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"The View": Week of 03/09/15


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Mo 3/9: RuPaul, Tommy Davidson, guest co-host Garcelle Beauvais
Tu 3/10: Cynthia Nixon, Antonio Sabato Jr., guest co-host Garcelle Beauvais
We 3/11: Mary J. Blige, Vincent D'Onofrio, guest co-host Garcelle Beauvais
Th 3/12: Olly Murs, Travie McCoy, guest co-host Garcelle Beauvais
Fr 3/13: Patricia Arquette, Cedric the Entertainer, Niecy Nash, guest co-host Garcelle Beauvais

It's funny how Whoopi doesn't challenge anything Nicolle.says.  Nicolle said that the OU students shouting the N word in the clip were promptly suspended. Swift and appropriate action. Whoopi agreed and went  to commercial.  I doubt that would have been the case if RO was still there.


The Selma discussion went over my head. There was a dispute about Republicans not being in attendance there at the bridge with Obama. (?)  Nicolle countered with, "Neither of the Clintons were there!"

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The Selma discussion went over my head. There was a dispute about Republicans not being in attendance there at the bridge with Obama. (?)  Nicolle countered with, "Neither of the Clintons were there!"



The last time I checked neither Clinton was currently in office.  The fact that the Republicans who are currently in office couldn't be bothered to show up says a whole hell of a lot about them.

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Niecy Nash,Sherry's pal who inspired her to marry Sal and change her public persona?  I liked her on Clean House, but I detest the person she's become, who talks about daily blow jobs being the best way to stay married




I remember Sherri saying something similar to that a couple years ago.  Didn't she say a woman needs to drop to her knees if she wants to distract her husband or some shit?

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Again, the shriekfest with Nicolle grates. When Rosie brought up the subject of the new solar powered airplane, all Nicolle could do was yell, "I wouldn't let my husband or son fly on that!". What exactly does she contribute to this show besides giving her Republican view, pretend to be naive about everything  (when you know she's not),and cackle wildly when Whoopi gives a lame joke?

Edited by Kenz
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Again, the shriekfest with Nicolle grates. When Rosie brought up the subject of the new solar powered airplane, all Nicolle could do was yell, "I wouldn't let me husband or son fly on that!".



Whoopi lets Nicolle off the hook on everything--Rosie doesn't.  She shot right back, commenting that the solar plane is a prototype...a prototype!  All progress has to start somewhere.


I liked her on Clean House, but I detest the person she's become, who talks about daily blow jobs being the best way to stay married.



I had seen Niecy Nash on shows before Clean House, so I didn't believe the personna she was presenting there.

The Selma discussion went over my head. There was a dispute about Republicans not being in attendance there at the bridge with Obama. (?)  Nicolle countered with, "Neither of the Clintons were there!"



I know you are, but what am I?

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I watched the beginning of the show long enough for Nicolle to conflate missing Hillary emails and the picture of her on her blackberry. Of course there was no one to question that statement. I get why Nicolle deleted her twitter, she doesn't want to be told she's wrong. That picture was Hillary going to Libya from Malta in 2011. Benghazi happened in Sept 2012. Then she says Hillary should come to this crap fest.


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Niecy Nash,Sherry's pal who inspired her to marry Sal and change her public persona?  I liked her on Clean House, but I detest the person she's become, who talks about daily blow jobs being the best way to stay married.  I may watch that day just for the train wreck potential.

Sherri is on a show with Niecy Nash. I guess she wasn't available to appear on The View with her. LOLOLOLOLOLOL

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I watched the beginning of the show long enough for Nicolle to conflate missing Hillary emails and the picture of her on her blackberry. Of course there was no one to question that statement. I get why Nicolle deleted her twitter, she doesn't want to be told she's wrong. That picture was Hillary going to Libya from Malta in 2011. Benghazi happened in Sept 2012. Then she says Hillary should come to this crap fest.



That was cribbed directly from Congress Critter Trey Gowdy's appearance on Face the Nation yesterday.


Didn't think much of the blink and you missed attention given to the Selma observation, the OU SAE thing and not a mention of it being International Women's Day yesterday, which was why there was a CGI function and the Clinton's weren't at Selma.

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The dispute about W. was that he and Laura were there on Saturday, but the New York Times supposedly cropped him out of the picture they published. They said he wasn't cropped, he was way off to the side and in direct sunlight so the picture of him wasn't clear enough to use. Nicole said, "Well, you know what I think of the New York Times."

