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Hart Of Dixie - General Discussion

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This show has charmed me from the beginning. I tried to give it up several times, but then I always found something charming by the end of each episode and decided 'OK, one more.' I adored the musical finale -- such a joy-filled way to complete the series. Also, it really felt like it was the cast and not the characters saying thank you and goodbye. Loved it.

  • Love 5

Oh, this stupid, awesome, little show.  What a fantastic end. There is no way (and no reason) for it to keep going, even though I want it too, because I love almost all the characters.


With all the dark shows that keep going on and on (looking at you The Following), it's a shame that this bright little ray of sunshine is going away.

  • Love 9

I'm pretty sure I ugly cried throughout the entire episode. Even the parts that made me laugh caused me to cry harder! I'm going to miss every one of these characters. I love that they showed us how much these characters and their relationships have grown since season one. Too many shows are plot based, I love that they threw in real character growth.

Poor Tom, not being invited to Lemon's first party! Even the minor characters are perfect on this show.

I need a name for this child! I'm name obsessed, I was waiting for it all season! Wilkes-Hart Kineslla? Crazy Earl Hart-Kinsella? Harley Hart-Kineslla? They already have a kid Harley. Ugh, I need a name!

Love that we got to see everyone's happy ending. Everything was so perfectly predictable and wrapped up so nicely but I wouldn't have it any other way.

"You expect me to just leave my friends and walk all the way over there to talk to you?" I'm going to miss you the most, AB.

Edited by Spencer Hastings
  • Love 6

This was one of the fluffiest and best finales of a show I've seen in a long time. The show has had its ups and downs, but I really believe it has been underrated.


Some moments of note:


Did Wade call Lemon a cylon? Ha.


All the callbacks to the first episode. I loved them all but especially Wade and Zoe just reminiscing. I hated the cheating and the breakup, but my goodness do those two have amazing chemistry. When they were bantering about their first meeting, it felt so believable and real. I'll really miss the Wade character a lot.


Autumn Reeser's cameo as the NYC lawyer. That whole moment was very O.C. for me. In fact, Zoe looked a lot like Summer Roberts did when her hair was straight. Rachel Bilson's pregnancy allowed her to glow and look even younger than usual if that's possible. I've followed Bilson to this show, and I'm really glad I stuck out with it.


What a lovely end to a lovely show.

Was the ultimate call back .From what I saw somewhere in the original pitch for the show Zoe was a lawyer called Zoe Green - which the network got them to change to a doctor named Hart.


OC call back was that Autumn was Rachel's bridesmaid in the finale there.


And as for the set ,then there was one. I remember Gilmore Girls finale in the same square

  • Love 4

I didn't even realize how much I was going to miss this until about 10 minutes from the end when I started full on ugly crying.  The song at the end was everything!  So dumb and happy and unselfconscious. And the whole time I was thinking - you know Shelby taught them all this dance and put them up to it.


I'm really glad we got to see Lemon and Levon's wedding and they didn't hedge there bets on getting a renewal. And Zoe being a bridesmaid, and Lemon being Happy and totally at ease and Zoe becoming a partner. Basically it was perfect happy ending to this silly show.



It was perfect.  I cried all the way through the finale, and then I cried all the way through this thread. 



I'm pretty sure I ugly cried throughout the entire episode. Even the parts that made me laugh caused me to cry harder! I'm going to miss every one of these characters. I love that they showed us how much these characters and their relationships have grown since season one. Too many shows are plot based, I love that they threw in real character growth.

Poor Tom, not being invited to Lemon's first party! Even the minor characters are perfect on this show.

I need a name for this child! I'm name obsessed, I was waiting for it all season! Wilkes-Hart Kineslla? Crazy Earl Hart-Kinsella? Harley Hart-Kineslla? They already have a kid Harley. Ugh, I need a name!

Love that we got to see everyone's happy ending. Everything was so perfectly predictable and wrapped up so nicely but I wouldn't have it any other way.

"You expect me to just leave my friends and walk all the way over there to talk to you?" I'm going to miss you the most, AB.

so.much.ugly.crying. I am devastated it's over but what a wonderful finale. One of my top 5 series finales of all time (ER, Ugly Betty, The West WIng, Gilmore).



