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Season 5: Days of Real Housewives Lives - The Season in Review

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This is the only housewife show I watch.  Theresa was the table flipper on NJ so it may be a requisite character.  Do any of the others have one loose cannon?  

I watch them all, well I use to watch them all. LOL I dropped NJ because of Teresa/Joe exploiting her kids pain for sympathy and had my fill this season with the idiots of Atlanta. Yes, to your question, each show has a trouble maker but IMO, Brandi is the worst and goes the lowest far more than any other HW on any of the HW's shows, past or present cast.

  • Love 10

I have watched RHOBH from the first episode until now, never missing an episode, and for the life of me I cannot remember - Brandi and Taylor - did they have much interaction? I really can't recall so it leads me to believe they didn't have many scenes together. I want to say there was only one season they were both on because Taylor has been gone for several now. And I kind of think they didn't like each other but can't recall any specific incidents. The reason I'm asking is because I know there's been talk of Taylor, Camille, and Adrienne possibly returning, and I vividly remember Brandi and Adrienne's interactions, but not Brandi and Taylor.

So if Brandi and Taylor did have problems with each other, I'm kind of hoping Taylor comes back. :)

Taylor and Brandi interacted when Brandi first joined the cast. They seemed ok until the reunion. Taylor didnt like Brandi because Brandi called out Taylor during the season 2 reunion for writing her book shortly after her husband's suicide. Taylor was in bad shape financially because of Russell's bad dealings. Taylor couldn't stand Brandi after that point. So much so she didn't even invite her to her second wedding. I wouldn't want Taylor to come back in the likelihood Brandi returns. There are still people who dont like Taylor so all that would do is make people side with Brandi. Not to mention Taylor said shes over Brandi eating the show with her drama on her last WWHL appearance. You know if Taylor says that then you already know your too much. Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 3

This is the only housewife show I watch.  Theresa was the table flipper on NJ so it may be a requisite character.  Do any of the others have one loose cannon?

Ramona on NYC has never flipped a table but she has thrown a glass (I think it was a hard plastic) at a castmate, hitting her in the mouth. The reason? Castmate got Ramona's hair wet (never mess with a Bergdorf Blonde and her blowout!) Ramona also pops off with some pretty offensive comments at times, claiming she tells it as she sees it. NY has Sonja, as well, not so much a loose cannon but someone whose fall from society's grace has turned her into a drunken parody. Horrific and yet eminently watchable. Come over and play in the NY thread-- the season just started.

And OC has Tamra, aka Tamballs aka Tammy Sue Waddell. She's a trouble-maker and a bully but runs and cries when confronted by anyone stronger. She goes from bully to victim multiple times in a season.

  • Love 4

I sometimes read the message boards at IMDb (mainly after seeing a movie). Anyway, last night I looked up this show and was pleasantly surprised to see a lot of people unhappy with bg and Kim.

There's a super funny thread titled "Describe the housewives with one word"


Here's what I said:

Lisa V: aware

Kyle: relatable

Kim: narcissistic

Brandi: liar

Yolanda: inconsistent

Lisa R: emotional

Eileen: intelligent (fabulous)

  • Love 6

I've been reading a lot about the Richards family lately, and BigKathy's narcissic and controlling behaviors really set off some memories of my own mother.  My mom had narcissic personality disorder, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if BigKathy had it too.  It's a tough, tough way to be raised as a child and it messes with you for years.


My mother controlled and manipulated me, my sister, and my half-brother. Everything was my fault.  Everything.  It was all skewed against me, and my sister was taught to think I was a loser.  We loved each other but never really trusted each other.  We were taught to envy and to compete for our mom's attention.  It was really pretty ugly.  My mother was mean, mean, mean and wickedly critical, but only behind closed doors.  She was sweet as pie when there was anyone around, including my father.  She was a beautiful woman and she liked having her own way, and she got it.  Narcs have no empathy and get off on playing cruel games.  Children are not real or human to someone with NPD.  They are extensions of the narc.  Narcs need their golden children (to groom to follow them, live through them, spoil them, and threaten to take it all alway on the slightest infraction) and their scapegoats (to torment, to blame, to vent, to tempt with the hope of an acceptance that never comes).  Narcissism is like family DNA.  Kids raised by a narcissist tend to either become narcissists or enablers, and pass it down to their children.  


