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S05.E12: Drama Queens

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What I don't get is WHY Kyle apologizes to Brandi ? Why didn't she only say : "Hi", and go chatting with other people ?

That would have been the best behavior to have. And NO, she fueled it, and I quite get the feeling that she WANTED a big clash to happen in front of a lot of people, in kind of being able to say "You see ? I'm here to apologize to her, and she's so rude and mean to me !"

Edited by Diane Mars
  • Love 4

To begin with whatever Kim divulged about troubles in the Umansky household.


Yikes.  I didn't even think of that.  I could totally see Brandi trying to wiggle information out of a drunken Kim.  It doesn't even have to be about Mauricio.  Kyle's kids appear perfect on screen, but if you're a parent you know there are things about your kids that aren't and the only people you might share those things with is a close family member.  I hope Kim wasn't Kyle's confidant in that regard.  And based on what we see next week, Brandi isn't afraid of going there.


Brandi was so out of line saying what she did about Mauricio not wanting Kyle.  But if Kyle thinks Kim divulged something to Brandi to make her say that?  If that isn't the final straw, then she is a dumbass.

  • Love 10


And then, and then....the Mauricio comment! That was as low as it gets.


It was, and they included the flashback of Brandi bringing it up while the women were all together. I had forgotten that.  One wonders who was really responsible for packing the tabloids last season.


Brandi can end her friendship with Kim at any time and walk away without looking back.  One too many 2AM phone calls and Brandi can be done.  It's not so easy for Kyle because it's her sister and that's not a relationship you can easily walk away from.   Brandi should respect that.


I think that Brandi is using Kim anyway.   She likes dirt and I'm sure Kim is giving it to her about Kyle.  In addition, she has no relationship with Lisa V,  Lisa R and Eileen want nothing to do with her, Yolanda is hardly around - that leaves Kyle and Kim and Kim is the more vulnerable.

Edited by mwell345
  • Love 6

I love your whole post, but that line in particular cracked me up - for some reason, I have always held it against Kyle that she accused Lisa of being "jelly" - it was the first time that I didn't like her, it seemed kind of smug and mean, and it set the tone for our whole relationship (ha). I thought your insight into Brandi and the Kim/Kyle dynamic was right on.


I will say that I think Kyle's Achilles Heel is her inability to control her emotions. When she gets upset, she acts out - instantly, and dramatically.  This goes all the way back to Season One, when Camille was making those crazy accusations, and instead of just saying, "That's not true, Camille, you're confused," Kyle got completely worked up, screaming "You're such a fucking liar, Camille!!!"  She just escalates every situation she finds herself in - whether it's S1 Kim in a limo, or at a poker table, or sending her daughter to college, or at her own party for "her gays" (sigh).  


I don't think this is something she does for the cameras.  I think this is who she is.  I think it's why she's such a great Housewife, if you're a producer - Kyle overreacts to every bit of stimulation, positive or negative. 


She does seem to have some awareness that she does this.  One of the times I liked her most was in the first season, after the dinner party from hell, when she was talking to MCFR and other non-housewife friends about her fight with Camille, and she said, "I get so worked up and emotional and I just react so strongly.  I wish I didn't do that."  It was a very rare moment of self-reflection, and showed her taking responsibility for her own role in the fight.  She said that on twitter last night, too, when someone gave her a hard time for going up to Brandi at the party, and she replied "I get so emotional.  It's embarrassing."  I do think Kyle knows she has that tendency, but she doesn't seem to be able to keep it in check even a little bit.  I think I would find that exhausting, were I her friend.


That being said: this is why Kyle still "wins" in this situation to me.  I don't agree with her reactions, it's not how a reasonable adult would respond, but it's still relatable, in some way.  I still understand why she lets Kim and Brandi push her buttons.  I can still see good intentions in there, even if there's poor behavior around them.  I feel like I can see that Kyle is not trying to cause harm.


Whereas I feel like Kim is so completely self-absorbed and narcissistic that she is unable to think about anything other than herself - the pathology of that is its own post, rooted in her addictions, her illnesses, her life as a child star and a lifetime of not being held accountable for her behavior - that i cannot support Kim for a minute, and all I want is for Kyle to walk away from her.  Walk away, Kyle.  Change the locks. 


And Brandi - well, everyone has talked about Brandi already.  She is broken, she is toxic, she is vicious.  I don't think she can be redeemed.  The only reason I would still watch her on this show is to see what happens when the sane women - the Eileens and Lisa Rs in particular, who don't have a history of being trumped by her, but also Lisa V. and Kyle and EVEN YOLANDA who I think is secretly over Brandi and just trying to avoid a blowup - I can't wait to see them take her down.  It must happen.   I will have my popcorn at the reunion, for sure, rooting for my team like it's the fricking Superbowl.


LOL  Yes!  That moment when she called Lisa "jelly" was when I thought to myself "What the hell was that?!  Yeah, I don't think I like this woman".  She's a very juvenile mean girl at times, and can seem beyond fake, but I also see a caring and fun side to her.  Like when she and Lisa (last season? I didn't watch season 3.) were running around kicking and splashing water on each other - they seemed to be genuinely having fun together and I could see that their friendship and affection for one another was real.  Even though she annoys me, I think she makes a good Housewife for those very reasons.  She feels real to me, in that I don't think she's miming her reactions for TV, I think this is generally who she is, both a genuine caring person and a fakey mean girl wrapped up in a bunch of thick hair and childhood-based neurosis. lol 


I'm honestly starting to wonder if Kyle doesn't have some sort of Post Traumatic Stress issue with regards to Kim and their childhood.  Her reactions are often immediate (not giving her time to process information) and more extreme than the situation calls for (bringing past hurts into present day conflicts).  She seems to fly into panics and rages and loses all sense of direction, composure and common sense when triggered by most of the things that Kim says and does, and certain words or phrases other people use. 


I was in a long-term dysfunctional and abusive in all ways relationship with a narcissist that ended a few years ago.  I still have to have contact with my ex on a regular basis and I would often react similarly when around him.  The littlest thing he said and did triggered me into flipping my shit and all of the crap I went through with him would come flooding back to me and my reaction was so visceral.  It's taken me years, but I am now able most of the time, when I feel triggered by him, to walk away.  I say "I need to go" or "I'm going to go" and then I walk away or hang up the phone or whatever.  I'll even get up mid-conversation and just leave if I really feel I need to, and now he knows that when I do this, that I've had enough and I mean it, because I was an "anything to make it all OK" person before.  I wish Kyle could do this, and I am sure she has done it plenty in the past, but it's a really, really hard thing to do when all your "fight or flight" instincts are telling you to fight back.  I think being on this show has forced Kyle to deal with her relationship with Kim and parts of her childhood that she wasn't willing or able to before and it's coming out in a lot of messy ways. 


