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S05.E15: Welcome To Amsterdam?

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So "word on the street" (TM Aviva) is that Brandi is called to task a lot at the reunion. Good. But what about Kim? Because she is just so vile. "Mean," as LisaR put it. Does she get away with a whole season of her selfish, mean behavior? With disputing that she relapsed?

Their all probably walked on egg shells around Kim at the reunion. 


Did anyone notice Kyle said she spoke to Kim about LisaR's inquires about her sobriety and suggested that her sister talk one on one with LisaR.  I'm guessing after Brandi filled Kim in about LisaR that Kim talked to Kyle about it.  As Kyle said she doesn't like to be put in the middle of these issue with her sister and others.  Maybe Kyle should have got her sister together with LisaR at her home to discuss it in private before the Amsterdam trip and we might have been spared the plane angst.

  • Love 3


Kim is just as nasty and aggressive when she is high, just re-watch the limo ride with Lisa R to witness it. I think Kim is just plain nasty, aggressive, vile, hurtful to her core.


I agree....as I said above - Kim is really, just a bitch, plain and simple!!  And, she is just as dramatic as Kyle, maybe more so....

  • Love 7

The best part of the show is the forum right after!!

I agree, I bet Kim was in slight withdrawals. If I was Kyle, I'd be puffing on a joint 24/7 in Amsterdam!

At least there was no fighting at the charity event. Except, it looked like Brandi was fighting with her hair. WTF was that mess on her head?


Maybe that's where she disappeared to while looking for her lost luggage at the airport??  ;-)

  • Love 6

Their all probably walked on egg shells around Kim at the reunion. 


Did anyone notice Kyle said she spoke to Kim about LisaR's inquires about her sobriety and suggested that her sister talk one on one with LisaR.  I'm guessing after Brandi filled Kim in about LisaR that Kim talked to Kyle about it.  As Kyle said she doesn't like to be put in the middle of these issue with her sister and others.  Maybe Kyle should have got her sister together with LisaR at her home to discuss it in private before the Amsterdam trip and we might have been spared the plane angst.

It would not have mattered. Lisa R apologized to Kim several times on the plane and Kim ignored the apologies and Kim has yet to apologize for her behavior in the limo or at the poker party to Lisa R or Eileen and Kyle. Both Lisa R and Eileen pointed out in their blogs that Lisa R tried to talk to Kim face to face at the reading but Kim just said,"Blah, Blah, Blah" to the support/concern that was shown to her that day. I really wish that Lisa R would have come out and just told Kim that she did not bring her up at that lunch with Brandi and that it was in fact Brandi that brought her into the conversation. She should have also told Kim what Brandi revealed to her but I believe Lisa R has more class than either Kim or Brandi to do that to them or to embarrass her hostess and other guests on the plane.

  • Love 12

I started thinking about Kim's comments when she was complaining about Kyle's lost bag.

I cannot recall anytime that we have seen on the show where Kyle left Kim behind without Kim's acknowledgement and acceptance.  

During the Hawaii trip, Kim didn't have a valid i.d. to get on the plane, so that was HER own fault for missing the flight and having to take a later one.  Then, when they were going on the catamaran, Kyle did everything but drag Kim out of bed, and if I recall correctly, Kim told Kyle and Lisa through a closed door to go on without her!!  

I think there may be been another time during their Paris trip, but wasn't that due to Kim "not feeling well".....again???  

  • Love 14

Good lord!  Kyle has been there for her and supported her through all the years of her addictions.  What more does she expect from her sister?  I don't know if I could keep doing what Kyle has done over and over and over again without finally saying "Enough is enough!" and sticking to it.  Especially when Kim makes it perfectly clear that she doesn't appreciate Kyle for continuing to stand by her.  I just want Kim to go away! 

I know we've discussed this for many pages, but in addition to addiction I think Kim has an a serious mental problem.  She probably hates Kyle because she's not an addict.  That must burn her up to know she has such a life long threatening problem that her sister is free from.  She hates Kyle for being well and there's nothing Kyle can do to change things around. That's why Kyle says it just isn't good for the two of them to be around each other that much.

Edited by RealityTVSmack1
  • Love 7

Yolanda was bitchy about the milk shake.

Eileen was bitchy about Kim, non stop.

Lisa was bitchy about the heat, and walking, and doing the treasure hunt at all.

Kim was bitchy about her knees and being pooped.

Kyle was bitchy about her team, and the milkshake.


Hell, I can't even remember all the bitching.  Obviously gym workouts haven't helped these women in anything but their figures.


