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S02.E15: Spellcaster

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After escaping Purgatory, a warlock who triggered the Salem witch trials returns to find a dangerous book of spells. Meanwhile, Abbie attempts to trust Frank Irving again, while Henry struggles to find his identity.


Edited by OnceSane
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It finally dawned on me that they are turning Katrina into Jean Grey of the X-Men; she can be almost unstoppable if she truly tapped into her power but it would lead her to the dark side.  That and the red hair.


Meanwhile Crane has watched one House Hunters too many if he wants a home with granite counter tops.

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So this episode in and of itself was slow--the pacing was really, really off, and given its really interesting premise, it should have been better than it was. The evil guy was massively underused. BUT this episode set up a REALLY interesting stretch run.


Abbie is SO going to get burned by relaxing and getting friendly with Irving again. I'm very curious about how much, if anything, he knows about what's wrong with him--like is he bound to Henry so completely that Henry is 100% the puppet master? Has his soul been corrupted, but he has limited free will? Does he have split personalities? Etc. And, if he really knows nothing, I'm really frustrated with him that he's lying about being totally fine. I understand it, but it's still frustrating, these people should know better by now! But at any rate, that's so absolutely going to blow up in Abbie's face in the season finale. I actually like how the show has set up a sort of cross-square--Ichabod is going to be betrayed by Katrina, while Abbie side-eyes her; Abbie is going to be betrayed by Irving, who Ichabod seemed to side-eye when he showed up at the underground base tonight. Honestly, it feels like they don't know what to do with either character, so may be writing off both of them. I'd be okay with that. Abbie, Ichabod, and Jenny are the only musts for me. It feels like they're setting up the season end to be the Witnesses standing alone, with only each other.


Henry was so f'ing creepy with that single mom and her kid. I feel like in another day he's going to lock them in his motel room to play happy families...or MURDER them like they're ants under his boot. Cuh-ree-peey. It's amazing how much better the character is in small doses; his sorely-missed creep factor was back in play tonight. I've always said he works best as a malicious free agent who will every once in a while side with the good guys. Much better as a very very dark gray/back wild card.


Katrina going dark? Sign me up! Though I feel like this episode was a great example of how the character COULD have worked, had she not been mishandled. Nevertheless, I do think Evil Katrina is probably the show's best path going forward.


It's more and more apparent that the extended episode order hurt the show. This season would have been SO much better at 13-15 episodes total.

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I was a little bored at first, but it got better.  A lot better.  And they got Katrina out of that corset, yay.  And are sowing the seeds of her going dark.


It looks like Henry is going to take the place of Moloch, metaphorically at least.  If not trying to bring about the Apocalypse, he'll at least be the big bad.  And Irving is on his side.  I wonder if that's due to the soul taking spell or the resurrection or if it's really Irving at all.


Loved Abbie reminding Crane that they took care of plenty of paranormal/supernatural enemies before Katrina came along. 


Loved Ichabod being so happy to go out for a beer with Abbie.  (and I'm not even a shipper, I just like their friendship.  Although I'm not opposed to it either).

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It finally dawned on me that they are turning Katrina into Jean Grey of the X-Men; she can be almost unstoppable if she truly tapped into her power but it would lead her to the dark side. That and the red hair.

Meanwhile Crane has watched one House Hunters too many if he wants a home with granite counter tops.

So, she's a Mary Sue....because Jean is pretty much the Mary Sue-est of Sues Edited by Morrigan2575
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Must every man that turns evil turn due to unrequited love? RME. And how the heck did Sarah end up stabbed? One minute Kent was trying to kiss her and she was pushing him away, the next she was somehow stabbed to death.

Loved the first Abbie/Frank scene. However, though I understand her being cautious about him I don't like the fact that she has done nothing to find out what is really up with him or tried to help him. Actually her and Crane have shown to have no use for him unless he can help them, which I think will come back to bite them on the ass as evidence by Frank now willingly working with Henry.

Also, Frank just came back from the dead, got his wife and family back and he's hanging out at the bar alone, tracking Abbie down in the street just to say he’s moving on? Why wasn't Abbie more suspicious of this? I also wonder where Cynthia is, with Frank running around “helping” Abbie/Crane and working for Henry? Was he lying about their reconciliation. Hope she’s okay.