But she did acknowledge that Hillary was traveling to Libya in 2011 when the meme picture was taken.

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Nicole said, "Well, you know what I think of the New York Times."


It's crazy how Nicolle keeps trouncing out those right wing taglines now, as if that's really some kind of badge of honor.  It only makes her seem less intelligent and more like a puppet than when she first started

I've skipped several shows since RO left and when I do tune in now, Nicolle just irritates. I don't know. Maybe It's just me and the enormous effort it takes to get geared up for The Whoopi Goldberg Hour Starring Whoopi Goldberg & Her Ever Changing Band of Ass Kissers.


I have a feeling Whoopi is being paid double just to keep showing up every day. There's no one else to moderate - that I know of.

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I always thought it was Geddie pushing the right wing talking points, that he would get a call from Ailes who told him the angle on an issue they were taking at Fox including what language to use, and then Geddie would feed Bitsy her lines during their private session before the show. Now that Geddie's ostensibly gone from the show, who's the behind the scenes person responsible for turning the show into Faux lite? Nicolle's not acting alone in this farce. 

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I'm down to watching only maybe a couple episodes a weeks (depending on guests). Nicole, who I used to enjoy enjoy watching, has gotten a little too shrill the past few weeks. I am surprised her "people" haven't suggested voice modulation lessons or something that would tone her down a bit...I think that would help secure a longterm place for her on some TV show somewhere after The View implodes. I still really like Rosie P. and am surprised at so many negative comments about her (yes, she has an accent...get over it!). She is smart and I love her interest in science (me too) and what she has done with her life given her background. Loved her enthusiasm about the Solar Impulse plane which made a stop here in Phoenix on a cross country flight and I went to see - very cool! Whoopie ( have no problem with her clothes, shoes...it's who she is) has lost favor with me because I think her need to have the last word in all discussions was why Rosie O. decided work wasn't fun, the stress was bad and she didn't need to stick around.

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I have been identifying lately with Rosie P on the show. She and I have the same tendency to "over explain"  things.  Instead of cutting to the chase, she likes to give reasons for her opinion.  At times, what she is saying is an informed, well thought out view.  But it can't be expressed in a soundbyte, or even a short sentence.   It drives me crazy when she gets halfway through what she's trying to say, and I'm agreeing with her, and Nicolle buts in and says "but don't you think ......?"   Rosie keeps on explaining, but she's drowned out by Nicolle, who isn't even LISTENING to what RP is saying.  


I have the same issue with some  people, where halfway through what I'm saying, they jump in and argue - but I haven't finished with  my thought yet.  


The solar plane was just one example.  Rosie P wanted to talk about how great this is, how this could change the industry.  Nicolle has to jump in with "I wouldn't let my husband or son fly on one."   What the heck kind of moronic statement is that?  Why can't they TALK about the possibilities  - environmental, costs of travel, etc., all the ways this is a wonderful technical development?    Why does the discussion of some truly remarkable advancement in science have to be shut down?


i end up feeling that the show wants to treat me like I'm a dummy with the attention span of a gnat, so they will only spend 30 seconds on a topic.  And of course, when they DO decide to spend time on a topic, it's usually farts or poop or low-hanging boobs.  

Edited by backformore
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i end up feeling that the show wants to treat me like I'm a dummy with the attention span of a gnat, so they will only spend 30 seconds on a topic.  And of course, when they DO decide to spend time on a topic, it's usually farts or poop or low-hanging boobs.  

I think it's the co-hosts (well Whoopi and Nicolle anyway) who have short attention spans/ are just too lazy to read up on anything before they talk about it.   For all of Bab's faults in her last couple years she rarely came to the table unprepared and I can honestly say I never heard her make a fart joke. 

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I feel like Nicolle pulled a bait and switch on us.  The Nicolle at the beginning of the season is not the same Nicolle that we are seeing now.  If you saw Game Change, Nicolle was protrayed as calm, reasonable and soft spoken.  What happened to that Nicolle.  For the life of me I ca not see how she has held the positions that she has held.  She comes across as kind of manic. 

  • Love 17

I feel like Nicolle pulled a bait and switch on us.  The Nicolle at the beginning of the season is not the same Nicolle that we are seeing now.  If you saw Game Change, Nicolle was protrayed as calm, reasonable and soft spoken.  What happened to that Nicolle.  For the life of me I ca not see how she has held the positions that she has held.  She comes across as kind of manic. 

