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Whitney Thore: So She Thinks She Can Dance

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On 8/2/2018 at 10:05 AM, Emma C said:

I lift weights consistently, and I can say that for a normal woman (i.e. not using steroids), it takes a LOT of work to build significant muscle. Doing Crossfit once a week is not going to cut it.

Agree- Crossfit once a week is not enough. She also has WAY too much body fat to look remotely cut or toned or muscular. She could have tons of muscle, but you will never see it.  Women who look ripped have very low body fat. 

It took me about a year of 5X a week crossfit to achieve a 2X bodyweight deadlift, 1.5 bodyweight squat, 5 strict pull ups, body weight clean. And I started out in pretty good shape. And I mean literally 5X a week. I never missed the gym. I would take one week off a year and that was when I was on vacation. LOL. No de load, maybe the most I would miss would be 3 days in a row if I went out of town for a long weekend, or if the gym was closed on a Monday for a holiday. ( I always took Sat/Sunday off lifting). And I still suck at most things crossfit. LOL!

 If I did only once a week I probably would not have improved much at all. 

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Ok, I'm just gunna throw this question out here. I was thinking about this the other day.

Is it possible that Twitney's in-your-face attitude about fat is her way of rebelling against her mother the model? 

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I think a great deal of Whitney's issues with both her parents is because she so closely resembles her mother, at least before she packed on the weight.  Rebelling against her mother the model fits in as one of the reasons.  Teasing her poor father with inappropriate physical contact is another.

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I think a great deal of Whitney's issues with both her parents is because she so closely resembles her mother

I agree with your assessment. Furthermore, Whitney wasn't as pretty as her mother at the same age so if she couldn't be more attractive than Babs she could distinguish herself in another way. Not saying she set out to become morbidly obese but that there was no reason to stay fit.

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1 hour ago, Colleenna said:

@cherenkov... re Twitney's "trainer".... I'd like to know from what organization her trainer got certified. Some orgs are better than others. But I don't Instagram so I can't ask....

Will Powell, who owns the gym, is a certified Crossfit trainer, of some renown, apparently. His daughter, Jessica, is not certifed, at least not the last time anyone commented that they had gone to the Fitness Zone website. Jessica is the trainer who mostly supervises Twit & Daddy these days.

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10 hours ago, Dot said:

Will Powell, who owns the gym, is a certified Crossfit trainer, of some renown, apparently. His daughter, Jessica, is not certifed, at least not the last time anyone commented that they had gone to the Fitness Zone website. Jessica is the trainer who mostly supervises Twit & Daddy these days.

Sorry, but the "gold standard" for certification of personal trainers is NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) or ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine). I wouldn't even consider Jessica a trainer. I used to be a trainer (NASM and Aquatic Exercise Association certified). 

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11 hours ago, Dot said:

Will Powell, who owns the gym, is a certified Crossfit trainer, of some renown, apparently. His daughter, Jessica, is not certifed, at least not the last time anyone commented that they had gone to the Fitness Zone website. Jessica is the trainer who mostly supervises Twit & Daddy these days.

Well that explains why Shitney's workout videos on Instagram are always so WTF.

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Certified or not I’m going to give the trainers the benefit of the doubt. Even the best trainer can’t make someone do something right and we all know Whitney listens to no one. I guarantee she doesn’t what she wants no matter what she’s told. And imagine the lawsuit if they tell her not to come anymore. 

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3 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

Certified or not I’m going to give the trainers the benefit of the doubt. Even the best trainer can’t make someone do something right and we all know Whitney listens to no one. I guarantee she doesn’t what she wants no matter what she’s told. And imagine the lawsuit if they tell her not to come anymore. 

And the lawsuit if she injures herself with her shitty form.  

But most gyms make you sign a waiver of liability,  so they may be safe.  

Although no one is  safe from her bellowing, blubbering, and histrionics if she hurts herself. ..for example,  see Hawaii Walk for unsurpassed drama and passive agressiveness towards her dad.  

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So that brief and now deleted instagram video of Whitney whining and complaining as she samples a rock climbing wall, giving up and letting go before she made it  -  what? five feet off the ground? - gave me another idea for a Whitney action adventure. Let's see Ms. "I Can Do Anything - Weight Is Irrelevant,"* A/K/A Ms. "Professional Dancer" take on pole dancing.   The routine shown in the link might be too classy for her, but I'm sure she could take it back to the raunchy side. Just imagine the dancer in the video doing the whole thing with her tongue hanging out. 


