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Season 4 Talk


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Right now she looks good, a beautiful normal. But I didn't see anything wrong to begin with.


What will be the hard thing is that if the urge pops up, she has to fight the urge to not tweak or have gratuitous work done.


Sometimes more isn't a good thing. Sometimes more is just more and then it looks bad and/or leads to complications, and/or can't be reversed.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 1

I don't think GG had actual butt implants, she just had fat taken from other spots on her body (usually around the lovehandle area) and had them injected into her butt. Not really that big of a deal.


Add me to the group of wondering what the hell is wrong with Mike this season.. Jessica too. But learning she works for a plastic surgeon's office I can see how she'd be talked into getting all sorts of fillers and Botox and procedures, even though she never really needed them. Now she just resembles a waxy mannequin. Anyway, back to Mike....his rage is seriously getting out of control. I wonder if it's more than just booze and feeling like a failure in life so far. I wouldn't be surprised to learn he's had a secret coke habit, or 'roids, or anything else along those lines. Plus the feeling of failure in comparison to his younger bothers. I'm sure it's hard being the oldest and watching your younger siblings being more successful than you. Regardless, it seems like he has much more of a hair trigger than he used to in seasons past, and poor Jessica is always stuck playing babysitter and peacemaker. I really don't understand why she is so hellbent on getting married to him. She's pretty (well....was..) and she is an RN so she'd obviously educated and comes from a good background (her folks are involved with Fiji water right; so I am sure they have money) so she could certainly do better. I'm sure her family runs in decent social circles. I just don't get what she sees in Mike, especially enough to convert to Judaism for him. She seems more like his keeper than his girlfriend (soon to be fiance?) these days. That's not a fun position to be in, for sure. Maybe that's why they haven't been hanging around "the group" as much lately. That's certain to breed resentment, especially if he doesn't stop the out of control drinking and whatever else he's doing that is making him a rage-a-holic hot mess.


I love Asa's mom and her Boys to the Men comment. She rocks.


Not too sure about Asifa. She could be a total megabitch, but so far there's only been a few episodes. I will wait and reserve and final judgment for another week or so.


Glad MJ finally found a man, but yeah, wow, I would never have guessed he's 10yrs her junior. But if he treats her well and she's happy than I am happy for her. I just wish she'd stop stuffing her body into too-tight clothing. She looks like a sausage about to burst most of the time. But other than that she is looking rather good this season.


GG.. I can never tell if I like her or not cos one minute she'll be your BFF and the next she will be flipping out at you saying how she's gonna cut you.. But I really do think she'd be a loyal friend - just stay off her bad side! I am also wondering what happened between her and the boyfriend she was supposed to move in with 2 days before their move. Sounds sorta fishy. I also agree with Reza, homegirl can't decorate for shit. I also wonder how that extensions company she runs with her sister is doing, or if her dad is still bankrolling most of her life. If he is at her age that's kind of sad, considering she seems to have tons of designer swag. She could probably make a killing selling some of her stuff off to consignment shops. I also miss her friend (boyfriend?) Omid. He seemed pretty nice and down to earth, which for this show is unusual.


And as always, the food looked delicious. I would love to share a meal with them, all their food looks amazing.

Edited by fliptopbox
  • Love 2

And I dunno if it's just them, or the Farsi language in general, but I love listening to them speak it. There's just something inherently interesting about it. I wish I had the patience to learn a new language but I know my lazy ass won't do it. I'm so moronic these days I swear I have early onset Alzheimer's. I'll walk into a room and then forget why I went in there, or what I wanted to get and why, I can't always recall the right words I want to use.. It's pretty bad and I hate it.

Edited by fliptopbox
  • Love 4

Bobby's face is obscene. I'm sure he started off as a decent looking guy, but his face is so pulled and sculpted, he looks like that guy who is trying to make himself look like Kim Kardashian. Both he and Asifa have those waxed/shaved hairlines that make them look like they're wearing Kevin James' wigs.

Is sad that I think John Travolta whenever I see him?

And I dunno if it's just them, or the Farsi language in general, but I love listening to them speak it. There's just something inherently interesting about it. I wish I had the patience to learn a new language but I know my lazy ass won't do it. I'm so moronic these days I swear I have early onset Alzheimer's. I'll walk into a room and then forget why I went in there, or what I wanted to get and why, I can't always recall the right words I want to use.. It's pretty bad and I hate it.

