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S07.E13: The Countdown Begins

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Of course not, because Porsha doesn't have any damn sense. She thinks Nene has taken her under her wings to help "groom" her, but she doesn't realize that the only reason Nene is keeping her close is because Nene knows Porsha will never step to her and that Porsha's head is so empty that Nene can use her as an attack dog and make Porsha think it was her own idea.

  • Love 9

Did I hear NeNe correctly, when she said she would have to relocate to NYC for her Broadway play? She was in that for, what....a month? I'm sure there is plenty of rent-by-the-week places around there, right? Relocate....like she was going to rent a place up there for an ongoing period of time. I know that when All My Children moved to Los Angeles to film, they put all the stars up in apartments at The Americana at Brand in Glendale. My aunt and I would go there for lunch a lot and it was not unusual to see someone from the show, especially on the weekend.

What I really want to know about NeNe is where is that cute granddaughter? Didn't Bryson father another child, too?

  • Love 3

My take on this week’s episode


Kandi: What can I say?  I have to just agree with the poster who said she had to have made her money off of her talent and not her business sense.  To just sit there and have her underlings trash her and especially her husband?  I would have fired the lot of them.  And when you have so much vested in a play you plan to take on the road, you make darn sure the producer is seriously on the up and up.


I have to go with RBobb on this.  Kenya must have been taking the blue pills again with that pitch.  It was more than obvious to us and to RBobb who she was referring to with that “comedy” show she was pitching.  That reaked of lawsuits everywhere and he probably forgot her number the moment she left.  I do feel he was quite diplomatic in telling her “No.”  Once again she and Brandon is going to do it themselves just like she did the only movie she actually produced.  She used her own money on that and it went straight to DVD


I feel Porsha isn’t as stupid as everyone makes her out to be.  She is always dead on about the personalities on that show and she also makes a point to avoid confrontations if possible but… Come at her and she will come at you.  She said what we are always saying about Cynthia when she was with Nene.  I also feel she isn’t a follower of Nene as much as she shares the same problematic coworkers.  They both dislike Kenya and Claudia for pretty much the same reasons and it has to be tiring to battle them every time they meet or have to read another trashfest on either social media or on TV.  I can understand why Nene is happy to be leaving Atlanta and not have to constantly fight with these people.  I also think this just might be her last season.


Porsha handled the situation with Claudia correctly, in My honest opinion, and shut her down before things got totally out of hand.  I am tired of hearing Claudia constantly bring up the fact that Porsha don’t speak to her other that a quick hi in passing.  She was and still is spreading rumors about Porsha’s relationships.  The rumors started right about when they started taping which makes me truly believe Claudia started that rumor.   It was more than tacky that she would show up and try to confront Porsha in the middle of the celebration.  Claudia came there solely to disrupt the proceedings and steal Porsha’s spotlight.  That is jealousy straight and forward.


I have dealt with battered and mentally abused spouses in my position and the one thing I noticed last season was how Phaedra handled confrontations with Apollo.  Even though she would get very angry about how he was treating her, she always stopped short of really letting him have it when it looked like he was getting very angry. I have seen the look she gets in many womens’ faces who are mentally abused.  It is like they are constantly walking on eggs when confronting an mentally abusive spouse.  She probably already knows it could get physical at any time and is very cautious about what she does say to him.  She also still loves him and wasn’t really ready at that time to just cut him loose.  Probably why she was so back and forth about divorcing him.


As for the admission that he has threatened to burn down the house and have punched in the upstairs walls, I believe her and it also explains why she immediately put that house up for sale as soon as he went to jail.  It also explains why she chose to do a book tour during that time with her mother caring for the kids. I believe he uses intimidation to keep her in line.  No one ever asks for their marriage to implode or if they marry someone who has commited a crime in the past, would never expect their spouse to do it again.

Edited by Aging Goth
  • Love 10

Kandi needs to put a stop to people disrespecting Todd in front of her. First her mother and her aunts and now her staff, all of whom seem useless to begin with.  How she can sit there while they're all joking and laughing about her husband is beyond me.