I think Kyle is in that enabler/scapegoat position.  She was the baby, the unexpected last, and she doesn't look like BigKathy with her dark hair and eyes.  LittleKathy was golden child until Kim came along and stole that from her.  Both look like Big Kathy.  Kyle doesn't.  No matter how hard she tries, and she tries her damnedest, she can't win.  Kim and Kathy have both been taught that Kyle has special responsibilities to them.  Those girls had to learn how to be mean girls from somewhere, and they've had lots of practice inflicting their nastiness on Kyle.   


Kim has taken over the narcissist role from her mother and Kyle is squirming and uncomfortable with it.  I'm not surprised she cries.  What nailed that for me was watching her run out that restaurant in Amsterdam.  She can't take the confrontation, she fears it.  Watching Kim be mean and smugly irrational brought back horrific memories of how my mother manipulated, but my mother would have never showed her true self like that in front of anyone.  It surprises me that Kim is showing us in TV land that side of herself.  She is showing us her dysfunctional thinking and expecting us to embrace her "logic".  Kim does not have a trace of empathy.  Sure, she's an addict.  But her behavior is narcissistic, and that's gonna be there whether she's using or not.


Scapegoats tend to be very responsible people who think if they are responsible enough then everything will change, the narc will joyfully recant all those nasty things that were said and acknowledge they were wrong.  Hah.  Not going to happen.  I think Kyle is waking up to that fact and I hope she realizes that nothing she does will ever be enough for Kim.  I personally have mostly recovered from my disastrous childhood.  It's been a long trail with lots of therapy and CBT but it began with that realization for me.  I want to see Kyle get better, I think she has a chance.


The most bizarre thing about all of this is that it is playing out in front of the cameras.  Kim and Kyle both have lived in the public eye all of their lives but now there is a laser focus on their relationship.  I feel a little dirty about airing my private opinions about people I will never meet or know.   


Reo, thank you so much for this post and the others that followed.  It was supremely uncomfortable watching the interactions between Kyle and Kim this season in general but after reading your posts . . . I really have sympathy for Kyle.


I'm glad that you were able to realize the issues with your mother and escape relatively unscathed.  I was married to a narcissist so some of your posts strike a chord with me. 



  • Love 5

I think that if Kim and Kyle realized what stress and anxiety does to a woman's skin, they would practice stress management techniques, such as breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, or visual imagery.


They both aged a lot this past year, and the stress and drama they've created for themselves has contributed to their advanced aging process.

I think that if Kim and Kyle realized what stress and anxiety does to a woman's skin, they would practice stress management techniques, such as breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, or visual imagery.


They both aged a lot this past year, and the stress and drama they've created for themselves has contributed to their advanced aging process.

I think Kim looks bad but looks like sun damage, to me. I think Kyle looks beautiful.

  • Love 2

That's something I've always seen discussed here as fact but I don't remember seeing it on the show, although I could have missed it.  Was this reported as truth in the tabloids somewhere?

Responded in Kim's thread:


Some of the unaired scenes in the secrets revealed or whatever they called last night's epi were better than the Brandi and Kim crap we were subjected to.


I loved the Beverly Hills house porn we got with Yo and Mo.  I loved seeing LisaR working.  I loved the ladies discussing LisaR's Playboy pictorials.  I loved seeing Eileen getting ready for the Emmys.  I loved seeing Kyle taking Portia to the speech therapist.  I loved YoFo going through her childhood home.  I loved LisaVP and Kyle going somewhere in Lisa's Bentley. 


Most importantly, though - - Bravo should have aired the scene of LisaR and Kim meeting after LisaR's text messages.  Maybe they were trying to save that to use as a surprise or weak smoking gun for the reunion but it sure said an awful lot (even more) about Kim.  Kim doesn't want to hear about the bullshit she pulled at the dinner table in Amsterdam. She doesn't want to go back there.  She doesn't want to take any responsibility for creating the shitstorm that resulted in LisaR sending those bad texts.  She simply cannot see that she is responsible for her actions and her actions lead to consequences by others.  I was floored that Kim could not see that what she deemed as Lisa's attacks on her were essentially the same type of attacks she perpetrated on Lisa, although hers were verbal and not via text.  And yes, Kim, you did threaten Lisa.  You threatened her family and her husband by insinuating that you had some dark, dirty secret about him.  It's similar to saying "I'm going to fuck you up" in a roundabout way and with different wording. 