I really liked the potential of Kent. Was very disappointed with his story and ultimate demise.

I didn't know whether Katrina was shocked by her evil powers at the end or getting a high off of them. She was almost interesting tonight. Almost.

Overall, this was an okay episode. I thought it could've been better. Not happy at all to see Henry again. I think we could've done without all his scenes. At least Jenny’s absence was explained.

Serious nitpick, how does Crane expect to get a mortgage for a house with no job? Talk about putting the cart before the horse.

Edited by Enero
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~Filler, filler~

~Filler is so much fun~

Except when it's not.  Which is what this episode was.

We did get some progress in the last minute, though.

Loved the bit with Ichabod and the squeak toy banana, too!

So, she's a Mary Sue....because Jean is pretty much the Mary Sue-est of Sues


Don't you dare insult Jean Grey with the comparison to Katrina!

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~Filler, filler~

~Filler is so much fun~

Except when it's not. Which is what this episode was.

We did get some progress in the last minute, though.

Loved the bit with Ichabod and the squeak toy banana, too!

Don't you dare insult Jean Grey with the comparison to Katrina!

I hate Jean Grey, I hate Katrina. Only difference is I got to watch Jean die, several times, and Marvel was smart enough to keep her dead for a good decade.
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I am happy that we are getting a direction for the end of the season.

Irving and Henry make a good pair.

I too really liked Abbie reminding Crane that they fought things without magic in the past.

I also noticed he was quick to leave "ailing" Katrina to celebrate with Abbie.

I even actually "liked" Katrina tonight. I would be happy with her going darkside.

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I liked it.  It seems neck-snapping is the murder of choice by Henry and his follower.  It's too bad the warlock couldn't stick around for a few episodes. 


Since Katrina was swayed by the warlock after a 5-minute conversation, it seems she has always been a dark witch.  I hope this means the witnesses will vanquish her and she disappears from the show.  (Also, was I hearing wrong or did Abby call her "Kat"?)


I too hope that Irving's family is alright. 

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Oh, great, Henry is back.  Actually, he wasn't too bad.  I was evilly amused at watching him take out those jerks, and I thought John Noble toned it down a bit compared to his past few episodes.  And, it looks like we might not thankfully go down a silly redemption arc, but he's actually going to go full-fledge big baddie now. Maybe that will finally wake Katrina up (doubtful....)


Not surprised Irving is part of this, but I am surprised that it looks like he isn't be controlled, but totally on Team Henry.  I wonder what that was all about?


Bored with the A-plot.  Could care less about Katrina's family, and Solomon Kent was a bore, as soon as his motivation was revealed to be all about a woman.  Lame. Plus, I was never a huge fan of Jonathan Schaech.


Please, please, have Katrina embrace her darkness.  She has a shot at being interesting, if she just goes full evil.


I did love most of the Ichabod/Abbie moments.  Felt like the good old days.  Surprised to hear that Ichabod is actually reading comics (Spiderman, at least.)  I wasn't sure if he would appreciate that medium.  Good for him.  Just don't get involved in the never ending Marvel vs. DC war!  You can appreciate them both, despite what the internet says!

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So the timeline for Katrina's family is all off. If she was 20 in 1776 then she would've been born in 1756. If we go by the mores of the day then Katrina's mom would've been born around 1736 which is 40 years after the Salem Witch Trials. Katrina said her mom was a little girl during the trials. It would've made much more sense if they had it be her great great grandma who was hanged.

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This episode was boring.   At least they're going to make Katrina evil now--though, I maintain that she's always been evil.  That's the only way that the character works.  I also note that her grandmother was just as breathless and wide-eyed as she is.


I thought the fight scene between Crane and Kent was weird and over-the-top.  I didn't understand where Crane being so angry came from and why he went "Rambo" on Kent and started punching him.  Just because he zapped Katrina or whatever?  It just felt over-the-top to me.


I will say that I'm intrigued by the story that's developing with Irving.  I also liked Henry's return.

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It's good to see Katia Winter stretch herself playing a completely different character with completely different mannerisms and vocal inflections....


Maybe it's just in the Van Tassel gene pool that vocal chords cannot do more than whisper

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Loved Abbie reminding Crane that they took care of plenty of paranormal/supernatural enemies before Katrina came along.