I've always thought Phaedra was involved in her husband's activities up to her little Southern eyeballs, and my sense is that this "I'm so scared" is for the benefit of the cameras - she's trying hit everyone over the head with how awful Apollo is.  The whole thing seems like it's set up, and I agree with the upthread suggestion that the scene with Mommy might have been filmed after he went to prison. She's laying groundwork for something.

  • Love 11

I've always thought Phaedra was involved in her husband's activities up to her little Southern eyeballs, and my sense is that this "I'm so scared" is for the benefit of the cameras - she's trying hit everyone over the head with how awful Apollo is.  The whole thing seems like it's set up, and I agree with the upthread suggestion that the scene with Mommy might have been filmed after he went to prison. She's laying groundwork for something.

I cannot agree with this as she was already showing signs that she was a bit afraid of his temper last season.  Just little red flags where I felt she should have come down on him more and it looked like she wanted to but it was the way she constantly checked herself and how she tried to word her feeling that were less combative.  A southern belle to the end, she also wanted to keep up appearances so that no one really knew what was really going on. The whole trip last season was her pretty much giving in to whatever he wanted and letting him dog her like he did.  This wasn't her coming up with something now.  It was going on for some time.  I now believe the divorce rumors that swirled around during Kenya's first season on the show were true.

Edited by Aging Goth
  • Love 5

As far as Kandi is concerned, she has a problem in general with others disrespecting people.  She has allowed her mother to disrespect Todd and his mother.  She has allowed her staff to disrespect Todd.


Todd doesn't need this.  He may love Kandi a whole lot, but no love is worth the level of disrespect she permits others to have toward him. 


I'm not even sure that she respects herself enough.  If this is her storyline, then it is a poor excuse for a storyline.

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So....Roger Bobb is clearly not interested in working with Kenya. "Interesting" is the kiss of death. But I'm sure she and Brandon will pull out some amazing pilot that will have all the networks clamoring to air it. 


Unlike poor Kandi, who's show has reached it's pique....and then some. I felt badly for her. I really did. It's hard when something you put so much into is not receiving the praise you wish it would. But she needs to open her eyes and listen to Todd, and stop refusing to take responsibility for anything. That show just really wasn't meant to be more than a one week run. I just don't think she can put it all on the promoter. 


I did like seeing the doctor who came over to counsel Phaedra on how she should address Apollo's issues with the boys. I thought he gave some good advice. I appreciate that Phaedra seems to take this very seriously, instead of just avoiding the subject entirely. 


I am soooo over these women and the whole "being a wife is an accomplishment" thing. Really, how so? Anyone can get married! Look at people like Britney Spears, being married some 56 hours. Oooooh, what an accomplishment. Getting through 4 years of college and 4 more years of med school - that's an accomplishment. Rising to the top of your career - accomplishment. Selling millions of albums - accomplishment. Signing a paper and making arbitrary promises in front of a judge or clergyman is super easy. Anyone can do it. 


Now, sustaining a decades long marriage, I might call that an accomplishment. That is harder. But don't act like you're better than someone because they've never been married. There are a lot of losers out there, and maybe these women are simply not settling. Or maybe they are just too flawed to last in a committed relationship. But you can't really say that, because we've seen so many fucked up people who DO get married and have a partner. It's just not really indicative of anything. 

  • Love 9

I agree. And if he really punched holes in all the walls upstairs she would have had the cameras film the evidence.


It's possible that it was filmed and not shown.


Let me say this...I believe Phaedra is a huge liar and I also believe she is not as innocent as she portrays regarding Apollo's side business, but I really can't stand her and her mother. If Apollo is doing all of these harmful things and shouting all of these threats--why are they not getting ANY of this on camera? And next week, it looks like Phaedra has been texting and texting it up with some miscellaneous dude? 


Edited to add: Remember the invisible paparazzi that was in front of her house? Phaedra is a liar, just like her husband. 


Maybe Apollo didn't do those things on camera.  Professional con man Apollo (who kept a lie going about Kenya for two years) is not the exactly a truth cannon.  Just because he claims something doesn't make it a fact.  As far as the paparazzi, I don't recall Phaedra saying they were in front of her house.  I remember her saying she got out of the city to avoid all of the attention


I also believe that Phaedra and these moments are all engineered to make sure that she absolutely does not have to take the boys to visit Apollo in prison. So yeah, Apollo hasn't been angry until he found out she was cheating...all this other stuff allegedly happened before. 


