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SoCharmers in the Media: The Post & Courier

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Despite Thomas' caddish behavior, despite knowing his father's ideas about Lincoln, etc., I gave Thomas the benefit of the doubt.  I now think he only ran for office in order to feed his ginormous ego--not because he cared for the state of SC.  I used to feel that Kathryn only had his child in order to cash in on his wealth and family name, and I had hoped Thomas would see through Kathryn's manipulations.  I even hoped he'd find a beverage cart girl 2.0, but NOW, fuck Thomas! and I hope that he marries Kathryn, she takes him for every thin dime he has, and that she has multiple affairs with numerous sexy 20 year-olds.  Asshole!

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Funny how I thought of this show when watching the news about the racist murders in Charleston. They showed a graphic of the church's location and it was on or near Calhoun Street. Isn't Kathryn a Calhoun? And then the march across the Ravenal bridge. Yes, it seems like fucking T-Rav only posts when he's drunk, his posts are inappropriate and embarrassing, and then he takes his posts down. I'm not on Facebook so I checked here to see what he was saying. I should have known he'd be a cowardly asshole and stay silent. *Senator* Ravenal indeed.

Edited by Oosala
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The Ravenel name has been peculiarly good to the fair denizens of the Palmetto state.  He did get some major projects done reasonably well.  


Before everyone in the world, here included, starts going after named entities, may I suggest the first target be Robert C. Byrd, aka as a Kleagle in the KKK?  That guy didn't just spew hate.  He was a major, major force in the actual KKK for decades - when they really were a force.  He has more named buildings than everyone in American history, save U.S. presidents.  


Please.  Let's focus on stuff that can actually create real change.  Examine the current problems and demand accountability from those who must be more charitable, and those who would receive said charity.  Let's focus on voices for bonding and healing, like King's was.  Let's cast out the politicians and baiters who only wish to foment hate and blame, regardless  how much certain folks deserve such.


If we never come together, we shall remain forever divided against ourselves.  


The real story out of Charleston is just this:  The unity in love and forgiveness we all witnessed.

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Heard on a podcast about politics that the Confederate Flag didn't start flying over the South Carolina statehouse until 1960.


So it was more done as a protest against Brown vs. the Board of Education decision and the push for ending discriminatory laws and practices in the South, not some attempt to express pride in "Southern heritage," whatever that may entail.


A lot of state and national politicians were reluctant to call for an end to the Confederate Flag or even call it a racist crime but supposedly they're slowly coming around, with a bill to be introduced to remove the flag.


Surprised the media doesn't try  to go interview Thomas or for that matter, other members of the cast who are local celebrities of sorts.

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Putting aside my feelings regarding both vandalism and celebrating proponents of slavery:  The fact that the vandal included a comma made me squee a bit.


Then I read the actual article:  "...the South's succession from the Union." 



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I am genuinely sad Thomas hasn't said anything yet. Listening to him make a fool out of himself would be a nanoparticle-thin silver lining.


The Ravenel name has been peculiarly good to the fair denizens of the Palmetto state.  He did get some major projects done reasonably well.  


Before everyone in the world, here included, starts going after named entities, may I suggest the first target be Robert C. Byrd, aka as a Kleagle in the KKK?  That guy didn't just spew hate.  He was a major, major force in the actual KKK for decades - when they really were a force.  He has more named buildings than everyone in American history, save U.S. presidents. 


I am a Democrat who loathes Byrd. But he was not a "major, major force in the actual KKK for decades." If I recall correctly, he joined in 1941 or 1942, and he was involved until at least 1946. But he certainly wasn't a member when he ran for office in 1952. He was a disgusting racist after he left the KKK and filibustered the Civil Rights Act, it's embarrassing that he became a leader within the party, and I don't think he should be lionized. But I think facts matter. And at least he came to say that he regretted his actions.

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Cameran has said that they aren't filming but they seem to do a lot of stuff together: Cam, Cooper, and Landon at a spa; Cam, Cooper, and Pat at lunch; Jennifer (blergh) Snowden and Cam at lunch; Shepard and Craig in Atlantic City; Shepard and Landon in the Dominican Republic, etc., etc.

I can't link to Thomas's meltdown on my iPad but he had several rambling tweets about being called gay or a girl and that being called a gay isn't an insult but being called a girl is, or something to that effect. Yes, Thomas's social media meltdowns are the best, especially since you know he's 99 sheets to the wind When he posts.

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Sorry if the quality is shit, I don't do this often: Link for larger picture




If it's too small to read, some tweets from Thomas:


The rumor mill is abuzz with number of folks refusing to do a third season.  So far there are 4 and counting.


I plan on doing another Season of Southern Charm-- just as soon as a donkey wins the Kentucky Derby!


Stay tuned.  It will all come out.


He also retweeted:  "Editing was focused on embarrassing some while carefully protecting others .... something smells fishy .... "



Edited by link417
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Oh man, T-Rav's drunken online rants give me such a case of the sad's...wonder exactly who he means when he says "4 and counting" potentially refusing to be on the third season??

I know he probably is referring to Cameron as one of those being "carefully protected" and possibly Shep too...I can't imagine Whitney or his mom or her walker Cooper not wanting to continue this wild ride since Whit's the evil mastermind behind this entire series. And Craig/Landon mentioned on the reunion that they were planning on being roomies renting a place downtown, so surely that's for filming purposes.

