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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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Michelle pretends she's a mother - one that cooks, no less! I hate to be superficial and keep harping on it, but the more attention the girls get, the more Michelle's looks go. That photo looks recent, and bad.





"The joy of being a mom is knowing that you have the privilege of investing into another person's life for eternity," Michelle says.

So motherhood is like paying off your mortgage?


EDIT: A critical article. Good!




Also good to see Michelle's missing back muscle doesn't keep her from hold her iPhone 6 Plus close. She holds that thing more than her kids!

Edited by JoanArc
  • Love 5

Yes, I'm willing to bet EE used donor eggs. I think she was done having children (she had two teenagers).

Elizabeth Edwards had hormone shots to stimulate egg production. I have wondered if those hormones were responsible for the cancer that killed her.


And co-sign on J-Chelle's doctor shopping. I wonder how many she's been through at this point. She probably thinks she's going to be just like Sarah in the Bible and give birth in her 90's...

  • Love 3

I was reminded during the birth special that she was still seeing Dr. Sarver as late as Jubilee. They went to her office for the ultrasound that determined that Jubilee had died. At least they used a real US tech, not a storefront dealie like Muffy did. That said, I suppose that Mechelle HAD to use Dr. Sarver's services, since she was under her care for a high-risk pregnancy. Despite what Mechelle tried to tell people at the time about things being routine, there's no way that the Jubilee pregnancy was just another pregnancy. Mechelle's age alone made it high-risk; she was 445/46 at the time (46 when she miscarried with a birthday early in the pregnancy).

Michelle pretends she's a mother - one that cooks, no less! I hate to be superficial and keep harping on it, but the more attention the girls get, the more Michelle's looks go. That photo looks recent, and bad.


So motherhood is like paying off your mortgage?

EDIT: A critical article. Good!


Also good to see Michelle's missing back muscle doesn't keep her from hold her iPhone 6 Plus close. She holds that thing more than her kids!

"I don't have to do any cooking". Like that's any different from any other day!

  • Love 11


I actually don't think the youngest kids have any mothers. They have sisters who teach them lessons and meet their basic needs, and a mother who has mentally checked out, but none of those children are mothered. Not the way I expect Israel will be mothered or Jessa's child will.


I agree with this 100%. I think that the J'Slaves do the best that they can  -- and more than should be required of them -- but they are not the parents, and the kids all know who the parents are. I don't think any of those little kids "runs to Jana" because she thinks "Jana is her mom." She runs to Jana because she knows Jana will pick her up, and her mom won't.


Right now, I think that JB and J'chelle are very confident and proud of their choices. Since their first IBLP seminar they have become wealthier than they could have ever dreamed, they have become minor celebrities whose thoughts and opinions are considered important, and their children are compliant and obedient -- just as Gothard promised. The children don't rebel or talk back, no one is in trouble with the law, no one is on drugs, and there have been no un-wed pregnancies.


They have a long way to go, though. Sixteen of their nineteen children are still at home, and Jessa's family is 100% reliant on them for economic support. Any of those middle kids who waited patiently for the older kids to leave so that they could have their turn, should know that that's never going to happen. Even if it did, Mama is 100% checked-out, and she's not going to check back in.


I think  that the lives of the Duggar family will become much more interesting in the next 10-15 years -- and not in a good way -- as those feral children grow up and try to make their way in the world.


  • Love 14

The children don't rebel or talk back, no one is in trouble with the law, no one is on drugs, and there have been no un-wed pregnancies.

You know, this is true in nearly every family I know. My kids are in college, so most of my friends/peers have grown or nearly grown kids, and none of them are in trouble with the law, on drugs, or pregnant. We might get occasional back talk, but our kids have understood not to do that in public since they were quite young. I don't think that's such an extraordinary accomplishment for parents. Most families manage to raise good kids. I'd be more impressed if their adult children were capable of earning a living.

  • Love 21

You know, this is true in nearly every family I know. My kids are in college, so most of my friends/peers have grown or nearly grown kids, and none of them are in trouble with the law, on drugs, or pregnant. We might get occasional back talk, but our kids have understood not to do that in public since they were quite young. I don't think that's such an extraordinary accomplishment for parents. Most families manage to raise good kids. I'd be more impressed if their adult children were capable of earning a living.

My family of godless heathens has managed to do this. It's not that uncommon.

  • Love 16

Exactly. Do they really think this is all due to Gothard's teachings, and otherwise the kids would all be pregnant drug addicts? Seriously?


