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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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14 hours ago, BlueSkies said:

Well at least it wasn't Dan Hurley then.

Nope not him, you're free to like him, at least as far as I'm concerned.  🙂

It's just weird to me that this guy who asked me, a skinny little girl, in the seventh grade if she had AIDS, and used to always croak my last name in high school because he thought it was funny now has his own wiki page.  He does have male pattern baldness and has lost most of his hair, so there's that at least.

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It would be nice if all school bullies became obscure, miserable failures, and all the introverts became enviable successes... unfortunately, life isn't like that. Hell, a classmate of mine who was mean to me in middle school became a pro football player with his own Wikipedia page. Oh, well.

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39 minutes ago, partofme said:

Nope not him, you're free to like him, at least as far as I'm concerned.  🙂

It's just weird to me that this guy who asked me, a skinny little girl, in the seventh grade if she had AIDS, and used to always croak my last name in high school because he thought it was funny now has his own wiki page.  He does have male pattern baldness and has lost most of his hair, so there's that at least.

Children can really just be little demons 

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20 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

I would've *loved* wearing a uniform each day, especially in high school. No need to worry if I'd already worn something earlier in the week & might mistakenly wear it again. And, of course, on Thursdays you had to be very careful not to wear two colors or kids would accuse you of being "different".  Teens need to focus on learning, not clothes, while in school. It would also be a lot easier on students who couldn't afford the latest fashions. I always envied the kids waiting for the bus to the Catholic h.s., wearing their smart looking uniforms.

Can you please explain what you mean by wearing two colors on Thursdays?  I've never heard of this...

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1 hour ago, Miss Bones said:

Can you please explain what you mean by wearing two colors on Thursdays?  I've never heard of this...

My husband hadn't either (he's from MI). I grew up in the mid-Hudson Valley and if you wore pink &/or green on Thursdays (in h.s.), kids would say you were "different". This was back in the late 60's, early 70's. 

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2 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

My husband hadn't either (he's from MI). I grew up in the mid-Hudson Valley and if you wore pink &/or green on Thursdays (in h.s.), kids would say you were "different". This was back in the late 60's, early 70's. 

I'm from RI, and I had no idea!  However, I just remembered my BFF--who happens to be gay--used to wear a pink and green polo shirt in high school.  I will have to ask him if he knows about this!  

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1 minute ago, Miss Bones said:

I'm from RI, and I had no idea!  However, I just remembered my BFF--who happens to be gay--used to wear a pink and green polo shirt in high school.  I will have to ask him if he knows about this!  

Kids can be evil. But we had several gay teachers, & a female Phys Ed teacher who was thought to be bi. She was married but a student was always hanging around in her office. The teacher suddenly went to work for another school district and several years later got divorced & married the one time student. 

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"Diet culture" including but not limited to:

  • Pushing advice stemming from disordered eating
  • Promoting restrictive diets as the best or only way to live
  • Feeling obligated to justify or defend enjoying snacks or fast food
  • Boasting about never eating "junk food" as a point of pride
  • Making others feel bad for their food choices
  • Making others feel bad for their portion sizes
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56 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

"Diet culture" including but not limited to:

  • Pushing advice stemming from disordered eating
  • Promoting restrictive diets as the best or only way to live
  • Feeling obligated to justify or defend enjoying snacks or fast food
  • Boasting about never eating "junk food" as a point of pride
  • Making others feel bad for their food choices
  • Making others feel bad for their portion sizes

That's not necessarily "diet culture."  Save for, perhaps, restrictive eating.  I've been told to "live a little" because I eat very little sugary/ultra-processed foods.  WTF?  I eat how I eat.  I'm shamed by some who think I'm "dieting."  

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2 hours ago, PRgal said:

I've been told to "live a little" because I eat very little sugary/ultra-processed foods.  WTF?  I eat how I eat.  I'm shamed by some who think I'm "dieting."  

