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S05.E23: The Melody Lingers On

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Alison's trial is about to begin and the once-confident Queen Bee is not so confident about her fate, as testimony reveals not only her lies but the lies of those close to her. Meanwhile, Spencer, Aria, Emily and Caleb search for information to clear the imprisoned Hanna following a string of clues that might have been left by Mona or possibly planted by "A."



Aria's jacket is a thing of beauty indeed. And it is only enhanced by being paired up with that skirt. I could not believe my eyes. But it's not the only reason why I couldn't watch that scene for even 1 minute: it is just so, so boring. It looks like I'll be skipping Aria's scenes again, like in the good ol' Ezria days... which are not that far behind. Oh, show...

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Alison (over the phone to Emily): It's raining here. Is it raining back home ?


Seriously ?  They aren't in different time zones, they're not even in different states.  Chester Woman's Correction facility is probably less than 20 minutes outside of town considering it's so easy to get there, and probably closer than Ravenswood.



Sneak peeks (I just can't with Aria's kitten jacket):


Not sure which is worse -- the jacket covered with cat faces or that zebra stripe skirt she's wearing with it.  Was Aria in the dark when she picked out her outfit that morning ?

  • Love 1
Alison (over the phone to Emily): It's raining here. Is it raining back home ?

Seriously ?  They aren't in different time zones, they're not even in different states.  Chester Woman's Correction facility is probably less than 20 minutes outside of town considering it's so easy to get there, and probably closer than Ravenswood.



I live in a medium to small sized town and I've probably asked or have been asked Ali's question about 10.000 times. It's perfectly common to be raining in a part of town and to be completely dry in another, sometimes with less than ten minutes of distance because it's just a cloud hovering over that particular spot.


And about that Aria scene. Boy, that's one boring scene. I stopped halfway through because I don't want to have to rewatch the entire thing when the episode airs. I actually think her skirt is uglier and more unflattering than the cat jacket could ever dream ot be.

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  On 3/6/2015 at 7:01 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:

Not sure which is worse -- the jacket covered with cat faces or that zebra stripe skirt she's wearing with it. Was Aria in the dark when she picked out her outfit that morning ?

Aria plays closet Russian roulette. She closes herself in her closet, gets dressed in the dark, and wears whatever she's put on, matching be damned.

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  On 3/7/2015 at 2:07 AM, kariyaki said:

Aria plays closet Russian roulette. She closes herself in her closet, gets dressed in the dark, and wears whatever she's put on, matching be damned.

Honestly if that were true, I would like the Aria so much more.  It would both explain why she is always dressed so weird and give her some of the quirky personality that made Aria likable in the books.

Edited by superman1204
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I could of sworn the bird was dead. Every episode that pAsses I'm stArting to feel that monA is Alive. At this point I cAnt even begin to guess who A is.. Every time I think I'm right something in the show proves it wrong. I Also feel that they wAnt us to believe that Andrew is pArt of the A team in some wAy, but by now we all know that BigA is one person. I guess All there is to do now is just sit bAck and wAit til the seAson finAle.

Okay, this show is ridiculous, but I laughed pretty hard at the return of Tippi the bird.


Now that we know Tippi is alive, where is Pepe the DiLaurentis' dog ?



Based on that scene of Andrew outside Mona's house, are we to conclude that Andrew is Big A because his name starts with 'A' and he's big. </snark>

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Someone on Reddit figured out that every line is an anagram for 

  Reveal spoiler

. This fits with spoilers that say the blocks we've seen in the previews for the finale spell out 

  Reveal spoiler

It's hard to believe that the spoiler & the anagram are mere coincidence. 


In obvious news, these girls are so dumb. They went into Mona's house without gloves on. They went to the ice cream factory without gloves on. An ice pick from the factory was used to break into Mona's house tonight. 


These girls are all doomed. 

  Reveal spoiler
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  On 3/11/2015 at 3:47 AM, ottoDbusdriver said:

Firing it into an anagram generator, I preferred the alternative:  sultrier enchiladas.


Maybe that's the new special at Ezra's shop. </snark>

Served with a side of perv-tatoes and topped with cheese not yet legally aged.

I'm so happy Andrew didn't let Rosewood down on the shade factor.

