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S05.E11: It's Just A Scratch

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Brandi is done now, right? I'm over her and every one else seems done with her too.

Having Eileen and Lisa R on this show, really makes Brandi stand out as a what does not fit.


Last night I had a feeling that we really are watching Brandi's last season.


It's clear that Eileen and Lisa Rinna are barely tolerating her.   And they are not dancing around her behavior, making excuses for it, or mincing any words.  Eileen especially is over her, and we're only into Eileen's 4th or 5th episode. Lisa V is through with her, and I guess we can finally add Kyle to the list.  Yolanda will follow.  So, who's left - Kim.  Two co-dependents whose scenes last night were uncomfortable to watch.  If I want to see drunks falling all over each other, I'll go to a bar.


I wish the women would band together and tell Bravo they no longer want to film with her.  In this case, with this cast, it might work.


Lisa Rinna's conversation in the car, I thought was right on.  She said what needed to be said.  There is too much drinking and they look ridiculous and, yeah, both Brandi and Kim have issues.  


And for the record, I really don't want to see any more Kim-centric episodes (and it looks like we're getting another next week).  The two Lisas, Eileen live interesting lives and I would rather the focus be on that.  Kim is just not that interesting, and she is helping Brandi drag the show into the gutter.  



(And that sound you hear is me cheering and clapping after just reading Eileen's blog. I do believe Brandi has met her match)

Edited by mwell345
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Some dogs are easy to train at home and some aren't.  Some are easy to train in general but have other issues that need to be addressed by a professional and sometimes "bad dog boot camp" is the most effective way to do that.  However, 3 months is a really long time.


I wondered about this too.   My puppy was a holy terror when we brought him home, but I wouldn't have sent him away for two days much less 3 months.  But I wonder if the V's brought him home for a couple of days to see how he would interact, and then maybe back to the breeders until he's ready for a home and to finish training?  I'm probably not explaining it right - but the addition of Pumpy made me think that Rumpy was with the breeders.  Because if Pumpy had an owner, he or she would not have given her to the V's because Rumpy and she fell in love.


Beautiful dogs they are....and I'm glad Rumpy has someone to play with.

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The car scene between KIm and Brandi was just sad.  How long has Brandi been on the show? I can't remember.  I do feel like it's done for both of them.  Like we just had to wait out whatever duration was required for their respective dependencies to find each other.  Those little blonde heads against the black leather seats...Sad. Truly.  And sad, I think, for Kim who has been slipping and falling all over this shit for years.  Obviously, Kyle's investment isn't entirely pure because that's not how it works.  If you have to survive in an addict's orbit, you are somehow implicated unless you remove yourself and maintain firm boundaries.  Fuck that; everybody pays.  And Brandi?  I was never entirely certain if she was just hardcore or actually ill.  Well, the sheen has worn off, love.  My money is on addicted.


 So do we know if Kim had an actual pain complaint (yeah, an ulcer - always with the ulcer), was on under psychiatric hold, drug-seeking or just briefly and unsuccessfully admitted to rehab?  I can't watch first look from here.   



(And that sound you hear is me cheering and clapping after just reading Eileen's blog. I do believe Brandi has met her match)

Right?  Eileen wipes the floor with Brandi and slides right into Lisa V ;)

Edited by runforcover
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Brandi has been spending the night tweeting adopt not shop photos of her 'rescues' in response to Lisa's three minute dog bit tonight.  Brandi who keeps her 'rescues' in cages and has failed to housebreak them.


She could not be any more pathetic.  Any dog, adopted or shopped for, is better off having a home than not having one.

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I think that the reason Brandi acts so immaturely is because when a person starts drinking alcoholicly, they stop maturing emotionally.

ETA: I still can't stand her. Just saying


So, Brandi's been using since she was two........

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Yolanda went from sitting in a chair/bench in Kyle's dressing area to the counter lol. She can't resist resting her ass on a counter.

Denise Richards being at the party, does that mean she might join the cast? I don't know much about her but she must be a loving person to take care of Charlie Sheen's sons while his ex wife was in rehab....maybe she will take of Brandi's poor kids.

I love that Brandi didn't mention that her bff was in hospital.

Only Kim's good for nothing sister and children were at the hospital, hmm, Kim didn't call Brandi?

Because it cannot be said enough Brandi sucks!

She really thinks she is this rebel teenage girl. Instead of the immature inappropriate 40 something she really is.

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Yes, I know this is evil, but I was hysterical over Rumpy potentially effing up Ken's hip replacement by leading him and charging towards the other dogs.

Hey, getting out and walking is the best thing Ken could do with his new hip. Staying in a chair all day is the worst.

I'm wondering if there is an unwritten law we're not hearing being laid down to Bella and GiGi. "I bought you a lovely apartment and furnished it, decorated it.... you had damn well better be home by 11 every night, no partying and no misbehaving. Or I'll take it away."

Wouldn't put is past Yo. She wants the world to think she's a perfect paragon to motherhood, but there's just something there underneath the surface that I keep sensing with her. Maybe it's just me, but I think there's more going on.

I hope Eileen and Lisa R are here for more than just one season. I am so enjoying their homes, their beautiful views. Vince is funny, Harry is Harry. If they leave after this season, I'm done. The show will go back to what it used to be, Brandi's trash dump.

