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Like Sand Through an Hourglass: Behind the Scenes of DOOL

Message added by Door County Cherry

The Behind The Scenes thread is not a spoiler thread.  So spoilers, including casting information, do not belong in here.  The "behind the scenes" information specifically related to casting should go in either the spoiler thread or the Salem International thread which discusses. departures and arrivals thread. 

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11 hours ago, sweetautumn said:

I found and listened to two most recent interviews of Staci G done within the last two years. The first one was one about her life prior to acting and as an actor and then writer and the second one was about her experience in film and tv. I am sure there are whole lot more out there but these two should be enough to clear the air about about the "salary dispute aka she wanted more money" or the so-called "no heat" claim.

Being a daytime actor on contract and part of a supercouple and potrayer of well-liked character had perks back then, name recognition and fame and lucrative job not to mention one had the oppourtinity to travel to other countries for location filming. Morever, American Daytime Soaps actors were treated like royalties in different parts of the world. The pressure or grueling schedule could be difficult to handle for some but the job was more than worthwile to keep. SG said herself that her time on Days filled with golden memories and she is always greatful for getting to work there despite the pressure of being reconigzed and stalked outside of work and receveid unkind mails from fans etc. As hard as it was for her to leave the show, SG eventually made that final decision to pursue writing. So the claim that she departed from Days because they called her bluff didn't add up. Think about it, a person who chose a uncertain future over lucrative job demanded more money...

As for the "no heat" comment, Drake and Staci adored each other very much (both of them cried hard in her last day) and with him being the ultimate professional, it is very doubtful he would say something like that. For me, a pairing who had pulled off all kinds of intimate moments was far from "no heat" to say the least.

Something else from the interview grabbed my attention, SG did admit that it took a long time to get over not coming to work everyday (she really missed being part of the "family" and close friends like Drake and Matt and John Aniston) and few years after Isabella's death, she approahced TPTBs to let her come back but they said her time was over.

This is exactly how I've always seen it. I can't imagine Drake ever saying anything negative about anybody, and Staci herself said John Aniston told her to sign for another 3 years and buy a house, but she was determined to make a go at writing

She said they contacted her about ten years ago to return but she said she looked her age of 48 at the time and wasn't willing to get work done to be on camera.

Love her. And honestly Isabella is untouchable to this day because she was such a brief yet truly good character without being dull. Wish they had had Jack talk about her to Brady. Heck even mention to Xander that he's the second Kiriakis cousin he's been best mates with 

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I wasn’t a huge Isabella fan, but I didn’t hate her or anything. I think that if she hadn’t died of cancer, she wouldn’t have been made a martyr. Thank Sheri for killing her off, before John and Marlena’s affair hit. That was  going to happen regardless of Staci re-signing. Also, Eileen was going to be brought on to be paired with Drake regardless as well.

Just now, SouthernChick said:

I wasn’t a huge Isabella fan, but I didn’t hate her or anything. I think that if she hadn’t died of cancer, she wouldn’t have been made a martyr. Thank Sheri for killing her off, before John and Marlena’s affair hit. That was  going to happen regardless of Staci re-signing. Also, Eileen was going to be brought on to be paired with Drake regardless as well.


Oh, I'd heard the John/Marlena affair was happening had Staci remained. Which is why I'm glad she left.

Because, as I said, I'm sure she would have been Kristen in that little scenario and roadkill in her own damned marriage. But I doubt Kristen would have been cast regardless since Staci would already be in that mess.

I think Kristen was brought in to be the obstacle in the so-called "love that dare not speak its name" as John/Marlena ended up being written, first as a nice woman, but then [admittedly, with ED's support] as a loon once Kristen realized she was just a substitute.

So, Staci, if you lurk [doubtful, but one never knows], thanks for leaving when you did! 😎

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6 hours ago, brisbydog said:

This is exactly how I've always seen it. I can't imagine Drake ever saying anything negative about anybody, and Staci herself said John Aniston told her to sign for another 3 years and buy a house, but she was determined to make a go at writing

She said they contacted her about ten years ago to return but she said she looked her age of 48 at the time and wasn't willing to get work done to be on camera.

Love her. And honestly Isabella is untouchable to this day because she was such a brief yet truly good character without being dull. Wish they had had Jack talk about her to Brady. Heck even mention to Xander that he's the second Kiriakis cousin he's been best mates with 

John Aniston's advice was wise and practical, had she stayed for another three years, she might have collected enough money to pursue her dreams. However, if TPTBs had already decided to go full throttle with John/Marlena affair with/out Isabella's presence, then Staci G did the right thing by bolting. It does make me wonder if it (the affair) was the "creative difference" she had with the writers though ("wrestling with writers and producers")

To be honest, I couldn't picture Roman/John committing adultery. Drake's character was the ladies' man no question about that, but he was always commited and loyal. This was one of RoJohn's attractive qualities. Having him cheat no his wife and the mother of his child was too OOC and Isabella would be devasted. 

