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Weird Loners - General Discussion

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Is it better than One Big Happy? Because 2 episodes in that show really isn't working for me.


Not to me...but as I mentioned in my NSFS on that one, I have a secondhand connection to One Big Happy's creator that might bias me in its favour.

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Is it better than One Big Happy? Because 2 episodes in that show really isn't working for me.


I feel the same way.... I haven't laughed @ all over any of the first 2 episodes of One Big Happy.... But, yet, I am going to keep on watching as well as Weird Loners because I really did like Happy Endings....;-x

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So, I guess Queens=losers? Ouch. Well, I don't mind. It'll keep the cool kids from disturbing us in our comfy, interesting borough.


I'm a 37 year old single Queens resident.  I guess I have a new favorite show? 

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and even the fourth could probably get by telling nearsighted ladies that he's Nick Swardson and he just put on a little winter weight.


That is certainly the first time I have ever heard it suggested that Nick Swardson was even remotely within the range of attractive.

As long as Becki Newton is involved, I don't care how far from reality the premise strays. Besides, being a loner is more of a state of mind, not strictly a result of one's lack of attractiveness. Though it is true that in the venn diagram of life, unattractiveness and being a loner do have a wide area of intersection.

Edited by reggiejax
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Is it better than One Big Happy? Because 2 episodes in that show really isn't working for me.

I love Elisha Cuthbert, but I cannot bear whatever laugh track/audience sweetening/Joker-gas toxic spill that are using on that show. Whoever is responsible for that should be banned from television production (I said, hoping that person is not Tara's connection).

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This.  I remember her from 'Love Bites' where she played the pregnant chef.

I really liked that show too! Plus Becki from Ugly Betty, she's one of the reasons I kept with that show as long as I did. 

I actually really liked this pilot. I like all the actors from various other projects they've done with the exception of Meera Rohit Kumbhani who I've never seen before. I'm actually most intrigued by her character, her and Nate Torrence's character interactions made me laugh the most in the pilot. 


Is it better than One Big Happy? Because 2 episodes in that show really isn't working for me.

As much as I like the actors and the creator of One Big Happy, I can't get into it either. I feel like I'm forcing it. I don't think it has anything to do with the laugh track or whatever. It may have to do with it being multi-camera vs single and how the actors have to project the jokes. Weird Loners, I get a slight Happy Endings vibe which certainly helps, since I was a fan of that.

Edited by Check Sanity
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I thought it was altogether not bad as a start, and since I'm going to be watching New Girl anyway it's easy enough to leave the TV on Fox for another half hour. Relationship comedies involving goofy young (or in this case, a little past young) attractive singles in the big city are not exactly a new idea, but the cast and the jokes were enough to amuse me, and as one who had a Polish grandmother I smiled at the subtle Polish-American references.

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I agree with the recap, it was more "interesting" than "funny." But I like seeing Nate Torrence back on TV. He played my favorite character on the short-lived "Mr. Sunshine," a show apparently nobody watched but me. And the rest of the cast is also very good. Ratings weren't very good though. Lower than what Mindy usually gets.

Edited by iMonrey
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I liked it lots of funny bits plus the cast seems to work well together. And i generally seem to like shows where the main characters are jerks (Archer is one of my favourite shows).

Plus, hey Ted Mosby's street.

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I laughed at the wedding sequence; the cake-scarfing seemed predictable, but the lip-reading of the vows was pretty great. I liked Love Bites and Mister Sunshine, even if Nate Torrence wasn't my favourite cast member. I still miss Happy Endings.

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I feel back for Becki Newton. I really like her and enjoy her shows (I actually miss the Goodwin Games) but I can tell from the first episode of this show that it is doomed. It has that same vibe as so many single-camera sitcomes have had come and gone before it and that means it will never be a hit. Don't get me wrong, I liked this show and will continue to watch it, but I will not be surprised if it they don't even air 13 episodes.


Doom and gloom aside, I loved the wedding voice-overs and think this show is cute. Zachary Knighton is enjoyable too.  I actually like all 4 sad sacks and look forward to the next episode.

Edited by xander874
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Becki Newton feels like something TV is always trying to make happen but she never happens.  I guess this is the third try.

Maybe, but the same could once have been said of Tea Leoni and Lauren Graham. I do hope they keep trying with her (with this or another show), because I find her very watchable.

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Finally got around to seeing this one! Didn't exactly make me laugh out loud (except for the masturbation high five) but I enjoyed watching it. I like all the actors so far, they seem to work well together, and I loved Happy Endings, so Ill give this a shot.


I thought it was funny that they had the Polish American references in this show, when Happy Endings had a lot of references to Serbian Americans. It always bothers me that no one on TV seems to have any particular ethnic heritage (unless its plot relevant) so I like that about their comedies.  

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I feel bad that I only have vague memories of Nate Torrence on Studio 60. I'm grateful to have a name to put to the actress playing Caryn's mom, though. I hope Essman does have a continuing role on the show -- her timing is lovely.

Edited by Sandman
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I thought the bit towards the end with the lip-reading at the wedding was genuinely funny. For that alone I will give it a second episode.

Agreed. A lot of it I thought was more uncomfortable and awkward than funny, but the way they lip read the wedding vows was laugh out loud.
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I think Becki Newton, Susie Essman (Mrs. Goldfarb), and Renee Taylor (Nana) were all hilarious and adorable. I just keep wondering why Zachary Knighton looks so old all of a sudden.

Eric the Man-Child is not adorable. I'm kind of back to being annoyed by Nate Torrence.

