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Season 11 (Kaitlyn) Spoilers

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So why even watch if no one is chosen?  She didn't even want to continuing seeing anyone!  The show is so boring that the only reason to watch is to post here and get excited to see if the lead is still with their chosen one.  


I wonder if she fell in love with someone on the crew?  There has to be a reason not to at least want to date one of the F2.  

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Her final 2 were Shawn "I'm now unemployed" Booth and Nick "I'm a tool" Viall.  Why would she possibly want to spend more time with either?  She apparently lives in Canada and doesn't seem to have any type of job herself.  Where would she do that "dating" with either?  Shawn lives in Nashville & Nick in Chicago.  She's got no ties to either town or guy. 


Which just further emphasizes to me that she never had any intention of settling down with anybody they could have produced for her. 


She's actually smart to do the PR rounds for a while, live off the cash from the show and whatever other dollars come in, then go back to Vancouver and whatever.  It's not as if she's put any kind of professional career on hold to find "love".  

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And considering that her other choices included a couple of fellas whose occupation is listed as "entrepreneur", several fitness coaches/trainers, a former investment banker (whose probably now a pot grower/seller seeing as he is from CO) and the following (and I am not making these up), "exotic dancer/law student", "healer", and "amateur sex coach", I go back to my first impression of a season of "lunkheads".

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No matter what happens tonight, I know tomorrow I get to start reading my new book from Chris Harrison.  He'll always be my fave part of this whole franchise anyway.  *LOL*

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Besides Ryan M needing to go to detox, the most important thing I gathered from the premiere is that Fleiss is soooooo going to pressure Brady to propose to Britt at "After the Final Rose".   

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No matter what happens tonight, I know tomorrow I get to start reading my new book from Chris Harrison.  He'll always be my fave part of this whole franchise anyway.  *LOL*



I like Chris, too.  

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Okay so who are the F3?  I once knew but forgot and have no time to hunt for it.  Thank you.  I am in the middle of packing for a move.  


Ben H, Ryan Gosling aka Shawn B and special snowflake Nick.   


Ben is sent packing after fantasy dates and Shawn and Nick fly back to the Utah to have their "hometown" dates with Kaitlyn and their families.   Dates are not at the same time but that would have been fun.   

Edited by CindyBee
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I never had a problem with Brad picking no one and likewise if that is what Katelynn does. It's more realistic than proposing to people you barely know. 


I don't either but that's not what Fleiss wants.   He wants a proposal and I'm actually very surprised that Kaitlyn was able to get away with walking away single.    I think one of the most interesting things to watch (besides all the crazy) is just how Kaitlyn's edit goes.    Fleiss could end up making things really difficult for her. 

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I don't either but that's not what Fleiss wants.   He wants a proposal and I'm actually very surprised that Kaitlyn was able to get away with walking away single.    I think one of the most interesting things to watch (besides all the crazy) is just how Kaitlyn's edit goes.    Fleiss could end up making things really difficult for her. 


I have no doubt the whole thing was cooked up by Fleiss, et al.  Maybe it wasn't their original plan, but somewhere along the way it became clear that Kaitlyn had no interest in any of these lunkheads as future husbands (cause . . . who would, really?) and so he switched gears.  He knows it will end up getting the show way more attention and press than if she had chosen someone and broke up with him in a few months.  Plus, this has happened on The Bachelor, but it's never happened on The Bachelorette.  So it would be a first and you know he'll make hay out of that.  


Actually, it's kinda a smart way to shake things up.

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I have no doubt the whole thing was cooked up by Fleiss, et al.



I agree.


After the treatment that Brad got when he dumped both of the F2, I don't think any Bachelor/ette would do it again without express permission (if not actual direction to do so).


What would be awesome (because I bask despair and pain of famewhores) is if both of the F2 ended up rejecting Kaitlyn at the FRC.

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Nick needs counseling. Sex counseling - that is - since he obviously cannot close the deal in the FS. Someone really professional and not an Amateur Sex Coach like last nite.

Edited by wonald
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Actually, it's kinda a smart way to shake things up.



Because, you know Kaitlyn's final rose ceremony is going to be The.Most.Drah.Matic.Finale.EVAH!


It will be interesting to see if Kaitlyn catches as much hate as Brad for choosing no one. People who watch this show for "the right reason" (meaning: not for the snark like we do) will REALLY dislike her for breaking the hearts of all these (great*cough*) guys.

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Because, you know Kaitlyn's final rose ceremony is going to be The.Most.Drah.Matic.Finale.EVAH!


It will be interesting to see if Kaitlyn catches as much hate as Brad for choosing no one. People who watch this show for "the right reason" (meaning: not for the snark like we do) will REALLY dislike her for breaking the hearts of all these (great*cough*) guys.


I agree, the "right reason" watchers could really turn on Kaitlyn.   I hope for her sake they don't but you never know, if Shawn B becomes a fan favorite, she could be in for some grief.   Luckily for her, breaking Nick's heart probably won't be that big of a deal since well he's such a polarizing guy.   