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Ugh, Brandi, just GTFO. She just gets more and more vile as this show goes on. I'm sorry, but it is not okay for Brandi to act like an authority on Kim and Kyle's relationship. She has known them, what? Five years? Less? She certainly cannot understand the complexities of a relationship that goes back 40+ years. She can't just sum it up with, "They hate each other". She obviously must not have any kind of relationship with her sister, because she doesn't seem to understand that you can love your siblings more than anything, but still get very very angry for them. Kim's alcoholism has really taken a toll on Kyle over the years, and I can't blame her, nor will I judge her, if there are times when Kyle just can't deal with it. I've never been there, neither has Brandi as far as we know, so she can shut it. She's bragging about "being there" for Kim over the past 6 months. Bitch, 6 months is nothing. Could you keep that up for 30 years? 


Eileen is one astute woman. She realized that Brandi is addicted to chaos, and that she and Kim have a very co-dependent thing going on right now. They're enabling and validating each other's bad behavior. Not a good combo. And I liked that Lisa R. was very frank about Brandi's alcohol use, which may be just as bad as Kim's at this point. 


So now Kim is in the hospital with a possible ulcer? What the fuck? I thought she had bronchitis. Sadly, I think she's just coming up with crap to get her hands on more drugs. 


I liked that Eileen addressed Brandi's behavior on poker night in such a calm, straightforward manner. But yea, Brandi's apology was less than sincere. She just said what she thought Eileen wanted to hear and was right back to talking shit in her THs. Brandi can lose me with her whole put-upon, "poor me, everyone is criticizing me" crap. Maybe if everyone is giving you shit, you should take a good, long look in the mirror and see if there's any truth to the problems people are having with you. Common denominator and all that. 


So, Anwar is handsome! I don't know that I've ever seen him before. Yo and Mo sure produced some good looking children. 

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Lisa Rinna's house is my absolute favorite.  It's so leafy and private.  If she wants me to move in, though, I'll need a pool installed.  I love that she's OCD about the seam on the lampshade and the dangling power cords.  Kindred spirits. 


So now that Gigi and the other daughter Not-Named-Gigi are out of state, we get to see Anwar?

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An ulcer is completely different from bronchitis and I think Kyle is not stupid about Kim being in the hospital, it is the quickest, legal way to get a script.  Do we think Kyle actually spoke to a nurse or doctor about Kim's condition or did she get her info from the addict herself?

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All this talk about Eileen's blog made me take a peek. The blini correction was funny, but I adored this bit more:


"As far as having a nanny (which we don't have, BTW) take Jesse away for the evening? I'm not quite sure where we're supposed to send an 11-year-old boy at 10 PM when we couldn't arrange a sleepover. Nor did Vincent and I think it was necessary. After all, we weren't having a group of Portuguese sailors over for a poker game. It was four women. If we're ever moronic enough to invite Brandi over again, I'll make sure Jesse is safely sequestered away from our property. I wouldn't want her not to be able to express herself fully with "f---, c---, p----, c---, b---," etc. as loudly and as often as she pleases."


Bwah! Honestly, I'm still warming up to Eileen. When I see her and Vince bicker I'm reminded of Paul and Adrienne, and I wasn't too fond of that. On the Brandi front, however, I'm totally behind Eileen. The extended fight clip has Eileen asking Brandi, once Brandi's back in the house, how long she and Kim have been friends. When Brandi says, "A little over a year" you can hear the crickets chirp as Eileen just looks at her.


I've honestly never been as frustrated watching HWs argue than when I saw Brandi trailing behind Kyle and Kim at every step. I mean, Aviva frustrated the fuck out of me, so it's saying something that Brandi is at that level as far as I'm concerned. I never cared for Brandi, of course, but there was just something awful and controlling and inciting and triggering about the way she kept trying to isolate Kim.  


Moving along--I'm kind of confused about this puppy boarding school thing. Isn't it best for the dog's care giver/human/whatever term you please to be present for these things so that the dog knows to also listen to that person? I know that retrievers are rambunctious cutie pies (we had a golden lab mix when I was in elementary school who was rambunctious), but seeing the way Rumpy dragged Ken over to the bench and paid not one lick of attention to Ken and Lisa's words, I have to wonder about the effectiveness of such a school where the people the dog lives with aren't present for these sessions.

Edited by Mozelle
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OMG, Brandi's friend Jennifer looks like Jigsaw. And Brandi is looking more and more cat like. Back away from the fillers, ladies.

I continue to be baffled by this. She lives with her hairdresser!

Oh my goodness, what the FUCK was that blush?! 

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Eileen's response to Brandi's scratch was fantastic but did anyone else notice the spiked bracelets Brandi was wearing, Kyle could have sliced and diced by them!  Maybe that scratch was a self inflicted jewelry injury!

Kyle said on WWHL that Brandi got scratched for the studs on Kyle's cuffs. 

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Random thoughts...


Lisa V's new dog- she said Avery was an older dog, then she said she wanted to change her name to "Pumpy".  I'm not a dog owner, but is it as easy as that?  If the dog has been called Avery for 5-7 years, how do you just rename her?  And how did Avery end up at the doggy camp in the first place?  Her previous owner sent her & never picked her up? 


Lisa R & Eileen are superstars.  Never saw either of them in the shows they are famous for but I am securely seated on their fan trains now.  However, I still think the stuff at Lisa R's jewelry party looked cheap.


Yo and her kids - I think Anwar (and Bella more than Gigi) has his dad's facial features but they are softened up with his mom's coloring.  Thank God he doesn't have his dad's hairline (yet).  I also didn't get his breakfast...one strawberry sliced into 12 pieces and a half glass of grapefruit juice to was down vitamins?  Looked like he put the dish in the sink with 10 slices of strawberry left on it.  Maybe he stops for a McMuffin on the way to school?  I like almonds to, but I can't make a snack or a meal out of them!