I thought that line was HUGELY foreshadowing Katrina going evil. Like "we won't have her soon, but we'll still be okay!"


Not surprised Irving is part of this, but I am surprised that it looks like he isn't be controlled, but totally on Team Henry.  I wonder what that was all about?

I don't know--Irving looked genuinely freaked out at his lack of reflection last week, so I don't know how clued into his metaphysical state--whatever it is--he was last week vs this week. Nor do we know how much he may have found out in between (and how he found it out). I'm leaning toward there IS a shard of good somewhere in him that the Witnesses are going to have to try to tap into.

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This episode didn't thrill me at all.  I would have liked more Ichabod and Abbie stuff, and Kent was really wasted as a villain.  But I'm very interested to see where they're taking this.  It's a step in the right direction.


Mtlchick, I also got Dark Phoenix vibes from Katrina.  While I didn't find her interesting, I didn't hate her, either.  She just doesn't have any real presence for me.  I do think her going dark makes sense in the long run, though.  It would explain why her powers crap out whenever Abbie or Ichabod need her to use them, if her magic is fueled by sinister behavior instead of goodness.


I didn't find Henry interesting, either, but I'm so glad that he didn't go all "My heart grew three sizes today!" because of the motel owner and her son.  I knew that woman would have something to do with the plot.  And Irving was pretty good as his (probably) unwilling henchman.  Looks like Henry still owns his soul.


You can definitely see where they're making changes.  Abbie remarked that Jenny was hunting an artifact somewhere.  Before, Jenny's absence would have gone unmentioned.

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Meh! The only interesting part was Frank's story, although it wasn't a surprising twist, considering his lack of reflection last week. He's playing the Witnesses and although I prefer Frank on Team Witness, going evil has some clarity of purpose and that's something the show desperately needs. I still want him to be able to escape Henry's influence, before it's too late though. I want him to be saved though, so I hope he doesn't cross a line, where he cannot be redeemed.


The rest was the usual Everything Is About Katrina. It doesn't matter if she's not in a given scene, people will talk about her no matter what. I'm sorry, but I'm tired of this. Good or evil, her presence always consumes the show. That's not going to change if she becomes evil and I suspect it will actually get worse with Goffman at the helm.


Anyway, as always, whenever they try to explain her or her powers, they make her even more nonsensical. And boring.


I think it's time for Abbie to skip town as soon as possible and no, it's not because of Frank. I've never feared more for her life, than when Ichabod gave his "heartfelt" speech about the real reasons they are fighting. Knowing that manipulative hypocrite, what he really meant was: "We fight for something, we fight for my beloved Katrina, my family, the life I want with them. Prepare to die for me, Lieutenant!"

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It's more and more apparent that the extended episode order hurt the show. This season would have been SO much better at 13-15 episodes total.


I have a feeling 13-15 episodes would have just meant even more of the worst of this season, with less focus on anything beyond Crane crises. I've seen too many terrible short seasons or short seasons full of filler to make me think this would be different.

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And how the heck did Sarah end up stabbed? One minute Kent was trying to kiss her and she was pushing him away, the next she was somehow stabbed to death.


He had just given her a new knife of some sort, to replace the one that had cut her in the earlier scene. A "better tool" than what she had, I guess. So when they struggled, she must have gotten stabbed by his "gift" knife.

Interesting twist with Katrina. I'm hoping she does go all dark witch and Crane has to confront her (and maybe even destroy her). It would be must more interesting than her on-again, off-again powers and repeated retiring to her bedroom to rest. *eyeroll*  


I liked how excited Crane was to go out for a beer with Abbie, and also how he listened to her without her even having to say a word. She just gave him a look, and he gave in and took the frozen veggies out of the freezer to ice his hand.

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Notes made while watching some echo others here:

The whisper must be a genetic defect

Glad to see that Crane finally seems to know that stuff costs money. But no indication he is thinking of paying Abbie back for all the $ she shelled out for the Cranes' upkeep

We are fighting for love, for family - foreshadows continuing Crane angst over Katrina - boring. Plus Crane going OTT because evil warlock hurt his "formidable witch"

Hopefully the writers are foreshadowing the fact that Crane and Abbie will return to not needing magic

I wonder if the don't give up, don't stop fighting speech by Irving was also talking about his intent to keep trying to break loose from Henry. But perhaps I am too hopeful

OK episode - not the roller coaster timing of season one but better than many this season.