Since the season ended, Phaedra stated she will take the boys to see him.


Kandi's not too bright.  It seems like neither her or her employees believe in pushing themselves to keep learning/improving about basic business principles.  Her talent got the money for the business, but now that the music business seems to be more competitive than ever, her business people need to be up on everything.  Maybe it's me but her employees don't seem real motivated.  Just me, but I never thought Kandi was the brightest person, starting when Kim ripped her off.  


Kandi's a self-made millionaire.  If that's "not too bright", sign me up.  Kim didn't rip Kandi off; Kandi just didn't want to fight with a "friend" and co-worker about money, so she let the issue go.  The money Kim made from the song sales was insignificant compared to Kandi's net worth; it was about the principle to Kandi.  Kim didn't understand the music business.  Kandi didn't charge Kim upfront for the things someone would normally be charged for since they were "friends".  They didn't have a written agreement; only a verbal to split the sales profits.  Kim lawyered up and was told she didn't have to split the proceeds with Kandi.  Kandi returned a check Kim had given her.  There was another song they did together, "The Ring Didn't Mean A Thing" (or something to that effect).  Kim didn't pay for it and the song was never released.  Kandi learned her lesson.

  • Love 1


I posted a link in Kandi's thread where her fans are letting her have it. Everyone agreeing that she needs to get rid of her friends as employees. And that if her marriage is going to survive, she needs to put a stop to people disrespecting her husband right in front of her.


I give Todd a lot of credit.  My husband is one of the quietest, most laid back people I know and he would not have put up with that for a second.  Of course, because I respect him, he wouldn't have had to.


And, the thing is, not only did she allow the disrespect to happen, she let it happen when cameras were rolling.


Edited to add:  I also noticed that her staff did not seem too upset that the tour was canceled.  I assume their paychecks were not affected.

Edited by mwell345
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By Bravo?  I think if they had it, they would have used it. I certainly don't think Phaedra would object.

I believe she would and has.  Like CooksDelight stated, you never really see any parts of her house beyond the kitchen and she is really very private when it comes to her family problems.  She is only showing us this issue because it just could not be avoided

  • Love 3


I believe she would and has.  Like CooksDelight stated, you never really see any parts of her house beyond the kitchen and she is really very private when it comes to her family problems.  She is only showing us this issue because it just could not be avoided

Well, we can agree to disagree about this.


I don't think it's a case of wanting privacy as much as it is wanting to control what the viewers are seeing about her and Apollo. And I would add that other Bravo housewives have asked Bravo not to air certain footage of them in the past, and it didn't work.    Apollo tearing the house apart - Bravo would be all over that. 

  • Love 8

Well, we can agree to disagree about this.

I don't think it's a case of wanting privacy as much as it is wanting to control what the viewers are seeing about her and Apollo. And I would add that other Bravo housewives have asked Bravo not to air certain footage of them in the past, and it didn't work. Apollo tearing the house apart - Bravo would be all over that.

Why mention it if you're keeping secrets? Better he bangs the wall and not you, imo.

Plus, Phaedra shuts down whenever she's confronted. Or is Kenya secretly abusing her?

  • Love 1

Why mention it if you're keeping secrets? Better he bangs the wall and not you, imo.

Plus, Phaedra shuts down whenever she's confronted. Or is Kenya secretly abusing her?

Actually, she doesn't shut down.  She usually has some very original comeback.  Except this season when she is dealing with serious issues that are keeping her off her game.  As for point one, it is true that it is better for him to hit the wall but that is called intimidation.  I think she is mentioning it now because he is already going to jail and is safe to do so.

  • Love 3

I think Nene and Porsha were on point about Cynthia, Claudia and Kenya.  Cynthia's upset because her husband's robbing her blind and Claudia and Kenya are probably angry because they, the "beauties" can't seem to find a wealthy man, don't have much going on, and are just as thirsty as Nene and Porsha.  


Kandi:  I think she just doesn't get what being a "wife" means.  I mean her mother probably trashed her father in front of others all the time, I can see Joyce doing that, so Kandi doesn't get that being a "wife" means that you're a team, and if someone trashes your husband, you speak up.  I really don't believe that Kandi gets that.  