Brandi- so a mini denim dress, unbuttoned to reveal underwear or lack of is appropriate for parent teacher night?  What the F difference does it make that the kids are in public school??  So she'd wear the same thing to a private school but with some bedazzled rhinestones for a "fancy" school??

- her friend Jen is looking rougher every time. She and Brandi looked like wax figures with all the fillers.  So sad. I think these overworked women lose their eyesight as a side effect of all the chemicals & implants.  There is no way someone with 20/20 vision can look in a mirror and think Damn! I'm fabulous!

- her ridiculous TH styling in the orange plunging neckline, her exposed bolt-on boobs &  "I dream of Jeannie" 'do.  Was she on her way to a Bond Girl themed party at the Playboy mansion later? 

- "Hire a nanny" comment - first of all as said above, it's Eileen's home and she wasn't expecting to be hosting a USC frat party.  She anticipated an adult social gathering w/ cocktails and poker. Secondly, does one "hire a nanny" for ONE night?? I think Brandi meant get a babysitter, no?  A sitter comes for a short term.  Isn't a nanny someone who is a regular caretaker?  Maybe Brandi is trying to put herself in the other women's income level by tossing around Nanny in place of Sitter.  I can hear her telling anyone who'll listen that her kids are with their nanny when she can't afford a permanent residence for her boys.

- her sad ass non apology to Eileen.  Last week she was crowing about how these ladies are actresses and should be able to keep a straight face in a poker game.  Brandi should learn something about "acting" like you mean it when you say I'm sorry.  Step one- look the person in the face while speaking to them.  End of lesson.

- stop with the cheating allegations already.  She's gone after Kyle several times. When did she make the Joanna Krupa/Mohammad accusation?  Was it before or after this season wrapped?  If it was before, why would she go after Yo like that when she's the only HW who has stuck up for her for several seasons? 


Don't care enough about Kim, but I don't think we'll ever hear the real reason why she was in the hospital.

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Lisa Rinna's house is my absolute favorite.  It's so leafy and private.  If she wants me to move in, though, I'll need a pool installed.  I love that she's OCD about the seam on the lampshade and the dangling power cords.  Kindred spirits.



I loved, loved, loved the fact that she has and uses the head table from her wedding.  What a great idea (if you have the space of course)

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When Kyle said Kim was at Cedars-Sinai, I just nodded. Yep, home to Tori Spelling, and countless others who check themselves in and as long as they can afford it, the hospital will cater to them. I'm not knocking the hospital, but it seems to be the one they all go to when they want to hook up to an IV and relax.

Does it look like a regular hospital inside? I know that's a weird thing to ask but I just can't get my head around wanting to "relax" in that kind of environment, no matter how desperate one might be for drugs. (I hate hospitals.)

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I'm from such a broken home that even the shoemaker's elves couldn't fix it. I had step & half sisters and brothers. So I want to know, is it a rule never to get between sisters, as all the ladies claim? That just seem so cliché to me. (plus it sounds like an Irving Berlin song)

I think that's a lame detail to grab on to but it's the one that will justify Kyle's clutched pearls so I'm guessing Don'tgetinbetweensistersGate has now commenced and will be the <gasp> most unforgivable moment of the season. Look I'm all about outsiders knowing their place and not overstepping boundaries but in this instance exactly what family drama was Brandi causing a divide? It wasn't that serious. Brandi was trying to get Kim into the car and home. That's it.  After Kyle made her attempts to have Kim stay and eat something she let it go and Kim was on her way out with Brandi. It wasn't until Kim did or said something that made Kyle think Kim was mad at her and that's when she went to confront Kim. Now this is where I'm on Brandi's side. Kyle intentions was driven by thinking Kim was mad at her and wanting to get to the bottom of it. It stopped being about worry for Kim and about Kyle not liking the feeling of Kim leaving mad at her or whatever. If Kyle had just let her leave instead of insisting on continuing the conversation, dramatically Brandi wouldn't have had the opportunity to insert herself besides just trying to get Kim home.


I know Brandi is.... can't even get into that but I don't think Brandi was intentionally trying to be fucked up. I do believe Brandi felt like getting Kim home was the best thing to do and to do it quickly. Do I think Brandi is laying it on thick with the whole protective, great friend vibe? Well, not at first but once Kyle played the sister card, that's when Brandi started to list why she has recently become someone who may just have more of Kim's best interest at heart. Right or wrong? I really don't care but in that moment what was driving Kyle wasn't exactly best for the situation at hand.


Here's the thing. Just because Kyle has years and years and years and even more agonizing years of Kim and her heartache doesn't mean that she still can't be out of line when she deals with her sister. Actually, it makes more sense to me that the sisters be kept apart when these things happen because as we saw Kyle isn't very good at discreetly dealing with her sister. More than once on the show we've SEEN Kyle publicly and aggressively deal with Kim's state or whatever her grievances she's has with whatever mess Kim's dragging along with her. I mean hey I know Kim's life has imposed on Kyle but I don't care how many years of whatever.. That doesn't mean that Kyle is allowed to make matters worse by having these confrontations with Kim when it's obviously not going to go down in a calm or sensible manner.