It’s none of my business how anyone else eats, and none of theirs how I choose to eat (or how many days I choose not to eat). 

Edited by Caoimhe
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I didn't know where to put this, but my dishwasher, for the past two months, smells like cheap spaghetti sauce. I've run those Cascade Platinum dishwasher cleaners in it. The stench is gone for a day or two. Then it returns. I'm not even making meals that have sauce. Anyone else experienced this? What should I do?

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37 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

I didn't know where to put this, but my dishwasher, for the past two months, smells like cheap spaghetti sauce. I've run those Cascade Platinum dishwasher cleaners in it. The stench is gone for a day or two. Then it returns. I'm not even making meals that have sauce. Anyone else experienced this? What should I do?

Have you cleaned the filter (which I recently learned via Instagram is a thing you should do)? Your instruction book (or online search of the model) should have the way to do it. 

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17 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

Have you cleaned the filter (which I recently learned via Instagram is a thing you should do)? Your instruction book (or online search of the model) should have the way to do it. 

Thanks. I'll look this up right now.

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4 hours ago, Browncoat said:

Minor, but painful peeve today -- splinters, especially when they're under my fingernail. 

When I was about 10 we had this wooden dresser like thing in our basement I thought it was a clever idea to attach a mini indoor basketball nurf sort of hoop too.  


In trying to go up for a rebound on it a splinter got under neath my fingernail in my thumb.  My dad had to take me to the ER to get my fingernail cut open to have it removed.  I wore like a huge band aid on it for several weeks until the fingernail grew back 

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16 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

I didn't know where to put this, but my dishwasher, for the past two months, smells like cheap spaghetti sauce. I've run those Cascade Platinum dishwasher cleaners in it. The stench is gone for a day or two. Then it returns. I'm not even making meals that have sauce. Anyone else experienced this? What should I do?


You can ask a question or search for similar problems.


Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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To edit the above - 

Site runs on user contributions.  ^^This is the site where I learned that I got wholly ripped off (at least I'm 90% certain of it) by a repair tech, who charged me $200+ to replace the electronic console on my dishwasher. When the same glitch happened a year or so later, I went to ^this site only to find out that it probably just needed a reboot. I reset the breaker and voila! Fixed. I was POd, but it was a valuable leson, teaching me to do even a minimal amount of homework before picking up the phone and laying out money.

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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On 7/15/2023 at 4:52 PM, Laura Holt said:

In the "don't believe everything you see" department - some of my younger friends and family have been sharing a meme showing what is claimed to be a 1980s housewife with a full grocery cart and the caption says something along the lines of "1980s housewife with $20 worth of groceries going back to her house that cost $15,000".   

Um, no.  Just no.

I totally get that prices are insane right now for groceries and for houses but someone is not doing their homework if they think this is genuine.

I'm sure I've made this statement here or somewhere around here previously:

I LOATHE meme-math. Meaning when somebody wants to make a point, uses some neat pictures and numbers that are catchy, but are an absolute crock of shit.

I'd give a couple of examples of ones that drove me crazy, but they're typically a way to "prove" that your fanatical political belief system is right and everybody else's is wrong. 

Hate meme-math with all of my soul.

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I wish I could find a hummingbird feeder that I not only like, but that is fillable from the top. It would be so much easier to just top it off between cleanings instead of carrying it through the house and dumping it, refilling it, and then trying not to splash sugar water around on my way back out. I’ve taken to carrying them on a baking sheet, waitress style, but I still want a top-loader that meets the rest of my criteria! 

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I am so aggravated right now!  Most people/places I do not give my cell phone number to, because they're so unlikely to heed my instruction to use my home phone unless I specify the cell phone because I only use it in very limited circumstances.  So they only have the one number, no chance of ignoring the note and calling the cell. 

