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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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Michelle's FB post, translated for the bullshit-detection-impaired (which, by the way, none of us here are and that makes me so happy):


"I've thought all day about our Josiah"  

See, I remember and name my children and I can give one of them a whole day's worth of thought!  I'm still mother of the year!



See, I can also remember their individual birthdays.  I'm still mother of the year!


"We love you so much!"  

You're not Josh, thank GOD!


"You are an encourager and can brighten any room you walk into."  

You make us so happy because you're not Josh.


"You have made a big impact in all our lives."  

We are so RELIEVED you broke off your courtship with that jeans-wearing, book-writing, smart-talking slut Marjorie.  Whew, we dodged a bullet with that - just think of how she might have influenced our sweet, holy little daughters with her satanic worldliness.


"Your love for God, humility, diligence, selflessness, giving spirit and so much more has challenged us in our relationship with the Lord"  

We know you're not at all like Josh (right?)  And we thank you for stopping us that time recently when we were about to hunt him down and beat him senseless with a pvc pipe.  It would have made us look kind of bad to those tv executives we're trying to persuade to give us our show back.  


"We are so blessed to have you in our family"  

We can focus on you and present you as the good son, because you're not Josh.


"We love you!" 

Please help us find a way to get our fame and fortune back because, well.....JOSH.

Edited by mousegirl
  • Love 17

Especially since they don't even really let their kids on social media. How is he supposed to see that super special purposed message?


My guess is that it's not intended for Josiah at all. It's intended for the leg-humpers and other fans out there - the Duggars' "audience" or whatever they called the people who come to their personal appearances, buy their books etc. People who essentially supply them with at least some of their income. And people they need more than ever now that the biggest chunk of their income - TLC - is over.

  • Love 11

JB & Mechelle love their public address letters to family, whether it's a birthday letter, anniversary letter, funeral letter, you name it's got to be made public.  At least Josiah didn't get more than one version of his public birthday statement. Jubilee's funeral letter actually had 2 versions, the first said that from now on Michelle would say that she had 20 children, 19 here and 1 in heaven.  Then she remembered Caleb and she had to change it to 21 children, 19 here and 2 in heaven.  Of course that was a very different situation and it was hard enough on her I guess but you would think JB and Mechelle would know by now that once one version is out it's out. They've been in the media spotlight for years.  I think they are so used to just changing their stories all of the time around all of their kids it just comes natural to them now.  

  • Love 9

I read the challenge part, as double talk that he was a "challenging, Satan influenced spawn, who had to go to ALERT several tines, because he (sic) was so challenging."


Could go either way, I think. .... Or maybe she consciously intended to write that shiny MOTY sentiment about how his excellence challenges them to do better, but the part of her that wants to scream "Gaaaaaa, ya smart-ass little bastard" every time she sees Josiah Freudian-slipped her into writing something with a double meaning.

  • Love 4

Quoted from: http://www.gotquestions.org/Bible-hypocrisy.html


"The Bible calls hypocrisy a sin. There are two forms hypocrisy can take: that of professing belief in something and then acting in a manner contrary to that belief, and that of looking down on others when we ourselves are flawed."


Josh has the 1st definition and JB & M have the second. If only they would only realize that this, in addition to oppressing their children, are issues that need to be addressed rather than the superficial crap that the focus on...

Edited by GeeGolly
  • Love 6

Quoted from: http://www.gotquestions.org/Bible-hypocrisy.html


"The Bible calls hypocrisy a sin. There are two forms hypocrisy can take: that of professing belief in something and then acting in a manner contrary to that belief, and that of looking down on others when we ourselves are flawed."


Josh has the 1st definition and JB & M have the second. If only they would only realize that this, in addition to oppressing their children, are issues that need to be addressed rather than the superficial crap that the focus on...


Wow, yeah, that's really apt.


Unfortunately, superficial crap is easy to fix, and if you're not doing it -- because it's easy to fix -- then you get to feel perfect and perfectly justified in bashing others. Examining your own hypocrisy? Not so much.