Henry was better after his introspection. Like him as the big bad in his more "actualized" persona

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Okay I shouldn't only snark about Katrina but they just make it so damn easy.


I did like the episode overall.


Loved every moment of Ichabbie. I would totally watch a house hunting episode with Ichabbie. 


I'm okay with Irving being dark side for now. But I'm really hoping he's running a long con on Henry


This was the best way to use John Noble. He was creepy and interesting and not too much of him.


Overall it was OriginalRecipe!Sleepy Hollows-adjacent. 

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I'm pretty sad about the Irving twist, though I can't say I'm really surprised. Still... it makes me sad that he's going to go up against his own friends and everything he'd been against before he was taken by Jeremy. To hear him call Abbie and Crane "The Witnesses" instead of referring to them as Abbie and Ichabod just cemented for me how "not Irving" he is. I don't know if it's because it's really not him, and Irving is truly dead, or because Jeremy's controlling him because he still has hold over Irving's soul, or if being killed somehow destroyed the true Irving and this dark soul has taken his place, or... ?


I don't know what their plan is for him, I'm sure it will make for exciting episodes and that's cool with me, but it still makes me sad. 

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The comparison to Jean Grey (whom I always liked, at least before I gave up on X-Men many a year ago), reminds me of how John Byrne and Claremont had her do terrible things as Dark Phoenix and were going to just solve it by punishment of losing powers until Marvel's higher-ups stepped in and said she had to go. I wonder if history will repeat itself...

While we're on a nostalgic trip, the title of the episode reminds me of those D-grade direct to video/HBO/Cinemax movies that used to pop up in the late '80s and early '90s, with a Katrina-type from the beyond driving a normal husband and father into a shocking affair and murder spree.


I think they had better wigs though.

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He had just given her a new knife of some sort, to replace the one that had cut her in the earlier scene. A "better tool" than what she had, I guess. So when they struggled, she must have gotten stabbed by his "gift" knife.


I got this, but the mechanics of the scene seemed all wrong. It just didn't make sense that she would end up stabbed even by accident.


I wonder if the don't give up, don't stop fighting speech by Irving was also talking about his intent to keep trying to break loose from Henry. But perhaps I am too hopeful.

The look he had on his face after Abbie left him at the bar makes me think that speech was just his way of reeling in Abbie even more so that she'd trust him. Speaking of which, why didn't Abbie speak with Katrina about what she discovered or didn't discover when she gave Frank spiritual check up? I found it odd that she'd just take his word for it after clearly expressing her reservations about him.

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Meanwhile Crane has watched one House Hunters too many if he wants a home with granite counter tops.

I thought that was meant as a sarcasm because he probably was watching too much House Hunters.  I laughed at that.  One of the few lighter moments in a show that doesn't have enough of that kind of humor anymore.

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From Sarah's recap:



She's standing around in the woods levitating flowers and rocks, but can't locate the grimoire Kent needs to open a door in time, can't blow off Kent's prating about her magic containing "seeds of darkness" as so much Talking-Villain foolishness, and just stands there gawping while he summons two parkouring blood demons, like, you're not going to do ANYTHING? Oh, wait, I'm sorry, you trapped him in a giant dust bunny. "Cool." Later, after the one battle she "participates" in leaves her weak and unable to "help" further, Katrina goes all milky-irises and levitates another daisy, but this one freezes and explodes.


*nodding fervently*  I am so sick of Katrina being helpless and hopeless every time some Big Bad comes into town. Her "powers" are "growing" again, she says, but she can't seem to help for more than a few seconds at a time before she's spent and that just makes me eyeroll. To have her just stand there while the guy starts incanting, to have her not try ANYTHING to stop him, it drives me nuts. Do SOMETHING! At least so we know she's trying. But she just stands there. WTF, indeed.


I got this, but the mechanics of the scene seemed all wrong. It just didn't make sense that she would end up stabbed even by accident.


You're definitely right -- it wasn't the smoothest choreographed scene between the two actors. Forced melodrama to make the bad guy become a true bad guy. *sigh*

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I think this episode was very much in the mode of Kali Yuga minus the fun karaoke scenes.  Still not up to par with S1, but much better than a lot of S2 and a lot of Ichabod and Abbie togetherness.