I know JD is loyal to Thomas, but I can't see him turning his back on all the free advertising his restaurant is getting from this show. Ditto Shep with his divebar and Cameron with her budding career as a realtor. That just leaves Katherine, but I can't imagine her thirsty famewhoring ass ever turning her back on the show that brought her into this social circle((especially since Whitney still seems to believe "she had a baby to secure a spot on a reality tv show!")).

Who knows, eh? I just hope this isn't the last we see of T-Rav though...he really is like the soul of this show...

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Yikes - if that guy is "the soul" this show is truly soulless!

Well, I never meant for it to come off like he was some moral paragon of good breeding and character! I just mean that all the main action of this show thus far has pretty much centered around him and his various antics...perhaps I should clarify that maybe he's like the heart of this show, not the soul? Because seriously, even when he hasn't been a part of the filming or featured much, somehow all the other cast members' actions still swirled around his own events and results of his actions.

But I agree that most of these guys are "truly soulless" indeed!

Speaking of soulless, I love it when random Bravolebrities collide---I had no idea that Whitney was a regular hanging buddy of kuckoo Kelly Killoren-Bensimon! Figures, since her manly-looking self's about as deep as a rain puddle yet she still somehow gets invites to various elite events due to her past marriage and its resulting fashion connections:


I'm surprised he can even stand being around such a dim-witted former model since he prides himself on being soooo intelligent and cultured.

Edited by Sun-Bun
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Shep attended the Social Media Day #chsyou event last night at Halls Chophouse.  Photo at the Twitter link.


Cooper linked this article in a tweet earlier today.




  • Love 3

he had several rambling tweets about being called gay or a girl and that being called a gay isn't an insult but being called a girl is



Um, "bless his heart?"


At least Patricia is doing fundraising for the victims' families, so I give her credit for doing something proactive.


I'll just say that the description of Whitney is genius. As is the entire thrust of the article.



Hee ... you said thrust.


ProudMary, that mishkanyc article was freakin' brilliant.

Edited by missy jo
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Well, I never meant for it to come off like he was some moral paragon of good breeding and character! I just mean that all the main action of this show thus far has pretty much centered around him and his various antics...perhaps I should clarify that maybe he's like the heart of this show, not the soul? Because seriously, even when he hasn't been a part of the filming or featured much, somehow all the other cast members' actions still swirled around his own events and results of his actions.

But I agree that most of these guys are "truly soulless" indeed!

Speaking of soulless, I love it when random Bravolebrities collide---I had no idea that Whitney was a regular hanging buddy of kuckoo Kelly Killoren-Bensimon! Figures, since her manly-looking self's about as deep as a rain puddle yet she still somehow gets invites to various elite events due to her past marriage and its resulting fashion connections: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2863176/Kelly-Bensimon-displays-sculpted-legs-casual-little-black-dress-explores-Art-Basel.html

I'm surprised he can even stand being around such a dim-witted former model since he prides himself on being soooo intelligent and cultured.

I know what ya mean - just being silly. Wonder if Whitney meant for the story to revolve around TRav so much, or if introducing him to Kathryn just took the show in a new direction.

A bit more info on Sunday's Emanuel AME Benefit in this tweet from Sermet's:



Greeters will be Cameron, Kathryn, Landon, Jennifer, Danni, Shep, Cooper and JD.

And Thomas--along with Jennifer and Danni--is among the sponsors covering the full cost of the event so ALL ticket proceeds will go to the AME fund.  The staff of Sermet's is also among the sponsors which is incredibly nice considering they're F&B employees and don't exactly have the deep pockets that some of the other sponsors do.  Kudos to them.


Several of the cast members were also on "Lowcountry Live", a local news/public interest program on the Charleston ABC affiliate, this morning.  There's a photo with this tweet from Landon:

Edited by ProudMary
  • Love 6

Well, at least he's her ex, as she somewhat abruptly quit mentioning him, referencing him and hanging with him; in fact, she's been hanging out with Lou again. As the pics/videos splashed all over her Instagram revealed, she and her "gay husband" actually jetted off on a wild European vacation last month with her mom and Lou.


Speaking of soulless, I love it when random Bravolebrities collide---I had no idea that Whitney was a regular hanging buddy of kuckoo Kelly Killoren-Bensimon! Figures, since her manly-looking self's about as deep as a rain puddle yet she still somehow gets invites to various elite events due to her past marriage and its resulting fashion connections:


I'm surprised he can even stand being around such a dim-witted former model since he prides himself on being soooo intelligent and cultured.


Kelly's twin brother, Thomas,  is an attorney in Spartanburg, South Carolina. I know she goes there regularly to vacation. Wonder if that's the connection. In a weird way, Kelly and Whitney should hook up. At least they are age compatible.


Check out the pic of Kelly's brother. They do look alike. Weird, huh?



Edited by Bossa Nova

But he was kind of imposing himself where the other guy was bothering some woman?  Maybe alcohol bravado.


Interesting that the article referred to him only as a reality TV star, not the former state treasurer.  Isn't it a local SC TV station?


He's the scion of a well-established SC dynasty for heavens sake!  His last name is the same as the bridge!

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