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S05.E11: It's Just A Scratch

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Oh, crap!!  I really hope Brandi doesn't read these boards - you have just given her an excuse for all of her bad behavior!!!


Yea, that's the last thing she needs. Honestly, I feel if Brandi had some deeply traumatizing childhood, we'd already know about it. She's certainly not the type to use discretion when airing one's dirty laundry. 


Regarding Brandi and her ensemble for the parent-teacher meeting, I didn't so much think her attire was inappropriate in and of itself.  I just thought she looked dirty, smelly, and hungover.


Right? It could have looked cute and appropriate for the occasion, but it really just looked like she had stumbled out of bed, pulled it off the floor, Febreezed it, and threw it over her unwashed head. 

  • Love 9

Where is all this information coming from on Kim?  She's completely fabricating a medical illness, she's treating the hospital like a spa visit and the Hiltons are footing the bill.  She's stolen all of poor Monty's pain meds, and he was driven from the house to escape her theft.  Kim's receiving all the drugs she could ask for, via 24/7 IV drip.  And in addition to Kim stealing and using all of Monty's medicine, she has somehow broken into his bank accounts and robbed him.  Can anyone provide links, or is this wild speculation?  

All I heard on the show was Monty drove her to the hospital, she was doubled up in pain, it might be an ulcer, she was out of her room for a significant period of time for tests. 


Here is what I took away from it Monty drove her to the hospital because she was doubled up in pain and perhaps the hospital was doing tests to confirm the existence of an ulcer.  Kim had been taking Monty's pain meds the day before.

  • Love 4

Just to say again -- and realize it won't be popular -- not every single addict and mentally ill person out there is a human being incapable of relationship and caring for others.  Just ain't so. Which is why this Richards sisters story for Bravo is becoming increasingly tired, disgusting, and irresponsible. 


I haven't wasted too much time thinking about Brandi or pondering what drives her because I thought from her very first appearance that she was a gun for hire for Bravo, brought on to do whatever the producers told her to do--because the other women had too much at stake or too much pride to go there.  She's the best actress of the lot in my book.  She was brought on for drama and shit stirring and she's done an admirable job of that.  Her drunkeness and outbursts -- her own looney tunes behavior now in every single episode -- is bought and paid for by Bravo.  I can see her losing it on and off air as she chafes against her contract and its obligations. 


I don't care about her one way or the other except sometimes to pity her.

Yes, yes, yes.


Brandi, while more compelling in early seasons for any number of reasons, is doing exactly what she always did and was clearly hired to do.  Turn the dial on the drinking and the plastic surgery and the innuendos a few settings to the left or the right, a "refreshing" Bravo star becomes a boring pain in the ass. At this point, I simply miss actually caring about Brandi.

But I'm hardly appalled at her.


No, Kim is making my stomach turn.  And, it is precisely because I know addicts who bust their asses to live a life they can really get behind.  Kim is pathetic.  And Lisa's comment that Kim makes no sense when she's sober, speaks more to kim's general demeanour of level-10 shame and taking nothing seriously ever unless it's made-up emotionally driven garbage.


Look, let's be clear, while The Richards sisters have signed away their souls, and normal chance of recovery, to Bravo, the centre of my fave hell is a cross-eyed Andy Cohen chewing on housewife weaves, so I'm as cynical as everyone else.  But, really, even at the level of believability and narrative investment, how can I even give a shit about this anymore when I feel like I care more than the fake people its really fake happening to?

  • Love 4

While I would enjoy it, Brandi does not need to be placed in a situation with the Atlanta cast for her to get a taste of people who will not put up with her nonsense. It is 100% correct that she will scurry out of the place like the vermin she is, we've seen her do that already.

Beneath her gangsta bravado, Brandi's a weak woman who scurried out like a roach when Faye Resnick gave her a piece of her mind, she scurried out like a roach when Mauricio gave her a piece of his mind, and (my favorite) she scurried out like a roach when the Joyces gave her a piece of their mind, and she would have scurried out like a roach on the original Game Night except Kim hid her crutches.

Now don't get me wrong, plop Brandi's bony ass in a situation with the Atlanta cast and I will surely tune in, but I don't expect Brandi to stay longer than a few minutes, however I suspect that it will still be a good time because the Atlanta women will drag her / read her for filth whether she's in the room or not.

Brandi has said she is dying to be a guest on "Kandi Koated Nights".  My guess is Bravo will make it happen.  I think Brandi would like to take her Podcast in that direction.

  • Love 2

Brandi continues to make me want to punch her repeatedly.  She's an asshole.


I think Kim comes off as an entitled asshole, too.


No wonder they get along so well.