I've now officially thought more about Kyle today than I have ever, in five seasons.  I could use some Lisa R. goofy humor and Eileen Duraflame Hot Potato action right about now!

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At least she tried.  She didn't owe Brandi anything.  And that's what Brandi doesn't get.  Brandi was the aggressor.   Body blocking someone is intimidation.  It is physical harassment.  It is a form of assault.  It is Brandi who owed Kyle an apology and Kyle shouldn't have said anything except to say get the hell out of here.


I completely agree. I did not think Kyle needed to apologize at all. Brandi was completely out of line that night, and her actions only served to escalate the situation. I thought Kyle was basically saying, "I'm sorry it got to that point, but you have to own your part in it". I was fine with it. 

  • Love 11

Thing is, Kyle can stop putting herself through the Kim wringer  at any moment and I hope that by now she has.  It's hard but not impossible to drop a self-destructive, toxically wasted, trouble-making sibling like a hot rock.  If Kyle had any kind of support system of her own, she'd at least be making those attempts. Sometimes that does more than anything else to get the addict to wake up and smell the coffee. (And, no, Kyle, when I say support system I don't mean hanging out with Faye Resnick.)


Yolanda always make me chuckle with her lame business about how good it is for the children to be left on their own.  Number one, I'm sure Blanca or whoever was there before Blanca, who seems like a real sweetheart, has done much more than her share in raising the Hadid children.  Number two, little kids don't really like having Mommy and Daddy take off all the time.  Not a reason for Ma and Pa not to  have lived their lives and conducted their business but Yolanda has always got to flip the script and make it sound like she's taking off to spend time in the same rooms as Clooney and Cavali because it's oh so great for the kiddies' development and that's always been her top priority. Just go, girl, have fun and shut up about it all.  (Also, really, those pants now are just too damn tight all the time.  Find another way to showcase your killer figure.)


Brandi's of course a bitch to bring Bella's mistake into the picture but part of me was thrilled to see someone, anyone, call Yolanda on her never-ending self-righteousness and preaching.  Want to call another skank an alcoholic to her face on camera?  Okay, then, watch this!  And, really, "I hope you would come to ME if you ever thought you were an alcoholic" -- She's so self-serving and ridiculous.  Like Lisa V, she's been totally slumming hanging out with Brandi and we all know it.  Including Brandi. 


Give her this on nursing her mother though -- I'd be surprised if nurse care arrangements hadn't been made for her mother in Holland.  I don't feel comfy having family taking care of me when I'm unwell.  A visit is fine but I wouldn't want my son waiting on me hand and foot if I were seriously ill.  I'd find it impossible to relax into trying to get better. 

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 10

Brandi's of course a bitch to bring Bella's mistake into the picture but part of me was thrilled to see someone, anyone, call Yolanda on her never-ending self-righteousness and preaching.  


I predicted she'd go there, way back on August 23.  And sho nuff, she did. From the Yo thread:


If Brandi and Yo weren't friends I think Brandi would find some underhanded way to bring up Bella.  For instance, I could see them staging an intervention to address Brandi's drinking.  And Brandi getting defensive, looking right at Yolanda and saying, "Well, at least I'm an adult and not driving."  Knocking back a shot of tequila and asking Yo for a lemon chaser, never losing eye contact.

Oh yeah.  I can totally see Brandi doing that.


The only thing, she and Brandi were friends when she said it.  Well at least Brandi thought they were.  I agree with whoever said upthread that Yolanda was playing nice and backing away slowly.

  • Love 12

Ken telling Max his mother was from China and his father was from Nigeria (or vice versa, can't remember). Wow. I know he was joking but still. He has such a condesending attitude I bet he is one SOB off camera.  


I know, right?  That rubbed me the wrong way too.  Think this is typical of the kind of talk that goes on between Ken and Lisa when no one else is around.  Hardly prejudice-free those two.  I am already hating the whole Max story line this season.  

  • Love 5

IMO, Lotusflower for the win with the most insightful comment so far. The most interesting moments are not when they are screaming and in-the-moment of anger and frustration. They are the quiet ones that we got in this episode. The huge number of times Brandi just casually throws out nuggets for Kim to digest. Reminding Kim that Brandi is the one who is there for her. Saying in the car on the way over "I just hate people who want others to fail". Reminding Kim that this person is Kyle. Beyond disgusting to me and the thing that reveals Brandi's true character.


I agree that Kyle was ready for a fight when she saw Brandi. The thing is that it will always be the person who is emotionally vested in an issue that tends to be unable to ever win an argument. Brandi has zero emotion in this issue. She doesn't give two shits about Kim. She is after Kyle and she has planned it perfectly. She wants to get in between the sisters and is able to do it strategically because she doesn't really care about who gets hurt in the end. I would agree that she won to an extent in this fight because she was able to keep control for the most part, although she did come unglued when she started with the whole "I will knock your teeth out". The one place she truly lost control was with the Mauricio comment. That is when she showed her true colors. She knows which buttons to push and she pushes them. For Kyle this is serious. She cannot control her emotions or her reactions in the face of someone who is so evil. I dread the reunion unless someone gets Kyle under control. Brandi thinks much more quickly on her feet than Kyle does. She is better with the zingers because she will go places that others wouldn't think of going. 

  • Love 21

Thing is, Kyle can stop putting herself through the Kim wringer  at any moment and I hope that by now she has.  It's hard but not impossible to drop a self-destructive, toxically wasted, trouble-making sibling like a hot rock.  If Kyle had any kind of support system of her own, she'd at least be making those attempts. Sometimes that does more than anything else to get the addict to wake up and smell the coffee. (And, no, Kyle, when I say support system I don't mean hanging out with Faye Resnick.)



Brandi's of course a bitch to bring Bella's mistake into the picture but part of me was thrilled to see someone, anyone, call Yolanda on her never-ending self-righteousness and preaching.  Want to call another skank an alcoholic to her face on camera?  Okay, then, watch this!  And, really, "I hope you would come to ME if you ever thought you were an alcoholic" -- She's so self-serving and ridiculous.  Like Lisa V, she's been totally slumming hanging out with Brandi and we all know it.  Including Brandi. 