Courtroom scenes on t.v. are such a joke, right? "Objection! Inappropriate!" As if the prosecutor was about to tell a dirty joke.

I did not appreciate Emily's response to the news that Ashley banged Jason. She looked grossed out. Emily, this is a win for 40 something divorcees all over the world.

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  On 3/11/2015 at 4:49 AM, larapu2000 said:

Served with a side of perv-tatoes and topped with cheese not yet legally aged.

I'm so happy Andrew didn't let Rosewood down on the shade factor.

Courtroom scenes on t.v. are such a joke, right? "Objection! Inappropriate!" As if the prosecutor was about to tell a dirty joke.

I did not appreciate Emily's response to the news that Ashley banged Jason. She looked grossed out. Emily, this is a win for 40 something divorcees all over the world.


... and both are adults, unlike the EZRIA romance that Emily has been supportive of or her own dalliance with Talia (who is, I guess, living in her house off-screen).


So, "Charles", eh?  Could he actually be Andrew?  That could explain why he's being so unrealistically helpful, unless he's really into Ezra's seconds and why he's been such a big part of this back half of the season.  He's lurking outside Mona's house for some reason, there's an unaccounted for male, it at least fits.

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I'm going to be so sad when Big A is revealed to not be Aria. Each episode has me more and more convinced that she's the one behind everything.

In this episode it was her refusal to answer the phone when the Varjack number called. Thank god for Caleb and his "answer the effing phone!" reaction. This is why I love him. If he wasn't there the Liars would have just stared at the phone until the call missed, resulting in A having to call each of them until someone actually thought to answered.

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I have to say, these past few episodes since aria and ezra have been apart, Aria has been incredible. Suddenly shes the first to volunteer to investigate and shes figuring out clues!! and I cracked up when she joked about giving up and going shopping. Seriously where has this Aria been for 5 season?? I swear to god if Andrew messes this up...

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I didn't understand the logic in Aria volunteering to see Mona's mom first because she's small and unintimidating. You need someone who is smart and knows how to snoop quickly, not someone who is too afraid to even answer her cell phone.


I loved that Caleb just snatched Aria's phone and answered it. Seriously, Aria, get your shit together. You have the opportunity to get some kind of clue or information and you're just going to stand there whining about how the mysterious Varjak got her phone number. THREE PEOPLE are telling you to answer the damn phone and you're arguing about why it's too scary to do it. USELESS.


I also loved that when Spencer asked for a burner phone, Caleb asked what color she wanted. He is so prepared! And Spencer is right - Caleb is the best boyfriend ever. He is loyal, smart, and willing to get shit done (ARIA).  And he doesn't dress like a two year old (ARIA).


Even if Andrew hadn't broken the window and left the ice pick inside, I was still like wait, you girls are just going to leave Mona's room a complete mess for her mother to come home and find? That woman has been through enough. The least you could do is try to tidy up. When the camera panned down to the floor, I was actually afraid we would see Mrs. Vanderwaal's body so an ice pick was almost a relief.


Even though Hanna and Ali have resigned themselves to being behind bars, I appreciate that they are telling Caleb and Jason to run while they still can. I know that Caleb won't leave but I hope that if/when Jason escapes he is smart enough to go to a country that doesn't have an extradition agreement with the U.S. Ashley was doing the same thing but on a smaller scale. They are all trying to protect the ones they love by setting them free.


I knew as soon as I saw those three phrases on the notecard that they were anagrams so I was disappointed that none of the girls realized it and typed one of them into an anagram website. I made myself wait until the episode ended to use an anagram website in the hopes that the girls came to their senses and do it themselves.

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I really liked this episode.


I agree about Mona being alive. It gets more and more convincing with every episode. If she is, then I'm predicting Andrew is her minion. Which explains why he's been so annoyingly sketchy!

Aside from Spencer and Mona, he is the only uber smart character, and I really doubt that they're revealing him as Big A or one of his minions. It just makes a lot more sense for Andrew to be linked to Mona rather than A.


I expected Spencer to get the anagram right away. We've seen her do it so many times before!


Also, I hope Jason stays. He's always going Out Of Town whenever things get heated and it would just be nice to see him stick around for once.

