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She's Superman's Cousin!: And Other Supergirl Spoilers

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10 hours ago, Starfish35 said:

I'm guessing that means he did end up in the future?  

Although I'm not an "astute comic book fan", so maybe not. :)

Well, in comics Mon-El ends up on the 30th century and gets a Flight Ring and a permanent cure from his lead allergy from the Legion of Superheroes (who travelled to the present in Smallville for what can be a similar storyline). The Legion can travel through space and time so I expect that they rescued him because he is needed.


3 hours ago, Oreo2234 said:

A surprising amount of commentors think its Supergirl, someone speculated that is the reason for the relative lack of spoilers for the new season. But it does not fit Supergirl's format, tone or style at all. If they did it would be a big WTF, possibly shark jumping moment. Also, this death is supposedly happening in the premiere and hasn't officially been approved yet and Supergirl is already filming its premiere. 


Wistful thinking from the ones who hate him, probably. I agree with you. 

Edited by emarasmoak
10 hours ago, Starfish35 said:

I'm guessing that means he did end up in the future?  

Although I'm not an "astute comic book fan", so maybe not. :)

I'm assuming that they're referring to the Phantom Zone.  (Original comics story, he went into the PZ and stayed there for 1000 years until Brainiac 5 cured his poisoning.) But, they imply they've changed it up a bit, so we'll see.

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5 minutes ago, emarasmoak said:

Wistful thinking from the ones who hate him, probably. I agree with you. 


From those who hate who?

James is the only original cast member I could see them killing off. Or maybe Cat Grant, but filming the flashbacks would require too much of her time. I suppose Winn is a possibility, but unlikely.

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14 minutes ago, secnarf said:

From those who hate who?

James is the only original cast member I could see them killing off. Or maybe Cat Grant, but filming the flashbacks would require too much of her time. I suppose Winn is a possibility, but unlikely.

The ones who hate Mon-El. And though that he would not return to season 3. I was always sure of his return but it feels good to have confirmation because I enjoy this character and his story a lot. 

19 minutes ago, secnarf said:

From those who hate who?

James is the only original cast member I could see them killing off. Or maybe Cat Grant, but filming the flashbacks would require too much of her time. I suppose Winn is a possibility, but unlikely.

Exactly. The spoiler specified an original cast member.

I agree that James is the only original cast member I can see them killing off. They won't off Winn because they obviously love him as comic relief too much, and ITA that the structure seems to preclude Cat (who otherwise would be the obvious choice). No way they kill Alex, and I can only see them killing off J'onn if DH desperately wanted out to spend more time in England. It would be James or no one--and my vote is going to no one. Not Supergirl's style at all, either a death OR the murder mystery/flash forward, flashback structure. Which is a good thing because the writers would undoubtedly fuck that structure up, given that they can't keep the very basics of their own timeline straight!

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13 minutes ago, emarasmoak said:

The ones who hate Mon-El. And though that he would not return to season 3. I was always sure of his return but it feels good to have confirmation because I enjoy this character and his story a lot. 

Mon-El isn't an original cast member though, so speculation that the show that's losing a character is Supergirl has nothing to do with Mon-El.

Many people - myself included - hoped that he would not return, but if it turns out Supergirl is losing an original cast member, I think it would be even *more* likely that Mon-El will stick around for even longer, so they're not losing two cast members - or three, once you add Floriana Lima.

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33 minutes ago, emarasmoak said:

The ones who hate Mon-El. And though that he would not return to season 3. I was always sure of his return but it feels good to have confirmation because I enjoy this character and his story a lot. 

I also enjoyed Mon-El and Chris Wood as the character last season a lot. I do think his off season journey will allow the writers to give Mon-El more substance as a character and give Kara someone besides her cousin to count on. Not that I wouldn't mind more Kal-El (Tyler Houchlin) as well.