I love when the cast slips into Farsi - it's such a beautiful language.

  • Love 7

All my superficial, random thoughts so far this season (I have only been half-watching).  Mike - Sad, mood-altered hot mess.  My vote's that he's one of the people getting a bad edit this season.  Last season he was the peace maker, voice of reason; a lamb until provoked.  This season it looks like he's straight up unraveling both physically and emotionally.  Jessica - - Angry, facially-altered hot mess.  Thirsty.  Wants to be married at any cost.  Its obvious she hates the entire cast. 


I was turned off when viewing the "wake up in the morning" kitchen scenes with Mike and Jessica.  Hating Mike.  He was ordering Jessica around somewhat and came off like a superficial male chauvinistic bastard.  Condescending.  I felt bad when he lied to Jessica saying what an amazing cook she was to her face then turning around talking shit and feeding the food to the dog once she left the room.  I would HATE to be married to him.  Can't imagine what that relationship's going to be like in 5 years.


GG - More calmed down this season?  It's early though.  GG's new friend/new cast mate Asifa has officially taken GG's place as resident female hothead.  I already don't like her.  I think Asifa, along with Mike, are going to get the bad edits this season.  GG was smart to introduce Asifa to TPTB.  Smart move on her part.  Since Asifa's on the show I want her brother Omid to be on part time.  Wondering if GG's sister's going to make an appearance this season.  I hope not.  She didn't add anything to the cast.  I can't even remember her name now.


Asifa's boyfriend - Can't remember his name (Bobby or ?).  Thank you to those posters up thread who said he looks like a cross between "The Human Ken Doll" and an ugly Jeff Lewis.  Double.  Hee.  Right on with that.  He needs to lay off the cosmetic surgery stat.


MJ - I always am on the fence about her but I don't want her to wear those ill-fitting, tight clothes.  Her ass from the back in those skin tight white pants ... OY.  No.  Effing a thousand times no!  Her new boyfriend seems uber fake and just wants his mug on TV IMO.  No wonder the others don't seem to like him.


Asa looks cleaner this season.  Liking Reza a little more.  He seems a tad toned down so far but I realize this season's just started.  I see Reza has not taken anyone's advice and is still spewing the early 90's slang.  Hate when he does that.  It does him no favors.


Still loving Mike and Asa's parents!  More scenes of  Friday night Shabbat dinners and other holiday food gatherings please.  This show sports the best food porn.   I also love it when the cast members break into Farsi and Bravo sprinkles random Farsi words and phrases translated into English across the bottom of the TV screen.  That's fun.  Then I drink more wine and shout out the phrases to no one in particular.

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 1

Looks like good work. I consider before and afters with different clothes something of a cheat, because ugly clothes can make your body look terrible, but the booty was flat and she got herself a gently rounded ass now.

She does look great. However, there were recent pix of GG in the Daily Mail and it's obvious she's gained a little weight. And guess where it went? Straight to her butt. And it will keep happening until she gets that exercise ball in a saggy diaper Kardashian ass.

I reeeeeeally hate Asifa. Hate her.

Mike doesn't  want to do any work, but wants the financial rewards. What we're seeing now is him melting down slowly but surely. He is entirely too old to act like a toddler. It's unfortunate that his life isn't working out the way he wants it to, but he is so lazy that I don't feel bad. You want a mansion and a luxury car? A big diamond ring for Jessica? You work your ass for it. Stop whining.

He also has to contend with his more successful sibling(s).

Mike is a a major F-up, but wants to keep up appearances like he has hard earned wealth, we are seeing a very ugly angry Mike because he's not happy with his life.

God I can't stand Reza. Beady eyed, color struck fool. I forgot how repulsive he is. Him telling that very nice man that he's too dark reminded me of how stupid he is. Not to mention he and GG disrespecting Maya Rudolph. They both can go to hell.

Asa's mom's cats are so good. Mine would go ballistic if I carried them in my arms outside like that. I cracked up at her mom putting the cat food on the table like it was part of a spread.

Ok was I the only one who thought Reza's best man was Bob the trainer from The Biggest Loser? It was pretty shitty of MJ to make people choose between Adam and Reza's bachelor parties. And then to say, "Don't everyone try to go to Reza's either." What a way to make Adam feel like crap. If that's how she wants to be, I'd rather go to Fresno on a groupon with Asa.