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Caryn and Zara discover Stosh has been using food pilfered from their kitchen to cook meals for them and Eric; Stosh skims money Eric gave him to buy a TV to pay off his bookie.

Not a good sign when the episode is 2 days old and no one has posted. I wonder if this show will even get to air all of its episodes?


As far as the episode goes, I thought it was okay. Glad to see Stosh is evolving a bit although he is still slimy. I really like Eric and feel bad as he seems like a nice guy (although crazy naive). Zara hasn't had much to do - I hope they flesh her out a bit.

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Yes, when the lights went out and their vests were glowing that was the first time I've actually laughed in the first three episodes. Well, chuckled, more like, but still. Pretty bad my first actual laugh came three episodes in. Not a good sign. I do think they'll air all the episodes because it's the end of the season but no way will it be renewed, the ratings are terrible.

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It's taken some time for the purported "weirdness" to show but I think this is the first episode that hits its stride. The human chess game was very funny and Karen's insecurity was hilarious. The characters are finding their feet, but I still hope for more funny.

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This episode was pretty funny, not laugh out loud funny but it's a good combination of physical comedy and sly, subtle writing.  


Stosh: "I want to rep you."

Zara: "I have a whistle."

Stosh: "No, I want to rep you. Represent you as an artist."

Zara: "Oh, it did seem strange that you would give me heads up."


That awkward upside down hug between Stosh and Zara in the backyard was funny when Stosh accidentally ended up with Zara's boobs in his face.


Eric's chessboard dance to Broken Wings by Mister, Mister was good too, as was Stosh's ever escalating commission percentage.


Becki Newton's Caryn being blown off by a guy she wasn't even interested kind of brought back memories of her work on 'Love Bites'.  Plus she is just adorable as a pawn.


Caryn: "Tell him I'll put out.  All the bases."


Caryn (dressed as a chess pawn): "You went out with me to make her jealous. You literally used me as a pawn."

Carl: "I thought that was rather elegant, actually."

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This episode was pretty funny, not laugh out loud funny but it's a good combination of physical comedy and sly, subtle writing.  


Stosh: "I want to rep you."

Zara: "I have a whistle."

Stosh: "No, I want to rep you. Represent you as an artist."

Zara: "Oh, it did seem strange that you would give me heads up."


That awkward upside down hug between Stosh and Zara in the backyard was funny when Stosh accidentally ended up with Zara's boobs in his face.


Eric's chessboard dance to Broken Wings by Mister, Mister was good too, as was Stosh's ever escalating commission percentage.


Becki Newton's Caryn being blown off by a guy she wasn't even interested kind of brought back memories of her work on 'Love Bites'.  Plus she is just adorable as a pawn.


Caryn: "Tell him I'll put out.  All the bases."


Caryn (dressed as a chess pawn): "You went out with me to make her jealous. You literally used me as a pawn."

Carl: "I thought that was rather elegant, actually."

Agree and i really like the actor.

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Yeah, this episode started to feel like they were trying to take a more serious turn, and then all of a sudden Stosh decided to ditch his kid. Then instead of realizing the error of his ways he gets caught and the kid beats the crap out of him. WTF? I don't know how it helps to make the character even more unlikable than when the show started. Up 'til now I've found him sort of amusing in a "glad I don't know him" kind of way, but now I just hate him. Good job, show! 

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The Godfather homage was really well done, though.

That was funny, but I saw it coming as soon as the kid got out of the car. If this show survives, it will be interesting to see whether they do anything more with the Stosh/son story line or if it turns out to be a one-off just so that could do the Godfather gag.

The callback with the cat was good also. Similarly, I knew as soon as Caryn opened the carrier that he was going to bolt; I didn't see him going out the window, however. To paraphrase the immortal words of Harry S. Miller, I'm glad "the cat came back", although IRL a freaked out cat (especially in the city) would have never been seen again.

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I tuned in out of affection for Zachary Knighton, but after 20 minutes of not so much as grinning I'm out. The people who made this apparently forgot that sitcoms are supposed to be funny.

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"Weird Loners" has been cancelled, which is a shame, because the last episode made me laugh out loud a few times and finally started jelling for me. I guess they had a finale of sorts: Stosh and Carryn kissed at the lesbian bar, giving in to the "will they/won't they" vibe the creators were going for.

I didn't realize Zara was a lesbian until the final episode. Poor Eric is alone at the end. The plight of the fat guy.

With the cancellation of "Marry Me," "One Big Happy," and now this, that makes "Happy Endings" alumni zero for three, doesn't it? Damon Wayans and Adam Pally joined existing shows, so that doesn't count.

Edit: Oops! That should have been zero for three. Obviously, math is not my thing.

Edited by SmithW6079
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"Weird Loners" has been cancelled, which is a shame, because the last episode made me laugh out loud a few times and finally started jelling for me. I guess they had a finale of sorts: Stosh and Carryn kissed at the lesbian bar, giving in to the "will they/won't they" vibe the creators were going for.

I didn't realize Zara was a lesbian until the final episode. Poor Eric is alone at the end. The plight of the fat guy.

With the cancellation of "Marry Me," "One Big Happy," and now this, that makes "Happy Endings" alumni zero for zero, doesn't it? Damon Wayans and Adam Pally joined existing shows, so that doesn't count.


Yeah, out of all their new shows I enjoyed Marry Me the most but Weird Loners was starting to grow on me.  

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I liked this show, but it had "one season" written all over it. There was just no real momentum behind it, it reminded me a lot of 'Love Bites', another Becki Newton show that was cancelled early on. It was a cute show, but just didn't have that certain IT factor that made you want to tune in week after week.


Poor Becki :( Will she ever get a starring show that lasts more than one season?

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