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No way they kill Alex, and I can only see them killing off J'onn if DH desperately wanted out to spend more time in England. It would be James or no one--and my vote is going to no one

While it's not hard to imagine any of the supporting actors from season one wanting out, they didn't initially sign up for filming in another country and some of them have less to do now,  I think killing them off wouldn't be the first option. 

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I don't know why anyone thinks the spoiler refers to Supergirl, anyway. Out of the possibilities, I'm kinda thinking it's Elementary, as the show is entirely focused on solving mysteries, probably won't last much longer (this year's renewal was somewhat surprising), and could easily do the flashback structure.

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13 hours ago, stealinghome said:

Exactly. The spoiler specified an original cast member.

I agree that James is the only original cast member I can see them killing off. They won't off Winn because they obviously love him as comic relief too much, and ITA that the structure seems to preclude Cat (who otherwise would be the obvious choice). No way they kill Alex, and I can only see them killing off J'onn if DH desperately wanted out to spend more time in England. It would be James or no one--and my vote is going to no one. Not Supergirl's style at all, either a death OR the murder mystery/flash forward, flashback structure. Which is a good thing because the writers would undoubtedly fuck that structure up, given that they can't keep the very basics of their own timeline straight!

Not only an original cast member, but a "beloved" character, and Mon-El isn't either. Mechad may qualify for the first, but not the second, based on how we barely saw Jimmy last season. Why anyone would think anyone on this show could be possible makes no sense.  And "other people" on other platforms of social media thinking it's Wood because they don't like him or hate him, I would dismiss, because clearly they didn't read the item.?

18 minutes ago, Cranberry said:

I don't know why anyone thinks the spoiler refers to Supergirl, anyway. Out of the possibilities, I'm kinda thinking it's Elementary, as the show is entirely focused on solving mysteries, probably won't last much longer (this year's renewal was somewhat surprising), and could easily do the flashback structure.

It could also be NCIS. That it could be David McCallum who plays Donald "Ducky" Mallard. Who is not only an original character, going back to the backdoor pilot in JAG, but Ducky IS the most beloved character on that show. And it BETTER NOT be Ducky!!!???

If McCallum wants to leave, fine, have Ducky retire!

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If it is a beloved character that fits Cat Grant easily. I hope not, but with her confirming she knows Kara is Supergirl. Maybe they are killing her off now, but no news on Cat or Calista appearing in the premier has  come up, so maybe it isn't her and she isn't appearing in the first episode of season 3. But the only other beloved originals are Alex and Winn and neither of them are dying. Is James that beloved. 

But I think it isn't Supergirl at all. 

First footage from season 3

Unless the dialogue is taken out of context it sure sounds like Kara is saying a human (or Superman, who I assume is the "he" she's talking about) would not have been able to sacrifice their significant other to help save the planet.  If that's true then it's complete and utter BS for her to believe that.  I'd like to think the show runners are not stupid enough to try to turn Kara into Oliver Queen, brooder extraordinaire, for more than an episode.

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It  does look like they might be trying for a darker tone at the start of the season. But I assume that won't last too long. At least I hope so. 


Why is Alex shooting with a normal gun? I hope she still has her alien ray gun.



Entertainment Weekly has a summary of spoilers from the Comic Con panel. Here is the link .

I'm excited about Adrian Pasdar being a part of this season. He's a good actor with a real screen presence. I hope they use him well. 

I'm reading between the lines here but it sounds like Maggie may be absent for the latter part of the season but they might not break up Maggie/Alex just yet.

Unfortunately, they are still doing the Guardian thing but its good they are exploring the journalist/photographer side to James. I'm annoyed he is getting a love interest though. Not everybody needs one. 

I hope TPTB go with McGrath's suggestion about Alex/Kara/Lena. It makes sense and there needs to be better cast integration.

Edited by Oreo2234
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1 hour ago, Oreo2234 said:

Unfortunately, they are still doing the Guardian thing but its good they are exploring the journalist/photographer side to James. I'm annoyed he is getting a love interest though. Not everybody needs one. 