Also like the last episode this felt like an episode that is taking care of more things of the 'let's fix season two' checklist & answer some fan criticisms.


To wit:

- Ichabod acknowledging that he is thankful for Abbie letting him stay in the cabin but he needs a place of his own and his own money

- Katrina's magic (or lack thereof)


Outside of that I thought there were some things I really liked:

- I said way back when in another thread that I wish the show had showed Katrina struggling to adjust to our time and realizing that a lot of the things she accomplished by magic was now accomplished by technology.  I think this episode did that quite nicely.

- Also thank you Abbie for reminding Ichabod that you all managed to deal with supernatual shit without Katrina's magic all last year.

- Irving an Henry teaming up.  I liked it.  I really did.  I was suspicious of Frank and thought a lot of things, but not necessarily that.


But then....

- So what is it with having men go all evil because they are all up in their romantical feels.  Get rejected by a woman?  Go evil!  And then try to win her back after you are dead!  This is the hallmark of bad writing.

- Tatiana Maslany has nothing to worry about.  KW didn't even try with Grandma Van Tassel did she?

Edited by DearEvette
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This episode might have been the first one that actually bored me and I almost fell asleep during it.  Kent was boring and what is it about these villains that cause them to go nuts over Katrina and the women in her family?


Some fun moments though.  John Noble is terrific and liked him trashing the punks.  Irving's storyline might be interesting although I don't know how to feel about the direction of things to come.  It looks like we're building towards something now and that's a good thing.

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I'm going to fanwank that Katrina's always been evil but her powers only work when she goes darkside. So she's been repressing her darkside for "reasons" and that why she's been such a failure. I got nuthin....

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I liked Irving's story and what little of Ichabbie we got.


Kadreena was interesting for about ten seconds when she was actually effectively powerful and having FUN with being powerful in that first scene. 


Then she started to blah blah blah yadda yadda  yadda and I fell asleep.


Same with Henry. Snore.


Kent was interesting villain wasted on trying to make Kadreena happen. But NOOOOO Magics are not like musket it can't just be reloaded. And stow the bitchface honey, you suck.

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Unfortunately this episode just left me feeling like we're in for more CFD and Katrina-focus. This is why I didn't want her to turn evil - I wanted her gone. Turning her evil will just put the focus on Crane trying to get her to be not evil and to "redeem" her... and now he'll be all trying to "redeem" Henry.

Given that we haven't seen Headless in the last 2-3 episodes, I have a feeling he's the one to get killed - which is a terrible idea.

This episode just made me feel like the show is doubling down on the stuff we hate, but trying to put a bandaid on it by giving us more "Ichabbie" which I was afraid of.

And having Crane go OTT on Solomon Kent was just so out of left field - what - because he fought against Katrina? It's not like he hurt her... sheesh... just more shoving of the Epic TWU WUV in our faces... again.

I'm not interesting in seeing more Henry and CFD. I'm not interested in seeing Katrina grapple with evil or not being evil.

I'm upset that what we really cared about - Ichabod redrawing the map and all of his "betrayals" gets barely one episode to fix it - even though the whole map thing was NEVER addressed, yet this show is spending an ENTIRE FRECKING SEASON resolving all of the CFD and Crane marriage and Katrina crap.

Giving Abbie more screen time means NOTHING if Katrina is STILL the character driving the story. No. NO NO NO!

I'm done.

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Given that we haven't seen Headless in the last 2-3 episodes, I have a feeling he's the one to get killed - which is a terrible idea.


If they kill off Headless I will be irrationally annoyed. He was the best villain. But they need to return him to full on Headless badass status. 

Dark/evil Katrina isn't a thought I find comforting. As I said in the therapy thread, that means the show becomes about Katrina's redemption. CFD 2.0.

I'm not convinced of this because MAYBE we'll find out that Katrina does something super horrible ...maybe when she goes darkside and she hurts Abbie or Jenny which I think Ichabod would not abide. Or that she's been working for Moloch all along. 

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And one more thing: When you HOPE the villain succeeds in going back to the past to rewrite history in hopes that it would reset the show back to its Season 1 greatness, you know the show is toast.