*except skiing, walking 8K, climbing into a truck, riding a bike, getting low, attending to her own personal grooming and dressing, . . .

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4 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

. . . five feet off the ground?

You are being generous.  Her feet aren't much more than two feet off the ground.  At that point, I suspect the 10 guys on the top of the wall hoisting her up couldn't go farther.

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I’ll be curious to see if the rock wall makes it into an episode next season. I doubt they got enough footage to make it worth while. I suspect there are many activities that Whitney tries for the show that she just can’t do and they never make the show. Those that do make the cut are the closest to ‘she can do this’ as she gets. Probably explains why the video disappeared. She doesn’t need a reminder that all of those cameras were there but we never saw it on TV

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1 hour ago, Ketzel said:

So that brief and now deleted instagram video of Whitney whining and complaining as she samples a rock climbing wall, giving up and letting go before she made it  -  what? five feet off the ground?


And let us anticipate her TH about failing to climb the wall, beginning with her mantra, "I am not a wussy, but . . .

? I needed to re-tie my shoe laces."

? my plantar fasciitis was killing me."

? I had to pee."

? the harness was rubbing my crotch -- *smirk* -- and not in a good way."

? I had an appointment with my agent."

? Tal had a hot batch of semen waiting for me."

? Daddy wasn't there to encourage me."

? Mommy needed me to hold her soup spoon."

? I had to autograph my book -- my first book  *wink* -- for a fan."

? Ashley asked me to babysit." 

? climbing a wall is a dumb idea anyway."

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16 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

I’ll be curious to see if the rock wall makes it into an episode next season. I doubt they got enough footage to make it worth while. I suspect there are many activities that Whitney tries for the show that she just can’t do and they never make the show. Those that do make the cut are the closest to ‘she can do this’ as she gets. Probably explains why the video disappeared. She doesn’t need a reminder that all of those cameras were there but we never saw it on TV

I wish that they'd show the short clips of her failing at activists set to the theme song from Benny Hill. Her limited ability is like the ghost of Christmas future for me  

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Dear gawd, I ran into a woman at the gym today who OBVIOUSLY subscribes to the Shitney philosophy of personal hygiene. 

Don't get it twisted....I'm used to sweaty, stinky people in the gym. But there's "I'm sweaty and stinky because I just worked out," and there's "I'm sweaty and stinky because I just worked out AND I haven't showered or washed my workout clothes in at least 6 weeks." This was the latter. I have a strong stomach, but I nearly hurled. 

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On 8/18/2018 at 10:41 AM, 3girlsforus said:

I’ll be curious to see if the rock wall makes it into an episode next season. I doubt they got enough footage to make it worth while. I suspect there are many activities that Whitney tries for the show that she just can’t do and they never make the show. Those that do make the cut are the closest to ‘she can do this’ as she gets. Probably explains why the video disappeared. She doesn’t need a reminder that all of those cameras were there but we never saw it on TV

You may be surprised, there are a few things old Twit couldn't do that made the show and as a bonus made her cry



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1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

I just realized that the annual "Coconut Fun Run" was last week in Honolulu.  I'm surprised that Twit didn't go back and do it again to show what great shape she's in after all the gym work this past year.


Right! After all, if the Jiya dance-off was worth a rematch, why not another trip to exciting Hawaii? (Answer: Because TLC wasn't going to pony up the funds knowing how much it would fail yet again and with no possibility of spinning the results in Whit's favor in any way.)

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There was the (catered) southern comfort dinner I recall being variations on heavy carbs, like macaroni and cheese maybe.

She tried to plant some blueberry bushes out back.  Does that count?  LOL

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1 hour ago, Colleenna said:

Totally new thought: Has anyone EVER seen Twit consume a vegetable? Granted, I don't watch the show that much, but I have never seen her eat anything but pasta, pizza, fast food, and ice cream.

Um excuse me perhaps you missed the cake-tasting episode? One of those cakes had carrots in it. 

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When Twit took the AZ choreographer (can't remember his/her name) to the BBQ restaurant, she had a salad. Of,course, it was coated with Ranch dressing, sprinkled with bacon bits & probably mostly pasta (since that's the only salad she has home-delivered), but I did see some green in it.

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Pizza has tomatoes in it. In fact, pizza is the perfect food pyramid food. It's got your bread group, your meat group, your dairy group and your vegetable group. It's so healthy, that you can even eat it when you come home from the hospital after passing out 5 minutes in to a dance marathon. 

