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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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Thanks for the input, there are some strong opinions about living in the South and/or Florida.

I was guessing that since the population gets older on average in most Western countries, many move to Florida.

Must have seen to many retirement community pictures. And too many of my older neighbors "wintering" in Florida during the Canadian winter.

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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

I am rarely indecisive, but when I am, hoo boy.  I still do not have a ceiling fan in the living room because Casablanca stopped making the specific one I want, and I just cannot decide which one to get instead.

That moment when you find something, it's perfect, exactly what you're looking for and then you look at reviews and they are overwhelmingly bad and about poor quality.

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12 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

I can only speak from my experience but it's 100% been a misconception. Gas is cheaper but groceries, things at Target, they all cost the same. Rent right now is running about what I'd pay where I'm from in CA. Sure, if you move to the middle of nowhere housing will be cheap but you're living in the middle of nowhere. And the weather sucks. Drivers here are complete assholes and people in general are super cliquish and that "southern hospitality" does not exist in a way that is different than other areas. It's the same personalities wherever you go. I found super nice people in CA and complete assholes here. And I've already ranted about the other stuff.

I grew up in the Midwest before moving to NC.  Southern Hospitality has always been a misnomer.  Southerners are wary of outsiders, they will sit on their front porch and wave as you walk by, but they will not invite you up to their porch and have a chat.  Their friendliness is all for show.  Even if you are born here, but your parents are from somewhere else, you are still considered an other.   You will never really fit in because your parents did not go to high school together.  You will be the last picked every year for the local baseball team due to this.  Seriously, kids with little to no talent will be picked over the kid who just moved here who can throw a fastball solely because their parents are a know quantity.

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20 hours ago, Bastet said:

That's what I have.  My dad, uncle, and I installed them (and then just had someone come charge the lines), as I do most home repair/renovation projects myself or with the help of my dad, and, yeah, I'm always appalled at how cheaply people want such work done.  You have to know what you're doing, and you also have to be willing to crawl on your hands and knees - sometimes drag yourself along on your belly - in tight spaces under and above houses.  Of course there are contractors out there who try to rip people off, and when I do outsource something I can have a moment of ouch at labor costs, but then I remember the labor involved and sign the contract.

And some of these complaining folks are just cheapskates, period, but a lot of them don't walk into their lawyer or financial adviser's office and complain about the hourly rate for those services, so for those people it's total classism that they expect manual labor to be cheap.

Unfortunately there are cheapskates who don’t want to pay a lawyer. Ask me how I know. 

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46 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I grew up in the Midwest before moving to NC.  Southern Hospitality has always been a misnomer.  Southerners are wary of outsiders, they will sit on their front porch and wave as you walk by, but they will not invite you up to their porch and have a chat.  Their friendliness is all for show.  Even if you are born here, but your parents are from somewhere else, you are still considered an other. 

I'm from Canada's maritimes, think "Come From Away", and I would never say our hospitality and friendliness is for show - but there is a reason we say things like "oh you're from away" and ask people "who's your father".  Totally generalizing here but if you come from away you may be welcome but you will never be part of the community.  If that matters to you you might want to think twice about moving anywhere but the bigger cities in the Atlantic provinces!  In the small PEI town I used to live in an elderly woman died and at the wake people were talking about how lovely she was but they were also talking about how she was "from away" despite having lived in that small town for over 50 years!  They liked her but she was never considered a local.

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20 hours ago, BexKeps said:

Regarding what I bolded in your post, EXACTLY. Just doing a google search will yield you a pretty close estimate of what it would cost. Some folks assume because the materials that may be used in the work is not expensive that the price of the labor should be cheap as well. Not so, which brings me to @Bastet's post:

The actual physicality of the job is what costs you the money. If it was easy and the materials were cheap then why would you need a repairperson to do the work? They are doing the work you don't want to or can't do, and should be paid for that ability to do so. 

I do blame the rash of home makeover shows that are on TV these days, a lot of the time they do not show you the ACTUAL cost of what they are doing, and, even if they do have a lower cost than the average person, its because the company providing the materials or workers is getting a cut of the show profits and/or free advertising. They also show you 1-2 minutes of the show personalities doing any work but in reality once the cameras are off they personalities step back and let the laborers do the bulk of the work, so you never see them sweaty, dirty, covered in drywall dust (except for the strategically placed smudge across the cheek). 

