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Season 5 Reunion Spoilers, Previews, Gossip, Etc.

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 When you get to the point where bleeding for 5 days a month, enduring cramps, bloating, and just general inconvience, is the thing that makes you feel better about yourself, well you really are a sad sack of shit.


 Those who live by the truth cannon die by the truth cannon.


[....] Brandi is a vile and contemptible person and I wish she would not pollute a show that is supposed to be fun. YMMV


These made my cold, black heart fill with glee! 


Everyone on this board is just the best.  Even better than Lemon Loves and Chicken Salad Turtles and Horny Swan Monsters. 

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Just read this.  OMG I hope it's true.  That will leave Brandi with Kim as her only ally.


"Most of part one of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills season 5 reunion special will focus on Yolanda Foster. She will detail her ordeal with Lyme disease before Brandi Glanville jumps in, attacking Foster’s family. The argument between Yolanda and Brandi reaches a boiling point after Glanville makes accusations Foster’s daughter is an alcoholic. Reaching her breaking point, Yolanda Foster makes an early exit from the reunion."

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Just read this.  OMG I hope it's true.  That will leave Brandi with Kim as her only ally.


"Most of part one of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills season 5 reunion special will focus on Yolanda Foster. She will detail her ordeal with Lyme disease before Brandi Glanville jumps in, attacking Foster’s family. The argument between Yolanda and Brandi reaches a boiling point after Glanville makes accusations Foster’s daughter is an alcoholic. Reaching her breaking point, Yolanda Foster makes an early exit from the reunion."

I would love nothing more, but a Tweet Brandi sent a day or so ago makes me wonder. She said she wasn't feeling well and had to cancel on her coffee date with one of her besties, Yolanda. Of course, she could be making that up, per usual.

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Just read this.  OMG I hope it's true.  That will leave Brandi with Kim as her only ally.


"Most of part one of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills season 5 reunion special will focus on Yolanda Foster. She will detail her ordeal with Lyme disease before Brandi Glanville jumps in, attacking Foster’s family. The argument between Yolanda and Brandi reaches a boiling point after Glanville makes accusations Foster’s daughter is an alcoholic. Reaching her breaking point, Yolanda Foster makes an early exit from the reunion."

Source? (she asks....trying not to get her hopes up).

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Maybe it was cut out during the editing either before or during visiting the hash house. Brandi is captain big mouth she might have told on herself before she told the others Kyle hung with her smoking pot before.


Speaking of the editing, why it was so wonky this year? All of a sudden there were these flashes filmed in sepia tones to conversations and incidents that occurred weeks earlier but never made it into the main chronology. It kind of gave some insight of just how much stuff is left on the cutting room floor.

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Speaking of the editing, why it was so wonky this year? All of a sudden there were these flashes filmed in sepia tones to conversations and incidents that occurred weeks earlier but never made it into the main chronology. It kind of gave some insight of just how much stuff is left on the cutting room floor.

I think it's a recent thing that's been slowly slipping into all the shows across the franchise.  I'm not a fan of it myself.

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Speaking of the editing, why it was so wonky this year? All of a sudden there were these flashes filmed in sepia tones to conversations and incidents that occurred weeks earlier but never made it into the main chronology. It kind of gave some insight of just how much stuff is left on the cutting room floor.

That sepia scene with Kim and Kyle before the gay mixer was eerie as hell. Those curls and she was toying with Kyle's emotions. All that was missing was the "what happened to baby jane" theme playing in the background.

I think Andy though was going for more of the soap opera feel using the flashbacks in conjunction with current storylines. With this season, there being some new viewers (because of the soap fans), Kyle refreshing people's memories on Brandi's shady ways to Justin, and rehash ("stolen" house) he wanted to use it much as possible maybe as a tool to have it go against Brandi and Kim.

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I'm surprised there wasn't more lace.  Eileen and Brandi both looked good in lace this season.


Rinna's dress for the win, Could've been a wee bit shorter.  Eileen's is my least favorite next to LisaV's.  I thought Eileen's would look better if she were standing, sadly, it does not.  Maybe if her hair was up. Or something.  The hanging hair and hanging boobs just drag the whole look down.  I do like the little flounce at the bottom of Brandi's dress.  The length hits her at the exact right spot. 



Brandi looks pregnant-maybe the little Dutch Boy hit his mark.

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I hope that elicits a big LOL from everyone present, because I doubt anyone is knocking on Kim's door.  Let's see - there was a small part in Revenge in 2014, and other than HW stuff, "Race to Witch Mountain" in 2009 and "Black Snake Moan" (whatever that was) in 2006.