Furthermore, Lisa acknowledged what she did, both at the Amsterdam dinner and with the texts.  She said she was wrong.  It seems that Kim wanted to have the park meeting for one reason alone - - so that Lisa could apologize again and Kim could be right.  She refused to acknowledge any part in the entire mess.


And was she taking her turtle-loving 100% goddamn pained self back into the woods when she left the meeting?  WTF?  Climbing over a highway guardrail?


Edited: because "time" and "type" are not the same word nor do they mean the same thing.

Edited by psychoticstate
  • Love 11

Some of the unaired scenes in the secrets revealed or whatever they called last night's epi were better than the Brandi and Kim crap we were subjected to.


I loved the Beverly Hills house porn we got with Yo and Mo.  I loved seeing LisaR working.  I loved the ladies discussing LisaR's Playboy pictorials.  I loved seeing Eileen getting ready for the Emmys.  I loved seeing Kyle taking Portia to the speech therapist.  I loved YoFo going through her childhood home.  I loved LisaVP and Kyle going somewhere in Lisa's Bentley. 


Most importantly, though - - Bravo should have aired the scene of LisaR and Kim meeting after LisaR's text messages.  Maybe they were trying to save that to use as a surprise or weak smoking gun for the reunion but it sure said an awful lot (even more) about Kim.  Kim doesn't want to hear about the bullshit she pulled at the dinner table in Amsterdam. She doesn't want to go back there.  She doesn't want to take any responsibility for creating the shitstorm that resulted in LisaR sending those bad texts.  She simply cannot see that she is responsible for her actions and her actions lead to consequences by others.  I was floored that Kim could not see that what she deemed as Lisa's attacks on her were essentially the same type of attacks she perpetrated on Lisa, although hers were verbal and not via text.  And yes, Kim, you did threaten Lisa.  You threatened her family and her husband by insinuating that you had some dark, dirty secret about him.  It's similar to saying "I'm going to fuck you up" in a roundabout way and with different wording. 


Furthermore, Lisa acknowledged what she did, both at the Amsterdam dinner and with the texts.  She said she was wrong.  It seems that Kim wanted to have the park meeting for one reason alone - - so that Lisa could apologize again and Kim could be right.  She refused to acknowledge any part in the entire mess.


And was she taking her turtle-loving 100% goddamn pained self back into the woods when she left the meeting?  WTF?  Climbing over a highway guardrail?


Edited: because "time" and "type" are not the same word nor do they mean the same thing.


But then Kim says, totally straight-faced, very innocently "All I said was 'Let's talk about your husband.'"   Kim may think she's the master of the gaslight technique, but it doesn't work when 1) you do it on video and we can all go back and see the context; and 2) everyone's onto you.

Edited by harrie
  • Love 11

But then Kim says, totally straight-faced, very innocently "All I said was 'Let's talk about your husband.'"   Kim may think she's the master of the gaslight technique, but it doesn't work when 1) you do it on video and we can all go back and see the context; and 2) everyone's onto you.


Kim attacked LisaR during the dinner with this little insinuating tidbit because she didn't want to be lumped into the "alcoholics" category nor did she want anyone to bring anything up about her own (questionable) sobriety.  No one was talking about her specifically other than Lisa apologizing to Kim (again) and trying to explain to her that her family history, along with Harry's, is why Lisa was so concerned about Kim and she was coming from a place of compassion. 


Kim is trying to make it sound like she was joking or made some innocuous comment about Harry.  She knows darn well what she did.  It's a classic deflect technique.  Turn the conversation on Harry (or anyone else) so the topic at hand (Kim's 100% addiction) gets lost in the shuffle.


I was with an alcoholic for several years - - I recognize this behavior.  Anytime I tried to address these issues with him, he would attack me.  Tomato, tomahto.