You know, we hope and hope for them to take a realistic view of life, truly undertake the things their faith would seem to demand, look closely at themselves, examine something -- anything at all -- seriously. But at this point, I'm pretty sure that they're never ever ever going to do any of that. How many people of JB's and M's age or older have ever had the energy and will to fundamentally change the way they think and the way they live their lives? A pretty small number, I expect. And these two are probably as shallow, egotistical, neurotically needy and dumb as they come -- and have, they think, received decades worth of accolades, money and fame for doing just exactly what they do right now. So no matter what's happening to them at the moment, I expect that inertia's going to keep them doing what they're doing, without giving it a second thought. Plus, if the bad times continue, they can just go on blaming Satan, the evil media, the liberal tide that's taken over American and, if necessary, Josh.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 11

Wow, yeah, that's really apt.


Unfortunately, superficial crap is easy to fix, and if you're not doing it -- because it's easy to fix -- then you get to feel perfect and perfectly justified in bashing others. Examining your own hypocrisy? Not so much.


You know, we hope and hope for them to take a realistic view of life, truly undertake the things their faith would seem to demand, look closely at themselves, examine something -- anything at all -- seriously. But at this point, I'm pretty sure that they're never ever ever going to do any of that. How many people of JB's and M's age or older have ever had the energy and will to fundamentally change the way they think and the way they live their lives? A pretty small number, I expect. And these two are probably as shallow, egotistical, neurotically needy and dumb as they come -- and have, they think, received decades worth of accolades, money and fame for doing just exactly what they do right now. So no matter what's happening to them at the moment, I expect that inertia's going to keep them doing what they're doing, without giving it a second thought. Plus, if the bad times continue, they can just go on blaming Satan, the evil media, the liberal tide that's taken over American and, if necessary, Josh.

Spot-on Churchhoney. Very sad, but spot-on.

  • Love 2

John David and Joseph seem to be quiet men who keep their opinions to themselves while Josh and Josiah are more outspoken and opinionated. Jim Bob seems to like the first two and seems to be extremely annoyed by the second two. He gives the first two more freedom to do what they want, while he tries to marry the second two off ASAP. I think he hates being around Josh and Josiah while he enjoys John David and Joseph. If you are a Duggar son, the best thing that you can do is keep your mouth shut.

Well John-David and Joseph are somewhat complementary to JimBob. Their vocational skills are useful to JimBob. John-David is also self sufficient and has been for years, and I guess Joseph is a hard worker. They aren't in love with the sound of their own voices, unlike Josh. Even when Josh was just a used car salesman, JimBob was paying the bills and Josh didn't seem to put much effort into it. Josh has consistently needed to be rescued, and he didn't even own a house until this year. Josiah I don't really know, he's only 18. Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 3

Why did TLC bother having MEchelle speak in the abuse special? What a medicated nutcase. I doubt she learned took in a damn thing. She did nothing to protect her girls and I doubt took anything the teacher was teaching. Smiling like a damn fool does't cure problems MEchelle.


MOTY quote:


"I was so glad that my girls and I were able to do this together and that we could just be a support and encouragement to each other to be able to gain more information about this important topic."


WOW just now this is an important topic but when it happened in your house with your daughters well that wasn't important because they swept it under the carpets errrr I mean prayed about it!?


Read more: http://www.fishwrapper.com/post/2015/08/31/duggar-molestation-special-tlc-josh-cheat-ashley-madison-sisters-jessa-jill-pictures-photos-pics/#ixzz3kOmAmZMY
Follow us: @fishwrapped on Twitter

Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 15

I wonder if JB and Mechelle ever allowed themselves to read the book 1984, because they seem to have mastered the doublespeak technique really well.  In 1984 it was also used for mind control and brainwashing which actually falls right in line with what they do.


I would almost guarantee the Duggars have never read 1984. They never read anything - except what old Bill tells 'em to, that is They've picked up on the double-speak from being part of Gothard's world. And of course, Boob's been listening to real estate talk most of his life, and selling used cars too. With apologies to all the very fine real estate agents and car salespeople out there.