What?! You don't know Black Snake Moan?! I vaguely remember Bravo aired it occasionally on the weekends after a BH marathon. My advice, definitely don't watch it, but it's worth reading the summary.


Speaking of the editing, why it was so wonky this year? All of a sudden there were these flashes filmed in sepia tones to conversations and incidents that occurred weeks earlier but never made it into the main chronology. It kind of gave some insight of just how much stuff is left on the cutting room floor.


Yeah, I didn't get that either. We've had flashbacks before but it's always to something we've already seen play out on camera in a previous episode. The gay mixer episode was especially weird in that half of it was told in flashbacks which was unprecedented at the time. I thought I had missed an episode.

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If there's a dust up on the season finale between Kim and LisaR, why do you think they would edit it out?

Because we haven't seen any promos of it.  Usually Bravo loves to play that stuff up.  They have even included stuff ("Lisa stirs the pot") in promos that we don't get to see!


I wonder if it is because of the "secret" about Harry, and it was a decision by the editors to keep Lisa R looking like a good HW and Kim looking like a nut.  We'll see though.  All the promos for Adrienne's party look like Brandi getting into it with Lisa R, Lisa V and Kyle.  Nothing about Kim and Lisa R having a knock down drag out.  


Anyway regarding that secret?  I think there are no secrets really in Hollywood.  I think to us, the general public, there are secrets, but I think people's lifestyles in the business are pretty much open secrets.  Kim wouldn't need Brandi to tell her anything about Harry.  We would all know the secret if it is in a tabloid - and that is where Brandi would get it.  Kim probably still has celeb connections, whether from those stupid signings, or her agents or whatever.  When Lisa R signed on, someone may have repeated something to Kim.  Whatever the "secret" was, it seemed that everyone at that table knew immediately where Kim was going when she said, "Let's talk about your home."

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I would not rule this out jinjer.  The most recent example we have of Hollywood keeping secrets is Bill Cosby.  No one wants to mar their own image by exposing anyone in the industry.  But I don't think so in this case.  


I did not watch closely enough to get it that the others all seemed to know that LisaR had something she feared Kim would expose.  I assumed their shocked faces were about the fight itself.   Kim is so out of the loop I doubt she knows much and the others know enough not to share anything with her that she could blurt in a drunken moment.  For this reason I don't think Kim knows anything.  


The promo's did show a dust up between the two.  We see a bit of that on the promo.  

Edited by wings707
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What?! You don't know Black Snake Moan?! I vaguely remember Bravo aired it occasionally on the weekends after a BH marathon. My advice, definitely don't watch it, but it's worth reading the summary.



Yeah, I didn't get that either. We've had flashbacks before but it's always to something we've already seen play out on camera in a previous episode. The gay mixer episode was especially weird in that half of it was told in flashbacks which was unprecedented at the time. I thought I had missed an episode.

They started this last year on the OC show, and used it a lot over there.  Then they did in on the NJ show. I don't think they used this technique at all on NY. What is interesting about it is that you start to get a sense of just how much stuff gets filmed that we don't see. Instead of Lisa just saying "Yo called me for lunch and we made up", they show us just two or three sentences from them doing just that. I guess that is a good way to throw in more stuff, without taking the time to show us a full scene (them arriving, greeting each other, etc.) This way they can just show us the meet of an encounter or issue. 

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Oh I can barely wait.....I'm living only to see those women go off on the trash that is Brandi. Side note-We may all be sick of tampon-gate but it will be news to a lot of people. My god daughter watches BH every week but she doesn't read the tabs or the message boards. A few weeks ago I mentioned the tampon string and she didn't believe me! Swore it was photo shopped.HAHAHA...

Brandi I'm almost 58 years old and I haven't had the "flow" since I was 29. People sometimes have surgery due to illness, that makes that a memory. I never missed it nor did I ever feel less "womanly". I was thrilled to not have to worry about pregnancy or cramps. Or..you know...being sick anymore....Brandis is a  idiot. 

I've defended Kim in the past but she really is a vile human being.

Maybe Brandi is so in love with the "Love Boat" she's trying to look like it's most frequent guest star...Charo.

Winner of the reunion dresses-LisaR. Classy, well fitting, flattering.And her hair is perfection.

Losers-Sorry Eileen-I love you but that dress is awful and of course the gold standard of tacky is good ole BG. Girl can not dress can she??.

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Just read this.  OMG I hope it's true.  That will leave Brandi with Kim as her only ally.

