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S26.E11: Bye Bye, Love

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Thank God. This was one of the better episodes in recent memory. Johnny is an an asshole and Nia is even worse. She's thinks she's so brave and tough because she goes off on people and physically assaults them. It proves she's lesser than everyone else. Not saying those things and not putting your hands on someone else, shows much more restraint. I'd be embarrassed to be her or be related to her. She comes off as an absolutely vile human being. 


I'm not Theresa's biggest fan, but it was nice seeing her beat Nany in the elimination game. Her stock absolutely plummeted, at least with me, this season. Paired with Johnny, they made the most unbearable of teams. 


I really don't understand Nia's obssession with Jordan's junk.



What was that about? It thought I heard something about him being a homosexual? Was that just being thrown around as an insult or was Nia trying to out him? 

Edited by SophiaPehawkins
  • Love 2

Can you seriously say what an amazing episode?, broken ribs? but johnny just called wes a pussy last episode for not wanting to compete and "pretending" he was hurt, I'm not buying this johnny ribs thing, to me is just another excuse to show how he wasn't full to compete on an elimination, but if he was on the finals he wouldnt have even mention it.


Nany vs theresa was so great, Im glad theresa won she deserves to compete on the final, in the end she got her shot, props to nany she put a great fight, now if she drops her entitlement, comes with that fire she showed on the elimination and is ready to compete next challenge, i may root for her again.


And all the childish stuff johnny did to sarah was so lame, so glad leroy sent his ass home, i somehow hope this is the beginning of the end for him, and people start realizing that they can actually beat johnny on eliminations, and win finals.


Nia has zero excuses, what she did was so stupid. I hope leroy/theresa take the win or jordan/sarah.

Edited by fredj
  • Love 5

It sounded like Nia called Jordan a "faggot," which is despicable, even by Nia's standards. She then made some remark about the gay community and how the community supports her. I'm not sure that'll be the case any longer, if it was ever really the case to begin with. Lawd. 


I do have some questions about The Challenge and The Real World. On RW, the producers no longer seem to mind when roommates punch, kick, and strangle one another. I mean, roommates got physical on more than a handful of episodes during this latest season. But Nia pokes Jordan's crotch and pulls down his pants (revealing tights) and she's removed from the house? Each show clearly has a different line, but it's odd considering they're both produced by BMP.

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Nia's obsession with Jordan's penis is my least favorite part of her personality.  I don't think I will ever forget her insisting the roommates watch them play weird fellatio chicken so she could prove he had a small penis.  Or something, because I don't understand the logic of whatever her relationship with Jordan was/is.


I welcome our new stricter Challenge overlords.  After the most recent agonizing season of The Real World, I'm glad they didn't let it escalate and sent her home.


I loved them showing Jay trying to get Nany and Jenna home when they were drunk.  It helped lift the mood a lot, and I think it made me like him a bit more.

  • Love 5

What was that about? It thought I heard something about him being a homosexual? Was that just being thrown around as an insult or was Nia trying to out him?


I remember making a lot of commets about Jordans junk during Portland.


I do have some questions about The Challenge and The Real World. On RW, the producers no longer seem to mind when roommates punch, kick, and strangle one another. I mean, roommates got physical on more than a handful of episodes during this latest season. But Nia pokes Jordan's crotch and pulls down his pants (revealing tights) and she's removed from the house? Each show clearly has a different line, but it's odd considering they're both produced by BMP.


I wonder if it has anything to do with Insurance since it might be considerd a game show. Especially with Tonya's lawsuit.

  • Love 1

Nia, Nany and Johnny in one swoop. Thank You Jesus 

It sounded like Nia called Jordan a "faggot," which is despicable, even by Nia's standards. She then made some remark about the gay community and how the community supports her. I'm not sure that'll be the case any longer, if it was ever really the case to begin with. Lawd. 


I do have some questions about The Challenge and The Real World. On RW, the producers no longer seem to mind when roommates punch, kick, and strangle one another. I mean, roommates got physical on more than a handful of episodes during this latest season. But Nia pokes Jordan's crotch and pulls down his pants (revealing tights) and she's removed from the house? Each show clearly has a different line, but it's odd considering they're both produced by BMP.

