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S14.E10: Hollywood Week #2

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Why did Gabby Zonneveld get special treatment for her meltdown?  Harry goes up and hugs her and escorts her off the stage, and they let her come back to try again?  Why does she get extra attempts?


Wow, Cody Fry was great.

Ryan called Dakota Suarez "she".  Is Dakota transgender, or a drag queen?  They are not the same thing.

Qaasim wasn't that good.


I really HATE the groups.

However, that Shi, Andrew, Adam, Big Ron group was hot!

Sal is far more mature than his 19 years.  He is really calm, cool and collected.  He impresses me as a person, let alone a singer.

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I like team Dimples. All good voices and they turned around and thanked the band.  I'll always remember how Kelly Clarkson did that after her great rendition of Stuff Like That There. She was great and the band was great and she turned around and applauded them. 

Edited by missyb
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I HATE the groups, too, and I don't really understand making the contestants do the group work at the end of a long day, into the night. Let's not pretend this is anything like real life in which they might have to practice like that before a gig, but even then, does that ever happen? What does this really prove? Grace under pressure? They can function on little to no sleep?

That said, I really cannot with the "exhaustion" and panic attacks. I'm right there with you in that I have pretty rough anxiety (meds help only some), but I also DON'T GO OUT FOR A NATIONAL SINGING COMPETITION. Know your limits. The people who think this is their ticket out of [insert rough situation here] stick in my craw. This has actually only REALLY worked out for a handful of people out of millions. Perspective.

Edited by bilgistic
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Why was there so much attention for the blonde girl with the little crossed tattoo thing next to her eye? (I don't know her name.) They kept showing her over and over. She thinks she's all that. Why not give some of the screen time to some of the others? I'm surprised to see that there's not much activity on this forum. Is the show really fading away? I'm in it through Hollywood week, then I'll have to reconsider, depending on who they choose. (I'm sure that blonde girl has a lock on it.)

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Farcical that Gabby got through when others who did pretty well were launched.  


It feels like Sal is getting set-up for the shock boot.  


Adam Ez is clearly a star.  The problem is I can't figure out from which galaxy he came.  I really hope Ameriker gets a chance to vote for him.


I missed the Pasadena Playhouse complex for the group session.  I bet the contestants did, too as the hotel is right on the other end of the plaza.  


Just no on the crush.  I like each of them.  But, no.

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Please make room for me on the "enough of the drama" bandwagon.  I don't need to see someone have a breakdown.  It's not entertainment for me.  In fact, I think it's a bit cruel.   I don't understand why they have to be sleep deprived either.  There really isn't a good reason for it in my opinion.  I also think one of these days it's going to get the show into big trouble with something bad happening to someone because they pushed through thinking there wasn't another choice.  I always had an issue with this on SYTYCD - exhausted = opportunity for major life changing injuries.


Sal is coming off as a really nice guy.  Good sound bites and good on him.  Here's someone who knows how to play the game.  Maybe he's really nice in his regular life, but I'm pretty certain making sure you behave like he does brings some brownie points especially if you can sing.  I'm fairly certain that some others have been called out on their attitudes during the group thing so Sal is a breath of fresh air.


Is it possible for us to never, ever again hear about someone's virginity.  Once again the double standard is alive and well.  I don't think this would be tolerated or thought of as funny if all this time and effort about this subject was given to a female contestant.  I'd be interested to see how Harry feels about this given how much he has talked about "age appropriate" lyrics etc.  As a mother I couldn't imagine talking about my son's sex life (or lack there of) in any circumstances let alone on a very public forum. 

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Never was a fan of the sleep deprived thing either but lots of singers do have to often function on little sleep or start work at early hours. They wouldn't ever have to form a group and come up with a polished routine after staying up all night though. I think mostly they do it for the drama.

I too noticed Jax was shown a lot this episode (and barf at the crush thing), I'll bet she is this year's chosen one after the loss of Jena Irene.

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I love how Big Ron was so devastated that the 4th in his group (Tim Tebow lookalike) didn't make it.  That made him come off as so sweet.  The other people in the group barely noticed probably.  He was really trying to comfort the TT guy, and seemed to feel guilty even.


Is Sal the one who's always hitting on women?  I like his voice.  I don't like his personality.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Two thoughts off the top of my head:


In Tayonna's group, no one except Tayonna deserved to be put through.