I totally agree.  I've had to cut a sibling and another ex out of my life completely because they were abusive and unhealthy for me to be around.  It was hard as hell but I'm way better off for it.  But getting there was a tough row to hoe -- and like you said, Kyle needs support while doing so because it's all too easy to relent and give that person another chance when you're the one who's used to putting out the fires and cleaning up the messes.  Hopefully this show is the catalyst to help her see how destructive their relationship is and she will do something about it.  Kyle needs to own her part in their relationship, but it seems like she's been owning most of it for a long time and Kim has made herself out to be the victim of a cruel world that doesn't care or "get" her.  Learning what not to own (i.e. what isn't your fault/responsibility) is just as important as learning what to own


I don't mind Brandi calling Yo out, but she isn't calling Yo out imo, as much as she's calling Bella out.  If Brandi wanted to call her out, why not comment on her shady tales of her Lymes issues?  Or her odd relationship with "My King, My Love"?  Or her "Hollywood friends" bs?  That's what bugs me.  For all of her "What about the children?!" whining, Brandi sure doesn't mind dragging other people's kids through the mud, as long as it gets her more air time and media attention.  I hope after that conversation next week, Yo hands Brandi a lemon parting gift and tells her to go suck it.



So, Ken weirds me out.  Sometimes I think I like him and other times he gives me both the heebie jeebies and douchechills.  In fact, all of the HouseHusbands do this to me, every single one of them.  Except for HH, I don't think, yet. 

  • Love 12

One more thing.  What does "my gays" even mean?  Why couldn't Kyle say, "my gay friends?"  Is she too lazy just to add one word?  Saying "my gays" is very condescending, because it sounds like saying "my slaves," which is all kinds of wrong.  


The only reason why Brandi is up Kim's ass is because she's burned her bridges with all the other housewives.  I wonder what would happen if none of them wanted to film with her?

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 6

SwordQueen -- Brandi knows all too well that Yolanda's supreme mothering skills are crucial to her sense of self and that the very best and most effective way -- the quickest way -- to insult her and threaten her is to throw shade on her children.  Because Brandi doesn't just insult -- she threatens and hints at knowing tons and tons that will be used, if you cross her, to firebomb your house.  That's the creepiest thing about her -- she's a blackmailer by nature. 


I had to let go of a relationship with a sibling too.  We see each other, and are cordial, at weddings, funerals, and other family events and that's it.  Lives ten minutes away from me by car.  Never see this person outside of the above.  It's been about ten years now and has been much better for both of us.  We took turns being Kim and Kyle for 20 years and ruined a far number of events with a lot of hair-trigger scenes.  A shared childhood trauma, coupled with inherited addiction issues -- two branches of the same tree. Whenever I start feeling mopey about it I make myself acknowledge that both of us -- and our innocent families and children -- are way way better off just like this.  It can be done. Glad it worked out for you too.  It takes a lot to bring folks to that point.  It also helped that in making the decision, I was able to communicate it calmly to my sibling and to make it clear that I was having to let go with love.  I apologized for my significant part in all that had taken place -- and I meant it.  Never received an apology back, ever, and realized I was free when that no longer mattered to me.  Like a buddy of mine used to say, better murder than suicide. 


Both these dames have the resources available to seek the very best of treatment.  Less time cavorting, shopping, engaging in BS -- put some of that cash down on some real treatment and state of the art therapies. And stop hijacking the damn show. 

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 19
Both these dames have the resources available to seek the very best of treatment.  Less time cavorting, shopping, engaging in BS -- put some of that cash down on some real treatment and state of the art therapies. And stop hijacking the damn show.



I agree.  I think it's important to cut ties with toxic people because if you don't, it'll drive you insane.  I have friends who cut themselves off and friends who didn't.  The ones who didn't always complain and are always depressed.  If Kim wants to hang with Brandi, Kyle should let her because eventually, Brandi will turn on her.


Brandi too needs therapy and lots of it.  I think her issue is that she can't accept the fact that she's a tall, blonde, thin fortysomething woman who doesn't have a wealthy husband.  I am certain that when she was younger, she thought, and other people told her, that she would marry a rich man and live happily ever after.  That did not happen and Brandi is having a hard time dealing with that reality.  I know women like her, the ones who have to face the fact that they did not get what they wanted out of life, that for them life is a disappointment.  What you get in therapy is that even though you might not have gotten the life you wanted, the life you have isn't all that bad, that there are good things about your life.  But Brandi probably doesn't think she needs therapy.  She probably thinks she's just fine.

  • Love 10

I've had to cut a sibling and another ex out of my life completely because they were abusive and unhealthy for me to be around.  It was hard as hell but I'm way better off for it. 


I had to let go of a relationship with a sibling too.  We see each other, and are cordial, at weddings, funerals, and other family events and that's it.  Lives ten minutes away from me by car.  Never see this person outside of the above.  It's been about ten years now and has been much better for both of us.


Somebody give Kyle copacabana and SwordQueen's phone numbers, stat!

  • Love 6

Mmmmhmmm. I tend to believe Brandi was responsible for the whole thing and wanted to try and frame Lisa for it. 


I can still believe that Lisa mentioned bringing the tabloids. I don't think that absolves Brandi at all. Brandi had them in her possession, and I can also believe that Brandi brought them up and cackled over the gossip. 


IMO, Lotusflower for the win with the most insightful comment so far. The most interesting moments are not when they are screaming and in-the-moment of anger and frustration. They are the quiet ones that we got in this episode. The huge number of times Brandi just casually throws out nuggets for Kim to digest. Reminding Kim that Brandi is the one who is there for her. Saying in the car on the way over "I just hate people who want others to fail". Reminding Kim that this person is Kyle. Beyond disgusting to me and the thing that reveals Brandi's true character.


Yeah, I mentioned it briefly last week when Brandi was trying to talk Kim out of going back into Eileen's house. Brandi started doing that abusive isolation thing with the whole "No one gets you. I do." She's really trying with that one. Kim eats it all up, too. 

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 5

Brandi really is not very smart, is she? She has alienated every single housewife on the show except Kim and we know that is a temporary relationship. Yo is not there yet, however, judging from next week episode she is on the way.  Who the hell does Brandi think she is going to film with next season? She has practically backed herself right out of a job. Moron. 

  • Love 11

Kyle did NOT give a real apology.