  • Love 6

Was watching old episodes online - 14 children and pregnant again, to try and figure out how all of this happened, and I noticed that every time Michelle spoke with JB sitting next to her he kept looking at her with this real intimidating look.  It was blatant and it almost looked like he couldn't stand her.  Anyway, they showed the schedule on the wall listing what everybody did with every moment of their day.  I think JB expected Michelle to be perfect and pleasing him became her priority over anything else and she couldn't complain about 14 kids in 2 bedrooms.  JB expected perfection from his family, from playing violin when you're not yet 3 years old to helping him build a house.   I wondered if Michelle resented it and was passive aggressive about it.  I also noticed that Jim Holt was hanging around during that time.  My mind started speculating about DNA tests for which Jim is the baby daddy for some of them, but of course I would have to be wrong about that because something like that would not happen in such a godly home. 

  • Love 1

I would almost guarantee the Duggars have never read 1984. They never read anything - except what old Bill tells 'em to, that is They've picked up on the double-speak from being part of Gothard's world. And of course, Boob's been listening to real estate talk most of his life, and selling used cars too. With apologies to all the very fine real estate agents and car salespeople out there.

Right but JB & Michelle went to public school where that book was talked about back in 1984.  I don't think they would read it now but they may have read it in High School.  I realize they aren't influenced by it and that their doublespeak comes mainly from Gothard but had they read the book back in the 80's I wonder if they would remember it and have a moment of enlightenment and say - hey that's us!   That's what happened to us!

  • Love 1

Was watching old episodes online - 14 children and pregnant again, to try and figure out how all of this happened, and I noticed that every time Michelle spoke with JB sitting next to her he kept looking at her with this real intimidating look.  It was blatant and it almost looked like he couldn't stand her.  Anyway, they showed the schedule on the wall listing what everybody did with every moment of their day.  I think JB expected Michelle to be perfect and pleasing him became her priority over anything else and she couldn't complain about 14 kids in 2 bedrooms.  JB expected perfection from his family, from playing violin when you're not yet 3 years old to helping him build a house.   I wondered if Michelle resented it and was passive aggressive about it.  I also noticed that Jim Holt was hanging around during that time.  My mind started speculating about DNA tests for which Jim is the baby daddy for some of them, but of course I would have to be wrong about that because something like that would not happen in such a godly home. 

I have actually always thought Jim Bob rather adored Michelle, but as his prized possession. And as that possession her purpose is to make his family life precisely as he desires. And I do think Michelle is hugely passive aggressive. 

  • Love 2

I think after the money started rolling in from the show JB seemed as if he adored Michelle but those first episodes of 14 kids and pregnant again tells me a different story.  She was his possession yes, but the adoring part came later.  Now he takes every public opportunity that he has to say - I love you Michelle, yet I think in earlier years he was out for domination and control of her first and foremost.

  • Love 5

Well, I'm not sure why we should assume that he doesn't see fit to 'instruct' the woman under his headship any differently than he does the children. In which case, as awful as I think she is, I wouldn't blame her for being passive-aggressive. It's not like she would have had anyplace to take the hundred and forty seven kids if she wanted to leave even if Jim Bob didn't have local law enforcement in his pocket.

  • Love 6

?? About whether JB and/or Michelle would/DID read ORWELL's 1984? Being around 'their' age, but from NY, I never was assigned THIS Orwell book in school, But- In JR HIGH was required to read 'ANIMAL FARM'  I am sure, once in High School, when we were 'allowed' to take different types of English classes, some were req. to read it. They went to school in a much more Conservative Arkansas-the State might NOT have even allowed that book in PUBLIC SCHOOLS Libraries, never mind req. reading! (After all, even Animal Farm was G.O.'s thinning veiled book on communism! Yes, a Satire on 'how it doesn't work', but for ignorant/unintelligent persons-They never get to the "Moral' of the story, do they?). JimBob went to a 'Christian school'-& I am willing to bet '1984' is NOT allowed. Might be wrong, there are ALL different ranges of Christian schools from-yes, almost liberal-to very , very conservative. Jim bob I suspect , considering HOW he is, turned out, went to one along the LATTER & the only '1984' was on the Calendar of that year.


As for NOW? Although they STILL say they are not members of 'B Gothard's Quiverall (sp?)' 'cult/church'-They & other followers (supposedly) do not watch/listen/view T.V., radio, internet, newspapers/magazines, books-UNLESS they are FROM the 'church' , Gothard's 'school', OR approved by him /church. Needless to say, VERY LITTLE 'OUTSIDE MATERAL' is (supposedly) available to members...Women mainly because they are 3rd class citizens & have no control/nor have any $. (Read this week's People on Josh -if you can stomach it!)