Edited by Neurochick
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I give Todd a lot of credit.  My husband is one of the quietest, most laid back people I know and he would not have put up with that for a second.  Of course, because I respect him, he wouldn't have had to.


And, the thing is, not only did she allow the disrespect to happen, she let it happen when cameras were rolling.


Edited to add:  I also noticed that her staff did not seem too upset that the tour was canceled.  I assume their paychecks were not affected.

I feel sad for Todd. He looked so defeated in that scene. Run, Todd, run. 

  • Love 12

I've noticed that Phaedra doesn't let the cameras get much farther than her kitchen or family room. Because she has two little boys, she may be setting some limits in her home. And, there's always next week. You bet Bravo would show damage if given the opportunity.


Haven't we seen Phaedra in her bedroom, with the boys, reading bedtime stories?? 

Maybe we don't see much else of the house because it isn't all completed?  Wasn't Apollo supposedly doing a lot of the renovation work himself? 

  • Love 2

Haven't we seen Phaedra in her bedroom, with the boys, reading bedtime stories?? 

Maybe we don't see much else of the house because it isn't all completed?  Wasn't Apollo supposedly doing a lot of the renovation work himself? 

He stopped working on it a while back, complaining that he was working too hard.  The only room you see is the bedroom other than the living room and kitchen and outside.  This season, you didn't even see the bedroom; only some parts of the downstairs.

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she's trying hit everyone over the head with how awful Apollo is.


Apollo doesn't need anyone's help proving how awful he is.  He's doing fine on his own.

I 100% believe Phaedra is scared of Apollo and I 100% believe he's either been abusive to her in the past or is threatening her now.  His behavior at the club that night when she clearly didn't want to be around him was enough for me.  She was terrified, her whole body showed it.  She was frozen and practically begging him to leave her be.  Couple that with scenes of next week's show when he gets up in her face?  Hell yes, he's abusive.  It's troubling to me that people are trying to make it seem like because she may have known about his shady business dealings that she's somehow culpable for his actions.  That's victim blaming....and uh....nope.

  • Love 12

I would have to see Phaedra as a victim and I don't. So no victim blaming here.


People who victim blame don't generally see the person as a victim hence why they blame them for the scenario.  Doesn't make their actions any less victim blaming.  So yes, victim blaming here.

Edited by CaughtOnTape
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By Bravo? I think if they had it, they would have used it. I certainly don't think Phaedra would object.

Going by the previews it's going to be interesting to see how they portray the police cars in front of Phaedra's house around the time of Apollo's surrender

considering that in reality he had already been gone for four days and a newly installed alarm had been tripped while Bravo was filming...probably by Bravo but I ain't one to gossip.

I do feel that Phaedra is setting up a narrative one way or another.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 4

Uh, Kandi?? Nobody bought any tickets to "A Mother's Love" because they had a chance to see it last season on RHOA.  They also don't want to see it because although you ACT like your Mother saw the light regarding her actions with Todd, we all know that to be really far from the truth.  So it's kind of like... Nobody wants to watch you LYING about your relationships.


Porsha & NeNe sound like they are both the greatest things to hit the world EVER.  NeNe saying she was relocating to NYC made me laugh out loud.  Seriously, wasn't that part only for a month of so?? Not like a years long running play a la CATS... You are a joke!

Porsha, at some point you MIGHT be able to figure out that NeNe is filming with you because you aren't gonna stand up to her. EVER.  Nobody else really wants to film with her but YOU.  Dingleberry!


I thought Phaedra was exaggerating a little bit with her throwing out Pretty "Pollo and his "burning down the house" comments.  It's like she doesn't want ANYBODY to feel any kind of way about him but YUK!  And her Mom can have a seat with the "I don't want to come over here some morning and find everybody DEAD".  Really??

Edited by goofygirl
  • Love 7

I'm noticing the absence of Mama Joyce.  With the death of Todd's mother after the season wrapped, I wonder (and this speculation may've shown up before) whether the antagonism between Joyce and Todd's mom is now entirely inappropriate to broadcast.  Would be tough to justify talking ill of the dead, even for Mama, no?

Either that, or Bravo is listening (for once) that no one wants to watch her creaky old batwing self anymore.

