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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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17 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

I picked up some stick up lights similar to these last year. I got mine at Bed Bath and Beyond (when you move across country and your new area is in the line of the hurricane you can't be picky). I stuck one in my living room, one in my bathroom and they've come in handy as temporary permanent lighting instead of carrying a flashlight around (or candles). I also picked up a small lantern on Amazon that resides under my bathroom sink. It has a blinking beacon and would be annoying in the bedroom.

I picked these up at Costco for maybe $15 for a pack of 3.  They are also motion detectors.  We keep them around so we have a handy flashlight if we need to take the Kook out for a quick nighttime excursion. 

If there are a run on emergency supplies, check out the Kosher section of your grocery store.  People forget about it often and you can usually find candles there and some other essentials.

Our family designates one person out of the area to act as communication central if things are dire.  We check in with that person as soon as we can and they pass it along/coordinate as necessary. 

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1 hour ago, DeLurker said:

If there are a run on emergency supplies, check out the Kosher section of your grocery store.  People forget about it often and you can usually find candles there and some other essentials.


Great idea. Thank you. 

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On 9/8/2018 at 10:28 PM, Moose135 said:

Girlfriend, Denali, and I are supposed to head to the OBX on Saturday - her brother rented a house on the beach in Duck, and we're all supposed to get together.  I'm keeping a close eye on the forecasts...

They are beginning mandatory evacuations of the Outer Banks. Hatteras began today. Duck tomorrow. I hope that you can get a refund on the place that you and your brother rented. Peeve: When vacation plans get ruined by weather. 

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On 9/8/2018 at 8:00 PM, JTMacc99 said:


What's an IPA?

Speaking of cashiers....dear sir or madam, please focus on the job at hand!  You can find out about Pookie and 'nem during lunch, stop talking to your co-worker whilst charging up my bill!  And then they get the nerve to get pissed when I ask the co-worker to scram until they are done ringing me up.

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Why do some supermarkets "forget" to clear out expired food?  Today, I didn't just find ONE jar of expired kimchi, but FIVE.  Including one which expired six weeks ago.  Note that this was at a Whole Foods, not some sort of hole-in-the-wall grocery store.  

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4 hours ago, JTMacc99 said:


I love this!!!!!    Mr Rat got me a bottle opener many years ago that has Homer's picture on it and plays that sound clip when you use it to open the bottle.  I wish I could figure out a way to share picture/sound of this, but I can't.

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19 minutes ago, ratgirlagogo said:

I love this!!!!!    Mr Rat got me a bottle opener many years ago that has Homer's picture on it and plays that sound clip when you use it to open the bottle.  I wish I could figure out a way to share picture/sound of this, but I can't.

To the surprise of nobody, I also have a Homer shaped bottle opener that says Mmm... beer when used. 

Of course it broke a long time ago. Such things never seem to last very long. 

Edited by JTMacc99
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2 hours ago, PRgal said:

Why do some supermarkets "forget" to clear out expired food?  Today, I didn't just find ONE jar of expired kimchi, but FIVE.  Including one which expired six weeks ago.  Note that this was at a Whole Foods, not some sort of hole-in-the-wall grocery store.  

My supermarket usually has dozens of expired baby carrots.

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Why can't various weather reports for my city be similar?  I hate it when I want to go somewhere or work in the yard and when I check my local weather it says something like '20% chance of rain' and when I check the weather channel site it says '60% chance of rain'.  You would think that they are both getting information from the same source (national weather service?  NOAA?)  It makes it really hard to plan.  I shouldn't have to be like a 19th century farmer and go outside to look at the sky and horizon for storm clouds.  

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On ‎9‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 12:43 PM, Vixenstud said:

What's an IPA?