  • Love 13


And was she taking her turtle-loving 100% goddamn pained self back into the woods when she left the meeting?  WTF?  Climbing over a highway guardrail?

I am not sure, but I think Kim may have been walking to her car. Scary thought of Kim driving.  Maybe she was walking to the limo provided to her by Bravo?

  • Love 1

So, I didn't watch this season at all. I stopped watching RHoBH a few seasons ago because I thought the cast was annoying. But, over in the RHoNY thread, people keep making comments about this season's RHoBH as if they're shell-shocked from the seriousness of it--and I can't tell if that means that it was a good season or a bad one! Anyone willing to give me a quick rundown of the highlights and/or lowlights? Is it worth going back and watching, or is it like, if you didn't like these housewives before, you really won't like them now?!

Furthermore, Lisa acknowledged what she did, both at the Amsterdam dinner and with the texts.  She said she was wrong.  It seems that Kim wanted to have the park meeting for one reason alone - - so that Lisa could apologize again and Kim could be right.  She refused to acknowledge any part in the entire mess.

Slightly off-topic, but hearing cast members "own it" replaced "moving forward" as my eye-roll phrase this season.


With that, I offer my mnemonic for the Four Stages of a Housewife Apology:



Offer Excuses

Own It, Baby

Move Forward

  • Love 8

So, I didn't watch this season at all. I stopped watching RHoBH a few seasons ago because I thought the cast was annoying. But, over in the RHoNY thread, people keep making comments about this season's RHoBH as if they're shell-shocked from the seriousness of it--and I can't tell if that means that it was a good season or a bad one! Anyone willing to give me a quick rundown of the highlights and/or lowlights? Is it worth going back and watching, or is it like, if you didn't like these housewives before, you really won't like them now?!

I guess it would depend on who all you liked and whether or not you're on board with the new additions.


The trips were mostly fun this year and I liked that. We got to go to Europe twice, Palm Springs (twice?), Calgary (although we didn't really see any of Calgary), and Santa Barbara.


Brandi is horrible as usual--I can't think of anything positive to say about her. (Yikes, I guess she's rubbing off on me. I'd say she's a good mother but I'm not even sure if that's true.); Kim is unpleasant through out much of the season not to mention she's in denial about relapsing on camera; Eileen was a definite highlight and a great addition to the show; LisaV and Kyle are friends again and that's been nice to see; Yolanda is ill so she's pretty chill for the most part save her bossiness on the scavenger hunt and the way she got all annoyed when the other ladies dared to be "greedy" with her by ordering a chocolate shake since she wanted vanilla; LisaR was mostly funny, totally out of line or frustrating on at least two occasions, but always entertaining.


All in all even though I had my complaints I thought it was an entertaining season. I just wish it hadn't overlapped with New York because now I'm all behind on that show. 

  • Love 6

I guess it would depend on who all you liked and whether or not you're on board with the new additions.


The trips were mostly fun this year and I liked that. We got to go to Europe twice, Palm Springs (twice?), Calgary (although we didn't really see any of Calgary), and Santa Barbara.


Brandi is horrible as usual--I can't think of anything positive to say about her. (Yikes, I guess she's rubbing off on me. I'd say she's a good mother but I'm not even sure if that's true.); Kim is unpleasant through out much of the season not to mention she's in denial about relapsing on camera; Eileen was a definite highlight and a great addition to the show; LisaV and Kyle are friends again and that's been nice to see; Yolanda is ill so she's pretty chill for the most part save her bossiness on the scavenger hunt and the way she got all annoyed when the other ladies dared to be "greedy" with her by ordering a chocolate shake since she wanted vanilla; LisaR was mostly funny, totally out of line or frustrating on at least two occasions, but always entertaining.


All in all even though I had my complaints I thought it was an entertaining season. I just wish it hadn't overlapped with New York because now I'm all behind on that show. 

You're too nice and even-handed, Avaleigh.  At about the midpoint, Kim Richards was given/stole one of her dying ex-husband's pain pills before filming a scary hour long limo ride and Poker Night at Eileen's house .  Most of the rest of the season was a roller coaster of various housewives offering Kim help if she needed it and expressing concern for her which was met with the reaction "I've been Sober for Three Years!!! Mind your own bizwax.  Moving on!" from Kim.  And there's a "How Dare You" thrown in there but not by Kim.