I think the F word is what got her tossed. 

  • Love 5

Wow. That was one helluva hour, even if it was mostly Norwegian tourism material.


Fuck you, Johnny. Seriously. Sarah is trying to play the game like you, and she's a "Judas"? Seriously?!? And fuck you, Nany, for piling on along with Nia.


Speaking of the "hurricane". . . yes, BMP needs better rules. Sylvia can whale on Madison and not get tossed. Jason can manhandle Nicole so heinously that she's rocked to the core, and he gets off scot-free. But all Nia has to do is challenge Jordan's manhood and poke him in the dick, and that's grounds for dismissal? I'm not complaining about that . . .she's a bitch who's only on the show because she got a taste of Leroy, but the double standard is glaring. I wonder what Nicole thinks about it.


Go, Sarah & Jordan. I hope Sarah can get that $125,000 and kickstart her life. "Grade school art teacher" looks better on a resume than "professional reality personality," Johnny.


ETA: Maybe it was Violette that beat up Madison. I never cared enough to learn to tell her and Sylvia apart.

  • Love 5

So glad Nia was tossed. Can we please stop equating the word vagina with cowardly or weak?

Really she's equating being a woman with being weak which is worse. Jordan has no balls, he has lady parts, therefore he's weak. I think the challenge has a stricter policy because of the Tonya incident. They should be taking the mother show just as seriously. Between real world and bad girls club, some is going to seriously get hurt one day.

Edited by Racj82
  • Love 7

Not surprised that Johnny's true colors are back after he gets thrown into an elimination. Disappointed, but not surprised. I was glad that Jay stood up for himself when Johnny called him an idiot like he and Jenna weren't even there. Johnny was all pouty and mumbly and Jay was articulate and direct. Such a pretentious, entitled, disrespectful P.O.S. He really just makes himself look bad.

  • Love 17

Nia's obsession with Jordan's penis is my least favorite part of her personality.  I don't think I will ever forget her insisting the roommates watch them play weird fellatio chicken so she could prove he had a small penis.  Or something, because I don't understand the logic of whatever her relationship with Jordan was/is.

Say what now??


Such a great episode.  I could have done with less Sarah crying, but more power to both her and Jordan for sticking with and defending their decision.  Nia, Nany, and Bananas just proved what assholes they were with that entire scene of them in bedroom talking negatively about Sarah loudly so she could hear them.  Took me all the way back to Junior High.  Also glad that when Johnny tried to put down Jay, that Jay stood his ground and held his own against Johnny and all his sour fucking grapes.


So happy to see Leroy manhandle Johnny in that elimination!  I was kinda hoping for a tie, with a Nany win, so that the third match would be Johnny and Leroy again.

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I was somewhat surprised by all the comments re: Sarah's supposed lack of conditioning. I always thought of her as one of the stronger physical competitors. I know she's a strong swimmer, and hasn't she generally done really well on the more physical challenges? Maybe they just mean compared to someone who's a more traditional athlete like Theresa (who, if I recall correctly, plays basketball and maybe other team sports).


That girls dome was brutal. Teresa impressed me - I can't imagine continuing after being knocked on my back like that. And glad to see Johnny getting his ass handed to him. Leroy has his weak spots (e.g., swimming), but when it comes to challenges requiring a lot of physicality (e.g., wrestling, climbing) he seems pretty unbeatable. Glad he's still around, even if his Bananas blind spot is super-frustrating. (I think TJ's a fan too - loved the pat on the bum he gave Leroy after he won!)

  • Love 2

Norway does look beautiful.


"She yanked down his pants in Panama and now she's grabbing his junk in Norway." If I ever said anything bad about Jay I take it back. I do wish he defended himself a little bit more when Banana's told him to go put a pillow over his head for 10 minutes but he did an okay job with it. I think that was the most I heard him talk all season, confessionals aside.


I can't believe how angry everyone was at Sarah. I hope there is a crossword puzzle on the final challenge for her. I love that she's an elementary school art teacher. I bet she's really good at it.