J.B.-I think he 'adores her', yes, like a possession ,as a lot of you say-BUT- as a 'Flawed' OR 'Damaged' one! (Like if you had a porcelain doll from childhood, BUT underneath the hair, clothes, were chips & you 'lost that card' & box for her-Knocking the VALUE of this doll down to less then half!(but-No one else knows about the 'mars'/defects). I think this because JimBob made like 2 'statements' about how (and, frankly, I forgot his exact words..)Michelle had done 'things' in H.S. that & he never explained.  He left it, gave this 'look'',  like Michelle did the 'teams' BUT, I knew THAT wasn't it! (J.B., being the arrogant self righteous %@%#$ he is!-Would never have 'taken' a 'non virgin' bride. It was more that Michelle was a 'normal teen' before JIMBOB! In H.S., she was a cheerleader! (& Gasp! Michelle has shown us her in her cheerleading outfit! Tight, formfitting, & yes, Michelle does have...Knees! ) She 'dated', had at least 1 BF before J.B.-so, she probably had another man's (teenage boy's) lips on her! This is what bothers J,B. so much & 99.99% of the population would consider this ridiculous! Can't find ep. anymore unfortunately.


But , Michelle, although JimBob has never said it on this show, is 'flawed'. Hypocritical, since SHE was not 'reborn' yet, hypocritical, since the family is BIG on prayers ,forgiveness (really wish I could get up these eps. NOW -Really, really need J.B.'s reaction-ESP.-WITH-) Anna being told by HER PARENTS(Not MOST of her siblings!) & Most of the DUGGAR Family-She Must stand by Josh! Forgive him because part of it was her fault!

Why did TLC bother having MEchelle speak in the abuse special? What a medicated nutcase. I doubt she learned a damn thing. She did nothing to protect her girls and I doubt took anything the teacher was teaching. Smiling like a damn fool does't cure problems MEchelle.


I nearly put my foot through the TV when her nauseating baby voice came on. We're talking about sexual abuse, the kind that happened in your own home lady, right under your nose. You're there with two of the victims. Care to show a little seriousness??? And why wasn't JimBob there too? He apparently doesn't have anything more to learn, right?

  • Love 6

I was looking into the Arkansas Public Records today, yesterday..,the counties where the Duggars live (Washington) & (Benton)-I didn't go further. About a year ago, I looked around a few counties in Ark. (Go to State Gov't, search-'property records' for 'county of' . You can also look up 'Real Property', which are things like cars, boats..)


ANYHOO...about last year, Under "Duggar LLC' Or Michelle & Jim bob Duggar-I found around 5,6 properties, including their house.Also, 'Mary Duggar' had about the same. ("grandma duggar') Now, or as of August 2014 through NOW-, there are around 15 'property' purchases-some houses, some 'lots', around $1 million...in either "Duggar LLC' OR 'Michelle & JimBob Revocable Trust' (which-I have NOT a CLUE what THAT is about-tax wise/legal wise/etc.. (Also, Josh's home &  few properties in 'John Duggar / ' 


I just found it strange-so MANY property purchases in Aug 2014? Now, of course, maybe a lot of Good deals? But, could it be 'other reasons'? AKA-"Hide the cash'? 2 'girls' married' -Ben is a Duff, but Derrick is an accountant? Did he want to know-"Jill? How much & where did the $ go from all the years YOU appeared on the show? (No 'real property' in ANY of the 'girls' over 18, John had a # of cars, vehicles.Or are the parents worried about 'lawsuits'? Converted $ into land? Could be nothing..but thing of past shows where M&JB 'let' the 'kids' live in one of 'their' houses...(& REALIZING-that 1st, it was a REALITY show, 2nd, ARK. might NOT have ANY laws protecting 'child actors' like, say, CA, N.Y.?) That while most of the show 'centered' around the 'Parents' & so their 'Compensation' would/Should be FAR greater, these 'kids' HAVE TO BE paid/compensated (again, reality shows are different then a reg. acting job & I have no idea what the $ is?) some how! Some of the 'properties' DUGGAR LLC purchased are $$$ ! But, there are cheaper ones, & , the 'trust ones'? All of the 'kids' should be able to get a cheap house-unless the parents 'mis spent ' the $,as in, It's ours, not theirs?