Camille was a good sport.


Lipsa is on WWHL tonight.

  • Love 4

It would not have mattered. Lisa R apologized to Kim several times on the plane and Kim ignored the apologies and Kim has yet to apologize for her behavior in the limo or at the poker party to Lisa R or Eileen and Kyle. Both Lisa R and Eileen pointed out in their blogs that Lisa R tried to talk to Kim face to face at the reading but Kim just said,"Blah, Blah, Blah" to the support/concern that was shown to her that day. I really wish that Lisa R would have come out and just told Kim that she did not bring her up at that lunch with Brandi and that it was in fact Brandi that brought her into the conversation. She should have also told Kim what Brandi revealed to her but I believe Lisa R has more class than either Kim or Brandi to do that to them or to embarrass her hostess and other guests on the plane.

I like my suggestion and feel it's valid based on my observations and you are entitled to your opinions.  We do not agree.

  • Love 1

I started thinking about Kim's comments when she was complaining about Kyle's lost bag.

I cannot recall anytime that we have seen on the show where Kyle left Kim behind without Kim's acknowledgement and acceptance.  

During the Hawaii trip, Kim didn't have a valid i.d. to get on the plane, so that was HER own fault for missing the flight and having to take a later one.  Then, when they were going on the catamaran, Kyle did everything but drag Kim out of bed, and if I recall correctly, Kim told Kyle and Lisa through a closed door to go on without her!!  

I think there may be been another time during their Paris trip, but wasn't that due to Kim "not feeling well".....again???  

Kim made a comment about Kyle leaving without her in the limo, I think she was referring to Yolanda not wanting to wait for Kim and Brandi tonight. That is the only time I remember a limo not waiting for her. She is blaming Kyle for Yolanda's decision! The woman is wacked!

  • Love 6

I'm pretty sure they were kidding.

Yes, Kim has been late tons of times. But never for anything reasonable or travel-related like misplacing luggage. Kim's reasons were always drug-related. Big difference.

There is a HUGE difference between being late because the luggage with your jewelry is missing and you are running around like crazy trying to find it and arriving two days late to a trip because you couldn't "find " your driver license and/or your passport and then acting like nothing happened.

There is a huge difference between looking for your luggage at the airport than waking up at 11:00 a.m. When you have a planned activity set up for 10:00 a.m. and then pretending that the others have to wait so you get over your hungover and find your swimsuit.

I bet though that in Kim Richard's world those incidents are just the same.


  • Love 20

Their all probably walked on egg shells around Kim at the reunion. 


Why? Why would they do that? And what about Andy? Or Andy asking questions on behalf of viewers?

I would love it if Jennifer Gimenez comes out as a special guest and informs Kim that she did, in fact, relapse. (And she would get extra points if she outed Brandi as the one outing Kim...).

  • Love 8

Yolanda was bitchy about the milk shake.

Eileen was bitchy about Kim, non stop.

Lisa was bitchy about the heat, and walking, and doing the treasure hunt at all.

Kim was bitchy about her knees and being pooped.

Kyle was bitchy about her team, and the milkshake.


Hell, I can't even remember all the bitching.  Obviously gym workouts haven't helped these women in anything but their figures.


Camille was a good sport.


Lipsa is on WWHL tonight.

If Yolanda thought it would bring the ladies closer together...boy was she wrong.  It was funny that Eileen's team won when taking penalties into consideration. 

  • Love 1

Why? Why would they do that? And what about Andy? Or Andy asking questions on behalf of viewers?

I would love it if Jennifer Gimenez comes out as a special guest and informs Kim that she did, in fact, relapse. (And she would get extra points if she outed Brandi as the one outing Kim...).

Even if they hired a different expert...it would be better than thinking the cast members or her sister would ask strung out Kim to answer sobriety questions.  If Andy asks Kim the questions it might be entertaining to watch her yell at him.  I still remember Ramona going after Andy at one reunion for asking a question about her sobriety, lol.

  • Love 3

If it runs in Harry's family, which apparently it does, I don't think it's such a great idea for Lisa to be drinking in front of her daughters either.

My family s riddled with alcoholism.I disagree. I know a sober couple who have kids that never saw them drink. It's a good thing. I also remember the mom telling me how her daughter went to a sleepover and was scared because the dad was drinking a beer. She calmed herself down by telling herself he is a nice man. I think it's good for kids to see adults drinking responsibly. Alcohol is not evil.

