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Season 5 Reunion Spoilers, Previews, Gossip, Etc.

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Kim doesn't have more pride than LisaR, she just has WAAAYYYY fewer opportunities than LisaR.  Because who exactly would HIRE her for a commercial of any kind other than finger pointing and generally being a passive/aggressive beyotch?  Oh wait.... There's the dog attacking little old ladies & young nieces crowd. The "caretaking" bunch, the people who have children in rehab gang...

  • Love 8

It's clear that Kim and Brandi are this season's targets.   I'm not sure that Brandi slept with Andre and if she did, I couldn't care less.  I think that whole scenario was a set up so people (viewers and fellow cast members) would continue to trash Brandi on screen and in social media and it's working.  The housewives least likely to get another season are those no one cares or talks about.  When I say "cares about".........that includes hating them.  Every season has to have a villain or two and Bravo picks those who are willing and able to handle it.  Brandi and Kim both need the Bravo paycheck and I'm fairly certain that their Bravo bonuses acknowledged willingness to be targeted.


Personally, I'm tired of both of them and hope they'll become irrelevant.  However, that's not likely to happen as long as we keep discussing them.

  • Love 5

We'll keep discussing them as long as they keep focusing on them, or we get sick of it and bail.  I've bailed on 2 of the 4 Ho shows I used to watch, so it's down to BH and NY, with BH verging on bail territory.  Everything to do with Brandi and Kim was horrible this season and I want them both off the show.  I don't tune in to see barely coherent assholes ruin fun times in Amsterdam and everywhere else.

  • Love 9

We'll keep discussing them as long as they keep focusing on them, or we get sick of it and bail.  I've bailed on 2 of the 4 Ho shows I used to watch, so it's down to BH and NY, with BH verging on bail territory.  Everything to do with Brandi and Kim was horrible this season and I want them both off the show.  I don't tune in to see barely coherent assholes ruin fun times in Amsterdam and everywhere else.


As long as we keep discussing them, we're increasing their chances of staying on the show.

  • Love 2

We'll keep discussing them as long as they keep focusing on them, or we get sick of it and bail.  I've bailed on 2 of the 4 Ho shows I used to watch, so it's down to BH and NY, with BH verging on bail territory.  Everything to do with Brandi and Kim was horrible this season and I want them both off the show.  I don't tune in to see barely coherent assholes ruin fun times in Amsterdam and everywhere else.


Mine were NJ, OC, BH and NY. I left NY after Bethany haven't been back. I'm ready to bail on BH.  NJ was a nothing season last year, if Manzo and Laurita and Little Jimmy the Jerk are back next season I most likely drop it. 


I left OC for a couple years after Lauri married Babe. Came back when Alexis started. I didn't mind last years OC, liked the addition of Shannon, missed Lydia but I fast forwarded past or changed the channel on Tamera.

Kyle to Brandi: I don't walk around naked with a tampon string hanging out.

Brandi to Kyle: That's because you don't get your period anymore.



I can't believe I still watch this bullshit.


Really. And somewhere I heard (Kyle maybe said?) there's only four years between them.


I hope it doesn't look like I'm cutting Kyle any slack for what she said


I don't let these Hos get me too wound up so I'll just say they're all trashy and leave it at that. ;-)  Save Yolanda.  She's a lot of things but doesn't appear to have a chronic trash mouth.  Although somehow she has a high tolerance for those that do.

  • Love 1

I hope it doesn't look like I'm cutting Kyle any slack for what she said.

I don't let these Hos get me too wound up so I'll just say they're all trashy and leave it at that. ;-) Save Yolanda. She's a lot of things but doesn't appear to have a chronic trash mouth. Although somehow she has a high tolerance for those that do.

Well, their words are probably no worse than the ones we post here about those "Hos" - I just have to laugh when Brandi refers to the Menopausal Mamas when there's not that much difference in ages. Edited by nexxie
  • Love 5

That's a popular philosophy, but I don't know if it's always the way. Sometimes HoWives who are thick in the middle of drama and chatter are let go for other reasons. Aviva, for ex., Jill Zarin, etc...