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Aria finally woke up! She can be pretty great if she's not with Ezra. She can actually be smart.

The way Andrew is being showcased these paar few episodes seems like he'll be the one revealed as A. And then of course next season we'll find out he isn't actually A, but trying to protect them (maybe under Mona's orders).

Caleb is great, he really is the perfect boyfriend. I'd a buy a bottle of him!

I still would have prefered to have Emily or Aria arrested for a change, especially Aria, but Hanna is doing really well. Ali telling Jason to go away was really nice of her, kind of like the first real genuine thing she has said in a while...

I was wondering when we'd get an A message through that weird secret telling machine.

Next episode is probably going to start with spencer solving the anagrams.. She's too Smart not to figure it out..

It was an okay episode, I just feel like things are being dragged along too much. I just want to get to the finale, if the reddit Spoilers are real, that's going to be a great episode and finally some action again.

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No Talia immediately makes this a better episode, as does knowing that Tippi is still alive and pooping on shredded evidence that could possibly vindicate or burn the Liars.


I would totally buy eau du Caleb, Best Boyfriend Ever. LOVED that he snatched Aria's damn cell from her and answered it. Girl can figure out how to assault the public's eyes on a daily basis by dressing as she does but she can't answer a damn call? Sketch.


Liked seeing Pastor Ted again and his scenes with Ashley instead of the show just telling us about what happened between them. I still cannot stand Ali, the only reason I care about her trial is that it affects the Liars.


The more this season drags on the more I think my beloved Mona is still alive and still pulling strings, possibly with Andrew as minion. Can't believe next week is the finale!

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I didn't understand the logic in Aria volunteering to see Mona's mom first because she's small and unintimidating. You need someone who is smart and knows how to snoop quickly, not someone who is too afraid to even answer her cell phone.

I think her logic was that Mona's Mom might actually let her in the house since she seems small and non- intimidating. I'm guessing if Mona's Mom was in town she would have heard the girls showed up at Ali's trial and might be angry if she saw it as them supporting Ali.  Aria might have a better shot getting in if she gives her the big eyes and some sob story.


That part cracked me up actually because...yeah... Spencer is intense and scary and lately Emily has been too and neither of them argued with her. :)

I confess I enjoyed the ep because it's stayed on track with not too much side-plot/romance (glad whatsherface doesn't seem to be in Emily's house. No room on the show for her).


The song got annoying. I didn't find it that menacing. They saved the secret machine for that!  I wouldn't mind some pilaf right now though.


Still don't understand Ali. The actress must be so confused at how to play the role. She does a good job considering Ali is all over the shop.


Aria is growing on me. I have actually liked her for the past few weeks, whereas in the past she's always been my least favourite. A little tweak in the writing to make her relevant to the investigation has worked. They have isolated her with Ezra too often in the past.


I don't think Lucy Hale always does heavy drama well, but she can pull off a certain type of comedy. The shopping line was one of the funniest I have seen on this show. I salute the writer who slipped that in. It's fun to giggle at the silliness of the show.


Aria's outfit...I just...!  Did A make her wear it like she made Hannah eat the doughnuts that time?  Surely that was a little visual joke to amuse us. Her sleeved blue dress was cute though.


So Andrew is a creeper - Next!


Mysterious words on card.  You know it's probably just going to lead to some irrelevant character. Next!


I do love Hannah and Caleb, but the latter's eyes just seem a little vacant to me. Was he always like that or is it just since the cancellation of that other show?  Is he haunted now or something?


However, when he called 'Spence' (Spence!) and then delightful the little cookie-laden friendship scene that ensued - well the character livened up. I 'ship them in secret now - though I know Spencer and Caleb love Hannah too much to ever go there. A healthy male/female friendship is so nice and so rare on TV. More please!  I also liked his apology to Aria.  Best boyfriend essence indeed.


I enjoyed watching the two mothers tonight. I love the Ashley character and the 2nd prison scene showed a genuine warmth between the mother/daughter. I also found Spencer's mother rather desperate tonight. The scenes showed how stifling Spencer's life has been. She's getting a little too old to put up with it now. 