Speaking of cashiers....dear sir or madam, please focus on the job at hand!  You can find out about Pookie and 'nem during lunch, stop talking to your co-worker whilst charging up my bill!  And then they get the nerve to get pissed when I ask the co-worker to scram until they are done ringing me up.

what has happened to me a couple of times -  my transaction is DONE, I'm ready to leave, just need my change or receipt.  the cashier has it IN HER HAND, about to give it to me, when a co-worker distracts her with a question.  she stops what she's doing, turns her head toward the co-worker, but her hand is in mid-air with my receipt, and she has a conversation, answers the question, whatever.  I have to speak up, and say, "Hey, can I have my receipt?  hello?  Hey, excuse me, you have my change in your hand!"  and I get a blank look until she remembers what she was in the middle of before the interruption. 

How hard is it to tell the co-worker, "just a second, let me finish this transaction?" 

Do  one thing at a time, be mindful of what you're doing, you will make fewer errors. (and piss off fewer people). 

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Stupid sales people! Wasted an hour emailing back and forth with a vendor. 

E-mail thread went something like this:

Me: Hello, I'm looking to rent XYZ for a two day event: Sept. 19-Sept. 20. Please see attached reference image. 

Company: What size? 46" or 32".

Me: 32" is fine.

Company: Is this an outdoor or an indoor event?

Me: Outdoor.

Company: What color do you want? Black or white.

Me: Either color is fine. Preferably black.

Company: I'm sorry. We have no availability for that day. 

WHAT THE FUCKKKK?!  From the FIRST question any reasonable person can tell if they can cover the event or not.


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1 hour ago, backformore said:

what has happened to me a couple of times -  my transaction is DONE, I'm ready to leave, just need my change or receipt.  the cashier has it IN HER HAND, about to give it to me, when a co-worker distracts her with a question.  she stops what she's doing, turns her head toward the co-worker, but her hand is in mid-air with my receipt, and she has a conversation, answers the question, whatever.  I have to speak up, and say, "Hey, can I have my receipt?  hello?  Hey, excuse me, you have my change in your hand!"  and I get a blank look until she remembers what she was in the middle of before the interruption. 

How hard is it to tell the co-worker, "just a second, let me finish this transaction?" 

Do  one thing at a time, be mindful of what you're doing, you will make fewer errors. (and piss off fewer people). 

Also, if you are the co-worker asking a question, notice that the cashier is in the middle of the transaction and wait until she hands the change/receipt/whatever to the customer, then ask quickly before she starts another transaction. Of course, it would be helpful if the cashiers would pause a second (but not much more) between transactions -- say long enough for the customer whose transaction just ended to put her things up, grab her bags and go so the next customer can move up to that spot in front of the register where she can see what you are ringing up.

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6 hours ago, BooksRule said:

Why can't various weather reports for my city be similar?  I hate it when I want to go somewhere or work in the yard and when I check my local weather it says something like '20% chance of rain' and when I check the weather channel site it says '60% chance of rain'.  You would think that they are both getting information from the same source (national weather service?  NOAA?)  It makes it really hard to plan.  I shouldn't have to be like a 19th century farmer and go outside to look at the sky and horizon for storm clouds.  

Because the map is, as they say, not the territory.  Looking at the sky yourself might even be a little more scientific than what the TV people are doing.

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4 hours ago, backformore said:

Speaking of cashiers....dear sir or madam, please focus on the job at hand!  You can find out about Pookie and 'nem during lunch, stop talking to your co-worker whilst charging up my bill! 

When I worked at a grocery store (the dark ages when you had to key in the prices, which were labeled directly on the cans and boxes!) if my boss caught us talking to anyone but the customer in front of us, there was a trip to the office for sure! He was so firm on that it really does bug the heck out of me when it's done to me.

Just as much of a peeve to me is the handing back of change. So many time now they're literally just handing me some money and saying "Here you go."  I made peace (grudgingly) with the fact that it's no longer necessary to "count back" change (ie, the charge was 2.75, I give them a five and they give a quarter and two ones counting back "here's 3, 4 and 5). I get that the machine tells them what to give - but they still need to state the amount and count it to show me they have it right! I've been short changed at Target twice. The first time the cashier closed the light and bolted the second she handed me the change (an elderly man sitting on one of the benches said "There's a website on your receipt, I hope you email about that - it was rude!). The second time I had to wait because she went on to the next customer right away. I went to the manager and her response was "That's not part of training - would you feel comfortable counting it yourself?" - uh duh - I did, that's how I know I was short changed! And it's their job to make sure the change is right! I try to use the self check out as much as possible now. 

