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Everyone Is Suddenly A Medical Expert: The Media Thread

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3 minutes ago, yogi2014L said:

Eh I dont think she is incredibly thin but normal tv actress thin- I think she just looks teeny tiny compared to whit


Agree, the host has a great athletic lean body. She really does make Whitney look HUGE, and I'm not trying to say that in a fat-shaming way, just a "Whitney has really lost her sense of perspective on what a 'skinny bitch' is" way.

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On 8/4/2016 at 6:33 PM, Cinnamini11 said:

Ughhh I wish Kerryn wasn't back, I hate her. If I'm with my friends and family and some semi-stranger starts talking about my "waddling or whatever you call it" they all would have that same reaction. It's rude and she sounds like a 14 year old mean girl. Grow up. I hate when comedians rely on shock value to be funny. It's the lowest form of humor since it doesn't actually require you to be funny at all. Just an asshole. And not that it's Kerryn's job to be helpful, but she can be honest without being a bitch. She just doesn't want to. From what we've seen I'd much rather hang around Whitney than her. 

Kerryn's brand of "funny" is uncomfortably awkward.  I can really get behind some wide ranges of comedy, even ones that in regular public discourse (without the comedic bent) would leave me uncomfortable at best.  She is a forced funny, and I appreciate that job is tough, but she just doesn't make me laugh, at all, fat jokes or anything else.  I do think she speaks directly to Whitney in a way that is truthful, not hateful, and we all know Whitney refuses to ever face even an iota of truth.

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On 8/6/2016 at 0:12 AM, Toaster Strudel said:

In next week's preview, she cannot wear shoes I guess?  And Yukon sports flip flops and pajama top.  She looks heavier than the rest of the season.


This is shocking! I have been saying all season she looks like 1.5 to 2x her first season self, here, she looks larger still!

Have we seen any photos from the last few weeks?  I'd imagine she is progressing further down the path of obesity, based on what we know and have seen, by the time they film a 4th or 5th season, she will make Penny look small!

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After the diabetes scare in season 2 (just found all of S2 on TLC!) does she ever go back and check up on where her A1C numbers are?? I mean, if she did manage to get the numbers out of the pre-diabetic range that doesn't mean she can just go back and return to her previous way of eating or she'll be right back in the pre-diabetic range if not into full diabetic range. 

Ugh. Why?? WHY am I still watching this train wreck of a television show??? 

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TLC announced today that it has ordered 14 additional episodes of MY BIG FAT FABULOUS LIFE, which are set to premiere in early 2017. Thus far season three averaged 1.4M P2+ viewers and a 1.1 W25–54 rating, making it the highest rated season ever.

On ‎09‎-‎08‎-‎2016 at 9:05 PM, Maggienolia said:

After the diabetes scare in season 2 (just found all of S2 on TLC!) does she ever go back and check up on where her A1C numbers are??


on the first episode of season 3 she mentions she's not prediabetic any more, which is highly doubtful. That'd mean she's 5.7 or below and nah, no way. She was 6.4, she might be 6.3 or 6.2 and she took that as 'not prediabetic any more' . Bullshit

  • Love 3

Whitney is TLC's wet dream: a train wreck that they can misrepresent as an inspirational story. This season they realized they needed to emphasize the train wreck angle a little more to bring in more rubberneckers. This ignites social media battles between the rubberneckers and the leghumpers and presto! a hit TLC show. 

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18 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

That's the only reason I started to watch this season, the ads with her fainting and falling on skis hooked me.

Oh my god, I got so deep so fast in the Vit game that I had forgotten this is true for me too! I was aware of the show but never cared to watch until I saw the ski scene in the season previews. Wow huh. Now I feel like a terrible person. No, I don't.

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3 minutes ago, Pachengala said:

Oh my god, I got so deep so fast in the Vit game that I had forgotten this is true for me too! I was aware of the show but never cared to watch until I saw the ski scene in the season previews. Wow huh. Now I feel like a terrible person. No, I don't.

The original premise of Fat & Fab doesn't need to be expanded upon, from the show's title I get the whole gist of it.  But let's face it, happy people are boring.  Look at me.  I'm happy, and I'm a crushing bore.  The last thing I want is to consecrate an hour a week watching other tedious, satisfied people.  Yawn.