Alison's Dad and Jason are a little boring in the acting department. I was glad they gave Jason/Ali a scene. A brother/sister dynamic is always interesting to me and they haven't done much with this one. I liked the (half) sibling scene between Jason and Spencer too. It took courage for her to own her flaws. I love her for them. Jason was so wooden in response.


The trial was ridiculous for so many reasons.  They didn't even have the budget to bring in the detective or Toby. Sustained! 


No Ezra - yeah! Let him eat cake.


I think what this episode lacked for me was some sort of scare. The final A scene just didn't cut it. I also thought the prison scenes should have been spiced up. Hannah took incarceration far too well and didn't get any hazing/initiation from the other inmates.  Considering all the filler on this show, a scary prison scene would have gone a long way to adding a sense of urgency that this episode lacked.  Give me a creepy corrections officer or warden too.


They need to amp up (ramp? I feel like Hannah) the tension for next week.

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When Spencer's mom was talking to the girls, it hit me that the three left are the three brunettes and that the two blondes are now incarcerated (and one of these two blondes could easily pass for the other). Don't know if that means something or not - with this show, probably not !  


Increasingly impressed with Ashley Benson (Hannah), who's reached Troian Belisario's territory this episode, and Lucy Hale (Aria) is good too in her more limited range. Shay Mitchell (Emily) is still behind for me as an actress, but gosh is she pretty - there's always a girl crush moment per episode, she is absolutely gorgeous. But I'm still sad that she has only two expressions (worried and smiling...).    

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  On 3/11/2015 at 5:15 PM, Writing Wrongs said:

Why didn't Emily ask Ali about the ads and phone number thing when she was on the phone with her? Why did they have to have Hannah do it?


That occurred to me as well-- then I thought, "Well, maybe the girls are aware that prison phone calls are recorded and need to smuggle the information out without using the prison phone."  Of course, this rationalization was completely debunked when they cheerfully told Hannah over the same prison phone that they were breaking into Mona's, along with other sensitive information.  

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^ Yes. That was what was implied.


There were twins at the trial. Ali's reflection on the table reminded me of the shots of her in Emily's "Ali-vision" when Ali saved her from the barn and when the Liars saw her at the lodge; it was shown more than once, so maybe this is intentional. The Sasha / Ashley resemblance in the laundry scene is uncanny. "Sister launched lair." - I won't even comment on this since

  Reveal spoiler

is a male name and so is Paul.


Ali is constantly clueless to both real life things (Did she have to repeat that "just one " as if it was new information? It was awful.) and A/Mona stuff. This is only made more annoying by the fact that the writers CAN present information in ways that don't undermine a character - see: Spencer. At this point, it'd be better if she was a twin because otherwise the show wants us to believe that this is the same Ali we've seen in past seasons, the Ali that blackmailed everyone and faked her own death and successfully hid for years.


Why would Mona's message, hidden either for her to remember something or for someone to find, be a riddle? WHY? Would Mona rely on the Liars finding this and on Spencer's scrabble skills to figure it out?


Ashley Benson was always good; no matter what she had to work with, she delivered. (I liked her in Spring Breakers too.) I think Shay Mitchell got a lot better than in seasons 1 and 2, at least, so getting acting experience helped. AFAIK she had none or very little before PLL. Talia's actress is the worst though. I hope having no screen time in this episode means she just quietly got in her car and disappeared.

Edited by Crim
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I am so confused by this trial. I can ignore that it's happening at warp speed and that Hanna is somehow already in actual prison with no apparent hearing...but wouldn't the prosecution have to present some kind of theory re:how it went down? It seems like they're trying two people for the same crime when the (flimsy) evidence could support either girl acting independently. If they are standing behind Hanna's blood on Mona's clothes, which would be stronger evidence if it weren't so obviously tampered with, then why would Alison's conviction have any bearing on Hanna? Am I overthinking this? It seems like the show is telling us that if Ali gets off, Hanna does, too. And that's why the lawyer was implying that Ashley was trying to influence Jason...but if he recanted, wouldn't that just work against her & make it look like Hanna acted alone? Somebody feel free to set me straight!