Yea, that's the last thing she needs. Honestly, I feel if Brandi had some deeply traumatizing childhood, we'd already know about it. She's certainly not the type to use discretion when airing one's dirty laundry. 





Right? It could have looked cute and appropriate for the occasion, but it really just looked like she had stumbled out of bed, pulled it off the floor, Febreezed it, and threw it over her unwashed head. 




That's a perfect description for how I thought she looked.


Oh, and I did want to point out that earlier in the thread it was speculated that Brandi didn't appear to buy anything at the jewelry party but just picked up her goody bag.  That pink paper she was folding at the start of that brief scene was her receipt from the Stella & Dot representative, and the sales rep was thanking her for her purchase, so she had indeed bought something while she was there.  


I'm loathe to defend Brandi but thought that should be clarified since the scene was so quick and the sales were for a charitable cause.  


I did have a little giggle moment when I saw some of the Stella and Dot bracelets were spiked and similar in appearance to what Brandi and Kyle were wearing during the Great Poker Night Debacle.  


Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "armed and dangerous."  Maybe those bracelets should come with a warning, "not to be worn during physical encounters with real housewives."

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 9
Kyle wasn't concerned about Kim's welfare at that point.  Kyle was mad that Kim accused her of something.  Kim was being a dick, and Kyle was pissed off and rightly so.  And while people may want to believe there is a "rule", there is a law against battery, and being blocked from seeing a family member during a poker party doesn't constitute self-defense.  


Thank you!! I’m glad that I wasn’t the only one that noticed the shift in Kyle’s intent. Hey, if Kyle wants to go for it and can’t hold it together because let’s face it Kim makes her want to pull her hair out then fine I ain’t mad at that but what I don’t like is the BS. Kyle’s nerves were plucked and she reverted right back to feeding into Kim’s whirlwind and not in a good way. I wouldn’t normally judge anyone for that but it’s the way Kyle always tries to spin her reactions to Kim instead of just saying “Hey, I just lost it and in that moment I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about Kim, keeping her secret, hiding my disapproval NOTHING”. I would respect Kyle more if she would just admit that Kim makes her go there. Kyle needs to own it and guess what, people would understand even me but its this need she has to constantly put forth this worn down, drained, Kim has just exhausted me vibe which as justifiable as it is just highlights Kim as the bad guy and Kyle knows it.  I also think Kyle does it to a malicious degree. Again justified or not what caring sister, drained beat down or otherwise would WANT to contribute to that outlook of Kim whether it's the truth or not?


At this point does Kyle need to cover for Kim? No way Jose and if she doesn’t think she should have to shield Kim either fine but one thing I won’t get on board with is being okay with Kyle Highlighting Kim’s episodes by ENGAGING and not allowing Kim to remove herself or someone else to remove her. Especially with the whole “she’s my sister” Waaaahhhh! Give me a break! That’s where I draw the line. I don’t care how “accountable” Kim should be for her actions. That doesn’t mean Kyle has to ride the damn issue to the max whenever Kyle has her own emotional episode over the whole thing all the while acting like ALL she’s thinking about is Kim’s welfare.


True, but that gets back into the idea that Kim needs special treatment and always needs to be protected from the consequences of her actions. So she should be able to  tell Kyle she's mad at her and Kyle needs to not react by wanting to know what's up with that, because she needs to be focused on hustling Kim off camera so she doesn't look bad.



It’s not special treatment it’s decorum, it’s exercising some restraint and deciding that getting into it there really won’t amount to much and it just isn’t a good idea. Pretty basic stuff. I don’t understand this logic that because Kim is an addict and should be held accountable that this means she needs to always be confronted, in the moment, by Kyle and that normal rationalizations aren’t required because Hey it’s Kim, she’s a hot mess, she’s selffish, so there should be no attempt to contain the situation in the best manner possible. Kyle has her own issues with Kim which are justified but that doesn’t mean it’s okay for Kyle to make the situation worse and shouldn’t try to get a hold of her own emotions and knee jerk reactions. Holding Kyle accountable for her actions has nothing to do with whether Kim gets held accountable for hers.  Kyle’s posturing and dramatics doesn't get a pass from me.


I would also like to point out that Kim only went back in once Brandi came out and told Kim that she just got into it physically with Kyle. You can see that that didn’t sit well with Kim and I think that’s what prompted Kim to go back inside. I mean yeah, yeah I know Kim is completely terrible and all that but I saw some concern from Kim and me thinks Kim had a moment of “oh shit, damn it Brandi leaving while arguing is one thing walking away and leaving with some chic that just put her hands on my sister and I don’t even go back in to check on her is another” I know it sounds like a stretch but the Richard sisters do some wackado code,  its random and it has no rhyme or reason however I’m thinking Kim left feeling this will blow over and me and Kyle will go over it in a day or two but once she heard what happened with Brandi she realized that she couldn’t just walk away an leave it like that. As crazy as it sounds but I think that’s what made Kim go back in. I truly believe Kim was all ready to get in the car and head home.