So true. My dad had a small tree service. Incredibly dangerous, difficult work involving chain saws and climbing up into decaying trees. He would have to charge what would seem high prices. 

Many years ago I tiled a kitchen floor with ceramic tile. It seemed like a good idea at the time.  It was backbreaking, especially to get that excess grout off.  Never again. My dad always paid people to do household repairs. That was not his forte.  

I learned how to do the tiling from This Old House!

Edited by GussieK
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14 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

One of the reasons is that it is much more affordable to live in the south.

We found out while living there, the houses are beautiful and less expensive.  No state tax.  The food and gas was the same as up north.  Clothes the same as here too.  If you can take heat, it’s fine.  I was in the house or car or mall most of the time.  I’d rather be cold, but that’s me.  My husband could live in a tree, as long as he could play golf.  But, “ Happy wife, happy life”.  We moved back up north in the woods. My development has a golf course.  He’s happy.

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7 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

I’d rather be cold, but that’s me.

Same.  I endure summer, do not enjoy it.  The idea of living somewhere where it's summer most of the year is definitely not for me.  I am probably the only person I know who doesn't get excited when the last of the snow is gone  🙂 .

Edited by WinnieWinkle
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In the Midwest where I grew up, it's not the cold weather or snow that gets to me.   It was just dreary and overcast with little sun for six months a year.  I never realized how bad that was until I'd go back to visit after moving south.   You're there for a few days and realize the sun seems to be hiding from everyone


And the wind chill.  You step outside in the winter and it literally takes your breath away and it hurts to breath.  


But then I've been to Arizona in the summer.  You step outside and it's like you are being baked by the sun.  Dry heat my ass.  Doesn't matter when it's 120 degrees.  

Edited by DrSpaceman73
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28 minutes ago, WinnieWinkle said:

Same.  I endure summer, do not enjoy it.  The idea of living somewhere where it's summer most of the year is definitely not for me.  I am probably the only person I know who doesn't get excited when the last of the snow is gone  🙂 .

LOL. Especially if you’re in Canada.  I love summer. 

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15 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

My Son was one of the best UPS Drivers ever.  Snowstorms, heat in the truck for 12 hours ..no air conditioning, dog bites, no addresses on houses .. amidst safety.  I don’t know how they do it.

My area has a very good UPS driver. FedEx not so much. Work ethic was more prevalent years ago IMO. And there are still good workers out there.

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2 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I grew up in the Midwest before moving to NC.  Southern Hospitality has always been a misnomer.  Southerners are wary of outsiders, they will sit on their front porch and wave as you walk by, but they will not invite you up to their porch and have a chat.  Their friendliness is all for show.  Even if you are born here, but your parents are from somewhere else, you are still considered an other.   You will never really fit in because your parents did not go to high school together.  You will be the last picked every year for the local baseball team due to this.  Seriously, kids with little to no talent will be picked over the kid who just moved here who can throw a fastball solely because their parents are a know quantity.

This may differ in parts of the south.  My cousins (three generations) moved from NYC to Long Island to the Raleigh Durham area.   There are so many northern transplants it feels like Long Island.  They have all made lots of friends and really like it there. 

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1 minute ago, GussieK said:

This may differ in parts of the south.  My cousins (three generations) moved from NYC to Long Island to the Raleigh Durham area.   There are so many northern transplants it feels like Long Island.  They have all made lots of friends and really like it there. 

Cities are different than the rest of the South.  You would be hard-pressed to meet someone in Raleigh who's family has been in Raleigh for generations.  Ditto for white people in Durham.  When you get into Wake County, Durham, County, or Orange County, you will find the real locals.  Charlotte is the same way, so is Asheville and so are the military towns like Fayetteville or Havelock.  

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22 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

What is this “bra” that you speak of? 

I had to get my first vaccine shot, so I had to be in public, and as a favor to everyone who would see me, I wore a bra. I NEVER wear one at home. My existing bras are too tight in the band.

22 hours ago, emma675 said:

Oooh, which brand? I need the side boob fat support (until I finally pull the trigger on a breast reduction and add in lipo for the armpit area). 

Also, peeve, why are bras so freaking expensive? I have a small frame and large boobs, so I have to find a ridiculously special size and it is always so expensive. It's frustrating. 


