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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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58 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

This is an understatement, but I don't understand people. I sent my boyfriend's mother and sister a thank-you text for the gift cards and leftovers my boyfriend brought home from his Christmas visit with them. I said that I was sorry I wasn't able to go, but hopefully I will have a diagnosis and treatment plan after the 21st (two scopes for my mysterious gastro issues) and that maybe the pandemic would be over sometime this decade.

My boyfriend's sister's response: "Glad you liked the gifts and food. We missed having you here but hopefully next year. We had a great time. In regards to the pandemic it will only end when everyone starts ignoring the continued cycle of bullshit thrown our way and starts living their lives again which I am going to. I'm over the pandemic crap and everything that goes with it. I've sat around for 2 years of being sick and I'm not doing anymore. The government can kiss my ass! Lol 😂 sorry my rants over! Hopefully we can get the whole family together over the summer."

She had NASAL CANCER. I fully understand being tired of being sick (she is luckily in full remission), but I guess I get now why no one seems to give a shit about her son not being vaccinated. I imagine she wouldn't have been vaccinated had she not been required to in order to be treated. I know she had to be tested early on when they started her treatment plan before the vaccine was readily available.

We're now at 821,000 deaths in under two years in the U.S. What's that now about people "living their lives again"?

We found out on Christmas Day, that an aunt was in the hospital - in Akron General, the one that has the overflow truck for the morgue. She was on a ventilator, and she died on Monday. I didn't know her well, but it was still a shock. Now my cousins (who I know a bit better), are going through what we went through, five years ago. :( 

Family members who were maskless at the funeral of my aunt, who died of cancer in February, cancelled their Christmas plans, because of this. I don't know if they've been doing this since last year, or if it was because of this specifically. Two of them have diabetes, some of them are in their 80s. My dad is one of the youngest siblings, at 74. 

I don't know if anyone else has died, in the family. This is the first member that I've been aware of being sick with covid, and that's because dad was making calls for Christmas (and one of my cousins shared a meme about people being lucky if they have their mums with them for Christmas). I have friends who survived it last year (a couple, just barely - one's son was on oxygen for a month, and he was only 24 at the time). The CDC can GFT with their updated guidelines.

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47 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Um, hello, boyfriend's crazy sister, people "living their lives again" because they're "over the pandemic" is why we're still in the grips of a fucking pandemic. 

I hate people.

Are you in Georgia? Because while the city of Atlanta cancelled their major party, the massive party at The Battery (by where the Braves play) will be going strong. Thousands of unmasked drunks 2 miles from my house. Things are going to get really bad. They get what they deserve, I have zero empathy, or sympathy left.

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1 hour ago, Annber03 said:

Rants like this amaze me because these people act like those of us who've been extra cautious and supportive of the guidelines and whatnot aren't sick of this pandemic. Do they think we're not tired of this, either? Do they think we don't want to go back to being able to go out in public without having to put on a mask first, or go to theater or sporting or concert events without incident again, or so on? We would LOVE that.

Exactly! Not to mention, a lot of these people who bitch the loudest basically ARE living their lives like it's 2019. They don't mask, travel freely, gather for parties, etc. Sometimes I think they don't actually care if it goes on forever, because they're not actually DOING any of it. It infuriates me. 

1 hour ago, bilgistic said:

We're now at 821,000 deaths in under two years in the U.S. What's that now about people "living their lives again"?

My dad pointed out the other day that we've now lost twice as many Americans to covid than we lost in WWII, and in half the time. It's also more than died in the Civil War, on both sides (750,000). Maybe if we buried all the covid people in giant covid-specific cemeteries, it would sink in with people.

Another fun stat I just calculated: we've lost 275 times more Americans to covid than we lost in September 11. Jesus. 

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17 hours ago, kristen111 said:

Well, mine did the ultimate for me today.  He helped me into the Doctors bathroom and helped me pee in the cup.  Even pulled my pants down.  Guess he still likes me, after fifty years.  Lol.

I would do/have done the same for mine.  He would for me if he could.  I don't take that for granted, as I know there are folks that don't have the luxury of a caring spouse.

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5 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I would do/have done the same for mine.  He would for me if he could.  I don't take that for granted, as I know there are folks that don't have the luxury of a caring spouse.

My oldest daughter attached a bag to collect "wound juice" from my surgery incision while I was naked in the shower. 
Anything she wants in life that I can give her I would. Of course, she asks for nothing. 

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1 hour ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I would do/have done the same for mine.  He would for me if he could.  I don't take that for granted, as I know there are folks that don't have the luxury of a caring spouse.

In a marriage, anything like that is a given, to me anyhow.  Both help each other, no matter what.  I can’t see otherwise.

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1 hour ago, kristen111 said:

In a marriage, anything like that is a given, to me anyhow.  Both help each other, no matter what.  I can’t see otherwise.