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It would be the perfect setup for heart-broken Shawn to be next Bach!


Lets see, Shawn has the ability to fall in love instantly and looks good without a shirt so sign him up.  And if he's part of the most.drama.final EVER, there will def be a buzz around him so I would say he's the early favorite to get the gig.  Now they just have to make his occupation more appealing than "fitness instructor".   

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It will be tough for the upcoming female contestants to go from a very wealthy farmer (Chris) to an unemployed gym rat (Shawn).  Seriously, they would have to find him a decent job to sell him as lead.  Even then, he'd have to ditch the brand new job to film.


That's why I think he has zero chance at being a lead.  Female leads can be jobless, but no way they'll cast a new Bachelor that has no way of supporting himself other than freelance sweating. 


Dentist Chris has a decent shot, I'd say.  

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For those wondering, Reality Steve confirmed on twitter tonight that Kaitlyn had sex with Nick in Ireland before fantasy suites and that's what causes all the drama at the end.

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WoooHoo!  Yet another nail in Nick's coffin.  I LOVE it!  He absolutely showed his expected dickness in that preview.  Good to know some things don't change. 


I loved Brady going after his woman.  He seems really sweet and confident in wanting to get to know Britt.  

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For those wondering, Reality Steve confirmed on twitter tonight that Kaitlyn had sex with Nick in Ireland before fantasy suites and that's what causes all the drama at the end.

EW. Sorry, but I just find Nick to be....*shudder.* I didn't have much of an opinion on Kaitlyn before, other than her annoying mouth habit, but now I am seriously questioning her sanity. 

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I don't think Kaitlyn is insane, I think she's just deeply insecure and will sleep with guys to get their approval.   And Nick is a disgusting tool.  Kaitlyn deserves him.  


And as soon as she told Chris Harrison she knew her husband was in that room, I wanted to laugh.  Yeah, maybe if she marries one of the sound guys or the limo driver!  


Kaitlyn is just as fake as people accuse Britt of being.  

Edited by leighdear
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I wonder why it's such a problem that she has sex with one of the guys before the fantasy suites. She's supposed to have sex with all of them in the fantasy suites so who cares?

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For me it's not the timing or location.  For all I care, she can bang every one of them in the fountain in front of the mansion.  I just think Nick is a pile of excrement.  *LOL*

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I'm actually kinda sad we have to wait three weeks for ole Nick to show up.  Oh well, I'll probably just skip through most of the two LA episodes.


Be interesting to see how Nick handles not being the "winner".    Should be good.

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For me it's not the timing or location.  For all I care, she can bang every one of them in the fountain in front of the mansion.  I just think Nick is a pile of excrement.  *LOL*

Yep. I can't call him anything but Nick Vile. Even Chris Harrison would be better. Especially if he arrived on a triceratops. 

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Thinking about it, it's surprising it hadn't happened before on B-ette. It happened at least twice on TB: first season in the [snip] restaurant with winner Amanda and 20 sec in the ocean with fuck-face Ben and winner Courtney.


It's no coincidence that it happened with the person who "won" the TB. It usually is an indication that Game's Over. Unless you're Nick. Bwahaha.

Edited by Rhondinella
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Seriously, they would have to find him a decent job to sell him as lead.



They've never had a problem finding a career for anyone else. They can create any profession and list anything in that person's bio. If they want him, it will be easy peasy to create his backstory.


LOL at Nick having sex with Kaitlyn in the FS. At least we know good old Nick is good for something! I hope he outs her on TMTA. How great would that be? "Why did you dump me after we had sex" part deau!

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So why even watch if no one is chosen?  She didn't even want to continuing seeing anyone!  The show is so boring that the only reason to watch is to post here and get excited to see if the lead is still with their chosen one.  


I wonder if she fell in love with someone on the crew?  There has to be a reason not to at least want to date one of the F2.  

Because Chris Harrison may actually show up on his pet Trieratops,  and there will be miles of awesome suckage. 

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I want a copy of that Chris Harrison/Triceratops drawing.  Seriously, I may have to find a way to do a screen shot of it and print it out.  Crazy, but I love it.  But I love Chris Harrison, so...... *LOL*


I really hope Kaitlyn didn't do "Fiancee stuff" with Nick Vile. (TM Sally)


It is SO much more entertaining to debate this shit with people that have been spoiled!  

Edited by leighdear
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They've never had a problem finding a career for anyone else. 


Case in point: Juan Pablo.


I really hope Kaitlyn didn't do "Fiancee stuff" with Nick Vile. (TM Sally)


Is "fiancee stuff" a euphemism for anal?


The CH triceratops picture needs to be the cover art for his next romance novel. Speaking of which, leighdear, have you started reading his first one yet?

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I have started it, Chocolatine.  I'm only 2 chapters in, but it's good so far.  