  • Love 1

?? About whether JB and/or Michelle would/DID read ORWELL's 1984? Being around 'their' age, but from NY, I never was assigned THIS Orwell book in school, But- In JR HIGH was required to read 'ANIMAL FARM'  I am sure, once in High School, when we were 'allowed' to take different types of English classes, some were req. to read it. They went to school in a much more Conservative Arkansas-the State might NOT have even allowed that book in PUBLIC SCHOOLS Libraries, never mind req. reading! (After all, even Animal Farm was G.O.'s thinning veiled book on communism! Yes, a Satire on 'how it doesn't work', but for ignorant/unintelligent persons-They never get to the "Moral' of the story, do they?). JimBob went to a 'Christian school'-& I am willing to bet '1984' is NOT allowed. Might be wrong, there are ALL different ranges of Christian schools from-yes, almost liberal-to very , very conservative. Jim bob I suspect , considering HOW he is, turned out, went to one along the LATTER & the only '1984' was on the Calendar of that year.


As for NOW? Although they STILL say they are not members of 'B Gothard's Quiverall (sp?)' 'cult/church'-They & other followers (supposedly) do not watch/listen/view T.V., radio, internet, newspapers/magazines, books-UNLESS they are FROM the 'church' , Gothard's 'school', OR approved by him /church. Needless to say, VERY LITTLE 'OUTSIDE MATERAL' is (supposedly) available to members...Women mainly because they are 3rd class citizens & have no control/nor have any $. (Read this week's People on Josh -if you can stomach it!)


J.B.-I think he 'adores her', yes, like a possession ,as a lot of you say-BUT- as a 'Flawed' OR 'Damaged' one! (Like if you had a porcelain doll from childhood, BUT underneath the hair, clothes, were chips & you 'lost that card' & box for her-Knocking the VALUE of this doll down to less then half!(but-No one else knows about the 'mars'/defects). I think this because JimBob made like 2 'statements' about how (and, frankly, I forgot his exact words..)Michelle had done 'things' in H.S. that & he never explained.  He left it, gave this 'look'',  like Michelle did the 'teams' BUT, I knew THAT wasn't it! (J.B., being the arrogant self righteous %@%#$ he is!-Would never have 'taken' a 'non virgin' bride. It was more that Michelle was a 'normal teen' before JIMBOB! In H.S., she was a cheerleader! (& Gasp! Michelle has shown us her in her cheerleading outfit! Tight, formfitting, & yes, Michelle does have...Knees! ) She 'dated', had at least 1 BF before J.B.-so, she probably had another man's (teenage boy's) lips on her! This is what bothers J,B. so much & 99.99% of the population would consider this ridiculous! Can't find ep. anymore unfortunately.


But , Michelle, although JimBob has never said it on this show, is 'flawed'. Hypocritical, since SHE was not 'reborn' yet, hypocritical, since the family is BIG on prayers ,forgiveness (really wish I could get up these eps. NOW -Really, really need J.B.'s reaction-ESP.-WITH-) Anna being told by HER PARENTS(Not MOST of her siblings!) & Most of the DUGGAR Family-She Must stand by Josh! Forgive him because part of it was her fault!

I didn't mean to go into a long analysis of the 1984 book's impression on them,  I just wondered if back in the 80's they had ever read it because they are both so easily led and brainwashed I wondered if they would ever realize it.  Back in 1984, the book was popular because of the year it was -1984.  I read it at the time, not as a school assignment but for enjoyment.  JB and Michelle weren't into the Gothard thing back then, they were using birth control and they were both working at the time, it would not be beyond the realm of possibility that they would read secular books.  Anyway I was just curious if they would ever realize the brainwashing doctrine from Gothard (and others) that they fell prey too.  They are very easily led.