Fat & Fab + vomiting after 30 minutes of dancing, being unable to ski, and crying like a baby on a bicycle... I love that the show is trying to lie to me so that I can do the work to figure out the truth.

Unraveling lies is fun.

  • Love 9

But seriously, how on earth is Whitney NOT prediabetic anymore? They mention it several times during the first episodes of the season, even Tal says "The fact she isn't prediabetic anymore doesn't mean she won't have other problems" or something like that. I have or had (not sure, have to check again) insulin resistance and my Dr. told me to work on it now because I could get diabetes if I stayed the same, and I'm 135 lbs, 5'4", not exactly thin, but not in Whitney's level either. I've been eating healthier for a while now, my A1C is at 4.9, but for my Dr. I'm a diabetic in progress. No family history of diabetes, yet my Dr. seemed so concerned about it. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate her concern and input, but I don't get it, I wonder if Whitney is under medical supervision for that matter. I guess the only way Whitney is not prediabetic anymore is thanks to modern science AKA pills. =/

4 hours ago, DatFatShorty said:

But seriously, how on earth is Whitney NOT prediabetic anymore?

This is something that's often brought up in Biggest Loser discussions, because when Dr. Death first examines them, he tells them scary things, and at least some are diabetic or pre-diabetic, and then later in the season, they no longer are, and people who've dealt with diabetes, say what you're saying.
Guess TV is the miracle cure.

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If I'm reading this correctly, Whitney is now blaming her family + friends for her weight gain: http://m.gulfnews.com/leisure/television/inside-one-girl-s-fat-fabulous-life-1.1893376


She’s also adamant in encouraging people to talk about weight with their friends and family. When Thore first gained weight, nobody discussed it, and she says that prevented her from taking action. “That’s interesting and important to think about. Being fat is such a taboo that even though something was physically wrong with me, and I would later be diagnosed with PCOS, nobody wanted to talk about it. I wish someone had talked to me about it and encouraged me to go to the doctor and face it.”

2 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

So when she first started gaining weight there should have been a meeting, but now that she's morbidly obese you'll get chewed out for fat shaming if you suggest weight loss?

Exactly. What the fuck does she want from people? SERIOUSLY. If someone tells her she's fat she's like "stop shaming me" but she wanted people to tell her she was fat? She needs to clarify her message, because it's either "fat people know they're fat" or "fat people don't know they're fat."

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And, once again Whitney moves the goal posts (with assistance I am sure, because she doesn't seem healthy enough to move heavy objects by herself.)

"Her body-positivity movement has drawn frequent accusations that she’s promoting obesity, however.

'I think this is pretty silly. I remember once I was doing a speech with about 700 people, and I asked who watched the show, and they raised their hands. Then I said, ‘how many of you have considered gaining weight to be like me’, and of course, no one kept their hand raised. I don’t think people are looking at me and thinking “I want to look like her.'"

No, Whitney, that's not what people mean when they say you are promoting obesity. Let me put it in simple terms: promoting obesity does not mean encouraging people who are not morbidly obese to become morbidly obese.

 Promoting obesity means encouraging the people who have taken you as a role model, who are already overweight or morbidly obese, to accept that physical status as healthy, as a false limit on what they can do or be.  And if they watch how you handle your own morbid obesity, they are also being encouraged to: (1) blame PCOS or insulin resistance for their weight, with no regard to other possible contributing factors (like diet and exercise); (2) make a false equivalence between their poor health and similar health conditions in people who are not overweight, by drawing the conclusion that there can only be one cause of any given health problem, so if thin people get it, then obesity can't be the basis for the condition, or a contributing factor; (3)reject weight loss as an option if it involves altering or tracking what they eat, or having regular weigh-ins, or facing and being dissatisfied by the very real limits their weight imposes, because those things reflect body shaming and self-hate.

Whitney would not be happy in the slightest if her fans all started losing weight, even if they praised her to the skies.  And by what she says and by the example she sets on her television show, it's a fair criticism to say she is promoting obesity.

Edited by Ketzel
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I'm always surprised by how uninterested Whitney seems to be in her own health. In the above quote, she says that she wishes people would have pushed her to go to the doctor and she would have been diagnosed with PCOS before she gained 100 pounds. I don't see why she should need anyone to point out that something could be wrong with her. How she tells the story is that she had 2 periods when she was 15 then never again. All she had to do was type that into a google search (back then it was probably yahoo) and the first thing that popped up would have been PCOS. I know because I did the same thing when I was 15 (same time as Whitney) and I had irregular periods. It took 2 minutes to figure out what PCOS was (luckily I didn't have it). I don't understand how a young woman could be so uninterested in why she's not having periods.