It was a "sorry I 'touched' you" but you shouldn't have done this, or this, or that, or by the way, that either, or that or that." Her friends TRIED to calm her down. She wanted to fight. So she did.

Funny that's how all of Brandi's apologies go though.

Or no, she's also the queen of "I'm sorry. Now are you gonna apologize to me". That's our Brandi, never admitting fault without pointing out someone else was equally at fault.

  • Love 13

Of all the cast members the person I want most off my screen is Kim. If there was ever a more appropriate person to use the too oft used phrase “Bye, Felicia” it is Kim. The fuck am I watching? Intervention or RHOBH? I tune into this show for house porn, cars, jewels, yachts, private planes, luxurious vacays, and yeah petty squabbles between people with top 2% problems.  I do not tune in to play another round of is Kim on or off the wagon!! I don’t know why anyone would think that having her on this show is a good thing. And it is not that I think that serious issues or problems should never be featured because I have no issue with Bravo chronicling Phaedra and Apollo’s real issues or even Taylor’s past allegations of abuse. Those things make the show more real. However, Kim can’t seem to complete a full stint at rehab plus she has herself stated that she has social anxiety issues (which is may or maybe not be taking medication for) so when the show contributes to or exacerbates the problem I think the HW should leave or be asked to leave. I have wanted Kim gone since she allegedly became sober because I didn’t think that being on this show was healthy for her so-called sobriety.


I was frustrated (not mad) with Kyle because she was feeding Kim exactly what she wanted – attention and a fight over Kim’s love, loyalty and affection.  Kim is a time sucker. And we wonder why Monty drops off the face of the earth sometimes? Probably to get away from her needy ass.  No one person could ever be there for her to the extent she requires.  Kyle has children, a home, a husband, businesses, friends and a life. She can’t drop everything to be at Kim’s beck and call.  I think Kim is using Brandi to punish Kyle in a sense for not being there 24/7.

Not even gonna waste bandwidth discussing that sack of skin Brandi.  Her broke, unfabulous, low budget antics and Dollar tree clearance bin extensions have no place on this show. When her only friend is the resident nutsy addict who is also pretty much on the fringes of the show herself, Brandi is dead in the water that she says black people can’t swim in.


Max wanting to find his adoptive parents? I can understand that being hard on both Ken and Lisa. However, my sympathy for Lisa only goes so far given her past statements about Max not being as driven, hardworking and more susceptible to drugs was due to his genetics. She said this more than once. On TV!!! I’m sorry I just think that is one of the most disgusting things an adoptive parent can say and to say it on a televised programs is beyond the beyond. Maybe Max now wants to see where all those ‘bad genes’ came from. 


Yolanda must have dust for storylines if she can only trot out her before unseen and  rarely mentioned son Anwar. Not for nothing, but I enjoyed watching Yo pack for 5 minutes for the house porn.  His and hers closet?!!? Swoon! I love Yo’s closet the most.  Love it even more than Lisa, which veers into the tacky for me. The dark wide plank wood floors and the white cabinetry are stunning. We also got a glimpse of the King’s closet, which was just as majestic as I imagined.

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 14

Brandi was behaving just fine, Kyle caused this one, dredging up all of her past grievances before she worked herself up to attack Brandi is SO Kyle.





Kyle did NOT give a real apology.


I transcribed what I could catch, Bravo doesn't allow rewind.  The link is below.  This clip cuts off before all of the F bombs, although after a brief clip of LisaR talking about her friendship with the morally corrupt Faye Resnick, the rest of the fight continues, but I don't feel like transcribing that one too.  Lot's of F bombs.  From Kyle.  Kyle then attacks Kim as well as Brandi.



Okay, with the transcription I don't see where you're getting that Brandi was behaving "fine" or not given a chance to apologize. Kyle apologized for putting her hands on her, which was the only thing she had to apologize for, and then yes, made it clear that she still thought Brandi was wrong for getting between them. And then Brandi starts right in on how she "knows things about her" which is clearly referring to the same stuff Brandi's been talking about--how Kim has told her all about the years of terrible things Kyle has done to her. Brandi's doing *exactly* what Kyle is doing. She's having the same fight she had in the driveway. Kyle's side is that this is between her and her sister and there's a lot of history there that makes them emotional. Brandi's side is that she knows everything about their relationship and has judged Kyle as guilty and she is now Kim's protector. 


Brandi's accusations about Kyle "lately" (read: being terrible and mean to poor, fragile, heroic Kim) is a far lower blow than anything Kyle is saying to Brandi. All Kyle is doing is telling Brandi she didn't like it when she acts as Kim's attack dog and treats Kyle like a villain when she's not. 


Kyle completely threw herself into the fight and that's on her, but I do think she has actual skin in the game here, and that she really does get emotional about it. Kim's just in her own world where all her emotions are about made up grievances and Brandi couldn't care less about either of them except that Kim is giving her a chance to cause trouble. Nothing would have been more satisfying--and less uncomfortable--to watch than Kyle telling Kim and Brandi that they could have each other and wish them well as they went off to party and talk over just how everyone else is responsible for their problems.


But that wasn't going to happen. I'm sure plenty of the other women would want to give that advice, but they're too smart to want to wade in there. They know that telling Kyle what they really think of Kim would probably eventually backfire. They just stay away from Kim.


Is she trying to make Kim look awful -- or is it part of her effort to get in a good fight so they can both get some camera time & provide more drama for the show?  I don't know, but I don't trust Kyle or her motives when it concerns camera time for the show



I could easily buy Kyle manipulating things for camera time, and making herself look good, but in this situation I don't really see where Kyle's actually done anything to make Kim look bad. 

  • Love 15

Kyle will never get well until she accepts that she can't be Big Kathy for Kim -- and doesn't need to be.  She needs to be Kyle Richards Umansky, whoever that is, and try to heal her own psychic wounds.  Kim will never grow up, I hate to say it, but don't think it's in the cards for her.  Ever so slight greater chance of that happening if Kyle were to stop trying to mother her and let her feel the burn when it hits.  I do think that Kim is actively if not consciously suicidal and do feel for Kyle on that score.  I get that she lives in absolute terror of Kim killing herself one way or another.  But, again, all this is basically out of her hands.  Having to accept that is a bitch but there is no other way to the other side. 


