblings who were Poseidon's children. So she might be her niece. Maybe.

  • Love 5

I really enjoyed this episode. I too wish we had more Ariel but for some reason, because they revealed Ursula was named after the Sea Goddess and not "the Ursula" IMHO left the door open should they want to bring Ariel back next season.


So we now have another Villain with a happy ending. First Hook, now Ursula. Hook got a double happy ending with the Jolly Roger back. And that is with the Author still in the book... or is the Author the book itself? Also I noticed that it was only when Hook "took a page out of Emma's book" that he brought the Happy Ending to Ursula.

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So we now have another Villain with a happy ending.

You know, these villains really need to rent the movie "Into the Woods" and realize that there is no such thing as a happy ending.  There are only happy moments.  Then the wheel of life turns and shit happens . . . to everyone.  And then it gets better again.  Or you die.


Fa la la la la la la la la!

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I hope the person on tumblr who does plot recaps with the Disney versions of OUaT characters does one for this episode. That scene of Disney's Ursula, Cruella, the Evil Queen, Mal, and the Beast torturing poor little puppet Pinocchio will be fun to see. That's all I could think about when they were all in the cabin.

In the movie Ariel's father is King Triton. Triton in mythology is Poseidon's son. The theatrical adaptation of the Disney movie had Triton and Ursula as siblings who were Poseidon's children. So she might be her niece. Maybe.

It's further complicated by having this Ursula be named after another Ursula who was an ancient deity. So is she more ancient than Poseidon, or were they pals and he named his kid after her to honor her? Could the Yvette Nicole Brown (who I'm watching on Talking Dead as I type this, LOL) Ursula be a relative of Poseidon's? It didn't sound like he knew her personally.

Edited by InsertWordHere
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I'm not sure if anyone's posted this yet, but that's actually a line borrowed from The Little Mermaid film, so it didn't bother me.

That line from Poseidon put a smile on my face since The Little Mermaid is my favorite Disney movie and I recognized it immediately. The whole 'not all humans are bad' is right from the movie as well, and if they weren't going to use all of the movie's story with Ariel, I'm glad they made it work for someone else.

Since Regina had her happy ending with Robin supposedly taken away, I guess I could see how Hook could be worried. I don't really expect him to put too much stock into the book though.

At the end, the way Emma was looking at Hook, and her kissing him with a tear running down her cheek... I pretty much took that as reciprocation of Hook's feelings. It would be nice to actually hear her express her feelings, and for a second I thought one of them might actually say the L word, but they're the slowburn couple, so who knows when that will happen.

Edited by pezgirl7
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It's further complicated by having this Ursula be named after another Ursula who was an ancient deity. So is she more ancient than Poseidon, or were they pals and he named his kid after him to honor her?

Maybe it's a family tradition, like some human religions go with names from their faith(s)?  Or maybe, since they're the royal family, they all go with power names?

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