This is why I have so much respect for people such as Doctors, Nurses, Firemen and Cops especially.  They risk their own lives to save others everyday.  Mouth to mouth, everything.  Selfless people.  I cannot imagine a husband or wife not helping the other, no matter what.  That would be a complete turn off, and cause for divorce IMO.  Harsh, but true.

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14 hours ago, Jane Tuesday said:

Exactly! Not to mention, a lot of these people who bitch the loudest basically ARE living their lives like it's 2019. They don't mask, travel freely, gather for parties, etc. Sometimes I think they don't actually care if it goes on forever, because they're not actually DOING any of it. It infuriates me. 

THIS!!! I have current and previous coworkers who like to post on Facebook about how they are inconvenienced at having to wear a mask or being pressured to get vaccinated, but on other posts, seem to be living their best life without taking any precaution. It takes everything in me to not go on some rant when I see one of their posts but I know it will not convince them they are wrong. And the worst part of it all is that these are the same people flooding the hospitals with COVID.

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20 hours ago, Annber03 said:

No real issue with earthquakes and fires where I live, but still, amen to being done with tornadoes. I think everyone could use a nice, long break from those. 

I can’t recall any tornados on Long Island, but last month, one went by my house a half a mile south of us.  It went out east where houses and property had major damage.  We’ve had hurricanes, but not tornados.






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21 hours ago, Annber03 said:

No real issue with earthquakes and fires where I live, but still, amen to being done with tornadoes. I think everyone could use a nice, long break from those. 

Yea, enough with this shit. There should not be tornado producing weather at the end of December. Full stop.

And on another note, enough with the sad animal commercials. I beg of anyone who responds, please do not post sad animal stories in response. My heart and brain can't handle it. I will literally break every bone in my body diving for the remote to change the station.

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8 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

Yea, enough with this shit. There should not be tornado producing weather at the end of December. Full stop.

And on another note, enough with the sad animal commercials. I beg of anyone who responds, please do not post sad animal stories in response. My heart and brain can't handle it. I will literally break every bone in my body diving for the remote to change the station.

As will I.

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I am sick of the people who claim to be "tired" of the pandemic.  If everyone had been vaccinated as soon as vaccines were available and followed the guidelines to stop the Covid spread, we might have been past the pandemic by now.  I am with those who don't understand the childish, selfish people who can't be bothered to give a shit about anyone but themselves.

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I am so broken-hearted over the killing of the tiger, because the human fucked up. A cleaner was in an unauthorized area when a critically endangered tiger bit his arm and deputies shot and killed the tiger. Let the humans be mauled to death when they do stupid shit. It's 110% play stupid games, win stupid prizes, in my book.

Edited by theredhead77
*not just endangered, but critically endangered
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23 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

I am so broken-hearted over the killing of the tiger, because the human fucked up. A cleaner was in an unauthorized area when a critically endangered tiger bit his arm and deputies shot and killed the tiger. Let the humans be mauled to death when they do stupid shit. It's 110% play stupid games, win stupid prizes, in my book.

As am I. We hardly have any tigers left on this planet but we've got a plethora of Florida Men. Should have let the tiger have him. Isn't Florida a "stand your ground" state? The tiger was just standing his or her ground.

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1 hour ago, Suzn said:

I am sick of the people who claim to be "tired" of the pandemic.  If everyone had been vaccinated as soon as vaccines were available and followed the guidelines to stop the Covid spread, we might have been past the pandemic by now.  I am with those who don't understand the childish, selfish people who can't be bothered to give a shit about anyone but themselves.

Will it kill people if they don’t go to a football game, hockey, or concert with hundreds of others not wearing masks?  Can’t they just stay home for a few months until this shit goes away?  God forbid if they miss something.  Now, they will gather at N.Y.C. To see a ball drop.  Is that necessary?  Yes, to the sponsors who will make millions of dollars.  Creeps.  I haven’t been to the diner or any restaurant in two years.  The parking lots of these places are packed everyday.  How about making a burger and fries at home.

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1 hour ago, peacheslatour said:

As am I. We hardly have any tigers left on this planet but we've got a plethora of Florida Men. Should have let the tiger have him. Isn't Florida a "stand your ground" state? The tiger was just standing his or her ground.

They should have shot the guy for trespassing. The company he worked for was contracted to provide janatorial services and he had no reason to be near the enclosure, let alone in the area he was, that required additional authorization.

Tigers aren't safe in the wild, and they apparently aren't safe in the zoos that are supposed to be for their protection.

Edited by theredhead77
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32 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

Tigers aren't safe in the wild, and they apparently aren't safe in the zoos that are supposed to be for their protection.