One thing that always strikes me is that both of these really sick women appear to have grown up without a father.  Do we ever hear about their Dad?  It's like Big Kathy had relations with herself in her uber universe of craziness and gave birth to this two-headed beast.  Seriously, WTF?  It's like both Kim and Kyle had to parent themselves emotionally when they were little and now that both parents are gone don't know how to be what they are to each other.  Being a sibling isn't the same thing as being a child or a parent.  It's its own universe, with its own rules and obligations.  These two have no real clue how to be true sisters to each other. 

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 6

I was reminded of the RHONYs twice this episode. Kim explaining her diagnosis is like Sonja explaining her toaster oven in that the question is one plus one and the answer is Nigerian soccer teams and someone else's cancer. What she should have done was take Aviva's example -- I cannot believe I just typed that -- and brought out the x-ray and hospital records. Tell Kyle she had been treated for bronchitis but had a persistent severe cough that resulted in a hernia and a hairline crack on one of her ribs. She took a pain pill that was not prescribed to her and she underestimated its strength,which in retrospect was a bad idea. It beats a long loopy monologue about "the pain, the pain". Wouldn't have hurt to google hernia, either.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 7

Kyle's only mistake was deigning to apologize to the Vacant Parasite (VP).


Kyle was silly enough to believe VP would also apologize. Why I'll never know. 


VP owes Kyle a few apologies, but we all know Kyle will never hear them. VP is incapable of seeing her own flaws, let alone admitting to them or offering up an apology to someone else.

  • Love 8

IMO, Lotusflower for the win with the most insightful comment so far. The most interesting moments are not when they are screaming and in-the-moment of anger and frustration. They are the quiet ones that we got in this episode. The huge number of times Brandi just casually throws out nuggets for Kim to digest. Reminding Kim that Brandi is the one who is there for her. Saying in the car on the way over "I just hate people who want others to fail". Reminding Kim that this person is Kyle. Beyond disgusting to me and the thing that reveals Brandi's true character.

Can you imagine the things she says to those boys about their father and stepmother behind closed doors.

  • Love 13

SwordQueen -- Brandi knows all too well that Yolanda's supreme mothering skills are crucial to her sense of self and that the very best and most effective way -- the quickest way -- to insult her and threaten her is to throw shade on her children.  Because Brandi doesn't just insult -- she threatens and hints at knowing tons and tons that will be used, if you cross her, to firebomb your house.  That's the creepiest thing about her -- she's a blackmailer by nature. 


I had to let go of a relationship with a sibling too.  We see each other, and are cordial, at weddings, funerals, and other family events and that's it.  Lives ten minutes away from me by car.  Never see this person outside of the above.  It's been about ten years now and has been much better for both of us.  We took turns being Kim and Kyle ffor 20 years and ruined a far number of events with a lot of hair-trigger scenes.  A shared childhood trauma, coupled with inherited addiction issues -- two branches of the same tree. Whenever I start feeling mopey about it I make myself acknowledge that both of us -- and our innocent families and children -- are way way better off just like this.  It can be done. Glad it worked out for you too.  It takes a lot to bring folks to that point.  It also helped that in making the decision, I was able to communicate it calmly to my sibling and to make it clear that I was having to let go with love.  I apologized for my significant part in all that had taken place -- and I meant it.  Never received an apology back, ever, and realized I was free when that no longer mattered to me.  Like a buddy of mine used to say, better murder than suicide. 


Both these dames have the resources available to seek the very best of treatment.  Less time cavorting, shopping, engaging in BS -- put some of that cash down on some real treatment and state of the art therapies. And stop hijacking the damn show. 


So this is why I am not looking forward to Brandi turning on Kim.  Now I don’t care if these bitches take each other out, but like you said, Brandi’s M.O. is to hit her enemies where it hurts the most -- going after their loved ones (Adrienne’s kids, Yo’s kid, hurting Kyle’s family with the cheating gossip, Kim’s family with the meth accusation and now the ‘outing’ of her relapse, pitting sisters against each other, etc.).  I’m afraid she will take it upon herself to bring up Kim’s son being hospitalized and maybe other things she knows about his issues and any other family trauma.  That would be crossing a line Brandi could never come back from, imo. 


Put those two in a room and let them go at it but Brandi needs to learn how to fight cleaner if she doesn’t want someone getting dirty with her family.  She’s already given them plenty of ammunition with her father’s past horticulture hobby, her kid’s bedwetting and sleeping arrangements, Eddie fucking everything that moved while she was pregnant, her STD and tampon string-gate, and probably a lot more that was said in confidence.  While, I hope none of the HWs go there, I’d be lying if I said that I would be that upset with any of them if they did.  Sad, but sometimes the only way to get through to someone that their own behavior is bad, is to mirror that behavior right back to them.  I don’t think that would really affect Brandi too much though because that psychic vampire has no reflection. 


I’m sorry you had to deal with cutting out a sibling, too, but I'm glad it was done with tenderness and understanding from your side of it, at least.  That's the only thing you can do really, you know?.  It’s freeing though to be able to remove yourself from the continuous cycle of dysfunction.  At least, the other person’s part in that cycle.  There’s still so much work that needs to be done on oneself, even when the offending party is no longer around.  If Kyle can let go of Kim’s addiction to everything (drugs, alcohol, drama, attention) physically then she can start to work on removing herself emotionally as well.  My split with my sibling wasn’t out of love or in any way amicable – they were straight up abusive – but, and it’s been about 10 years for me as well, not having contact with them in any way has really helped to heal the emotional scars that were constantly being reopened by their presence in my life.


Kim needs to do the same, actually, which is separating herself from the dysfunction of her siblings and childhood traumas.  Especially since she’s been so vocal about Kyle “not being there for her” and causing her pain, you’d think that she’d *want* to step away from Kyle in order to become healthy and maintain her sobriety.  But from what we’ve seen, Kyle really has been there for her and does help her in various ways, so we all know she’s not about to walk away from that permanently.  It makes me sad to see Kim off the wagon, and I like her even less.  But addiction is a black hole of suck and it takes everything with it, it doesn’t discriminate or choose sides. This show has already dealt with a grisly and untimely death, I'd hate for it to have to showcase another one. 

  • Love 9

Hmmmm, I don't think I've ever heard Yo talk this much about Anwar in four seasons as I did last night. 



Really Lisa? You were not even a tiny bit prepared for the fact that Max might one day ask about his past, where he came from? And she wouldn't even tell him his born last name! How is that going to hurt. Look, I have never experienced any side of an adoption. I cannot even imagine what people go through to give up their child, or the worries that might come with raising an adopted child. But is she really that insecure? At any rate, he's an adult now. You may worry that you are "burdening him with another identity", but it's ultimately his choice to know. If you aren't upfront and open with him, he's probably just going to end up resenting you. 