  • Love 6

On the phone the next day.

On the phone with who?  After that night, we never saw or heard Kim speak the rest of the episode as far I remember.  She texted Kyle but there was no mention of Kyle's part that Kim blamed Brandi.  Kyle didn't talk to her at all.  Whitney called Kyle to tell her that her mother was in the hospital.


Besides all that I don't think Kyle has ever said that Brandi is the 'cause' of Kim and Kyle's problems.  Kyle has stated that their problems (aka Kim's addiction) have been going on for years.  She did say that Brandi was interfering and trying to come in between them.  And she is.

Edited by breezy424
  • Love 8

One thing that has not been mentioned (I think) is how Lisa and Ken like to bring "stray" humans into their lives and homes too. They love them, they defend them, they are part of the family, then kicked out with the garbage.  

 It is probably the case that as long as the stray underdog human does, says and agrees with everything , life is peachy.  


As for Kim and where she gets her money, she was married to two very wealthy (family money) men.  Monty comes from some supermarket iirc chain and the other is from big oil.

 She also never said they were Monty's pills. She said Monty gave her a pill which had been prescribed by her own doctor for pain. Of course, it could be a lie, but that is what she said.

  • Love 7

We've learned, more and more with each passing season, that Brandi is a terrible person.  But did we forget that Kyle's character is pretty awful, too? 




Nothing can ever convince me that her crappy, unsportsmanlike behavior at that party isn't deeply, deeply ingrained. She's a POS. Just like her sister.  Just like Brandi.  Faye Resnick, Taylor Armstrong.....


Lisa's hair looks nice, though.



  • Love 8

I thought Kyle mentioned the poker trophy coming from Venice Beach, but it was Brandi who stated she bought her sunglasses there for three dollars.


It was kind of lost in the chatter, but Brandi said she had bought the sunglasses for $3 on Venice Beach.


I only remember it because a few years ago Tamra Barney on the OC let everyone know she and Vicki sported fakes purchased from Venice Beach and I was wondering if it was from the same bootlegger of counterfeit designer goods....


Which led me to envision a drunken shopping trip to Venice Beach with Tamra and Brandi.  

  • Love 2

This constant story line of clear mental illness and addiction issues is killing it for me.  No more excuses for Kim in my world. And Kyle is working my very last nerve with her concerned sister victim routine.  This constant milking and mining of the Richards family illnesses does a real disservice to the countless number of folks dealing with these conditions in a real way in their own lives.  Two spoiled and self-indulgent BHs women parading their craziness for a paycheck and bringing NO real insight to the story.  

THIS all day every day. Thank you. 


It's not entertaining to watch the hate on Brandi either. She's not my type of person but I don't wish her harm. I'm hoping she gets out of the spotlight and starts working on her mental health. That's probably not an option because she has to provide for herself and her kids. Unfortunately her work options are in public media. Ugh. This is horrible all around. The Richards Sisters mental dysfunction was hard enough. Adding Brandi's into it has just made this show unwatchable nearly. 


Most people think Brandi is aware of her words and actions. After this episode and reading this thread, I think she's not aware - she genuinely believes she's in the right. She's mentally unbalanced and the change over seasons since she was introduced is gradual but so visible in her appearance. I feel bad for her, though i'd be scared of her too if she was in my life. Whew. This is a dangerous situation Bravo has created. 

  • Love 8

Right? It could have looked cute and appropriate for the occasion, but it really just looked like she had stumbled out of bed, pulled it off the floor, Febreezed it, and threw it over her unwashed head. 


I agree.  If she'd've thrown on a pair of cute sandals, because, (sorry, I'm going to sound all judgey here) cowboy boots, or UGGs and bare feet in L.A. no matter the season is just gross.  Even if she was wearing a pair of footies in those boots, to me bare legs and sweaty boots scream dirty Britney Spears.

  • Love 6
It's clear that Eileen and Lisa Rinna are barely tolerating her. [brandi].  And they are not dancing around her behavior, making excuses for it, or mincing any words.  Eileen especially is over her, and we're only into Eileen's 4th or 5th episode.

