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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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EXCLUSIVE: 'F***!' Crazed Kim Richards bolts from Dr. Phil interview after he offers help as her three kids chase after her, begging their reality star mom to go to rehab for drinking problem, PILLS and POT



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EXCLUSIVE: 'F***!' Crazed Kim Richards bolts from Dr. Phil interview after he offers help as her three kids chase after her, begging their reality star mom to go to rehab for drinking problem, PILLS and POT

  •     Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star confessed to Dr. Phil that she is struggling with alcohol in emotional interview set to air April 28
  •     Richards stormed out of the session after Dr. Phil's offer of help
  •     Her three kids followed her down the hall of the Beverly Wilshire Hotel imploring her to return
  •     'Why do you have to be so f***ing picky,' daughter Brooke yells. 'You have to do this mom'
  •     She spoke about her arrest on April 16 when she was taken into custody at the Beverly Hills Hotel for a 'drunken incident'



Embattled Kim Richards stormed out of an interview with Dr Phil McGraw after a highly emotional discussion of her alcoholism, Daily Mail Online can exclusively reveal.

The hysterical Real Housewife broke down in tears and went into full meltdown as observers revealed she bolted from the room where Dr Phil had offered to help place her in a top treatment program.

But Richards apparently snubbed Dr Phil's offer of help as eyewitnesses in the hallway heard her scream 'F***', and other obscenities when she ran out of the room and down the hall.


Three of Richards' children, Brooke, 29, Chad, 22 and Kimberly, 20,  who were there to support their mother, were shell-shocked by their mom's outburst, struggling to control their emotions as she left the explosive interview.


Daily Mail Online can reveal that when Richards fled from the room, the star's son Chad was overheard talking to his mom pleading with her to go in to rehab.

He revealed the star is battling more demons, including taking pills and smoking pot on top of her relapse into drinking.

An eyewitness at the hotel told Daily Mail Online: 'Kim insisted that any program had to fit her needs, saying she wouldn't go out of state, wanted to do a 30-day not 60-day program, didn't want to miss her daughter Brooke's wedding in May and was worried about being away from Monty.'


Elder sister Kathy Hilton was also there.


Richards' daughter Brooke ran after her mom after she exited and they were heard arguing.

Richards told her daughter: 'I'm not going down there, I'm not going for three months and I'm not going to miss your wedding.'

But Brooke asked her mom to please work the program. She was overheard to say it's on the beach, it's local and she would be able to go to Brooke's wedding.

'What's the big deal?, ' Brooke yelled. 'Why do you have to be so f***ing picky, just go get the help you need. You have to do this mom.'

But Richards insisted she's happy to see her own doctor and therapist.

She hit back telling Brooke was making her anxious. 'I'm not going back in there, I'm done.'

She said she whatever she did would be with her family.

'I'm not drinking every day,' she was overheard to shout.

Brooke was followed to the hotel suite by her siblings Kimberley and Chad.


'The children urged their mom to return to the interview, but she wouldn't budge,' said the eyewitness.

'Kim was furious. She had a complete melt down'

This outburst was followed by Chad unwittingly revealing further demons his mom is battling.

He told his mom that while she he wasn't saying she was drinking every day she was still drinking once in a while - and taking pills and smoking pot.

Edited by quinn
  • Love 3

Gotta question.  I'm running fast, but I can't keep up!


Remember the photo BlackMamba posted a couple of days ago of one of Kim's exes driving her and her daughter to college?  He was a real looker.  Was that Monty?  And was the girl Brooke?  I get Kim's ex-husbands all mixed up; same with her daughters.  If that was Monty, and he looks as bad as he does now, that's really sad.  (Of course, it's sad no matter who it is).  He must be the same one who was in the Christmas picture of the family because he looked bad then.


I'll never believe that Kim was in that much pain that she needed a pill.  I think she just thought she needed something to get through the reunion, and that's why she took it. Just an observation, but if Kim is taking (or took) one pill for pain from a man who is dying of cancer, she is totally without a conscience, IMHO.  Totally. 

It Was I Who





Aircraft~Parts Supplier John Jackson ~ Long Time BoyFriend & Kimberly's Father








From Zoeysmom:


For purposes of this discussion here is Kim's timeline:


Married Monty in July 1985

Had Brooke in February 1986

Divorced Monty in 1988-89 and made a movie with him

Got married date unknown but most likely in 1989 to Gregg Davis

Had Whitney in March 1990

Had Chad presumably in very late 1990 or early 1991

Became engaged to John Colett who was murdered in October of 1991.