How hard is it to tell Brandi, hey call me when you get her home and give me an update? Done. But no instead there's this territorial fight that breaks out because Kyle isn't happy that someone has gotten in the middle of what was obviously a No Bueno back and forth between Kim and Kyle.  So sisters great free reign to scream at each other, have a scene and no one is supposed to try to shut it down and keep it moving? No if both sisters are all about having it out and having that heated conversation then I could understand the whole "don't get between sisters" however if one doesn't want to have the conversation and the other isn't getting it then I see nothing wrong with trying to keep the confrontation from happening. Kim didn't want to talk, Kyle didn't want to respect that. I don't get what right Kyle has to continue to aggressively try to get to Kim? 


Now mind you the reason I feel this way is because Kyle's focused shifted and what spurred her approaching Kim had nothing to do with Kim's strange behavior and had everything to do with KYLE'S need to get clarification from Kim about what she meant with the last thing she said to Kyle. Why on earth would you think that was a good time to get into such a ridiculous thing anyway? I get that Kim has been a drain on Kyle and it probably doesn't take much for Kyle to get into a frustrated state but I don't give Kyle a pass because history or no history Kyle just doesn't handle these situations with Kim very well. I feel for her but she doesn't. It's understandable but again she just doesn't handle it well and that's not good for anybody involved. My frustration is watching Kyle getting more and more agitated and more and more confrontational instead of just letting it be, follow up with her or Brandi later on and the next day. Easier said than done? Not really, I don't think so. From what I saw there was a moment of opportunity to let the elephant leave the room and then follow up after. The extra dramatics was not necessary.

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Given that Brandi is still fixated on the Mauricio cheating rumors, I'm more inclined to think she made up the whole tabloids thing or seriously inflated the story.


BINGO!  I remember how Brandi insisted that it was Lisa that brought the tabloids to - what was it? Palm Springs? last season.  I don't think so.  I think Brandi brought them to cause trouble, knowing that when the crap hit the fan she could blame Lisa and the bitches would believe her.  Remember that Mauricio kept calling her out over the Adrienne situation and Ken defended her.  It would be just like her 8th grade mentality to bring tabloids to "get even" with him. 

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I also didn't get his breakfast...one strawberry sliced into 12 pieces and a half glass of grapefruit juice to was down vitamins?  Looked like he put the dish in the sink with 10 slices of strawberry left on it.  Maybe he stops for a McMuffin on the way to school?  I like almonds to, but I can't make a snack or a meal out of them!


As much as Yo touts almonds, I'm surprised she doesn't grow those in the backyard too. 

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Did Brandi really tell Eileen her house was American Gothic?  I really doubt Brandi knows about the painting or the style.  I thought Brandi conflated Psycho and American Psycho.  Totally different.

Brandi said psycho.    Brandi aside, I think Eileen's home is hideous.   Its not even eclectic, its just a cluster- f of stuff. A table caught my eye that looks like a Big Lots find.

          I also do not find Eileen to be authentic. There seems to be very little there.       Lisa R. is the opposite of Eileen. I find her honest, refreshing and genuine. She told it exactly the way it was with Kim.   Kyle kept up her I don't know, I don't know, right Kyle....... 

             Brandi gets a few points when she pointed out that she tried repeatedly to ask Kyle for help with Kim and Kyle refuses.  I understand the refusals, but don't play it up with love and concern when the camera's are rolling.

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As much as Yo touts almonds, I'm surprised she doesn't grow those in the backyard too. 

Yeah, that breakfast was ridiculous.  You certainly cannot play sports on a tiny strawberry.    From past episodes of Yolanda and food, its quite possibly she has eating disorders and instill her unhealthy beliefs onto her kids.

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For me, Lisa V wins at the most cutting, fitting dig at Brandi for the episode.

"Brandi's not happy unless she's provoking a situation. And maybe it makes her feel more important than she really is.  I don't know."  


Brandi has to know that she's viewed as a 'lesser than' in Beverly Hills. So Lisa saying that Brandi isn't at all important is not only pomposity with a capital "P" but will hit Brandi right in the guts where Lisa was aiming.

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That letter from Yo to Bella that was made public shows that despite morning skypes and good night texts there is a whole lot going on that Yo doesn't know about.

Kyle may not have handled everything correctly but I know Kim was blasted out of her freakin mind and seeing her leave with drunken Brandi would make me very concerned too. In that scene where Kyle enters the house, stops, turns and walks back out you could tell she was just frantic.

Lastly Brandi society has certain rules it's called a social contract. We all agree to drive on the right side of the road so no one gets killed, we all agree to a division of labor so you don't have to grow your own food and build your own house. That's life. Whoever told you that once you turned 18 there would be no rules has lead you astray. I am free to go to work in my pajamas and yes my boss is free to fire me. See how that works?

Edited by nc socialworker
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For me, Lisa V wins at the most cutting, fitting dig at Brandi for the episode.

"Brandi's not happy unless she's provoking a situation. And maybe it makes her feel more important than she really is. I don't know."

Brandi has to know that she's viewed as a 'lesser than' in Beverly Hills. So Lisa saying that Brandi isn't at all important is not only pomposity with a capital "P" but will hit Brandi right in the guts where Lisa was aiming.

Followed by, "she's lucky to even be in this social circle. That should be enough (politeness from the women but no intimacy or warmth.)"

Shot, score!

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Oh man, Brandi's friend Jennifer, the addiction specialist? Um, yeah, she obviously specializes in a filler addiction. Her lips! And I thought her name was Gennifer? Whatever her name is, she is a total puffed up mess.


But, shouldn't she have been the one to ask Brandi if she'd been drunk the night before at the poker party, instead of Yolanda? Jennifer loses all credibility as an "addiction specialist" when the 500lb gorilla called Brandi the drunken drama maker is sitting right next to her on the couch and she's failing to acknowledge what the problem is.