I will spare you all my rant against zoos, simply summarizing that whatever conservation and education programs they provide do not come close to justifying their inherently inappropriate and exploitative nature.  I will confine myself to a particular gripe here, which is that this zoo has on hand a trained dart shoot team for crisis activity - but only when the zoo is open, and this happened after closing.  Um, no.

Even if the general public is gone for the day, if there are people on the grounds, there is a potential for incident, and someone with the training and equipment to protect a person without lethal force as their only option needs to be on site.  (This beyond the fact an untrained, non-zoo party should never have been able to get that close to the tiger's enclosure in the first place even if he was stupid enough to try; I have not seen any footage or diagram indicating what he had to do to traverse the initial barrier, and I will not watch the bodycam video.)

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So my doctor tells me this virus is going to be really bad in the next two weeks!

Packed airports, Christmas parties, New Years Eve.  

One more person tells me they don't believe in vaccinations I might kick them where the sun don't shine!

In my region of the country the notice just went out tonight only 3 ER beds available in six local hospitals!

So if you have a heart attack your out of luck because somebody flew home for Christmas and has your bed!n

My nurse and doctor friends are exhausted and really fed up with the unvaccinated!!!I

They should put a sign on the hospital door.  Vaccinated only just like many restaurants are doing!

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1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

So my doctor tells me this virus is going to be really bad in the next two weeks!

Packed airports, Christmas parties, New Years Eve.  

One more person tells me they don't believe in vaccinations I might kick them where the sun don't shine!

In my region of the country the notice just went out tonight only 3 ER beds available in six local hospitals!

So if you have a heart attack your out of luck because somebody flew home for Christmas and has your bed!n

My nurse and doctor friends are exhausted and really fed up with the unvaccinated!!!I

They should put a sign on the hospital door.  Vaccinated only just like many restaurants are doing!

Sounds about right, sadly. I've been kind of down and dealing with fomo for not having much going on tomorrow other than seeing my usual little bubble for a few hours. (I'm still young, single, and kid free. Social distancing all this time gets lonely.) It probably really is best with covid spreading like crazy. I'm trying to think positive and tell myself the new variant is mild and maybe we'll get herd immunity. Hopefully next NYE we won't have to worry about catching and spreading covid and can go out like normal. I hope all of you stay safe. I feel for all your nurse and doctor friends and appreciate them more than ever. 

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On 12/29/2021 at 11:46 PM, Jane Tuesday said:

Exactly! Not to mention, a lot of these people who bitch the loudest basically ARE living their lives like it's 2019. They don't mask, travel freely, gather for parties, etc. Sometimes I think they don't actually care if it goes on forever, because they're not actually DOING any of it. It infuriates me. 

My dad pointed out the other day that we've now lost twice as many Americans to covid than we lost in WWII, and in half the time. It's also more than died in the Civil War, on both sides (750,000). Maybe if we buried all the covid people in giant covid-specific cemeteries, it would sink in with people.

Another fun stat I just calculated: we've lost 275 times more Americans to covid than we lost in September 11. Jesus. 

I recently read an opinion piece online, and ranted at the site that published it, asking them *why* they would publish that, when we all know people like the author, we know that people are over it (so are we! but we aren't acting as though everything is normal). I'm hardly talking to anyone right now, because I will be vicious if I say anything to them. Over a month ago, I took issue with a couple of people I know, who said that it was time to live a normal life again, the pandemic was over, as Delta was surging all over the place.

I have been trying to avoid ranting so much, but I woke up with anxiety, two hours ago. If it isn't my dog, it's anxiety. 

I have ramen noodles, frozen fruit and soups (fruit for smoothies), packets for pudding, enough flour to get me through some stress-baking, if I want to try again. I've been watching people baking on youtube (mainly sugarspunrun). I have tortillas, and stuff for tacos. I am fine with being at home, for the most part. But I've stalled any sort of goal-setting again. I'm just not up for resolutions. 

10 hours ago, kristen111 said:

Will it kill people if they don’t go to a football game, hockey, or concert with hundreds of others not wearing masks?  Can’t they just stay home for a few months until this shit goes away?  God forbid if they miss something.  Now, they will gather at N.Y.C. To see a ball drop.  Is that necessary?  Yes, to the sponsors who will make millions of dollars.  Creeps.  I haven’t been to the diner or any restaurant in two years.  The parking lots of these places are packed everyday.  How about making a burger and fries at home.

I went to buy some food tonight, because I needed to clear my head, but I see people without masks, and I don't want to be there anymore. I don't think I've been in a restaurant since New Year's Eve 2019, when we went to our favourite Mexican restaurant, and then on to the movies, where we saw Little Women. I really miss our New Year's movies, but last year, I fell asleep on the couch (exhausted), woke up at 7am the next day, and was fine with that. 