I wanted to like Shi, because she's from the MD county right next to mine and the town is about 20-30 minutes away from my own, but there's something off-putting about her.  Possibly the way she pronounces her name.

Edited by proserpina65
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I think the nervous breakdown girl is faking it.  


The groups don't have to be sleep deprived, they just need to get their shit together quickly if they want to get a full night of sleep.  I don't think they're in any danger.  Anyone with a baby lives through months of not enough sleep.  They probably are able to sleep while the other groups perform, anyway.  They're all so young, they probably hang out and party half the night regardless.  

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I'm not a fan of this part of the season (and often skip) all the angsty, sleep-deprived, panic-attacked group drama. I only caught the first and last groups (Double Stuff and Dimples) and thought they were quite good compared to what I've seen in the past. Instead of coming back to AI after the commercial, I just kept watching The Great British Baking Show--what does it say that I found it more interesting to watch them bake cakes than watch group round. :)


I enjoy great singing, so I'm not feeling the fun in watching two girls squee over the virgin guy (why would his mom feel it cute to tell the world that, make him stand out as memorable?). I bet that's not the last we've seen of that puppy love. Or young men salivating over JLo (like the confident 15-year-old who looks 12, ha!).


Behind the scenes stuff can be interesting, but because the show is short and there are so many contestants, I'd prefer to see more performing now and do backstories and whatnot when the field is whittled down a little more.


As for people shown having meltdowns, they're young and it seems unnecessary to put that out there in the permanent record that they can never escape. This stage of the show should be more about nurturing largely inexperienced talent rather than possibly crushing its spirit or heaping on more needless anxiety. Again, I'm not feeling the fun in watching people implode from the pressure.

Edited by KR Vermont
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It struck me why the Double Stuff group probably called themselves that, and I hope I'm wrong, but...there were two white guys and two black guys--two layers of filling in an Oreo "Double Stuf" cookie. Please tell me I'm wrong, because that makes me sad. Shouldn't kids that young not be hung up on race?

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I assumed that's what Double Stuff meant.  They often reference race.  At least I figured White Chocolate and others were referring to race.


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I love how Big Ron was so devastated that the 4th in his group (Tim Tebow lookalike) didn't make it.  That made him come off as so sweet.  The other people in the group barely noticed probably.  He was really trying to comfort the TT guy, and seemed to feel guilty even.


Is Sal the one who's always hitting on women?  I like his voice.  I don't like his personality.

While it was sweet what Big Ron said, I kept waiting for Seacrest to show up and take him up on his offer to give up his spot to the guy who didn't make it.  That would have been a moment!  Go back on your word and you look like a douche - agree and lose your spot on the show.  Oops.


I was annoyed w Sal in yesterday's episode with all the J Lo come ons and comments but I thought he came across as a nice guy tonite when he offered to let panic attack girl into their group when she was groupless.  Which brings me to what I hate about group night:  letting the contestants form their own groups.  The odd ones out are not fun to watch.  I honestly think the show should form groups for them - take them out of their comfort zone to perform.  Although I know we'd get the manipulations to save favored contestants by how they are grouped. Didn't they actually put them in groups one season instead of letting the contestants do it?


Why do they keep putting through the young boy?  (For the life of me, I cannot remember his name but he performed right after the busker from the Nashville auditions who impressed me more this time around.)  I thought he needed another year or two to grow into his voice when he auditioned and I stand by that now.  He's talented but not that good yet.


This may be an unpopular opinion but I still love Jax.  I didn't need the focus on her crush on the guy who is still a virgin.  (See show?  That's all I remember about him since I"m not good w all the names yet.  Gee thanks.)  But I love her voice and I can't fault her if the show wants to focus on her. 

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I dislike shi because i think it's so pretentious for somebody to call themselves a name totally different than their given name...in an effort to sound cooler, i suppose. Or maybe she did it for the wordplay opportunities because it sounds like "she" as in "shi is the next american idol". Her name is shayna so she could have shortened it to Shay.

i also didn't like her pouty face at the end of her audition when they were critiquing her, and the way she kept touching her face.

Yup, I'm with you on the pretentiousness and the face touching.  She's got a really good voice and she can work a stage, but I'm afriad I just can't with her.