Lisa R.'s flowy blue dress was gorg. There hasn't been a single thing she's worn yet that I haven't loved, including the "I told my therapist about you" workout tee. And her not too subtle dig at Brandi's get up, which Brandi said was her "dressing nicely", was hard core! Go Lisa!


A Kyle, Lisa V and Eileen alliance is going to be a hard match for Brandi to go up against. She's now only got Yolanda and Kim in her court. My money is on the Kyle, Lisa and Eileen team.

Edited by glasscaseofemotion
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Lisa R. is the opposite of Eileen. I find her honest, refreshing and genuine. She told it exactly the way it was with Kim.   Kyle kept up her I don't know, I don't know, right Kyle.......


I don't know who Kyle thinks she's fooling.  Or Kim and the rest of that family that continues to try to hide Kim's addictions.  I can't imagine anyone being near Kim for long and not knowing she isn't 100% sober.  As Lisa R. said, no one acts like that unless they're drunk or on something.  They aren't fooling anybody.  Kim might be fooling herself, but that's it.

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Something about the way Brandi was hugging and clinging to Kim creeped me out. Like she needed to show the others how much Kim depended on and needed her. Seems like she wants a loyal pet in Kim.

Also, I dislike Brandi, but I really saw nothing wrong with her denim shirtdress. Not my style, but I didn't find it inappropriate.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I have five sisters. It's a rule.


I have never, in my life, had any kind of a physical  "girl fight" like the ones that keep  breaking out with alarming regularity on these shows. However, if I was concerned for one my sisters welfare and that Skank tried to block me from getting to her, trust me, Eileen would not have been suggesting neosporin. She'd have been calling the paramedics because I would have decked the bitch.


Really. It's a rule.

Kyle wasn't concerned about Kim's welfare at that point.  Kyle was mad that Kim accused her of something.  Kim was being a dick, and Kyle was pissed off and rightly so.  And while people may want to believe there is a "rule", there is a law against battery, and being blocked from seeing a family member during a poker party doesn't constitute self-defense.   


A Kyle, Lisa V and Eileen alliance is going to be a hard match for Brandi to go up against. She's now only got Yolanda and Kim in her court. My money is on the Kyle, Lisa and Eileen team.

This is not going to last.  Lisa and Kyle are going to be playing tug-of-war in 3,2,1...

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Well, Lisa V. has a new dog, I think? That part was suuuuper boring.

I thought it was sweet. That is one reason I just can't quit Lisa V. She loves dogs including those with issues. That dog was clearly sweet as could be but she was overweight and, believe it or not, fat dogs and cats are discriminated against. They have a very difficult time getting adopted, but it didn't really phase Lisa. I like the scenes with Lisa and her dogs as well as Kyle and hers. But then I adore animals. Except Brandi.


I usually find Yolanda's scenes with her kids boring, but I must say I was impressed with how very sweet Anwar is. Plus I got to see the Fridge, which I like way better than I like Yo. 


I think I have a girl crush on Eileen. I know this because I actually watched on WWHL and I hate that show. It wasn't as awful as usual because of her. However, I have to say that I did get a sinking feeling that this might  be her only season. Something about the look on her face when Andy asked her how she liked it. In spite of her diplomacy, I am pretty sure the answer was "not much" in reality.


Not that I could imagine what's not to like. Having wine thrown in your face, having some skank insult your home (as Yolanda loves to say, "who does that?") having some tramp behaving badly with her drunken/drugged BFF in your home. You just know Brandi wants her gone really bad and I just can't imagine that Eileen needs this clusterfuck.


I am also loving Lisa R.  


Brandi is truly toxic. She actually said Eileen should hire a Nanny for her kid so she can curse to her hearts content? First, kid is a little old to need a Nanny or sitter when his parents are just having a few friends over. Second, it's his home. You  don't like it, Leave. Or better yet don't show up. Which brings us to next week where the skank actually shows up at a party that Kyle is throwing, without being invited? Really? Because your sure she just overlooked the invite seeing as how you two are so close?


This is the thing with Brandi. She seems to think that she can do and say whatever she wants no matter how offensive it is and it's no big deal. Or maybe she'll give you some BS apology that clearly indicates she is really not the least bit sorry, and everything will be fine.

I don't get it. 


I don't know who the other guest on WHHL was, but she was pretty funny and at one point, when they brought up Brandi insulting Eileen's decor she said something about how Brandi wouldn't know because she grew up in a trailer park. I have no idea where she grew up and it doesn't matter anyway because you can't help where you came from. But Brandi definitely belongs in a trailer  park now. And here is Orange County, we have some pretty fancy trailer parks, so she doesn't belong in one of those either. The woman is pure trash.

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I do believe Brandi felt like getting Kim home was the best thing to do and to do it quickly.


Brandi told Jennifer (or was it Yo?) that she could tell Kim was on something from the start.  Since she didn't know that Kim had told Kyle that she was on something, Brandi probably thought she was the only one who knew (roll-eyes), and was trying to get her out of there.  I can buy that.


But Brandi continued to try to get Kim away from Kyle even after Kyle and Kim were huddled together by the garage doing their weepy talking thing, even after Kim tried to get Brandi to stop being so aggressive.  Her being a giantess compared to Kyle and Kim didn't help.

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Something about the way Brandi was hugging and clinging to Kim creeped me out. Like she needed to show the others how much Kim depended on and needed her. Seems like she wants a loyal pet in Kim.