21 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I have found some luck stalking different websites looking for deals on my bras. Knowing your international sizes can help.  All my bras are UK brands because over there my size exists at all price points.   Even then, I can't find one for less than $40.  Some websites to try after Amazon, bare necessities,  her room,  and playful promises (they do have some reasonably priced bras buried underneath the risque lingerie).

This new one is Birdsong, which is a new brand for me. I specifically looked for "side support". I usually wear Freya or Panache, which I buy from Bare Necessities when they are on sale (and they are on Rakuten and there are usually coupons online), because YES, they are expensive! My weight fluctuates a lot so the band size goes up and down between 36 to 40, but my cup size (FF/G depending on the bra) stays mostly the same. I, too, have dense tissue. My tiny nurse practitioner keeps telling me that I need to get a mammogram (I'm 46 and I had one several years ago) and she's like, "It's not that bad!"😒 I know I need one, but don't lie to me because it HURTS.

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20 hours ago, emma675 said:

Bastet, we used to have a shop like that in my town and I was so sad when it closed. And I live in a major metropolitan area, I should be able to find a similar store, but I just can't. I really feel like I need a professional fitting, too, because I'm not 100% sure what size I am anymore. 

I was fitted professionally at Nordstrom for the first time in my life when I was in my early 30s. The saleswoman was awesome. It was a rather intimate experience that I was unprepared for (like full-on hands on boobs), but I have since been able to fit myself and my mother. I told her I didn't have much money and she was able to find a Freya bra that worked for me that was on sale. I've ordered exclusively online since then.

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23 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

My tiny nurse practitioner keeps telling me that I need to get a mammogram (I'm 46 and I had one several years ago) and she's like, "It's not that bad!"😒 I know I need one, but don't lie to me because it HURTS.

She's right. You need to get one. They aren't comfortable but it's better than the alternative.

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27 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

My tiny nurse practitioner keeps telling me that I need to get a mammogram (I'm 46 and I had one several years ago) and she's like, "It's not that bad!"😒 I know I need one, but don't lie to me because it HURTS.

Maybe I've just been lucky but I have found that the mammograms I've had most recently (I go every other year due to family history) have really not hurt at all.  I'm not going to say it was comfortable but there was no pain.  And there certainly used to be!  I kind of assumed they were doing things differently.

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2 hours ago, WinnieWinkle said:

Same.  I endure summer, do not enjoy it.  The idea of living somewhere where it's summer most of the year is definitely not for me.  I am probably the only person I know who doesn't get excited when the last of the snow is gone  🙂 .

I'm the same way. I liked summer when I was a kid because It meant I was out of school for a few months :p. But otherwise, yeah, fall and winter are my favorite times of year. Bring on the cold weather and the snow and the cloudy days and whatnot. I love that sort of thing. 

And I need snow and cold weather at Christmastime. It just doesn't feel right without it. 

1 hour ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

Dry heat my ass.  Doesn't matter when it's 120 degrees.  

LOL, my thoughts exactly :D. 

My parents talked about going to visit some people in Arizona once (this was years and years back), and when they were there, they talked about how said people would wear gloves to open their car doors, 'cause otherwise they'd burn their fingers, it was that hot. 

Edited by Annber03
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8 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

My parents talked about going to visit some people in Arizona once (this was years and years back), and when they were there, they talked about how said people would wear gloves to open their car doors, 'cause otherwise they'd burn their fingers, it was that hot. 


Last time I visited Arizona (Phoenix) was April 2014.  Already quite hot, although not summer yet.  They have carports in parking lots to provide shade.  They offer you a bottle of water everywhere you go.  And the hotel swimming pool had sleeves on the metal handrails into the pool to prevent burning your hands.

Edited by GussieK
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1 hour ago, GussieK said:

This may differ in parts of the south.  My cousins (three generations) moved from NYC to Long Island to the Raleigh Durham area.   There are so many northern transplants it feels like Long Island.  They have all made lots of friends and really like it there. 

When I moved to the new development in Florida, 98 per cent were from N.Y. , Jersey, Philly, Ohio.  All northern states.  I felt at home with the New York accents.


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4 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

When I moved to the new development in Florida, 98 per cent were from N.Y. , Jersey, Philly, Ohio.  All northern states.  I felt at home with the New York accents.