Eileen's a smart cookie and is playing the game very well, but she's no victim in all this she's a participant.  If she wasn't aware that her poker night didn't have a 99% probability of devolving into a screaming profanity laced shit fest then that's on her.  There's tons of footage of exactly that behavior happening in exactly that circumstance with exactly those same people.  So yeah, have your kid sleep over at Grandma's house or don't complain about your kid being exposed that crap.  At Lisa R's jewelry party Eileen walked over to Brandi to supposedly clear the air or in Bravo terms attmpt fo resurrect the problem and rehash it.  Didn't work because Brandi wasn't playing but nice try.  I like Eileen for the most part but she can keep her condescending "I'm better than you because I know what a bilini is" bullshit. 


Brandi was on The Apprentice and this week she was in charge of the task and absolutley nailed it.  She's been great on the show and most of the cast and Trump seem to really like her.  As far as dropping her into the Atlanta cast, she's been dealing with Kenya very effectively on Apprentice and I'm sure could handle herself on RHoA.


All I have to say about Kim and Kyle is that I like both of them. Also,  it takes two to tango even if one of the two is drunk, stoned or in recovery most of the time.

  • Love 7

Sorry Kim, but I feel infinitely more sympathy for Monty than I ever will for you.  Quit making it all about you.  When you are the one dying from cancer, THEN I will feel sorry for you.  In the meantime?  STFU


And?  Shut the fuck UP Brandi, you pathetic wannabe!! No wonder Eddie didn't want your alcoholic ass

Edited by KYBlonde
  • Love 9

Unfortunately her work options are in public media. Ugh. This is horrible all around. The Richards Sisters mental dysfunction was hard enough. Adding Brandi's into it has just made this show unwatchable nearly. 


Most people think Brandi is aware of her words and actions. After this episode and reading this thread, I think she's not aware - she genuinely believes she's in the right.


I agree with you for the most part but after watching Brandi on Celebrity Apprentice, it's obvious she'is capable of behaving like an adult and even being convincing as a business person.  She's been handed loads of opportunities she shouldn't even have - the book deals, pod casts, appearances - that any number of people who work hard and strive for will never attain.  And she's sabotaging them all.  Is it because she's not aware?  I don't think so.  Not after watching her performance on the Apprentice Monday night.  It's like night and day.  Still abrasive, still cusses like a sailor but able to get herself to the challenges looking pretty good and performing effectively.  Except once when she (faked?) had an anxiety attack.


I seriously think she thinks she can be the female Howard Stern.  Yet, even he's mellowed over the years.

  • Love 9

Already described as being over the top speculation -- not denying it.  But this is what happens, unfortunately, when a tv series spends 4 or 5 or 6 seasons hitting its viewers over the head with a story that makes no real sense and that just drags on and on, asking us to suspend disbelief at every pass and continue to swallow whatever we are told -- which, aside from  driveway and limo drama, ain't much.


And the victim-heroine continues to, I do believe, lie to us repeatedly about the deal is.  Kim not telling the truth is also pure speculation.


So, yeah, I'll take a spanking on the wild surmising aspect but, hey, am only human and this show knows no bounds when it comes to manipulations.  And, won't lie, I do believe that Kim does use whatever men in her life choose to still hang around, for whatever reason, because the feeding of her habits demands it.  It's rotten of me to say it but none of her constant talk about how much she loves Monty and wants to take care of him at this dire hour have rung entirely true.  The way she talked about what he owed her when she was off her nut in the limo with Lisa R. only underscored my general distrust.


Bottom line for me is that I'm tired of being told that I need to trust anything that Kim says when all I see is a broken person who is banking on no one getting really real with her ever about much of anything.

Don't feel too bad because it had already crossed my mind that Kims kind heart was not the reason, or at least the only reason, that she is caring for Monty in  his final days. Didn't he come from significant money? Might he have some left and no current wife to leave it to?


I know, I am awful, but I have come to view Kim in such a negative light I can't help it. At the same time, I still love my ex husband (love, most definitely not in love, I wanted the divorce but still care deeply for him, though not at all romantically ... it's complicated), and would care for him if he had no one else. So I can still accept that possibility.


Just for clarification I am speculating, I sort of thought that was a big part of what we do here?

Edited by chlban
  • Love 2

All I heard on the show was Monty drove her to the hospital, she was doubled up in pain, it might be an ulcer, she was out of her room for a significant period of time for tests. 


Here is what I took away from it Monty drove her to the hospital because she was doubled up in pain and perhaps the hospital was doing tests to confirm the existence of an ulcer.  Kim had been taking Monty's pain meds the day before.