"I want a granola bar!" Can't stand Nany but that was funny. She should've yelled it like a battle cry before going against Theresa.


Guess what, Nany? You pretty much just guaranteed Theresa is going to be your partner on an upcoming Rivals season. Have fun.

  • Love 4

Leroy and Theresa for the win please! (not a Theresa fan, but I heart Roylee)


I was surprised they sent Nia home for the harassment, but it was understandable. They used to send people home for just a slap, hello Irene, but this is the first time I've seen someone sent home from a reality show for harassing someone. They've gotten pretty lax with their assault stuff, I've seen some girls throw some swings at the guys that back ten years ago would have sent them home immediately. Which is good, she was being a bully. Flat out. I LOVED that Leroy thought it was part of the challenge. It was adorable. 


Glad Johnny is gone. I refuse to participate in making "Banana's" happen. I think Nony can be funny, but she was really cocky and irritating this season. She reminded me of a girl in high school who was just normal, then dated the Quarter back and suddenly she's walking around like she owns the place. Her being drunk and almost walking into the harbor then screaming for a Reese Cuppppp was the most real she's been all season. 


Honestly, I would be happy with any of the remaining couples winning. I just hope they all finish. I didn't know they had to FINISH the challenge to get their money. 

  • Love 1

Both shows used to have that strict policy but they relaxed them on RW a couple of seasons ago. In the original RW Vegas one girl almost went home because she threw a plastic knife at someone.

Yeah, their policy is weird. In RW Seattle, RW Las Vegas (original), and RW Sydney, the housemates were sat down and had to go around the room in a circle and say if the cast member was allowed to stay. Las Vegas Brynn and Seattle Stephen were allowed to stay, Sydney Tricia had to leave.


But in Extreme Challenge, RR South Pacific, RR Latin America, and whatever that challenge was where Tina hit Beth (and I use the word 'hit' loosely, Tina couldn't throw a decent punch despite all her tough girl posturing), and The Ruins- Ayanna, Abe, Gladys (I think it was her?), Tina, and Tonya all got sent home, despite the protests coming from some of the castmates. When Ayanna hit Christian on the Extreme Challenge, he went to production and said he didn't feel threatened by her and asked if she could stay, to be told that for liability reasons she could not.


I thought it was interesting in Susie's essay on sexism in B/M world she gave the impression that was being sexually assaulted by Ace during the Inferno 3. While Ace did jump into bed with her after she told him to leave, the impression I got while that season was airing was that it was more that he was pranking her vs a sexual thing. But, innocent intentions or not, that's a pretty dubious area when someone jumps into bed with someone else after that person has asked him or her to leave. Susie hit Ace a couple times and neither one was kicked off the show, although I think Abe (not Ace) and Bananas did lobby to get her kicked off for hitting.


Their no violence and no sexual assault policy seems pretty fluid and open to change at any time.

  • Love 1
So Bananas put a pic of his broken ribs in twitter, turns out he fake the whole thing, someone post this http://openi.nlm.nih...-10-121-4&req=4

And those broken ribs are from a 50 year old man.



He's gross. He's did exactly what he accused Wes of doing except Wes didn't go to Twitter and post a photo to "prove" injury. Johnny realized Leroy was going to win and he wasn't going to stand a chance so he faked injury. As if I needed another reason to dislike him.


"She yanked down his pants in Panama and now she's grabbing his junk in Norway." If I ever said anything bad about Jay I take it back. I do wish he defended himself a little bit more when Banana's told him to go put a pillow over his head for 10 minutes but he did an okay job with it. I think that was the most I heard him talk all season, confessionals aside.



I'm glad Jay said something and didn't let Johnny get away with that. He's so used to getting his way and having people back down. That much was evident in his childish rebuttals. He looked like an idiot while Jay stayed calm and rational. Sour grapes indeed.

  • Love 5

Their no violence and no sexual assault policy seems pretty fluid and open to change at any time.


