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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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I don't think Michelle will ever be anyone's laundry lady.  Mary seems to do it because she cares, not because she's forced.  I could be wrong but I don't think Mary is financially or physically dependent on Jim-Bob or Michelle.  And I don't forsee anyonce being able to force Michelle to do a damn thing she doesn't want to and, yes, that includes her headship husband.

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I don't think Michelle will ever be anyone's laundry lady.  Mary seems to do it because she cares, not because she's forced.  I could be wrong but I don't think Mary is financially or physically dependent on Jim-Bob or Michelle.  And I don't forsee anyonce being able to force Michelle to do a damn thing she doesn't want to and, yes, that includes her headship husband.


Yeah, I don't think Me-chelle will be Laundry Lady either. I just hope for it - big time. Hey, you never know.  :>)

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We had a onesie that said Baby Woman.


I embroidered a huge man's white cotton tee with "From Here to Maternity" using pink, blue, green and purple floss for my pregnant size 2 SIL when she was expecting her first baby, who turned out to be my now 22-year old niece [and godchild] and my SIL put the tee away for when my niece is preggo. But we all want her to wait quite a while - LOL! :>)

Edited by Wellfleet
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Does anyone think Me-chelle might still be trying to get pregnant?  You KNOW JimBob is still trying, but I wonder if he/she/they are still hoping.


I don't think she'd publicize it, but I bet every time she hears of these stories of women in their 50s having babies (if she hears them), the thought probably crosses her mind. How weird would it be to have one of her kids younger than her grandkids?  I bet she'd be ecstatic if it happened.

Does anyone think Me-chelle might still be trying to get pregnant?  You KNOW JimBob is still trying, but I wonder if he/she/they are still hoping.


I don't think she'd publicize it, but I bet every time she hears of these stories of women in their 50s having babies (if she hears them), the thought probably crosses her mind. How weird would it be to have one of her kids younger than her grandkids?  I bet she'd be ecstatic if it happened.


They could always adopt!

The idea of God's Army sounds great theory.   Birth a lot of kids that subscribe to the Cult of Gothard and you can take over the world someday.    In practice, it won't work.    Because once you are in charge you have to do things like fix pot holes, build bridges, understand a budget (and not just a family one) and deal with foreign policy.   You know those people who aren't Gothardites and have their own damn opinions about how the world should run?  


I often think the best thing that could happen to these "take over the world" types is stick in them in power for a while and let them see how hard it really is.   You notice Jim Bob did not last long as a politician and never ran for another office.   

  • Love 6

Whoa. Just whoa. I had never seen Jubilee's funeral until today. And while I'm deeply sorry for anyone who loses a child -- I can't even imagine -- I just kept shaking my head in disbelief. Michelle is really, really not OK.

To have a full-blown funeral for a miscarried baby seems odd to me. But what struck me most was when Boob and Michelle shared the news with the other kids, Boob was the one going around the room and hugging and kissing everyone, and Michelle was just sitting there, silently and alone. She comforted no one, and no one comforted her.

But yet, she planned all the pomp and circumstance around the funeral, and she wrote the letter and read it aloud, and she received guests after the service ... I don't even know what to say. Again, not to Judge anyone's grief, but it all seemed so cringingly inappropriate.

It was so, so about her ... I can't even begin to fathom why she can't show a fraction of that emotion for the vast majority of the kids she has.

Edited by Literata
  • Love 14


But yet, she planned all the pomp and circumstance around the funeral, and she wrote the letter and read it aloud, and she received guests after the service ... I don't even know what to say. Again, not to Judge anyone's grief, but it all seemed so cringingly inappropriate.

If you haven't heard it.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMMgjQ43cL4

Well that sort of answers one question for me... I always wondered why it was "19 kids" if they theoretically believe they're babies from conception. Shouldn't it be 20 or 21?  It seems like she can't keep track, so she figured she better stick with the ones who are still alive. I have also always wondered what would happen if (whoever-you-believe-in forbid) one of the older kids died. Would it become "18 kids and counting"?  I know hypocrisy is nothing new to this family but shouldn't they be counting Jubilee in the opening credits, maybe with an RIP?


(edited to clarify conception vs. birth)

Edited by NikSac
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I'm really still just stunned by that episode. It reinforces my belief that Michelle is on some serious prescription meds, and also that even though Boob is a giant yokel and wildly inappropriate much of the time, he's able to feel genuine emotion and really loves his kids. My favorite moment: when he was going around the room and comforting the kids one by one, he kissed Joseph and told him he wasn't too old for a kiss. There have been bad Boob moments aplenty, but that was one of the good ones.

  • Love 7

I had never seen that episode so I went and watched it on YouTube.  I don't like Michelle but I think that any miscarriage would be painful.  But I didn't realise that when people here said funeral that they actually meant a full hundred-odd people funeral.  I was thinking more along the lines of close family (kids, Mary, Amy) and a burial service.  I understand that people grieve differently and maybe that was how they were able to console themselves but it seemed strange to me.  Jill seemed to be blaming herself a bit too when she was talking about how involved she was in the pregnancy.  