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I HATE the groups, too, and I don't really understand making the contestants do the group work at the end of a long day, into the night. Let's not pretend this is anything like real life in which they might have to practice like that before a gig, but even then, does that ever happen? What does this really prove? Grace under pressure? They can function on little to no sleep?


Testing their ability (grace) under pressure with no sleep is exactly the point of the group nights. AI is a talent contest, but it's also a game show. So the producers need gimmicks like the sleep deprivation induced craziness of Groups to keep it interesting.


IMO, right or wrong it quickly separates the strong-willed fighters and determined from the rest of the pack... because a strong will, tenacity and fight is what most successful entertainers have in common. Though the contestants likely won't face too many situations like group nights in real life, they will face a dog-eat-dog world when they venture into the music industry. If they can't even handle a day without sleep -- they may not be ready. 


Look at the young lady who keeps passing out. Whether it's real or fake, the bottom line is she's breaking under the pressure. That doesn't bode well this early in the process. What's going to happen if she makes the Top 20? She may not be suited for this life. Just sayin'. 


Which brings me to what I hate about group night:  letting the contestants form their own groups.  The odd ones out are not fun to watch.  I honestly think the show should form groups for them - take them out of their comfort zone to perform.


I think that's a great idea...  I do think in the past the groups were assigned. Not only that, I think the song may have even been selected for them.

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Renaming yourself bothers me, too.  Remember Majesty Rose?  I can see maybe dropping an awkward last name (didn't Jena Irene do that?) but just wholesale renaming is pretentious.  


I'm on the fence about Jackie Cole becoming Jax.  I'm glad to read her X isn't an actual tattoo.  

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Ryan called Dakota Suarez "she".  Is Dakota transgender, or a drag queen?  They are not the same thing.

As far as I know, Dakota is a drag queen, but drag queens are often referred to by a female pronoun when they're in their female persona.  I learned that from being an Adam Lambert fan.  I guess it's debatable whether or not Dakota was in the drag queen persona when performing because to me the image was really more androgynous than female, but perhaps Ryan was told that it was Dakota's preference to be called "she."



I do think in the past the groups were assigned. Not only that, I think the song may have even been selected for them.

I could be wrong, but I don't remember the groups ever be assigned in the past.  It was always that uncomfortable scene of certain kids wandering around desperately looking for a group.  Remember Scotty McCreery starting to sing for one group and being interrupted and told flatly by a member of that group that he wasn't wanted?  (Scotty must have relished his sweet revenge!)  I actually really like group night because I enjoy hearing the kids perform together and I do think it's a good challenge for them, but I agree that the show needs to do away with the Choose Your Own Group method.  It's too much like the old gym class situation of picking sides and some kids (er, me) being humiliated when their names are called last and with great reluctance.



I love how Big Ron was so devastated that the 4th in his group (Tim Tebow lookalike) didn't make it.  That made him come off as so sweet.  The other people in the group barely noticed probably.  He was really trying to comfort the TT guy, and seemed to feel guilty even.

Personally, I preferred the Tim Tebow guy (Andrew?)'s voice to the other two who got through.  Louder does not mean better.

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Um, the most annoying thing about Shi was that fake beard she was wearing to avoid the paparazzi, or whatever nonsense she was spouting.


I thought Cody Fry and Rayvon Owens were amazing.


The group rounds are entertaining and I think very important.  Sure, a singer might not have exactly this sort of challenge in the future, but there will be many challenges far harder, such as learning songs and arrangements on short notice, plus choreo, plus flying or driving somewhere on very little sleep.  If you can't survive the group rounds you probably wouldn't survive the top 24 or whatever it is.

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That Lauren Lott chick sings through her nose imo . HATE IT. She is purdy, but I just cant stand her already.


I hate the screaming and screeching and glory high notes; Please God make it stop.


JLo wanted to cut a bitch when HCJr said "What? In three years?"

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I actually like the group rounds because it's interesting to see what the kids come up with. When they are bad, it's kind of hilarious, but when they are good, like Dimples and a couple of the others last night, they are downright entertaining. I do hate to see them being put through so much pressure though, but I guess that is part of the business.

