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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

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3 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I can see that. Jill would be the type to think that Christopher Plummer's English accent means Captain Von (thirst) Trapp is a Protestant.  

And that Liesel was a slut b/c not only did she pant after Nazi Rulph, she was …GASP…alone with him. And dancing. And kissing. 

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10 hours ago, Ljohnson1987 said:

Does anyone find it odd that Nathan and Esther Bates chose Kenna for their daughter's name? I know he wanted to name the baby after him, (Of course!), but they could've used McKenna, and called her Kenna. It's just an unusual name. 

How is Kenna a less valid name than McKenna?  People like what they like. Personally I find it odd to start a given name with "Mc,"  but that's just me

Just now, satrunrose said:

The Baroness was also staying with a single man without a chaperone (unless Max was the chaperone).

I'm pretty sure the baroness was safe with Max haha! He's widely considered a gay-coded character. 

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30 minutes ago, Portia said:

How is Kenna a less valid name than McKenna?  People like what they like. Personally I find it odd to start a given name with "Mc,"  but that's just me

I'm pretty sure the baroness was safe with Max haha! He's widely considered a gay-coded character. 

She didn’t say it wasn’t valid; she said it seemed unusual to her.

Edited by AstridM
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9 hours ago, AstridM said:

She didn’t say it wasn’t valid; she said it seemed unusual to her.

Fair point. I apologize, @Ljohnson1987 , for suggesting a value judgment that wasn't there.

As others have suggested, I've encountered multiple variations of Ken and a fair number of feminine names produced by adding -a to a masculine one. I'm also one of those people who consciously avoided choosing baby names that were too trendy. 

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I listened to the “So Long, Farewell” performance on Reddit.  It cracked up whe Sam sang “But firmly they repel us”.  If there’s any family I would want to repel, it would be this one.  They sang the first part of the song SO slowly, but the Not Nurie who began it does have a pretty voice.  BME must not have been able to learn the piano part that is played in between each of the kids’ part because she got the first few notes right then seemed to make up her own version.  That was also a terrible sounding piano - very tinny.  Sam held Janessa through most of the song as if she were a toddler but put her down at the end. They had very weird timing throughout the song and didn’t come in on the bar that you would expect them, but waited each time.  Tessie looked over it through the entire song - poor kid was probably dying of embarrassment.  How sad that all of them are forced into BME’s dreams of being a famous musical act, and never being allowed to pursue their own interests, or even have any.  I hope at least some of those kids can break free.

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29 minutes ago, sagittarius sue said:

I'm confused.  Did the sibling trio attack Olivia or their mother?

They attacked Olivia, posted on IG the same message. They claimed Olivia lied about the mom using Ethan’s credit cards and him getting stuck with the payments. When I read the statement I thought it had Kim’s (mother/MIL) paws all over it. 

The above post reminded me of when they put that sign on poor Kaylee, and BME didn’t have enough humiliating her daughter at home, the vile bitch had to post it. 

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29 minutes ago, AstridM said:

This woman is tone deaf in so many ways.

So true

This posted by the woman who seeks the limelight at any and every opportunity and creates her own "limelight" as needed to keep the grift going.  Often her videos blurbs show multiple cameras filming the same rod family activity or event. There were at least 3 phones filming the great fun in the drainage ditch videos.

how many pics have we seen over the years with her face, or her children's faces smashed against the face of someone Jilly deems "important" and needs to show/prove she has met them?

The children singing the Sound of Music song is interesting because Jill has ranted many times about the slipping standards of some of the churches they visit and grift from. How they let the creep of secular things drag them to further sin.  So Jill and or the children watched The Sound of Music recently and she found this song cute or whatever. But then threw the children out there with the disclaimer they hadn't practiced it much and made mistakes. ☹️

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20 hours ago, Portia said:

I'm pretty sure the baroness was safe with Max haha! He's widely considered a gay-coded character. 

Oh, I realize that! I just meant that I think Max would be more than happy to go eat strudel  and snitch talent from other agents instead of... what are chaperones supposed to do when the desires (that cannot be righteously fulfilled) start raging anyway?

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13 hours ago, charmed1 said:

Who sang the really high “goodBYE!” part? Please say it was Tim.

😂 just imagining Tim doing that big wave, singing that falsetto goodbye part, exiting the stage dramatically!

9 hours ago, YupItsMe said:

Alyssa (Bates) is pregnant again. #5 and the last, they say. Being discussed in the Bringing Up Bates forum.

Posted as their “grand finale”!  Haha. Last time, she did an IG Q&A stating that the previous baby was her last, and also that they do not believe in birth control.  I do not think they understand how this all works. 

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44 minutes ago, awaken said:

😂 just imagining Tim doing that big wave, singing that falsetto goodbye part, exiting the stage dramatically!

Posted as their “grand finale”!  Haha. Last time, she did an IG Q&A stating that the previous baby was her last, and also that they do not believe in birth control.  I do not think they understand how this all works. 

They admitted to using birth control when Alyssa had her heart issues. She got knocked up with Maci basically the day they were told she was okay. 

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labor Day - a day of rest from working hard.    When do these folks EVER work hard?  Well I guess the girls do, cleaning the Barndo, keeping Mama happy by carrying out whatever whim has struck her at the moment.   But you know the girls STILL didn't get a day off, they probably did everything to make the day fun so Mama could have time with the "love of her life."   Because you know they get so little time together.

Seriously when I saw the first pictures I was all "ANOTHER vacation."   Then I saw it was just the local state park.   

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18 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Jonathon appears to be wearing lady's sandals.