Given that they seem to think that the sight of a female knee will turn males to ravening sex maniacs, I shouldn't doubt that they think exactly what you said. Not to mention that everyone must side-hug (including close relatives), and all contact between courting/engaged couples must be heavily chaperoned, and so on and on.


It amazes me that they think so little of themselves.  It must be sad to truly believe all this.


ETA: Some say evolution diminishes humans, that we are no different than animals . . . well, given the above, don't they think that themselves?

Edited by Fosca
  • Love 5

You know, this is true in nearly every family I know. My kids are in college, so most of my friends/peers have grown or nearly grown kids, and none of them are in trouble with the law, on drugs, or pregnant. We might get occasional back talk, but our kids have understood not to do that in public since they were quite young. I don't think that's such an extraordinary accomplishment for parents. Most families manage to raise good kids. I'd be more impressed if their adult children were capable of earning a living.


And, it should also be noted, you have all raised good kids without the stifling OVERprotection and UNDEReducation of Gothardism. Kids, both boys and girls BTW, who are prepared to go out in the world and at least try to solve some of its many problems. On their own - and not worrying whether they have Mommy and Daddy's guidance, support and approval.

"I don't have to do any cooking". Like that's any different from any other day!


The only "cooking" I can ever recall seeing Me-chelle do was, IIRC, her own breakfast. I guess that means on Mother's Day, Me-chelle even gets her morning egg cooked by one of the girls.

  • Love 1

Seriously, the only cooking I've ever seen her do is stirring a big pot of something in the first special and scrambling eggs in FU Internet! episodes of late. While I'm a great cook, I hate it, and simplify as much as possible. That said, I cook more for a two person household than she does now for 19, including Mary?

  • Love 1


Seriously, the only cooking I've ever seen her do is stirring a big pot of something in the first special and scrambling eggs in FU Internet! episodes of late.

Hey, let's be fair! She did heat up those "protein-rich" instant noodles in a crock-pot that one time when all the J'Slaves were out of the house.


(Seriously, how can you bring 19 human beings into this world and not even read up on the absolute basics of nutrition?)

  • Love 2

The fact they need accountability partners every time they go out, says to me that the Gothard method doesn't work. I'm one of the godless heathen crowd, and me and my siblings all manage to live our lives without giving into evil temptations (admittedly, I don't think there's anything wrong with sex before marriage as long as it's safe and consensual, and I'm not straight, so M&JB would probably think I have given into evil).

If after all those years of training, Michelle and JB feel they can't trust their adult & teenage kids to be by themselves, in case something happens, then they've failed. Those kids should only need to be accountable to themselves, and that should be enough to have them behaving like decent humans. - and even if you bring religion into, and say they are accountable to God, well, they should still not need constant chaperoning if the training really works.

  • Love 12

I agree with this 100%. I think that the J'Slaves do the best that they can  -- and more than should be required of them -- but they are not the parents, and the kids all know who the parents are. I don't think any of those little kids "runs to Jana" because she thinks "Jana is her mom." She runs to Jana because she knows Jana will pick her up, and her mom won't.


Right now, I think that JB and J'chelle are very confident and proud of their choices. Since their first IBLP seminar they have become wealthier than they could have ever dreamed, they have become minor celebrities whose thoughts and opinions are considered important, and their children are compliant and obedient -- just as Gothard promised. The children don't rebel or talk back, no one is in trouble with the law, no one is on drugs, and there have been no un-wed pregnancies.


They have a long way to go, though. Sixteen of their nineteen children are still at home, and Jessa's family is 100% reliant on them for economic support. Any of those middle kids who waited patiently for the older kids to leave so that they could have their turn, should know that that's never going to happen. Even if it did, Mama is 100% checked-out, and she's not going to check back in.


I think  that the lives of the Duggar family will become much more interesting in the next 10-15 years -- and not in a good way -- as those feral children grow up and try to make their way in the world.

Like I commented on in another thread once Gothard dies his little cult will die right along with him. I don't see the next generation still following his bizarre teachings. Once this generation starts to realize the damage they have experienced being homeschooled at the homefoolingskooling dinning room table and have zero job skills the next generation will turn out differently. At least it's my biggest hope.


Do MEchelle and Boob get a cut of the profits for pushing ATI? Why do they turn the nation pushing it if they didn't? Who pays for the gas for their tour bus or their plane tickets for speaking engagements?