Regarding the Dakota thing: When my son was younger he used to go to a local gay nightclub and became good friends with a couple of the drag queens who would perform there. One of them went by his female stage name both on and off the stage, and we would always refer to him as "she." The other friend adopted a female stage name but went by his male given name off the stage, and we always referred to him as "he." So I guess it is a matter of personal preference.

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JLo wanted to cut a bitch when HCJr said "What? In three years?"


I know, right?! She forgot for a second she was on camera. Pulled it back when she caught the camera on her... LOL!


I keep wondering what Shi would sound like had Amy Winehouse never existed.


I immediately thought of Amy when I heard her sign this time around... don't remember the effect being so pronounced during the auditions. I think too many of the singers have that weird little effect... doesn't seem natural to me.. just a lot of folks trying really too hard to sound unique. JMO.

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Just no on the crush.  I like each of them.  But, no.

Which means they both will probably get through to the top 24. I am just speculating, because I feel like Idol will eat that crush garbage up and hit the viewers over the head with it at every possible moment. Then again, I have not watched this show since the Adam Lambert season, so maybe things have changed.




I dislike shi because i think it's so pretentious for somebody to call themselves a name totally different than their given name...in an effort to sound cooler, i suppose. Or maybe she did it for the wordplay opportunities because it sounds like "she" as in "shi is the next american idol". Her name is shayna so she could have shortened it to Shay.

i also didn't like her pouty face at the end of her audition when they were critiquing her, and the way she kept touching her face.

This. My friends and family would laugh their asses off if I randomly changed my name to something like "Shi". It would never stick, even if I legally changed it. It sounds like a nickname she gave herself.


Why does Daniel Seavey keep getting through. I find him so awful. Does the tween, Disney channel vote still exist? I remember David Archuleta(sp?) being popular, but at least he could sing even if I was not a fan.

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Wow I am starting to hate all the quirky aren't I so very cute stuff.


And they called Dakota Suarez "she," I thought he was a drag queen who is a he. Am I wrong or outta the loop?


And it's automatic hate for me for any song with an "uh!" or grunt in it.


Can we retire "Radioactive?" MmKThanx

Edited by ari333
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Ari333, I gave my take on the Dakota thing a few posts up - not that it's the final word on the subject and I could be wrong, but from my experience it may be a matter of personal preference.

Oh, and I totally agree with you about Radioactive. I used to love that song but the show is ruining it for me. That woman who sang it like a lounge singer? She had a good voice but it was completely wrong for that song. Enough already!

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Ari333, I gave my take on the Dakota thing a few posts up - not that it's the final word on the subject and I could be wrong, but from my experience it may be a matter of personal preference.

Oh, and I totally agree with you about Radioactive. I used to love that song but the show is ruining it for me. That woman who sang it like a lounge singer? She had a good voice but it was completely wrong for that song. Enough already!

Thank you! Knowing that it is likely personal preference makes me feel better. I dont like tptb taking uncalled for digs at people.

I call bs too on the dude who said he'd give up his spot for the ousted teammate. Bah. Dont say it if you dont mean it

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I swear I thought Sal-whoever (Frank Sinatra lounge singer) got the boot already. I went to an Italian restaurant over the holidays, and there was a man probably in his 60s (hired by the restaurant) singing Sinatra songs (very well). I think of that guy now every time Sallie Walnuts sings.

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If I'm some of the contestants who got the 0'fer this season (no initial audition shown, no screen time in Hollywood) and I'm watching three of the four "Dream Team" somehow skate through the group round, I'd would have been seething at that moment and if I'm watching it now because I'd be a masochist in this scenario, I'd still have at least a little anger left in me. None of those four had any business avoiding the hatchet after that train wreck complete with blown lyrics. Even Tiyanna who was marginally the best of the four was worse than the Tim Tebow guy who had the misfortune of singing with the Amy Winehouse tribute artist and Big Ron.


On the flipside, groups like Dimples and Double Stuff and even going back to the aforementioned White Chocolate and Pia Toscano's girl group show that if you choose partners and song wisely, it can actually be the point in the competition that you start to get taken seriously as a contender....which I think was absolutely true for Hunter Larsen. I'm loving her personality, her triple job byline and how much texture and character she has in her voice. Also seeing returnees like Jesse Cline and David Willis progress and shine was another positive development.

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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Renaming yourself bothers me, too.  Remember Majesty Rose?  I can see maybe dropping an awkward last name (didn't Jena Irene do that?) but just wholesale renaming is pretentious.