Kimberly was born in August of 1995

As evidenced by this time line Kim and Davis were together a  very short period of time.

The relationship between he and Kim has been acrimonious since the divorce.



  • Love 1

So Dr. Phil got a dose of what it's like to deal with Kim Richards. 


Do you think he's 100% regretting it? Did she tell him she's tired of his goddamn generosity?


I won't even be surprised if the questions weren't all that tough and she still couldn't deal. I'm guessing the main thing though was that she probably wanted to keep it alcohol focused and he probably wouldn't let her. 


Damn it, I admit that I'm looking forward to watching this interview. She's so used to having people believe or at least pretend to believe in her bullshit lies that she flips out when challenged. Multiple people on RHBH know from firsthand experience how risky it is to ask Kim honest questions about her behavior. 


Can't she go to rehab and just be let out for the wedding with a trusted handler from the facility? I guess that would probably be too awkward and weird but the wedding isn't that far away, right? Maybe she can just go after? She definitely needs at least 60 days but I'd say 90 if it could be arranged. 


How did Whitney luck out in not having to participate in that clusterfuck? 


If Kim walked out early I wonder if she filmed enough for them to air a full show.


I actually would not have guessed that pot is one of Kim's drugs. It's not that I have a hard time believing it I just see her as being more inclined to abuse drugs that make her either aggressive or are more opiate style as opposed to something more mellow like marijuana. Kim's an addict so I guess she'll take what she can get but she's totally full of shit when she says that she hasn't been smoking if even her kids are calling her on it. 

  • Love 6

Rehab is not for those who need it, it's for those who want it.  The reason in-patient rehab has not worked for Kim is because she has not worked the program, or even wanted to live a sober life.  Kim has gone into rehab because of others not because she hit rock bottom.  The only time one gets clean is when they are allowed to him their own personal rock bottom.  Broke and family not returning phone calls may just be what Kim needs.  

  • Love 13

Can't she go to rehab and just be let out for the wedding with a trusted handler from the facility? I guess that would probably be too awkward and weird but the wedding isn't that far away, right? Maybe she can just go after? She definitely needs at least 60 days but I'd say 90 if it could be arranged.


I will go back and re-read it but it seems like she's going to be allowed to go to the wedding. To me it seems like Kim is throwing out excuses as to why she cannot immediately check herself in and undoubtedly the timing will never be right, but some of the reasons/excuses are being accommodated, like she actually will be allowed to attend Brooke's wedding, and I bet when Kim's reasons/excuses are debunked, she gets particularly enraged.


ETA, here's the excerpt:


Richards told her daughter: 'I'm not going down there, I'm not going for three months and I'm not going to miss your wedding.'

But Brooke asked her mom to please work the program. She was overheard to say it's on the beach, it's local and she would be able to go to Brooke's wedding.

'What's the big deal?, ' Brooke yelled. 'Why do you have to be so f***ing picky, just go get the help you need. You have to do this mom.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3049661/F-Crazed-Kim-Richards-bolts-Dr-Phil-interview-offers-help-three-kids-chase-begging-reality-star-mom-rehab-drinking-problem-PILLS-POT.html#ixzz3Y3pbk57y

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Edited by quinn
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Thx for the link to the article. That explains why Chad posted pics on IG at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. She just doesn't want to be managed, sober, and has an incredible sense of entitlement.

Forcing her to go didn't work in the past and won't work now. Even if she goes you see what she said "Im not doing three months" I see what shes pulling shes trying to call the shots nor will she be fully committed just like before.

She has to hit rock bottom! Dimwit Kathy wont let this happen! Seems like Kyle and the other daughter Whitney are done with this crap.

  • Love 6

The article even says something about how Kim is saying that she has to discuss going to rehab first with her life coach. As if her life coach is going to tell her that they think rehab is a bad idea or something. Lol, she just doesn't want to go pure and simple. 


She's probably never gone to rehab thinking that she genuinely needs help. It's probably always been at the pleading and insistence of people who are in her life. 

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 8

So Dr. Phil got a dose of what it's like to deal with Kim Richards. 


Do you think he's 100% regretting it? Did she tell him she's tired of his goddamn generosity?


I won't even be surprised if the questions weren't all that tough and she still couldn't deal. I'm guessing the main thing though was that she probably wanted to keep it alcohol focused and he probably wouldn't let her. 



I actually would not have guessed that pot is one of Kim's drugs. It's not that I have a hard time believing it I just see her as being more inclined to abuse drugs that make her either aggressive or are more opiate style as opposed to something more mellow like marijuana. Kim's an addict so I guess she'll take what she can get but she's totally full of shit when she says that she hasn't been smoking if even her kids are calling her on it.

