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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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On 9/21/2024 at 12:07 PM, Yeah No said:

I am waaaay behind on this thread but I was actually coming here to post my peeve about this very subject. 

I just had an incident with a pump bottle from a specialty pharmacy that dispenses my rosacea cream. It turns out that Medicare doesn't cover the specific cream that really works so my dermatologist suggested having it mixed with another cheaper but still effective type of cream by a compounding pharmacy with good prices. So instead of $200 out of pocket per bottle it would be only $60, which is fine with me because I only need it on the apples of my cheeks so a bottle lasts a few months.

Well, the cream works and the first bottle gave me no issues. The second bottle was fine up until there was about 25% of the cream left. Then the cap somehow decided to come loose so I started reattaching it which only worked for a week or so after which I was unable to get the cap on in a way that would dispense the cream. The suction mechanism with the spring was sticking out of the bottle but I was unable to move it to get at the cream. I was busy at the time getting ready to go on vacation so I just refilled the cream rather than deal with it.

So anyway the third bottle was fine and got me through my vacation until after I came back. A couple of weeks later when about 75% of the product was left, that cap also came loose and I went through the same BS trying to get it back on to work, which this time didn't work at all. So I once again tried to get the spring mechanism out hoping maybe this time it would be different. Well, the plunger or straw actually fell into the bottle exposing the cream but I was only able to get to it with a Q tip.

Exasperated, I decided to call the company to see if they might be able to do something for me. I got a nice woman who referred me to the actual pharmacy that handled it, which was somewhere in the Mountain time zone. 

I couldn't believe the attitude of the "customer service" rep. After I explained the problem I described above, she started off by correcting me that it wasn't a plunger or a "straw" but something else. I said OK but asked her what difference that made that was relevant to my problem. No answer.

Then she started telling me I was doing something wrong or mistaken because she was reading the physician's instructions which call for a monthly refill and I was obviously using the same bottle for over a month. Now I've never needed to refill it once a month even using it twice a day as directed. I'd have to slather so much of it all over my face to do that it would be ridiculous. So she accused me of not using the product properly. I said I did mention earlier that it works fine the way I'm using it so maybe the doctor didn't realize that I didn't need it refilled that often, and what difference does that make anyway? Then she said their policy is only to replace an item within a month of filling it. I told her it only happened outside that time because I was still using the product after a month and again, what difference does that make? If the thing broke on two different bottles and I can't use them properly or at all don't they kind of owe me something anyway? I mean, even Ebay honors returns on "no return accepted" items if they are defective and it's outside the return period. So WTF? All I got was, "Well, I'm just telling you what our policy is". UGHHHH.....😠

I then explained to her that I'm not covered under Medicare for those creams so I'm paying out of pocket for them and so it matters to me more that this is happening. Then she reluctantly told me that they would send me a new one free "as a one time courtesy" but in the future they would not honor that if it was outside the one month period. Gee thanks! 

Anyway, I was pretty upset with her by this time. I told her that maybe it would have been more constructive and less insulting to lead off with telling me that she was sorry I was having trouble with the product and that they were happy to replace it for me rather than tell me there was something wrong with what I was calling it and doing with it, or continue to dig her heels in about what their "policy" was. I told her that in all my years of working with the public I would not have had my job very long if this was the way I treated customers. I told her I didn't care what the "new normal" was regarding that and that I'm not going to keep my mouth shut when I think I've been treated poorly anymore. I told her I didn't care whether it's now considered OK for customer service reps. to insult customers because those aren't the rules I operate by. I still operate by the "old" rules. I also told her that if she thinks that makes me a "crazy old lady" so be it. She was quiet for a while, then gave me a not-so-sincere apology. I'm still considering whether I will complain about her to the management of the company. And BTW I have NEVER made such a complaint!

Yeah, me too, although I dilute my dishwashing liquid with water even when mostly full on a regular basis. Most of it is ultra concentrated anyway.

Also have those problems.  There is so much product left when the pumps don't work or tubes won't squeeze.  I got those tiny cosmetic spatulas on a long stick and now can get everything out of a jar or bottle.  I cut tubes in half and get the last bit out of those too.  I'm paying for it, after all!!!

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6 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Instead they are having interactions online where it's either impersonal or often anything BUT civil, and if that's become their primary teacher for how to interact with people, we're all in deep trouble.

My grandkids showed that one my last visit.  The first dinner, they were lounging around the table and not using manners at all.  I called for some better behavior.  Granddaughter pipes up, points at her parents, and says they don't make us use manners so we forget.  At least you make us use them so we'll know what to do when we grow up.  ::smh::

4 hours ago, Is Everyone Gone said:

This is petty, but I HATE it when people "sing" the last word to a sentence. Like "so I am so hap-p-p-p-yyyyyyyyyeeeehhhh!!!" consistently. Like if you're truly excited I get it, but there's some vlogger I follow on YT who does that with EVERYTHING. "This is the dress I bought at Sh-e-eeeeee-iiiiii-nnnns" and singing "Sheins."

We can thank a certain loud, overly dramatic used to be daytime TV personality for that one.  I hated it the first time I heard it and it hasn't improved.

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the poli-social activist phrase "authentic lived experiences" never made sense to me as the *experiences* may be but NOT how a person interprets those experiences to themselves OR how they re-interpret those experiences to other people. *No one* is objective about *themselves*.

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 But the 2 that annoy me at the moment are "I see you" and "I appreciate you".

UGH, 'I appreciate you.' It's like nails on a blackboard. Not just because it sounds cloying and somewhat insincere, but it's grammatically incorrect. What's being appreciated, exactly, just 'me' in general? You appreciate that I was born in the first place, or that I got up today, so that I'm able to be here to be appreciated by you? 

It needs more information, like, 'I appreciate you helping me,' or 'I appreciate you taking an interest.' Just 'I appreciate you' is an incomplete sentence, and is annoying. And is becoming popular, much to my dismay. 

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