Personally, I most dislike the ones who christen themselves with a single name. The assumption that the whole world knows you from your first name alone works for Cher, because she earned that fame. Not so much for a marginally talented teenager hoping for their first break. But at least none of the Idol wanna-bes have come up with a re-name as bad as Music Box from The Voice. Although listening to Blake Shelton awkwardly call her "Miss Box" was kind of amusing.
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I call bs too on the dude who said he'd give up his spot for the ousted teammate. Bah. Dont say it if you dont mean it


I thought it was really sweet.  When emotions run high, hyperboles might slip out.  I thought Big Ron seemed genuinely upset.  I don't know if he meant it but I appreciated it.

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And they called Dakota Suarez "she," I thought he was a drag queen who is a he. Am I wrong or outta the loop?

It's simple.  Dakota self-identifies as female.  Ergo, it's considered a courtesy to honor that.  It's really pretty simple in the end.

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I keep wondering what Shi would sound like had Amy Winehouse never existed.


I think Shi has the IT factor.  I thought she was doing Duffy however (and doing her well)


Farm boy is going to go far.  Guys from farms seem to do well, hope he isn't turning out to be from Ivy league parents who own an organic farm in Berkely, or likewise.


Single mom teacher in yellow dress looks so old for 23, which is why you don't become a single mother.  Other standout (bad reasons)  was a 16 or 18 year old from Iowa who had to have bought  her tight red dress from Fredericks and had more makeup than an Ulta branch

Edited by WhineandCheez
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Can't remember her name but she was in the Dream Team - wore black lipstick with a black dress. I was sure half the posts in this forum would be commenting on that ghastly punched-in-the-mouth bruised look the lipstick gave her. Or maybe I'm just old and that's considered fashionable?

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I thought she was lovely in her first audition and the deep red lipstick was great on her. The black was NOT.

There was a 15-year-old who looked 20 years older. Too much tanner, bleached hair and makeup. It wasn't Jax, though she needs a makeover, too.

Edited by bilgistic
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This. My friends and family would laugh their asses off if I randomly changed my name to something like "Shi". It would never stick, even if I legally changed it. It sounds like a nickname she gave herself.

It reminds me of a girl I went to school with from K-12.  Her given name was Susan, and she went by her childhood nickname of Suzie all through middle school.   When high school started she got all pretentious and started giving herself a few "exotic" versions of her name.  The first one she tried was "Sioux" - which was pretty funny given her platinum blonde, blue-eyed Swedish looks.  After the first year, she changed it to Su C, which, said she, was pronounced Suzie.  The first day of school where she had her name written that way, the home room teacher read her name out during roll call this way:  "Suck?  What kind of a name is Suck?" 

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It's simple.  Dakota self-identifies as female.  Ergo, it's considered a courtesy to honor that.  It's really pretty simple in the end.


Yes, it is simple; and since I didn't know I thought I could ask. Someone explained it upthread. Thanks.

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Where is the closed-captioning for this episode? I'm hearing-impaired, and can't make out speech.  The group round is my favorite but it will be spoiled for me because I can't make out what anyone's saying.  It's always such a disappointment when an episode of a  TV show is randomly, inexplicably not closed-captioned.  Why do they do this????

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I LOVE group week, I find it hilarious and it gives me a chance to know the contestants' personalities. Where else could we have gotten fabulous quotes like "nuts of wonder"?


Really want to see that group who we heard one harmony from after the commercials came back at the 40 minute mark.  It was so short but they sounded so good.


Team Dimples FTW.

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I dislike shi because i think it's so pretentious for somebody to call themselves a name totally different than their given name...in an effort to sound cooler, i suppose. Or maybe she did it for the wordplay opportunities because it sounds like "she" as in "shi is the next american idol". Her name is shayna so she could have shortened it to Shay.

Oh, I don't know. It's entirely possible that her family pronounced her name "shy-na" and she's been called "Shi" her whole life. If so, it'd be easier for her to spell her name "Shi" than to correct people every time. It's not like she picked a totally different name.

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Plus she seems totally uncomfortable with the nickname, always joking about she/her. If she has called herself Shi for a long time in real life, she'd be used to the puns by now. It comes off as very new for her.

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