It was strange, I'm a sympathetic crier when someone dies (I cried at the end of Fast and Furious 7 if that gives you an indication) but I honestly didn't feel anything when Michelle was talking.  I don't know, maybe it was just because I don't like her. 

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I think any loss of a child is painful and a long awaited baby dying in utero (spelling?) can be just as painful.  My sister lost her son in her final trimester (around seven months).  It was so sad to see her and her husband in such pain.  But they buried their baby with just a priest present. They felt that although both sides of family were sad for them and wanted to support  them,They just wanted each other, their faith and the parish priest at the service.

I have had other friends and family lose a baby through miscarriage but never saw a full blown funeral for them such as M & J had.  I guess the people I know just wanted to be private and this couple wants everyone to know their loss.

BTW my sister and her husband now have a two sons and a daughter :)

It's been my misfortune to know people who have lost a 7-8 month baby, and one who was born alive but died, and one who was healthy and a month or so old.  Not the same people, thank God.  None of them had big services.  They couldn't bear it, and what was there to say?  No one else had a relationship with the child, one who was never alive and born and one who lived only hours, or the 1 month old.  You comfort the parents and grandparents as best you can, but involvement of all of the baby's brothers and sisters and cousins and neighbors are just not appropriate.  Certainly having a funeral with 100+ people and broadcasting it to millions is beyond strange.

  • Love 5

What was frustrating was that they kept moving the time line around. It was clearly a miscarriage, but they did everything in their power to try and make it a stillborn. You can't help but think that wasn't for political reasons. I understand they are prolife, and while I'm not, it's a point of view I can respect. But not when we lie about it. And I felt this whole thing was one big attempt to lie. These are our pregnancies, and our bodies and, if you like, our children. We don't need to lie.

  • Love 10

What was frustrating was that they kept moving the time line around. It was clearly a miscarriage, but they did everything in their power to try and make it a stillborn. You can't help but think that wasn't for political reasons. I understand they are prolife, and while I'm not, it's a point of view I can respect. But not when we lie about it. And I felt this whole thing was one big attempt to lie. These are our pregnancies, and our bodies and, if you like, our children. We don't need to lie.

GEML, I think that's what bothered me most. The death of a 16-week fetus is a miscarriage. Not that they weren't looking forward to the baby, but the whole thing was clearly political, IMO.

And the fact that Michelle sat in a chair and "received" visitors at the church was just too much. She seemed very comfortable as the grieving mom, lamenting, as she said in her letter, "all the 'mommy things' I won't be able to do with you."

Uh ... hand you off to a buddy? Assign your jurisdiction? I don't mean to be cruel, but come ON.

  • Love 9

From that same episode, here's another scene that left me shaking my head:


They're trying to come up with names for the baby, and Boob suggests, of course, "Jim-Bob." One of the howlers actually has to point out that they already have a child named James.


I think this wins as the most pathetic thing ever from the Duggar family.

  • Love 9


One of the howlers actually has to point out that they already have a child named James.

Worse yet -- even after the howler pointed that out, MEchelle included the name on a written list of "official" choices.


According to the list, Jubilee could have been Jenelle (spelled like "Sister Wives"' Jenelle -- do you think they're friends? :), Julie (of course -- Boob's been jonesing for that name for years) and Jenesis. Yep, with a J. Naturally.


Boys' name choices, per the list: Jim-Bob (not kidding), Justice, Jarvis.


"Jubilee" was last on the list, and no one seemed all that jazzed about it. I wonder if they decided on that name after she passed because they realized they didn't like it enough to use it for any subsequent babies.

Edited by Literata
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Has anyone gifted MEchelle a sweatshirt or t-shirt that says Proud Grandma on it?

I noticed in a rerun this weekend that when Anna and Smuggar stopped by with MacKynzie and Michael, MEchelle greeted MacKynzie as if the little girl were her podiatrist's daughter, or maybe the niece of the hostess at Cheesecake Factory, or perhaps the granddaughter of a fan in line at a book signing. "Hello, MacKynzie; how are yooooo?" No touching, no holding, no nothing. MacKynzie dug her head into her mom's shoulder, and MEchelle walked away. WTF.

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Has anyone gifted MEchelle a sweatshirt or t-shirt that says Proud Grandma on it? *insert eyeroll and deep sarcasm* Next time I'm in Kohl's I just might have to pick one up for her.

My grandma has a sweatshirt with an apple tree on it, that says "apple of grandma's eye" and all of her grandchildren's names on apples. Maybe J'chelle can get a sweatshirt with her grandchildren's names on tator tots.

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Kids aren't stupid they pick up on people, Mack senses MEchelle's distain for her and doesn't want anything to do with her. My MIL hates one of my twins while can't keep overly loving the other twin. And my twins are identical. Twin #1 hates my MIL equally (can't blame her) Strange women they both are.

Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 7

That is just so darn cute.   


Jarvis?   SERIOUSLY?   WHat the hell kind of name is that?

It's the name of Iron Man's butler, and later his Artificial Intelligence butler. They're important recurring characters in Iron Man and Avengers comics. Not that the Duggar kids could ever have known such a heathen thing....

  • Love 3

Does anyone think Me-chelle might still be trying to get pregnant?  You KNOW JimBob is still trying, but I wonder if he/she/they are still hoping.


I don't think she'd publicize it, but I bet every time she hears of these stories of women in their 50s having babies (if she hears them), the thought probably crosses her mind. How weird would it be to have one of her kids younger than her grandkids?  I bet she'd be ecstatic if it happened.


I Just posted this in the Jessa/Ben thread:


Hmmm... I'm sure the big announce is a Jessa/Ben pregnancy.

However, a tiny, tiny part of me is wondering if maybe MEchelle is going to announce another go at #20. I mean, part of me realizes that ship has got to have long sailed with her. Another part of me, however, is thinking that maybe they pulled out all the artificial reproduction tricks they could. I remember Elizabeth Edwards having her later two children (after the death of her oldest son). I believe she was 49 and 50 when they were born? Maybe even older. I know she went to extensive efforts to conceive and carry those kids.

I'm sure I'm just thinking crazy...

  • Love 2

I Just posted this in the Jessa/Ben thread:


Hmmm... I'm sure the big announce is a Jessa/Ben pregnancy.

However, a tiny, tiny part of me is wondering if maybe MEchelle is going to announce another go at #20. I mean, part of me realizes that ship has got to have long sailed with her. Another part of me, however, is thinking that maybe they pulled out all the artificial reproduction tricks they could. I remember Elizabeth Edwards having her later two children (after the death of her oldest son). I believe she was 49 and 50 when they were born? Maybe even older. I know she went to extensive efforts to conceive and carry those kids.

I'm sure I'm just thinking crazy...

I hope you're just thinking crazy! :-)

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It's the name of Iron Man's butler, and later his Artificial Intelligence butler. They're important recurring characters in Iron Man and Avengers comics. Not that the Duggar kids could ever have known such a heathen thing....


Butlers are called by their last names.    Let me be more clear, what the hell kind of first name is "Jarvis?"

Butlers are called by their last names.    Let me be more clear, what the hell kind of first name is "Jarvis?"

It's not uncommon for people to use last names as first names -- for example, McKenzie. But yeah, you don't meet a lot of little Jarvises on the playground. But this is the family that brought us Jinger, after all.

I Just posted this in the Jessa/Ben thread:

Hmmm... I'm sure the big announce is a Jessa/Ben pregnancy.

However, a tiny, tiny part of me is wondering if maybe MEchelle is going to announce another go at #20. I mean, part of me realizes that ship has got to have long sailed with her. Another part of me, however, is thinking that maybe they pulled out all the artificial reproduction tricks they could. I remember Elizabeth Edwards having her later two children (after the death of her oldest son). I believe she was 49 and 50 when they were born? Maybe even older. I know she went to extensive efforts to conceive and carry those kids.

I'm sure I'm just thinking crazy...

Just looked it up! Elizabeth Edwards was born in 1949 and had children in 1998 and 2000, making her 49 and 51! At that age though, I have to wonder if she used donor eggs or had frozen eggs of her own to use.

I doubt Mechelle has frozen any eggs, that would require thinking ahead and planning. Call me crazy, but I can actually see her using donor eggs and Boob's sperm, and never telling anyone.

Butlers are called by their last names.    Let me be more clear, what the hell kind of first name is "Jarvis?"


I thought it might have been one of the kids trying to sneak in a bit of indie cool, referencing the great and wonderful Jarvis Cocker, but then I remembered it's the Duggars we're talking about. I doubt they've heard of Pulp.

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Can you imagine what it was like when Mechelle found out about the 65 year old in Germany (with 13 kids already!) having quads? I'm picturing Mechelle going all bug-eyed and hissing "Anything she can do, I can do better".... and then running off to Jim-Boob to get busy.  

I posted about this last week. They can get busy all they want but it took a fertility doctor to make the 65 year old pregnant. 

Just looked it up! Elizabeth Edwards was born in 1949 and had children in 1998 and 2000, making her 49 and 51! At that age though, I have to wonder if she used donor eggs or had frozen eggs of her own to use.

I doubt Mechelle has frozen any eggs, that would require thinking ahead and planning. Call me crazy, but I can actually see her using donor eggs and Boob's sperm, and never telling anyone.

Well, Jana has eggs she isn't using...

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I don't think Mechelle would ever use a surrogate, because then she loses her "I gave birth to every one" cred, and that means a lot. For most women, having a healthy child is the goal. For Mechelle, the goal is being fawned over, pampered and pitied throughout her pregnancy. Having someone else be the pregnant one would defeat the whole purpose.

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Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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