I hope that's the last we see of racist Bobby. I'd rather see disgusting Sammy.

Edited by charmed1

My shitty cable was cutting in and out, but I didn't think anything racial happened at all.  He said an Indian girl was yelling at him... is she not Indian?  There have been two fights this season, and what's the common denominator?  Asifa and her boyfriend, whatever his name is.  Don't like them.

I guess it's racist because who cares what race she is. Just say that girl. But mentioning the part of her that's unlike the others (her being 1/2 Indian) struck them as racist.


She's a messy asshat though so I don't actually care.


Can we keep Shervin until Mike stops drinking and conceals his undereye situation?

And that tall guy friend of MJ's. He should stay forever.

  • Love 5

Let's be real; Asifa started that fight. However, she also started the earlier fight between Bobby and Mike BY HER talking about a man's dool! I think the friend was wrongly attacked.

Bobby must be used to getting punched around if he's been with Asifa for any length of time. Bitch has a big mouth and likes to throw insults and nasty comments around but thinks she's too special to have anything done in return to her. Bobby's bruises prove she ain't that special though. They should have made Anita the new shah and skipped over this trashy chic.

  • Love 3

Wow, GG is looking downright chunky. Those before pics make it look like she just let herself go...gut hanging out and everything. I saw those Daily Mail pics too! Eeeew. I spot a boob job as well.

She probably had to gain weight for the butt procedure. A friend of mine had the fat transfer done and she had to gain some weight to have enough fat to transfer into her ass.

If Gigi had the same thing done, that's probably why she looks heavier.

If people think she's chunky in those pictures, its no wonder so many young women develop eating disorders.

I see nothing "Ew" about those pictures at all. She looks like a normal, healthy woman to me.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 4

I guess it's racist because who cares what race she is. Just say that girl. But mentioning the part of her that's unlike the others (her being 1/2 Indian) struck them as racist.

She's a messy asshat though so I don't actually care.

Every sentence Reza says has to do with white people this and white people that. He also makes a lot of generalizations about white people.

Why is one bad and the other ok?

  • Love 8

Every sentence Reza says has to do with white people this and white people that. He also makes a lot of generalizations about white people.

Why is one bad and the other ok?

Because nobody cares about poor put upon white people?


No, seriously, I'm sure Reza and them don't really care. It's not nice and I'm certainly not saying it's ok, but eh.

  • Love 6

I think Asifa was more miffed about being called ugly than anything else. She seems to love having Bobby defend her honor and Bobby likes to pretend he's tough. I guess Bobby is a hyena like Jessica since they both went to bat for their significant other? Ugh, they're both terrible.


Shervin seems like a good time. It was great seeing them all have fun before the stupid Bobby/Bobby fight.


Do Reza and Adam have an open relationship? MJ and the friend were talking about Vegas like Reza sleeping with other men during the bachelor party was normal.

  • Love 1

Ok well here is some background to explain (or theorise) on some of the mental deficit exhibited by the Shahs this episode.


For those wondering why it was racist call her half Indian, well some Iranians (like any racism which exists throughout the world) consider Indians as inferior. They wont say it, or acknowledge it but some people definitely feel this way. 


Reza - the hair is ridiculous and combined with the chubbiness he's looking very kim jong un this season. Adam is so sweet, what does he see in Kim Jong Rez! 


Reza's bs outrage at calling Adam's mom Miss Ellen demonstrated his phoniness yet again. Iranians would not bat an eyelid about doing that especially when we grew up calling elders by titles, never their first name. Him calling the parents old MacDonald was also disrespectful, likewise, calling it the bowels of America. Its no-ones fault but Reza's he is an ignorant poorly travelled fat f*ck!.  Also, why is he obsessed with 'white' people and an us and them attitude.  I think he has some deep seated self hatred of his culture and heritage, he must have been bullied for being different as a kid and since he seems to fetishize 'white' men now, he has evolved a self defence response to exaggerate and point out differences before someone else does it . For example identifying himself and other Persians as brown and the others as white.  People without Reza's mental problems don't do this. Iran and its people are diverse, we don't label our self white or brown etc.

Edited by lolalempick
  • Love 9

I like Shervin. He's quick with the joke and was ragging on Mike. I hope he's around more.