But the specialty hospital my cat was in three years ago has it, because that was back when I had to talk to the vet from the parking lot due to COVID.  Now she needs to see a specialist there again, and I don't have an appointment until next week (I made it early last week, mind you), so they're supposed to call me if anything opens up sooner.  I reiterated to call the home phone.  So what did I just find when my cell beeped at me it needs charging?  A text from Sunday asking me if I want an appointment for Wednesday.  Why, yes, assholes, that would have been very much appreciated since my cat feels like shit, and had you done what I told you to do I'd have jumped on it.  Since you didn't, I didn't know anything about it, and it went to the next person on the waiting list.

I called and told them to take the damn cell phone off my record altogether -- AND to make a note to call, not text, the home phone, so they don't do like the idiots in my dentist's office who cannot get it through their thick skulls that you can't text a landline.

I don't have any problem with, things being how they are today, using a cell phone as the default means of communication.  I do have a problem with ignoring a specific instruction to please make a note to do it differently in my case.  (And there's room in the field to add something to the phone number, since the person I talked with assured me they'd just typed in all caps DO NOT TEXT next to my home phone number.  So USE THIS ONE would have fit.)

Edited by Bastet
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7 minutes ago, Bastet said:

I am so aggravated right now!  Most people/places I do not give my cell phone number to, because they're so unlikely to heed my instruction to use my home phone unless I specify the cell phone because I only use it in very limited circumstances.  So they only have the one number, no chance of ignoring the note and calling the cell. 

You just can’t win with phone numbers, right?  When I had a new washer delivered from a big box store, they had both my numbers in the paperwork, and I emphasized call my cell when you’re on the way - my work is 10 minutes away and there was a reason I can’t remember now, but I wanted to be sure to be there. Well, my college age daughter happened to be home, and called me to say the washer guys are here, I let them in, that’s okay, right? By the time I got there they were almost done and I didn’t get a chance to check whatever it was I was concerned about.  Then I saw I had a message that they’re on the way on my landline answering machine (shut up) from about two minutes before they arrived. Okay, how was that supposed to help??

tl/dr I feel your pain. Hope your kitty is doing okay. 

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1 hour ago, Spartan Girl said:

Why the fuck are so many ads covering this site now?! It makes it harder to scroll through when you suddenly have a full sized ad blocking everything! 

Especially header ads. I often view the boards on my phone and it’s doubly annoying.  Especially videos. 

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This isn't really something I've personally encountered too much in my life, but I was watching an episode of Friends, and just because someone mentions that they served in the Gulf War, Chandler had to thank him for that, and this is a huge peeve of mine, I will never, ever thank anyone for their military service.  I didn't ask you to sign up, I don't see why I need to thank you.

I do realize that for some signing up is the only way out of poverty and I empathize with that, but I will never thank anyone for doing it, I don't see why people who've served are placed on a pedestal.

Edited by partofme
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49 minutes ago, partofme said:

This isn't really something I've personally encountered too much in my life, but I was watching an episode of Friends, and just because someone mentions that they served in the Gulf War, Chandler had to thank him for that, and this is a huge peeve of mine, I will never, ever thank anyone for their military service.  I didn't ask you to sign up, I don't see why I need to thank you.

I do realize that for some signing up is the only way out of poverty and I empathize with that, but I will never thank anyone for doing it, I don't see why people who've served are placed on a pedestal.

It's about sacrificing/risking their lives.  I've also heard that, in the US, at least, recruiters are having trouble finding young people since so many kids are obese.


Peeve:  Instagram is down on phones.

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21 minutes ago, PRgal said:

It's about sacrificing/risking their lives.  

I don't want to get political so I won't say much more, but I didn't ask them to risk their life and will never thank them for doing so. 

21 minutes ago, PRgal said:

I've also heard that, in the US, at least, recruiters are having trouble finding young people since so many kids are obese.


I don't have much sympathy for the recruiters, they're taking advantage of poor people so if they can't find anyone to recruit, I'm not complaining.