I realize that what I'm suggesting about Kim's general levels of honesty-dishonesty is some harsh and cruel stuff.   All of it brought on by real frustration and increasing disgust and, yeah, it's all purely speculative.  But, really and truly, any effective rehab and professional rehab staff would be guiding her and then really just pushing her to get honest about what drives her and these scenarios of hers in an effort to possibly save her life.  Certainly any kind of group therapy would have people asking her to be honest and searching about what her deal is and whether or not she is self-sabotaging with these I'm gonna save you dreams of hers. She's in no position to be taking care of anyone.  And she shouldn't have anyone in her house with a stash of painkillers and other tempting goodies as part of his regimen.  I wonder if this is why Monty left and if the leaving was for good or just to get out while she was in the process of using and abusing.  Speculation?  For sure. 


Her taking care of Monty under these circumstances with so little sobriety under her belt was the other indicator to me at the start of this season that she has no real program and no genuine support system in place.  Anyone who knows squat about early sobriety would have advised her not to take him in -- no matter how much she might care for him -- Until medicine and science come up with a way to either cure these illnesses there's little a body can do that doesn't involve having to be scrupulously honest with oneself at all times. There are some pills out there available to help reduce various cravings and in my day there was a pill one took that would result in a swift and unpleasant allergic reaction if you drank on top of it. Can't remember what it's called now.  Antabuse.  In those days, if you relied on it beyond a certain point, you were thought to not be fully committed to staying clean because it was seen as a crutch.  Harsh but since the beast is chronic, progressive, and fatal harsh is in order and works better than soft, squishy, and made for TV.


So, while I hate to sound like a bitch about her, and while I have to admit that I can't stand her, I do hope that someone in her real life is willing to start taking her to task in an effort to help her.  Even if that means taking her by scruff of the neck and rubbing her pert little nose in the mud. 


What we've gotten in the last two or three episodes is talk about pneumonia while she chomps down on cigars, additional talk about how she's doubled over in pain because of possible ulcers -- where's my pizza? -- and a bunch of total BS from all of the women except for Lisa R.  So, sorry, but Kim can basically bite me.  Use, don't use, die, don't die -- whatever at this point -- Just, please get out of the way now because it's enough already. 


And yes to the nth degree on the Andy Cohen dissing.  Every single time he lays his wonky eyes on Kim and gets all soft and moony with his, "We wish you all the best, Kim" I want to smack him upside the head.  Can he possibly be that dumb?

  • Love 8

Entirely possible that it's both.


Now, there's a quote worth putting on a T-shirt!  (Make it happen, Jesus.)


I did get some of my Lisa love back when she said that Rumpy had had his choice of a hundred girl dogs to fall in love with and he chose the oldest and lumpiest one, so that speaks very well for his character.


And shortly after I saw this in Eileen's blog--

--a friend of mine who's an attorney for Bravo said she'd just received a cease-and-desist letter from the Portuguese sailors' union.  Apparently they're deeply insulted at being compared unfavorably to Brandi Glanville.  They want RHoB to issue a public statement that Portuguese sailors would never dream of behaving that badly when extended the hospitality of someone's lovely home.  To quote:  "We were appalled at the loud swearing, the physical violence, the perfectly good pizza dropped and not picked up on the beautiful grounds.  We may be Portuguese sailors, but we were not raised by wolves.  We have been compared to flea-bitten cavemen, beer-soaked frat boys, and murderous Somali pirates, but when you compare us to Brandi Glanville, you have gone too far, amigos.  Legal action will result if we are not issued a formal apology in a prompt and public manner.  Yours in dignity, Emilio Silva, Brotherhood of Portuguese Mariners."


They seem pretty offended.

Will you marry me?

  • Love 5

One thing that has not been mentioned (I think) is how Lisa and Ken like to bring "stray" humans into their lives and homes too. They love them, they defend them, they are part of the family, then kicked out with the garbage.  

 It is probably the case that as long as the stray underdog human does, says and agrees with everything , life is peachy.  



Yeah, they'll take you in and then if you try to leave, you will be denied your birth name and re-narrativized as a fledgling sur manager dating a senior or whatever isn't happening...

  • Love 1

Don't feel too bad because it had already crossed my mind that Kims kind heart was not the reason, or at least the only reason, that she is caring for Monty in  his final days. Didn't he come from significant money? Might he have some left and no current wife to leave it to?


I know, I am awful, but I have come to view Kim in such a negative light I can't help it. At the same time, I still love my ex husband (love, most definitely not in love, I wanted the divorce but still care deeply for him, though not at all romantically ... it's complicated), and would care for him if he had no one else. So I can still accept that possibility.


Just for clarification I am speculating, I sort of thought that was a big part of what we do here?


I'm under that same impression.  If I wanted to engage in hard and fast fact-finding forums, I'd amble on over to websleuths or something along that line.


We're here to snark and draw conclusions based on what we're shown as viewers to these clusterfuck storylines.