I think it's worth checking out.  You can at least play the 'Is She/Isn't She Sober Game' each show.

  • Love 7

I guess it would depend on who all you liked and whether or not you're on board with the new additions.


The trips were mostly fun this year and I liked that. We got to go to Europe twice, Palm Springs (twice?), Calgary (although we didn't really see any of Calgary), and Santa Barbara.


Brandi is horrible as usual--I can't think of anything positive to say about her. (Yikes, I guess she's rubbing off on me. I'd say she's a good mother but I'm not even sure if that's true.); Kim is unpleasant through out much of the season not to mention she's in denial about relapsing on camera; Eileen was a definite highlight and a great addition to the show; LisaV and Kyle are friends again and that's been nice to see; Yolanda is ill so she's pretty chill for the most part save her bossiness on the scavenger hunt and the way she got all annoyed when the other ladies dared to be "greedy" with her by ordering a chocolate shake since she wanted vanilla; LisaR was mostly funny, totally out of line or frustrating on at least two occasions, but always entertaining.


All in all even though I had my complaints I thought it was an entertaining season. I just wish it hadn't overlapped with New York because now I'm all behind on that show. 


Nah.  Brandi isn't a good mother.  A good mother doesn't go on national TV and act the way she does.  Nor would she not care about how drunk she gets off the show when she knows people are going to be around to take pictures of her.  As Dr. Phil would say:  "Is that good mothering?"


I think people get some great insight into Brandi when she was being interviewed on the Access Hollywood day show and Kit said something about Kyle not wanting to talk about doing pot because of her children.  Brand's response was that she was a mother too.  Duh.  And 'duh' to Kit for not following up on Brandi's answer. 

  • Love 4

Thanks, Avaleigh and Rehoboth, for the summaries! If it's heavy on addict Kim and codependent Kyle, then I'm definitely out. They are a big part of why I stopped watching years ago. It's just depressing--not fun drunks like Ramona and Sonja on RHNY. I like my Bravo shows lighthearted and fun in which the most serious fights are whether it's proper etiquette to invite someone's Hamptons houseguest to brunch--and the impending fallout of everyone having to go to two brunches.

  • Love 2

Thanks, Avaleigh and Rehoboth, for the summaries! If it's heavy on addict Kim and codependent Kyle, then I'm definitely out. They are a big part of why I stopped watching years ago. It's just depressing--not fun drunks like Ramona and Sonja on RHNY. I like my Bravo shows lighthearted and fun in which the most serious fights are whether it's proper etiquette to invite someone's Hamptons houseguest to brunch--and the impending fallout of everyone having to go to two brunches.

You  probably would enjoy the extra footage show which is almost entirely fun moments.  Once you go through the second half of the season and especially the third part of the reunion, the extra footage show is like a breath of fresh air.  I think that many watched it and had the epiphany that "Yes, this is why I watch the show!"


Regarding the addict Kim/co-dependent  Kyle act, there is a bit of light at the end of the tunnel.  You can see Kyle start to distance herself from Kim.  Kyle mentioned that she did go to Al Anon and it looks like she may be putting some of their preaching into practice.

  • Love 6

So, I didn't watch this season at all. I stopped watching RHoBH a few seasons ago because I thought the cast was annoying. But, over in the RHoNY thread, people keep making comments about this season's RHoBH as if they're shell-shocked from the seriousness of it--and I can't tell if that means that it was a good season or a bad one! Anyone willing to give me a quick rundown of the highlights and/or lowlights? Is it worth going back and watching, or is it like, if you didn't like these housewives before, you really won't like them now?!

Totally worth it!   There were some awesome comedic gems this season.  House porn, beautiful travel destinations, and the additions of Eileen and Lisa R were such a nice balance.  Great season, imo

  • Love 5

For me, the best scene was the ladies all singing together at Lisa's party. That's my idea of a Hollywood party. Talented people performing extemporaneously. All those pretty ladies lined up singing while talentless bimbo B looks on, left out.

