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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

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It’s hard for us to understand what Philly’s plan is since we were not graduates of  the Rod Academy of JillR. I seem to recall a ridiculous story from JillR about Philly hearing about hungry children and twisting that into wanting to go to preach in Hungary. Most parents would gently explain the difference and encourage their child in a more realistic direction. Not BME. She has put this burden of Philly and Hungary so often that he can’t back away from it.

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1 hour ago, crazy8s said:

Europe - corrupt, hardened hearts and minds

Uhhhh is the Cold War still on?  Stalin still in power?

Oh wait, that's right - this uneducated bunch probably couldn't name more than one world leader much less spell their names. 

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38 minutes ago, CherryMalotte said:

Uhhhh is the Cold War still on?  Stalin still in power?

Oh wait, that's right - this uneducated bunch probably couldn't name more than one world leader much less spell their names. 

I'm thinking that they are more secular than religious.   Like they care about things like government healthcare and paid vacations.   Said vacations taken in heathen places like the Riviera where people are nude.   Submarine Christians who only surface at Easter and Christmas because they are too busy indulging in worldly pleasures like food and clothes that fit.

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20 minutes ago, merylinkid said:

I'm thinking that they are more secular than religious.   Like they care about things like government healthcare and paid vacations.   Said vacations taken in heathen places like the Riviera where people are nude.   Submarine Christians who only surface at Easter and Christmas because they are too busy indulging in worldly pleasures like food and clothes that fit.

Sure, this is all true about Europeans. But in terms of sheer numbers, I doubt Europe has more people  who believe in these things than the US. Certainly, the number of heathens who support paid vacations, etc in Hungary is minuscule compared to the number of these in the US as a whole. And again, most people in the US speak English. So why go to Hungary to try and convert a small number of English speaking heathens when there are millions here in the states?

Edited by Cinnabon
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Funny, in my job I just drive a few miles (well still Zooming right now) to help folks. And get this novel idea, I let them direct the help, I follow their picket fence script, not mine. And I don't even leave my state.

Phillip would do better to make a website that reaches far and wide and engage folks who are already leaning their way and he can seal the deal. Think of all the gold stars he could get.

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8 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Funny, in my job I just drive a few miles (well still Zooming right now) to help folks. And get this novel idea, I let them direct the help, I follow their picket fence script, not mine. And I don't even leave my state.

Phillip would do better to make a website that reaches far and wide and engage folks who are already leaning their way and he can seal the deal. Think of all the gold stars he could get.

Engage? Even Jill blocks any comments or questions from heathens on her SM accounts. 

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4 hours ago, Notabug said:

If Phillip was really interested in learning the Hungarian language or about that country's rich culture, he lives less than an hour from Cleveland.  Cleveland has the second largest Hungarian population of any city in the world.  Only Budapest has more Hungarians.  Of course, the institution that has preserved the language and culture here has been the Catholic Church where second and third generations and beyond have learned the language of their ancestors as well as culture including dance and food and history.  There are Catholic churches here originally built by Hungarian immigrants that, to this day, have Mass in Hungarian and sponsor all sorts of opportunities for Americans to learn about Hungary and its heritage.  Just a quick check online lists at least 3 local parishes that have a Mass in Hungarian every Sunday.  Think how quickly Philly could pick up the language if he attended!  And he'd even learn the Jesus-y words!

Also, I expect this would be the closest Phillip is ever going to get to his Hungarian dream.  Even if he manages to beg for enough funds to finish Bible college, which I am pretty sure must be a prerequisite, there are surely dozens of other young Christians far better suited to going to Hungary to preach in futility.   Good Lord!  Jill is either down in Florida or Nurie is in Ohio almost every month since she married; how is Jill ever going to be able to grift enough for monthly plane fare to Budapest and back?

ETA: I actually know the pastor who runs 2 Hungarian parishes, he used to be an assistant at my parish.  The guy is an actual Hungarian, by way of Romania, who emigrated to the US to go to seminary to be near siblings already living here.  He already speaks English, his third language, far better than any of the Rods.  I am sure he'd be happy to take Phillip under his wing and help him along.  As an added bonus, Phillip could be exposed to an actual preacher who knows how to preach; his sermons are world class.  Not to mention meet an actual Christian who lives like one.

I think that meeting and developing a mentorship with the pastor would be great for Phillip, but Jill would never allow it.  Phillip might be exposed to something that his psychotic mother doesn’t approve of.  

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8 minutes ago, farmgal4 said:

I think that meeting and developing a mentorship with the pastor would be great for Phillip, but Jill would never allow it.  Phillip might be exposed to something that his psychotic mother doesn’t approve of.  

She might acquiesce if there's a pastor affiliated with his Jill approved "college." That and the pastor at Joy Baptist are the only options I can see for mentorship.

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5 minutes ago, oliviabenson said:

I am sorry I can’t picture Phil in charge of a church. Maybe he can be like his dad drop by host churches to preach once in a while.

We said the same about Shrader way back when. And we were right. His church is small, and his services tend to drone on for hours. I could see Phillip trying this after he's been in Hungary for several years. IF he ever gets there in the first place. 

Edited by Salacious Kitty
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5 hours ago, Notabug said:

Catholicism.  Also, I suspect a bit of reverse racism, at least on Jill's part.  Europeans are mostly white, so they should know better and deserve to be saved first.

Too bad we catholics believe in the same Gos as them, rigth?

Why don't those people try to do anything good, other than trying to make people believe the same things as them? Don't they think God wants them to help the poor, feed the hungry? 