Since Pot is legal in California, I am not surprised.

She might need it to calm down and I suspect that she smokes with her son.

  • Love 4



Regulated medical marijuana in 2015?

The California State Legislature’s 2015-2016 session is well underway, and it will again look at crafting regulations for the medical marijuana industry. So far two such bills have been introduced, and at least initially, they mirror bills from 2014. AB 26, presented by Asm. Reggie Jones-Sawyer, picks up where Asm. Ammiano’s reasonable medical marijuana regulatory bill left off after its defeat on the floor of the Assembly. The other bill, Asm. Ken Cooley’s AB 266, carries many similarities with Sen. Lou Correa’s law enforcement-friendly effort, which also fell short. It is not yet clear how far efforts will get in 2015, but both bill sponsors appear to be open to working together and with advocates to find a workable solution.


These regulatory bills are now being considered against the backdrop of a planned November 2016 voter initiative that would legalize and regulate marijuana like alcohol in California. The Marijuana Policy Project of California, a political committee sponsored and administered by MPP, has joined a broad coalition of local activists, community leaders, organizations, and businesses working to pass a measure similar to the one approved by voters in Colorado in 2012.

Stay tuned, and be sure to sign up for our email alerts to stay tuned for updates!



The current legal status of marijuana in California

Under California law, possessing up to an ounce or less of marijuana is a civil infraction similar to a speeding ticket. While this is a more reasonable approach than many states take, California is still punishing tens of thousands of responsible adults for possessing a substance that is objectively safer than both alcohol and tobacco. A December 2013 Field Poll found that 55% of Californians believe marijuana should be legalized.


>>>> http://www.mpp.org/states/california/



  • Love 4

I bet Dr. Phil and the people who had to put up with Kim while filming the interview must feel like they've been through some sort of ordeal.

I've said it before that dealing with Kim is basically like getting sucked into a cartoon fight cloud.

Or full time job. I still dont see how they have had the stamina to deal with it for 30+yrs.

  • Love 3

This latest thing about Kim being a pot smoker too just made me roll my eyes again about Brandi singling out Kyle for no other reason than she was grasping at straws and couldn't come up with anything better. If Kim smoked pot during the season off camera then why isn't Brandi bothered by Kim avoiding the pot shop in Amsterdam? 


I'm not arguing that Kim should have gone to the pot shop I'm saying that Brandi had no reason to want to jump on Kyle for supposedly being a hypocrite when Brandi and Kim were likely being hypocrites themselves about it all. 


I still would have enjoyed seeing the women smoke out of a vaporizer or something even Kim. I'm curious as to how or if they would be noticeably altered. 

  • Love 8

This is the video in the porte-cochere of the Beverly Wilshire. It doesn't look like the tail end of a storming out - Kim is wearing a different outfit and Kim and Kathy seem to be carrying a suit bag / clothes, so I guess the storming out happened but things calmed down, filming wrapped and people are leaving.


Edited by quinn

kimmie bolted the interview!?!??!!?


Holy crap.


This is TOO perfect for words!

This WILL be ratings GOLD for good ole Dr. Phil! 


I MUST make certain to see that show! AND I pray to whatever gods there may be that there is no way for kimmie to stop said broadcast.


Dare I hope she watch and actually learn something?  Nah....silly pipedream.

  • Love 7

I hope that if it's true she bolted the interview that they got some good footage before hand. Dr. Phil should have brought a cattle prod to the interview; next time he'll know better. I keep picturing the dramatic exits from the main stage on Maury's "He is not the father!" shows. I hope Kim will flop around on the floor, pull out her extensions and just carry on in general.


I really hope she's off the Ho'wives show if she wasn't before. And I'd love her daughter to set a boundary with her wedding, but that's probably too much to ask for.

  • Love 4

Few things I need to get out of my chest after reading the Daily mail article


1) Extremely happy that Kyle wasn't there , kim would had unleashed all her vitriol on her and blame her for everything that is wrong in her life, she would have screamed, "you stole my GD house", "it was a timy bite on her finger", "you didn't support me and so now evberybody is talking about me", etc, etc, etc.


2) Very happy that the favorite sister was there, I hope it was all fimed and they showed kathy's reactions to Kim't tamtrum.  


3) Is Kim going  to disown her own child Chad for revealing that she is addicted to pain killers and pot? ? what is she going to say to him? "Worry about your own family" , " I can tell something about you and you won't like it" , "do you really want to go there" , "you are horrible", I wonder what will Kim say to him.