Now that we've noticed it, we're doomed to see her again soon. :)

  • Love 5

Apollo doesn't need anyone's help proving how awful he is.  He's doing fine on his own.

I 100% believe Phaedra is scared of Apollo and I 100% believe he's either been abusive to her in the past or is threatening her now.  His behavior at the club that night when she clearly didn't want to be around him was enough for me.  She was terrified, her whole body showed it.  She was frozen and practically begging him to leave her be.  Couple that with scenes of next week's show when he gets up in her face?  Hell yes, he's abusive.  It's troubling to me that people are trying to make it seem like because she may have known about his shady business dealings that she's somehow culpable for his actions.  That's victim blaming....and uh....nope.

Phaedra has also been known to tell bold face lies - and think that others are stupid enough to believe them.  She's far from this innocent Southern Belle that she tries to portray herself as.  For someone who constantly brags about her intelligence, I find it very hard to believe she was clueless about Apollo's shady dealings.  I also think he was right when he said that their marriage was more for image and convenience - and putting up a front.

This is the same woman who had no problem fleeing her home to avoid the paparazzi at Apollo's sentencing.  Yet she didn't seem to have a problem staying in the house with someone she alleges is abusive.  Shady-Fay-Fay.

Edited by ifoundit
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I don't know how Kandi has made it this far with employees that disrespect her and her family.


Then too, Kandi has her family disrespecting her employees and their roles.  Todd front and center at staff meetings without any title other than husband. Mama Joyce ready for shoe battles, leaving threatening voice mails.


The whole situation is just .. a mess.

Edited by SpringTulips
  • Love 2

I've said ti before, but Kandi and Todd's marriage is DOOMED. I'm not sure which astounded me more; the way their employees treated Todd, their co-boss, or Kandi allowing it to happen!

AMEN!  I do not wish their marriage to fail (esp. because it would make MJ happy), but if there were ever any signs of a marriage in trouble - these signs are huge, lighted in red and flashing non-stop.

  • Love 4

Haven't we seen Phaedra in her bedroom, with the boys, reading bedtime stories?? 

Maybe we don't see much else of the house because it isn't all completed?  Wasn't Apollo supposedly doing a lot of the renovation work himself? 

We've seen the living room/family room and the backyard too (can't recall exactly, there might have been a pool).  IMO Phaedra isn't hiding any damage, her failure to go off on Apollo in the past I put down to her trying to salvage the "southern belle" image (which itself seems fake, but that's another story).

  • Love 2

Apollo has an, at best, tenuous grasp of reality and the truth if his talking heads are any indication of his general mentality.


However, um, Phaedra is the woman who attempted to convince her cast mates and the national audience for this show that her obstetrician induced labor and delivery at - what? six or seven months? Or did Apollo bully her into that antic, too?

Honestly, I've never really seen the formidable intellect, snappy tongue, or mannered demeanor that would constitute a "Southern Belle" from her. She's historically been pretty liberal about indulging in double standards from what I can recall. She could only muster a lame and hypocritical "are your a doctor?" retort when Kenya called her fat after she had appointed herself the arbiter of psychiatric diagnoses earlier during the beginning of their feud.

Her evident discomfort last season during the cast trip telegraphed more to me as a general anxiety about exactly how much Apollo was going to humiliate her by shattering the myth about their resilient marriage (and thus making her look like a fool after she had crowed ad infinitum about having a "huzzbin'") than suggested terror of bodily harm.


Phaedra is also a demonstrated fan of the convenient retcon. Apollo texting Kenya? Total fabrications because the "whore Moore" is a crazy stalker? Oh, wait, he admitted to texting her? Well, now he's the one lying in an effort to embarrass me! And, no, I'm not going to apologize for employing misogynistic, slut-shaming epithets for years on end!


If anything, Apollo has, over the years, appeared to be pretty disengaged from Phaedra. His behavior does reflect a massive ego, lack of personal accountability, and something of a martyr complex of his own, in my opinion. He clearly has an eagerness to avail himself of violence when a pretext allows.


However, Phaedra herself has readily defended that bellicosity. Brandon's broken ribs? His own fault. A  third-party man putting his hands on Kenya? She deserved it.