I haven't been watching much since RO left but what I have seen and what I've read here I completely agree Morgalisa.   Until about a month ago I liked Nicolle; she seemed like someone I'd like to have as a friend and I certainly thought she was a good choice for the show.   She was smart, educated and occasionally funny.  And even though we are politically incompatible, I usually felt like there was more (fpr me) to like about her on this show than to dislike.  Then, she started sucking up to Whoopi, acting all dumb about pop culture, interrupting, screeching, etc.    Plus, her great hair went to hell, lol.  


What happened to Nicolle indeed.  Or as she would say, "Riiiiiight?"   Maybe she saw how Whoopi would go on the attack with RO and decided to dumb down and kiss up?  Or maybe as we get closer and closer to the 2016 Presidential race her partisan politics are all fired up?  If 's the latter, Nicolle would be wise to look at another former White House staffer turned ABC broadcaster George Stephanopolis and calm the hell down.  If it's the former then it's really too bad and I'll blame Whoopi.  Heh. 

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Whoopi was talking about the way "she raised her daughter.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember her saying, years ago, that her Mother raised Alex while she was "getting started" in Hollywood.  Which included learning everything there was to know about drugs, putting miles on her vagina & marrying every Tom, Dyck & Harry that deigned to glance in her direction.


Kadooz (TM Ramona Singer) to Mario for defending President Obama & condemning the actions of Republicans.

Edited by Medicine Crow
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I always thought it was Geddie pushing the right wing talking points, that he would get a call from Ailes who told him the angle on an issue they were taking at Fox including what language to use, and then Geddie would feed Bitsy her lines during their private session before the show. Now that Geddie's ostensibly gone from the show, who's the behind the scenes person responsible for turning the show into Faux lite? Nicolle's not acting alone in this farce. 


The Republican headquarters puts out their talking points every morning. I'm sure Geddie was on their e-mail list and got them as of course did/does Fox. It's why you hear the same thing from all the Republicans regardless of where they're speechifying. The senators making speeches on the floor of the congress will use the same code words as Nicolle does on The View, as do the people on Fox or any Republican operative giving an interview to CNN or any other media outlet including print media. It's a system they worked out years ago and it has been extremely successful for them in winning the messaging wars.

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I didn't know the actor on at the end but I walked out of the room to shake out a rug and his interview was over by the time I got back in. Rosie was saying something about wishing they had more time. Maybe they'd have more time if we didn't have to hear Whoopi's super stale boobs dragging on the floor joke again. We'd have even more time if we cut out the extra Whoopi ass-kissing time Nicole seems to thrive on now. Nicole's voice is getting like an old chicken. All I hear now is cackle, cackle, buck, buck, biGOCK.

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I watched until the local station cut in with an never-ending "Breaking News Report" about a truck fire on a highway.  I've never heard so many people say the same thing so many times in so many ways, just to stay on the air.  Ridiculous!!

I didn't know the actor on at the end but I walked out of the room to shake out a rug and his interview was over by the time I got back in. Rosie was saying something about wishing they had more time. Maybe they'd have more time if we didn't have to hear Whoopi's super stale boobs dragging on the floor joke again. We'd have even more time if we cut out the extra Whoopi ass-kissing time Nicole seems to thrive on now. Nicole's voice is getting like an old chicken. All I hear now is cackle, cackle, buck, buck, biGOCK.


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OMG, the guy at the end was the fabulous Vincent D'Onofrio--Bobby Goren from Law & Order: Criminal Intent and about a zillion other thoughtful performances, strung over decades.  (Which made it very odd that RP's final comment was about how he was going to have a stellar career.)


VDO was the one guest that got me back to this show, post RO.  Oh me, oh my.  So Whoopi just repeats the first few words of her thought, the first few words, THE FIRST FEW WORDS, THE FIRST FEW WORDS!!! . . .until she gets her way and everyone shuts up.  Conversation over.  Well, that's one way to moderate, I guess. 


I have zero problem with RP's accent, but she reads from her blue cards, she reads from the teleprompter, and when she's not reading from something, she makes it a point to announce that she's not reading.  What's going on with her?  She was smoother and more comfortable earlier--is Whoopi browbeating her into anxiety about voicing her extemporaneous opinion?


I liked the guest host in the middle seat, for all the four quips she was able to squeeze in.


Hello, Whoopi's still dragging body parts along the floor, although I wasn't sure whether that pantomime was boobs or labia.  I would have preferred one more minute with VDO's interview, but that's just me.