MJ is so jealous of Asa and Reza's relationship. There was no resolution to the dueling bachelor parties nonsense so I'm assuming there is more to come.


I can't quite figure out Adam...one minute he seems so passive and quiet and the next he's laying into his dad. I wonder how they got his parents to appear on TV?


What does Asifa do again? Marketing or something? I kind of liked GG coming home and putting on her pajama onesie. It seemed "normal." For the girl who got butt injections.


The food, the food!

Ok well here is some background to explain (or theorise) on some of the mental deficit exhibited by the Shahs this episode.


For those wondering why it was racist call her half Indian, well some Iranians (like any racism which exists throughout the world) consider Indians as inferior. They wont say it, or acknowledge it but some people definitely feel this way. 


Reza - the hair is ridiculous and combined with the chubbiness he's looking very kim jong un this season. Adam is so sweet, what does he see in Kim Jong Rez! 


Reza's bs outrage at calling Adam's mom Miss Ellen demonstrated his phoniness yet again. Iranians would not bat an eyelid about doing that especially when we grew up calling elders by titles, never their first name. Him calling the parents old MacDonald was also disrespectful, likewise, calling it the bowels of America. Its no-ones fault but Reza's he is an ignorant poorly travelled fat f*ck!.  Also, why is he obsessed with 'white' people and an us and them attitude.  I think he has some deep seated self hatred of his culture and heritage, he must have been bullied for being different as a kid and since he seems to fetishize 'white' men now, he has evolved a self defence response to exaggerate and point out differences before someone else does it . For example identifying himself and other Persians as brown and the others as white.  People without Reza's mental problems don't do this. Iran and its people are diverse, we don't label our self white or brown etc.


Loving your viewpoint/opinions on Reza.  Seriously, what is wrong with him?  Soo disappointing.

I like Shervin. He's quick with the joke and was ragging on Mike. I hope he's around more.


MJ is so jealous of Asa and Reza's relationship. There was no resolution to the dueling bachelor parties nonsense so I'm assuming there is more to come.


I can't quite figure out Adam...one minute he seems so passive and quiet and the next he's laying into his dad. I wonder how they got his parents to appear on TV?


What does Asifa do again? Marketing or something? I kind of liked GG coming home and putting on her pajama onesie. It seemed "normal." For the girl who got butt injections.


The food, the food!


And Asifa?  STFU about GG's Sock Monkey onsie!  She can wear it anytime she wants, damnit!  Even in the middle of the day!

  • Love 1

I enjoyed the eye candy at the pool, not gonna lie!

MJ, wow.  What was she wearing at that party, not only was it not flattering it didn't even match.  That whole bachelor party crap, really? What is her problem? With a friend like that who needs enemies, Reza should always be sitting next to Asa. 

It struck me odd that out of nowhere (and I don't recall any screen time convo about getting security) there were bouncers at that party.  Maybe the producers thought it would add another layer of drama to the already put in place or planned fight that would take place?  I did think it was funny about the veneers and Asifa yells, his teeth are real!


GG has been really good this season, likable and normal but does she work?


Ok well here is some background to explain (or theorise) on some of the mental deficit exhibited by the Shahs this episode.


For those wondering why it was racist call her half Indian, well some Iranians (like any racism which exists throughout the world) consider Indians as inferior. They wont say it, or acknowledge it but some people definitely feel this way. 


Reza - the hair is ridiculous and combined with the chubbiness he's looking very kim jong un this season. Adam is so sweet, what does he see in Kim Jong Rez! 


Reza's bs outrage at calling Adam's mom Miss Ellen demonstrated his phoniness yet again. Iranians would not bat an eyelid about doing that especially when we grew up calling elders by titles, never their first name. Him calling the parents old MacDonald was also disrespectful, likewise, calling it the bowels of America. Its no-ones fault but Reza's he is an ignorant poorly travelled fat f*ck!.  Also, why is he obsessed with 'white' people and an us and them attitude.  I think he has some deep seated self hatred of his culture and heritage, he must have been bullied for being different as a kid and since he seems to fetishize 'white' men now, he has evolved a self defence response to exaggerate and point out differences before someone else does it . For example identifying himself and other Persians as brown and the others as white.  People without Reza's mental problems don't do this. Iran and its people are diverse, we don't label our self white or brown etc.


