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S03.E17: Jax Cracks

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Jax tries to stay loyal to Tom but outside manipulations may test that. Meanwhile, James attempts to save his relationship with Kristen via an apology, and Lisa joins forces with Lance Bass to host a puppy adoption.

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I don't understand Tom and Arianna's relationship. I can understand why Tom would be enamored with Arianna - she's not Kristen, so he has that relief factor of being with someone that doesn't constantly stir up drama, and she's conventionally pretty. But why did Arianna jump into a relationship with Tom? For being as above the drama as she tried to seem last season, that seems like a terrible idea. As nutty as Kristen is, I understand her points when it comes to her frustration with Arianna and her relationship with Tom. And you know Arianna is insightful enough to have seen the situation she was getting herself into there. Something is off - it just doesn't make sense.

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Was I the only one to catch the First Look?  Not much to it, really.  Stassi continuing to be bitter about her irrelevance.  Katie foolishly confiding in Kristina.  James talking to Lisa about Kristen.

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Was I the only one to catch the First Look?  Not much to it, really.  Stassi continuing to be bitter about her irrelevance.  Katie foolishly confiding in Kristina.  James talking to Lisa about Kristen.

I never watch the First Looks; I like to come in fresh when I watch the newest episode. Though I have no problem reading everyone's take on the preview! :)

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I was disappointed in the First Look. Yawn.

StASSi is so irrelevant. Why is she wearing tenty maternity type tops? Why is she still friends with Peter? Why does she care what is going on with the chucklefucks she considers losers?

Since when did Katie and Kristina become besties? Katie had better watch her back. Kristina made that very clear when she said she wanted to hear all the bad and the gossip about the wedding.

Jax thinks there are 364 days in the year? Not surprised. The Chunky Sweater has more smarts than Ja

Lisa should have pulled a Cher on Muppet Baby when he said he was in love with Kristen. Slap him and tell him to snap out of it.

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Kristen sure has balls of steel telling James he tainted their relationship after slugging him in the face twice. Whatever, I love her. I myself am suffering from battered TV wife syndrome, so I completely understand where he's coming from.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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I didn't see the first look but chuckled at thw scene in the promos with StASSi gleefully gloating about Kristen needing her for something. The worst thing is, I am extra eager for this ep b/c no one wants fo run new eps against an irrelevant awards show fewer people watch each year.

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It appears FI Tom is finally busted for cheating. However, I don't expect it will matter. Where Kristen was the type of girlfriend that is always suspicous and away looking for evidence Tom cheated, Ariana is another distinct type. The "don't bother me with facts, I like my fantasy world just the way it is" type. The guy could pretty much do it with another woman in the next room while she listened and she would believe him when he tells her they were just talking. So, I don't expect much.


If the BRAVO god's really appreciated me , their dedicated bitch, they would arrange for one good Kristen style breakdown for that smug bitch Ariana, before all these chucklefucks go away for another year,  and leave me to once again hate Mondays.   


A gril can hope.

Edited by chlban
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I imagine that Ariana doesn't care if FI Tom cheated because their relationship is so obviously fake. They're both really bad actors.

The glaring thing I noticed in the First Look is how much weight stASSi has gained. It's not the type of thing I'd normally comment on, but she's such a shrew.

Edited by Shelby
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I imagine that Ariana doesn't care if FI Tom cheated because their relationship is so obviously fake. They're both really bad actors.

The glaring thing I noticed in the First Look is how much weight stASSi has gained. It's not the type of thing I'd normally comment on, but she's such a shrew.

Based on her Instagram, StASSi has since lost that "happy weight" and looks much like her old self again, complete with blonde extensions. Something told me she'd get tired of her shorter hair and "classy" Chico wardrobe. She still doesn't ppst much of her invisible boyfriend. I get not wanting to be exposed, but I'm starting to think he's shied away from her overexposure for more reasons than just professionally---until she's sporting a big fat wedding ring, I refuse to believe she's this happily fulfilled rich girlfriend type she wants to present to the world.

As for Tom cheating on Arianna, maybe they just have an unstated understanding and are okay with having random mutual flings on the side?

And that's a-okay in my book---before I met my guy and realized he was marriage-potential, I pretty much had such open arrangements with a few various ex'es as well. I knew we were enjoying each other for the moment, not long-term, so it was no big deal to screw around. Granted, I didn't live with any of them, but still, rent's not cheap in LA, so I don't even figure that much into Tom/Arianna's relationship. It just doesn't look like a storybook romance to me, but more like a really good friendship with benefits.