Also, I dislike Brandi, but I really saw nothing wrong with her denim shirtdress. Not my style, but I didn't find it inappropriate.

Made even creepier by Kims " where the hell am I?" Facial expression.

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I had to re-watch the scene when they're all in the driveway and Kyle is finally leaving. Brandi is standing with her long arm around Kim's neck, holding her 'protectively' like a fierce mother chimpanzee, that's messed up. Kim's shoes are off so next to Brandi, she looks like an 8 year old child. Brandi looks like she's holding a bronze statuette from some crazy Hollywood awards show. That was the part that made me laugh out loud (really). But when Kim garble-speaks "I know I should ride with her, but I love you and I love her". This was so much more messed up. Brandi is putting Kim on display as if to say "hey people, you think I'm messed up, look at this little mess right here!".


These women are all drama queens, no doubt about that. When Brandi says "I'm want to go home with my baby and my son" I thought okay, Brandi has some deeper issues from childhood that have scarred her for life. She needs more than rehab for alcohol and drug addiction, she needs a therapist to help her work out all the issues she may have had with her father.

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IMO, just mine, Eddie is attracted to crazy! He traded in 1 nut job for another nut job but she at least has some talent and money.


Not to mention the fact that she is always going off about "Buddy" on twitter. Swearing about him and calling him nasty names, to the point she has said that she "hates" him!

I'm glad i don't twitter. I don't need another reason to hate the Skank.  She hates her dog?  I have seen her yelling at them, and calling them assholes and thought, as Yo likes to say, "who does that"?  I have also seen them all crated when she is home, (crate door closed) which I totally don't get.  I had to do that to  one of my dogs because he had a seriously pinched nerve in his neck and I couldn't have him playing with his two sisters on Vets orders, but it broke my heart. He didn't get why he couldn't come out  and I couldn't explain it. Well, I did, but I'm pretty sure he still didn't understand.


She is such a bitch.  

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This is the thing with Brandi. She seems to think that she can do and say whatever she wants no matter how offensive it is and it's no big deal. Or maybe she'll give you some BS apology that clearly indicates she is really not the least bit sorry, and everything will be fine.

I don't get it. 


I don't know who the other guest on WHHL was, but she was pretty funny and at one point, when they brought up Brandi insulting Eileen's decor she said something about how Brandi wouldn't know because she grew up in a trailer park. I have no idea where she grew up and it doesn't matter anyway because you can't help where you came from. But Brandi definitely belongs in a trailer  ark now. And here is Orange County, we have some pretty fancy trailer parks, so she doesn't belong in one of those either. The woman is pure trash.



It's clear that no matter how heinous the action, Brandi feels that an apology, whether it's really heartfelt or not, will instantly erase any harm she's done or pain she caused. Lisa V is the smart one here by disassociating as much as she can from Brandi. Brandi has said it herself a few times calling herself 'white trash'. That's a self-defense mechanism to beat someone else to the punch. I think she feels she justifies her horrible behavior if she calls herself trash as if to say "well yeah, I told you I was trash so what do you expect?" Brandi's friend Jennifer who is supposed to be an 'addiction specialist' doesn't really seem to be very good at her profession. She is also in love with being on camera and she's really getting more bizarre looking with each appearance she has on this show. Her face used to be scary enough to stop a bus, but now it's scary enough to stop a fully loaded 16 car diesel powered train. I've already added passive-aggressive personality disorder to the growing list of personality disorders that Brandi owns. 


Edited by HumblePi
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I don't know who Kyle thinks she's fooling.  Or Kim and the rest of that family that continues to try to hide Kim's addictions.  I can't imagine anyone being near Kim for long and not knowing she isn't 100% sober.  As Lisa R. said, no one acts like that unless they're drunk or on something.  They aren't fooling anybody.  Kim might be fooling herself, but that's it.


I think Kyle was trying not to straight up say anything because she got a lot of flak before for outing Kim as an alcoholic. I think she didn't want to be seen as spilling her sister's issue again, and also, she wouldn't have known at that point how much of their mics picked up their conversation in the bathroom where Kim admitted to taking "something for the pain". Kim loves to blame Kyle for her problems and Kyle saying something during the limo ride would have been the ammo that Kim needed. Notice how Kim did it with Lisa R during the driveway fight when Kim said "what did you tell her?" Kim is always looking for a way to pin her behavior on someone else.

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I agree that Brandi has some really bad things from her childhood that affect her. I have no proof or reason, but both her parents creeped me out.  


I also agree with the poster who said there will be trouble again between Kyle and Lisa V.   Not that Lisa is an innocent, but Kyle has no idea what loyalty or being a friend is. She was raised in a home that had no values or morals.


 Maybe its been covered already, but doesn't anyone else think Lisa V's home looks like a dept. store?  WTF is with the ridiculous front door and welcoming mat. Tacky, very tacky.

Edited by Cherrio
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Moving along--I'm kind of confused about this puppy boarding school thing. Isn't it best for the dog's care giver/human/whatever term you please to be present for these things so that the dog knows to also listen to that person? I know that retrievers are rambunctious cutie pies (we had a golden lab mix when I was in elementary school who was rambunctious), but seeing the way Rumpy dragged Ken over to the bench and paid not one lick of attention to Ken and Lisa's words, I have to wonder about the effectiveness of such a school where the people the dog lives with aren't present for these sessions.