I'm personally ok with James getting a love interest because Mehcad has been sorely underused last season and he kinds of deserves a little bit of happiness. I started out hating James and Guardian but along the way, I started feeling sorry for the poor actor and the treatment he had been getting. 

I'm liking the new characters who will be popping in. I assume they're either guests or small recurring characters? Adrian Pasdar is always a favourite of mine to see, and I have only seen Yael in JtV so I am excited to see what else she can bring to the table. Also, Emma Tremblay looks exactly like her brother, and I hope she has his acting chops. I'm thrilled to see all this female casting. Arrowverse isn't exactly known for having multiple females in one episode, let alone one show, so it's nice to see more new females around.

More J'onn is also appreciated, so I'm glad to see that they cast an actor for his father. They really underused many of the characters last season, but James and J'onn most of all, so it's exciting to see their storylines pop up. 

I will be honest in being disappointed with no Winn/Jeremy Jordan news (besides him and Lyra still a couple, which...eh; I grew really tired of them in her last two appearances). Part of me was hoping that his father might make a reappearance and a story with Lena/Winn could blossom. But I guess there's more time for that to happen.

As for Maggie and Alex, it's exciting to read that she probably won't be killed off and they might actually stick as a couple, since it would make so little sense for them to break up not through Maggie's death. I'd like to see what happens with that.

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As for Maggie and Alex, it's exciting to read that she probably won't be killed off and they might actually stick as a couple, since it would make so little sense for them to break up not through Maggie's death. 

I don't think death is the only way they could break up. It would make little sense for them to break up so soon though. They would have to build up to it. 

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16 hours ago, Oreo2234 said:

Unfortunately, they are still doing the Guardian thing but its good they are exploring the journalist/photographer side to James. I'm annoyed he is getting a love interest though. Not everybody needs one. 

They do if they're on a CW show.

Regarding the no more Kara Danvers idea- usually, one of two things will happen.  The first is a superhero is prevented from saving something because of their civilian commitments, hence the decision to ditch it and become a 24/7 hero.  The second is the hero work ruins their civilian (usually romantic) life, ala Peter Parker in Spider-Man 2, so goodbye hero.  Somehow, Kara has decided her actions as a superhero have cost her so much pain (scenario 2) she's .... going to be a hero 24/7 (the outcome from scenario 1) since I guess Kryptonians are supposed to be emotionless robots in spite of all the evidence to the contrary. 

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6 hours ago, cambridgeguy said:

They do if they're on a CW show.

Regarding the no more Kara Danvers idea- usually, one of two things will happen.  The first is a superhero is prevented from saving something because of their civilian commitments, hence the decision to ditch it and become a 24/7 hero.  The second is the hero work ruins their civilian (usually romantic) life, ala Peter Parker in Spider-Man 2, so goodbye hero.  Somehow, Kara has decided her actions as a superhero have cost her so much pain (scenario 2) she's .... going to be a hero 24/7 (the outcome from scenario 1) since I guess Kryptonians are supposed to be emotionless robots in spite of all the evidence to the contrary. 

That's actually how Kryptonians were depicted following the post-Crisis on Infinite Earths reboot in 1986.  They were shown as a cold, emotionless people who worshiped science and technology above all else (even reproduction via sex was forbidden) and would not brook even the slightest bit of dissent.  In fac,t Jor-El's main reason for sending his son Kal-El to Earth was, in addition to saving him from Krypton's imminent destruction, saving him from Krypton's culture and mores.  Jor-El was not only a scientist, but a rebel as well by Kryptonian standards as they were then shown to exist.

Of course, that was more than 30 years ago.  I really lost track of the DC Universe sometime around the mid-90s, so I have no idea what the current comic-book incarnation of Kryptonians is like.