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From a few pages ago:  

It's not just grocery stores changing things up, but freaking websites do this too.  I can’t tell you how many times I have logged into a website I had been familiar with to see the layout had changed.  You log in expecting it to be what it was, but no.  If it was set up to list items by alphabet, content date, relevance or whatever, you will come back some time later and everything has changed, and the links have moved across the screen from left to right or from top to bottom, often randomly.  And they do this without warning, and you are left to figure out where, how and why.   It’s not even like you come back and say, wow, these changes are brilliant and so helpful, it’s more like what in the bloody hell is this about? 

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4 hours ago, Nordly Beaumont said:

Just as much of a peeve to me is the handing back of change. So many time now they're literally just handing me some money and saying "Here you go."  I made peace (grudgingly) with the fact that it's no longer necessary to "count back" change (ie, the charge was 2.75, I give them a five and they give a quarter and two ones counting back "here's 3, 4 and 5).

I think many of them are befuddled by numbers, couldn't calculate change if the computer died, and don't think of the money the computer tells them is due back to the customer in the big picture terms that would let them easily do the "here's 3, 4, and 5" routine.  Look how many have to stop and visibly think about what series of bills/coins make up the amount on the screen in order to hand back the change, and how many stare blankly - or try to hand you money back! - when you hand over bills plus some coins in order to get a nice even amount back.

My change-giving peeve, and I believe someone raised this issue before, is handing me my change with the coins on top of the bills.  No.  Other way around.  And the absence of counting out the change plays into this, because if they did that, they'd hand over the coins that got them to the first dollar amount, and then the bills (in order) to get them up to the amount given.

I put almost everything on my credit card (for convenience; it's fast at the point of sale, and then I just check the statement and write one big check each month), so I don't even deal with change very often.  If I did, I'd have one more reason to be perpetually annoyed.

Edited by Bastet
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Pet Peeve: A hurricane is about to directly impact my area. The news has asked everyone to secure outdoor furniture (or bring it inside) and clear off anything that could go flying. We have a neighbor with over 200 plants in pots. Plus little statuary and Knick knacks all over his lawn. He isn’t making any preparations and the people who live closest to him are worried that something of his is going to fly through their window. 

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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

Pet Peeve: A hurricane is about to directly impact my area. The news has asked everyone to secure outdoor furniture (or bring it inside) and clear off anything that could go flying. We have a neighbor with over 200 plants in pots. Plus little statuary and Knick knacks all over his lawn. He isn’t making any preparations and the people who live closest to him are worried that something of his is going to fly through their window. 

Has anyone stopped by and offered to "help him secure his beautiful plants / kick knacks"?

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I have a few this morning:

1) A Starbucks close to my home recently moved a couple blocks down from their original location. Of course the new store is more modernized. Yesterday, I went through the drive-thru and I got the scare of my life. Instead of talking into a blank screen or a box, the barista's face covers the whole screen as they talk to you via webcam. The mic level was way too loud so all I saw was this giant head screaming "Welcome to Starbucks, how can I help you today?"  It was quite jarring and I hope this is not the wave of the future with other drive-thrus. I'll take the old-fashioned box any day over that.

2)Blueberries. I just brought blueberries from Trader Joe's and the whole container was sour. I hate that they are so hit or miss. This is the first sour batch I've purchased in awhile.

3)Blatant inconsideration or people just purposely trying to get you aggravated. Went to the laundromat yesterday and this woman  took my cart that I had in front of the dryer that I was using even though there were only 2 of us in the place and there were about 7-8 carts being unused in the place. Then I went to work and was deep cleaning my vehicle when my co-worker pulled up next to me, got out of her vehicle, and left her truck running, leaving me to smell and feel the warm exhaust on a hot day with no breeze. I almost passed out several times before she finally came back and shut her engine off.