Even now, she doesn't seem to keep an active eye on her pre-diabetes or whatever heart issue caused her to faint. I would be so annoyed if she were someone I loved. But you can't care more about someone's life than they do themselves.

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6 minutes ago, M.F. Luder said:

I'm always surprised by how uninterested Whitney seems to be in her own health.

Yes, for sure. It reminds me of how she went to a doctor to see if she'd be infertile and was so relieved that she had eggs. "Yay, I can have a baby!" Um, no, you have polycystic ovaries that are hardly ever releasing eggs, who knows how your egg quality is, who knows how your uterine quality is or your fallopian tubes, and your hormones are a disaster and your weight makes you high-risk for pregnancy anyway. She is just amazingly ignorant about health issues.

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Whitney didn't reach 32 years of age and nearly 400 lbs of weight without being offered plenty of information regarding her health issues. Her ignorance is willful ignorance. She refuses to believe anything other than what she wants to believe. Just for an example, take her reaction to something as simple as her father offering her measured containers so that she could serve herself appropriately sized portions. First, she completely rejected the idea that the containers actually measured appropriate portions. I remember her picking up what looked like an  8oz. container and sneering that it was too small to be even a single serving of salad dressing. Maybe in Whitney World. In the real world, a serving of salad dressing is two tablespoons (1 ounce). So that container she thought didn't hold enough dressing for one salad would actually be enough for eight salads.  Second, with both her father and her trainer, she completely rejected the idea of measuring her food intake because she's decided that dieting is unhealthy for her. There is apparently no method or plan possible for someone with her unique history of binging and purging (sarcasm here) that would reduce and manage her food intake without triggering her eating disorder. She has convinced herself, apparently on the basis of no medical/nutritional counseling, that any attempt to change her eating habits will be more dangerous to her than her morbid obesity or her risk of plunging back into purging. (I believe she still binges regularly.)

I am far from underestimating the actual challenges, both physical and mental, that someone as morbidly obese as Whitney is, faces in losing weight and creating a positive, healthy relationship with food. She needs a lot of therapy and a lot of support, all of which is there for her for the asking. But she's too busy convincing herself that her life is fabulous and she knows more than anyone about how to be healthy. And no one had better contradict the laws of Whitney World with inconvenient facts. Someone find her a 32 ounce ladle for the salad dressing, please!

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Whitney realllllyyy sets the bar low for herself these days when NOT having a major medical complication (ie diabetes, heart disease) is cause for celebration. 

 I think someone needs to set herself straight about this kid thing, maybe that will be a rock bottom for her. There is no way she could care for an infant or a toddler at her size if by some miracle she did get pregnant.  She can't even take care of herself

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Ketzel said:
5 hours ago, Ketzel said:

 She has convinced herself, apparently on the basis of no medical/nutritional counseling, that any attempt to change her eating habits will be more dangerous to her than her morbid obesity or her risk of plunging back into purging. (I believe she still binges regularly.)

Sounds like Penny - who thought it was healthier for her to eat fried won tons than the food Dr Now recommended.

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, Ketzel said:

And, once again Whitney moves the goal posts (with assistance I am sure, because she doesn't seem healthy enough to move heavy objects by herself.)

"Her body-positivity movement has drawn frequent accusations that she’s promoting obesity, however.

'I think this is pretty silly. I remember once I was doing a speech with about 700 people, and I asked who watched the show, and they raised their hands. Then I said, ‘how many of you have considered gaining weight to be like me’, and of course, no one kept their hand raised. I don’t think people are looking at me and thinking “I want to look like her.'"

No, Whitney, that's not what people mean when they say you are promoting obesity. Let me put it in simple terms: promoting obesity does not mean encouraging people who are not morbidly obese to become morbidly obese.