This is true.

I will keep talking about the housewives that annoy me the most. I will not hold myself responsible for ruining the show. I lay that at Brandi's feet.

  • Love 10

And OMG Brandi's FACE in that clip - so shiny and fake looking!


She is rapidly approaching Jocelyn Wildstein territory.  VERY rapidly.


And her lips are obviously vying to take the Overinflated title from Lisa Rinna.  A couple of more procedures on that kisser and she'll be right up there with Rinna.


And as we suspected Brandi was her usual drunken "slut pig" self even in Amsterdam.


Or at least she tried to be.  How utterly humiliating to be so fucking wasted out of your mind that even a 23-year-old apparently can't even bring it upon himself to have sex with you.


Brandi Glanville - Taking the word "pathetic" to an entirely new level.


Bravo gods and goddesses, please let Adrienne work some of her new magic skills to make this sleazy bitch disappear from the show.  PLEASE.  

  • Love 14

That's a popular philosophy, but I don't know if it's always the way. Sometimes HoWives who are thick in the middle of drama and chatter are let go for other reasons. Aviva, for ex., Jill Zarin, etc...


I thought Aviva was let go because Bravo's contracts require that the housewives do four (4) events/trips per season and she did not.


The NY Post reported that Jill Zarin was fired because that's what Bethanny wanted and we all know how much Andy loves Bethanny.

I thought Aviva was let go because Bravo's contracts require that the housewives do four (4) events/trips per season and she did not.


The NY Post reported that Jill Zarin was fired because that's what Bethanny wanted and we all know how much Andy loves Bethanny.

Not at all. Bethenny was already off the show when Jill was fired. And Aviva was fired because she was a pain in the ass who everyone detested, incl. the producers. I'm just saying that it isn't an exact formula, where drama and attention automatically equals an invitation back. Sometimes other factors come into play.

  • Love 5

That's a popular philosophy, but I don't know if it's always the way. Sometimes HoWives who are thick in the middle of drama and chatter are let go for other reasons. Aviva, for ex., Jill Zarin, etc...


Gretchen and Slade as well.


There was a huge amount of chatter about them, in large part due to the over-the-top fake engagement storyline, and that bit the two of them right in their ass.  


I think the powers that be at Bravo do look at content as well as volume when reviewing the social media activity.  


I also heard another reason Aviva was canned was because Reid tried blackmailing Bravo to get a return invite to the next season.  Reid reportedly told Bravo Aviva would attend the Wyoming trip in exchange for another season on the show.


We saw how well that worked out for Aviva and Reid.


I'm hoping Brandi telling Andy on the reunion that she wasn't going to take bullying from him (or however she phrased it) is her express ticket off of the show.


Brandi, you ignorant waste of oxygen, being called out on your shit is NOT the same thing as being bullied.  What a moron.  

  • Love 10

That's a popular philosophy, but I don't know if it's always the way. Sometimes HoWives who are thick in the middle of drama and chatter are let go for other reasons. Aviva, for ex., Jill Zarin, etc...

I can think of other polarizing people who were let go-Gretchen.  The original RH, Jeana was let go over salary demands, Jill was let go a season after Bethenny left, as were Kelly Bensimon and Alex.  Sometimes it is simply a case they are no longer credible.  Brandi is clinging by a thread to the rest of the cast with four firmly wanting nothing to do with her and one who should be on waivers.  I would say two of the women, the leads, will not allow Brandi back in their lives for any reason and not so much because of her regular season behavior but more so because of her blogs, tweets and Reunion behavior.


This year there were two scenes from Vanderpump Rules one was the firing of a long time bitter, bitter waitress, Kristen.  When world got out she was fired, they showed pictures of the line cooks high fiving each other and the rest of the cast jubilant.  Same thing happened when a lead walked out of the finale,  the entire cast did talking heads about how relieved they were to see Stassi exit.      Same production company as RHOBH, they may see the benefit in getting rid of the ones who are so polarizing.

  • Love 5

I'm hoping Brandi telling Andy on the reunion that she wasn't going to take bullying from him (or however she phrased it) is her express ticket off of the show.