Agreed. When the producers send someone home for getting physical, I do believe there typically are valid reasons to do so. However, I sometimes think that producers weigh the insurance liability v. any chance of a better story/ratings, and then pick and choose their expulsions. Here, Nia went home for some homophobic slurs, pulling down Jordan's pants, and poking his junk; while, Bruno on the most recent season of RW, stayed despite quite literally verbally and physically attacking a handful (if not all) of the roommates.


Thus, I think BMP just weighs its options and what will be best for story, and justifies it in any way it needs to. 

  • Love 2
Both shows used to have that strict policy but they relaxed them on RW a couple of seasons ago. In the original RW Vegas one girl almost went home because she threw a plastic knife at someone.



I think that, given the Tonya thing, they are going with any unwelcome touching of someone else's genitals as their line in the sand.


I totally forgot to record last night, so I'm going to have to catch the repeat next week.  But Johnny losing and then posting a stock X-ray image to claim his ribs were broken, after ripping Wes for "faking" an injury is just too delicious.  Does he have a setting other than "raging douchey hypocrite"?

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I've been rooting for Leroy the whole season, but I gotta say.....him getting a new partner that late in the game was pure, unadulterated bullshit.


RIGHT?!  I was waiting for Sarah to be SUPER pissed about it, considering how many times she has gotten screwed with partners getting kicked off.  But I guess the alternative was having a ridiculously smug and unbearable Bananas and Nany in the final, so having Teresa come back was definitely the lesser of two evils.

  • Love 11

That was an awesome episode. So happy to see that Nia, Johnny and Nany are such losers. I hope the people who rig these fake games shows are taking notes about how satisfying it is to see assholes eat justice. If you act like a child, you lose; that's what I learned in this episode. I agree that BMP does whatever makes the best TV without getting sued, and in this case I think they knew it was a good idea to just remove Nia. She was on shit-show mode and they probably just didn't want to see how low she goes again, after what happened on Real World. She's an asshole and kinda a sexual predator about it, too. Good riddance to her, and to Johnny. He and Nany acted like overgrown children. It was great to see losers lose.

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I've been rooting for Leroy the whole season, but I gotta say.....him getting a new partner that late in the game was pure, unadulterated bullshit.  For whatever reason, I really thought that was bogus as fuck considering what they've done with people who lost partners in past seasons.


But the biggest bullshit with Leroy was on the Rivals season - when his "rival" Adam was sent home for fighting and they brought in not another rival but LEROY'S BEST EFFIN' FRIEND Mike. 


So it was a bunch of teams of people who can't stand each other, and these two wearing BFF necklaces.

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The assualt policy is strange because on BOTS2 they should have kicked off half the cast for that one crazy fight Nany started. That ended with Dustin slapping Frank. Has it really been 8 years since RW Brookyn filmed?



But the biggest bullshit with Leroy was on the Rivals season - when his "rival" Adam was sent home for fighting and they brought in not another rival but LEROY'S BEST EFFIN' FRIEND Mike.

To be fair they did the same thing with Cooke on Rivals 2.  I know Jon Murray said in his Reddit chat he sees Jordan and Leroy as the future of The Challenge Franchise so I'm not really surprised they brought Theresa back. Bringing back Theresa made for better TV than just eliminating Leroy.

Edited by choclatechip45
  • Love 1


So glad Nia was tossed.  Can we please stop equating the word vagina with cowardly or weak?

God, she was uncomfortable to watch/listen to. I kept waiting for Sarah to say something about this but I did love her "I'm an elementary school art teacher" rebuttal in her confessional.


I also found it interesting that after all of the yelling, and hatred, and foul slander thrown by Nia towards Nany and Bananas, she was all buddy-buddy with them in their Norway bedroom. And of course Bananas would encourage Nia's deplorable behavior. He is THE WORST and I'm so so happy that he isn't in this Challenge final. Bye forever (hopefully) Bananas!!

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I think for me it's more about the timing (right before final elimination) of giving him a replacement rather than the fact that he got one.  Along with the fact it was someone who'd competed and been eliminated during the season.  I kinda think Theresa had to have been at home by the time she was contacted being that they'd already traveled to Norway, maybe I'm wrong.  Regardless, I thought it was wack.   