Maybe at that time they realized they weren't likely ending up married or together forever anyway, so Tom was just having fun on vacation. Big deal?!

Edited by Sun-Bun
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I hope Kristina doesn't end up as a cast member next season.  She's been on so much this season that I fear it's leading up to that with her mysteriously being everyone's best friend all of the sudden.


I was amused at Stassi knowing how to dispose of a body, whether it was a good method or not.

Edited by yourmomiseasy
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Luv it!  Hey, Scheana, if ya married Shay cuz he gives good stinkeye, I'm all for it.


I caught that, too, Scoobs.  In fact, I watched it twice.


Counting down, DVR all set up (damned work interfering with my perverse enterainment!) and prosecco chilling...  

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James and Kristen's make up conversation was so creepy. James was acting exactly the way I expect/remember an early 20s person "in love" to act. But Kristin acts exactly like I expect a completely manipulative socio-pathic crazy pants to act and it's creepy to watch. How can you deny the behavior your being accused of (stalking Tom) and in the same converstion refuse to say you are going to stop doing it? No I am not eating this chocolate ice cream bar, and no I won't stop eating it either? WTF???

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I feel bad about writing this, but I hate Kristina, or whatever StASSi's myrmidon's name is, for only wanting to hear the bad things that happened at tbe wedding. Bitch!

Did anyone notice StASSi was wearing two or three different outfits in her talking head interview? Just how many times did they film her?

Oh yeah, why are u hanging around these people you claim to think are losers?

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ANOTHER episode with stASSi stating that she needs to "stay away from these people," yet she voluntarily meets with Peter, Kristen, Lisa and her lady-in-waiting. Let her do what she actually says for once, and not style the photo shoot, or appear in the finale at all. Nobody wants to see you at the reunion, either.

Kristina's hair is so painfully thin, she needs a haircut. Her hair makes Kristen's hair look bouncy. This girl is a model, but needs fashion help from stASSi?

Yay! DJMB/BB has been promoted to filling the water glasses while guests are at the table!

LOVED Kristen's crazy-eyed, gleeful grin when Jax finally admitted FI slept with Miami Girl. Please, show, let the Arianna/FI fake relationship crumble to an end in the finale!

Oh sure Kristen, now that the truth is out, nobody thinks you're crazy anymore!

Edited by Shelby
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@Shelby agree about the Tom/Ariana relationship being just a showmance. She'd only been in random snippets until she hitched her wagon to FI Tom. Benefits them both; Ariana gets a VR paycheck and FI gets to mess with Kristen and a storyline. 


I've never liked Jax but I despise him now. Screaming at Kristen in the alley for being exposed next week and hounding Carmen for a kiss at the wedding when she clearly didn't want one last week. Greasy, entitled, aggressive loser. No idea how Scheana can whine about being pulled between Kristen and Ariana, but she manages to be friends with Jax and Tom/Ariana? Doesn't Jax go out of his way to fuck with Tom every single season? 

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With her melodramatic breakdowns and wedding-spoiling antics, Kristin is reminding me more and more of Eunice from "Mama's Family"... 

Oh, man. Nothing I love more than a "Mama's Family" reference, especially when embedded in a Vanderpump Rules post!


I was instantly reminded of this magic moment. I can just see Kristin singing in this manner... "Whut IS a promise, FI Tom?!?"


And there's even a "ring on a string" (at 5:15)!



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I hate James apologizing to Kristin for her punch-slapping him in the face.  It's so gross.  Think about how it would sound if the genders were reversed.


Oh christ.  I agree with Scheana on this one.  I might need to reevaluate my stance.  


Crap.  I agree with her re:Kristin looking crazy and FI cheating too.  

Edited by yourmomiseasy
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I am still laughing hysterically over StASSi of all people mentioning that Kristen enjoys putting people down to make herself feel better (or something like that.) She is the queen of delusion.

The smartest thing Andy Cohen has ever said is that VP is the best show on tv. Word, Andy, word.

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It doesn't matter that Jax said Tom cheated on Ariana. It simply didn't happen.Ariana evaluates all situations logically and without emotion. If she says there's no problem- then there's no problem. She has a genius- level IQ and is impervious to frivolous things such as emotions that plague mere humans.


Anyways, everyone knew Flat Iron slept with Miami Girl before, everyone knows now. No one cares except for Kristen. Yawn.


I'm always happy to see Lisa wearing something besides a satin button-up  shirt, so I loved her white lacy top when she went to meet James. Get it girl! Though LVP still annoys me when she says, "Scheana did it.She pulled off a princess wedding on a waitress' budget.