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41 minutes ago, partofme said:

I don't want to get political so I won't say much more, but I didn't ask them to risk their life and will never thank them for doing so. 

I don't have much sympathy for the recruiters, they're taking advantage of poor people so if they can't find anyone to recruit, I'm not complaining.

My son wanted to follow in his grandfather's footsteps and join the Air Force but he graduated in 2004. So he didn't.

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4 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

My son wanted to follow in his grandfather's footsteps and join the Air Force but he graduated in 2004. So he didn't.

I'm glad your son is safe, thank goodness he didn't graduate a few years earlier.  I knew a girl in college who was in ROTC to pay for college, she was a nice girl, this was pre 9/11 and I've always wondered if she was done with ROTC in time to not get stuck getting sent to the middle east.

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50 minutes ago, partofme said:

I don't have much sympathy for the recruiters, they're taking advantage of poor people so if they can't find anyone to recruit, I'm not complaining.

We had recruiters come to my high school when I was in grade 10 - things may have changed but back then you only needed grade 10 to join.  They painted a rosy picture of military life.  Luckily I come from a family with a lot of military - non-coms as well as officers so no way was I buying their con job!

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Reminder to everybody, the big blue note at the top of this topic states that people are allowed to express their peeves here without having to defend them, regardless of how much you feel differently.

The topic is NOT to be used to say you are peeved by another user or another user's peeves. 

If you believe that somebody posted a peeve that violates the site rules, such as being uncivil, political, or our inclusion policy, please report the post and do not engage with a response. 

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3 hours ago, partofme said:

I don't have much sympathy for the recruiters, they're taking advantage of poor people so if they can't find anyone to recruit, I'm not complaining.

Yeah, I take a pretty dim view of the military in general, and its recruiting tactics - especially in high schools - are one of the reasons why.

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15 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Yeah, I take a pretty dim view of the military in general, and its recruiting tactics - especially in high schools - are one of the reasons why.

My son talked to some recruiters when they came to his high school and they started calling the house constantly. It was surreal.

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7 hours ago, partofme said:

This isn't really something I've personally encountered too much in my life, but I was watching an episode of Friends, and just because someone mentions that they served in the Gulf War, Chandler had to thank him for that, and this is a huge peeve of mine, I will never, ever thank anyone for their military service.  I didn't ask you to sign up, I don't see why I need to thank you.

I do realize that for some signing up is the only way out of poverty and I empathize with that, but I will never thank anyone for doing it, I don't see why people who've served are placed on a pedestal.

It really bugs me too, especially because at this point I think it's become a rote, meaningless phrase to a lot of people.  It's like there's an expectation to say that to any veterans without really thinking about why you're thanking them.

The Magnum PI reboot actually had a good scene addressing this (IMO).  One of the characters is turned down for a business loan because he doesn't have enough collateral after being in the Marines for several years.  But as he tells a friend "At least he [the loan officer] thanked me for my service, so there's that."  If the loan officer really wanted to show some appreciation for Rick's service he would have tried harder to get him a loan.

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3 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

My son talked to some recruiters when they came to his high school and they started calling the house constantly. It was surreal.

This happened to the nephew of an in-law. I'm not sure what they promised him, but he saw it as the only way out of a horrible home life. He was being parentified and didn't want to spend the rest of his life being his brother's and mother's keeper. No doubt the recruiters exploited the situation, though truthfully it wouldn't have taken much. He requested to serve overseas and preferred Afghanistan to home. He still serves out of the country and as far as I know has no plans to ever return.


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I kind of have to agree a little while with Tony there.