I just woke up yesterday, and wondered why I'd bothered to ask for a treadmill. I'm not getting any real rest, and I have no energy. The treadmill people still haven't given my dad his refund. I think I mentioned that here (I'm all upside-down). I gave them the tracking number for fedex, and then took a screenshot of the tracking details myself, and sent it to them. It's nothing like a peloton, under $300, but it's still money that we really need. They had a couple of feedback posts from people who were also waiting for refunds. I'm going to croak if they scam us. 

Edited by Anela
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I was also hoping to have youtubeTV again, this holiday season. I watched London's special last year, the light show. We always celebrate the British new year first, then our own, later on. 

I saw something about fires in Colorado. I feel so bad for people who lost their homes. Read something about a fire station being gone. :( 

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1 hour ago, Anela said:

I recently read an opinion piece online, and ranted at the site that published it, asking them *why* they would publish that, when we all know people like the author, we know that people are over it (so are we! but we aren't acting as though everything is normal). I'm hardly talking to anyone right now, because I will be vicious if I say anything to them. Over a month ago, I took issue with a couple of people I know, who said that it was time to live a normal life again, the pandemic was over, as Delta was surging all over the place.

I have been trying to avoid ranting so much, but I woke up with anxiety, two hours ago. If it isn't my dog, it's anxiety. 

I have ramen noodles, frozen fruit and soups (fruit for smoothies), packets for pudding, enough flour to get me through some stress-baking, if I want to try again. I've been watching people baking on youtube (mainly sugarspunrun). I have tortillas, and stuff for tacos. I am fine with being at home, for the most part. But I've stalled any sort of goal-setting again. I'm just not up for resolutions. 

I went to buy some food tonight, because I needed to clear my head, but I see people without masks, and I don't want to be there anymore. I don't think I've been in a restaurant since New Year's Eve 2019, when we went to our favourite Mexican restaurant, and then on to the movies, where we saw Little Women. I really miss our New Year's movies, but last year, I fell asleep on the couch (exhausted), woke up at 7am the next day, and was fine with that. 

I just woke up yesterday, and wondered why I'd bothered to ask for a treadmill. I'm not getting any real rest, and I have no energy. The treadmill people still haven't given my dad his refund. I think I mentioned that here (I'm all upside-down). I gave them the tracking number for fedex, and then took a screenshot of the tracking details myself, and sent it to them. It's nothing like a peloton, under $300, but it's still money that we really need. They had a couple of feedback posts from people who were also waiting for refunds. I'm going to croak if they scam us. 

With a few substitutions, your post is almost verbatim what I told my Zoom therapist yesterday. I have enough to physically survive, but my constructive and creative energy are at about -10% (if that’s mathematically possible). And I have about 1% compassion left for the people whose idiot behavior continues to drive the emergence of new variants.

I canceled the appointment yesterday for the dryer vent guy——not because he is careless about the virus——but because I doubt he has been able to evade Omicron in the course of his work, going into the homes of people who live in denial, obliviousness, or are barely going through the motions of pre-Omicron——or even pre-Delta——Covid protocols.
And I am not willing to be the one to possibly give Omicron to my daughter who is due to have a baby in a few weeks. 
And I am not willing to be not-so-mildly sick right now when my regional health system is too overwhelmed to respond to messages or answer the phone.

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21 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

With a few substitutions, your post is almost verbatim what I told my Zoom therapist yesterday. I have enough to physically survive, but my constructive and creative energy are at about -10% (if that’s mathematically possible). And I have about 1% compassion left for the people whose idiot behavior continues to drive the emergence of new variants.

I’m at 0% compassion for the proudly unvaccinated and have been saying for some time they should be turfed out if a vaccinated person needs that bed for ANY reason. 

And yes, -10% constructive and creative energy is not only possible but rather widespread at the moment in my opinion.  I keep saying I’ll start something next Monday.  Who knows.

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1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

And I have about 1% compassion left for the people whose idiot behavior continues to drive the emergence of new variants.

21 minutes ago, Caoimhe said:

I’m at 0% compassion for the proudly unvaccinated and have been saying for some time they should be turfed out if a vaccinated person needs that bed for ANY reason. 

Just to clarify, the idiots for whom I still have about 1% compassion are the vaccinated un-masked in-public indoors.

Those who have zero valid medical reasons for being unvaccinated get whatever compassion I have left over after grieving for their victims, which is a negative number amount of compassion.


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2 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Just to clarify, the idiots for whom I still have about 1% compassion are the vaccinated un-masked in-public indoors.

Those who have zero valid medical reasons for being unvaccinated get whatever compassion I have left over after grieving for their victims, which is a negative number amount of compassion.