She really might be that insecure. Don't forget about Ken, he also teared up. I don't have any experience with adoption either but I can imagine adoptive parents dread this day no matter how much they mentally prepare themselves for it. It is not something you are prepared for and act on without fear of losing your child or fear of them being rejected by the biological parent and all the other things that could go wrong if the adoptive child finds their birth parent. 


As for giving him a name, if this was their first conversation, I don't expect her to give it up so quickly. She and Ken need time to process, plus there is the legal aspect of airing it on tv.


And then, and then....the Mauricio comment! That was as low as it gets. And Kim just sat there.



Didn't expect Kim to say a word in defense of Kyle but Mauricio has been nothing but kind and generous to her. To hear that about him and pretty much shrug was a whole new level of suck.


Makes her righteous indignation at Lisa for magazine gate last season all the more interesting. 


I am with those that say Kyle should severe ties with her for a long period of time. Maybe then she'll start taking responsibilities for her actions .

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
  • Love 12

As an adoptive mother I was all prepared to be judgemental about the Max storyline but I see Lisa loves Max and I'm certain she will do the right thing. She may have some miss steps but what mother hasn't?

I think the rumor that Kyle refused to return without her sister got legs because most of us realize that Kim should have been demoted or fired long ago. That rumor emerged and people thought yea that's the only thing that makes sense as to why she is on my tv.

I see Brandi is starting to turn on Yo. We all knew it would happen but Our Lady of the Lemons thought she was above that. Sorry Yo no one is above that in Brandis world. She has said horrible things about her father, sister, and even her kids. If you are in Brandis sights you are fair game.

So glad Kim got the FU she so desperately deserved. Recently I saw this great documentary about detecting lies ( it was actually about criminals but it applies here as well). The bigger the lie the more details a person will give. That is Kim. Instead of saying I felt awful so I went to the hospital, we get all the bull shit about the popping sound, Montys pills and how she thought she was terminal. Kim I can smell the smoke from your burning pants pants all the way on the East coast.

Once again Lisa R wins mvp for pointing out that Kim was indeed in need of hospitalaztion but not for the reasons she gave.

Edited by nc socialworker
  • Love 13

What the hell is up with Yolanda being so casual about Anwar going to a beach party with "lots of alcohol"????  He's 13 years-old!  WTF???  I would never send my 13 year-old to a party without me where there will be alcohol.


Yolanda has mentioned all of her kids being at gatherings/parties with alcohol, but I've NEVER heard her say, "Hey... you're underage, so don't drink!".  I actually believe that she is cool with her kids drinking.  Nice mothering,

  • Love 7

Brandi really is not very smart, is she? She has alienated every single housewife on the show except Kim and we know that is a temporary relationship. Yo is not there yet, however, judging from next week episode she is on the way.  Who the hell does Brandi think she is going to film with next season? She has practically backed herself right out of a job. Moron. 


Aww, man.  I'm getting a terrible feeling that all of Brandi's posturing is her angling for her own spinoff show.  Doesn't matter then if the other HWs don't want to film with her because she'll be "The Star".  I picture a lot of drunken, naked-wasted shenanigans. 


I think my lip and my eyeball just twitched simultaneously in horror.

  • Love 7

SnowQueen -- Thanks for that--very thoughtful and kind.  I tries and tries to sound all wise and noble but it still hurts, don't it?  And I did pretty it up for the message board.  It was hell, really nasty, and extremely painful.  And a real loss for both of us.  Losing a brother or sister -- it's just not fun.  In my world, and this is the crucial thing and in some ways the ONLY thing, the first one to apologize sincerely, in a way that respects all parties involved in the dispute, wins.  You just do -- you win because you've let go and have acknowledged that the other person is just as messed up and hurting as you've been.  And you can win further by coming to see that just because they can't say I'm sorry doesn't mean they don't feel it.  


By the time Brandi turns on Kim, I expect Kim to be so out of it and loopy that she may not notice or comprehend!  That's the thing about Kim -- she'll bury them all in the way these ethereal types do because she can't remember from one day to the next what is going on and who did what to whom.  It's the secret to immortality unless you stick one needle too many into your arm.  Cue "Memento" or the recent "Before I Go to Sleep at Night."  If you can't remember anything -- 5, 7, 9 days or whether it was yesterday or today -- it all tends to slide off your back. 


Thanks for your comments. 

  • Love 6

Would not surprise me if Kim didn't show up to the reunion. She will feign an illness or something. She has to know she is going to have to answer to a litany of Andy questions. And how would Kyle handle her sister's feet being put to the fire? And Brandi. Oh, Brandi better be practicing her little quick, witty comebacks now because I doubt anybody is going to be up for defending her. It's going to be quite a reunion!

  • Love 10

Umbelina I loved that you transcribed it.


It oulines that Kyle continued to provoke. Done! Brandi didn't take the bait had a couple of one liners, refused to buckle to what Kyle was trying to prove and Kyle got more and more aggravated because Brandi didn't follow suit and admit she was wrong.


Can someone please explain Kyle's logic about how, well yes I pushed your hand down but YOU were the one that was aggressive?????? I mean seriously! I'm not understanding that one bit and I can't understand how Kyle even thinks that has any merit or logic. I pushed your hand down because you wouldn't let ME get into my sisters face and then YOU got real aggressive with ME... Well no shit Sherlock!!!!! I just can't with Kyle and her wack a doodle logic. Okay sure she reacts strongly (which, BTW, is the type of self reflection that I find akin to Brandi's whole truth cannon approach to her bad decisions) but then to afterwards still explain the situation in the manner like she still wasn't wrong about putting her hands on Brandi and that it was Brandi who was wrong in reacting to Kyle so "aggressively"? Self reflection would be Kyle understanding that her tendency to react so strongly contributed to the altercation because it was Kyle, no one else, tripping over themselves to aggressively get to someone, confront someone, get in someone elses space and then refused to back off until physical restrictions were used.


Honey, it's one thing to react strongly yada yada yada but it's another to reflect on it and still think that the reactions YOU provoked with your inappropriate and aggressive behavior as well as a lack of regard for someone elses personal space still translates as somehow you being wronged and needing an apology??? And no Kyle doesn't have the "automatic apology" just because she's put up with Kim for so long so she can act any ole way she pleases each and every time Kim has an episode with no limitations or any consequences for HER behavior.  Piece of work that Kyle Richards!!!!