4) I can't stand the media's coverage of Flo. Yes, its a frightening storm,even to hurricane veterans. I am nervous for everyone in the Carolinas. However, referring to it as "Monster Storm Flo" does nothing but illicit panic and chaos. I miss the old days when they just reported the weather and gave hurricane prep tips. Now it's all "RUN FOR YOUR LIFE". Yes, the people who live in evacuation zones should evacuate, and yes, damage is going to happen.  I just don't see the point in all the scare tactics that will cause more death and injury due to everyone being in a panic-driven excited state.

Edited by AgentRXS
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30 minutes ago, AgentRXS said:

4) I can't stand the media's coverage of Flo. Yes, its a frightening storm,even to hurricane veterans. I am nervous for everyone in the Carolinas. However, referring to it as "Monster Storm Flo" does nothing but illicit panic and chaos. I miss the old days when they just reported the weather and gave hurricane prep tips. Now it's all "RUN FOR YOUR LIFE". Yes, the people who live in evacuation zones should evacuate, and yes, damage is going to happen.  I just don't see the point in all the scare tactics that will cause more death and injury due to everyone being in a panic-driven excited state.

Clicks and ratings.  But, I agree with you.  My sister lives in SC somewhat near the coast and I'm worried about her.  But, she's either going to evacuate or not, and her house is either going to fall over or not.  All this fearmongering on the internet (not so much any other media here since I'm far away) is not helping my nerve levels.

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1 minute ago, Mindthinkr said:

Yes, a few of us, but he doesn’t want anyone moving his things. I feel for his immediate neighbors. 

This is a public safety issue.  If he's not going to move his stuff, the neighbors should call the police (not 911) or a lawyer, and ask what their options are.  I'm sure a police officer would be happy to swing by and tell him that he needs to secure his stuff.  That would be me moving if I wasn't already. And a lawyer could prepare a letter stating that since adequate warning was given, any damage caused by his flying detritus will result in a lawsuit. 

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7 minutes ago, Katy M said:

This is a public safety issue.  If he's not going to move his stuff, the neighbors should call the police (not 911) or a lawyer, and ask what their options are.  I'm sure a police officer would be happy to swing by and tell him that he needs to secure his stuff.  That would be me moving if I wasn't already. And a lawyer could prepare a letter stating that since adequate warning was given, any damage caused by his flying detritus will result in a lawsuit. 

The President of our HOA is going to address this with him. He is also his next door neighbor. He also has no insurance on his house (WTF?)! I’m beginning to think he has mental issues. He’s a nice enough person but at arms length for me. As in at our block parties or neighborhood social gatherings only. 

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I think that using the media to point out that this storm will very likely create deadly situations does more good than harm. From what I'm seeing, there is the potential for historically bad flooding. If somebody thinks they can ride out the storm, and then is beat over the head repeatedly with news of "This storm is going to be really, really, really bad" maybe they'll rethink it before finding themselves under 8 feet of water two days from now. 

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2 hours ago, JTMacc99 said:


I think that using the media to point out that this storm will very likely create deadly situations does more good than harm. From what I'm seeing, there is the potential for historically bad flooding. If somebody thinks they can ride out the storm, and then is beat over the head repeatedly with news of "This storm is going to be really, really, really bad" maybe they'll rethink it before finding themselves under 8 feet of water two days from now. 


A podcast I listen to, The Allusionist, had an episode that addressed.  The host, Helen Zaltzman, talked with Australian meteorologist Nate Byrne about weather warnings.  




But then in order to sometimes make people actually do something, you have to also balance that with a little bit of emotional talk and impress on them how dangerous this actually could be, potentially; because otherwise, big tough Aussies... They have cyclone parties. They have friends round and have beers for the eye wall coming through.