LOL, it would be very funny to see how they explain Isabella back from death after all those years. Here's my scenario, Stefano made a switch so the one with cancer was the doppglanger and the real Isabella was held hostage in his island.





Edited by Guest

Ok, this is what I heard.

1) According to Sheri, the affair was already planned regardless of SG’s contract status. Sheri wanted Marlena to pull back on the plane, JER wanted a full fledged affair. JER won out and he became the sole head writer.

2) The head of NBC daytime wanted John to be a “leading man” a.k.a have multiple love interests, and wanted Drake paired with someone younger than Deidre. Thus, Eileen came in.

3) The plan was to do a John/Kristen/Tony triangle, and make Tony the interloper to a John/Kristen romance. Marlena was just to be John’s friend, and was often seen pushing John to peruse Kristen.

4) The audience still wanted John wirh Marlena, so Kristen (with Eileen’s enthusiasm) went dark. 

5) With Kristen out of the way (but not gone), JER was planning on pairing John and Hope. He sent them to the jungle together and brought back Roman to remarry Marlena. Bo also impregnated Billie and had JER stayed, she would have had the baby. John and Hope were supposed to turn to each other.

6) JER left and SSM, knowing the audience found Jope reply repulsive, had Billie miscarry the baby (notice that one of the first things JER did when he came back was resurrect that baby). And she had John stop Rolena’s wedding. SSM then gave us the convoluted Princess Gina story. 

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16 minutes ago, SouthernChick said:

Ok, this is what I heard.

1) According to Sheri, the affair was already planned regardless of SG’s contract status. Sheri wanted Marlena to pull back on the plane, JER wanted a full fledged affair. JER won out and he became the sole head writer.

2) The head of NBC daytime wanted John to be a “leading man” a.k.a have multiple love interests, and wanted Drake paired with someone younger than Deidre. Thus, Eileen came in.

3) The plan was to do a John/Kristen/Tony triangle, and make Tony the interloper to a John/Kristen romance. Marlena was just to be John’s friend, and was often seen pushing John to persue Kristen.

4) The audience still wanted John wirh Marlena, so Kristen (with Eileen’s enthusiasm) went dark. 

5) With Kristen out of the way (but not gone), JER was planning on pairing John and Hope. He sent them to the jungle together and brought back Roman to remarry Marlena. Bo also impregnated Billie and had JER stayed, she would have had the baby. John and Hope were supposed to turn to each other.

6) JER left and SSM, knowing the audience found Jope reply repulsive, had Billie miscarry the baby (notice that one of the first things JER did when he came back was resurrect that baby). And she had John stop Rolena’s wedding. SSM then gave us the convoluted Princess Gina story. 


2 hours ago, sweetautumn said:

John Aniston's advice was wise and practical, had she stayed for another three years, she might have collected enough money to pursue her dreams. However, if TPTBs had already decided to go full throttle with John/Marlena affair with/out Isabella's presence, then Staci G did the right thing by bolting. It does make me wonder if it (the affair) was the "creative difference" she had with the writers though ("wrestling with writers and producers")

To be honest, I couldn't picture Roman/John committing adultery. Drake's character was the ladies' man no question about that, but he was always commited and loyal. This was one of RoJohn's attractive qualities. Having him cheat no his wife and the mother of his child was too OOC and Isabella would be devasted. 

LOL, it would be very funny to see how they explain Isabella back from death after all those years. Here's my scenario, Stefano made a switch so the one with cancer was the doppglanger and the real Isabella was held hostage in his island.





Or Isabella had a twin.

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8 hours ago, SouthernChick said:

1) According to Sheri, the affair was already planned regardless of SG’s contract status. Sheri wanted Marlena to pull back on the plane, JER wanted a full fledged affair. JER won out and he became the sole head writer.


Sheri was right and she wanted to respect Isabella's memory by having Marlena resist on the plane.  Marlena sleeping with John on her wedding anniversary with Roman was bad..  Dee was against Jarlena sleeping with each other on the plane as well..

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On 6/11/2023 at 5:34 PM, SouthernChick said:

Ok, this is what I heard.