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  On 3/11/2015 at 10:47 PM, RedInk said:

I am so confused by this trial. I can ignore that it's happening at warp speed and that Hanna is somehow already in actual prison with no apparent hearing...but wouldn't the prosecution have to present some kind of theory re:how it went down? It seems like they're trying two people for the same crime when the (flimsy) evidence could support either girl acting independently. If they are standing behind Hanna's blood on Mona's clothes, which would be stronger evidence if it weren't so obviously tampered with, then why would Alison's conviction have any bearing on Hanna? Am I overthinking this? It seems like the show is telling us that if Ali gets off, Hanna does, too. And that's why the lawyer was implying that Ashley was trying to influence Jason...but if he recanted, wouldn't that just work against her & make it look like Hanna acted alone? Somebody feel free to set me straight!


This has not been a model of clarity, but I think the idea is that only Ali is the one on trial.  If Ali is found not guilty, then that's good for Hannah because if Ali is found not guilty of murder, then logically Hannah cannot be found guilty of being her accomplice, unless of course Hannah is found somewhere within city limits holding a shovel.  On the other hand, if Ali is found guilty, that's bad but not necessarily fatal for Hannah's trial (which would happen later).  I have no idea if the series will go there, but of course it would be a great idea for Ali's team to point the blame to Hannah (then, when and if Hannah goes to trial, say Ali did it).  Needless to say, the emphasis has been completely out of whack, e.g., we had a four-episode beauty pageant arc but very little idea of what's going on with Hannah.  

Edited by tldryolo
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This trial is too ridiculous even by PLL standards. The prosecutor says "I will prove Ali lied about kidnapping" and everyone instantly believes him. Are they not aware of what prove means and of the concept of future tense, the way Ali and her dad seemed flabbergasted by the very idea of jurors? And there was no reason whatsoever to mention Jason sleeping with Ashley as his credibility as a witness was already zero since he changed his story twice. Why do they even ask him about his opinion about that "murder" video anyway? If you don't see the face or some distinctive features (scars, etc.), you can't prove beyond reasonable doubt who the blonde person in that video was, no matter if ask Alison's brother or some random guy from the street.


And that's not even mentioning the elephant in the room, namely the lack of any compelling evidence Mona is dead or that she knew Alison lied about the kidnapping or why exactly isn't Hanna the main suspect and Alison the alleged accessory to murder since there is physical evidence only against Hanna... Nobody wonders why a 15 year old would spend almost two years pretending to be kidnapped/dead. Nobody wonders how come somebody recently killed Alison's mother. Was that also Alison? Does the prosecutor even remember that murder, or Ian's or Garret's. Even a complete idiot would suspect these cases must be connected somehow.


The Liars' parents complete non-reaction to the "revelation" of their daughters helping Alison lie about the kidnapping was kind of hilarious, it has to be said.


I am getting sick of the "we will redeem Alison" anvils, I am surprised Emily didn't jump the gun and told her "I love you" on the phone already.


Alison's prison suntan cracks me up. Do the inmates work outside on some sugarcane plantations or lounge on the beaches of Pennsylvania or something?


Ted always acts way too rationally compared to everyone else. No wonder he appears so rarely in this crazy show. Same as Emily's dad.

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  On 3/11/2015 at 11:40 PM, Jack Shaftoe said:


Ted always acts way too rationally compared to everyone else. No wonder he appears so rarely in this crazy show. Same as Emily's dad.


Woah there, I think you mean Emily's dAd.  He's actually in most episodes though, just at the end.  Last night, we got to see he has a bird of his very own.


... okay, not really, but given the paucity of suspects I am not ruling it out...

Oh, it would be funny if the only decent parent on the show ended up being the one terrorizing them this whole time. Perfect ending to the shitshow this has become. Or maybe Pastor Ted thinks he's doing "God's work" by taking down these sinners!!!!! Maybe the girls didn't go to confession and now he's mad!


I am bothered by how the show is making prison look like an indoor summer camp. I mean, yes, doing laundry sucks, but Hanna and Ali barely seem put out being locked up for murder. It's weird.