I was reminded during the birth special that she was still seeing Dr. Sarver as late as Jubilee. They went to her office for the ultrasound that determined that Jubilee had died. At least they used a real US tech, not a storefront dealie like Muffy did. That said, I suppose that Mechelle HAD to use Dr. Sarver's services, since she was under her care for a high-risk pregnancy. Despite what Mechelle tried to tell people at the time about things being routine, there's no way that the Jubilee pregnancy was just another pregnancy. Mechelle's age alone made it high-risk; she was 445/46 at the time (46 when she miscarried with a birthday early in the pregnancy).

I wonder how many doctors told Michelle no more it's too risky.

  • Love 1

I agree with this 100%. I think that the J'Slaves do the best that they can -- and more than should be required of them -- but they are not the parents, and the kids all know who the parents are. I don't think any of those little kids "runs to Jana" because she thinks "Jana is her mom." She runs to Jana because she knows Jana will pick her up, and her mom won't.

Right now, I think that JB and J'chelle are very confident and proud of their choices. Since their first IBLP seminar they have become wealthier than they could have ever dreamed, they have become minor celebrities whose thoughts and opinions are considered important, and their children are compliant and obedient -- just as Gothard promised. The children don't rebel or talk back, no one is in trouble with the law, no one is on drugs, and there have been no un-wed pregnancies.

They have a long way to go, though. Sixteen of their nineteen children are still at home, and Jessa's family is 100% reliant on them for economic support. Any of those middle kids who waited patiently for the older kids to leave so that they could have their turn, should know that that's never going to happen. Even if it did, Mama is 100% checked-out, and she's not going to check back in.

I think that the lives of the Duggar family will become much more interesting in the next 10-15 years -- and not in a good way -- as those feral children grow up and try to make their way in the world.

But what parent wants robots as children. The children don't talk back because of fear. They're afraid of making mistakes. If they do or show any individuality it's off to brainwashing

  • Love 2

At least they used a real US tech, not a storefront dealie like Muffy did.

Those people doing Jill's ultrasound were ultrasound techs; they just were not doctors so they were legally prohibited from diagnosing or giving medical advice. You won't know what you are looking at on an u/s unless you've been trained to do it, so I'd say it's pretty impossible for someone who isn't a tech to perform one and tell you the sex of your baby.


Moved from the Marsiah thread...


Quote - If the Duggars pushed Josiah into a courtship because of speculation about his sexual orientation, I hope there's a very special place reserved in hell just for them. Of course I have no way of knowing if my perception is right, but I've always had a feeling Boob has been a little disappointed in Josiah because perhaps he's not as "manly" as Boob would want him to be, thus the shipping-off to Alert Academy. Obviously, with this bunch, the preferred means of dealing with a "non-manly" son is to marry him off, a la TFDW, with no thought to the woman involved in the union, their future children, and what likely will happen down the road. IMO, the happiness of these children is of zero concern. What IS of concern: the way their life choices reflect on MEchelle and Boob's (alleged) parenting.


This, IMO, is one of the most amazingly-awful things about Boob & Me-chelle. They seem to defy the global law of parenting. Virtually all parents want a better life for their own children and will do everything they're capable of to achieve that. But that's SO not true with these two. In their minds, children seem to be nothing more than reflections of themselves, multiples punches on their Get-into-Heaven cards. It's been very clear that Boob is not interested in leaving the size of his family up to God. By both talk and action, he is plainly-interested in having just as many children as he, or more correctly, Me-chelle, can possibly crank out. And what all these children want or need does not seem to concern them at all. Despite their ages, they don't even recognize the child as a grown adult until he/she is married.

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 7

Moved from the Marsiah thread...


Quote - If the Duggars pushed Josiah into a courtship because of speculation about his sexual orientation, I hope there's a very special place reserved in hell just for them. Of course I have no way of knowing if my perception is right, but I've always had a feeling Boob has been a little disappointed in Josiah because perhaps he's not as "manly" as Boob would want him to be, thus the shipping-off to Alert Academy. Obviously, with this bunch, the preferred means of dealing with a "non-manly" son is to marry him off, a la TFDW, with no thought to the woman involved in the union, their future children, and what likely will happen down the road. IMO, the happiness of these children is of zero concern. What IS of concern: the way their life choices reflect on MEchelle and Boob's (alleged) parenting.