I honestly HOPED Kent would go back in time and change it - if only to remove Katrina and somehow get the Witnesses back together the right way to fight the end of days.

But noooo... I get StruggleWitch going dark to freeze a flower and blow it up. And that made her nose bleed - a la Susan Storm. To freeze a tiny @ss flower!

Now she's just StruggleDarkWitch.

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Mmmm. Yeah, I get the fear over the Evil!Katrina. Last thing we want is more of her. This episode illustrated that. However, I will start with this --> For the first time in SH viewing history, Katrina did not irritate me, piss me off, make me roll my eyes. The part when her eyes rolled white, due to the evil influences - awesome....truly!!


I found it VERY interesting that Crane was looking for a place for himself. Note the words. He did not say "we". He said "I". Huge, huge words utilized. Other than that, it was a decent episode. Eh, last weeks was infinately better, but you know what - I didn't groan at Katrina, I didn't hate, I didn't curse. Actually, her testing her magic was pretty fucking cool - I was all over that. Even her eyes going all "evil" at one point. See, I thought that was awesome!!

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I'm going to fanwank that Katrina's always been evil but her powers only work when she goes darkside. So she's been repressing her darkside for "reasons" and that why she's been such a failure. I got nuthin....

I'll go with Katrina is inherently yet unknowingly evil and time in Purgatory brought that to the forefront, which is why Orion seemed to know her and why in the present time her powers are 98% useless.

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I'll go with Katrina is inherently yet unknowingly evil and time in Purgatory brought that to the forefront, which is why Orion seemed to know her and why in the present time her powers are 98% useless.

How can you be inherently and unknowingly evil? Don't you have to make a choice to be evil?

This just doesn't make sense to me - Solomon said that she was not being her true self - which suggests her true self is evil... was she evil before and is trying to pretend she wasn't?

It just doesn't make sense.

And she definitely lied about Irving.

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How can you be inherently and unknowingly evil? Don't you have to make a choice to be evil?

This just doesn't make sense to me - Solomon said that she was not being her true self - which suggests her true self is evil... was she evil before and is trying to pretend she wasn't?

It just doesn't make sense.

And she definitely lied about Irving.

Depends on who/what you believe. And if you're good and can choose to be evil, why wouldn't the opposite be true?

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Also, I laughed at Kent being banished to Purgatory.  Of course he was.  Seriously, who runs that place?  Is there nowhere else for evildoers to go?


Unfortunately this episode just left me feeling like we're in for more CFD and Katrina-focus. This is why I didn't want her to turn evil - I wanted her gone. Turning her evil will just put the focus on Crane trying to get her to be not evil and to "redeem" her... and now he'll be all trying to "redeem" Henry.


That's why she reminds me of the Dark Phoenix; someone who is intrinsically good but has a power that holds evil impulses.  And yes, that's why she'll always be a candidate for redemption, a direction I hope they don't take.  There's a big difference between someone who is taken over by evil forces (like Irving) as opposed to someone who willingly joins evil forces, like Henry.  I hope Katrina is the latter rather than the former, because I'm not here for her trying to find her lost humanity.  


I wish she had been smiling wickedly or smirking or something at the end when she destroyed the flower.  Katia is such a blank slate.

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How can you be inherently and unknowingly evil? Don't you have to make a choice to be evil?

This just doesn't make sense to me - Solomon said that she was not being her true self - which suggests her true self is evil... was she evil before and is trying to pretend she wasn't?

It just doesn't make sense.

And she definitely lied about Irving.


Well that really depends on if one believes that one is born evil like the Anti-Christ in the Omen or if one chooses to side with evil. I don't think SH's universe has a canon on that. 

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Ack, what does the abbreviation CFD stand for on this forum? Thanks!!<br />


CFD = aka the bullshit waste of time about Henry and his inability to actually get humanity, and how Crane (Ichabod) becomes a useless foil in the presence of his wife, and how his wife (Katrina) would rather allow humanity to burn and die, than actually do something to save it.


Oh dear - this is very volatile of me. CFD --> Crane Family Drama.

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If Irving has to be Team Evil, I hope they write him the way that Andy was written and give him the same type of agency that Andy had.  Andy was forced to do the bidding of Moloch & Co., but he was always trying to help/warn Abbie because he loved her.  I'm still so mad that we lost that character; I wish Andy would come back.

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