Edited by legaleagle53
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3 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

That's actually how Kryptonians were depicted following the post-Crisis on Infinite Earths reboot in 1986.  They were shown as a cold, emotionless people who worshiped science and technology above all else (even reproduction via sex was forbidden) and would not brook even the slightest bit of dissent.  In fac,t Jor-El's main reason for sending his son Kal-El to Earth was, in addition to saving him from Krypton's imminent destruction, saving him from Krypton's culture and mores.  Jor-El was not only a scientist, but a rebel as well by Kryptonian standards as they were then shown to exist.

Of course, that was more than 30 years ago.  I really lost track of the DC Universe sometime around the mid-90s, so I have no idea what the current comic-book incarnation of Kryptonians is like.

They rejiggered the backstory a bit about ten or fifteen years ago so that it more closely resembled the Silver Age, but that was before the Nu52. Not quite sure what it's like now.

On 7/22/2017 at 8:13 PM, cambridgeguy said:

First footage from season 3

Unless the dialogue is taken out of context it sure sounds like Kara is saying a human (or Superman, who I assume is the "he" she's talking about) would not have been able to sacrifice their significant other to help save the planet.  If that's true then it's complete and utter BS for her to believe that.

Clark did straight up tell her that he didn't think that he wouldn't have been able to do what she did at the end of last season, so it's not crazy that Kara would repeat back what he said here. Granted, I think that's just what Clark thinks in the abstract, if the chips were down he'd react differently, also, no way would any version of Lois that I've seen put her own safety above the entire human race, so Clark would honor her wishes in the same way that Kara honored Mon-Els.

Edited by Perfect Xero
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I'm willing to see where they go with 'less Kara, more Supergirl', but the struggle to balance civilian life and superhero life is one of the things I like seeing in these type of shows, so I'm not really excited about that.

It's good that they say they've got some story arcs for James coming up; but the entire last season showed they don't really care about him, so I remain HIGHLY skeptical.

Carl Lumbly is great casting, but I didn't even know J'onn's father was even a thing, so I'm not sure how to react.

Adrian Pasdar is probably getting the Max Lord-type plots that we should have gotten last year with Lena. I think it's hilarious how many shows with superpowers he's been on!

Edited by Trini
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On 7/22/2017 at 10:59 PM, Oreo2234 said:

I don't think death is the only way they could break up. It would make little sense for them to break up so soon though. They would have to build up to it. 

Technically, they wouldn't have to break them up. When Masi Oka left Hawaii Five-0 last year, they mentioned his wife and showed her in flashbacks but she wasn't actually in the episode. 

54 minutes ago, MarkHB said:

Technically, they wouldn't have to break them up. When Masi Oka left Hawaii Five-0 last year, they mentioned his wife and showed her in flashbacks but she wasn't actually in the episode. 

They also keep John Diggle in a married relationship in Arrow and I think that the actress playing his wife does not appear in most of the episodes of the show.

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On 7/22/2017 at 7:13 PM, cambridgeguy said:

First footage from season 3

Unless the dialogue is taken out of context it sure sounds like Kara is saying a human (or Superman, who I assume is the "he" she's talking about) would not have been able to sacrifice their significant other to help save the planet.  If that's true then it's complete and utter BS for her to believe that.  I'd like to think the show runners are not stupid enough to try to turn Kara into Oliver Queen, brooder extraordinaire, for more than an episode.

She especially doesn't get to brag about giving up a significant other for the sake of the planet since it was her earlier refusal to let Mon-El leave with his parents that brought about the invasion on earth, lol.  

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Matt's Inside Line:


... I have just learned that the CW series is seeking a fortysomething actress to play a mysterious and “sexually compelling” Kryptonian who is being likened to Game of Thrones‘ Melisandre.

Hm- "sexually compelling" is probably the cleanest way to say what they're looking for.... Anyway... can someone translate for those who don't watch GoT?

1 hour ago, Trini said:

Matt's Inside Line:

Hm- "sexually compelling" is probably the cleanest way to say what they're looking for.... Anyway... can someone translate for those who don't watch GoT?