 Promoting obesity means encouraging the people who have taken you as a role model, who are already overweight or morbidly obese, to accept that physical status as healthy, as a false limit on what they can do or be.  And if they watch how you handle your own morbid obesity, they are also being encouraged to: (1) blame PCOS or insulin resistance for their weight, with no regard to other possible contributing factors (like diet and exercise); (2) make a false equivalence between their poor health and similar health conditions in people who are not overweight, by drawing the conclusion that there can only be one cause of any given health problem, so if thin people get it, then obesity can't be the basis for the condition, or a contributing factor; (3)reject weight loss as an option if it involves altering or tracking what they eat, or having regular weigh-ins, or facing and being dissatisfied by the very real limits their weight imposes, because those things reflect body shaming and self-hate.

Whitney would not be happy in the slightest if her fans all started losing weight, even if they praised her to the skies.  And by what she says and by the example she sets on her television show, it's a fair criticism to say she is promoting obesity.

Well said, Ketzel, well said.  Brilliant.  Slow clap, building to a crescendo,  blowing the roof off of the building.  So smart. 

9 hours ago, M.F. Luder said:

I'm always surprised by how uninterested Whitney seems to be in her own health. In the above quote, she says that she wishes people would have pushed her to go to the doctor and she would have been diagnosed with PCOS before she gained 100 pounds. I don't see why she should need anyone to point out that something could be wrong with her. How she tells the story is that she had 2 periods when she was 15 then never again. All she had to do was type that into a google search (back then it was probably yahoo) and the first thing that popped up would have been PCOS. I know because I did the same thing when I was 15 (same time as Whitney) and I had irregular periods. It took 2 minutes to figure out what PCOS was (luckily I didn't have it). I don't understand how a young woman could be so uninterested in why she's not having periods.

Even now, she doesn't seem to keep an active eye on her pre-diabetes or whatever heart issue caused her to faint. I would be so annoyed if she were someone I loved. But you can't care more about someone's life than they do themselves.

Oh, M.F.Luder, denial, with a capital D,   also for delusional, deflection, dumb, etc. 

The Internet is such a Godsend for health issues in my life. I know it annoys my doctor though,  when I tell her what/where I got my presumptions. Too bad. 

Remember, "Ask Jeeves" , back in the day, too? 

Thank you for infusing logic into Twit's moronic justifications for her issues -- that manifest themselves in her obesity.

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On her Facebook page for TLC, she is wishing everyone "Happy National Woman's Health and Fitness Day."  Its almost as funny as her sponsorship for world hunger.

7 minutes ago, DanaMB said:

According to a FB post, the price of her DVDs has dropped from 59.95 to 39.95. Not sure that's a good sign...

seriously, who even pays $40 for a set of DVDs anymore?  If it's not on Netflix, I'm not watching it.

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On ‎9‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 6:46 PM, notyrmomma said:

On her Facebook page for TLC, she is wishing everyone "Happy National Woman's Health and Fitness Day."

I cracked up when that scrolled by on my homepage.
I hope the DVDs are a bust.  It looked misleading, when she said the number of videos, and some were thinking (as I believe was intended), that that was the number of discs.
The cruise still says "The first 50 guests to reserve their cabin will receive a personal welcome aboard call from Whitney."
The fine print says the final payment was due by 9/2.

31 minutes ago, auntjess said:

I cracked up when that scrolled by on my homepage.
I hope the DVDs are a bust.  It looked misleading, when she said the number of videos, and some were thinking (as I believe was intended), that that was the number of discs.
The cruise still says "The first 50 guests to reserve their cabin will receive a personal welcome aboard call from Whitney."
The fine print says the final payment was due by 9/2.

Just want I would want in the morning, a robo call (undoubtedly) from Whitney, complete with smoky, too-loud laughs.

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On October 1, 2016 at 10:59 AM, Brooklynista said:

I wonder what the Amazon note said.

"Sorry you got suckered into buying this bullshit, here's $20 back for your trouble."

Wow, I have never had that happen to me with anything I've purchased (Amazon or otherwise).  There must have been a lot of complaints about the belated price drop.

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11 hours ago, pigs-in-space said:

Wow, I have never had that happen to me with anything I've purchased (Amazon or otherwise).  There must have been a lot of complaints about the belated price drop.

We have found that if we pre-order something before the release, and the price drops, we are charged the new price, not the pre-order price.  Not sure if this is similar or not to our experience with Amazon.  I can't imagine a rush of pre-orders for these obscure, probably useless DVDs.  