I do get frustration over people not wanting to vaccinate, as my husband's business partner does not want to-- but I can't get too angry about it. Vaccinated people are getting breakthrough cases and shedding the virus, too. My niece just tested positive last week with no symptoms (her mother tested her pre-Christmas in an abundance of caution)--and she (a teen) has had both shots.

Also, microbiologists have said that there are likely animal hosts of the virus that will also cause mutations as well as keeping the virus "alive." The H1N1 pandemic of 1918 didn't end until the virus mutated to become less virulent form of the seasonal flu, eventually. Let's hope that happens with this one.

My peeve is the "othering" of people that has run rampant in the last couple of years. I hope for less blame and shame in the coming year will lead to a more unified cooperative stance in taming this virus. Happy New Year, everyone.

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6 minutes ago, Adiba said:

Vaccinated people are getting breakthrough cases and shedding the virus, too. My niece just tested positive last week with no symptoms (her mother tested her pre-Christmas in an abundance of caution)--and she (a teen) has had both shots. 

Of course, there are always breakthrough cases, with any vaccine. This is not new. The vaccine reduces your chances of catching it and reduces the amount of virus you shed. Those two things combined - if all of even most people were vaccinated - act together as a "fire break" to keep the virus from spreading. That's why we needed everyone to get it. The fact that the vaccine isn't 100% isn't a valid reason to NOT get the shot. It's a reason why everyone SHOULD get it.

It's also worth pointing out that the vaccines were not created or tested to keep people from getting it. That ended up being a lovely side effect. But they were created and tested to be effective at reducing hospitalizations and death, and they still do that, which is the most important thing.

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So here's one to chew on!  Somebody named Jose hacked my ebay account and had a $481 tv delivered to him in Florida!

He hacked me on Dec. 21 and I reported it December 22.  I also quickly sent an EBay mail letter to Best Buy who was sending the tv to Jose!  I of course notified my bank immediately!

With the bank, EBay and Best Buy in the know.....the TV was delivered to Jose on December 26!

According to eba Y they can do NOTHING until they get paperwork from my bank saying fraud has been committed!  Best Buy can do nothing until EBay contacts them!

The paperwork arrived and I signed and returned it so now we wait!

My big mistake was using a debit card instead of a credit card!!!

Happy New Year to me!!!!  :(

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7 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Sounds about right, sadly. I've been kind of down and dealing with fomo for not having much going on tomorrow other than seeing my usual little bubble for a few hours. (I'm still young, single, and kid free. Social distancing all this time gets lonely.) It probably really is best with covid spreading like crazy. I'm trying to think positive and tell myself the new variant is mild and maybe we'll get herd immunity. Hopefully next NYE we won't have to worry about catching and spreading covid and can go out like normal. I hope all of you stay safe. I feel for all your nurse and doctor friends and appreciate them more than ever. 

Some people like most of us have stopped our lives these last two years.  Some people have not.  They are still traveling, mingling with others, going places.  I just think about a ventilator and get scared as hell.  My friend is constantly on a plane and in a casino.  Her whole family gathers every week.  Nothing bothers them.  Nothing changes.

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1 hour ago, Jane Tuesday said:

Of course, there are always breakthrough cases, with any vaccine. This is not new. The vaccine reduces your chances of catching it and reduces the amount of virus you shed. Those two things combined - if all of even most people were vaccinated - act together as a "fire break" to keep the virus from spreading. That's why we needed everyone to get it. The fact that the vaccine isn't 100% isn't a valid reason to NOT get the shot. It's a reason why everyone SHOULD get it.

It's also worth pointing out that the vaccines were not created or tested to keep people from getting it. That ended up being a lovely side effect. But they were created and tested to be effective at reducing hospitalizations and death, and they still do that, which is the most important thing.

Of course. My point and peeve is the blame and shame game. Does nothing but make opposing sides dig their heels in deeper, in my opinion. You will never have 100% cooperation on anything if that’s the tactic used— without actual physical coercion.

I am not advocating against vaccination— far from it. But if one thinks the virus will just go away by doing so— wrong, since there are animal hosts. We can slow the spread and hope that it becomes less virulent in our lifetimes.

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1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

So here's one to chew on!  Somebody named Jose hacked my ebay account and had a $481 tv delivered to him in Florida!

He hacked me on Dec. 21 and I reported it December 22.  I also quickly sent an EBay mail letter to Best Buy who was sending the tv to Jose!  I of course notified my bank immediately!

With the bank, EBay and Best Buy in the know.....the TV was delivered to Jose on December 26!

According to eba Y they can do NOTHING until they get paperwork from my bank saying fraud has been committed!  Best Buy can do nothing until EBay contacts them!

The paperwork arrived and I signed and returned it so now we wait!

My big mistake was using a debit card instead of a credit card!!!