The one big drawback of mental health I have is I feel there’s a sort of patholgizing aspect to it.  Tony isn’t exactly a good guy but this doctor kind of gives off douche bag vibes as well 

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Delivery people who don't bother to read the directions. My house sits back further from the street than my neighbors and there's a hedge at the sidewalk, which makes the house hard to find. So I always include very clear directions when I order take out. Like, the house sits back from the street and is easy to miss. If you turn onto my street from X St, the house is 5 houses up and on your right. If you come from Y St., the house is  3 houses in on your left. I had to text the driver because she drove past the house 3 times, and I ended up going into the street to signal her. I pointed out--twice--that I included directions with the order. "I never saw this house!" Yeah. That's why I include directions. Idiot. I've seen a couple drive by and back up but never someone who completely ignored everything I said when I was texting her because she kept driving past and kept driving past.

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On 7/19/2023 at 12:28 PM, partofme said:

I didn't ask you to sign up, I don't see why I need to thank you.

I feel the same way about police and firefighters.  Last time I checked, they get paid, and nobody forced them to go into that profession.  Yes, it's dangerous, but so is working in a slaughterhouse or a cobalt mine and nobody thanks them

Wouldn't it be interesting if we could put all jobs up for auction.  I imagine the pay scales would look very different.  Garbagemen would finally be making the money they deserve.

On 7/19/2023 at 4:50 PM, Bastet said:

Yeah, I take a pretty dim view of the military in general, and its recruiting tactics - especially in high schools - are one of the reasons why.

I wish we had mandatory military service for everyone.  Maybe branch it out a little so not everyone is turned into a killing machine, but it sure would be nice to have a "we're all in this together" experience, rubbing shoulders with all sorts of people, AND we'd have parents with voices whose children are put in harm's way if there's a war.

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2 hours ago, ABay said:

Delivery people who don't bother to read the directions. My house sits back further from the street than my neighbors and there's a hedge at the sidewalk, which makes the house hard to find. So I always include very clear directions when I order take out. Like, the house sits back from the street and is easy to miss. If you turn onto my street from X St, the house is 5 houses up and on your right. If you come from Y St., the house is  3 houses in on your left. I had to text the driver because she drove past the house 3 times, and I ended up going into the street to signal her. I pointed out--twice--that I included directions with the order. "I never saw this house!" Yeah. That's why I include directions. Idiot. I've seen a couple drive by and back up but never someone who completely ignored everything I said when I was texting her because she kept driving past and kept driving past.

This happened a few times.  And once, my groceries ended up at a building five blocks away (after speaking with a live person at Instacart).  I realize I live in a complex but I also give very detailed instructions.  And as I’ve said before, lately, my shoppers have not bothered to read notes about looking for expiry dates furthest away.  

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For an organization I belong to I was asked to change the PO Box.  Seems simple enough, log onto USPS.com and take care of business.


I have been at for an hour trying to update this thing before running into every possible problem with that antiquated website.  Credit Card numbers dont match, things don't save, it doesn't save information.  


Long story short this website sucks balls.  Looks like I'm going to have to do this in person.  

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this is probably more than a pet peeve, but I don't like it when people let their kids, and for this I'll define kids as those under 15, to the pool by themselves.  Sometimes it's kids as young as 9 or 10.  I'll be the only adult there and wonder if people think I'm watching their kids.  I'm not.

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3 hours ago, Katy M said:

this is probably more than a pet peeve, but I don't like it when people let their kids, and for this I'll define kids as those under 15, to the pool by themselves.  Sometimes it's kids as young as 9 or 10.  I'll be the only adult there and wonder if people think I'm watching their kids.  I'm not.

There's no life guard there?   

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10 hours ago, PRgal said:

There's no life guard there?   

No.  But, IMO, you're responsible for your own kids and shouldn't let them go  alone to the pool even with a lifeguard.

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54 minutes ago, Katy M said:

No.  But, IMO, you're responsible for your own kids and shouldn't let them go  alone to the pool even with a lifeguard.

So much this. As an adult I would of course save your kid, but don't assume I am watching them as a life guard would.  Also, if I'm supposedly watching your kid, don't get angry if I show them how to behave as in where the trash receptacle is. I'm always polite about it.

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