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S03.E11: Tears Over Miami

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As scrawny looking as he is, if I cover up his face, his British accent is to die for and he even sound better than he looks! JMHO...

He could improve with age and the right styling. His accent is an automatic plus.

I tend to feel sorry for the under dog, so that could be part of it.

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I am a little worried for my 68-year-old mother since from what I can tell Stassi has broken into her wardrobe and taken her black and white blouse with the massive shoulder pads from her job as a receptionist in 1983. What was that, seriously? She looks like she's auditioning for Dynasty.gbwi0.jpg



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Also, is this older modeling agent guy the same guy that was in the picture with Jax...the one that was labeled his boyfriend {vincent de paul}? I don't think it is?



Awww man I was SO hoping it was gonna be the same guy but sadly, no. *heavy sigh*  I have no doubt that this "Vincent" was also a part of their little posse of sexually ambiguous mactors, though! 


The Mighty Peanut, on 12 Jan 2015 - 11:11 PM, said:

Oh yeah, she's gone full Shane with a heaving portion of Lori. She'll probably ask James to kill Tom and then get mad at him for doing it. I wonder which cast member is Coral. The flat iron?

Edited to add: I meant heaping portion but I'm leaving it like it is because Freudian slips like that don't happen every day.



LMAO!  I was like, WHO was "Coral" on TWD?? Was she part of the Mayor's posse?? I was racking my brain.... and then I said "CORAL" out loud.  And I laughed ....and laughed some more.

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So, I lived in South Beach probably ~10 years before Jason (thankyoujesus). Here's my hypothesis: a very cute & naive Jason lands in Miami, this guy John sees him at a club or the beach one of his first nights/days there. Offers him a place to stay as well as 'modeling' jobs, car to drive, etc. Jason accepts & maybe does some minor/less invasive sex acts in return. At some point, a line is crossed & Jason leaves town & is reborn as Jax. All this time FI Tom is whispering bs in his ear.

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Ah, so Jax Taylor is really Jason Couchee (sp??). And Scheana confirmed it on WWHL.

OK, so let's follow this story. Jason/Jax lived with John, the "model scout", whatever that is exactly, I'm not quite sure. And he lived with John, in his room (as someone -- I didn't catch who -- stated on the show) and drove his very nice car. Um, and he took naked pics of Jason/Jax. Oh & he told Scheana he may have kissed John, but only when he was drunk. Even dopey Scheana didn't believe dat one.

But Vail thinks Jason/Jax is merely an attention whore. And not just a regular ole ho? And what was with John smiling & saying "bro code" when Vail wanted to know deets bout his relationship with Jason/Jax? First time I've ever heard a gay man say "bro code", so what was dat about? Maybe a passive aggressive way of saying "Fuck off, bitch & mind your own business"? Model scout John looked like a slimy character. Wonder why they had a "falling out". Jason/Jax was squeezing him for too much dough & sleazy John had enough?

Looked to me like John wanted to get him some Jason/Jax. Wonder if Jason/Jax went for it -- for the right price -- or no price at all.


His TH was the strangest explanation ever. Some rambling talk about he was from a small town and everything about modeling in Miami was homosexual or something. I couldn't follow what he was saying at all. I thought maybe he was just high.

I definitely think he and John were lovers. If Jason were a woman, there'd be no question about it. A young "model" sharing a bedroom with an older modeling scout. Driving around in his car. Naked pictures of this young model in the older man's house. I noticed how John said to Jason/Jax, "I'm over you." The only person I've ever said that to was someone who broke my heart. And Jason/Jax said something like, "I was young, it was my first time." I want to know what happened. Jax probably cheated on him. I hope he got the name John tattooed on him.

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His name is Mike Shay. Idk why they call him by his last name.

I've known some people like that. It's usually because they have a really common first name (ex: John) and it is easier to differentiate, or cos they just don't like their first name. I was called by my last name for awhile cos there happened to be 2 other girls that I knew of in my circle with my first name.


Hahahahahaha Jax's real name is Jason Couchee. Or however you spell it. That's fucking awesome. And dopey. I have a weird feeling once VPR dies that Jax Taylor will wind up doing some videos for Vivid, kinda like Farrah, but with a lot less publicity.