Yes it was a great look into their lives.  I think them riding bikes in Amsterdam was a fun time and I also liked the Foster's charity concert in Canada with Stephen Tyler.  The scavenger hunt was fun too with one team hitching a car ride with some fans.  If you can block out most of the Brandi and Kim scenes it wasn't such a bad little housewives year after all.


Aack - I almost forgot the Burbank Film Festival.  If Eileen does nothing else, she will be enshrined in Housewife Heaven for that alone.

  • Love 5

I'm sitting here with my mind blown. I've never watched a moment of any of the Housewives series, until now. I knew Rinna and Davidson were joining the cast, and I love them from my soap.  I'd meant to start watching at the beginning of this season, but it fell off my radar. I'm not even sure what channel Bravo is on my new cable provider. I happened to stumble upon part 2 of the reunion while it was airing. I was saddened to realize the Kim Richards whose name I'd read in gossip items was the Kim Richards I had idolized when I was a little girl. I found the handful of season 5 episodes that were still available on-demand and watched them. Then I realized the first 4 seasons were on Hulu+, so I went back to the beginning and mainlined them. 

I ended up purchasing season 5 via Amazon, so that I could see how it all unfolded. In a little less than a month, I consumed the whole series to date. Is there a support group or something? I don't think I'm well. 

Overall, I think Brandi has to go for the show's sake, and Kim has to go, for Kim's sake (and for Kim and Kyle's sake). There's no way a newly sober person should be around these frequently tipsy people. That said, I want to know how Kim does her math. Up through the end of this season (and her subsequent arrest) she kept saying she had been sober for 3+ years. Season 4 was the only season in which is it plausible that she was completely sober, right? I'm not misremembering, am I? 

Does anyone know how far in advance of broadcast the episodes (and reunions) are shot? 

I expected to dislike Kyle more as the seasons progressed, but just the opposite happened. I don't always like what she does/says, but I think I understand her and I empathize with her, more than I ever expected. I do love Vanderpump, whether she's a chess master, or just what she puts herself out to be. I still love Davidson and Rinna (although I cringed when Rinna broke that glass in Amsterdam). Yolanda doesn't bother me. Brandi? Ugh. Whether or not the PTB see it, she is bad for this series. I'm so glad Carlton only made it a season. Joyce, I found sympathetic, yet she worked my last nerve. The real Alison DuBois has forever ruined Medium for me. I'm still not sure what to make of Camille or Adrienne. Thank goodness Pam/Dana, Marisa and Faye were never added as regulars. 

I know this is all sort of disorganized, but you guys, I just watched all of it in less than a month! For those of you who watched the season 5 "Secrets Revealed" episode that aired after the reunion episode were over, did anyone else think Pandora was going to say she was pregnant? When she and Jason first showed up at Villa Rosa, she kept holding her clutch bag over her tummy. I was waiting for a big reveal, but then she drank the sangria, and didn't announce anything after Lisa showed her the baby bunting she supposedly bought 5 years ago, so… I guess not.


Okay, time to go try to get my brain back, without the benefits of stem cells, lemon juice, and international travel. 

  • Love 17

Fasten your seatbelt͵ General Days! Glad you're joining in on the fun. If this is your first trip to the Housewives rodeo then get ready to be addicted to at least one other franchise. (I got sucked into the first season of RHBH at some point during the off season of NY and have been watching ever since.)

The first episode I ever saw of this show was the Dinner from Hell at Camille's and I think my reaction was similar to yours in that I knew I needed to see more.

A reunion is an interesting introduction to the show because I feel like it could be confusing but at the same time I can totally watch a reunion and find it to be amusing even if I don't typically watch the show. I'm only a casual viewer of the other franchises but I'm all over the reunions. (Incidentally I think Atlanta might well have the best reunions.) I'm curious as to what your initial impressions were of the women based on first seeing a reunion episode. Who intrigued you most after the episode was over? Who did you like least after seeing that first ep?

I'm glad that soap viewers are tuning in. It gives me hope that Bravo or some other network will get wise to the fact there are a lot of people who seem to want to see a reality show about soap and former soap actors.

  • Love 3

I watched HWOA for the first year. As a Southerner, I was so disgusted with these women that I had to quit watching. I don't know if the people who live in the other areas of "Housewives" feel the same way, but these women in no way represent the rest of us. No Southern woman with any class or dignity would agree to go on this program so I suspect that may be true of the others as well. Lord help us all if this is what we consider entertainment. 