1) According to Sheri, the affair was already planned regardless of SG’s contract status. Sheri wanted Marlena to pull back on the plane, JER wanted a full fledged affair. JER won out and he became the sole head writer.

2) The head of NBC daytime wanted John to be a “leading man” a.k.a have multiple love interests, and wanted Drake paired with someone younger than Deidre. Thus, Eileen came in.

3) The plan was to do a John/Kristen/Tony triangle, and make Tony the interloper to a John/Kristen romance. Marlena was just to be John’s friend, and was often seen pushing John to peruse Kristen.

4) The audience still wanted John wirh Marlena, so Kristen (with Eileen’s enthusiasm) went dark. 

5) With Kristen out of the way (but not gone), JER was planning on pairing John and Hope. He sent them to the jungle together and brought back Roman to remarry Marlena. Bo also impregnated Billie and had JER stayed, she would have had the baby. John and Hope were supposed to turn to each other.

6) JER left and SSM, knowing the audience found Jope reply repulsive, had Billie miscarry the baby (notice that one of the first things JER did when he came back was resurrect that baby). And she had John stop Rolena’s wedding. SSM then gave us the convoluted Princess Gina story. 

Instead of Princess Gina they should've had it be Hope giving birth to her and Bo's child during those missing years and it was stolen. Bo/Hope slept together before she went into that vat of acid it wouldn't have been that farfetched.

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On 6/11/2023 at 10:23 AM, brisbydog said:

She said they contacted her about ten years ago to return but she said she looked her age of 48 at the time and wasn't willing to get work done to be on camera.

It's kind of sad they can't use Andrea Hall for Hattie anymore because it draws attention to how much work Diedre got done. 

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It's scary to think about the reality of what these women (and men) go through just to be employed. Face lifts/tummy tucks/botox/fat injections aren't cheap, aren't guaranteed to give you the results you want and are only ever a temporary fix. For a while they look "refreshed" (40s, 50s) but if done repeatedly these procedures make you look stretched, fake and plastic. And if you stop doing them, suddenly age catches up to you, while others around you stay frozen.

...and for those who step out of the limelight and do nothing but age normally, they then have to play catch-up and get a bunch of work done to "fit in" with the others and "look good" in front of the camera? Ugh.

I know showbiz isn't for sissies, so to speak, but it's nightmarish to think of what people do to themselves. And this is a soap - no Oscar nominations or huge perks to make the sacrifices for.

I feel for her, bowing out on that offer to return, rather than being ripped apart for her looks.

...but...hold up: ten years ago? This would have been during the first round of Bristen, then? Or ten years since the interview was done?


I really like your Hope idea Canary! That would have made sense.

Thanks for all that fascinating info about how the headwriters shaped the narrative. Having rewatched the Jungle storyline a few years ago, they were definitely pushing Hope and John together, but it wasn't working at all, and I'm glad they didn't go that route. So SSM stopped that couple from happening, but then birthed the crazy Gina stuff (which I still don't for the life of me understand. If anyone here has the patience to spell out what the heck that storyline was in big bold letters so my pea brain can finally understand it, that would be appreciated!)

And JER resurrected Billie's dead baby because...what? He was miffed it was killed off? So what? Why not just get Billie preggers with another of Bo's kids? Chelsea (that was the supposedly dead baby, right?) never really amounted to much and was a retcon that never sat right with the audience (dead babies rarely do, but still).

It's kind of a miracle that Eileen turned things around the way she did. If she hadn't been so talented and fueled JER's writing to some degree (I don't know how much communication, if any, there was between them) Kristen would have been brushed aside for Marlena in a more typical, boring, sad fashion. Instead, she became a legendary villainness.


Edited by DisneyBoy
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5 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

Instead of Princess Gina they should've had it be Hope giving birth to her and Bo's child during those missing years and it was stolen. Bo/Hope slept together before she went into that vat of acid it wouldn't have been that farfetched.

Not to mention, Kristian was visibly pregnant and had to do love scenes with Peter.  She said that Peter was so protective of her during that time and so understanding  and if I am not mistaken they got along better during that time.  

Edited by Pearson80
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18 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

Not to mention, Kristian was visibly pregnant and had to do love scenes with Peter.  She said that Peter was so protective of her during that time and so understanding  and if I am not mistaken they got along better during that time.  

Yeah I noticed they tried to do more face up shots you can tell she was well into her pregnancy with how they tried to hide it.

4 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

Yeah I noticed they tried to do more face up shots you can tell she was well into her pregnancy with how they tried to hide it.