I do wish Scheana had either called Kristen out in front of everyone for her shitty remarks to Ariana (cos she's not THAT oblivious) or even taken her aside and told her to shape up or go home. If someone was acting that way to my bff it would be unacceptable, especially during pre-wedding festivities when everything is supposed to be lighthearted and fun.

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I'm so confused as to James lack of self esteem. His girlfriend is obsessed with her ex and not even any parts secretive about it.

I don't think it's lack of self esteem. I think it's hunger for air time. Without his  fake "relationship" with Crazy Kristen he wouldn't get to be on the show. And she gets a "date" to drag to all the filmings. Win, Win as far as I can see.


Kristen is freaken priceless. Tom's fake tears? A gift,  I never in my adult working life, thought I would look forward to Mondays, but this sad and yet oddly entertaining  bunch of losers has done it.


I am so not surprised about Jax and so sick of Jax, I don't even care about his mysterious past. Probably because it's not mysterious to any one with half a brain (which probably explains why his social circle is so intrigued by it).


Note to Stassi. When you are sit around, dressed like Barbara Bush on a bad day, in the restaruant you no longer work in, fondly remembering your ever so cute hijinks, like hiding liquor in the loo as if those were the best days of your life... well, maybe they were.


I almost felt sorry for her last night. She's the high school mean girl who everyone thought was so cool whose life peaked in High School and when you see her at your 20th. reunion you feel a strange combination of pity and satisfaction to realize her life sucks now.


Bye bye Stassi.You really have no place on the show now. Please take your sleazy ex with you because as much as I love this show if I have to see Jax naked one more time I really will have to bleach my eyes and that's gonna hurt. 


All the other chucklefucks can stay. Especially Kristen!

Edited by chlban
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I don't think it's lack of self esteem. I think it's hunger for air time. Without his  fake "relationship" with Crazy Kristen he wouldn't get to be on the show. And she gets a "date" to drag to all the filmings. Win, Win as far as I can see.



I think you've nailed their showmance.  I do NOT think Kristin and James got together out of any mutual attraction, respect, or whatever draws us normal human beings together.  It was about getting James' music career revved up, revenge for Kristin (oooh I'll show Tom--I'm going to hook up with his friend!), and an enticing "storyline" for both. Now?  Do I believe that something resembling attraction has grown between them in the months since this partnership was agreed upon?  Perhaps.... perhaps. 

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I will agree that FI Tom has mastered the insta-cry. It was pretty convincing, too. Poor Kristen, it looked like she honestly believed she was going to get him back for a minute there. Then he just up and left her and ruined her world. Again. Now she's out for blood....and moreso than before. FI and Ariana might wanna get into witness protection cos bitch is on a mission!

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I am so not surprised about Jax and so sick of Jax, I don't even care about his mysterious past. Probably because it's not mysterious to any one with half a brain (which probably explains why his social circle is so intrigued by it).


You summed it up perfectly. A whole big YAWN to that storyline. 




P.S. Anyone else notice that Stassi appeared really puffy in her THs?

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I don't think it's lack of self esteem. I think it's hunger for air time. Without his  fake "relationship" with Crazy Kristen he wouldn't get to be on the show. And she gets a "date" to drag to all the filmings. Win, Win as far as I can see.


Kristen is freaken priceless. Tom's fake tears? A gift,  I never in my adult working life, thought I would look forward to Mondays, but this sad and yet oddly entertaining  bunch of losers has done it.


I am so not surprised about Jax and so sick of Jax, I don't even care about his mysterious past. Probably because it's not mysterious to any one with half a brain (which probably explains why his social circle is so intrigued by it).


Note to Stassi. When you are sit around, dressed like Barbara Bush on a bad day, in the restaruant you no longer work in, fondly remembering your ever so cute hijinks, like hiding liquor in the loo as if those were the best days of your life... well, maybe they were.


I almost felt sorry for her last night. She's the high school mean girl who everyone thought was so cool whose life peaked in High School and when you see her at your 20th. reunion you feel a strange combination of pity and satisfaction to realize her life sucks now.


Bye bye Stassi.You really have no place on the show now. Please take your sleazy ex with you because as much as I love this show if I have to see Jax naked one more time I really will have to bleach my eyes and that's gonna hurt. 


All the other chucklefucks can stay. Especially Kristen!