Edited by MrHufflepuff
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3 hours ago, Colleenna said:

Totally new thought: Has anyone EVER seen Twit consume a vegetable? Granted, I don't watch the show that much, but I have never seen her eat anything but pasta, pizza, fast food, and ice cream.

I think she has said on the show that the only vegetable she likes is iceberg lettuce. Drowned in ranch. :-X

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Remember the how-well-do-you-know-your-partner trivia game she played with Lenny, Buddy and Heather?  One of the questions was what are your favorite pizza toppings.  She was really pissed that Lenny didn't know, presumably having had many occasions to observe.  What does she order?  I think I remember pepperoni but there were 1 or 2 others.

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48 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

I think she has said on the show that the only vegetable she likes is iceberg lettuce. Drowned in ranch. :-X

Iceberg lettuce is NOT. FOOD.  It has 0 nutritional value. However, this *certainly* explains why she licked the iceberg --- she was expecting ranch dressing. 

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Discussion moved from SM thread:

@princelina, Tal is Twit's poodle. He is totally at her beck-and-call. He is willing to pose in nude photos with her. I have no doubt that she manipulates him into servicing her when she's horny. He is wholly under her spell.

Have you ever seen this B roll MBFFL film? If Twit can manipulate Tal into straddling & kissing her, why would you think he would decline moving in with her?


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Following the ‘how far down the rabbit hole has Tal gone’ conversation from the media thread-

I think Tal has definitely sold out to the Whitney bandwagon for the almighty dollar. Whether that means he really lives with her I’m not sure but I wouldn’t be surprised. Sure a lot of this is fake but when you start posting that you are life partners you have sold out. We know he’s a gay man who prior to this shitshow has had boyfriends, a job, a life - and now he’s willing to say his in a domestic partnership with Whitney and willing to be photographed with her naked (last year) and in other ridiculous circumstances like the “dance party”. He’s sold his soul to Whitney and TLC. To me it doesn’t matter if he’s really living with her or not. He jumped on the Whitney bandwagon full throttle. It’s been pointed out before that as a counselor/therapist he could be in a position to help her with her addictions but either he’s drowning so deep in the Kool-Aid that he doesn’t see them or he’s so blinded by the paycheck that he doesn’t want to. 

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11 minutes ago, Dot said:

Discussion moved from SM thread:

@princelina, Tal is Twit's poodle. He is totally at her beck-and-call. He is willing to pose in nude photos with her. I have no doubt that she manipulates him into servicing her when she's horny. He is wholly under her spell.

Have you ever seen this B roll MBFFL film? If Twit can manipulate Tal into straddling & kissing her, why would you think he would decline moving in with her?


Good lort. Complete with porn movie music. Yes, Tal has completely sold out. Wonder how much his soul cost? And once the series is over, will he be able to buy it back?

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2 minutes ago, MrHufflepuff said:

Why doesn't she ask Tal to put lotion on her chub rub, instead of harassing Todd?

She was still punishing Todd for daring to take her dance class from her.

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1 hour ago, ClareWalks said:

I'm starting to suspect that Tal is just as big a famewhore as Whitney and it's just becoming more and more obvious every season.

He is. He tolerates her crap in exchange for attention. 


He'll be sneering at her like Todd in a year.

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36 minutes ago, MegD said:

She was still punishing Todd for daring to take her dance class from her.

I thought it was the producers stirring up trouble. As  I recall, Whitney couldn't find Donna to help her, and she had to get to breakfast or miss it, in order to be on time for the race.  So she put out a text to everyone in her group that she needed (unspecified) help and Todd was the first person to show up.  Her mother showed up second, just in time to be shocked and horrified. The whole thing seemed like a silly set-up to me. (Which is kind of my over-all assessment of everything on this show.)

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Also, I think Todd is the more popular side kick, so maybe Tal has to step it up. I think she also moved from Todd to Tal because Todd is fed up with this she bitch and he calls her out more than say maybe Tal would. All she cares is that she has her "yes-squad" following her around. 

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21 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Also, I think Todd is the more popular side kick, so maybe Tal has to step it up. I think she also moved from Todd to Tal because Todd is fed up with this she bitch and he calls her out more than say maybe Tal would. All she cares is that she has her "yes-squad" following her around. 

Heh. This made me think of Season 1 of Top Chef, when one of the guy cheftestants said to Tiffani Faison, "I'm not your bitch, bitch."