Kristian was absolutely stunning pregnant.  She was glowing and the weight looked so good on her.. I know that she was always insecure about her weight but it did her wonders in my opinion..

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19 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

Kristian was absolutely stunning pregnant.  She was glowing and the weight looked so good on her.. I know that she was always insecure about her weight but it did her wonders in my opinion..

I agree and when she had her second kid also looked better with more weight on her(although they hid that one fairly well for the most part).

17 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Around when was this? I'd like to look up scenes for fun...

It was Summer/Fall 1990 I believe. KA came back for Peter's return to the show (it was planned she was leaving the show at the time again. She was pregnant and I think she wanted time off). Course he was there for the first half of Bo/Carly before Peter left for Knots Landing and was recasted with Robert Kelker Kelly. You might not be able to recognize Julie at first it was back when she was a brunette herself and dressed way more formal than the bohemian look she has now.

22 hours ago, Harmony233 said:

Not sure how successful it was but I remember on ATWT they reckon need Kim and bobs stillborn daughter.Kim and bob were a pretty popular couple.That's the only one I can really think of at the moment similar to chelsea being a rectonned.

Wait who was that?

38 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:


But....why? Don't they need someone to monitor the publicity side of things...?

...I feel like with every passing year, they're trying to cut costs down, but at some point...will there be anything left?


I figured Peacock would take over but yes eventually it will break 

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6 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

Not sure if this really means anything but it does make you wonder..


The Buzzcast on Twitter: "#DAYS will no longer have a PR department starting next Monday!" / Twitter

Wasn't it pretty much just posting videos on YouTube? What is there to even cut unless they totally get rid of fan events.

Edited by methodwriter85

Yes, unfortunately the whole Days publicity department was let go. Really nice women. Publicity is a vital part of any heavily casted show. 

Most publicists, their work is done behind the scenes and not referenced or celebrated. If merging with Peacock's general publicity department,  I hope they value the relationships that have been established and continue them in a positive light. 

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1 hour ago, CanaryFan98 said:

Apparently KL is going into the news. I admit I am a bit surprised especially since his child lives in LA



His new news gig is in Lake Tahoe, northern California.  Also Ari, Shawn, and Izzy (his and Ari's daughter) split their time in LA and Lake Tahoe. That may have had something to do with his decision. 

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11 hours ago, JBC344 said:

His new news gig is in Lake Tahoe, northern California.  Also Ari, Shawn, and Izzy (his and Ari's daughter) split their time in LA and Lake Tahoe. That may have had something to do with his decision. 

That would make more sense but in the description they said Reno Nevada and I didn't realize they all go together. I'm from the Midwest so the only thing I know about Northern California is San Jose/San Francisco as family resides there.

3 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Didn't realize he could sing.

I just wonder if he'll be viewed as a joke by the other reporters for having done soaps but failed to maintain that career path.

I don't think so Kyle Brandt is on NFL Network(and I find him to be a far bigger joke but I digress) and is considered respected course he worked on other things before he got the NFL Network gig.

Charles Divins(who was Chad on Passions) became a local anchor for a New Orleans affiliate.

Then there are some anchors that move onto being a talk show host(like David Letterman was our local weatherman before he got into late night TV)

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5 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Didn't realize he could sing.

He was a vocal major in college but I believe he dropped out to play Brady. He really was good. Too bad he didn't wind up doing an New York soap before the last one (One Life) folded in 2012. A lot of those people would do Broadway or Off-Broadway when they had filming breaks.

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2 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

I don't think so Kyle Brandt is on NFL Network(and I find him to be a far bigger joke but I digress) and is considered respected course he worked on other things before he got the NFL Network gig.

Charles Divins(who was Chad on Passions) became a local anchor for a New Orleans affiliate.

I remember seeing Kyle on TV while flipping through stations when he was on one of Jim Rome's show after  leaving ESPN. He came across like the thought he was a big thing. From his wiki he was EP on Jim's radio show for quite a few years.

I got to see Charles a lot when he was working for WDSU before my area got rid of the NO channels because the two local ones started broadcasting CBS and NBC in addition to ABC and FOX which they each had been broadcasting in the area for decades at that point. I also watched The Daily Buzz for awhile when he was on there. I had watched TDB since the started and kind of lessened my viewing as the long timers started leaving.

I wonder what the employees at the station KL got hired at think about him immediately making it to the desk as an anchor.  Can't blame him for wanting more steady work though.

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2 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

That would make more sense but in the description they said Reno Nevada and I didn't realize they all go together. I'm from the Midwest so the only thing I know about Northern California is San Jose/San Francisco as family resides there.