I have respect for New Yorkers.  They don't bullshit you.  If they like you, they like you and you know it.  If they can't stand you, you know it.  I like knowing where I stand with people.  In my previous job, I spent about 3 weeks working in NYC one year.  Maybe because I was not a clueless idiot and I am respectful of people's time, but I found the people I interacted with to be very polite.  I grew up in a suburb of Cleveland and I went into the city on many occasions, so I know how to handle myself in the city, ie. get out of peoples' way when you are lost, no lollygagging, etc.  The only thing that perplexed me was on both occasions I was there I had asked people at my hotel where the best place to get a slice of pizza nearby and they responded with "what kind?"  

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42 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

I'm the same way. I liked summer when I was a kid because It meant I was out of school for a few months :p. But otherwise, yeah, fall and winter are my favorite times of year. Bring on the cold weather and the snow and the cloudy days and whatnot. I love that sort of thing. 

And I need snow and cold weather at Christmastime. It just doesn't feel right without it. 

LOL, my thoughts exactly :D. 

My parents talked about going to visit some people in Arizona once (this was years and years back), and when they were there, they talked about how said people would wear gloves to open their car doors, 'cause otherwise they'd burn their fingers, it was that hot. 

I love, love Halloween on a crisp day when the colored leaves are falling, it’s cloudy out and you need a coat.  So cozy.  I love snow and the winter too.  Four seasons are the best, for me anyhow.

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Just now, Silver Bells said:

I love, love Halloween on a crisp day when the colored leaves are falling, it’s cloudy out and you need a coat.  So cozy.  I love snow and the winter too.  Four seasons are the best, for me anyhow.

I lived in Hawaii for a year. No seasons at all. It got old really fast.

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15 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

I lived in Hawaii for a year. No seasons at all. It got old really fast.

I lived there for 3 years as a child.  Barely remember it unfortunately!  But my parents often said they asked to be transferred back because they really missed the change of seasons.  And it was extremely expensive even in the '60s.

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1 hour ago, bilgistic said:

My tiny nurse practitioner keeps telling me that I need to get a mammogram (I'm 46 and I had one several years ago) and she's like, "It's not that bad!"😒 I know I need one, but don't lie to me because it HURTS.

I referred to the diabolical machine as a pancake press for my boobs.

1 hour ago, theredhead77 said:

She's right. You need to get one. They aren't comfortable but it's better than the alternative.

No, they're not, and it's due to my getting one every year after I turned 40, that I caught my cancer early.

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30 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

I love, love Halloween on a crisp day when the colored leaves are falling, it’s cloudy out and you need a coat.  So cozy.  I love snow and the winter too.  Four seasons are the best, for me anyhow.

I love fall an early winter, however living in upstate NY January, February and March suck. Its gray and cold for all 3 months. 

29 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

I lived in Hawaii for a year. No seasons at all. It got old really fast.

I lived in CA in the late 80's, I loved the sunshine at first but after a 2 years I really missed the change of seasons. While I'm not a winter enthusiast, I do love a good powdery white snowfall in the winter and the trees and flowers budding in the spring. 

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To segue a bit, I've got a peeve. Something that has bugged me for years, but after being hit two weeks ago (wasn't hurt, but my still new-less-than two years old-car was dented a bit and scraped! (but Liberty took responsibility for their insured so they're paying for it all)), the obvious idiotic maroon's actions just raised my hackles and blood pressure.

There is a four-way stop sign right outside of my complex. What drives me bonkers is when drivers who are BEHIND me, but are planning to make a right turn instead of going straight like I am, just think it's perfectly okay to just pull up alongside of my car and just make that turn while I'm stopped. Asshole could have hit me. The problem I guess is that the road is wide enough that idiot thought they could squeeze up next to me.

Another 10 seconds of just waiting will not kill them. Maybe I should just hug the curb at the stop sign going forward.

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4 hours ago, WinnieWinkle said:

In the small PEI town I used to live in an elderly woman died and at the wake people were talking about how lovely she was but they were also talking about how she was "from away" despite having lived in that small town for over 50 years!

And they also announced her obituary on the local radio station.  An Island tradition. 

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5 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I grew up in the Midwest before moving to NC.  Southern Hospitality has always been a misnomer.  Southerners are wary of outsiders, they will sit on their front porch and wave as you walk by, but they will not invite you up to their porch and have a chat.  Their friendliness is all for show.  Even if you are born here, but your parents are from somewhere else, you are still considered an other.   You will never really fit in because your parents did not go to high school together.  You will be the last picked every year for the local baseball team due to this.  Seriously, kids with little to no talent will be picked over the kid who just moved here who can throw a fastball solely because their parents are a know quantity.