This, IMO, is one of the most amazingly-awful things about Boob & Me-chelle. They seem to defy the global law of parenting. Virtually all parents want a better life for their own children and will do everything they're capable of to achieve that. But that's SO not true with these two. In their minds, children seem to be nothing more than reflections of themselves, multiples punches on their Get-into-Heaven cards. It's been very clear that Boob is not interested in leaving the size of his family up to God. By both talk and action, he is plainly-interested in having just as many children as he, or more correctly, Me-chelle, can possibly crank out. And what all these children want or need does not seem to concern them at all. Despite their ages, they don't even recognize the child as a grown adult until he/she is married.

THIS!!!!!!! This is why I said that I doubt that Derick would want his son to be an un-educated boob like his grandpa.


MEchelle and Boob use their kids as their "brand" without regard to anything they want, desire, etc. Epic fail.

Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 6

Oh yeah, Jim Bob does not want his sons to outshine* him in any way. He certainly doesn't want them to be better educated than he is, because he might lose his "sole voice of authority" status. Is he just unable to conceive of a future without Jim Bob? His children and grandchildren, one hopes, will have to continue to make their way in the world after Jim Bob's time, and it looks like he's going out of his way to ensure that they will NOT be prepared to do so. It is the exact opposite of what good parents want.

*He doesn't have to worry about the girls outshining him, because in his world girls do not shine. Except maybe their long glossy locks.

  • Love 7

That's the thing, on one hand it's terrible that they wilfully keep their little soldiers horribly undereducated. On the other hand, considering the god they believe in, it's a relief their lack of education guarantees they'll never be in a position to have any lasting real world power. Even Josh's job with the FRC will come to an end eventually.

  • Love 9

That's the thing, on one hand it's terrible that they wilfully keep their little soldiers horribly undereducated. On the other hand, considering the god they believe in, it's a relief their lack of education guarantees they'll never be in a position to have any lasting real world power. Even Josh's job with the FRC will come to an end eventually.

Imagine the hell they're inflicting on their spouses and kids. Seriously. Those crazy or famewhorish enough to marry into that family will have to  deal with the fact their life partner can't handle anything they have to face in modern life with any kind of independent or critical thought. (Example: Jilly Muffin's delivery.) IMHO, of course.

Edited by Missy Vixen
  • Love 4
taken from the Josh/Anna thread
I'm dreading the announcement that this little girl is going to be named Michelle. I think it's a certainty. But I do wonder if that might motivate MEchelle to take some grandmotherly interest.



Okay, so I wonder this too, and I think, honestly it might. Because well, Michelle. She's a narcissist. She would eat that up. And we'll get to hear 100 times how precious and sweet it is they thought to name her after Michelle. And we'll definitely see her tell josie the precious news ("you hear that? Jos? Isn't it just so excitING?") Also her back muscle may reappear so she can hold precious sweet surreal Michelle. 

Honestly, it would be nice to see Michelle take an interest so if that is what does it, so be it. 

Edited by allonsyalice
  • Love 4

Okay, so I wonder this too, and I think, honestly it might. Because well, Michelle. She's a narcissist. She would eat that up. And we'll get to hear 100 times how precious and sweet it is they thought to name her after Michelle. And we'll definitely see her tell josie the precious news ("you hear that? Jos? Isn't it just so excitING?") Also her back muscle may reappear so she can hold precious sweet surreal Michelle. 

Honestly, it would be nice to see Michelle take an interest so if that is what does it, so be it.

I don't disagree, but I think the novelty would wear off in a few weeks and she'd lose interest again.

  • Love 8

The Facebook hack made me wonder how many people have fun with the Duggars, I mean normal people see JimBob and Michelle coming decided to start making out with their girlfriend or boyfriend. Or see them in a restaurant and go sit down at a table next to them and ask for a giant glass of wine or a screwdriver. Or get in line behind one or both in a store buying condoms. Most probably don't but there's probably some who do mess with them. For fun or for a reaction or both.

  • Love 5

The Facebook hack made me wonder how many people have fun with the Duggars, I mean normal people see JimBob and Michelle coming decided to start making out with their girlfriend or boyfriend. Or see them in a restaurant and go sit down at a table next to them and ask for a giant glass of wine or a screwdriver. Or get in line behind one or both in a store buying condoms. Most probably don't but there's probably some who do mess with them. For fun or for a reaction or both.