Violent domestic relationships do precipitate pathologies in perception. Victims of it aren't saints. But what I've gleaned from the show suggests a profoundly unhealthy relationship in which both parties have participated fully rather than this new narrative in which Phaedra is the meek and cowed spouse.


I find it notable that she herself actually kept pretty mum on the subject of Apollo's potential abusiveness. She basically made the assertion about his threats to burn down the house and let her mother run point on the exposition about finding Phaedra and the children murdered.

  • Love 12



I've always thought Phaedra was involved in her husband's activities up to her little Southern eyeballs, and my sense is that this "I'm so scared" is for the benefit of the cameras - she's trying hit everyone over the head with how awful Apollo is.  The whole thing seems like it's set up, and I agree with the upthread suggestion that the scene with Mommy might have been filmed after he went to prison. She's laying groundwork for something.

Yeah, she's laying groundwork for a divorce in which she doesn't have to pay her scumbag husband a dime. Smart move if you ask me. 

  • Love 5
She basically made the assertion about his threats to burn down the house and let her mother run point on the exposition about finding Phaedra and the children murdered.


Does Phaedra not realize the likelihood that her boys will see that clip one day, and wonder whether their father wanted to murder them?  Or maybe they will catch on to the type of woman she is and resent her for going there on international tv.  

That was one of the most irresponsible, trashiest things I have seen a mother/grandmother do on tv...all for the sake of garnering some kind of undeserved sympathy.

Edited by SpringTulips
  • Love 10

Second post! I hate NeNe. Like, I really hate NeNe. She is on Jill Zarin levels of irredeemable. This whole cast is over tbh. I've reached my Kenya limit, Cynthia is playing the same old song, Kandi crossed the bridge into "annoying pushover" territory last season, Porsha is a hag, Phaedra is dirty handed and Claudia is a non event. I miss Kim & Sheree.

Edited by AlottaShade
  • Love 6

Kandi ain't shit!! Her employees looked like a flock of cackling birds clowning Todd while she just sat right there and said jack squat. Felt like I was witnessing Count 2 in Todd's petition for divorce. Count 1 being Joyce. It sucks doubly because Kandi never hesitates to defend her mother's heinous actions to everyone, even to those Joyce has personally offended like Todd's mother Sharon. Yet Kandi can't bring herself to cause people who work for her not to take offensively about her husband who hasn't really don't shit to them but ask them to do their fucking jobs?!!? 


You ask me, hit dogs holler. Don Juan and 'dem probably spend most of their day texting and on the internet.


The Phae/Apollo situation just strikes me as almost too sad to comment on. I can believe that Phae is trying to control the narrative but I can also believe that Apollo is under stress and as a result volatile. He has also been on camera contradictory. One minute he is expressing remorse and saying he has no one to blame but himself the next he is saying that Phaedra drove him to it. I can believe him making threats but I doubt he would follow through with them but as a mother of 2 Phae has every right to think the worst and get her children out of that situation. 


What is with the ATL and African men? Not just that but rich African men at that? And why ATL? Don't get me wrong nice to see wealth and that nation associated and getting away from the famine, war, disease, mud huts rhetoric but it does seem weird that we get season after season of some phantom African men who showers these ladies with gifts and never shows their faces.


Claudia's so-called beef with Porsha is beyond petty and trifling. I hate to give credit to Nene for anything but she wasn't wrong. The thirst is real with that one.


Those 74 packs of hair Porsha has on her head really take away from her cuteness. It just looks ridiculous. Shouldn't the point of wigs and weaves be to look somewhat real and plausible? No one human head has that much hair growing out of it. And what is with all the hypocrisy? Why call out Claudia's wig when she herself is wearing the entire stock of a corner wig shop's inventory on her head?


Kenya couldn't be anymore of a non-MF factor this episode. Those sitcom ideas were embarrassing. 


Of course the other girls shade Kenya about wanting a husband.   Have we forgotten the Curious Case of the Imaginary African and Walter?

She created her whole first season around her fake boyfriend and begging for a fake engagement. It sounds pretty damn desperate to me.



I think Nene and Porsha were on point about Cynthia, Claudia and Kenya.  Cynthia's upset because her husband's robbing her blind and Claudia and Kenya are probably angry because they, the "beauties" can't seem to find a wealthy man, don't have much going on, and are just as thirsty as Nene and Porsha.  