Brandi, you ignorant waste of oxygen, being called out on your shit is NOT the same thing as being bullied.  What a moron.

Worse - she called it ABUSE! Apparently, Andy was abusing her by asking her questions! I hope his reply is a good one.

  • Love 10

I thought Aviva was let go because Bravo's contracts require that the housewives do four (4) events/trips per season and she did not.


The NY Post reported that Jill Zarin was fired because that's what Bethanny wanted and we all know how much Andy loves Bethanny.

Andy also said or strongly implied during his one on one with Jill that she was a pain in the ass for him, and for everyone connected with Bravo TV.  She was constantly calling them, bugging them about edits, bugging them about polls, suggesting new shows and storylines.  Basically she was as big of a pain in the ass behind the scenes as she was on the show.

  • Love 2

I still believe that complaining about a housewife just creates more buzz for them.  Bravo doesn't care if it's favorable or not.  They just want the viewers engaged.  Obviously, the viewers are incredibly vocal when it comes to Kim and Brandi. 


OT:  Bethanny wasn't on RHONY when Jill Zarin was fired but Bravo loved her so she got her own spin-off and to this day remains Andy's BFF.  The NY Post story suggested Bethanny had planned on taking down Jill after their falling out in her last season on RJONY.  NY Post

Edited by AnnA

Brandi has such a skewed view of reality. On some thread histrionic personality disorder was mentioned in relation to her - don't know much about that disorder but there's something off there!

I agree...I think something's going on with her, but her "I won't take this abuse from you, too, Andy" was good old fashioned, simple deflection.

says one insider who knows Frankel well.

= Jill Zarin


Edited by LotusFlower
  • Love 3

Jill planted plenty of stories, she wasn't very smart, but that really belongs in the NY threads.


Oops!  Mea culpa!


Yes, no, maybe but it was part of our "who gets to stay; who is let go and why" discussion in this thread and not on a NY thread.


ETA:  Does anyone know why we can't delete our own posts?  If I could have, I would have deleted that one.

Edited by AnnA

The first look explains why Brandi will never be fired sadly. Shes the female version of Andy Cohen, like her, he seems to enjoy the younger guys.  Of course, while both think this is an accomplishment.. neither realize that no self-respecting person over the age of thirty would actually touch either of them with a ten foot pool.


Also, in regards to Brandi's retort to the tampon string about still having her period... isn't she like three or four years younger then Kyle? 

  • Love 4


I'm hoping Brandi telling Andy on the reunion that she wasn't going to take bullying from him (or however she phrased it) is her express ticket off of the show.

Oh please let this be true,  I also noticed that while Andy said nice to see you to some of the HOs, he didn't say it to all of them.  Purposeful?


My problem with Brandi is that she, like Gretchen in the OC, doesn't belong on the show.  Speaking purely from an income/societal position, she's no where near the rest of the women.  Kim's on that edge as well, although with family connections Brandi's without.  Brandi's lifestyle, as she likes to point out, is so very different than the other women.  She's out partying and banging guys in their 20s.  No one wants to see her rented house, cars, and trips to Cabo with her hair dresser.  Well maybe someone does, but they're not the same viewers as those interested in lifestyles of the rich and famous the other women seem to enjoy.


Brandi's face looks terrible.  She must be taking advice from the Jennifer girl, they now have the same look.


I hated all of their dresses.  What good is putting them in things that are uncomfortable to sit in and look terrible?  Anything strapless should definitely be avoided.  Poor Eileen.


Kyle's makeup looked great during the early convo with Kim.  I hope she doesn't cry it all off later.  I like that she was so composed there, especially considering how purposely flippant and mean Kim was being.   I liked how Yo was quick to mention Bella when Andy was going about Gigi.  Yo looks amazing.  I do wonder if stopping all the holistic meds might be helpful in her treatment.   

  • Love 10

Just wanted to add that last season someone commented that Andy does not care about message boards as he considers them old school. They couldn't even be bothered to continue with bravos own board. Andy is into Twitter and social media.

I know! I feel so irrelevant! (No Twitter account. Or is it called a feed?!)