  • Love 3


But the biggest bullshit with Leroy was on the Rivals season - when his "rival" Adam was sent home for fighting and they brought in not another rival but LEROY'S BEST EFFIN' FRIEND Mike.

To be fair they did the same thing with Cooke on Rivals 2.


Naomi took herself out of the game for a family emergency, though - not the same as fighting/sexual harassment... and she left in the first episode. 

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I can understand getting Leroy a new partner because Theresa likely hadn't flown back yet and they are exes too. They also gave Cara Maria to Cooke after Naomi left a few seasons ago so they'll replace if they can. At least this time it fits the theme.

Theresa got eliminated back in Panama, right? So she (and Wes) weren't even in Norway. I think she even said how weird it was to be in the finals, seeing that she was just home a couple of days ago. I thought it seemed odd that they were lounging around as long as they did when they first got to Norway. I bet they stalled production in order to fly Theresa in.

  • Love 3

Seeing Nia, Nany, and Johnny getting sent home after talking so much crap was the best thing to have happened this season. I felt bad for Sarah having to put up with those idiots. The level of entitlement that Johnny and Nany had was just ridiculous. Don't even get me started on Nia whose behavior was inexcusable.

Good for Leroy beating Johnny twice in the Dome! I'm not the biggest Theresa fan, but I was happy that she beat Nany as well.

I'm still rooting for Sarah and Jordan to win it all, but I honestly wouldn't be bothered if any of the other teams won instead.

  • Love 4

I want Sarah and Jordan to win the whole thing after all of that mess. And Jay/Jenna can take 2nd. And I hope Leroy and Theresa don't finish so they don't get any money. I like Leroy but I'm tired of the Bananas ass-kissing, and I've never liked Theresa. Also, though I'm glad Bananas/Nany were eliminated, I'd rather see them in the final than Leroy get a new partner just before the finale after seeing Sarah (and others) get booted due to their partner (and the game being past the first mission). I'm calling shenanigans.

Nia was simply inappropriate and gross in both language and actions. Not at all surprised based on her RW appearance.

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I'm going to let Grantland recap the whole weird blow-job thing for me, because I have no idea how to even begin to describe it.  Since I was already there, this is the recap for their creepy fight that they showed clips of last week.

Thanks for that.  That's some straight up fuckery right there.  Sounds like that season was a hot mess! Nia and Jordan seem to have a very odd and complicated relationship. 

I want Sarah and Jordan to win the whole thing after all of that mess. And Jay/Jenna can take 2nd. And I hope Leroy and Theresa don't finish so they don't get any money. I like Leroy but I'm tired of the Bananas ass-kissing, and I've never liked Theresa. Also, though I'm glad Bananas/Nany were eliminated, I'd rather see them in the final than Leroy get a new partner just before the finale after seeing Sarah (and others) get booted due to their partner (and the game being past the first mission). I'm calling shenanigans.

Nia was simply inappropriate and gross in both language and actions. Not at all surprised based on her RW appearance.


I was very disappointed to see how quickly Leroy fell in with mocking Sarah.  He really is such a follower, which doesn't excuse it. 


I think they need to decide if partners are or are not replaced on this show, and apply the rule fairly.  The only reason they haven't, as far as I can tell, is if it is known that partners are absolutely replaced, people will bully weak partners to get them to quit.

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YES! What a great episode! Now that Bananas, Nany, and the vilest of them all, Nia, are out of there, I'd be happy with any of the remaining teams winning. Jordan and Sarah have never really bothered me and had to endure a lot of shit for throwing Bananas into the final dome. Jay and Jenna are cool for rookies. I did want them out earlier in the game, but they've proven they're less vile than most of the vets. While I find Theresa to be annoying, she really is the lesser of evils here. Nany was just as insufferable as Bananas this season, so I'm glad she's gone. I'd say her partner rubbed off on her in a bad way. Johnny is the biggest bitch and drama queen on this show.  He's only cool when he's running the show and the one doing the screwing. He can't take it when someone else holds the power. I knew that when it was a physical challenge against Leroy that he had no chance. Once again the garbage man took out the trash. I was pleased that the producers finally put Bananas in an elimination challenge that he couldn't luck out a win in. I think the producers are doing what they can to change the guard and make Leroy and Jordan the new faces of The Challenge. Jonathan Murray has alluded to such.