 ...And that's the other thing you really want to avoid doing is overstating what's going to happen: because if you say something big is going to happen and people prepare for it and then nothing does happen, then you've done a world of damage, because they won't necessarily listen next time. But then equally, one of things that I find most challenging is when we say, “Hey, there's going to be some really big flood waters” - for example - “make sure you prepare yourself.” And the town sandbags and makes all the preparations; the system comes through; the flood happens; but because they prepared so well they're unaffected - which is exactly what you want. And then afterwards you see a lot of commentary of, “Oh well it wasn't even anything; why did we bother?” Well, no - you bothered, which meant it wasn't anything - that was a good thing.


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Maybe I'm an odd one but I prefer bananas still yellow with a tiny bit of green remaining so I usually buy them one at a time to not chance them getting mushy. Oh, and while I like very fresh bananas of that description, I dislike anything banana flavored including banana splits and bananas Foster.

I like my bananas with some green too. And I don't like to bake (ie, I am a terrible baker) so I don't want any brown. My mother has a deep aversion to bananas--she hates them! Once, I was eating one at a family gathering (I had to buy it with a bare bagel at DD because I knew the party--a pig roast--would have no food for me all day)--and I'd waited until my mom had gone to car to get something before I did. Well, she got back before I was done and told my sister she couldn't go near me as long as I had "that thing." Hahahhahaa, "that thing"! I laughed (through my escalating hunger) all day at that. 

And I am like you but with peaches: real peaches, yes; things designed to taste like peaches, nope.


Speaking of cashiers....dear sir or madam, please focus on the job at hand!  You can find out about Pookie and 'nem during lunch, stop talking to your co-worker whilst charging up my bill!  And then they get the nerve to get pissed when I ask the co-worker to scram until they are done ringing me up.

Oh my goodness, one time, my cashier was having a conversation and gesturing with her right hand, which was holding my change and the one further from me. I just could not get her damn attention and I wanted to leave, so I had to (though my BF at the time would argue that there was no "have to" involved) sort of half-hoist myself onto the counter and snatch it myself!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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^^^ that's what happened during Katrina. Years and years of warnings when nothing happened so current warnings were ignored until it was too late. The same thing happens during wildfires - people stay, thinking they can save their homes with a garden hose. It not only puts adult residents at risk, it puts the first responders at risk, it puts kids at risk and it puts helpless animals at risk.

I was talking with coworkers about this today - if every expert is telling me a massive hurricane is most likely coming my way I'm packing my crap, getting my cats and leaving town. Every single time. There's a miniscule chance that it will turn and impact Atlanta to some extent. I already have a full tank of gas and will be hitting the grocery store tomorrow. Just.In.Case.

I already know I'll be completely distraught when the calls start coming in for rescues and when animals are left behind to fend for themselves because their hoomans were selfish and didn't leave with enough time to take them with them and had to bug out instead.

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11 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

My mother has a deep aversion to bananas--she hates them!

As do I.  The taste, the smell -- I do not want them anywhere near me.  Imagine my displeasure when my mom, just starting to have the tiniest bit of an appetite when she was so sick this spring, asked me to make banana bread out of the nasty-ass bananas on the counter.  Like the green ones don't stink enough, now I've got to mash up these over-ripe things?  (I'd have made my dad do it, but I inherited my banana hatred from him, and he'd have probably puked.)

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40 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

I already know I'll be completely distraught when the calls start coming in for rescues and when animals are left behind to fend for themselves because their hoomans were selfish and didn't leave with enough time to take them with them and had to bug out instead.

I have neighbors who left and didn’t take their cat. They left it with a huge bowl of dry food. They did give a spare key (for emergency use) to another neighbor who asked if they minded if he checked on the cat. He plans to do it every day and feed it some wet food. I don’t understand how people can leave their pets. 

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44 minutes ago, Bastet said:

As do I.  The taste, the smell -- I do not want them anywhere near me.  Imagine my displeasure when my mom, just starting to have the tiniest bit of an appetite when she was so sick this spring, asked me to make banana bread out of the nasty-ass bananas on the counter.  Like the green ones don't stink enough, now I've got to mash up these over-ripe things?  (I'd have made my dad do it, but I inherited my banana hatred from him, and he'd have probably puked.)