  • Love 1

General Days first Welcome! This is to also answer your question about when the reunions are done. They usually film sometime around the third to the last episode as we are watching them. The wives get the last episodes for the season before that which may or may not be fully edited. This way they know how the season ends. Since they may have filmed the season a few months ago and maybe as much as almost a year they are seeing it completed about the same time we are and are finally seeing how the storylines play out and how the media and fans are perceiving them. This season they did the reunion even earlier to accommodate Yolanda who has been ill.


Gam2 I live in a So CA community that looks like the OC just north of Los Angeles and one exit up from the Kardashians. When the OC first started it rather reflected the area and I related to it. But really after the first year or two of the OC all of the franchises started to be scripted and fake. So I doubt anyone thinks their ladies represent them. I mean really, who runs around in shoes and tight clothes all day like these wives wear. I do love hearing about wife sightings here on the boards tho. 

  • Love 2

Thank you for all the warm welcomes (so much warmer than any newbie gets on the show).

I'm curious as to what your initial impressions were of the women based on first seeing a reunion episode. Who intrigued you most after the episode was over? Who did you like least after seeing that first ep?

I'm glad that soap viewers are tuning in. It gives me hope that Bravo or some other network will get wise to the fact there are a lot of people who seem to want to see a reality show about soap and former soap actors.


Well, I already loved Eileen Davidson and Lisa Rinna and the season 5 reunion (as the first episodes I watched) didn't change that. I immediately took to Lisa Vanderpump. I immediately loathed Brandi Glanville and didn't believe half of what she said. I liked Kyle, and I pitied Kim. That was my immediate reaction. After going back and watching it all from the beginning, for the most part, those feelings intensified. Before I ever saw Brandi on this show, I saw her on Steve Harvey's talk show, and at that point, just pitied her for foot-in-mouth disease, but now, after watching it all, it seems much deeper than that.

You know, I feel for the woman, in that her husband cheated on her with who knows how many people. But by this point in a divorce (and after the ex-husband's remarriage) most women know enough to at least fake it 'til they make it, as far as not continuing on in the woman-scorned mode. Where is this girl's pride? Then again, where is her class? She turns my stomach for so many reasons, which is a shame, because she is a lovely (physically lovely) woman.


I watched HWOA for the first year. As a Southerner, I was so disgusted with these women that I had to quit watching. I don't know if the people who live in the other areas of "Housewives" feel the same way, but these women in no way represent the rest of us. No Southern woman with any class or dignity would agree to go on this program so I suspect that may be true of the others as well. Lord help us all if this is what we consider entertainment. 


One of the reasons I've never watched any of the HW series is that, in my opinion, none of these women represent truly real housewives, region aside. No woman with any class or dignity (from anywhere) would agree to go on this program, and if she did, she would never act like this. Keeping in mind that I've never watched any of the other franchises, I'd say Eileen Davidson comes the closest to how a normal wife and mother would behave.

General days ....this is the support group. Welcome. It's always interesting to get fresh insights.


Is there medication. (I do not mean space cake.)


General Days first Welcome! This is to also answer your question about when the reunions are done. They usually film sometime around the third to the last episode as we are watching them. The wives get the last episodes for the season before that which may or may not be fully edited. This way they know how the season ends. Since they may have filmed the season a few months ago and maybe as much as almost a year they are seeing it completed about the same time we are and are finally seeing how the storylines play out and how the media and fans are perceiving them. This season they did the reunion even earlier to accommodate Yolanda who has been ill.


Thank you!

Do you (or does anyone) know how far ahead the regular episodes are shot? For example, the season 5 premiere aired on November 18, 2014. Was it filmed in June, July, August, September, October, etc? 

In part, I'm still trying to accommodate Kim's story about being sober for 3+ years. On the other hand, I'm trying to figure out if Bravo wrapped filming the regular season (i.e. not the reunion episodes) prior to Kingsley biting Alexia's hand.

Edited by General Days
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I'm glad that soap viewers are tuning in. It gives me hope that Bravo or some other network will get wise to the fact there are a lot of people who seem to want to see a reality show about soap and former soap actors.