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 6

This is becoming so ridiculous with Kim that I'm starting to really dislike her intensely. Kim always seemed to be silly before and made me laugh at her facial gestures but now she's looking just totally stupid. Sometime the look on her face and in her eyes almost looks like she has suffered some permanent brain damage. Kim and Bravo expect us to buy this story about the reason for her hospitalization?  Really, "a hernia and a cracked and fractured rib" ? Does Kim and Bravo think we'd really swallow that? I have a kazillion questions. What kind of hernia was it that could possibly cause a "cracked and fractured" rib? Was it a hiatal, inguinal, umbilical, incisional or what? Was the hernia repaired by surgery? If you was in so much PAIN as she said over and over, and her dying ex-husband Monty was there in her home being taken care of by her, then why didn't she just cancel the poker lesson? Kim is an experienced substance abuser and knows very well what she took and what the effect of mixing it with alcohol would do.


If any of this is real and Kim and Kyle are really in disagreement as far as Brandi goes, then Kyle needs to draw a line in the sand with Kim. Either Kim relinquishes her attachment to the evil force Brandi, or Kyle does what's best for Kyle which is to remove herself entirely from Kim and let Kim go run free with her 'sister-friend' Brandi. Let's sit and watch as Kim follows Brandi spiraling right down the big drain.


One last thing, I think the 'tops and bottoms' thing about the gay friends has been over-killed. We get it, they get it, everyone gets it. Do they think it makes us all feel better knowing exactly what the terms 'tops and bottoms' means? It's not morse code, we figured it out Bravo, let it go now.  Thank you.


Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 10

In my opinion, its all or nothing.  If its offensive then its offensive when everyone says it.  As a casual viewer, I don't see any difference in the way Kathy, the Lisas, Kyle, or Nene uses the reference.  Of course, I just call people by their names so there is that.  Giving select people passes causes confusion and unintended offense.



LOL, I got excited when I saw Faye because I just knew she was going to handle a bitch.  Maybe it will happen in part 2.

My God, I really am losing it, since my reaction to your post was "I hope so". 


Congratulations Brandi, I now hate you so much that I would  endure screen time for Faye if it means seeing you taken down. In fact, I would look forward to it. Well done, Skank, well done.


Note to Kim: Based on your history, when you do not show up the "parties" on the show everyone wonders if it means you have, once again  "fallen off the wagon". When you do show up, You remove all doubt.


Anyone who thinks Kim is still clean and sober, I have bridge in Brooklyn you might be interested in. And I hesitate to  use the word "still"

since I am not  convinced there ever was a wagon.


Previously I had hoped to see Kim removed from the show for being boring and stupid, but I could not say I really disliked her. I can now. She is a vile human being. She is loving this ridiculous battle between her sister and her new BFF. She is pathetic, truly, but I am out of sympathy. I am sick of the excuses. Grow up, Sober up and, to quote your pal, Shut the Fuck up.  Then go away and take the Skank with you. I am done. I really don't give a flying fig what happens to her any more. 


Kyle clearly has her own issues. I love my sisters, but I cannot imagine begging any of them to "choose me". It's wierd. Yeah, Brandi is wrong to try to get between sisters, but "Wrong" is Brandi's middle name (or is it drunken or slut? whatever) I expect bad behavior from her. It's all she knows. Kyle should just ignore the stupid bitches and get on with her pretty nice life.    


I love, love, love Eileen and Lisa R and think they are the best additions to any of the HoWives shows in, well, ever. Sadly i don't think Eileen will be back, which is really too bad. I strongly support Eileen's suggestion of taking  a hose to those bitches. We have done that at the dog park when nothing else worked. Of course the canine bitches at the dog park have more sense than Kyle and Brandi. They also have more class than Brandi.


Finally, Brandi is really going there with Bella? First of all, she is still a child. She got drunk and got behind the wheel, which is supremely stupid and horribe. It does not mean she is an alcoholic. If Yolanda gives the bitch a pass for this, shame on her. That was worse than her stupid "ask your husband" line. Both are typical Brandi. She is a vile POS. She has surpassed Aviva territory now (at least the Veevs stuck with attacking adults) and she needs to be fired. Now.

Edited by chlban
  • Love 16

I would SO love to follow the Fosters to Italy to catch the event that Yolanda was talking about while packing.  Would love love love to see Roberto Cavali's pad!  

Froggy cry talk that we will never see it!  Sounded awesome ... Italy, Andrea Bocelli, charity fundraiser for big wigs, Clooney, Cavali.  King David being all super charity oriented.  If this show weren't always such a shit show of dumb and dysfunction we might have an increased chance of seeing some this good stuff happen.  Waaaah!

  • Love 6
Can someone please explain Kyle's logic about how, well yes I pushed your hand down but YOU were the one that was aggressive??????



She meant Brandi was being aggressive because when Kyle was walking up to Kim--there was nothing to indicate Kyle was "getting in her face" particular since she was just going up and asking her what the problem was after Kim, who had been fine minutes before, came up and said something angry to her--Brandi was blocking her way like a traffic cop. If someone is walking across the room and someone steps in front of them and won't let them pass, they're being aggressive. 

  • Love 20

I can't say anything that hasn't been said in this thread other than....


Fuck you Kim.  Just...fuck you.


If I was Kyle I would've told you to enjoy your life and walked away.  No way would I have stuck around for that bullshit.

Yes!  Enjoy your life - since I've never been there for you, or helped you at all, I'm sure you won't miss me.  Have fun with your new BFF.

  • Love 5

Not for nothing, but I enjoyed watching Yo pack for 5 minutes for the house porn.  His and hers closet?!!? Swoon! I love Yo’s closet the most.  Love it even more than Lisa, which veers into the tacky for me.


It's my favorite, too.  For me, it only lacks the jewelry island Lisa has in the middle of hers.  I freaking love that thing.