I want Eau de Caleb. He is just the perfect male liar. I do not miss any of the other love interests. Not only does he take Aria's phone to answer it because she's too dumb to find out who was calling, but he then realizes he stepped over a line and apologizes for it. He's dreamy. :)


And Ashley, I loved that scene with her and Hanna. They really do love and actually respect each other. Beautiful. I did feel bad for Ashley at the trial because, really, Ashley slept with Jason to get him to change his story so that Ali wouldn't get found guilty so that Hanna would be released from prison for being her accomplice? Wouldn't the logical conclusion to this be, and then Hanna, who's blood is on Mona's shirt, then gets arrested for being the blonde in the video and not just an accomplice? IDK that was the most convoluted plot ever. He just wanted to slut shame the hot MILF who got to bang the hot young stud.


I think this show is ruining me because I kind of liked Aria's kitty cat sweater/jacket. Not with the long striped skirt, but like, with black skinny jeans and tee it would be adorable. But as usual, Spencer is my fashion MVP for that cute fitted jacket and little skirt. I love her kind of classic with a twist style.


PS: I hate that I ship Caleb and Spencer because I adore Caleb and Hanna, but Team Spaleb just rock my world. Their friendship is adorable. I like that Caleb can interact with the liars without his girlfriend and it feels 100% natural.

Edited by Mabinogia
  • Love 4
However, when he called 'Spence' (Spence!) and then delightful the little cookie-laden friendship scene that ensued - well the character livened up. I 'ship them in secret now - though I know Spencer and Caleb love Hannah too much to ever go there. A healthy male/female friendship is so nice and so rare on TV. More please!  I also liked his apology to Aria.  Best boyfriend essence indeed.




Let me tell you about my feels!


How much do I love the fact that Caleb clearly has a favorite liar (outside of his girlfriend) and boy does he have good taste! Their heart to heart was adorable and Spencer gushing about him being their perfect boyfriend!! I know she didn't say "their" but she totally meant it. I was never Caleb's biggest fan, but my appreciation of him has improved leaps and bounds but I think the only thing that prevents me from loving him fully is that him and Hanna have no chemistry whatsover, imo. I really wish they'd had the most amicable break up ever and Spencer and him finally got married...I mean got together. 


Also, anyone catch Aria's little side-eye when Caleb called out: "Spence"? It made my day. She's also the only who doesn't get a nickname. Even Emily is "Em". Serves you right for not answering the damn phone, Aria.

Edited by cuddlingcrowley
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  On 3/11/2015 at 7:54 AM, Agent Dark said:

Pretty sure Emily was upset that Ashley went to Jason and not herself.  Emily/Ashley crackship forever!

Amen. And Ted's out of the picture now, so, go get her Em! (I'm as happy as any Emison shipper about their phone call, but that doesn't mean Emily can't fit a fling with Ashley in first...)


I did feel bad for both Ted and Ashley in the scene where they ended things, though. Ted is a good guy. But when he said his reason for staying was that he'd made a promise, Ashley did the right thing in not holding him to it. It was noble of Ted to want to keep his word, but the implication was that if not for the promise, he would've been outta there. He's not in love enough with Ashley otherwise to stay.


I actually kinda wondered about Caleb last night - I've never suspected him before, but after another poster brought up the possibility of CAleb in the previous episode thread, it colored my viewing of him in this episode. Spencer's "you're the best boyfriend ever" bit seemed like possible foreshadowing. His answering Aria's phone didn't initially get my attention, not until he apologized for it later when I didn't think an apology was even necessary for something so minor - but it would make sense if he felt he had to keep up his nice guy image at all costs. And then his answering Aria's phone made sense in that context of working for A - Aria was going to end up letting that call go completely the way she was dithering, and of course A wanted the song to actually be heard by the PLLs.


And, of course, who in this town is better able to do all the high-tech surveillance stuff that A does but Caleb? Could also explain why the PLLs continue to be vulnerable in that way, their phones being wiped remotely and such: They rely on Caleb to tell them what to do tech-wise, so all he has to do is not advise them on measures that would close vulnerabilities he doesn't want closed. Plus he's their supplier for a lot of equipment, so he can set it up however he wants - the burner Spencer used last night came from him, for instance. And he's their resident hacker and they take his word on what he is or isn't able to do - maybe he lied last night about not being able to trace the number back to a source. And of course as Hanna's boyfriend and somebody they treat as basically the Fifth Little Liar, he knows about pretty much anything they're doing. Wow, the PLLs really are so in his power in so many ways, now that I think about it.