I'm out of LIKES for the moment, but a big fat WORD to your entire post, chlban!  Stassi and Jax have become the most pathetic and, even worse for them, irrelevant people on this show, which makes me a happy camper.   Kadooz for the Barbara Bush reference!  :-)

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Actually logged in to say, I don't always believe in signs, but Jax seems to have been physically maimed in such a way that he look like the DEVIL.  The candlelight at Dolce makes it clear to me that Jax has been marked as a demon.  People ask for signs sometimes to help with a difficult decision.  There it is.  His forehead is carved like the devil.  Run.  Away.  We have been warned.

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I think you've nailed their showmance.  I do NOT think Kristin and James got together out of any mutual attraction, respect, or whatever draws us normal human beings together.

Yeah, I'm not so sure they're a couple either.  What was with Kristen saying she was late to the bachelorette party because she was having sex and tequila shots, but the next day at the pool, Muppet said he hadn't had sex in weeks.  And that's when Jax/Jason/Cooochhee said his max was 4-5 days.  EWWWW!!!!  


Poor Stassi/Regina George.  Maybe she'll get hit by a bus and garner some sympathy from her ex-friends.  And I hope they call her every day to check on her progress.  

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I was so hoping that we'd see Tom S. walk back into that club, immediately transform back into his regular demeanor, mentally check off "trick Kristen into thinking I am repentant so she'll leave us alone" from his list, and then indicate that his crying display was all for show.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I have watched Vanderpump Rules in the past but the show was so contrived and fake that I stopped watching. The biggest reason I stopped was for the bad acting. I had seen the cast on Andy Cohens show and both Kristen and Tom admitted to being actors. I decided that I just couldn't take any more of Kristen's angst, tears and obsessiveness about getting camera time.


I was channel surfing last night and caught a few minutes of the Miami episode. All I got from it is that Jax (aka Jason) is a swinger and would probably mount anything that is alive whether it's male or female and human or animal. So okay, I get it, he's a scumbag. But the closure of this series for me was the hysterical crying of Tom. Honestly, I burst out laughing. I almost wanted to record that precious moment for those times when I'm having a bad day and need cheering up. But it's Kristen with her moody, crazy, emotional, obsessive and just plain dumbass acting for the camera is what did it for me. I just can't look at that face and feel any empathy or sympathy.




How can anyone watch Tom sobbing like a baby and not laugh?  I know I couldn't.




This show, gotta go.....

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Hahahahahaha Jax's real name is Jason Couchee. Or however you spell it. That's fucking awesome. And dopey. I have a weird feeling once VPR dies that Jax Taylor will wind up doing some videos for Vivid, kinda like Farrah, but with a lot less publicity.



LMAO! That's great, 'couchee'.  It's Jason Cauchi but 'coochee' is how I'd spell it. To me, he's just so nasty, as most of them are. They're a walking, talking bundle of STD's.

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Yeah, I'm not so sure they're a couple either.  What was with Kristen saying she was late to the bachelorette party because she was having sex and tequila shots, but the next day at the pool, Muppet said he hadn't had sex in weeks.


Perhaps she was having sex with her blowup FI Tom doll. 

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I never in my adult working life, thought I would look forward to Mondays, but this sad and yet oddly entertaining  bunch of losers has done it.



YES.  I know I have done at least something worth a reward in my life because Baby Jesus has gifted us with VR.  Words cannot fully express how much I love this mess.


Where to start?  StASSi is the biggest loser ever.  As others have said, it's like she's Regina George and doesn't realize that high school is over, your minions have moved on and don't give a rat's ass about you.  In the past I always figured StASSi was relatively savvy (except for when it came to Jax) but she's proven she's only one step away from being smarter than a box of hair.  Never, never, never expose your exploits to your former boss.  She may not plan on working at Sur again but what if she ever needs a reference?  And what if she needs to work for Lisa again one day?  Shouldn't happen based on her big fat mouth last night.  And to top off that particular stupidity sundae with flat out insulting your boss by telling her she doesn't know what she's talking about?  Girl, you'd better hope George Glass gives you a big ring from the candy machine at Ralph's. 


Jax is just repulsive.  And he's an idiot if he thinks anyone believes he wasn't sexing up John and anyone else who could provide him with something.  He was a little too excited about those penis pops as well.  Dude, just admit you'll screw anything for some bank and call it a day. 