I haven't seen anyone post something as a fact but rather drawing their own conclusions or speculating as to what may be going on based on what we've been shown in an episode and then drawing from our own personal experiences in similar situations.  I always try to preface my statements with "if" or "in my opinion" or "apparently" or "allegedly," but, hey, I'm only human and sometimes I might forget that.  I assume rational people will realize my hyperbole is just my opinion.


Some things are factual, though.  Due to HIPAA, Kim could very well prevent hospital staff and treating clinicians from divulging even a single detail about her reason for admission.  Same goes true for anyone, not just Kim.  Cedar Sinai is known for being a celebrity-friendly hospital.  And addicts must certainly do show up on a frighteningly regular basis to obtain drugs...Or to assist with the withdrawal from said substances.  Kim's behavior falls into that pattern.  I never claimed that I knew Kim was doing this, just that it wouldn't surprise me.  And someone who apparently can't deal with any little bump in life's road (as Kim is portrayed) would definitely look on a stay in a private room at Cedar-Sinai as a vacation from life for a few days.  


I'll even go one step further and say that in my opinion Bravo edits these storylines in such a manner that this is the desired outcome.  People viewing, speculating, drawing their own conclusions, and expressing their opinions.  It's what makes the monster known as Bravo successful, controversy, speculation, selective editing, innuendo, foreshadowing...  


Maybe I'm in the minority but I value everyone's opinions on all of these threads, not just this one.  If we weren't able to speculate and draw conclusions, these boards would be pretty damned dismal in my opinion.  


I greatly appreciate the moderators at this site are able to distinguish between presenting theories and speculation and presenting something as factual with no verification and let us know when we're getting too close to that line.


Okay, rant over...Time to start working and continuing my internal countdown to Monday's episode of VPR.  

  • Love 10

And shortly after I saw this in Eileen's blog--

--a friend of mine who's an attorney for Bravo said she'd just received a cease-and-desist letter from the Portuguese sailors' union.  Apparently they're deeply insulted at being compared unfavorably to Brandi Glanville.  They want RHoB to issue a public statement that Portuguese sailors would never dream of behaving that badly when extended the hospitality of someone's lovely home.  To quote:  "We were appalled at the loud swearing, the physical violence, the perfectly good pizza dropped and not picked up on the beautiful grounds.  We may be Portuguese sailors, but we were not raised by wolves.  We have been compared to flea-bitten cavemen, beer-soaked frat boys, and murderous Somali pirates, but when you compare us to Brandi Glanville, you have gone too far, amigos.  Legal action will result if we are not issued a formal apology in a prompt and public manner.  Yours in dignity, Emilio Silva, Brotherhood of Portuguese Mariners."


They seem pretty offended.

Is this for real?? If so, here's hoping letter gets released to the public followed by Eileen doing a Benedict Cumberbatch type apology where she expresses devastation at offending Portuguese sailors and has learned her lesson and will never again thoughtlessly compare any other individual or group to Brandi Glanville. ETA: Eh if not true, Eileen should still apologize, Portuguese sailors do not deserve the comparison. Edited by quinn
  • Love 3

The same Tawney Kitean who was fucking a very-married OJ Simpson and had one of her druggie friends try to smuggle cocaine in a shampoo bottle to rehab?


*Insert maniacal giggle here*

Ah, I remember her. No wonder she is defending Brandi. OJ is pretty much the only "celebrity" I would consider worse than Brandi, so yeah, totally makes sense. 

  • Love 1

And now we have Kim's blog, revealing the reason for the hospital


"Well, the doctor said I had a fractured rib, ruptured disc, and hiatal hernia, which was caused by the increased pressure from coughing. No wonder I was in so much pain before poker night! I was in the hospital for nine days. But I'm happy to announce that I’m currently healthy and well!"


The rest of it is typical Kim, nothing is her fault, she's sober and healthy and blah blah blah.




From Kyle's blog, I thought this was interesting


"Brandi keeps saying I'm jealous of how close they are and how she's been there for Kim. I never realized they were as close as Brandi claims, and I never knew Brandi to be there for Kim other than taking that one call that she talked about in her interview. Brandi did call me to say that Kim had called her at 2 AM in the morning. She asked me to please not repeat it, and I never did. But she went on camera letting everyone know about it. Why would she repeat that? I also never said "That's not my problem, that's just Kim." I had my hands tied as I was asked to please not repeat that this information was shared with me .



  • Love 2

Yea but by that time you'll be drunk and bitter. Here's a toast to what might have been!

To what might have been!  We'll always have Malibu!