Melisandre (aka The Red Woman) is a priestess of the Lord of the Light, a foreign religion to Westeros, she gets visions and can preform magical rituals. Her power is real and her beliefs are genuine (though things happen that call in to question whether she has correctly interpreted her visions). Over the course the series she comes to believe that two different characters (Stannis Baratheon and, later, Jon Snow) are the "Prince Who was Promised" AKA the person who has been chosen by her god to become king and defeat the White Walkers/Army of the dead.

Her ultimate goals are things that align with what the good characters want, but her magic is fueled by human sacrifice, so there's that bone of contention and the question of whether the ends justify the means.

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With Brenda Strong cast in a new role on 13 Reasons Why. I hope this doesn't mean Lillian Luthor is going to just disappear like Maxwell Lord and being replaced by Morgan Edge in season 3. *Sigh* and here I was hoping we would get a recurring villain across multiple seasons. I sure hope not. 

But with Reign and Morgan Edge in Season 3 getting stories, I think Lillian is going to be put on the side for now. 

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13 minutes ago, nightwing877 said:

... *Sigh* and here I was hoping we would get a recurring villain across multiple seasons. I sure hope not. 

But with Reign and Morgan Edge in Season 3 getting stories, I think Lillian is going to be put on the side for now. 

I suppose Cadmus could count as a recurring  villain/threat -- seeing as how there wasn't really a resolution to that arc. Has there been any mention of Cadmus or Jeremiah in the spoilers for Season 3?

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, Trini said:

I suppose Cadmus could count as a recurring  villain/threat -- seeing as how there wasn't really a resolution to that arc. Has there been any mention of Cadmus or Jeremiah in the spoilers for Season 3?

Your right, I guess for me recurring villain are one's who appear across two seasons and not dropped completely like what happened with Maxwell Lord from season 1 and leading into 2.  But since Lillian is Lena's mother, no way will she be abandoned like Maxwell Lord was.

I have heard of no mention of them in season 3 so far. Unless they are going to show up. 

I guess what bugs me about Supergirl is the constant dumping of potential characters/villains for new ones from season to season. They do Maxwell Lord in season 1, then in season 2 they have Lillian/Cadmus/Jermiah and now they move to Morgan Edge. Like just stick to what you have, and not abandon storylines and villain arcs every season. 

I haven't liked how Supergirl handles villain arcs. But with Reign a regular, it means we have our first stable villain for a whole season. 

3 hours ago, nightwing877 said:

I guess what bugs me about Supergirl is the constant dumping of potential characters/villains for new ones from season to season.

I don't like it either, but they kinda get a pass for the last season since production moved form L.A. to Vancouver, and not all the guest actors would want to make the move.

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'Odette Annable On What Makes Reign A Unique Villain':


“Reign, as most of you probably know, is a Worldkiller. She was bioengineered in a lab. She was sent from Krypton like Kara and Clark, but her story is going to be different than other villain’s that you’ve seen,” Annable said (via Hidden Remote). “She doesn’t come to Earth to go on a killing spree. She had a very specific agenda that she is out to [achieve] and you’ll see that story unfold throughout the season.”

While Annable didn’t say much about Reign’s mission, the “Pure Genius” alum teased that the character’s journey is “really amazing because it’s kind of a heartbreaking story.” “I think you’ll feel for her,” the actress added.

EW Spoiler Room:


Here’s some good news and some bad news: “Lena and Kara’s friendship will continue to grow,” EP Andrew Kreisberg says. “There’s a lot of Lena-Kara adventures early on in this season. The most interesting thing about Lena is that she is so good, and so moral, and believes in second chances, but she comes from this family of truly evil people. As people are going to realize over the course of this season, it doesn’t take much to make you bad. People don’t just turn evil. They do one small bad thing and then that leads to another, and then to another, and so any time you’re watching Lena, you’re always wondering, ‘Is this the moment when she does the one small thing?'”

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