  • Love 4

I knew the minute I finished watching I would have to come to this thread. I will miss this show so much. The ending was perfect and I cried through the whole episode. Thank you Bluebell for giving me 4 seasons of pure joy and imagination that will be lacking in my tv viewing going forward. 


I might have to go watch the series finale of GG now for another good cry :-)

  • Love 7

I wish the end song had been a little shorter and we'd had a bit more dialogue. I'm also slightly disappointed that AB did seem to uproot her life for a man. Again. 


But those are nitpicks. I'm so glad the show had the opportunity to tie things up with almost a literal bow.


LOL that Rachel Bilson spent the last three shows sitting down. Not that I blame her—she was pretty big at the end there. I wonder how much time there was between the end of filming and her giving birth.

  • Love 3

so.much.ugly.crying. I am devastated it's over but what a wonderful finale. One of my top 5 series finales of all time (ER, Ugly Betty, The West WIng, Gilmore).





I knew the minute I finished watching I would have to come to this thread. I will miss this show so much. The ending was perfect and I cried through the whole episode. Thank you Bluebell for giving me 4 seasons of pure joy and imagination that will be lacking in my tv viewing going forward. 


I might have to go watch the series finale of GG now for another good cry :-)


As I said both GG and HOD filmed on the same set .So Luke/Lorelei and Zoe/Wade sat and lunched in that same gazebo.


Pretty Little Liars uses the same set but I'm not expecting to get the same feels or a big party/musical number at the end of that

  • Love 1

Crying over here, too. Damn, I loved being able to watch something so light and cheery. I've seen Instagram photos from the actors, saying that they're family forever - I believe it. I hope it stays on Netflix, as well.


I loved Zoe having to ask people to help her up. Also: "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, AND THIS BABY, TOO!!" Their vows were so sweet, and and now I'm crying again. Back later.

  • Love 4

So glad that I can come to a thread where I wasn't the only one ugly crying during this episode. It started with Brick unveiling that Zoe is his partner to the musical number. I know it was supposed to be a happy number but I couldn't stop crying.

I'm going to miss this show and all its wacky characters. I fell in love with it the first season and was ready to give up season 2-3 with all the relationship drama, but this season made me fall in love with it all over again.

I think the AB/George scene was her visiting him in Nashville, not her moving there. They were probably going to do the long distance until they got married.

  • Love 9

Aww yes...I stopped keeping up with this past season momentarily but something in me stirred me to tape the season finale. The moment the song started I had a feeling I was watching a series finale and it looks like I was correct? Anyway, it was always a sweet and quirky show, and even when it went off the rails, there was always something fun to draw me back in. I love that they wrapped it up on a good note for everyone, and as far as a musical finale goes this was one of the best ways to say goodbye to a show I've seen. I agree..there's too many dark and depressing shows right now ( and I do watch some of them) ...and I truly enjoyed visiting Bluebell for a taste of something different. I'll miss this show but I'm glad they got to wrap it up right.

  • Love 3

I DVR so much misery that losing Glee and HOD in the same year sucks. And Mad Men too, but I suppose that's it own definition of misery.

I cried more last week when George drive off and I was so sure he was only going to be a disembodied voice on the phone. Showing him in the apartment with Meatball AND the Pruitt brothers was perfect.

Wade is a dick for cheating but sometimes people can work past that. I love love love he and Zoe worked it out. But I don't know why they didn't just go ahead and name that kid Anakin, heh.

  • Love 3

Loved this little show.  Wasn't a Gilmore Girls watcher at all, but husband and I used to love watching "Northern Exposure".  This show was very much a female version of that show.  I've loved Bilson since the OC, and like others, thought that having Autumn Reeser be the new "Zoe/George" was perfect!  I know this wasn't filmed before a live audience, but remember (those of you are old enough) when a series had a finale before a live audience, and each cast member was introduced and took a bow?  I think they could have done something like that with the last musical number even with it not being live.  They could have zeroed in on each major/minor cast member and put their name(s) on the screen.  Then, they could have ended with the words across the screen "thanks for visiting Bluebell".  Its cheesy I know, but it would have made me ugly cry even more. I think what really came through on this show was how much the cast enjoyed making the show.  They really seemed like one big happy family.  I will miss this show so much.