Quick question that is totally off topic: Please tell me I'm not crazy but, didn't this already happen? I feel like I have watched this show. A bit of a "reality" type Melrose Place show with soap stars? On E! Or maybe WE or Oxygen, I'm not sure. Probably 10-15 years ago.

Quick question that is totally off topic: Please tell me I'm not crazy but, didn't this already happen? I feel like I have watched this show. A bit of a "reality" type Melrose Place show with soap stars? On E! Or maybe WE or Oxygen, I'm not sure. Probably 10-15 years ago.

Yes, I remember Kelly Monaco promoting it but I didn't watch it. It was on E called Dirty Soap.

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Welcome General Days for the RHOBH filming began in late June at Kyle and Mauricio's White Party.  The yacht footage was in mid-late July, Bella got arrested around July 20th, Kim' daughter got married around August 1st, Poker Night happened before the Labor Day weekend, Calgary was late September and Amsterdam was early October.  This year the Reunion filmed the Friday before the Oscars, (February 19th) so Andy Cohen could attend Oscar parties.  So several episodes aired after the Reunion was filmed leaving perhaps many unanswered questions.  It didn't really matter because a certain RH, Kim Richards, just stopped watching the episodes mid-season and just relied on Brandi telling her Lisa Rinna was talking to everyone about her sobriety.  A general rule of thumb is about five to six months but they are getting closer in time between filming and airing.



Edited by zoeysmom
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Thanks so much, zoeysmom, and everyone else (and your moms) too. It seems likely 3+ years did not pass since Kim's last trip to rehab (i.e. three years from the season 3 finale and the season 5 finale).  

Regarding Dirty Soap, I've watched Days of Our Lives and General Hospital forever (hence my board name) and I think actors from both were on DS, but I could never be bothered to watch. 

I've been reading through the Kim thread, today. I didn't watch the Dr. Phil show on which she appeared, but my understanding is she's swearing she was sober in Amsterdam. I think someone needs to provide her with a medical definition of sobriety. Also, as far as the Poker Night, I call b.s. that she only took one pain pill. I don't even believe that 1 pain pill, interacting with whatever properly prescribed drugs she was taking (Lexapro, Xanax, etc. -- whatever) caused the train wreck that was Kim on poker night. This woman has a long history of substance abuse. Her body wouldn't recognize one pain pill, at this point. I cannot believe it would make her that wacky. 

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I have unfollowed all the threads except this one.  I am done with Kim's addiction and was about 3 weeks in!


The air date for the next season is November 18th.  Anyone know when they start filming and for how long?   Just wondering when we will hear if they are all returning or a couple have been replaced.  I don't even what to type their names I am so done.  LOL!  

I have unfollowed all the threads except this one.  I am done with Kim's addiction and was about 3 weeks in!


The air date for the next season is November 18th.  Anyone know when they start filming and for how long?   Just wondering when we will hear if they are all returning or a couple have been replaced.  I don't even what to type their names I am so done.  LOL!  

Someone gave a time line from last year on another thread. I believe they said late May was when the next housewives were announced and filming started with the White Party in June. 

Someone gave a time line from last year on another thread. I believe they said late May was when the next housewives were announced and filming started with the White Party in June. 


Thanks and excellent!  I am curious to know who the cast will be.  The news will leak.  I doubt it will be officially announced.  I used to love this show and hope to again.  I don't watch any of the others.  

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I have unfollowed all the threads except this one.  I am done with Kim's addiction and was about 3 weeks in!


The air date for the next season is November 18th.  Anyone know when they start filming and for how long?   Just wondering when we will hear if they are all returning or a couple have been replaced.  I don't even what to type their names I am so done.  LOL!  

Do what I do when I don't want to give a wife attention (or a reason for Bravo to notice them) I just use their initials. That tweeting and drinking wife is forever BG to me.

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That said, I want to know how Kim does her math. Up through the end of this season (and her subsequent arrest) she kept saying she had been sober for 3+ years. Season 4 was the only season in which is it plausible that she was completely sober, right? I'm not misremembering, am I?



Maybe she counts calendar years?  Like if she's sober from December 31, 2013 to January 1, 2015, that's three years sober?

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