Happy New Year to me!!!!  :(

I had a similar nightmare last year——similar in that I caught the scam immediately, but because the scammer had used 3 entities (my bank, Amazon, and Google Play) they all pointed the blame at each other and refused to act until the scammer had received the money 2 weeks later.

However, I refused to give up, and eventually Amazon refunded me my $300. But I am still irate that the scammer also got $300, especially since his particular scheme was apparently money laundering.

So don’t give up! (unless the stress of pursuing it is not worth the $481, or if you really think it’s hopeless).

I wonder what would happen if you contacted the police in his town in Florida and reported it?

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I think my spelling, punctuation and grammar skills are probably above average so why can't I instinctively know when to use than or then??  This is my personal pet peeve and it will probably never be resolved.  I look up the rule for when to use which and promptly forget it.  Every time.

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10 minutes ago, SusannahM said:

I think my spelling, punctuation and grammar skills are probably above average so why can't I instinctively know when to use than or then??  This is my personal pet peeve and it will probably never be resolved.  I look up the rule for when to use which and promptly forget it.  Every time.

My related peeve concerns my use (overuse) of commas.  Punctuation in general is my kryptonite.  When to hyphenate, when exactly to use a semicolon, etc.

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8 hours ago, Anela said:

I saw something about fires in Colorado. I feel so bad for people who lost their homes. Read something about a fire station being gone. :( 

It's been a hell of a month weather-wise for a lot of people :/. I saw some footage on the Weather Channel yesterday of what looked like some homes burning - losing your home would suck any time of year, but to lose it around the holidays, and like this....I can't imagine. What a horrible way to end an already stressful, crappy year. 

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Thank you for being a friend.


(CNN)Betty White, the self-described "lucky old broad" whose sweetly sarcastic senior citizen characters were a beloved fixture on TV shows and movies such as "The Golden Girls," "Boston Legal" and "Hot in Cleveland," died Friday, her agent and close friend Jeff Witjas told People magazine in a statement.

At 99, she was just weeks away from celebrating her 100th birthday on Jan. 17.

"Even though Betty was about to be 100, I thought she would live forever," Witjas said. "I will miss her terribly and so will the animal world that she loved so much. I don't think Betty ever feared passing because she always wanted to be with her most beloved husband Allen Ludden. She believed she would be with him again."

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On 12/29/2021 at 7:01 PM, Annber03 said:

Rants like this amaze me because these people act like those of us who've been extra cautious and supportive of the guidelines and whatnot aren't sick of this pandemic. Do they think we're not tired of this, either? Do they think we don't want to go back to being able to go out in public without having to put on a mask first, or go to theater or sporting or concert events without incident again, or so on? We would LOVE that. That's why we've been so freaking cautious, 'cause we're hoping by doing that that'll, y'know, speed up the end of this seemingly endless nightmare. 

I'm also pretty sure there are government and medical officials who are sick and tired of having to try and explain all of this stuff about safety and guidelines and whatnot to people, too. I'm pretty sure Fauci is freaking exhausted by now and would like to just go back to his ordinary, everyday life. 

But they can't, and they don't, because, y'know, they're trying to do what they can to keep all of us safe and put an end to this mess. It's not their fault some out there refuse to cooperate and do their part to be responsible human beings. 


I'll be super honest here...I feel that those who are vulnerable at this point (immunocompromised or can't be vaccinated or whatever) do need to continue to be ultra vigilant, but for the rest of us....its looking increasingly pointless given that the omicron doesn't care about the vaccines or the stupid mask theatrics, etc. etc.

I took the vaccines and now they don't protect me from being infected or infecting others (yes, that is not what we were promised). I am not going to stay home or wear a damn mask which is more unhealthy in many ways than we have really calculated anymore unless I have to (crowded indoor spaces where they are mandated - that is it for me). The "death toll" includes everyone who died since the pandemic began of everything and also happened to test positive for the virus so that is a false metric.  And we have had a lot of unnecessary death and suffering because of the lock downs and involuntary isolation of elderly people and children/teens.

I am a super healthy person with a lot of responsibilities out in the world and all of this is starting to be like that line from the musical Hair: "Paranoia can be fun!"

Feel free to disagree, but one of my major pet peeves in life is what I call "reactiveness" - when people just react en masse, like sheep, and never stop to apply facts and logic.

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5 minutes ago, isalicat said:


I'll be super honest here...I feel that those who are vulnerable at this point (immunocompromised or can't be vaccinated or whatever) do need to continue to be ultra vigilant, but for the rest of us....its looking increasingly pointless given that the omicron doesn't care about the vaccines or the stupid mask theatrics, etc. etc.

I took the vaccines and now they don't protect me from being infected or infecting others (yes, that is not what we were promised). I am not going to stay home or wear a damn mask which is more unhealthy in many ways than we have really calculated anymore unless I have to (crowded indoor spaces where they are mandated - that is it for me). The "death toll" includes everyone who died since the pandemic began of everything and also happened to test positive for the virus so that is a false metric.  And we have had a lot of unnecessary death and suffering because of the lock downs and involuntary isolation of elderly people and children/teens.