Edited by lark37
  • Love 6

My DVR screwed up 409, so I've been waiting to get a chance to watch it via alternate methods to catch up to watch the finale. And it was really sweet. You've all covered so many things I liked, but another one I'd like to mention is that they didn't force a reconciliation between Lemon/Magnolia and their mother. I really was concerned they were going to wrap that all up, but instead it was just left ambiguous, and I appreciated that.


Random final note on this darling show: Jamie King and Lemon are really the Most Improved Actor and Character on maybe any show I've ever watched. JK does an amazing job wringing emotion out of small moments. I teared up when Lavon revealed the accidental proposal situation, just watching her face fall. What a change from Season 1 when Lemon was just unbearable and not in a fun way.

  • Love 2

I discovered this gem of a show not too long ago and after I watched the first couple of episodes on Netflix, I just kept on watching and have now just watched the season 4 "finale".  I really can't imagine the show continuing after "Bluebell".  Except for some issues facing AB and George, everything was just too neatly wrapped up for it to go anywhere beyond this.  Since the backbone of the show was always the on and off, partner shifting romantic relationships, the show runners would have to blow them apart again to have anything to write about and it just wouldn't ring true.  I thought that Tim Matheson was outstanding in a role much different, from what I recall, than anything he's done before.  The rest of the cast was excellent  buy my highest praise goes to Rachel Bilson, who I have been madly in love with for years.  She is a first rate comic actress with superb timing and Hart allowed her to the chance to really show what she can do.  All in all, being the primary lead in a show that had a 3 1/2 year run isn't too shabby.

  • Love 4

I raced through this series as well because it was just so sweet and charming. I definitely think Bluebell only makes sense as a series finale. At this point, you couldn't re-break up Zoe and Wade or Lavon and Lemon, and poor AB doesn't need any more drama. I prefer to think that she and George figure it out and stay together. Sweetest show ever, though. I'm sad I discovered it so late and sad it's (most likely) over!

  • Love 3

I had to go find the video of the finale musical number. Here is it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5xKqx4TxJE.

I'm pretending that everyone in the town that was dancing was someone from the production team, having a last party.


Reminded me that along with the sweetness of Bluebell I'm going to miss their fashion.  I loved those dresses.

Edited by kb3
  • Love 3

Ugh---the last thing I need in my life is another TV addiction, but I just started watching this and can already feel myself getting way too hooked!


What are your favorite characters, pairings, seasons, episodes, etc.?!  


Welcome! I liked most of the main characters: Zoe, Lavon, Wade, AB, and Lemon and George grew up on me. I was Wade/Zoe for a long time and still am. I liked seasons 1, 2, and 4. It ended up on a high. Season three dragged more. A bit like the O.C. hehe


I think the show was a good light comedy. I didn't like it when it had too much angst to be honest. The demographics skewed a bit older as well and I appreciated it.


On an aside, I've been watching bits of Astronaut Wives Club, and Wilson Bethel doesn't seem to have the Wade magic on there like he did on this show.

  • Love 2

What are your favorite characters, pairings, seasons, episodes, etc.?!  


Season 1 and 4 are great, but I think Season 2 is probably my favorite because they did such a better job with Lemon post-S1, and I think she was my ultimately my favorite character. I agree that S3 is the weakest. It feels like a lot of wheel-spinning and stalling.


Zoe/Wade is really the only pairing I shipped from start to finish, but I think the strongest element of the show is that there are no characters I straight-up hate (except Lemon/Brick in S1), and no pairings that I truly hate either. (That said, I roll my eyes through Lavon/Ruby and George/Lynly.) The writers manage to make everything appealing in some ways, so even if I had preferences when it came to ships, I didn't hate watching other pairings together.


And really, even though the show was pitched with the love triangle at the center, the friendships really became so much more important to me. I was about to say Lemon/Wade was my favorite, but really Zoe/Lavon was the most important to me. And Wade/George! And AB and everyone! And Zoe/Rose! And Zoe/Lemon! Oh HoD, you sweet, happy cloud of a show.

  • Love 5

Yes, the show had a really lovely theme about friendship. I would even say that it does better than most shows on TV with the way it celebrated the Lavon/Zoe, Lemon/Wade, and Zoe/George platonic friendships. Early on in S1, the showrunner noticed the friend chemistry between Lavon and Zoe and in a brilliant move, they began to write more for them. When they developed Lemon's character arc, putting her with Wade was a great idea. The show did really well with its characterizations and development. The characters actually grew which is why I loved the show so much.