I don't think so Kyle Brandt is on NFL Network(and I find him to be a far bigger joke but I digress) and is considered respected course he worked on other things before he got the NFL Network gig.

Charles Divins(who was Chad on Passions) became a local anchor for a New Orleans affiliate.

Then there are some anchors that move onto being a talk show host(like David Letterman was our local weatherman before he got into late night TV)

No worries,  actually Reno Nevada and Lake Tahoe are near each other. Before Kyle announced the job he posted about moving to Tahoe. He probably chose to live in Tahoe to be near Izzy and commute to Reno for work as opposed to getting a place directly in Reno. 

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4 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

Then there are some anchors that move onto being a talk show host(like David Letterman was our local weatherman before he got into late night TV)

And then there is the transition from weather/news person to shopping channel host! Many on QVC and HSN have come from local news.

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Old Theo is playing Faux-Theo. I love this and didn't realized it until I saw the article on Twitter:




"Though Fake Theo’s real name is Jerry, he’s played by Terrell Ransom Jr., the young actor who played Theo as a kid from 2008 to 2015!"

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25 minutes ago, AManfred said:

Old Theo is playing Faux-Theo. I love this and didn't realized it until I saw the article on Twitter:




"Though Fake Theo’s real name is Jerry, he’s played by Terrell Ransom Jr., the young actor who played Theo as a kid from 2008 to 2015!"

Yeah, we've been discussing it in the current topics thread. His scenes with James were so sweet. Hoping Jerry swings by the Pub and has an interaction with Kate. Their scenes were always so heartfelt when he was young.  

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38 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

I just read online that apparently RSW is the highest paid male on the show, and right up there with Deidre.


How on earth do they justify paying him more than her veteran screen partner Drake???


I am .... stunned.  I'm sure he could use the money, since I understand illegal steroids are quite expensive, and we know he's not using the money to pay for any extra AKTING lessons.

I don't get it.  He's got the dramatic acting talent of Pauly Shore, the sex appeal of Mr. Snuffleupagus and all the humor of Floyd the Barber from Mayberry.

So of course he's one of Ron's favorites.

Edited by boes
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10 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

I just read online that apparently RSW is the highest paid male on the show, and right up there with Deidre.


How on earth do they justify paying him more than her veteran screen partner Drake???



2 hours ago, JBC344 said:

I don't believe this!!! There is no way he makes more money than Drake H or some of the other veterans. I believe for his age bracket or with a lot of the younger cast, sure. He may have even got a nice bump in pay to come and play Alex. No way he makes more than the top veterans on the show. 

This is one of those moments where I wonder what the original source - would you happen to have it @DisneyBoy - means by higher paid.

From my understanding, Soap actors are guaranteed a certain amount of episodes per season and they are guaranteed a certain pay based on those episodes. Afterward, there's a different pay structure once the actor exceeds those allotted and agreed-upon episodes.

I wonder if this is a case where Drake H. is paid more per episode, but RSW appears in more episodes a season. Effectively Drake H. is higher paid per episode but RSW gets paid more a season because he appears in more episodes. Drake H. feels like he's rarely on.

I, however, question the veracity of the report since I can't imagine RSW getting paid more that GG/Rafe or EM/Brady. Both of whom have mostly been leads since the late 2000's, and neither have ever left full-contract status. It's only now that the EM seems to be on a little break as he isn't airing as much. GG seemed to be on an airing break when he was with AZ/Nicole, but he seems like he's airing more again lately with EK/Jada.

I also question if he's getting paid more than GV/Eric. While GV isn't as consistent as GG or EM with his contract status, he's usually depicted as a lead when he's on contract, and he and AZ/Nicole seem to be two of the most aired people on canvas right now. GV/Eric also started a couple of years before RSW, but his coming and going may impact his pay.

Finally, there's BF/Chad. Both started the same year, but BF, in interviews, makes it seems as if Days were really hot for him to join the show. He's part of a popular pairing, and BF has never left full contact status. He's also another lead. RSW did leave and return. 

Of course, I have no insider knowledge, and I have no idea how good these people's agents are or what leverage they hold in negotiations. That being said, I can't imagine RSW having so much leverage that he's the highest-paid male on the show without there being some behind-the-scenes controversy regarding it. Actors aren't known for being humble.


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Message added by Door County Cherry

The Behind The Scenes thread is not a spoiler thread.  So spoilers, including casting information, do not belong in here.  The "behind the scenes" information specifically related to casting should go in either the spoiler thread or the Salem International thread which discusses. departures and arrivals thread. 

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