  • Love 6

I don't know much about adoption but those scenes with Lisa, Ken and Max were touching and tough to watch.  Both Lisa and Ken are so reserved emotionally that when they do let the cracks show, I really take notice.  I hope Max gets all of the information he is looking for.  You know, it's funny to me that with how popular Lisa VP is, and that she's main character behind Kyle, I still feel like I know very little about her family's dynamics (the real dynamics, not what they joke about all of the time) compared to the other HWs.  Maybe I just wasn't paying attention, because I, well, I don't do that a lot.  lol


It's sad to watch Kim lost in a haze of her addiction like that.  I wonder how this would have all gone down had Brandi not been there to pump Kim full of ideas and be her party pal.  Lisa R. and Eileen sure don't mince words but I think both have shown themselves to be supportive of Kim's sobriety and of Kyle's sanity.  I really hope she will no longer be on the show because while it seems to have pushed her into admitting her addictions (well, okay, somewhat), reality shows are not, by nature, supportive, therapeutic mediums.  The only reasons I like these kinds of shows are because I love the psychological and sociological aspects of seeing people interact with each other, and I like frivolous fun to escape to sometimes, and if I wanted to see nature untouched, then I'd watch one of those wilderness shows where they won't even flip a little helpless turtle off of its back (turtle turtle), because "that's nature".  I don't want to someone in the throws of addiction being enabled for ratings.  But boy, those Richard sisters would be great TV if not for that, because they are so raw with each other. 



Hugs, Copa.  :) 

  • Love 7

I think that Kyle texted Kim from the bathroom when they were at Eileen's, telling her to get ass in there so they could talk about just how messed up she was.  Can't blame her for that.  Don't believe that everyone suddenly forgot they were mic'd in the bathroom.  But whatever -- I would've texted her too and asked her for a little chat.  Purely speculative but, again, it's what I would've done in full on engagement with the crazy mode. 


I can't stand Kyle but think that her physical aggression as the two other chicks were walking out the door with pizza came about as a result of being kinda drunk herself and reacting to what seemed like a long night of taunts and disrespect.  Kyle was aggressive for sure and started the physical rumpus but only after some hours of totally unbelievably provocative behavior from Brandi and Kim. Can we just call them Brim?


My fear for the rest of the season is that it's going to be addiction issues up the wazoo and then Max adoption matters.  I like Max and wish him all the best.  I'm not surprised that he wants to find out more.  I just don't want to see it and I don't trust Bravo or the VP-Todds to do a good job of highlighting ANYTHING having to do with the matter. 

  • Love 6

She meant Brandi was being aggressive because when Kyle was walking up to Kim--there was nothing to indicate Kyle was "getting in her face" particular since she was just going up and asking her what the problem was after Kim, who had been fine minutes before, came up and said something angry to her--Brandi was blocking her way like a traffic cop. If someone is walking across the room and someone steps in front of them and won't let them pass, they're being aggressive.


I saw the scene and yes Brandi put up her arm and Kyle was fast approaching Kim and Kim didn't want to talk to Kyle. Kyle ended up right on top of Brandi because of course she had disregarded the fact that Kim SAID she didn't want to talk so already personal space has been disrespected. Protective is shielding someone aggressive would have been Brandi facing Kyle and aggressively restricting Kyle's movements which Brandi didn't do (until Kyle put her hand on her and then the garage later but at that point stupid decisions caused even more stupid responses). Brandi was right beside Kim and when Kyle came up to Kim she put her shoulder and arm up to maintain an appropriate amount of space between two people, related or not I don't see what's wrong with trying to keep two people from getting on top of each other with the real possibility of an altercation happening. I didn't see anything insincere with Brandi's instinct to shield Kim in that moment. It seemed like a reflex and the right thing to do in the moment. Not some contrived act to create a rift between sisters.


  • Love 5

I did get a good laugh (again) watching snippets of 'the fight in the driveway' scene and laughed even more this time seeing Vince peeping through the garage door. He looked like a guy that was smart enough not to get in the middle of a cat fight. And his comment to Eileen inside, "why can't they just get along" just made me roll laughing. All Hail Peeping Vince!




  • Love 10

I am seeing a pattern with Brandi.  First she dumped all over Adrienne and Paul because they did not spend enough time with her, then it was Lisa's morning phone calls have ceased so Brandi went after her, now it is Kyle doesn't spend enough time with Kim and that makes her a bad person.


We are going down the ridiculous rabbit hole of confidentiality on a reality show.  Brandi breaks confidence with Kim (the existence of the 2 am phone call(s)) to see if she can get Kyle to break confidence with the matter secret of the phone calls.  Kyle was on vacation the month of July, Kim decided to move up the wedding.  I don't know what Kyle needed to be there for as far as wedding planning, Kim had the location covered, (Kathy's estate), food and beverage (Glenn) Kyle's party guy, dresses were done before Kyle went to Spain, was Kyle needed for the flowers, the guest book?  If Kim feels that Kyle should have been there just for support it is a valid feeling just as Kyle wanting to spend time with her family in Europe.  Now if Brandi is offended that she had to listen to Kim's mother-of-the-bride wedding planning nervosa, when she feels like Kyle should have been there I question the true friendship between Kim and Brandi.  I will say if Brandi listened to the wedding nonsense at 2 am and still did not get an invitation to the hurry up wedding, Brandi's feeling of being excluded are valid-but they should be directed at KIM not Kyle.


I do know Brandi and her gay friend we saw last night make jabs at Kyle and her vacations so maybe Brandi's anger and Kim's lack of support for sister against Brandi's barbs have more to do with Kyle getting to take the great vacations and be filmed and Brandi and Kim hanging out in LA and stalking JR and watching Eddie Cibrian's new TV show.  Maybe more of production jealousy?

  • Love 7


Can someone please explain Kyle's logic about how, well yes I pushed your hand down but YOU were the one that was aggressive?????? I mean seriously! I'm not understanding that one bit and I can't understand how Kyle even thinks that has any merit or logic.


There it is....when Brandi was trying to sweep Kim out the door, and Kyle was following behind, Brandi was clearly in a "body-block" stance - blocking Kyle from getting close to Kim.  Brandi's hand and arm were raised, away from her body (and, due to height differences, very close to Kyle's face level). 

If Brandi had not raised her hand (in agression, in my opinion) to block Kyle from Kim in the first place, then Kyle would not have had to push it away in the second place.

  • Love 13

Brandi is only friends with Kim because, as long as she can enable Kim's addiction, her own addiction issues are not the primary focus. "Sure, I like to drink but I'm not as bad off as her." Meanwhile, Kim is finding someone who will normalize her desire to have a drink or two (or three or four) or take a pill when the need arises (and it always arises). "See? I'm not the only one who does that. It's no big deal." Typical co-dependent behavior.


It makes for bad television, though. It's exploitive and gross and it detracts from conversations that are of actual interest because they spend so much time on a sobbing, incoherent screaming match that no one truly cares about. 

  • Love 9

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