I wholeheartedly agree with this. 

I'm sure there are pros and cons to every part of the country. Different things matter more to different people. If a city that's beautiful and bustling is very appealing to you, the higher cost of living might be worth it. Some people prefer a slower pace, less traffic, and getting more bang for your buck with housing and whatnot. To each his own. 

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2 hours ago, WinnieWinkle said:

I lived there for 3 years as a child.  Barely remember it unfortunately!  But my parents often said they asked to be transferred back because they really missed the change of seasons.  And it was extremely expensive even in the '60s.

I was there in the eighties. Very, very expensive.

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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

There is a four-way stop sign right outside of my complex. What drives me bonkers is when drivers who are BEHIND me, but are planning to make a right turn instead of going straight like I am, just think it's perfectly okay to just pull up alongside of my car and just make that turn while I'm stopped. Asshole could have hit me. The problem I guess is that the road is wide enough that idiot thought they could squeeze up next to me.

Another 10 seconds of just waiting will not kill them. Maybe I should just hug the curb at the stop sign going forward.

This not quite the same situation, but my neighborhood exits out to a more main road (T-intersection), with a stop sign for people exiting the neighborhood.  It bugs me when people who want to turn left onto the busy road don't scooch over enough so that the right-turners can make their turns when it's clear for them.  There's no painted lines, but there's plenty of room for drivers to sort themselves into left-turners and right-turners.  Plus, if cross traffic is heavy, you can make a right turn and then a U-turn within a few hundred feet, probably in less time than it would take for a left-turn opportunity to happen.  But I agree that's a totally different situation from a 4-way stop, where presumably everyone is taking turns.

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6 hours ago, WinnieWinkle said:

I'm from Canada's maritimes, think "Come From Away", and I would never say our hospitality and friendliness is for show - but there is a reason we say things like "oh you're from away" and ask people "who's your father".  Totally generalizing here but if you come from away you may be welcome but you will never be part of the community.  If that matters to you you might want to think twice about moving anywhere but the bigger cities in the Atlantic provinces!  In the small PEI town I used to live in an elderly woman died and at the wake people were talking about how lovely she was but they were also talking about how she was "from away" despite having lived in that small town for over 50 years!  They liked her but she was never considered a local.


1 hour ago, Quof said:

And they also announced her obituary on the local radio station.  An Island tradition. 

Heh. My mom is from a tiny fishing town in Nova Scotia. One year I lost my wallet, twice. Once in the Halifax airport and again a few days later while somewhere on Main St. Thankfully someone found it in the airport bathroom and turned it in at the gate. They put it on the next flight (the next day - one flight a day). I can tell you it's not a good idea to say "OH SHIT" in the vicinity of a flight attendant as a 50 seater turbo prop plane is barreling down the runway.

The second time I lost it my grandfather called the radio station (there's only one!) and the DJ announced it on the radio. Someone turned it in and the Mounties dropped it off. Of course my grandfather new the person who dropped it off because he knew everyone.




2 hours ago, BexKeps said:

I love fall an early winter, however living in upstate NY January, February and March suck. Its gray and cold for all 3 months. 

I lived in CA in the late 80's, I loved the sunshine at first but after a 2 years I really missed the change of seasons. While I'm not a winter enthusiast, I do love a good powdery white snowfall in the winter and the trees and flowers budding in the spring. 

Hey now. CA has 4 seasons: fire, flood, earthquake and riot.


1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

There is a four-way stop sign right outside of my complex. What drives me bonkers is when drivers who are BEHIND me, but are planning to make a right turn instead of going straight like I am, just think it's perfectly okay to just pull up alongside of my car and just make that turn while I'm stopped. Asshole could have hit me. The problem I guess is that the road is wide enough that idiot thought they could squeeze up next to me.

Another 10 seconds of just waiting will not kill them. Maybe I should just hug the curb at the stop sign going forward.

It's not necessarily illegal to do squeeze in to make a right turn. Misjudging the space is always an possibility but it's unlikely that the other drivers are squeezing by to intentionally scratch your car.


My topical peeve: I have a neighbor, I don't know if they're new or if they just got a new truck but man are they asshats in our parking lot. They fly through the complex, radio blasting. Last night they must have been testing their new PA system because there was what sounded like an alarm or alert blaring for about 30 seconds then VROOOMMZZZZZ Squeel and their PA system was going. 