I have four kids myself and an elderly mom she has Dimentia and lots of health problems. She always tells me she does not want to bother me because I have so much on my plate. That I think s a normal attitude. Kim just feels unsupported. If Kim is so badly in need of support she should not have her ex with her. Kim should offering help to Kyle if she needs help, and offering to spend time with her nieces. If she is going the AA route to get sober the foundation other than God, is to keep yourself busy and looking for ways to be useful to those around you. Kim does. Ot need treatment. She has done it a million times and once again it's all about her and needing to get away while her family is left cleaning up her wreckage. Detox may be necessary but treatment nope. They need to have reverse treatment where they send the family away for some luxury"treatment" while the addict gets their affairs in order. I am going to give Kyle a pass on her behavior. The trauma she has been through handeling her sister all these years is real and runs deep And I would even say may have some sort of PTSD from dealing with it. Kim has a gift few people ever get she can see for herself exactly how messed up she is and how she harmed others. She refuses to see it. She is dispicable.

A quick observation. If someone who has relapsed repeatedly gets offended if a family member asks about thier sobriety it's a bad sign. It is her business Kim.

I am not illiterate I'm on my iPhone and to lazy to fix my awful grammar.

Edited by Cheetosandchoc
  • Love 18

Didn't love Kyles's catsuit but it totally worked when she was up on stage with Steven Tyler. She rocked it. But sorry, Kyle, I would sooner drink from the same straw as Brandi Granville then kiss Steven Tyler. Actually, just kill me as I wouldn't want to do either.

Edited by VanillaBeanne
  • Love 10

And how about a little empathy for your sister.  I would be frantic if I lost my luggage with my jewelry in it.  Had it been my sister I would have gone back to help her find it.  Kim is a horrible person through and through.  


It appeared that Kim was taking this trip as her opportunity to snipe at Kyle about ANYTHING, based on Kyle's justifiable impatience with Kim's addiction-fueled past insanity.  Yes, if that had been my sister, I would have said, "You guys go on ahead to the hotel, I'll help her, we'll catch up with you."  In fact, I don't know if my sister would LET me let her wander a foreign airport alone.

  • Love 9

Even if they hired a different expert...it would be better than thinking the cast members or her sister would ask strung out Kim to answer sobriety questions.  If Andy asks Kim the questions it might be entertaining to watch her yell at him.  I still remember Ramona going after Andy at one reunion for asking a question about her sobriety, lol.

I don't think she'd snap at Andy. Don't want to bite the hand that feeds you. Her m.o. is to get defensive. And quiet. Deny and deflect.

  • Love 5

Whatever, I liked this episode. Yolanda certainly made up for the Yoyo drought we've had in the past few episodes. More scavenger hunts please! I loved LisaV as I always do. There wasn't enough of her in this episode but her antics during the hunt were great, especially when she was barred from her own restaurant. I hope she gets her (our) wish and strolls into the nearest hash house once she arrives in Amsterdam. Hell, I know that's where I would be if LisaR was throwing drinks at dinner (hopefully Brandi gave her a few pointers). Is it bad that I hardly noticed Eileen was missing? She's not as memorable when she isn't commentating on the crazy around her.

Edited by rho
  • Love 6

Kim's a fucking ratchet old bitch. There is not one redeeming quality about her that I have seen. Sober or not sober I don't give two shits either way, but that woman is a nasty piece of work.

Lisa V again with the pink pussy. Shut. The. Fuck. Up. You are not cute or funny, it's creepy, like perverted old man at the beach creepy.

  • Love 24

If Kim had been the one to lose her suitcase and keep everyone waiting for over an hour, Kyle would have been bitching, rolling her eyes, and implying "Kim's not SOBER!" and "Oh poor me, look what I constantly must put up with!"  As she's always done before.  Kim was right about that.

Umbelina, are you Kim? Lol, just kidding.

I think you're right about this scenario. Kim was embarrassed and felt called out about her luggage getting stuck at the top of the escalator and reacted by having a such a disproportionate amount of anger that she could direct at Kyle and her lost luggage to punish her. I think Kim is unraveling and knows everyone is talking about her sobriety and she's sick and tired of being the butt of everyone's jokes (from past seasons) and her addiction-addled mind is ready to explode.

That said, there's no excuse for Kim.

  • Love 20

I don't find it cute or adorable when the women go out of town and the menfolk are lost and can't figure out how to get their own children fed, clothed, and off to school/activities. Even giving leeway for men who work a lot like Mauricio, it still seems ridiculous for them to need so many instructions.

Kim, ugh. Stfu. So nasty and so rude.