4) Now I understand why Brandi hammered and hammered and made such a point about Kyle ocasionally smoking pot, her motives are now clear to me, Brandi did this to use as a future weapon, she was probably hoping that after creating so much discord and tension between sisters that Kyle was going to pull a limogate scene and yelled at Kim, "you smoke pot every day" in which case Brandi would have been ready to slam Kyle with the information that she does smoke too. The fact that Kim does it daily and Kyle has done it very rarely would not matter, Brandi would have had an orgasm just slamming this in Kyle's face time and time again.


My question now is, what is happening behind cameras? what strings are Kathy Hilton and Yolanda Foster (David is very close to Dr. Phil) pulling to edit all of this? will we get to see the real version or the highly edited version? uhmmm I wonder all the manipulations and tamtrums that are happening as we speak.


I am hoping that we get to see all of it, the tamtrum, the backstage conversations, the side conversations, Kathy's reactions, all of it. If you want to keep your privacy you do not do a televised interview, if you do then it is fair game to sark and comment IMO


Kim thought that she could sell her special kind of BS to Dr. Phil and it seems it has backfired big time. Couldn't have happened to a better person.

  • Love 9

I hope that if it's true she bolted the interview that they got some good footage before hand. Dr. Phil should have brought a cattle prod to the interview; next time he'll know better. I keep picturing the dramatic exits from the main stage on Maury's "He is not the father!" shows. I hope Kim will flop around on the floor, pull out her extensions and just carry on in general.

The visuals

  • Love 2

From radaronline.com


Kim Richards’ Ex Ken Blumenfeld Blames Sister Kyle’s ‘Out-Of-Control Criticism’ For Relapse & Arrest

Posted on Apr 22, 2015 @ 11:57AM


But RadarOnline.com has learned that her infamous ex-boyfriend, Ken Blumenfeld is blaming her family, including sister Kyle Richards, for her recent meltdown.

“I think her family is a huge portion of all her problems,” Blumenfeld told Radar in an exclusive interview. “It’s overwhelming and horrific to be around—the out of control criticism.”


“The things they did to me… they are the kind of people it’s judgment of every little single thing,” he said. “It’s the worst possible scenario [for Kim].

“I [hope] she moves forward, but I doubt it with all the problems with her family that are imposed on her.”

“The time I spent in the public eye, it was not fun,” he added. “It was a constant battle with negative press about me and all of it was lies.”

Blumenfeld, who is now engaged, said that he and Kim lost touch recently after calling it quits three years ago.

When he heard she had been arrested at the Beverly Hills Hotel last week for public intoxication, however, he said he was “not surprised. She has some personal issues.”


  • Love 2

What a mess. But, did anyone really think this was going to any other way?


Nope!   It's going exactly the way it's gone every other time.  And The pills and pot don't surprise me, neither does the info that she's not in a program and has removed all sober influence in her life.  


If you always do what you've always done, then you'll always get what you've always got.



Rehab is not for those who need it, it's for those who want it.  The reason in-patient rehab has not worked for Kim is because she has not worked the program, or even wanted to live a sober life.  Kim has gone into rehab because of others not because she hit rock bottom.  The only time one gets clean is when they are allowed to him their own personal rock bottom.  Broke and family not returning phone calls may just be what Kim needs.  


Yup.  They can't force her to act in any specific way (like going to rehab and getting sober) but they can take away some of her options (like being able to call on them to fix her messes and pay for her expenses, and most importantly, her option to mentally, emotionally and spiritually drain them).  


Kim, your life has become unmanageable. Hell, your life stresses me out!


This is why I'm out.  I've no interest in seeing her act like this anymore and thankfully it seems that some of her family members might be getting to this point, too, of cutting her out.  However, she'll always have people telling her what a victim she is, making excuses for her about how everyone else is to blame, so unless she gets real with herself, nothing will change.  Well, except when she ends up killing herself, I guess.  

  • Love 9

kimmie bolted the interview!?!??!!?


Holy crap.


This is TOO perfect for words!

This WILL be ratings GOLD for good ole Dr. Phil! 


I MUST make certain to see that show! AND I pray to whatever gods there may be that there is no way for kimmie to stop said broadcast.


Dare I hope she watch and actually learn something?  Nah....silly pipedream.

i figure this wasn't Dr. Phil's first rodeo. He got enough film before he hit her with what made her walk out. I haven't watched Dr. Phil in years, but I may have to watch this one. 

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