"Most of part one of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills season 5 reunion special will focus on Yolanda Foster. She will detail her ordeal with Lyme disease before Brandi Glanville jumps in, attacking Foster’s family. The argument between Yolanda and Brandi reaches a boiling point after Glanville makes accusations Foster’s daughter is an alcoholic. Reaching her breaking point, Yolanda Foster makes an early exit from the reunion."


I think it's well known that Yolanda makes an early exit.  However, if this is what leads up to it, I hope the others show Brandi no mercy for the rest of the reunion.  Yolanda has tried to be kind to Brandi and has continually reached out to her.  I don't think even Brandi would stoop that low, given the state of Yolanda's health as well, but she's already played the "people say" your daughter is an alcoholic card already, so who knows?

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Anyway regarding that secret? I think there are no secrets really in Hollywood. I think to us, the general public, there are secrets, but I think people's lifestyles in the business are pretty much open secrets

Especially in regards to an actor who is in the closet, Kevin Spacey and John Travolta being the most glaring examples.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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I don't see Kim and Lisa R lunging at each other in any promo thus far and getting violent to the point that security would have to be called.  That's why I think they edited it out of Adrienne's party.  We would have seen that promo all season.  I think Bravo is propagating the storyline that Lisa R went off only once and that is why the women thought it was out of character for her to throw a wine glass at Kim. The theme this season is that Kim is off the wagon and being enabled by Brandi who herself is being shunned by the other women because they are fed up with her behavior.  Kim and Lisa R get into it again at the reunion, but I don't think Lisa gets violent there the way that she allegedly did at Adrienne's.  I hope I am wrong.  If Lisa R goes bat shit after Kim, I hope we get to see it.


I do wonder if Yolanda leaving is why Brandi is tweeting that she is on the fence about returning ("I haven't been fired yet, and I haven't decided whether I am coming back yet.").  She knows she doesn't really have any allies except drunky mcskunky Kim.  


I wouldn't be surprised if Lisa V announces that she is the one leaving.  I think she only came back for a season to lead the pack.  I think she wanted a spin off for Pump.  It will be interesting to see if Andy gives her one.  Or if VPR will be enough for her.  I don't want her to leave before she gets Kyle back for trying to oust her last season.

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Especially in regards to an actor who is in the closet, Kevin Spacey and John Travolta being the most glaring examples.

And #1 on the list of outing Kevin Spacey-Andy Cohen in his book.  Not nice Andy.  He much like Anderson Cooper had for years and years chose to keep his private life private but Andy feels the need to out.  I thought better of him.

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They wont get violent. I remember when word got around about the RHOA drag session it spread like wildfire on Twitter the day of filming and the blogs the next day. Plus Bravo would had given some indication of violence in their sneak peek.

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I think the sepia flashbacks is Bravo's way of nodding to related events that they don't actually want to spend time on in a real way. For example, given that we were going to get Lisa having conciliatory lunches with both Kyle and Brandi, I could see them not wanting to spend time on  one with Yolanda as well (especially if nothing really happened). I mean, three of those lunches would be pretty repetitive from a storytelling perspective - Brandi and Kyle were the important ones. So, they flash to it instead to refer to what Yolanda is addressing without making it into an actual scene. They did this a lot last season on OC - quick flashes to corroborate what a housewife was saying without getting into the whole scene.

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 Kim Richards, Brandi Glanville, and Star Jones--I can't say I'm exactly offended by this shit list. 


Neither am I. But regardless of our feelings about Star, for me that doesn't negate my shock by Lisa's immature reaction to Star.


Star Jones was a pretty nasty piece of passive-aggressive work on "Celebrity Apprentice." I forget the details exactly, but I remember Star did unfairly target Lisa to get fired early on in the season.


I read the opposite. That Lisa was ineffective, threw her team members under the bus so then they rallied to get her fired.  Nene even went so far as to say they voted her into the PM position because they wanted her to get fired.  To be fair, though, to go up against Star and Nene (even though they were all on the same team) would be daunting.


Rinna was out of her league.  But her tweets after she was fired proved there wasn't room for a 12 year old in the boardroom anyway.

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Who Are the Ladies Wearing?

The ladies spill which designers they're wearing, plus weigh in on whether you can wear the same dress twice.




The Biggest Fashion Regrets From This Season

Turns out there were quite a few looks the ladies wish they could take back.




The Ladies' Favorite Housewives Franchise

There's one city that almost all the ladies can agree on.