I am a super healthy person with a lot of responsibilities out in the world and all of this is starting to be like that line from the musical Hair: "Paranoia can be fun!"

Feel free to disagree, but one of my major pet peeves in life is what I call "reactiveness" - when people just react en masse, like sheep, and never stop to apply facts and logic.

Even though I'm being super careful, I totally see the other side. By other side, I don't mean the ones who never GAF about covid and/or antivax. But if you're a healthy, vaccinated person and want to live already, I get it. We can't go on masking and hiding forever. I'm mostly careful because of high risk family (including one who's not vaccinated), not for my own health. I'd honestly be doing better mentally with less masking and social distancing. I don't think people understand just how difficult it is for some of us to socially distance for almost two years. Not everyone is THAT introverted. Some of us live alone. Some of us don't get much social interaction, and when it's masked, it's just not the same.  I just want everyone to be responsible. Let's say you're single and go to a NYE party, I think the right thing to do is avoid anyone high risk in your life for a bit. I wouldn't go see grandma right afterwards. 

I know this is unpopular on here, but I'm a balance person. I rarely do extremes. I have people in my life who never took covid seriously, and I also have those who are scared as hell even vaccinated and don't leave the house for anything. 

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On 12/23/2021 at 3:37 PM, SuprSuprElevated said:

Pretty Woman is on my list, though I would never admit it in a Mensa meeting, though not a member. 😏

An Affair To Remember, The Notebook, Murphy's Romance come to mind...

To drag this back to topic, I'm peeved that I can't remember more romance movies that I've enjoyed.

Brief Encounter - I've watched it many times and always cry.  An early David Lean film with Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard.  The score is outstanding.  If you (general "you") think you don't like old-fashioned, black and white films, try this one.

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6 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I had a similar nightmare last year——similar in that I caught the scam immediately, but because the scammer had used 3 entities (my bank, Amazon, and Google Play) they all pointed the blame at each other and refused to act until the scammer had received the money 2 weeks later.

However, I refused to give up, and eventually Amazon refunded me my $300. But I am still irate that the scammer also got $300, especially since his particular scheme was apparently money laundering.

So don’t give up! (unless the stress of pursuing it is not worth the $481, or if you really think it’s hopeless).

I wonder what would happen if you contacted the police in his town in Florida and reported it?

I wondered about that. Contacting the police because I was asked about that!  I’m not sure what my locals could do about that since I have only screen shots of shipping. 

I do have a screen shot of the delivery address so I could contact Miami police but right now I’m hopeful once my bank files the claim with EBay they will pay me. 

Im thinking EBay is getting a bit loose or the scammers are getting better and better. 

Do they ever catch these guys?


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19 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

I wondered about that. Contacting the police because I was asked about that!  I’m not sure what my locals could do about that since I have only screen shots of shipping. 

I do have a screen shot of the delivery address so I could contact Miami police but right now I’m hopeful once my bank files the claim with EBay they will pay me. 

Im thinking EBay is getting a bit loose or the scammers are getting better and better. 

Do they ever catch these guys?


If it happened to me, I would contact the local authorities if only to file a report and have it on record.  Cyber or not, still a crime.  Some larger jurisdictions probably have entire units dedicated to same, considering how often it happens, and the impact.

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1 minute ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

If it happened to me, I would contact the local authorities if only to file a report and have it on record.  Cyber or not, still a crime.  Some larger jurisdictions probably have entire units dedicated to same, considering how often it happens, and the impact.

If I would have put more thought into it between Dec.  22 and 26 that might have helped too. 
I was sick and trying to get Covid Tested and could hardly get to the doctors office. 

No Covid or flu but I was dehydrated and had a bladder infection. 

Plus it was Christmas and everybody wanted to finish their business and get home!  Sigh

Woulda, Shoulda and Coulda comes to mind. 

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On 12/28/2021 at 12:49 AM, Bastet said:

I hope everyone who has/had intelligent, egalitarian-minded husbands who turned into bewildered dolts when dispatched to the grocery store is familiar with the late Jeanne Robertson's famous "Don't Send a Man to the Grocery Store" tale of her husband's interpretation of a short, numbered list, but in case not:


I've posted this more than once!  She's hilarious.

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16 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

With a few substitutions, your post is almost verbatim what I told my Zoom therapist yesterday. I have enough to physically survive, but my constructive and creative energy are at about -10% (if that’s mathematically possible). And I have about 1% compassion left for the people whose idiot behavior continues to drive the emergence of new variants.