It appears to me that JB's controlling and domineering attitude toward Michelle was more prominent in the earlier years than his adoration of her.  Which would lead easily into swallowing the Gothard doctrine which allowed him to control her and dominate her with lots of support from the Gothard lifestyle.  Michelle began wearing 'modest', unattractive clothing, started having baby after baby and lived in an extremely unhealthy environment with 2 bedrooms for 14 kids.  You don't treat someone you adore like that, you treat someone you want to control like that.  Demanding perfection from her while believing she is sinful was his way of eroding her self esteem.  The earlier, 14 and pregnant again, episodes are reeking of this attitude JB had toward her.  

  • Love 2

I was looking into the Arkansas Public Records today, yesterday..,the counties where the Duggars live (Washington) & (Benton)-I didn't go further. About a year ago, I looked around a few counties in Ark. (Go to State Gov't, search-'property records' for 'county of' . You can also look up 'Real Property', which are things like cars, boats..)

ANYHOO...about last year, Under "Duggar LLC' Or Michelle & Jim bob Duggar-I found around 5,6 properties, including their house.Also, 'Mary Duggar' had about the same. ("grandma duggar') Now, or as of August 2014 through NOW-, there are around 15 'property' purchases-some houses, some 'lots', around $1 million...in either "Duggar LLC' OR 'Michelle & JimBob Revocable Trust' (which-I have NOT a CLUE what THAT is about-tax wise/legal wise/etc.. (Also, Josh's home & few properties in 'John Duggar / '

I just found it strange-so MANY property purchases in Aug 2014? Now, of course, maybe a lot of Good deals? But, could it be 'other reasons'? AKA-"Hide the cash'? 2 'girls' married' -Ben is a Duff, but Derrick is an accountant? Did he want to know-"Jill? How much & where did the $ go from all the years YOU appeared on the show? (No 'real property' in ANY of the 'girls' over 18, John had a # of cars, vehicles.Or are the parents worried about 'lawsuits'? Converted $ into land? Could be nothing..but thing of past shows where M&JB 'let' the 'kids' live in one of 'their' houses...(& REALIZING-that 1st, it was a REALITY show, 2nd, ARK. might NOT have ANY laws protecting 'child actors' like, say, CA, N.Y.?) That while most of the show 'centered' around the 'Parents' & so their 'Compensation' would/Should be FAR greater, these 'kids' HAVE TO BE paid/compensated (again, reality shows are different then a reg. acting job & I have no idea what the $ is?) some how! Some of the 'properties' DUGGAR LLC purchased are $$$ ! But, there are cheaper ones, & , the 'trust ones'? All of the 'kids' should be able to get a cheap house-unless the parents 'mis spent ' the $,as in, It's ours, not theirs?

The August 2014 Benton County purchases appear to be linked to the liquidation of a bankrupt business, they were probably all placed on the market at the same time.

Right but JB & Michelle went to public school where that book was talked about back in 1984.  I don't think they would read it now but they may have read it in High School.  I realize they aren't influenced by it and that their doublespeak comes mainly from Gothard but had they read the book back in the 80's I wonder if they would remember it and have a moment of enlightenment and say - hey that's us!   That's what happened to us!


I think I'd be fairly-surprised if we found out that 1984 was on any reading list or part of any high school curriculum - in the early 80s - in Arkansas. Especially private Christian schools. A public school - maybe. But I guess it could have happened - who knows?

  • Love 3

I think I'd be fairly-surprised if we found out that 1984 was on any reading list or part of any high school curriculum - in the early 80s - in Arkansas. Especially private Christian schools. A public school - maybe. But I guess it could have happened - who knows?

No but they could have heard about it there and read it in their own free time.  That's what I did.  Shit we had a smoking lounge for students in my HS in the early 80's and a lot more was smoked there than just cigarettes.  But that's another topic.

  • Love 3

Was watching old episodes online - 14 children and pregnant again, to try and figure out how all of this happened, and I noticed that every time Michelle spoke with JB sitting next to her he kept looking at her with this real intimidating look.  It was blatant and it almost looked like he couldn't stand her.  Anyway, they showed the schedule on the wall listing what everybody did with every moment of their day.  I think JB expected Michelle to be perfect and pleasing him became her priority over anything else and she couldn't complain about 14 kids in 2 bedrooms.  JB expected perfection from his family, from playing violin when you're not yet 3 years old to helping him build a house.   I wondered if Michelle resented it and was passive aggressive about it.  I also noticed that Jim Holt was hanging around during that time.  My mind started speculating about DNA tests for which Jim is the baby daddy for some of them, but of course I would have to be wrong about that because something like that would not happen in such a godly home. 