Which Former Housewife Should Come Back to Beverly

The ladies weigh in on which Housewife they would like to see return.


Your First Look at the RHOBH Reunion

Get a sneak peek at all the drama that's to come.


Edited by quinn
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The most recent example we have of Hollywood keeping secrets is Bill Cosby.  No one wants to mar their own image by exposing anyone in the industry.  But I don't think so in this case.

Except, the Cosby matter was not a secret in Hollywood. The comic circuit knew all about his behavior. I am sure it stretched out further than the comedy circuit.



They wont get violent. I remember when word got around about the RHOA drag session it spread like wildfire on Twitter the day of filming and the blogs the next day. Plus Bravo would had given some indication of violence in their sneak peek.


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They started this last year on the OC show, and used it a lot over there.  Then they did in on the NJ show. I don't think they used this technique at all on NY. What is interesting about it is that you start to get a sense of just how much stuff gets filmed that we don't see. Instead of Lisa just saying "Yo called me for lunch and we made up", they show us just two or three sentences from them doing just that. I guess that is a good way to throw in more stuff, without taking the time to show us a full scene (them arriving, greeting each other, etc.) This way they can just show us the meet of an encounter or issue. 


Thanks for filling me in! I rarely tune into the other franchises so it didn't realize it was a thing. Still, from a storytelling perspective, it's weird to only use the flashbacks once, on a random episode in the middle of the season. I feel like they should make it a regular thing or not do it at all.


I think the show could also benefit from a lead in before each episode. Like replay a clip from a previous episode when one of the woman does something that she'll criticize another for later in the episode. Just a lighthearted reminded of how hypocritical the women can be.

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Thanks, quinn.  I thoroughly enjoyed those clips.  I'm excited (but scared LOL) about the reunion.


One thing I noticed while watching. In the videos they look different than in the still pictures of the reunion.


Kyle looks worse in the video.  Eileen looks better.  Yolanda looks the most beautiful, imo, followed by Eileen.


In the clip, when asked if they had regrets about style choices during the season, Lisa V chimes in and says "Many. A plethora. Often I look and say, "What was going on there?""  As she says this, we're forced to look at the really bad hair, make-up and dress she's wearing.  A plethora of bad choices there, Pinky.

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Oy, those brief clips of Kim in the upcoming reunion.


She has the verbal skills of at best a 12-year-old.  She expresses herself at such a juvenile level in those clips that I almost have second-hand embarrassment for her.


Was anyone here around in the 70s or 80s to remember any actual live interviews she might have given in her late teen/early adult years?  I was around and recall print interviews but not seeing her appear in any televised interviews.  


I can't figure out if she's just flat-out uneducated, if her brain is fried from her excessive drinking/substance abuse, or a combination of both.


It looks like we're in for more typical Kim zingers such as "go blow up your lips some more" and "eat some bread."


I think nothing makes for less entertainment than when women resort to insulting other women's appearances.


Especially when there's a veritable cornucopia of legitimate shit on which to snark.


That being said, I'm looking forward to both the finale and the reunion.  And for the premiere of RHoNYC.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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Was anyone here around in the 70s or 80s to remember any actual live interviews she might have given in her late teen/early adult years?  I was around and recall print interviews but not seeing her appear in any televised interviews.  


I was "around" in the 70s & 80s (also several other decades) and never even heard of Kim fucking Richards before RHoBH.  ;-)

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I had.  I saw her in Tuff Turf and even then I knew she was a bad actress that over-acted.


ETA:  And I saw some Nanny and the Professor reruns in which she was cute.  But she was so little and you can kind of forgive bad acting.  She wasn't as bad as Abel, the young son of Jax on Sons of Anarchy, though.

Edited by ryebread
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I was "around" in the 70s & 80s (also several other decades) and never even heard of Kim fucking Richards before RHoBH.  ;-)


Dammit, I was so hoping one of the forum members might recall if she sounded normal/age appropriate back in the prime of her career or if she's always sounded a bit dumb.


I used to have the biggest crush on Matt Dillon after Tex and Over the Edge.  


Until I saw him on a teen-oriented talk show being interviewed.  Oy!


I might have been young but even at that age I saw that his dumb ran quite deep.  Squashed that crush immediately.


I was curious if Kim, in spite of her alleged photographic memory, was the same sort of dumb or if her history of substance use/alcoholism was the cause.



I had.  I saw her in Tuff Turf and even then I knew she was a bad actress that over-acted.