I canceled the appointment yesterday for the dryer vent guy——not because he is careless about the virus——but because I doubt he has been able to evade Omicron in the course of his work, going into the homes of people who live in denial, obliviousness, or are barely going through the motions of pre-Omicron——or even pre-Delta——Covid protocols.
And I am not willing to be the one to possibly give Omicron to my daughter who is due to have a baby in a few weeks. 
And I am not willing to be not-so-mildly sick right now when my regional health system is too overwhelmed to respond to messages or answer the phone.


12 hours ago, Adiba said:

I do get frustration over people not wanting to vaccinate, as my husband's business partner does not want to-- but I can't get too angry about it. Vaccinated people are getting breakthrough cases and shedding the virus, too. My niece just tested positive last week with no symptoms (her mother tested her pre-Christmas in an abundance of caution)--and she (a teen) has had both shots.

Also, microbiologists have said that there are likely animal hosts of the virus that will also cause mutations as well as keeping the virus "alive." The H1N1 pandemic of 1918 didn't end until the virus mutated to become less virulent form of the seasonal flu, eventually. Let's hope that happens with this one.

My peeve is the "othering" of people that has run rampant in the last couple of years. I hope for less blame and shame in the coming year will lead to a more unified cooperative stance in taming this virus. Happy New Year, everyone.

I have done my best to not do this, and then I get kicked in the teeth by the same people that I was trying not to alienate. 

11 hours ago, theredhead77 said:


I see myself in this, and I am LMAO.  

6 hours ago, isalicat said:


I'll be super honest here...I feel that those who are vulnerable at this point (immunocompromised or can't be vaccinated or whatever) do need to continue to be ultra vigilant, but for the rest of us....its looking increasingly pointless given that the omicron doesn't care about the vaccines or the stupid mask theatrics, etc. etc.

I took the vaccines and now they don't protect me from being infected or infecting others (yes, that is not what we were promised). I am not going to stay home or wear a damn mask which is more unhealthy in many ways than we have really calculated anymore unless I have to (crowded indoor spaces where they are mandated - that is it for me). The "death toll" includes everyone who died since the pandemic began of everything and also happened to test positive for the virus so that is a false metric.  And we have had a lot of unnecessary death and suffering because of the lock downs and involuntary isolation of elderly people and children/teens.

I am a super healthy person with a lot of responsibilities out in the world and all of this is starting to be like that line from the musical Hair: "Paranoia can be fun!"

Feel free to disagree, but one of my major pet peeves in life is what I call "reactiveness" - when people just react en masse, like sheep, and never stop to apply facts and logic.

I’m not actually that reactionary.  The entire country is now red, for apparently the first time since the pandemic began.  I’m not a sheep, and never will be.  When doctors and nurses everywhere, are begging people to wear a mask and be cautious, I think it’s reactionary to just say “nah” and go and party like nothing is wrong.  
Entire stores are closing down, because too many people are getting sick.  It isn’t overkill to be concerned about that.  

I can’t afford the possibility of getting sick enough to go to the hospital, and I will do whatever I can to not get my dad sick.  

I had a small amount of champagne for the English new year, but tonight it felt more like therapeutic dose, and I'm not a drinker. I was depressed *before* I found out about my aunt. To think *this* is considered an acceptable "new normal" but wearing a mask isn't.  I'm not addicted to paranoia. 

Edited by Anela
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On 12/26/2021 at 6:54 PM, annzeepark914 said:

I saw on the news today that a lot of patients in the hospitals with covid are insisting on telling doctors what drugs they should be given. They're quite belligerent. Some of their family members threaten medical staff. I no longer recognize this country. 

It may be worse now, but Americans have been insisting on being prescribed specific drugs for a long time due to the fact that drug companies are allowed to advertise on TV.

On 12/27/2021 at 4:32 PM, kristen111 said:

Haha .. well, at least he has a phone.  Mine called me from Shop Rite this morning on their phone at the desk to ask me where the split peas were.  He refuses to get another phone.  I think they are afraid to come home with the wrong thing. 

Why didn't he just ask a store employee?


On 12/28/2021 at 4:23 PM, kristen111 said:

When a man cleans something, it’s usually half assed anyway.  

I'm a woman, and most of the minimal cleaning I do is half assed!


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8 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

For every woman complaining about a man, there is a man complaining about a woman. 

Absolutely.  I was in the car waiting for my husband to finish golf.  The whole gang of men were talking and laughing about their wives.  All in a derogatory way, lol.  They all thought we were pains in the asses.

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For every man who thinks his wife is a pain in the ass, there is a woman who thinks her husband is a pain in the ass.

I typed out a long rant about my peeve of fireworks but then I deleted it. The TL;DR version is: I fucking hate fireworks and the asshats who keep shooting them off with no regard to the impact this shit has on the animals, neighbors, or the environment. 

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