Is this for real?? If so, here's hoping letter gets released to the public followed by Eileen doing a Benedict Cumberbatch type apology where she expresses devastation at offending Portuguese sailors and has learned her lesson and will never again thoughtlessly compare any other individual or group to Brandi Glanville. ETA: Eh if not true, Eileen should still apologize, Portuguese sailors do not deserve the comparison.

No, no, not for real.  Just me having a little fun.  (But I may start signing all my letters "Emilio Silva"!)  I don't want to start an international incident!  You can't help but feel for those poor Portuguese sailors, though.  I mean, you're right, what did they ever do to deserve that?

  • Love 2

Ah, I remember her. No wonder she is defending Brandi. OJ is pretty much the only "celebrity" I would consider worse than Brandi, so yeah, totally makes sense. 


Well, which makes it all sorts of interesting.


If Brandi is such the "truth cannon" about cheaters and how she cannot stand to share the same oxygen with them, how the fresh hell does she justify a friendship with Tawny Kitean?


She was well known and very open about being OJ's mistress both during his marriage and during the attempted reconciliation with Nicole.  In fact, Nicole found a pair of earrings in his drawer that she thought were a birthday or anniversary gift for her, but it turned out he gave them to his mistress, Tawny Kitean.


It's not like her mistress relationship to OJ was kept secret by any stretch of the imagination.  Nor was she under the impression he wasn't married.  She knew very well he was married.


So, what's that again, Brandi, you blazing truth cannon, about not being able to stand cheaters?  


Again, the woman is talking out of both sides of her arse.  No surprise there.  

  • Love 3

Dang, when Kyle was leaving Brandi had Kim in a dang choke hold.  Bizarre.


I never knew who this Whitney chick was but I found her so funny talking about Brandi last night on WWHL.  Brandi said Andy is bullying her.  This, coming from who said SkankyJoanna's vajajay smelled.



  • Love 4

You know, Brandi Glanville is one of the most manipulative people on any of these shows.  If you listen very closely, she has this way of saying things and phrasing things that put people on the defensive and give her the upper hand.


In the last episode, the two things I noticed were:


1)  when Kim runs after Kyle and says something to Brandi about needing to talk to Kyle.  Brandi's reaction is to say, "Oh, OK" in a tone that implies that Kim just chose Kyle over Brandi and she is not happy about it.


2)  when Brandi is talking to Eileen and she very calmly lays out her beef with Brandi, Brandi sort of heavily sighs and looks like she's going to cry and says something about it being a very bad day for her.  By doing this, she deflects the crux of the discussion and moves it to her and how bad things are for her.  


I have a friend who is a lot like Brandi in a lot of ways.  My friend is beautiful, very thin, and dresses beautifully.  But on the inside she's awfully insecure but incredibly bright and able to shit stir at a moment's notice.  The one thing that she's amazing at doing, and I think Brandi does this too, is that she can make you feel like the most important person in the room and to her.  I think that's why these women keep wanting to give Brandi a chance.  They will have private moments with her where they will bond and she will be sweet, kind and considerate and they will think that she's not so bad.  And then the evil booze, menses or whatever will sneak up on Brandi and unleash her inner bitch.  My friend and I have 10 years of history and I've written her off and then re-opened my heart many times.  We have a lot between us so I don't give up on her.  With Brandi, these ladies hardly know her and aren't ready to come back for more.  

  • Love 11

I agree that they were both wrong in the initial tussle on the stairs but I think the difference is that Brandi was worse and continued to be wrong and inappropriate whereas Kyle was continually reacting to Brandi's bullshit. Kyle asked Brandi to please not block her from Kim. She repeatedly asked her for a moment alone and for her to flat out get away from her and Brandi wouldn't oblige. Kyle had one wrong moment that night whereas Brandi literally had dozens. 



At one point when they are in the house Kim makes the same cut, cut throat slashing motions that Brandi had made earlier. I'm not sure what to make of that. Did anybody else catch this? 


Tara Palmer Tomkinson also comes to mind. Her nose was completely wrecked. She looks okay now but they couldn't get it totally right. 


Yes, I saw it, too...It was when Brandi was escorting Kim out of the house, and Kyle was following them - it was shot from the exterior doorway into the house.

  • Love 3

Brandi treats Kim like chattel.

I am firm in my stance that addicts cannot have relationships. They may have relationships, but they are unhealthy. They are one-sided. I used to believe they could love and care, but that all changed through therapy. Addicts give an appearance that they can have relationships, but their addiction is the one relationship they maintain. Kim has a handful of exes under her belt. She has a trail of spotty and questionable relationships. Her supposed love and concern for Monty also seems self-centered. When Lisa R. told Kim how he is dying, Kim quickly turned that back to herself. Kim rattled on about how she was feeling and how was she going to cope when he dies. How dare you die Monty!!! What will Kim do??