  • Love 9

I also wanted to say that I think Yo's husbands foundation was a breath of fresh air. I think it's a great thougt that is very meaningful. I liked Kyles acknowledgement of how big it was. It may have something to do with his ego, but I think t is genuine too. Kudos for that Steven Foster. You have ever so slightly restored my faith in the uber wealthy.

Muhhomad, and Lisa I dare you to top it.

  • Love 15

I also wanted to say that I think Yo's husbands foundation was a breath of fresh air. I think it's a great thougt that is very meaningful. I liked Kyles acknowledgement of how big it was. It may have something to do with his ego, but I think t is genuine too. Kudos for that Steven Foster. You have ever so slightly restored my faith in the uber wealthy.

Muhhomad, and Lisa I dare you to top it.

Agreed. David may be pompous at times but he clearly cares and does for other people so kudos to him. Eight million dollars is amazing.

  • Love 14

It sounded to me like Harry stopped drinking just in case he inherited the same genetic tendency to become an alcoholic. I applaud people who are smart enough to do that.


I actually thought she was saying Harry was an alcoholic.  Three years ago, Harry was sixty years old.  If he'd only been a responsible drinker up until that point, there wouldn't have been a concern.  Since all of their lives improved after he stopped drinking, there was a problem.




I am not looking forward to next week.  For someone so horrified when Brandi wine tossed Eileen, I'm surprised that Lisa does the same to Kim.  Would Brandi have been justified in her actions if Eileen was provoking her?  I don't care about provocation, when Lisa deliberately shatters that glass, she could have blinded someone.  At the very least, these looks-obsessed women could have sustained a cut to the face.


Yolanda was scaring me when she was yelling at the Lisas.  She went all NO WIRE HANGERS on them. 


Thought she was going to start beating them over the head with a sack of lemons. 


Said whilst standing over Lisa R:  "You were GREEDY!"  Notice Lisa V. goes un-scolded.


I think you're right about this scenario. Kim was embarrassed and felt called out about her luggage getting stuck at the top of the escalator and reacted by having a such a disproportionate amount of anger that she could direct at Kyle and her lost luggage to punish her. I think Kim is unraveling and knows everyone is talking about her sobriety and she's sick and tired of being the butt of everyone's jokes (from past seasons) and her addiction-addled mind is ready to explode.

That said, there's no excuse for Kim.


Kim was acting like an asshole, and while that's not unique, I think she's revealing that Brandi's words are having an affect on her.  How much whispering in your ear - telling you your sister is a selfish bitch who's never been there for you and doesn't care about your sobriety - can you take before you believe it?

  • Love 8

Brandi completely misrepresented the conversation she had with Lisa R. She conveniently leaves out all things she, the greatest BFF of all time, said about Kim. Typical lying behavior from her and of course Kim ate it up with a spoon.


Kim's a nasty piece of work. You love your life indeed you miserable cow. Getting angry when people notice you aren't sober is not how you cope with your addiction.


If Lisa is sharing that she's been impacted by alcoholism that lead to the death of both of her brother-in-laws maybe you should take heed.



This....this, and this!!!  And, it was proven all over the place in this episode - especially when Kim said that "Kyle is there for me, but it's just NOT enough" (or something to that effect).


That really about explained it all.


Speaking of Lisa R, did anyone else catch when she was showing her daughter her clothes and she says "That jacket is cute," "It's from Target," and she goes "Oh" in this disgusted way. Then she holds up a Stella McCartney dress and she says it's cute. Frankly I liked the Target jacket much better. Half of my wardrobe is from Target, ain't nothin wrong with that!

It was such a cute scene up until that moment.  Hated the packing scene with Lisa V and making an inappropriate 'joke' in front of Rocio.  Didn't mind Eileen's and Vince's.


I'm actually kinda shocked Yo didn't claim chocolate shakes exacerbate Lyme's....

Yo was such a pill with the shake.


The gala was nice.   Not sure how purely altruistic it is but kudos to the Fosters.

  • Love 2

For me, the best part of the whole episode was the Surprize Balls! I remember these crepe paper balls filled with hidden trinkets from when they were popular in the 50s. We had them at every birthday party and celebration, and I LOVED them madly! They fell out of fashion many years ago, but apparently they're back, and I can't get my hands on one fast enough. Does ANYONE else remember these??

  • Love 2

Camille!  I miss you!  Come back and replace one of the low-rent twins, please?  She looks lovely and healthy, great to see her.

Why does Yo have such freaking issues with chocolate?  Those team pairings sure were a shitshow all the way around and personally I don't get the fun of a scavenger hunt either though this is another one of those 'I smell a producer' deals so whatever.