Nick said he did "fiancee stuff" with Andi, but I don't know exactly what that means.  Maybe picking out china patterns?  *LOL*

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Thinking about it, it's surprising it hadn't happened before on B-ette. It happened at least twice on TB: first season in the Jap restaurant with winner Amanda and 20 sec in the ocean with fuck-face Ben and winner Courtney.



Didn't Claire and JP also have sex on the beach?

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Didn't Claire and JP also have sex on the beach?



I was going to mention them but Claire denied that they actually had sex in BIP while the principals in the 2 I mentioned never denied it.

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Is "fiancee stuff" a euphemism for anal?

LOL. I nearly choked to death on my water.    Isn't this a reference to Nick's confession that he and Andi had "teh sexy" and since no lead on this show would sleep with one of the contestants just for giggles, Nick took it to mean that they were engaged? 


Perhaps Nick needs the advice of his fellow contestant and "amateur sex coach" Shawn (I think he's actually a realtor).  Because damn son...that's twice now...

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I was going to mention them but Claire denied that they actually had sex in BIP while the principals in the 2 I mentioned never denied it.


Okay. I wasn't sure, because I'd mostly stopped watching Juan Pablo's season by that point. I just remember all the social media conversation and drama the next day because Juan Pablo apparently said what happened was a mistake and made her feel bad and there was all the drama of "was Claire slut shamed or not." 


If this all plays out like the teaser and spoilers suggest, then this may turn out to be a messier season than Juan Pablo's even. If Kaitlyn does have sex with Nick, what I don't understand is why she would admit that to the guys. I mean, maybe kudos to her, she wanted to be honest and give them the chance to leave or stay if they so chose knowing the truth and exactly what was going on. But honestly, the fact that anyone would stay after that makes me think they were angling for the Bachelor position and nothing else.


It does also make it even more surprising that she didn't just pick Nick in the end. They didn't have to get engaged, many pairings in the past haven't, but just pick him and agree to date. If RS is correct about everything he's saying, apparently there was something pretty intense going on with them all while Chris' season was airing, even if they'd never met. He claims they talked all the time. It was enough for Nick to come back on the show and put himself through the process all over again, and for Kaitlyn to ignore all the guys being annoyed to keep Nick on and then go as far as to have sex with him before FS.


Clearly there is some intense attraction between them if nothing else. And then she brings him all the way to the Final 2. So why not just pick him? I mean, if anything that might help her save face for the season because some viewers may write it off as yeah, not the nicest thing to do to the guys, having sex with Nick, but clearly that's who her heart wanted. And you know Fleiss and company can work some magic to sell it as some real romance and love story.


The other thing is this again makes me wonder about that other person's spoiler or rumor if you want to call it that, that Nick actually is let go early after they get to Ireland. Maybe after all the drama and meltdown in response to her confessing what happened, she regrets her actions enough to let him go.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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LOL. I nearly choked to death on my water.    Isn't this a reference to Nick's confession that he and Andi had "teh sexy" and since no lead on this show would sleep with one of the contestants just for giggles, Nick took it to mean that they were engaged? 


Perhaps Nick needs the advice of his fellow contestant and "amateur sex coach" Shawn (I think he's actually a realtor).  Because damn son...that's twice now...


I know that's what he said, but the way he said it made it sound like it wasn't just vanilla sex. Like, there are things you do with people you date, and there are things you do only with someone you're in a committed relationship with, a.k.a. "not without an engagement ring".


If Kaitlyn does have sex with Nick, what I don't understand is why she would admit that to the guys. 


I wouldn't put it past Nick to tell the other guys. If it was before FS dates, they were probably all still staying in the same suite and interacting with one another.

Edited by chocolatine
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Nick should be F2 on every season of the Bachelorette from here until the end of time. 


Heh. Yeah, Reality Steve had some fun with this scenario in his episode spoiler post. I admit that it would be very satisfying to see him dumped on national TV annually.


If the Nick smex happened in Ireland as RS, there were 6 guys left at that point. There was always going to be drama no matter what with so many left.



If it hadn't come out organically you can BET that one of Fleiss' minions would have whispered it into some guy's ear.  No way they were going to let that go quietly.


Plus: smex.  Heh.

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If Nick didn't tell the other guys directly, I'll bet he made absolutely sure it was known that he banged Kaitlyn.  He's that cocky and determined to "win" regardless.  And obviously Kaitlyn was into it from the beginning.  You reap what you sow. 

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RS said that Kait smexxed all three guys in the FS dates. She's like a douchebro in a chick's bod.


So she had sex with Nick, then went to the fantasy suites and had sex with Ben H, Shawn and Nick again!?   And picked no one at the end.   Or no one picked her.  

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So she had sex with Nick, then went to the fantasy suites and had sex with Ben H, Shawn and Nick again!?   And picked no one at the end.   Or no one picked her.  


If we are interpreting what RS said correctly, then yeah.

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