The Nugget disappoints me.  How many THs have we been subjected to where she tells us how adult she is and how strong she is?  A day or so with Crazy Kristen and she's telling FI that her stomach hurts, she can't eat and she breaks down crying.  How nice of FI to wait until her little "woe is me" monologue is finished before he "comforts" her.  Those macticians are so good at taking direction!  Anyhoo, when Kristen made the little comment to Scheana about having alcohol and a knife in the same room as "that one" (i.e., the Nugget), Nugget should have told her "I have alcohol and a knife too, bitch."  I bet that would have shut that conversation down faster than Schwartz's shift at PUMP.  And while Kristen is clearly out of her mind crazy and you don't want to poke a (crazy) bear with a stick, the Nugget surely could have gotten a great dig in with "Whatever.  I'm with FI and you're not."  Because these chucklefucks are all around junior high level emotionally.


FI's breakdown was gold.  What on earth will DJ Jazzy James think when he sees the scene of Kristen basically asking FI if he'll come back to her if James isn't in the picture?  How do you spin that?  Really, does Kristen keep James chained up in the basement when they're not filming?  I don't get it.  Why on earth doesn't he tell her to STFU about FI and/or Nugget?  Kristen clearly needs counseling (and NOT from that hack Dr. Wexler) and I would think working with the object of her obsession and the object of her hatred is not healthy. But it certainly is entertaining.


Can't wait to see Katie ride her Huffy bike all over StASSi next week.  I hope she does something akin to what Claudia did to Nene this week.  Don't let me down, Katie! 

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Kristen reminds me of a young Danielle Staub.  I get that same creepy feeling when both of them are on my screen, and they have the same crazy eyes and weird talking heads as if they're plotting some super intricate plan to take over the world.  And they even look similar.

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LMAO! I was like, WHO was "Coral" on TWD?? Was she part of the Mayor's posse?? I was racking my brain.... and then I said "CORAL" out loud. And I laughed ....and laughed some more.

Ha! I'm sorry, I didn't even realize I had said Coral; I usually only do in TWD's forum. But yeah, Coral is Carl. If you do a google image search for 'walking dead carl coral' a gif comes up of him standing in front of a coral reef. I'd post it here but I thought it might be bad form to post images from a different show.

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Damn, I missed Schwartz kissing dudes.


The FI/Kristen scenes always give life. Always.


Say whaat?:

John telling Jax that he smells so good.

Kristen claiming she never acknowledges Ariana.


To get over someone you have to have been "under" them at some point, so I'm going to assume John had some kind of romantic feelings for Jason at one time.


Next week...get her, Katie!

Edited by jaync
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Great episode, not as good as the promos indicated, but still good.

Kristen isn't going to boil a bunny, she's going to boil Ariana. I sure hope Ariana used to run track in high school because bitch be comin' for her.

And the reason Scheana didn't defend Ariana is so they have a storyline next season as their friendship briefly falls apart. [/spec]

Stassi needs to kick rocks in flip-flops. Way to burn your bridges, dumbass. Someone thinks she's way more important than she actually is. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when Andy Cohen tells her she proved herself unnecessary to the show. Bye, Felicia! But not before even Katie shows she has more going on than licking your ass hourly. At least Stassi still has Kristina.

Jax/Jason and John totally banged.

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But the closure of this series for me was the hysterical crying of Tom. Honestly, I burst out laughing. I almost wanted to record that precious moment for those times when I'm having a bad day and need cheering up. But it's Kristen with her moody, crazy, emotional, obsessive and just plain dumbass acting for the camera is what did it for me. I just can't look at that face and feel any empathy or sympathy.



Oh, I thought FI's crying was THE penultimate moment of awesomeness this awesome show has ever given us.  Thank you, show.  Thank you, Lisa.  Thank you, Satan Andy.  Sheer awesomeness!  Now FI, you simply must continue doing dat ridiculously silly, over-the-top nutsy, dopey, fakety-fake crying every ep!  Please, FI, please?


Poor James.  I'd feel sorry for him, except I don't.  He just another cheap opportunist.  I'd almost think he's cute, except I don't.  Maybe it's the hair dat annoys me so.  I just wanna punch him in his stupid-looking muppet-mug every time I see him.  Doesn't everyone?  Maybe it's his smug attitude.  Or it's fun punching muppets.  Ah, but no matter how ya cut it, he's just a fool, so I want him to stick around.