I could only watch a few minutes of part 1 (couldn't believe there are 5 parts.) Michelle looks like she is "simple minded" for lack of a better description. She was standing there with her mouth hanging open, and staring. 

Watching them when they are so young I am sickened to realize this must have been when the problems began. It makes me so sick I just cannot watch. There is just nothing I can learn from a family that can allow that to happen.

  • Love 6

I could only watch a few minutes of part 1 (couldn't believe there are 5 parts.) Michelle looks like she is "simple minded" for lack of a better description. She was standing there with her mouth hanging open, and staring. 

Watching them when they are so young I am sickened to realize this must have been when the problems began. It makes me so sick I just cannot watch. There is just nothing I can learn from a family that can allow that to happen.

I have to admit it--Michelle darkly fascinates me. If she really is as stupid as she presents herself--wow, I have no idea how she managed to survive this long. It's a holy-rolling miracle that she never accidentally drank Drano or stepped into an empty elevator shaft or tried to pet a tiger. If she isn't as stupid as she presents herself--which is my theory--my question is WHY? What kind of magic, toxic breath does Jim Bob have that could convince a reasonably intelligent woman it would be in her best interest to publicly present herself as having the mental capacity of a four year-old? Can she genuinely not see the total train wreck her "wonderful husband" led them into? 

  • Love 17

I have to admit it--Michelle darkly fascinates me. If she really is as stupid as she presents herself--wow, I have no idea how she managed to survive this long. It's a holy-rolling miracle that she never accidentally drank Drano or stepped into an empty elevator shaft or tried to pet a tiger. If she isn't as stupid as she presents herself--which is my theory--my question is WHY? What kind of magic, toxic breath does Jim Bob have that could convince a reasonably intelligent woman it would be in her best interest to publicly present herself as having the mental capacity of a four year-old? Can she genuinely not see the total train wreck her "wonderful husband" led them into? 

Well, she's definately doped up on some type of drug. I don't believe she's simply 'high' on the love of God lol


For some reason, I could see MEchelle selling Boob out if the circumstances were right, like say if JB was potentially going down for a lengthy jail sentence or something. She could claim 'he drugged me', 'he beat me', 'he threatened to kill me', etc...I wouldn't trust MEchelle farther than I can throw her.

  • Love 4

Mechelle had definitely lost it by the time 14 kids came along.  I wonder what she was like after 2 or 3 kids - was she still somewhat normal?  When did the - I am going to talk and act like a 3 year old happen?  Slowly probably, as the kids came and JB got more and more controlling.  By the 14 kids episodes though it was clear.

  • Love 1

Mechelle had definitely lost it by the time 14 kids came along.  I wonder what she was like after 2 or 3 kids - was she still somewhat normal?  When did the - I am going to talk and act like a 3 year old happen?  Slowly probably, as the kids came and JB got more and more controlling.  By the 14 kids episodes though it was clear.

She mentioned on an episode that when she realized he & JB raised their voices in anger that "she purposed to always speak in a quiet voice".


Is yelling or tone of voice referenced in the Blanket Training Manual?

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She mentioned on an episode that when she realized he & JB raised their voices in anger that "she purposed to always speak in a quiet voice".


Is yelling or tone of voice referenced in the Blanket Training Manual?


Oh, yeah. Normal, quiet tone of voice. Calm always. One of the creepiest things about it is to do all this beating while never ever raising your voice or showing emotion of any kind. .... So she's right in line with it. I'm sure she got it there.

Edited by Churchhoney
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Sorry to go back in time to that tacky tacky ring that Boob gave MEchelle- but it still makes me laugh. 


Before the gaudy moment, I never remember Boob giving Mechelle a gift.  For that matter, I never remember M giving Boob a gift.  Correct me if I am wrong.  


I believe it is typical for couples to exchange gifts of some kind, but it seems rare for Ma and Pa Duggar.  This is the the reason I found the gift of the ring so funny.  It almost seemed as if Boob was doing it for the first time- like a elementary school boy gifting his mom with a cup he had painted.  It just did not seem natural for either of them.  