What I would give to hear Todd say that to Twit.

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1 hour ago, Ketzel said:

I thought it was the producers stirring up trouble. As  I recall, Whitney couldn't find Donna to help her, and she had to get to breakfast or miss it, in order to be on time for the race.  So she put out a text to everyone in her group that she needed (unspecified) help and Todd was the first person to show up.  Her mother showed up second, just in time to be shocked and horrified. The whole thing seemed like a silly set-up to me. (Which is kind of my over-all assessment of everything on this show.)

Help her get her cloths on, wipe her butt, brush hair & put in cheap extensions ?  I guess I am just curious exactly what she needs help with that we have not seen like shaving of the legs and tossing powder on the chub rub

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5 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I guess I am just curious exactly what she needs help with that we have not seen like shaving of the legs and tossing powder on the chub rub

Again watching My 600 Lb Life qualifies me to answer a question.
Probably, lifting her stomach to wash underneath, and showering in general.

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8 minutes ago, auntjess said:

Again watching My 600 Lb Life qualifies me to answer a question.
Probably, lifting her stomach to wash underneath, and showering in general.

I never watched my 600LB life up until recently, I have maybe seen 2 episodes, but when I noticed how the people get into the SUV, its the same way Whitney has to  

Edited by Mahamid Frauded Me
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35 minutes ago, auntjess said:

Again watching My 600 Lb Life qualifies me to answer a question.
Probably, lifting her stomach to wash underneath, and showering in general.

Not Twit. She doesn't shower/bathe.

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7 hours ago, Dot said:

Discussion moved from SM thread:

@princelina, Tal is Twit's poodle. He is totally at her beck-and-call. He is willing to pose in nude photos with her. I have no doubt that she manipulates him into servicing her when she's horny. He is wholly under her spell.

Have you ever seen this B roll MBFFL film? If Twit can manipulate Tal into straddling & kissing her, why would you think he would decline moving in with her?


Oh @Dot!  I wasn't mad at you before, but now - my eyes! my eyes!  :D


7 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

Following the ‘how far down the rabbit hole has Tal gone’ conversation from the media thread-

I think Tal has definitely sold out to the Whitney bandwagon for the almighty dollar. Whether that means he really lives with her I’m not sure but I wouldn’t be surprised. Sure a lot of this is fake but when you start posting that you are life partners you have sold out. We know he’s a gay man who prior to this shitshow has had boyfriends, a job, a life - and now he’s willing to say his in a domestic partnership with Whitney and willing to be photographed with her naked (last year) and in other ridiculous circumstances like the “dance party”. He’s sold his soul to Whitney and TLC. To me it doesn’t matter if he’s really living with her or not. He jumped on the Whitney bandwagon full throttle. It’s been pointed out before that as a counselor/therapist he could be in a position to help her with her addictions but either he’s drowning so deep in the Kool-Aid that he doesn’t see them or he’s so blinded by the paycheck that he doesn’t want to. 


4 hours ago, Ketzel said:

I thought it was the producers stirring up trouble. As  I recall, Whitney couldn't find Donna to help her, and she had to get to breakfast or miss it, in order to be on time for the race.  So she put out a text to everyone in her group that she needed (unspecified) help and Todd was the first person to show up.  Her mother showed up second, just in time to be shocked and horrified. The whole thing seemed like a silly set-up to me. (Which is kind of my over-all assessment of everything on this show.)

Everything I bolded is how I feel about this.  I don't care if he really lives with her or not; I'll go along with it for the sake of the show but in my heart I remain skeptical.  He may be a fame whore and a sycophant who's delighted to jump over Todd and Buddy to be the male "star" of this show, and willing to do just about anything to achieve it.  But IMO from what I've seen, Whit is the only one of these characters who seems completely delusional; the rest just go along with her to keep their spot on the show and the $$ rolling in, and/or to keep her from yelling at them and trying to make them a "villain".  This show will end and Tal will be back in his own place, severed from his "life partner" and trying to date any dude unafraid of his Whit cooties before she can get a pizza delivered.  That's all :)

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So Tal is moving into the Whitney Thore assisted living facility - where is Donna ? If she was smart she moved into her own place. I really don't get why at 34 you would want roomies unless it was for financial reasons, and I don't think Greensboro is that expensive.  She is a needy narcissist. I know this sounds mean, but honestly would love to lock her in a dark basement for 48 hours alone with a box of raisins and a water.   

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