ETA:  And I saw some Nanny and the Professor reruns in which she was cute.  But she was so little and you can kind of forgive bad acting.  She wasn't as bad as Abel, the young son of Jax on Sons of Anarchy, though.


I've always felt that Kim basically just got lucky in that she fit the "All American Girl" stereotype with the long blond hair and blue eyes more than any actual true talent she may have had.  I vaguely remember her a few years back in Black Snake Moan but I don't remember much about her performance in the film, I just found it curious that she had resurfaced.


Now I need to ferret through YouTube to see if there's a clip of that apparently typecast scene she had in Revenge.  

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I've always felt that Kim basically just got lucky in that she fit the "All American Girl" stereotype with the long blond hair and blue eyes more than any actual true talent she may have had.


There's truth to this.  Back in the day, in order for kids to get an acting job, parents had to schlep the kids around, sometimes moving the family across country, had to have hard copy head shots on hand and send them out by the hundreds through snail mail. The pool of child stars was much, much smaller then I would imagine. 


Kim and Kyle just happened to live in Beverly Hills and had a mother who was driven to make her daughters stars.  Or wives of rich guys.


Maybe I'm not being fair.  I never saw Escape to Witch Mountain.  Maybe Kim was brilliant in it.

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Kim has brown eyes and has her haired dyed blonde for a very, very long time. 


Kim was popular, never made it to Disney Legend status, never was able to transition from child star to adult actress.  She had a good run but apparently either lacked the talent or the ambition to pursue an acting career as an adult.  I don't think it was because she was selective about her roles, I think it was because she didn't continue to hone her craft .

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Dammit, I was so hoping one of the forum members might recall if she sounded normal/age appropriate back in the prime of her career or if she's always sounded a bit dumb.

I'll admit I was a huge Kim Richards fan.  From her early Disney days to Tuff Turf (loved, loved that movie.  Huge James Spader crush).  I do remember her seeming a bit ditzy. However, it's not like today where celebs all have social media and the paparazzi are everywhere.  Back then the most you'd see would be an interview in a teen magazine.  No candid sound bytes for sure.  I was excited to see her on this show.  What a disappointment she's been.  Not only stupid, but mean as well.


Another three part reunion?  I'm not sure I'm up for it.  Already missing the early part of this season when we got to see house & travel porn while the drama was kept to a minimum.  While I understand how these shows have evolved, I originally started watching to see their families/lifestyles/interactions.  Like Kyle, all the fighting stresses me out.  That said, I hope Kim get her ass handed to her at the reunion.  She's just plain awful to everyone.  I also hope it's the last we see of Brandi, who really doesn't fit in this group at all.  

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The last time I noticed a link on my Yahoo homepage to a piece on Celebrity Dirty Laundry, almost everyone said it was written by Brandi's ghostwriter.


I don't know if that's true or not but this piece on the S5 finale was an interesting read.  According to CDL, Kyle was  on WWHL last night.  Did anyone see it?


S5FInale Celebrity Dirty Laundry

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The last time I noticed a link on my Yahoo homepage to a piece on Celebrity Dirty Laundry, almost everyone said it was written by Brandi's ghostwriter.


I don't know if that's true or not but this piece on the S5 finale was an interesting read.  According to CDL, Kyle was  on WWHL last night.  Did anyone see it?


S5FInale Celebrity Dirty Laundry

Brandi is on tonight-Kyle tomorrow night.  If Andy had offered to Brandi would have been there tomorrow night instead of tonight.  This is the writer that has the big time crush on Brandi.  Half of what she says makes no sense.  If you dislike Kyle it is good site for like minds, if you love Brandi it is a good site for like minds.  It is just one of the more biased sites.  IMO

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The thing that bums me out about this reunion, based on what we've heard and the footage we've seen - I remember Season 3 of RHONY, when Jill Zarin had behaved HORRIBLY all season.  She came to the reunion knowing she had behaved badly.  Camille, on Season One, practically showed up in a hair shirt to apologize for her horrible behavior.  When Caroline Manzo was a witch on Season (4?) of RHNJ, she showed up knowing it.  Kyle came to the Season 2 reunion knowing she had a lot to answer for with her Mean Girl behavior.  There was a certain awareness, or at least some connection to reality, that they brought to the reunion.  


Brandi and Kim, especially Kim, appear to come to this reunion loaded for bear - still on the attack, with absolutely zero awareness of what they have done or zero willingness to admit they have done anything wrong.  Kim seems to genuinely believe that if she were ever to take responsibility for anything she's done or said, she would combust and die on the spot.  And Brandi only seems to have one response to anything:  nuclear attack.