I also hate bananas; I hate the smell, the texture, the taste, everything about them. A few times people have given me banana nut bread*, and it takes all my self-control to smile and thank them without gagging at the thought of trying to eat that stuff. I try to keep a few on hand for my mother and my grandson, but I'm sticking to the miniature bananas. At least if they go bad before all of them have been eaten, there's a lot less mess to deal with. I'm still amused by the fact that my first serious BF also hated them, to the point that when he was a toddler and his parents took him to visit the grandparents, his grandmother would place a banana in places where she didn't want him to go. So, there would be a banana in the china cabinet to ward off him getting into it to play with the china and crystal. 

* Related pet peeve: People who give food items as gifts without bothering to find out if the recipient actually likes that particular food item. Not everybody likes banana bread. Some people are allergic to chocolate and/or nuts. It just bugs me that people assume that everybody will love food ABC and then give it as gifts, resulting in the recipients who don't like it having to figure out what the hell to do with it. Whenever I get something like that, it always reminds me of an Agatha Christie mystery, where one of the characters (possibly the murder victim?) is described as being the type of person who will give any new neighbors/friends/etc. caraway seed cake, despite the fact that a lot of people can't stand the taste of it. I just feel that if you are going to give someone a gift, you should either know them well enough to know their likes/dislikes or else ask someone who would know if the proposed gift would be a good choice. 

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6 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

I have a few this morning:

1) A Starbucks close to my home recently moved a couple blocks down from their original location. Of course the new store is more modernized. Yesterday, I went through the drive-thru and I got the scare of my life. Instead of talking into a blank screen or a box, the barista's face covers the whole screen as they talk to you via webcam. The mic level was way too loud so all I saw was this giant head screaming "Welcome to Starbucks, how can I help you today?"  It was quite jarring and I hope this is not the wave of the future with other drive-thrus. I'll take the old-fashioned box any day over that.

4) I can't stand the media's coverage of Flo. Yes, its a frightening storm,even to hurricane veterans. I am nervous for everyone in the Carolinas. However, referring to it as "Monster Storm Flo" does nothing but illicit panic and chaos. I miss the old days when they just reported the weather and gave hurricane prep tips. Now it's all "RUN FOR YOUR LIFE". Yes, the people who live in evacuation zones should evacuate, and yes, damage is going to happen.  I just don't see the point in all the scare tactics that will cause more death and injury due to everyone being in a panic-driven excited state.


1) I'm cracking up! I can't imagine driving up and seeing someone's huge face pop up and ask me what I want. That defeats part of the purpose of the drive-thru--minimal human interaction!

4) I was looking at the Weather Channel online and they had a video clip of people in a Durham, NC, Walmart clamoring for supplies. It was standing room only in the middle of the store, like the early days of Black Friday when a security guard was trampled to death at a Walmart. Horrifying. They're in Durham, not Wilmington. Calm down. Yes, you're going to get heavy rain and wind. It's not going to be armageddon. Do you not have any batteries or candles? What do you normally do when the power goes out? People in NC act like it's the end of the world every time it snows, so where are those supplies they bought then?

My mother says this about people making a mass run on bottled and jugged water before a storm: "The water in your pipes is good NOW. Fill up everything you have now before the storm. You don't have to buy water!" My apartment leasing office sent an unusually helpful email with tips, including filling up the bathtub with water.

I suppose I've been fortunate because the longest I've ever been without power in my entire 43 years of life in the northern and southern Piedmont regions of North Carolina is six days. There was a terrible ice storm in 2003. The ice melted long before the power was restored. Fortunately, I had a gas water heater at the time, so I was able to have hot showers and baths, and I ate dinner in the bathtub a couple times. It got down to 59 degrees in my apartment, which is cold, but not horrific. I had my two late cats at the time, and when we went to bed, they got under the blankets with me and we were all warm and toasty. I had to go to work so I was able to buy meals at stores downtown daily.