37 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

I was curious after you asked that, so I searched "werk with whitney" on Amazon, and hand to Jesus, the first things that came up in the search were flatware sets. I cannot make this shit up.

hahahaha!!! Thats pretty ironic :-P

 I bet she only sells through sites where she can control the reviews...I'm going to do some sluething I couldn't find it after a basic search either so now I am very curious. 

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On 10/3/2016 at 10:09 AM, fonfereksglen said:

We have found that if we pre-order something before the release, and the price drops, we are charged the new price, not the pre-order price.  Not sure if this is similar or not to our experience with Amazon.  I can't imagine a rush of pre-orders for these obscure, probably useless DVDs.  

It sounds to me like this is what's going on.  I've had it happen as well.  $20 is a pretty steep haircut, though.  Of course, this all assumes that these "dvds" are a real thing in the real world, and not just as "for show" as the rest of this trainwreck.

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On 9/28/2016 at 6:46 PM, notyrmomma said:

On her Facebook page for TLC, she is wishing everyone "Happy National Woman's Health and Fitness Day."  Its almost as funny as her sponsorship for world hunger.


Wow is she clueless.  I guess since she did the dvds, she sees herself as a shining example of health and fitness. She probably thinks it gives her credibility.

 I would say more but I got reprimanded on another Whitney thread for crossing the line. I'm not ready to be thrown off just yet.

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Hey guys, I've been reading this awesome autobiography/social commentary hy Lindy West, called, Shrill.  

Lindy is a young  journalist, feminist and fat acceptance activist and more.   Her writing is extremely intelligent, logical, passionate, and funny. She has great responses  for people who fat shame others, as well as a fierce sense of self and pride at any size.

  I seriously was kind of ashamed of some things i wrote here and thought about Whitney, as I was reading West's words, and I am overweight,  too.

I still don't like Whit personality at all, or her inability to be intelligently articulate (sorry, Babs--Whit's not articulate,  just loud),  when defending fat acceptance or body shaming.

 Anyway, I totally recommend West's book for anyone out there who wants to read an amazing treatise on standing up for self respect and societal respect for women (mostly) that is incredibly  well written and easy to read. Just open the book anywhere and you'll be hooked. I can only hope to remember her fine points when some numb nuts makes a fat joke or talks about a person who is overweight.

Browse the book at your bookstore, or get it at your library,  like I did,  although now I'm going to buy a copy so I can highlight passages. Check her out online, too. West got a Genius award/grant for her writing. 

Edited by Tosia
I wanted to submit a lucid post
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Whitney Way Thore, star of the TLC reality television show “My Big Fat Fabulous Life,” has had a rough couple of weeks: she announced a false pregnancy, her work crush told her he wasn't interested in her, and she confided in her mother that she was afraid she would die alone.

So when she received a hateful letter in the mail, Thore felt prompted to do something positive.

15 hours ago, ChiCricket said:


Whitney Way Thore, star of the TLC reality television show “My Big Fat Fabulous Life,” has had a rough couple of weeks: she announced a false pregnancy, her work crush told her he wasn't interested in her, and she confided in her mother that she was afraid she would die alone.

So when she received a hateful letter in the mail, Thore felt prompted to do something positive.

I do not believe this was a doctor, but someone who found a real doctor to impersonate in order to hate on Whitney. No doctor in their right mind would write a letter filled with that many errors and misuse of medical terminology. 

She verified he was "real", but didn't seem to verify whether or not he actually wrote it. And shame on those shaming the doctor--guilty until proven innocent! Given the situation, I would have taken the letter to his office and said, "I received a letter from this office and it does not sit well with me. I would like to speak to the person whose name is on this letter." 

It's called investigation. We don't arrest and convict people (figuratively) based on this type of information, we interview them. Thank goodness that woman is not a cop.

Edited by Runnergirl
  • Love 6
17 hours ago, ChiCricket said:

her work crush told her he wasn't interested in her

Work crush isn't exactly the words I would use since she spun an elaborate fantasy relationship with him, more or less said he was too fat to get anyone else and then was devastated when told that relationship that existed only in her head was not real and he was not interested.

I'm reminded of her stalking Lenny, the whole Buddy drama, saying Todd and her would be together if he wasn't gay and then the whole lesbian thing. I'm pretty sure she is just a sad, lonely, desperate woman that will take anything offered to her or not.

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