If Brandi had oncern for Kim and was trying to keep Kyle away from her to get Kim home, how is that any different than Kim being at home, supposedly calling Brandi in the middle of the night, exhibiting behavior that, I assume, is similar to poker night, and then, Brandi calls Kyle? Why does Brandi determine when it is appropriate to allow Kyle to deal with her sister?

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 9

I thought Kyle mentioned the poker trophy coming from Venice Beach, but it was Brandi who stated she bought her sunglasses there for three dollars.

Yes, Kyle did say that - it was another one of Kyle's attempts at humor that didn't exactly go over too well.  I've noticed, over the years, that Kyle has tried to diffuse volatile situations with some type of humor, and unfortunately, I don't think it works for her. 

  • Love 4

Is Brandi allowed to drink on CA?  If so, does she get drunk like she does all the time on RHoBH?


I think that's the mitigating factor at work here.  No, I've never seen any of the CA participants ever drinking, aside from the celebratory champagne when they win a challenge or when they first arrive.


I personally think Trump would bounce anyone immediately out of that boardroom if there were any question of substance abuse.


Evil troll of a human being that I am, though, I'd be a dirty liar if I didn't say I wondered if Brandi's need for a few drinks were what caused her "anxiety attack" a couple of episodes ago.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 10

Brandi deserves every ounce of shade thrown her way, but it wouldn't be prudent not to point out bitchy nuggets from the other Hos.  Because someday, we're all gonna say, oh yeah...Lisa Rinna was a little hateful back then.  Should have seen the signs...  ;-0


Lisa R:  "You're so cute.  Look at you in your little Western wear."

Brandi:  "I have Back to School Night tonight.  I'm trying to be proper for the teachers."

Lisa: "Is this proper for the teachers?" Game show hands.  "Wowwwwwwwww"  turns to look at her other guests, one of whom is looking Brandi up and down and then asks, "Can you imagine if I showed up at my school like that?"  


Classic Rinna but oh so bitchy to a guest in your home.

  • Love 11

I agree that they were both wrong in the initial tussle on the stairs but I think the difference is that Brandi was worse and continued to be wrong and inappropriate whereas Kyle was continually reacting to Brandi's bullshit. Kyle asked Brandi to please not block her from Kim. She repeatedly asked her for a moment alone and for her to flat out get away from her and Brandi wouldn't oblige. Kyle had one wrong moment that night whereas Brandi literally had dozens. 



At one point when they are in the house Kim makes the same cut, cut throat slashing motions that Brandi had made earlier. I'm not sure what to make of that. Did anybody else catch this? 


Tara Palmer Tomkinson also comes to mind. Her nose was completely wrecked. She looks okay now but they couldn't get it totally right. 

Yes, Kim made that motion as she and Brandi were walking out of Eileen's house.


One thing that has not been mentioned (I think) is how Lisa and Ken like to bring "stray" humans into their lives and homes too. They love them, they defend them, they are part of the family, then kicked out with the garbage.  

 It is probably the case that as long as the stray underdog human does, says and agrees with everything , life is peachy.  


As for Kim and where she gets her money, she was married to two very wealthy (family money) men.  Monty comes from some supermarket iirc chain and the other is from big oil.

 She also never said they were Monty's pills. She said Monty gave her a pill which had been prescribed by her own doctor for pain. Of course, it could be a lie, but that is what she said.

Yes, Lisa/Ken like to help "stray" humans but they only "kick" them out with the "garbage" when they start biting them, like Cedric/Brandi did.  


Kim's exact words to Kyle in the bathroom were "Monty gave me a pain pill like my Dr gave me", which means it was something she was prescribed before at sometime by a DR. They were not her pills this time, they were Monty's pills and exactly how did Monty "give it" to her? He left her home 2 days before the poker party and she did not know where he was according to what she told Lisa R in the limo.

  • Love 2

I would respect Kyle more if she would just admit that Kim makes her go there.

I actually respect Kyle for not putting the blame on Kim because when it comes down to how Kyle, or anyone else for that matter, reacts to someone's obnoxious or erratic behavior, that is all on them. There was one addict I had to deal with and I can honestly say I said to this person some very ugly things and I would lose my temper. I used to blame the addict. Not anymore. No matter how often this person pushed my buttons, I stopped blaming them for how I reacted. I can sympathize with Kyle, but she needs to learn to step back and remove herself when emotions run high. If there is a lesson here, it is you cannot have a rational conversation with an addict who is buzzed, high, intoxicated, stoned out of their mind,etc.

Edited by GreatKazu
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