40 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I have neighbors who left and didn’t take their cat. They left it with a huge bowl of dry food. They did give a spare key (for emergency use) to another neighbor who asked if they minded if he checked on the cat. He plans to do it every day and feed it some wet food. I don’t understand how people can leave their pets. 


I would crawl through fire to save my cats. I will never, ever understand people who leave their animals. Ever.

11 minutes ago, BookWoman56 said:

I also hate bananas; I hate the smell, the texture, the taste, everything about them. A few times people have given me banana nut bread*, and it takes all my self-control to smile and thank them without gagging at the thought of trying to eat that stuff. I try to keep a few on hand for my mother and my grandson, but I'm sticking to the miniature bananas. At least if they go bad before all of them have been eaten, there's a lot less mess to deal with. I'm still amused by the fact that my first serious BF also hated them, to the point that when he was a toddler and his parents took him to visit the grandparents, his grandmother would place a banana in places where she didn't want him to go. So, there would be a banana in the china cabinet to ward off him getting into it to play with the china and crystal. 


This is one of the funniest things I've ever heard!

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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

I have neighbors who left and didn’t take their cat. They left it with a huge bowl of dry food. They did give a spare key (for emergency use) to another neighbor who asked if they minded if he checked on the cat. He plans to do it every day and feed it some wet food. I don’t understand how people can leave their pets. 

That is horrible. If it came to it, I'd get to safety and stay in my car if I had to--with my cats!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

I have neighbors who left and didn’t take their cat. They left it with a huge bowl of dry food. They did give a spare key (for emergency use) to another neighbor who asked if they minded if he checked on the cat. He plans to do it every day and feed it some wet food. I don’t understand how people can leave their pets. 

What the hell?? I hope one of you is going to take it in!!!!!!!!!!! That's horrible!

There were so many stories of pets left behind during Katrina, that drowned alone in their homes, animals locked in the bathroom for "safety" that died a horrific, terrifying, lonely death.

Edited by theredhead77
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On 9/8/2018 at 9:52 AM, Blergh said:

My pet peeve here is hearing folks  over three refer to [bananas] as 'nannies'! They're fruits NOT goats!

That's a thing?  Yuck.

I refuse to patronize a restaurant that has "sammich" on the menu.  I think I've broken down and gone to one that had "sammies," but I'm sure I had no other choice at the time.

And the incredibly obnoxious $7.5 pricing.  Just put that fucking zero on there and be normal.


7 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

4) I can't stand the media's coverage of Flo.

So what is the deal with having sign language interpreters doing their thing during official announcements?  Who is the audience for that?  Any deaf people watching on TV will have their captions on.  Sure, captions aren't perfect, but even if they're not perfect they'll undoubtedly give the general drift, and there are multiple ways to get more information if it's desired.

Or maybe the sign language interpreters union is the only one left that hasn't been busted up.

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7 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

So what is the deal with having sign language interpreters doing their thing during official announcements?  Who is the audience for that?  Any deaf people watching on TV will have their captions on.  Sure, captions aren't perfect, but even if they're not perfect they'll undoubtedly give the general drift, and there are multiple ways to get more information if it's desired

Deaf people may be watching news not at home. They could be at work, at a Dr. Office, at a bar, etc... not all TVs have captions on. 

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1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

So what is the deal with having sign language interpreters doing their thing during official announcements?  Who is the audience for that?  Any deaf people watching on TV will have their captions on.  Sure, captions aren't perfect, but even if they're not perfect they'll undoubtedly give the general drift, and there are multiple ways to get more information if it's desired.

Or maybe the sign language interpreters union is the only one left that hasn't been busted up.

I don't know the exact numbers, but the rate of illiteracy is higher among Deaf people, closed captioning might not cut it when info has to get across.