Over and out, again.



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I've been watching this show since it started, and after today, I really think I'm done. Way too much screeching (especially from Nicolle, who I actually liked at first.) Guess it's The Talk for me from now on (I'll have to mute and look away from Cheryl though..she grates.) Off topic, (and I admit, very shallow) but isn't there anything to be done about a gummy smile? I can't stand to look at gums..skeeves me out almost as much as face piercings.

Edited by ChiCricket
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Okay, so I ff'd through to the Vincent D'Onofrio interview & couldn't believe The Whoopster hijacked the conversation twice.  Once to tell everyone that she did the same crazy Christmas pj's as his family & again to say she was in his show (after he left).  Vincent (very kindly) asked if it was with Jeff Goldblum & I guess someone screamed in her ear to STFU, because she said I'll tell you later.  What a giant EGOT she has!!!  I love Vincent & wanted to hear more about him, but ....
Nicolle a.k.a. fishwife, has morphed into what a few people said she was from the very beginning.  A bossy, one-sided, opinionated, idiotic woman.  There were too many lips flapping today & too many interruptions.  (I can only imagine how bad she'd get once the campaign(s) are underway.  I watched Hasselblech twist the last election beyond recognition, so .... )
Did I mention I am so, so sick of The Whoopster, I don't even watch live in the morning!!  I watch first thing in the evening when I can ff through & have time to "get over" the crap I can't believe I allow into my psyche.  Oh well .....


P.S. -- I'm holding The Whoopster in the same regard as I do The Trumpster!!  Absolutely no respect for either one!!

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I've been watching as well. BINGO MedicineCrow  - no respect for WG, let lone Trump.


But I'll throw in Wallace and Perez as well for me. I am so tired of NW not being challenged....and all of the panel and co-hosts cowered by WG.


What is it about Perez and her blue cards.....at the ready... that she reads. Today about music ripoffs, Hillary, and the China earthquake. IMO she can't pull off her cards in a sincere manner. And nobody challenges her either.


"Challenges" is perhaps too strong a word but they blast through their topics so quickly there is not time. Usually not well researched and 4 days late.




And what was up with RP thanking 2 doctors today about her husband's (ER?) care last night. End of story.  IMO she just doesn't come across well.

Edited by maggiemae
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Actually I am in a state that has 2  D Senators and my Rep a D. So I am happy.....but they don't have post comments on their fb. One Rep R that used to be mine but after gerrymandering does allow posts but never responds. In fact has not ever have town meetings in 5 or 6 years. That speaks volumes for me since my Rep had one last night and does pretty regularity. 


Plus my former R Rep's office could never answer questions on even how he voted.....later after the vote. Well, a few times by phone.....after the questions were strictly monitored and selected...by nice and polite call ins. 

Okay, so I ff'd through to the Vincent D'Onofrio interview & couldn't believe The Whoopster hijacked the conversation twice.  Once to tell everyone that she did the same crazy Christmas pj's as his family & again to say she was in his show (after he left).  Vincent (very kindly) asked if it was with Jeff Goldblum & I guess someone screamed in her ear to STFU, because she said I'll tell you later.  What a giant EGOT she has!!!  I love Vincent & wanted to hear more about him, but ....


AHEM. No, VDO was still on Criminal Intent when Whoopi appeared in an episode, but it was with Chris Fucking! Noth* (Detective Michael Logan, who was in the original/mothership); It was the fifth season, when due to exhaustion, Noth joined the cast to alleviate D'Onofrio carrying the show, we would get a Logan episode one week, then a Goren/Eames episode the other week.


That said, of course Whoopi had to make it all about her.  She can't not stop herself. (sorry for the double negative).


*Yes, I'm a diehard Michael Logan fangurrrrl.


Now, I haven't watched an episode since Rosie O. left, but from reading the comments regarding yesterday's show, I'm surprised that Cackles didn't rip on Hillary's press conference regarding why she used a private server (her hubby's from his days as Prez) and private email account. Am I to understand they didn't talk about it at ALL?

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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Nicole is becoming out of control. Finger pointing, interrupting and shrill as hell. If she is going to just get to spout her crap without a good counterpoint person to challenge her, this show will have finally found a way to get rid of hard core watchers like me. The only reason Bitsy was tolerable was Joy and her (sometimes) excellent answers. Without someone to shut down Nicole's flapping mouth, it's going to be really hard for me to even hate watch, lol.

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