Those look like Teva style sandals, worn by men and women. My husband has a pair. 

DBD ate fruit????? 😱

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8 minutes ago, SMama said:

Those look like Teva style sandals, worn by men and women. My husband has a pair. 

DBD ate fruit????? 😱

I can't imagine that dinky little plastic spoon got much cantaloupe.  That thing looks like it would break if you attempted to get any fruit. 

On another note, chocolate ice cream inside a cantaloupe??? 🤮 🤮

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2 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I can't imagine that dinky little plastic spoon got much cantaloupe.  That thing looks like it would break if you attempted to get any fruit. 

On another note, chocolate ice cream inside a cantaloupe??? 🤮 🤮

Leave it up to Jill to screw up staged fruit consumption. 🤦🏽‍♀️

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1 hour ago, merylinkid said:

Seriously when I saw the first pictures I was all "ANOTHER vacation."   Then I saw it was just the local state park.   

That was my first thought as well...
She posted the results of a contest she was having with her downline, and told them to keep working hard so they could all go to Hawaii! Guess that's a reward trip being offered, and her goal so she can have some MUCH NEEDED alone time with DBD.

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6 hours ago, oliviabenson said:


I believe they are at Cuyahoga Valley National Park.  Dumba**.

This is a huge and beautiful national park in NE Ohio and less than an hour from their home.  The best time to go is in the fall, though, the colors are spectacular.

It also appears they are eating their lunch at a place of business selling wood outdoor furniture/plants based on the way the tables are set so close together and the big display of potted mums next to them.  Their sense of entitlement knows no bounds and I am sure the owners of the business were ever so pleased to host their picnic.

And, there is Jilly, wearing her 'Amish Country' ballcap.  Aside from the fact that no one who lives there advertises it by wearing the merch, she has a dozen ballcaps already, why waste money on another one?  BTW, I don't believe I've ever seen anyone under the age of 70 wearing Amish country merch.

Edited by Notabug
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6 minutes ago, oliviabenson said:

It looked like frozen cantaloupe with ice cream in it. Interesting combination.

And you know they all ate just the ice cream and left the cantaloupe alone.   Especially DBD. 

19 minutes ago, Notabug said:

BTW, I don't believe I've ever seen anyone under the age of 70 wearing Amish country merch.

Errm, I'm under 70, just got back from Lancaster county and I bought some Amish Country Merch to wear.   

20 minutes ago, Notabug said:

I believe they are at Cuyahoga Valley National Park.

I'm going to do something that may make me physically ill, I'm going to defend Jill.   If it is close to you, I can totally see messing up whether its a National or State Park.   I do that ALL the TIME.    For all she messes up, this is a minor nitpick.    

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31 minutes ago, merylinkid said:

And you know they all ate just the ice cream and left the cantaloupe alone.   Especially DBD. 

Errm, I'm under 70, just got back from Lancaster county and I bought some Amish Country Merch to wear.   

I'm going to do something that may make me physically ill, I'm going to defend Jill.   If it is close to you, I can totally see messing up whether its a National or State Park.   I do that ALL the TIME.    For all she messes up, this is a minor nitpick.    

You're the exception that proves the rule, I guess.  I still think Jill owns a ton of ballcaps and didn't really need a new one.  I am kind of surprised that, given her current proximity to Cleveland and her penchant for political incorrectness, that she seemingly doesn't have an old baseball cap with Chief Wahoo on it.  Even I have a couple of those.

I get ya on the state vs national park distinction and this is an area that has a ton of parks.  Cleveland itself is surrounded by a ring of beautiful metropolitan parks, also known as the Emerald Necklace.  Almost anywhere you go in the city, you are no more than a mile or two from a gorgeous park.  

The Cuyahoga Valley National Park does have a metric sh** ton of signage proclaiming it to be a national park, though, and not a state park.

Edited by Notabug
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27 minutes ago, merylinkid said:

I'm going to do something that may make me physically ill, I'm going to defend Jill.   If it is close to you, I can totally see messing up whether its a National or State Park.   I do that ALL the TIME.    For all she messes up, this is a minor nitpick.    

Yeah, Northeast Ohio has a bunch of nice parks at all levels.  It is very easy to forget Cuyahoga Valley is a national park when it's surrounded by state and county parks.  It also feels a bit weird that there is a national park smack dab between Cleveland and Akron.  

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They are either at The Cuyahoga Valley National Park or maybe The Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath Trail. The Towpath is 87 miles and when complete it will be about 100 miles long. You can access it from many points. Both are absolutely beautiful!

There is a place called Szalay's Farm Market that has those cute swinging picnic tables. They serve food and ice cream and you can purchase farm produce. I wonder if that is where they are at.

I really hope all the kids got their choice of size and what kind of ice cream they wanted! You know BME and DBD did.

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1 hour ago, Notabug said:

And, there is Jilly, wearing her 'Amish Country' ballcap.  Aside from the fact that no one who lives there advertises it by wearing the merch, she has a dozen ballcaps already,

Shades of JereMe.

1 hour ago, merylinkid said:

And you know they all ate just the ice cream and left the cantaloupe alone.   Especially DBD. 

Errm, I'm under 70, just got back from Lancaster county and I bought some Amish Country Merch to wear.   

I'm going to do something that may make me physically ill, I'm going to defend Jill.   If it is close to you, I can totally see messing up whether its a National or State Park.   I do that ALL the TIME.    For all she messes up, this is a minor nitpick.    

 Most of us would probably double check the correct name before posting, I think. Or at least go back and correct it later. I make a lot of corrections when I see errors that I’ve posted.

Edited by Cinnabon
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