But I'm sure if there's a CAleb reveal, it'll go the same way as Toby and Ezra.

  • Love 2

So you guys have already done an excellent job of breaking down this episode, Ashley and Hanna are awesome together, Spencer and Caleb are awesome together, and the courtroom scenes are a shitshow, but there is just one more scene that I really liked; Hanna and Alison in the laundry room.  For a that one scene, Alison actually did something other than mope and feel bad for herself, and Hanna was awesome the whole episode, including that scene.  I thought maybe we would get to see some of the old Alison, maybe not the full on mean girl she was freshman year, but at least someone I could see hiding from A and living with a career criminal (Cyrus) for two years.  Maybe between her and Hanna, they could track down whoever is working for A in the prison and get them thrown in solitary or something.  Ok so maybe that scene gave me more false hope than anything else, but IMHO if the writers just made Alison an active, moderately strong character, this show would be significantly better.  Absurd but at least consistently interesting.  Well I guess there is always next season.

Edited by superman1204
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Black Knight, you raise very interesting points. I actually found myself wondering about Caleb in the episode he convinced Hanna to turn herself in. All in all, he just seemed to show very little emotion through the whole thing.


And of course, Spencer's comment about him the best boyfriend kind of reminded me of her calling Toby the moral compass of Rosewood and we all know how that midseason finale turned out.


I don't think it'll go that way though nor do I want the story to go that way because



But I'm sure if there's a CAleb reveal, it'll go the same way as Toby and Ezra.




This. So let's not ruin the only decent male on this show, please MK. Please. Take Ezra. Take Toby. Take both!


Aria remains as shady as ever to me, though. She just strikes me as way more calculating and self-serving than she lets on. Which is not necessarily bad but, you know, shady. And that's coming from a calculating person. Takes one to know one. When she cried out she never called the number with her phone I felt a tingle.

Edited by cuddlingcrowley
  • Love 2
  On 3/12/2015 at 1:25 AM, cuddlingcrowley said:

Black Knight, you raise very interesting points. I actually found myself wondering about Caleb in the episode he convinced Hanna to turn herself in. All in all, he just seemed to show very little emotion through the whole thing.

Oh! You reminded me of something else that was weird about that - Hanna had just told him that her mother was off consulting with a lawyer. What Caleb should have told her was that she should go see the lawyer herself and have the lawyer handle the details of Hanna turning herself in (or advise Hanna not to do it). Instead he just takes Hanna to the police station and has her turn herself in with no lawyer present. I could maybe have bought him just not thinking about getting a lawyer because he's a teen and teens don't necessarily think of everything...if Hanna hadn't just told him that her mother was getting one for her. Taking her to the police station to turn herself in with no lawyer present to arrange things felt like throwing her to the wolves.

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And that's not even mentioning the elephant in the room, namely the lack of any compelling evidence Mona is dead or that she knew Alison lied about the kidnapping or why exactly isn't Hanna the main suspect and Alison the alleged accessory to murder since there is physical evidence only against Hanna...


They should just have Mike testify about Mona planning to fake her death.  I can't believe anyone would find Ali or Hannah guilty after that.  It's pretty hard to get a conviction with no body, right? We're talking about a girl with a history of mental instability and who spent time in a mental hospital.  So, they don't even have to give Mona a good motive for faking her death, they can just say she had a meltdown or something.


I know Aria is worried about A hurting Mike, but A's going to keep torturing these girls and their families no matter what, so they need to learn to play better defense.

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Thank you Jack Shaftoe for pretty much saving me the trouble of typing up my exact thoughts. 


Granted, I got my law degree from the University of Dick Wolf, so I can only say so much.  But good Lord is this a poor representation of our legal system.  Really what evidence is there against Ali?   She has no alibi for the time of the murder, the person attacking Mona in the video is blonde (which btw is hilarious that the person took the time to wear black everything but kept their long blonde hair hanging out.  First degree murder requires at least a freaking ponytail.) and it is known that she and Mona didn't play well together.  There's not even a body.  She wasn't caught with a shovel!  

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