Stassi is so boring and can leave my TV anytime now. Stassi and Peter are a void of infinite boredom.


Why didn't we see the most interesting part? (Kristen-friend being punched by a stripper.)

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I am still laughing hysterically over StASSi of all people mentioning that Kristen enjoys putting people down to make herself feel better (or something like that.) She is the queen of delusion.

I think you meant "projection", as that is exactky what StASSi does.
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Okay, Katie has GOT to quit calling it a "ring on a string". Yes, his gesture fell flat....badly. But the ring was not, in fact, on a string. It was on a gold chain. If he had truly given it to you on a string, that would be grounds for a break-up right there. 


I can't even slam Jax for his 364 days because I actually understood what he meant. I think it came out wrong, but he meant a year MINUS that one day. 


Stassi, don't try and use a Breaking Bad reference to make yourself sound cool and relevant. It's not going to work. Stick with your usual shade - like "cheating journalism". Now that was funny!


Kristen and Jax should couple up next. They really are two peas in a pod - always stirring up trouble in the name of truth. "I'm not obsessed with Tom, I'm obsessed with honesty". Hahahahaha. I laughed for a good ten minutes. No, hon, you are obsessed with Tom. And, I never thought I'd say this - but I'm with Scheana. These rumors have been circulating for quite some time now, and Arianna does not really seem to care. So why would anyone else? Let it go. 


But she clearly won't. Kristen is one tenacious bitch. And crazy to boot. Arianna should be scared, after Kristen's declaration that she has been trying so hard and has been "really cool" with Arianna. If this is "really cool", I'd hate to see it when she legitimately loses it. Have we only scratched the surface of Kristen's insanity???


James is just coming off pathetic. If she talks about Tom constantly, which she does, why would you want to get back together with her? Breaking up with her was the best thing that ever happened to you. Go fold some more napkins and lay down screeching banshee tracks and live your life in peace, dude. 

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One thing I'll give to Stassi...she knows how Jax ticks. She is exactly right that if you needle him enough he will reveal anything once he realizes it will make him look like a nice guy (in his own mind) and get him attention.

He did make one good point, albeit accidentally...no one asks Schwartz these questions. Jax gets all the grief but is it really a good thing that the other men are so perfectly willing to lie or as Shwartz put it be a vault?

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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Not that this needs to be said, but I will:


Jax is not a friend to anyone.  After denying, denying, denying and insisting that he has Tom's back, as the episode title goes, he cracks under pressure and just pours gas on the fire that is Kristen.


At the reunion, the two Toms should make it clear that they are banning Jax from any future activities - as Tom said in the convo with Jax, he is now relegated to strictly social interaction when it cannot be otherwise avoided.


I don't care that Jax is shown in the previews walking back what he said at the table.  This shouldn't even be a discussion.  It's on tape, will be played multiple times during the reunion exposing Jax as a 'runtelldat'.  Jax is in danger of being relegated to Kristen status next season - no one wanting anything to do with him.


Self-inflicted.  No pity.

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Based on her Instagram, StASSi has since lost that "happy weight" and looks much like her old self again, complete with blonde extensions. Something told me she'd get tired of her shorter hair and "classy" Chico wardrobe. She still doesn't ppst much of her invisible boyfriend. I get not wanting to be exposed, but I'm starting to think he's shied away from her overexposure for more reasons than just professionally---until she's sporting a big fat wedding ring, I refuse to believe she's this happily fulfilled rich girlfriend type she wants to present to the world.


Stassi Schroeder and Patrick Meagher as they were in January 2015



Here's an article about the couple from yesterday, Feb. 23rd.



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Based on her Instagram, StASSi has since lost that "happy weight" and looks much like her old self again, complete with blonde extensions. Something told me she'd get tired of her shorter hair and "classy" Chico wardrobe. She still doesn't ppst much of her invisible boyfriend. I get not wanting to be exposed, but I'm starting to think he's shied away from her overexposure for more reasons than just professionally---until she's sporting a big fat wedding ring, I refuse to believe she's this happily fulfilled rich girlfriend type she wants to present to the world.


Stassi Schroeder and Patrick Meagher as they were in January 2015



Here's an article about the couple from yesterday, Feb. 23rd.





She doesn't look like she has the extensions in in this pic?  Same shorter shoulder-length 'do.  Can't stand the girl, but she looks pretty good here, and her boyfriend is a huuuuuge step up (at least looks-wise) from Wack Jax.  

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