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1 minute ago, theredhead77 said:

It's not necessarily illegal to do squeeze in to make a right turn.

Yeah, it is.  The road is one lane, unless it is marked otherwise.   

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2 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

Lucky you!  Construction is confined to one season?  🙂


No it's all the time but it's worse at the end of winter and through spring and summer. But during the summer we get so much smoke from Eastern WA, Canada, California and Oregon wildfires, nobody goes out.

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Speaking of regions the term "Minnesota nice" bothers me. I've known a few people from Minnesota and while there wasn't anything bad about them none of them were particularly nice. They were just about average. Never got what the term meant exactly.

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8 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Speaking of regions the term "Minnesota nice" bothers me. I've known a few people from Minnesota and while there wasn't anything bad about them none of them were particularly nice. They were just about average. Never got what the term meant exactly.

I’ve understood it to mean passive aggressive. Like someone will agree to do something they don’t want to do instead of saying no, then bitch about it.

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11 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

To segue a bit, I've got a peeve. Something that has bugged me for years, but after being hit two weeks ago (wasn't hurt, but my still new-less-than two years old-car was dented a bit and scraped! (but Liberty took responsibility for their insured so they're paying for it all)), the obvious idiotic maroon's actions just raised my hackles and blood pressure.

There is a four-way stop sign right outside of my complex. What drives me bonkers is when drivers who are BEHIND me, but are planning to make a right turn instead of going straight like I am, just think it's perfectly okay to just pull up alongside of my car and just make that turn while I'm stopped. Asshole could have hit me. The problem I guess is that the road is wide enough that idiot thought they could squeeze up next to me.

Another 10 seconds of just waiting will not kill them. Maybe I should just hug the curb at the stop sign going forward.

I have no idea where you are (geographically speaking, of course!), but in California it is the norm (in my experience) that if there is enough room to get right of a car in the right lane if you need to make a right turn you go for it - you can turn right against the red or stop sign in Cali if you are clear and in L.A. since everyone drives like they are going to the emergency room *right now*, it is expected that if you leave that room on your right whilst you are going straight, a car will probably be there.

Basically kills the cyclists but in L.A. people on bicycles are taking their chances anyways...

9 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

Hey now. CA has 4 seasons: fire, flood, earthquake and riot.

You win the CA internet for the evening!!! 🙂

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7 hours ago, isalicat said:

I have no idea where you are (geographically speaking, of course!), but in California it is the norm (in my experience) that if there is enough room to get right of a car in the right lane if you need to make a right turn you go for it - you can turn right against the red or stop sign in Cali if you are clear and in L.A. since everyone drives like they are going to the emergency room *right now*, it is expected that if you leave that room on your right whilst you are going straight, a car will probably be there.

I live in one of the suburbs of Maryland, and the four-way is in a residential area. The turns are to different residential streets and not to the highway. And they are single lanes for each direction.

So I picked up my rental. Of COURSE I have to provide my credit card for the "hold" while I have the rental, because, the insurance company that's picking up the bill can't do that.🙄But I nixed getting the rental's insurance. I have my own rental insurance that's part of my car insurance policy. and since the car isn't going anywhere while I wait for my own car to be repaired, I don't need "extra" car insurance, thankyouverymuch. Jeebus.

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2 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Good God, but this new upgrade is a logistical nightmare.

I was going to come and complain about this.  "Home" now means every single freakin' show.  What happened to my follows and only my follows??!!!

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Just now, Browncoat said:

I don't remember all of the things I followed!  How can I find them all and follow them again?!?!?!?    

I created a topic in the Site Rules/Bugs, Questions, suggestions thread asking them about this and the loss of other things. Hopefully we'll get a response either later this evening or the morning?

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I hope the customized home page comes back (I created a thread to ask), because trying to navigate using Follows is a right royal pain in the ass (it wouldn't be so bad if it came up in order of most-recent activity, so all my followed forums/topics with unread content would be in a row, but this scrolling through crap is ridiculous).

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I've noticed very slight changes (in font colors, etc.) since I first logged in after the downtime, so I'm hoping that means it's still a work in progress.  I pm'd the admin to ask about it, but I'm guessing they're quite busy at the moment (at least I hope that's the case). 

I don't think it actually removed my follows but they're not so useful if you can't see them all in one place. For all that's holy, please don't take away the "MY TV SHOWS" toggle/Custom home page!!

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