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William Shephard Rose III: Roman Numerals Tell You He's Rich

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Honestly, my two favorite cast members are Cameran and Shep. Underneath the friendly shaggy dog exterior, I think Shep comes off as the most genuine and self-aware guy on the cast.

That said, I'm glad it seems like Dani has moved on from him. She really did come off as a nice woman who wanted a good husband, and that just isn't going to be Shep.

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I adore Shep. I think he's witty, smart, candid, and with a self awareness and self confidence that you don't see on reality television. Most guys on reality shows are overly arrogant, but Shep is kind of goofy, and that's his charm. I don't mind a Peter Pan mindset, perhaps because I have one myself.

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Shep is neither boyfriend nor husband material, but he seems like a lot of fun to hang out with, and you all are right - he does possess a healthy dose of self-awareness that is usually sorely lacking in men on reality TV.

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I re-watched episode 1 last night while I waited for season 2 to appear on the...methods I use to watch Bravo shows...and Shep was in top form. So damn cute and charming. That smile, man.

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Where Shep got his t-shirt in the last episode. You can buy one too and be that much closer to Shep.


I'm not a stalker, I swear. Well.... not yet.....

Yay! I'm not a stalker either (yet) but I, happen to know it was the Bumper Sticker Tee.

Guys, we gotta make a road trip happen. I love Charleston and to go to his place with like minded souls would fulfill a happiness I've only dreamt of. Think if I get hammered and say "I'm 35, single never married, no kids (all true) too, Shep! My dowry is that of a 4 Runner and a few boxes of shells and cheese, but damn it, let's make this happen" would work? Yes? No? Putting Landon accent on now saying "okaaayyyy, fiiinnnne"

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Yay! I'm not a stalker either (yet) but I, happen to know it was the Bumper Sticker Tee.

Guys, we gotta make a road trip happen. I love Charleston and to go to his place with like minded souls would fulfill a happiness I've only dreamt of. Think if I get hammered and say "I'm 35, single never married, no kids (all true) too, Shep! My dowry is that of a 4 Runner and a few boxes of shells and cheese, but damn it, let's make this happen" would work? Yes? No? Putting Landon accent on now saying "okaaayyyy, fiiinnnne"

I'm baffled, fucking baffled, how he hasn't been laid in a few weeks. Girls in Charleston must be morons.

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I think Shep may be husband material . . . 10 years down the road. He spoke fondly about summers at the beach with his folks and sibs and I think he wants that someday. If I had his money and could put off responsibilities a couple of decades I would too.

Edited by Booger666
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Or as Sonja from "Real Housewives of New York City" once so eloquently stated: "I live for the 'walk of shame'; actually I call it more of a victory lap."

Amen to that---I could handle a nice victory lap with the likes of big n'rich playboy socialite Shep!

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I dunno how I missed this, but what is Shep's family's claim to fame? I get that he's quite rich, not sure if it's Patricia/Whitney "let's hire a second martini butler" level, but probably close. He's cute, but I know that if I saw a guy being followed around by a camera crew I'd probably shy away. Unless he's just focusing on that one girl who said she wouldn't give it up unless he was exclusive....no sex for less than 3 months gets no sympathy from me. Sorry, man.

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I'm so screwed. How am I expected to betroth someone with lineage names like dear grandmother Meta Cantey Boykin? This is getting bleaker by the minute.

Maybe Shep has a friend with a granny Ida Mae Willerby I can use as a runner up. He's outclassed me once again....le sigh.

Edited by KnoxForPres
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I am not enamored of Shep (though I concede he is cute and charming) but I just skimmed a few of his blog posts and they are quite insightful. It really makes me think he should be doing more with his life, although having a successful restaurant is certainly nothing to sneeze at. Considering what Craig and Whitney are doing with their lives Shep is certainly one up on them and definitely has way more potential than both of them put together.

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So I have a thing about Shep. I find him SO handsome, and yet his teeth bother me. They're big in a way that I almost wonder did he knock out the top 6 some time in adolescence...

I think so too. Or maybe veneers? I think more likely they are dentures, though. Maybe he played sports and got injured, or bad car accident (I knew a guy this happened to). I've always been terrified of breaking or losing a tooth from some freak accident.. these things happen to regular people so you never know!

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I think his teeth are real. I've got a good friend (who is a lawyer, ironically) and he's got big teeth. He's handsome in a Mick Jagger sort of way.

With his money, if he'd been injured and needed dental work, we'd never know it and they wouldn't put big teeth in his mouth.

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Why is everyone assuming that Shep doesn't work?


Because he said in season 1 that he didn't. He said he lived off the interest of his trust fund. I think he mentioned a short-lived job in his past (not positive on that) and said he didn't like working and was glad he didn't have to. However, now this season he opened up his Palace Hotel hot dog bar. We haven't seen him work there yet either, other than asking his bartenders which one bill should he pay this month. Considering he's out at events (and even another bar) every episode, he doesn't seem to spend much time working in his place. Contrast this to JD who does skip events because he's working in his restaurants.

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I have a feeling Shep "works" at managing his investments. He has a degree in Business. He's also building a house. He's not just siting around doing nothing, drinking, partying -- he's living the life he wants to and can afford. So I don't see it as he needs to "do something" with his life. Maybe as he gets older he'll start a foundation or something. He's fortunate, he knows it, he doesn't have responsibilities like a wife or kids, so he's got a right to do whatever he wants.

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He did mention in either this episode or during his chat with Cameran last episode that he did work and do the 9-5 thing for a few years, but I gathered he got burned out and/or decided he'd rather live off his trust fund. Can't say I blame him...

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So I have a thing about Shep. I find him SO handsome, and yet his teeth bother me.  They're big in a way that I almost wonder did he knock out the top 6 some time in adolescence... 


I can't remember if I read it on TWOP or he talked about it on WWHL or something, but he did get some of his front teeth knocked out.  I only remember because I felt a faint twinge of guilt before I went back to hating his teeth again.


ETA confirmation:  They were knocked out at a party in college.  It's Shep, of course it happened at a college party.

Edited by link417
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I think the caps are too broad which widens his smile.  And they don't go all the way back so it seems a little square.  Easily fixed though.  I think I'd get used to it.

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I can't remember if I read it on TWOP or he talked about it on WWHL or something, but he did get some of his front teeth knocked out.  I only remember because I felt a faint twinge of guilt before I went back to hating his teeth again.


ETA confirmation:  They were knocked out at a party in college.  It's Shep, of course it happened at a college party.



Sometimes rich people have shitty teeth, cooksdelight.  I remember Hilary Duff's chiclet teeth going through different iterations, and I feel like Miley Cyrus had her teeth done  and redone too.


Shep's way too handsome for those chompers, but hey, I could live with it lol

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Surely I'm not the only one who just doesn't get the allure of Shep.  I've tried to understand it but I find nothing about him charming, good looking, interesting, funny, etc.  He's just a guy on a show to me, though I will admit he seems to be in on the joke that is Southern Charm and that's cool.

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