  • Love 10

I know! I feel so irrelevant! (No Twitter account. Or is it called a feed?!)

Yet Andy will talk about reading blogs like Vulture.  I think Andy enjoys the limited character limits on Twitter.  However, I must say I thought it rather objectifying that Andy gave Brandi a Mazel for seducing a 23 year old.


I would rather have a smaller group of people who write in something other than short blasts to communicate with and message boards satisfy that want.

  • Love 4

Is Lisa V. Jealous of Brandi?

Things get heated between Brandi Glanville and Lisa Vanderpump when the subject of her Amsterdam fling comes up.




There goes Brandi.  Just because shes a skank that clearly had an agenda for trying to sleep with Andre.  I don't think she slept with him because her face changed hell of quick when Lisa V said he didn't.  I think she's lying and then once more she DEFLECTED into "You just mad because he didn't want to f*** you."  Really?  Lisa is a MARRIED WOMAN, you want her to commit infidelity!  I wonder will she bring up the trainer lie she even said Kyle told her about Lisa V out of desperation.  I don't  care that he's 22 and shes 42, they are both adults.  However Brandi wanted to stick it Lisa V by trying to have sex with him.



I doubt Depends would want to use Kim after BG highlighted Kim's shit stained pillow awhile back. I don't see much of a demand for preventing shit stained pillows since most people don't sit on bed pillows.


In my Lawrence voice from RHOA, "Is that a read?"  LOL!

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 6

In the First Look, Yolanda looked beautiful, but unwell. I felt terrible for her having to be there. She was fragile and didn't need the crazy crappy drama some of the bitches brought. I'm dying to see the reunion in its entirety. I'm expecting Kim to be hateful and dramatic, and Brandi to be more of the same lowlife skank she has been for quite a while.

By the way, Kim was saying how she has been on the receiving end of the HWs viciousness. I guess she doesn't remember game night when she and Kyle were so horrid to Brandi, the new kid on the block at that time. I really have no sympathy for poor little broken bird, Kim. She's a nasty piece of work. Bye bye, Kim.

  • Love 2

Lisa's tweet was what she has been saying all along, that Sheanna is Pandora's friend and has been for years. She did not tweet that she was friends with her nor did she tweet that she knew about the affair. Brandi is twisting her tweet into something it was not. This coming from a woman that already knew that Sheanna worked for one of the BH HWs before she even auditioned for the show, talk about calculating! LOL

Exactly,Lisa said nothing different than she has said all along.No where did she say Scheana was her friend or that she knew abt Eddie.People love to put words in her mouth

  • Love 2

By the way, Kim was saying how she has been on the receiving end of the HWs viciousness. I guess she doesn't remember game night when she and Kyle were so horrid to Brandi, the new kid on the block at that time. I really have no sympathy for poor little broken bird, Kim. She's a nasty piece of work. Bye bye, Kim.


But of course!  She forgets it was HER who inserted Brandi into her sister problems with Kyle, especially on game night and her 2AM phone calls prior to that.  It's ok for Kim to have Brandi as her ally but Kyle has allies it's time to scream no fair.  Yep strength in numbers will do that!

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 4

BG you are mistaken. Bullying and abuse is what you did to Joyce and others. No one has bullied BG. BG says she tells it like it is (bullshit) but she can't take it. She (and Kim) whines about people talking behind her back but then when someone tries to talk to her in person, she changes the subject or uses some other tactic to avoid any conversation that calls her out on her actions/words/behavior/etc…

These women are too nice to BG and Kim. It frustrates me that they don't bring up BG & Kim's actions/hypocrisy: exposing Adrienne's surrogacy (think of the kids) and the fake "lawsuit", Kim getting the "think of the children---you are hurting my kids" (why can't the other's say: NO, your own actions are what is potentially hurting your kids) excuse from Yolanda, the bullying of Joyce and racism….there are so many examples they could use as evidence of BG's (and Kim's) horrible behavior and expose the OTT hypocrisy and lies. Maybe the women get so emotional they have a hard time thinking on their feet. On second thought, maybe they do bring it up but it is edited out.

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