I loved all the giddy excitement about smoking pot, sorry.  That cracked me up.  Next year we're moving to a state where pot is legal, and I can't lie, it will be nice to take a puff now and then.  Though, when I was in Colorado this spring I thought the suckers were the most fun.  Annnnyhow.


Lisa R.'s rottie is gorgeous.


If Brandi is so concerned about Kim's sobriety in Amsterdam, why not offer to stay in LA with her? Wait, because Brandi can get mega fucked up, and it's legal! Screw Kim, Brandi's got some bars of Xanax, some booze, and a lot of bud waiting for her.

I would be terrified on a plane that size so Yo can kiss my ass for making fun of Brandi's fears regarding flying.


As for the plane ride?  Hey!  Look at Brandi throwing Lisa R under the bus just prior!   Yes, Kim, there are quite a few of us who do think that you taking a pill makes you not sober!  If Andy doesn't bring this up at the reunion there will be hell to pay.  OH MY GOD KIM SAID YOU ARE AS SICK AS YOUR SECRETS!  Well, you'd know, wouldn't you, honey?  I am eyerolling at you, Kim Richards.  I am eyerolling at you so hard that my eyeballs might be about to roll right out of my head.  

Kyle death glaring Kim was fun for me.  I'm death glaring her too, along with the eyerolling.


I like Yolanda's dress.  A lot.  Everyone else looks sort of meh.  Kyle's pantsuit is not doing it for me.  Oh, look.  Kim is talking about how now that she's gotten everything off her chest she's cool with Lisa R but she also makes a very pointed move over to the Brandi side of the table.  Very mature, is Kim Richards.  No eyerolling coming from me, not at all.  

To be completely fair, I would be way more concerned about Stephen Tyler's lips on mine than I would putting my lips on a straw Brandi used, Kyle.  


As the trip is progressing, I see everyone being pleasant, and I see Kim becoming more and more of a mega fucking bitch.  Do you think perhaps her extreme fuckery is because she knows she will be under increased scrutiny and it will be difficult for her to get high on pills when everyone is watching her closely?


Amsterdam with nasty Kim!  Have a great time, everyone!  What a fucking nightmare.

  • Love 11

Kim was acting like an asshole, and while that's not unique, I think she's revealing that Brandi's words are having an affect on her.  How much whispering in your ear - telling you your sister is a selfish bitch who's never been there for you and doesn't care about your sobriety - can you take before you believe it?


I think Kim *wants* to believe it more than anything because it’s fuel for her anger.  She has a score to settle with the world.  If no one were against her, then who/what else would she fight?  Her addictions?  Nah. Easier to feel victimized than to look at yourself and deal with the decisions you’ve made in life.  Even if you didn’t always make them willingly or alone, they are yours.  Kim's a stubborn woman, who does what she wants, when she wants.  I don't think she's cowed that easily, even when in an altered state.   


Yo with her "My Husband, my Love" was cracking me up.  Need to turn that into a drinking game. 

  • Love 11

I don't find it cute or adorable when the women go out of town and the menfolk are lost and can't figure out how to get their own children fed, clothed, and off to school/activities. Even giving leeway for men who work a lot like Mauricio, it still seems ridiculous for them to need so many instructions.

Kim, ugh. Stfu. So nasty and so rude.


I don't find it cute or adorable, either, but I do find it necessary.

The person who is not at home with the daily tasks involved with kids and their activities need to know what is expected (whether it be a man or woman).  And, unfortunately (this is speaking from experience), most men who are not doing the daily chores, carpools, team practices, packing lunches and backpacks (as it seems the husbands of the housewives are) do not have the first clue as to what is expected, because the things a Mom (or stay at home parent) may do for their kids just become commonplace, routine and second nature (like packing sneakers AND flip flops on Tuesdays and Thursdays only).

I know whenever I have been away from my house, even if it was just for an overnight, I would leave detailed instructions as to what needed to be done for each our kids, including instructions on what to bring to sports practices, what to pack for lunch (who eats what, etc.).  

Will the kids survive without their Mom? - Sure - but, will things go smoother and lessen the frantic calls about what Dad "forgot", or the angry calls about "Why didn't you tell me...this or that?"  if there are lists?  You betcha!!  

I did like that Vince said to Eileen that they could forego the housekeeper while she was away, and she was like "NO WAY!!!"....

I had a feeling that Vince was anticipating a total "guys' time" - including lots of hanging out, watching TV and ordering in pizzas and take-out food, and not cleaning one thing until the day before Eileen was due to get home!!  

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 18

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