You know I think Porsha and Nene's conversation as a standalone without context was pretty ugly, especially if used as a blanket statement against all women over a certain age who remain unmarried for whatever reason. On those broad grounds I object and was mildly horrified by such backwards thinking. However, given that this was about Kenya and to a limited extent Claudia, whom I don't know very well and I haven't yet thoroughly warmed to, I can't get too worked up about it. Seemed like an attempt to hit those two were Porsha and Nene thought it would hurt. They are clowning them for what they don't have but have shown that they really really want. Kenya hasn't been shy about expressing a desire to be married and have children and most recently seemed to have dropped the husband requirement.  Claudia also expressed a desire for a husband or a boyfriend. I can't recall if she wanted kids or not.  I am almost willing to bet that Kenya and Claudia will totally be spouting feminist rhetoric at the reunion though.  


If the rumors of Porsha's sugar daddy being married are true than Nene does look like a big ole hypocrite. What ever happened to keep your legs closed to married men?

  • Love 4

What the hell has happened to this show that Kenya is now the one who annoys me the least. She may be delusional as hell, especially when it comes to her pilot but she is doing her own thing.

I am sorry but Phaedra is as fake as those spider leg eyelashes she wears. I do not empathize with Apollo he is a criminal and deserves justice. But I think just about every other word out of her mouth is a lie. She was not happy with the therapist's assessment that she should take the boys to see him in jail. So now she is gonna say and do everything she can to avoid doing that and paint herself in a better, I am innocent light.

It might have been wrong for Claudia to attend Porscha's event but I could care less because I can't stand Porsha. She is getting an inflated head like her mean girlfriend Nene. And by the what the hell was Porscha wearing is that supposed to be a skirt, trashy!

Kandi is flat out wrong for letting her employees act like that in the workplace, especially at her husband's expense. Do they even do anywork? Does she really need all three of them? If they were my employees ther asses would be in the unemployment line!

All I have to say is Cynthia and Leon make a good looking couple sitting next to each other? Don't know what kind of man he is but Leon is fine!

Okay ranting over I feel better now

Edited by Texasmom1970
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I also think he was right when he said that their marriage was more for image and convenience - and putting up a front.

Sure and if he'd played his position like a good trophy spouse does he wouldn't be on the outside looking in now. This whole situation could have easily been played as "poor lamb lost his way", but he had to act like a crazy stalker-dude at the club and employ other intimidation tactics that made Phaedra go into self-protect mode.


Claudia wants to provoke Porsha into a fight so badly it's insane.  Girl if you want to keep that peach bad enough that you're willing to get dragged across a floor--good luck and god bless. How many seasons did Kim get out of her relationship with Big Poppa? Nobody cares where Porsha got her car or bags. 


I ff'd through Cynthia and Kenya so I cannot comment. 


I feel really badly for Kandi and what I anticipate her storyline being next year.

Edited by ThomasAAnderson
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Claudia wants to provoke Porsha into a fight so badly it's insane.  Girl if you want to keep that peach bad enough that you're willing to get dragged across a floor--good luck and god bless. How many seasons did Kim get out of her relationship with Big Poppa? Nobody cares where Porsha got her car or bags. 

You gotta remember though, this pressed ass version of Claudia doesn't have a peach. She didn't get the upgrade until after the season finished filming.

That's why she's so pressed to fight with Nene and Porsha and have snide ass comments.  She earned that damn peach lol.

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I thought Phaedra was exaggerating a little bit with her throwing out Pretty "Pollo and his "burning down the house" comments.  It's like she doesn't want ANYBODY to feel any kind of way about him but YUK!  And her Mom can have a seat with the "I don't want to come over here some morning and find everybody DEAD".  Really??

Pretty Pollo got caught once again commiting yet another one of his "white collar" crimes. He's going away for a long time. He is very, very pissed off about it, too. He has lost total control over everything and I can see him totally lashing out with threats. Man has a bad temper. He's nothing but a low life thug that just happened to fall in a tub of butter with Phae and then he blew it all. No remorse for what he did to his wife and sons.  Just pissed that he got caught is all.  No more strip clubs, perfectly tailored clothes or fancy cars. Poor Pollo. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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