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I love my iPhone SE, it's the first cell phone I've loved since my Nokia flip phone (which had the best battery life ever!).  Now I hear Apple is discontinuing it.  If in the future you see a woman all dressed in black, veil included, holding a phone while crying, that will be me because my SE finally bit the dust.  Damn you Apple!  

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6 hours ago, BookWoman56 said:

Whenever I get something like that, it always reminds me of an Agatha Christie mystery, where one of the characters (possibly the murder victim?) is described as being the type of person who will give any new neighbors/friends/etc. caraway seed cake, despite the fact that a lot of people can't stand the taste of it. I just feel that if you are going to give someone a gift, you should either know them well enough to know their likes/dislikes or else ask someone who would know if the proposed gift would be a good choice. 

The girl in the shoe store who wants to sell you patent leather because that's what she has, and she pays no attention to the fact that you want brown calf. I can't tell you what book it's in off the top of my head, though.

@theredhead77, the best explanation I've seen for that is that most actual Mexican restaurants are not nationwide. Certainly most of the really good ones I've been in aren't chains at all. That's the only explanation I can find. And now I'm singing "I'm on the top of the world looking down on creation." Great.

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And the food at both kinds of restaurants (authentic Mexican and Taco Bell) give you diarrhea...?

I got nothing.

Now I want Mexican food, delicate gastrointestinal system be damned.

Edited by bilgistic
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15 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

What the hell?? I hope one of you is going to take it in!!!!!!!!!!! That's horrible!

There were so many stories of pets left behind during Katrina, that drowned alone in their homes, animals locked in the bathroom for "safety" that died a horrific, terrifying, lonely death.


The cat will be taken in by him. It will save him having to go out in bad rain and wind to check on him.  He also has taken in another kitty from someone who was evacuating to her sons because that house has 3 Rottweilers. No animals will be left alone or to die in my neighborhood and we are a bunch a staunch animal advocates. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
Wind not win.
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8 hours ago, auntlada said:


@theredhead77, the best explanation I've seen for that is that most actual Mexican restaurants are not nationwide. Certainly most of the really good ones I've been in aren't chains at all. That's the only explanation I can find. And now I'm singing "I'm on the top of the world looking down on creation." Great.

It's not even that they are stating Taco Bell is the best Mexican restaurant in the article but it's the best fast food Mexican restaurant (which I'll disagree with because I hate Taco Bell but still, ok, sure, best Mexican fast food). Here in hell (I mean GA) the best Mexican food I've had so far has been from Del Taco. That headline though!

9 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

The cat will be taken in by him. It will save him having to go out in bad rain and win to check on him.  He also has taken in another kitty from someone who was evacuating to her sons because that house has 3 Rottweilers. No animals will be left alone or to die in my neighborhood and we are a bunch a staunch animal advocates. 

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be safe!!!!

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I like Taco Bell. I actually kind of miss it. As for authentic, I know it's not but there is something about it that I find fairly similar to real Mexican street food. 

Peeve: my BF sleepwalks sometimes. Last night, he got up and went upstairs, took the vacuum (a somewhat heavy older Dyson that I'd really like not to take a tumble, or take him with it if it does) of the closet, and brought it back downstairs. Then he made some ruckus in the kitchen. All of this at 3:48 a.m. I know because I saw the clock in the living room, where I was sleeping because I knew he'd be snoring and restless as he has been for days and days. And 3:48 was the end of sleeping for me. It's so nice to have no sleep followed by a 90-minute commute to a job at which you are responsible for tedious fact-checking and error-finding while staring at two monitors all day. He needs to start understanding that he does not settle down if he smokes weed; he becomes a worse sleeper and it affects others. Also, I am scared that during his sleepwalking (which is fairly rare, at least), he will open the door to our balcony and our cats will go out there. I'm so tired and I hate venting about a person I do love.

And also, I am sorry if this not a fun or funny peeve! I like the funny ones.

OK, ETA: I did actually just laugh out loud because I just though, "What if he'd actually started vacuuming?"

Edited by TattleTeeny
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