This is an interesting perspective and illuminates why that guy (whose name I can't recall) referring to Asifa as Indian may have been so offensive.  Thanks for the info.  Asifa started the argument and is an idiot, but that guy should have picked a better, non-demographic way to slam her.  I mean, there are so many options. 


Kim Jong Reza - I am dying!


Probably because white people run most everything in the USA and aren't marginalized.  


That argument doesn't fly in 2015.  Not even touching the 'white people run everything' comment.  I'm white and it doesn't feel any better to have someone on TV trash talking white people just because I am supposedly privileged.  Reza is routinely ignorant about most things though, so I don't get too worked up about his comments.


I will give Reza credit - he admitted he was wrong to make assumptions about Adam's parents and was very gracious to them.  Adam's parents get huge props for appearing on the show and being open and accepting.  I don't like the way Reza talks down to Adam like he's his daddy but maybe that's how their relationship works.  Thinking of being in a relationship with Reza makes my stomach churn...

  • Love 3

I enjoyed the eye candy at the pool, not gonna lie!


MJ, wow.  What was she wearing at that party, not only was it not flattering it didn't even match.  That whole bachelor party crap, really? What is her problem? With a friend like that who needs enemies, Reza should always be sitting next to Asa. 

It struck me odd that out of nowhere (and I don't recall any screen time convo about getting security) there were bouncers at that party.  Maybe the producers thought it would add another layer of drama to the already put in place or planned fight that would take place?  I did think it was funny about the veneers and Asifa yells, his teeth are real!


GG has been really good this season, likable and normal but does she work?

What I've noticed from my other Reality Shows (love & Hip hop/Real world) is that security is always there, but they don't become an issue until they HAVE to be. 

That guy was a racist asshole. I hope he never appears on this show again.


Asifa is too intense to me. She seems like the type who actually enjoys fighting with others...if I were married to her, that would drive me crazy. I feel like Bobby is going to end up knocked the fuck out defending her one day.


Not understanding MJ's plan for the Bachelor parties. Why can't a mutual friend of the couple attend both parties? MJ can be so petty sometimes.

Reza - the hair is ridiculous and combined with the chubbiness he's looking very kim jong un this season. Adam is so sweet, what does he see in Kim Jong Rez!

OMG!  I could not put my finger on who he looked like.  You are so right.


Does Asifa not realize she is living in GG's house?  Who doesn't change when they get home?  If someone talked to me like that I would tell them they could leave right there and then.

  • Love 2

What was with MJ and the bachelor party? It is just so mean. And honestly, if someone told my hypothetical fiance that they would be trying to get them to have sex at the bachelor party, that person would be uninvited from my wedding, and probably my life. 


Even if Reza and Adam do have an open relationship, I don't think the joining of their lives together is the place to flaunt it, unless THEY mutually give it an okay.


I was a little disappointed that Reza didn't say anything (that they showed). Not even an "MJ, we will talk about this later, before any invites go out." Because Adam did look a little surprised/hurt by the "sex in the champagne room" comment.

Edited by nenya
  • Love 2

Bobby must be used to getting punched around if he's been with Asifa for any length of time. Bitch has a big mouth and likes to throw insults and nasty comments around but thinks she's too special to have anything done in return to her. Bobby's bruises prove she ain't that special though. They should have made Anita the new shah and skipped over this trashy chic.

Seriously, Bobby should be tired. Asifa and her instigating where he has to fight must be exhausting.

Ok well here is some background to explain (or theorise) on some of the mental deficit exhibited by the Shahs this episode.


For those wondering why it was racist call her half Indian, well some Iranians (like any racism which exists throughout the world) consider Indians as inferior. They wont say it, or acknowledge it but some people definitely feel this way. 


Why the hate? Indians have historically made invaluable contributions to mathematics, medicine, astronomy, spirituality, etc... perhaps more so than almost any other culture in the world. But then again I might be a little biased. 


Just popped in to say did anyone else notice that hairpiece Reza was sporting during his talking heads in the plaid beige suit and yellow tie? It was very conspicuous. I'm talking Teresa Guidice level, two distinct hair lines and all.

  • Love 1

Not understanding MJ's plan for the Bachelor parties. Why can't a mutual friend of the couple attend both parties? MJ can be so petty sometimes.



Sometimes MJ's likable, and sometimes she just misses me. It reminded me of last year when she narc'd on GG hooking up with someone and spent the entire season not understanding why that sucked.

  • Love 2

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