I like the reunions, usually, because they serve to advance the conversation.  We got a new understanding of Jill and Bethenny and what really happened.  Caroline acknowledged her foulness (and did better the next year).  Camille too.  Even Kyle. 


But more of the same shouting?  More of the complete delusion and utter and total denial from the evil twins?  No recognition at all of what has been displayed on all of our television screens for the last several months?  Have we ever had a situation where housewives behaved so badly, and showed up to the reunion with no apologies or awareness at all?


Either way, sigh.  I'm not looking forward to that.  I want to see the bad guys get their comeuppance; that's what makes reunions satisfying.  I hope we get it in the edit, since we're not going to get it from the people, apparently.

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The last time I noticed a link on my Yahoo homepage to a piece on Celebrity Dirty Laundry, almost everyone said it was written by Brandi's ghostwriter.


I don't know if that's true or not but this piece on the S5 finale was an interesting read.  According to CDL, Kyle was  on WWHL last night.  Did anyone see it?


S5FInale Celebrity Dirty Laundry

This might be the funniest thing I have ever read.  The writer spends pretty much all of the time going on and on again about how Lisar is such a liar for the way she repeated her conversation with Brandi to Kyle. She is so caught up in the word "intervention" that she seems to not have noticed all of the other dire warnings that Brandi issued to Lisar. Not a mention is made of them in this article. What a hack.  


My favorite part, though, is this:


"Fans saw Rinna spend an entire season trying to undermine Kim Richard’s reputation and drive a wedge between Glanville and Kim Richards friendship."


I didn't see Rinna spending an entire season trying to drive a wedge in this friendship. Did anyone else? If Lisar had wanted to do this, she could have revealed what Brandi said a long time ago, instead of mostly keeping quiet about the fact that Brandi was the one issuing warnings about KIm. 

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They just showed a clip on WWHL.  Kim doesn't want to reconcile with Kyle unless it is OFF the show, and WITH a therapist.


Sounds like she may finally be getting healthy, and Kyle sure didn't seem to like it.  (the idea of them seeing a therapist together IF they are going to try for a healthy relationship.)



edited for clarity.

Edited by Umbelina
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They just showed a clip on WWHL. Kim doesn't want to reconcile with Kyle unless it is OFF the show, and WITH a therapist.

Sounds like she may finally be getting healthy, and Kyle sure didn't seem to like it.

I'm positive Kyle wants Kim to be healthy.

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I worded that badly!  I meant to say Kyle wasn't happy about the idea of the two of them working on it with a therapist present.  I'll fix it.


It's really smart of Kim to recognize they BOTH need therapy if they are ever to get to a healthy place, because they do.


Forgot to add, she also implied that she's fine with them not speaking until and if that time.  They hadn't spoken for three months at that time.

Edited by Umbelina
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I worded that badly!  I meant to say Kyle wasn't happy about the idea of the two of them working on it with a therapist present.  I'll fix it.


It's really smart of Kim to recognize they BOTH need therapy if they are ever to get to a healthy place, because they do.


Forgot to add, she also implied that she's fine with them not speaking until and if that time.  They hadn't spoken for three months at that time.

Kyle did not say that. Kim did not give her a chance to say anything because Kim said she was not interested in seeing a therapist with Kyle at this time immediately after she suggested the therapist off camera.


When the season was done filming, both Kim/Kyle were talking and tweeting each other, they stopped after Kingsley bit Alexia and Kim blamed Alexia for getting bit. That was the final straw for Kyle.

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I worded that badly!  I meant to say Kyle wasn't happy about the idea of the two of them working on it with a therapist present.  I'll fix it.

How can you say that about Kyle when she literally didn't say a word in that clip?

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The look on her face.  We'll have to wait and watch the whole thing.

The look on her face reflected the bullshit she was hearing from Kim. That, and being stunned. According to Andy, she was hoping to reconcile with Kim at the reunion. Then Kim dropped that little nugget of abuse.

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Good for Kim for not buying that "reconciliation on camera" bullshit Kyle was peddling, and more props to her for breaking off that destructive relationship.  Let Kyle find her storyline somewhere else, and she can take her mouthpiece Lipsa with her.  Mad props to Kim for saying IF they reconcile it won't be on a TV show, and it WILL be with a therapist.


Smartest thing Kim has done in years. 

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Saying this repeatedly won't make it true.

Yep. I think Kim was being calculating. Basically they will always have problems so as long she and Kyle are on the same show. This show isn't big enough for the both of us.

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