It would be best if the owners worked with the dog, following the orders of the trainer, but then the VP-T's couldn't have their fabulous globetrotting lifestyle.  I'm sure in Beverly Hills a lot of dogs go to puppy camp.  


When we saw Rumpy pulling Ken, the general consensus at my house was "So much for the lesson on heeling."  But he's a young, excitable, high-energy boy; so getting his friend is probably the best thing for him. It will run off some of his energy, maybe help Avery-Pumpy drop some weight, and keep the smaller pups from getting steamrolled by  well-meaning 60-pound dog who may not understand how big he is.  


I think he had to be at the breeders, too, and that the breeders thought Rumpy's having a friend was a good idea - I think it is too.  I also can't help wondering if Avery-Pumpy was a return to the breeders because she got too fat.  Sometimes people are really screwed up about pets, even if they're the ones overfeeding/under-exercising her. 


And you can change a dog's name if you want to.  Usually you start out calling her Avery-Pumpy, then you gradually drop the first part until she responds to just Pumpy.  Or, she looks like a food-driven dog, so maybe just rewarding her (with something lean, maybe) and calling her Pumpy can make the connection.  Sort of like the saying, "Call me anything but late for dinner." 

Edited by harrie
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So now Kim is in the hospital with a possible ulcer? What the fuck? I thought she had bronchitis. Sadly, I think she's just coming up with crap to get her hands on more drugs. 



Late stage addicts/alcoholics are usually awash with illnesses and diagnoses.  The longer the disavowing and bullshit goes on, the more these loose symptoms are collected, it seems.  And, yes, lots of the illnesses also mean more drugs.


Ok, so like I know Brandi is ill and sad but I still don't hate her.  Particularly in this scenario.  While Brandi is acting like an immature codependent twat, I'm not totally sold on Kyle's passivity and, even in her state, that Brandi isn't telling us an actual truth - Kyle has a story. But more importantly, FUCK YOU, KIM!


Like seriously, housewives?  Yeah Kim's an addict.  She is ill.  Her wiring is different.  I believe!  However, while Brandi is an asshole and a DRUNK ONE, as far as the matter of kim's alcoholism goes, Brandi is a super easy target and the housewives are scapegoating her, either on behalf of Kim's bullshit or at the expense of Kim herself, whether for a storyline or the usual crap that happens around an addict.  Also? FUCK YOU, KIM!   


If Kyle really wanted to doing something of value, she'd threaten to pull the relationship.  Look, if these ladies were 25 years old, ok.  But they've been doing this for 7000 years now.  Seriously?! COME ON.  This bitch will die!


So why not deal with Kim honestly and worry about Brandi later? 

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I am beginning to see why Brandi is getting the really bad, but probably true edit this year.  Brandi is not the Executive Producer or even a producer-it is not her job to stop the cameras from filming or remove a cast member from filming.  Evolution Media pays a lot of money to have a crew in Malibu to film this party.  So Brandi unilaterally deciding that Kim needs to be whisk away because she is impaired is way above her pay grade.  First off, Kim did not want to leave.  Kim, impaired or not, should have taken the suggestion of her sister and the remaining sane cast members and stopped and eaten something-she can't talk with her mouth full.  It is also pretty shitty that Brandi was ready to stifle Kim but had fully intended to go back in the house and continuing filming and most likely insulting the other women-especially Kyle.


Kim, contrary to her protestations, was out of it, but not too out of it,  she wanted the cameras on her while she feigned umbrage at Kyle for whispering, "it looks like you have been drinking".  So the whole driveway footage to me, was about Kim wanting to the world to know she is loved, Kyle not wanting to look like an uncaring person and trying to support her sister bit mostly it was about Brandi incessant desire to be the center of attention.  Kim knows how to act and much of her behavior was real and when she knew she over stepped she started really playing up the pain medicine angle.  next it will be she remember nothing. 


This is a business and film crews are expensive so sending a crew out to Malibu, hiring limos, caterers and the like are meant for an evening of filming-not until Brandi decides who should or should not be in the footage.  There seems to be a part of Kyle that worries that some day Kim will no show, leave early and the next season there will be no contract for Kim.

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I also can't help wondering if Avery-Pumpy was a return to the breeders because she got too fat.  Sometimes people are really screwed up about pets, even if they're the ones overfeeding/under-exercising her. 


I immediately thought that she was one of the breeder's retired mamas. 

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Now mind you the reason I feel this way is because Kyle's focused shifted and what spurred her approaching Kim had nothing to do with Kim's strange behavior and had everything to do with KYLE'S need to get clarification from Kim about what she meant with the last thing she said to Kyle. Why on earth would you think that was a good time to get into such a ridiculous thing anyway?



True, but that gets back into the idea that Kim needs special treatment and always needs to be protected from the consequences of her actions. So she should be able to  tell Kyle she's mad at her and Kyle needs to not react by wanting to know what's up with that, because she needs to be focused on hustling Kim off camera so she doesn't look bad. Kim obviously has problems with drugs, but she probably also has problems with sudden bursts of spite that Kyle might have good reason to want to address immediately. Kim seems to have spend something like a year in that state with Kyle, so it's probably also a danger sign that she's starting that up again.


Basically, Brandi and Kim are both expecting to be able to say whatever they want and then act put upon when people react to it. If Eileen walked up to Kim with an angry "thanks" Kim would probably have gone after her too, but since it's Kim and we know she's high it should just be swept under the rug. In some ways maybe that's true--Kim doesn't even remember what she said later (or will claim not to), but probably there's been times in the past where Kim actually did really mean whatever thing she said. Or at least was angry enough to use it to do something self-destructive.