It really was one of the most laughable gifts ever.  Laughable, in that every thing must be related to how many offspring you can produce.  (If you can lift your finger, you have not produced enough offspring.)


I want to see MEchelle wearing that thing out in public.  


ETA:  I also think that Boob was insisting that he would not be out done by his son in law- (AKA Benjermin- by designing Jessa's ring). 

Edited by truthtalk2014
  • Love 4

Part of what gets to me about that ring is that he had it made!  It had to cost more than buying the ring from Penney's would have, and the Penney's ring did look a lot better.  And if it was made by someone who isn't an actual jeweler (which I can believe, because it was very rough), I have a feeling the stones started dropping out of it shortly after the camera stopped rolling.

  • Love 3
I have a feeling the stones started dropping out of it shortly after the camera stopped rolling.


Yeah that always happened with those Cracker Jack rings.


I have to wonder how many doors have slammed in their faces, meaning speaking engagements and appearances have cancelled since all the sin exposure started.  Can't think that Michelle will be receiving any Mom Of The Year awards again any time soon.  

Edited by CherryMalotte
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But, what gift can Michelle give Jim Bob? I mean, assume that it's a love match and that Michelle wants to give Jim Bob a gift, what can she possibly give him that she's not paying for with money that he's defining as His Money and that he hasn't already established that she owes him as her headship?

It was a video they posted somewhere.  Boob gave MEchelle this tacky huge ring with stones representing the children.  It was very tacky to say the least.   Of course they had to record it and put it up for the world to see.

Yeah that always happened with those Cracker Jack rings.


I have to wonder how many doors have slammed in their faces, meaning speaking engagements and appearances have cancelled since all the sin exposure started.  Can't think that Michelle will be receiving any Mom Of The Year awards again any time soon.  

I really want to know exactly what was going through Michelle's mind when she was graciously and humbly accepting all those Mother of the Damn Year accolades.

  • Love 7

It was a video they posted somewhere.  Boob gave MEchelle this tacky huge ring with stones representing the children.  It was very tacky to say the least.   Of course they had to record it and put it up for the world to see.

Yeah, I remember. That was awful.

But that's the thing. Jim Bob gifted Michelle with THE GIFT OF MY NINETEEN LET ME MAKE SURE HOW MANY WAS THAT OH RIGHT NINETEEN NOT COUNTING THE OTHER TWO children. I mean, it's their thirtieth, her life has just fallen apart, she's gone from being the mother of the year with a busy schedule of going other places and having everyone tell her she's wonderful to a disgraced housewife sitting home across from a dump in Arkansas in summer with a house full of children needing to be educated (at least one of whom may be special needs) and two major staff members missing, and he gave her the gift of reminding America how many of his little shooters hit the bullseye.

What on earth could she possibly give him. A tie?

  • Love 9

But, what gift can Michelle give Jim Bob? I mean, assume that it's a love match and that Michelle wants to give Jim Bob a gift, what can she possibly give him that she's not paying for with money that he's defining as His Money and that he hasn't already established that she owes him as her headship?


Oh dear Lord ... I know what my immediate answer was and it involved JB's initials. 

  • Love 2

Yeah, I remember. That was awful.

But that's the thing. Jim Bob gifted Michelle with THE GIFT OF MY NINETEEN LET ME MAKE SURE HOW MANY WAS THAT OH RIGHT NINETEEN NOT COUNTING THE OTHER TWO children. I mean, it's their thirtieth, her life has just fallen apart, she's gone from being the mother of the year with a busy schedule of going other places and having everyone tell her she's wonderful to a disgraced housewife sitting home across from a dump in Arkansas in summer with a house full of children needing to be educated (at least one of whom may be special needs) and two major staff members missing, and he gave her the gift of reminding America how many of his little shooters hit the bullseye.

What on earth could she possibly give him. A tie?

19 stones and no room left for Caleb and Jubilee.   JB's self worth comes from how many children he's had.  Maybe Michelle could buy him a tattoo for his forehead that says 19.  Or better yet he could tattoo the names of all of his children all over himself.

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