I've always wondered what JB and Michelle thought of that viral photo of a lesbian couple kissing in front of TTH. If Mechelle's hair practically straightened at Jessa and Ben holding hands at dinner, I wonder what she'd do when confronted with any little thing that's different from the bubble they live in.

  • Love 4

The Facebook hack made me wonder how many people have fun with the Duggars, I mean normal people see JimBob and Michelle coming decided to start making out with their girlfriend or boyfriend. Or see them in a restaurant and go sit down at a table next to them and ask for a giant glass of wine or a screwdriver. Or get in line behind one or both in a store buying condoms. Most probably don't but there's probably some who do mess with them. For fun or for a reaction or both.


Good question! This kind of thing must certainly happen, at least occasionally. My own guess is that the Duggars, with their capacity for denial, handle it easily. They dismiss the source as the "godless heathens." They're secure in the knowledge God loves them, with their righteous ways, far more. And for dessert, they remember all the fawning complements that ooze from Leg-Humpers at every book-signing and appearance. 

  • Love 3

If Mechelle's hair practically straightened at Jessa and Ben holding hands at dinner, I wonder what she'd do when confronted with any little thing that's different from the bubble they live in.

God, it wasn't even really "holding hands." Boob said, "Let's join hands and pray," and Ben and Jessa were sitting next to each other. So they joined hands. And Jim Bob is like, "Wait, those two are holding hands! " Um, what were you expecting would happen, when you told two people sitting next to each other to join hands? If you think joining hands in prayer is defrauding (which, seriously? wtf is wrong with you, you twisted fuck?), then don't TELL PEOPLE TO DO THAT.

Edited by JenCarroll
  • Love 12

I think it only strengthens their notion that the world is a scary and immoral place where people live lives completely different from them and they are thankful they could shield their children from it. Persecution complexes run high in these subcultures, and even a sense of humor at their expense is likely to be taken as a form of attack.

Just think how easily offended most people are these days over the smallest of issues and double it. Now imagine that you've deliberately removed yourself from the world so as not to deal with that. Now even a small thing proves you were right in that decision.

So if they are reading here, every bit of snark probably just strengthens their resolve, sorry to say.

  • Love 6

God, it wasn't even really "holding hands." Boob said, "Let's join hands and pray," and Ben and Jessa were sitting next to each other. So they joined hands. And Jim Bob is like, "Wait, those two are holding hands! " Um, what were you expecting would happen, when you told two people sitting next to each other to join hands? If you think joining hands in prayer is defrauding (which, seriously? wtf is wrong with you, you twisted fuck?), then don't TELL PEOPLE TO DO THAT.

To be fair, it was Michelle who freaked out over the joining of hands ("Oh--not them! NOT THEM!"). JB seemed relatively calm about it and was the one who ultimately decided it was OK. I think Michelle didn't make an even bigger deal of it only because they were on camera.

  • Love 5

To be fair, it was Michelle who freaked out over the joining of hands ("Oh--not them! NOT THEM!"). JB seemed relatively calm about it and was the one who ultimately decided it was OK. I think Michelle didn't make an even bigger deal of it only because they were on camera.

I saw it the opposite way. Michelle only said something because they were being filmed. The show is their ministry so pointing out their rules is blessed (or something).

  • Love 4

I saw it the opposite way. Michelle only said something because they were being filmed. The show is their ministry so pointing out their rules is blessed (or something).


That's how I took it too. I thought if the cameras weren't there she probably wouldn't have even said anything. I don't think we would've heard the squeaky "NOT THEM!" without the cameras. I doubt she would've even noticed.  I was glad JB shut her down pretty quickly. Not to give JB too much credit - I also don't think he would have done the skeevy dry hump on the mini-golf course without the cameras, so I think they both play to the cameras a lot.

  • Love 4


Michelle's been reading my posts and finally got a purse!

I wasn't sure I recognized her without her phone under her arm...


Her peach shirt is exactly like the green shirt she wore forever. When she finds something she likes, she must buy it in every available color.


Ah, what I would give to chop off a good 8 inches of her hair.


Johannah is adorable.

  • Love 2

Wait, what? Does she really have hair pieces? Like Josie's piggy tail pieces? How have I not known that all these years?

Oh yes, she's been using them for a while now. I can't remember which epi, but there was one where her clip-ins were so obvious because the texture and color didn't match her natural hair. Her natural hair is probably thin and flat on top because all that bulky length prevents her from getting any volume at the sides and crown.

  • Love 3
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Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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