Nia is one of the most disgusting people I've ever witnessed, period. It was so cool how she was dismissed. T.J. just told her to pack her bags and no one understood why she was leaving. If they would've told her in the hotel room, she would've gone batshit crazy with some more "hurricane" Nia nonsense. I'm glad I didn't have to see that and props for T.J. for playing it cool. The thing is she's not even good TV. She does things for dramatic effect, and she just comes off as lame and as an attention whore. It really is pathetic to watch, I wanted to smack her, and good on the show producers for getting her out of there and giving Leroy a partner who can help him win the challenge. He made a good choice in hooking up with Theresa. While she's a sucky person, she's the closest thing to an alpha female there is this season. Leroy actually deserves to win this season. He has performed great on the non-aquatic physical challenges. It'll be interesting to see if he and Theresa can catch up after the swimming portion of the finale. My prediction is that they win. I think the talk of Sarah's lack of conditioning is foreshadowing and that Jay and Jenna just don't have the mental makeup to compete in a finale yet. I'd imagine the finale isn't something you can prepare for until you've been through it. I do think Jay and Jenna will finish though. I mean, it's still $30,000 for finishing. That's not too shabby of a pay day.

Edited by jmonkey
  • Love 2

Everything about this episode was perfection. Thank you, Nia, for taking yourself out of the game so I could have a clear favorite team to root for in the elimination. I can't stand Theresa, but I dislike her a lot less than Nia. And Nany, Nany, Nany. I liked you! I was on your side throughout the Theresa bullshit! I take it back. Nany and Theresa are equally ridiculous. I was glad to see Theresa beat her, and loved seeing Bananas get spanked. I was rooting for Nany and Bananas to will in Exile and make it back into the game, but their absolute assholishness about being voted into elimination was so over the top. I can't believe Johnny's gall, to complain about Sarah not being "conditioned" and not turning her back on them or whatever. The ganging up on Sarah (and nothing at all for Jordan until he finally stood up for Sarah?) was awful, so it was even sweeter to see all three of those participating end up going home.


The only thing that could have made it better would have been to actually get to see Nia's reaction to being told she was going home. I'm sure it was wonderfully insane.


Theresa got eliminated back in Panama, right? So she (and Wes) weren't even in Norway. I think she even said how weird it was to be in the finals, seeing that she was just home a couple of days ago. I thought it seemed odd that they were lounging around as long as they did when they first got to Norway. I bet they stalled production in order to fly Theresa in.


I'm certain that's what happened. I also wonder if that's why they waited so long to tell Leroy and everyone else that Nia had been sent home, because they were waiting to see if they could get Theresa. 

Edited by atlanticslide
  • Love 1

I really wish I could have watched this the other night but I finally got a chance tonight.


God, Nia...just ugh. I didn't think her first rant when she and Leroy were put in the elimination was unwarranted but now I see how completely vile she is. I don't understand why she went off the way she did. She and Leroy were going into this elimination no matter what. Sarah and Jordan didn't put them in there. Even Nany and Johnny weren't going off half as hard as she was. She should have listened to Leroy and just focused on the elimination. Grabbing Jordan and that really weird statement about gay people loving her. What? She got what she deserved.


I'm really glad they brought in Theresa for Leroy because I was going to be so pissed if Johnny's lucky ass got to the finale because Leroy didn't have partner. And ha, he and Nany got their butts kicked. It was so satisfying.


Johnny gloating that Sarah wasn't going to win the finale. Maybe, maybe not. But he for sure wasn't so whatever, Johnny. She was just playing the game the way he started it with Paula on the island. The student has surpassed the teacher.


Also good on Jay for not sitting there and taking Johnny's shit as he called them idiots. They weren't the ones who were eliminated TWICE.

Edited by TiffanyNichelle
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