I just don't get it

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1 hour ago, Cinnabon said:

I wonder if his ultimate goal is to become a pastor? Do most missionaries later become pastors?

In the case of my uncle, who was Lutheran missionary, he had to have a college degree plus 3 years of seminary and be an ordained pastor before he could be sent as a missionary.  I don't know the current requirements, but I doubt they have eased too much.

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20 minutes ago, CalicoKitty said:

In the case of my uncle, who was Lutheran missionary, he had to have a college degree plus 3 years of seminary and be an ordained pastor before he could be sent as a missionary.  I don't know the current requirements, but I doubt they have eased too much.

We're talking the IFB though. There don't seem to be any real qualifications for missionary work. 

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Their room had 2 beds. And a big tv 📺 hope Dave watched it…

jill needs a vacation from what exactly. At this point the older girls are doing all the chores. Jill lives like a millionaire... She denies herself nothing. 

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4 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

I think that meeting and developing a mentorship with the pastor would be great for Phillip, but Jill would never allow it.  Phillip might be exposed to something that his psychotic mother doesn’t approve of.  

This particular pastor is a Catholic priest, who also has a doctorate in canon law, Jill's head would explode.

Edited by Notabug
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David surprised her?  That would have required effort on his part.   More like Jill made the reservations and informed him they were stopping on the way back.   GWE didn't care as long as there was food.   As what busy life?   All Jill does is post on Instagram and take trips.

As for the kid needing work on counting, perhaps if you spent less time on vacation and more time actually teaching your kid, she could count.   But you know, Jill has to have cute moppet stories to keep the grift going.    3 vacations in a month are not cheap.   

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7 minutes ago, merylinkid said:

David surprised her?  That would have required effort on his part.   More like Jill made the reservations and informed him they were stopping on the way back.   GWE didn't care as long as there was food.   As what busy life?   All Jill does is post on Instagram and take trips.

As for the kid needing work on counting, perhaps if you spent less time on vacation and more time actually teaching your kid, she could count.   But you know, Jill has to have cute moppet stories to keep the grift going.    3 vacations in a month are not cheap.   

I'm surprised we haven't seen Janessa in the refrigerator yet.  That seems to be a popular thing now.

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1 hour ago, Cinnabon said:

How can you count without using numbers, Jill? 🤦‍♀️

On her fingers and toes, the way most fundies do! Thumb, pointy finger, bad finger, I GOT A HUSBAND finger, little finger for rings, baby toe, next to it toe, middle toe, toe for rings, big toe...

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4 hours ago, oliviabenson said:



Would her missing corpus callosum affect this? I know nothing about it, but just curious. Jill is convinced Janessa has no issues, but they might just be starting to show.....or be recognized.

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8 hours ago, CalicoKitty said:

I'm surprised we haven't seen Janessa in the refrigerator yet.  That seems to be a popular thing now.

First Janessa would have to learn how to unlock the fridge!

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9 hours ago, Heathen said:

On her fingers and toes, the way most fundies do! Thumb, pointy finger, bad finger, I GOT A HUSBAND finger, little finger for rings, baby toe, next to it toe, middle toe, toe for rings, big toe...

GWE probably has to take his pants off to count to 21.

For another nauseating thought, he probably can't reach little Davey any more, being the GWE.

Sorry for the mental picture.  🤢

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9 hours ago, beckie said:

Would her missing corpus callosum affect this? I know nothing about it, but just curious. Jill is convinced Janessa has no issues, but they might just be starting to show.....or be recognized.

It's possible, but I don't think so.  The corpus callosum lets messages travel from one side of the brain to the other, but the brain learns pretty quickly how to get around that, particularly if it's present from birth.  She should have enough math skills on the left side of the brain along with language to be able to count to 10.  I suspect she's just never been taught, because she's the "baby".  

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On 8/20/2022 at 12:03 AM, Salacious Kitty said:

I was just coming to post that. Phillip has never heard "depraved" pronounced. And his speech impediment isn't as bad as most of the other Rod kids.

That said, the video was painful.

I think it was supposed to be "deprived", in any case. And I would think he has definitely heard that pronounced. 

I hope this doesn't fall under the politics prohibition, so I'll be as vague as I can, but I wonder what the Rod's view on the current leadership of the country is. Seems that they would consider Hungary to be on a good trajectory.

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Four is the average age to count to ten.  However, anything between about 5 and 40 is within normal limits at age four. When I taught Head Start, we began with up to five and then moved up from there.  That is rote counting - just reciting the numbers in order.  One to one correspondence - actually counting objects takes a bit longer.  

Edited by Absolom
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On 8/19/2022 at 7:00 PM, oliviabenson said:

What are dark spots on her face? 


I would take a guess and say that those “dark spots” are freckles.

One day as I was helping a kindergarten child, she looked at my arm, and wanted to know what all of those brown spots on my arm were.  I explained to her that the spots were called freckles, and while her skin was brown all over, mine was brown in spots.

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19 hours ago, crazy8s said:

attack of the satanic green beans is a Jilly classic.

below the pics in this post is the story of the trials and attacks jill faced while hubby and spiritual leader was away in Africa with Nurie


Yep.  "Attack of the Satanic Green Beans" is a horror classic. 

There's also Jill's line:  "Yes, we should always treat everyone (of every race, breed, and culture) kindly." Breed??

What breed is JIll? Holstein? Bulldog? Joyful Noyes Academy failure? 

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