  • Love 4

I am swapping out my DVR, and had to finally give up my finale I had saved. I watched it last night before deleting and it was just as much of a delight as it was the first 3 times I watched it. I just loved it. I miss this show so much. It was just happy. And I lost Royal Pains, my other blue sky happy-happy show this year, too. Now all I watch are crime dramas and anything Kiefer  - which I love, of course, but I don't have any palate cleansers left except Life in Pieces. Alas. #longlivethehart

  • Love 4

I love this episode so much -- such a perfect wrap-up to the show. So I have one word for you: Netflix! The whole series is there (I totally understand if you don't have Netflix, but just know it's there for now, at least -- just in case!). Inspired by your post, I just rewatched the finale, along with some other well-loved bits and pieces. 

  • Love 4

I only recently discovered and watched this series on Netflix.  I've been dying to come here to discuss it, but had to wait until I'd reached the end to avoid being spoiled.  

What a delightful show.  I watch TV before bed and tend to choose shows that aren't too dark or heavy to send me off to a happy dreamland.  :). Gilmore Girls is my favorite show, so Hart of Dixie was obviously a good fit for my tastes.  

I really liked the way the writers kept us a little off balance, not always sure what to expect and often surprised by the quality of the characters.  For example, in the pilot, after Lemon's first scene I was expecting her to be a shrew/villain one dimensional character.  But near the end of the episode after Zoe had ruined the parade, Lemon was about to blow her top and have a huge tantrum.  They did a close up of her face and I was picturing that scene from the remake of Parent Trap where the blonde step mom/villain after a bad camping trip totally blows her top in a cartoon like way (there's a lizard in the scene, I think).  But George talked her down and she could actually be reasoned with and I said to myself, "Oh, this is a real character."  (Loved Lemon, will have to post in her thread).  

Another example of the writers keeping me surprised was making Lemon and George a viable (in my opinion) couple that I actually rooted for at times, even though they signaled from the start that their relationship wasn't going to work out.  Similarly, Joel showing up as Zoe's boyfriend...didn't we all think "Throw away character!  Place holder!"  But they were great together and I loved Joel!  And he was friends with Wade, the one we were "supposed" to root for.  How many shows would do that?  

I'm sure I'll have more to say as I check out the other threads.  Hopefully there are others out there still thinking about this show.  I tend to discover shows when they are already old news...lol.  

  • Love 7

Lemon Breeland....what to say?  I love this character.  Sometime in the first season I asked my aunt, who had just finished the series on Netflix "Are we supposed to like Lemon better than the doctor?"   She also preferred Lemon.  She's just so much fun to watch.   I've never seen the actress in anything else, but I'd watch a new show just for her.  

I shared in another thread that she captured my attention in the first or second episode when I realized she was going to be more than just a cartoonish character.  And the first time she said, "Zoe Hart, my sworn enemy" in that southern bell way of hers....lol...she had my heart. She was definitely the highlight of the show for me.  This may sound shallow, but visually she was just so stunning that even added to my enjoyment of the character.  It was part of the fantasy of Bluebell....perfect crisp wardrobe, perfect hair and makeup....gorgeous!    

Hart of Dixie seemed like four seasons was right for it, but I'll always regret not getting to see Lemon as the First Lady of Bluebell continuing her civic and entrepreneurial pursuits.   

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, alikerofthings said:

I always recommend Hart of Dixie to people who enjoyed Gilmore Girls. I am one of those people, and now I am searching for something else as witty and heartwarming. I haven't come across anything and am therefore 2 minutes away from rewatching all of Hart of Dixie. 


Jane the Virgin, if you're not already a fan.

  • Love 1

I just found this show a couple weeks ago on Netflix and have been binge-watching.  I even got my more-cynical-than-me-which-is-hard-to-beat-sometimes friend to watch it too and she loves it!  Not sure I can explain why I like it so much, because it's so different from most other shows I watch.  I like that it seems to have a positive vibe about it and the characters are pretty interesting - and not as stereo-typical one dimensional as they all could be. 

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