Glad I wasn't the only one watching Rumpy drag Ken over the grass and thinking, "Three months of training school for this?"


Re: Lisa and Brandi, I don't think Lisa literally told Brandi to go after anyone, but Brandi seems to make it her business to figure out who somebody doesn't like (and Lisa's pretty open about that and also says she expects her friends to have her back) and attack them. That's basically what she was accusing Lisa of exploiting in her, saying that since she only attacked people because Lisa didn't like them, it becomes Lisa using her. But really, if anything, it was just Lisa enjoying what Brandi was doing at the time.

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I think he had to be at the breeders, too, and that the breeders thought Rumpy's having a friend was a good idea - I think it is too. I also can't help wondering if Avery-Pumpy was a return to the breeders because she got too fat. Sometimes people are really screwed up about pets, even if they're the ones overfeeding/under-exercising her.

I believe the trainer guy said that Avery had something wrong with her thyroid. I wonder if her original owners didn't want to deal with treating that and just returned her.

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Brandi has this thing she does when she goes into "truth cannon" mode - it happens in her TH, her whole voice changes, and her expression, and she gets this solemn-but-still-gleeful look on her face that says, "I am now going to reveal heretofore unknown dirt that will prove I have been in the right once and for all."  (In fact, she often actually states some variation on those words just before making her pronouncement.)


She did it the first time with Adrienne, when she said, in the episode where she revealed the surrogacy, "She has this one lie she's been telling and I couldn't stand it any longer."  Ignore the fact that this is not a LIE that Adrienne was telling, it was simply not disclosing private medical information about her sons' birth details.


She did it the second time with Lisa/Kyle on the PR trip, when she said, "There was something Kyle needed to know."  It was the exact same tone, the exact same attitude of "now you will all understand the righteousness of my cause."  It's like she thinks that she is playing a final trump card.


And she did it last night, when she announced "Kim's been calling me in the middle of the night, and I finally got so concerned I called Kyle, and Kyle said it's not my problem, it's just Kim."


She really thought when she did that to Kyle - as she thought when she did it to Adrienne, as she thought when she did it to Lisa - that she had played a winning hand, that she had ended the debate by revealing a Ten Commandments Level truth.  Brandi coming down with a stone tablet or whatever.


News flash, Brandi.  It doesn't work.  What you did to Adrienne was horrible, what you did to Lisa was hypocritical, and with Kyle, all you're doing is demonstrating that you have no idea how addiction and family dynamics work.  In all cases, you make yourself look worse than anyone else.  I have come to see right through that Pronouncement Mode that Brandi gets into.


I'm also laughing at how Brandi is starting to get frustrated on twitter that no one is on her side.  Last week she claimed editing and "camera angles" prevented us from seeing what really happened with Kyle in the hallway.  Then she thought that her blog would reveal the truth, and everyone scoffed.  She's getting more and more angry that people aren't taking her side and seeing the truth that Only Brandi Can Show Us.  On her podcast last week she actually said that unlike Kyle, BRANDI went to the Hilton family Christmas party, and how could Kyle say that Brandi's not family, when the family has all turned on Kyle (and by implication embraced Brandi).  To go after her family like that - I'm almost nervous for Kyle about what she's going to do next.  She gets nastier and nastier and seems to have no bottom.


Two last little points.  


1.  I hope Kyle gets good PR counsel for the reunion.  And good Alanon counsel too.  Dear Kyle: Kim and Brandi are insane.  They're deranged.  We can see it.  Don't engage.  Don't give in to your drama queen inclination and outbursts.  Stay calm and let them spiral.  I would also suggest that you cut Kim off entirely.  I know - she's your sister.  Be there for her kids.  But save yourself, and them, and your family.


2. I haven't historically been a Kyle fan - I always wanted to like her, because she's clearly a good mom and seems to have ALMOST a level of self awareness that makes me like her, but her mean girl stuff and her selfish dramatics always turned me off.  But this season I'm coming close to liking her, enough that I'm really hoping that Mauricio is as good a husband as she claims.  I don't want him to be cheating on her.  With all the drama around her, and her apparent inability to count on her birth family for support, I am hoping that Mauricio is there for her, and not running off to Vegas, as some reports say.  (Fingers crossed.)


(Edited for typo)

Edited by ottergirl
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I agree that Brandi has some really bad things from her childhood that affect her. I have no proof or reason, but both her parents creeped me out.  


I also agree with the poster who said there will be trouble again between Kyle and Lisa V.   Not that Lisa is an innocent, but Kyle has no idea what loyalty or being a friend is. She wasn't raised in a home that had values or morals.


 Maybe its been covered already, but doesn't anyone else think Lisa V's home looks like a dept. store?  WTF is with the ridiculous front door and welcoming mat. Tacky, very tacky.

I can't even imagine having more money than I'll ever need in my life. After all the lavish trips are made to the world's most exotic places, after buying more jewelry that your could ever remember, after buying the most expensive homes and furnishings, after buying designer dresses and shoes, what's left to buy? There are endless possibilities to spending cash forever. Having a closet that's larger than the living rooms of most people is like a hobby for Lisa. One comforting thing I did notice in Lisa V's bathroom was a neat collection of little brown pharmacy bottles with white caps. "Okay!", I thought.  I have SOMETHING in common with Lisa Vanderpump, we both take prescription drugs for hypertension, cholesterol or GERD or whatever. Boiling down to the very most basic thing everyone has in common is that we're all only human, even those rich housewives.

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