His TH was the strangest explanation ever. Some rambling talk about he was from a small town and everything about modeling in Miami was homosexual or something. I couldn't follow what he was saying at all. I thought maybe he was just high




Man, his "explanation" tickled me so.  Who ya tryin' to convince with dat horseshit, Jason/Jax?  Honestly, he sounded like some old married politician from da midwest trying to explain why he was caught in a men's room sucking dicks.  What in the fuckety fuck, Jason/Jax?  We know ya just worked this sleazy character, just like ya work everyone, till ya didn't need him anymore.  Cuz dat's your MO, Jason/Jax.  Why da bullshit, hun?  We do know ya by now.


I was also tickled by the way Jason/Jax was breathlessly thanking sleazy John for giving him his start.  Er, start to what?  The um, extreme success he's experiencing now?  Suppressing chortles.  Well, thanks sleazy John, for giving Jason/Jax "a start" as your butt boy of the moment, cuz otherwise we wouldn't be able to talk about him here & now.  For dat, I'm greatly appreciative to you, sleazy John.  Except I got the feeling sleazy John was gonna pull a creepy Kristen moment on Jason/Jax -- and it made me shudder a bit.  Man, this show keeps on giving.  Thanks again, show.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Oh Lord I forgot about sleazy Jax's "explanation" about this past relationship. About how he came from the midwest where there are no gay people. Classic, Who knew? No gay people in the midwest.


All the tomfuckery and educational too. I love  this show.

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Oh Lord I forgot about sleazy Jax's "explanation" about this past relationship. About how he came from the midwest where there are no gay people. Classic, Who knew? No gay people in the midwest.


All the tomfuckery and educational too. I love  this show.


Tomfuckery!  Bwah!  Doesn't this happen anytime FI or Schwartz gets on the screen?

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Kristen reminds me of a young Danielle Staub.  I get that same creepy feeling when both of them are on my screen, and they have the same crazy eyes and weird talking heads as if they're plotting some super intricate plan to take over the world.  And they even look similar.


Um wow. I feel like that idea has been simmering in my head for years, but I never realized it until you said this. But - YES, YES, YES to this! Oh my gosh, it's uncanny. 

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So much funny!

We got to meet Jax's boyfriend. Vail is starting to let her crazy shine. Areanna morphs into Kristen in the back of a cab complete with phony stress related ailment and giant crying jag. Kristen conitunes her transformation into soap opera villain. Stassi constructs a made up hill to die on and looks super preggers the whole time. Katie plays right into Stassi's Heathers complex. Scheana wears horrible gold hot pants in public. Everybody brought their A game. Well done team. Well done.

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I was also tickled by the way Jason/Jax was breathlessly thanking sleazy John for giving him his start. Er, start to what? The um, extreme success he's experiencing now? Suppressing chortles.

Bwahaha! Seriously, you had to get someone to help you be an underemployed douche? Thank goodness for John, because damn, where would Jax be now? John is creepy. Despite those huge glow in the dark, Nene Leakes-esque chompers, he said that Jax smelled good. I don't tr anyone who says Jax smells good.

And did Jax say that there is currently a nude picture of him in John's house? Because if that's the case, I doubt it's been 10 years since they talked.

Edited by charmed1
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And did Jax say that there is currently a nude picture of him in John's house? Because if that's the case, I doubt it's been 10 years since they talked.


Well, that picture certainly isn't aging for him.  Jax is looking rough.

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Stassi looked terrible when she was having a drink with Lisa! I could especially see the difference now when they showed that old picture of Jax and her. 


So from the previews it looks like Vail has moved from Jax to Peter? Good for Peter, he deserves a little bit of his own storyline!

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I'm guessing that production let Katie know that Stassi was filming and to call at that exact moment.

Or recreated it.


Okay, personally, I am not a fan of Arianna....however, I will say that I think Scheana was being a really shitty friend to her. Those two are supposed to BEST friends, yet Scheana said nothing as Kristen continued to make nasty remark after nasty remark about the little Golden Nugget princess. If it were me, I would have put her in her place. I would have said, "Look, I know you don't like her, but you're supposed to be here for me. So either keep your opinions to yourself, or you and Mr. Muppet can catch an earlier flight home". She's always bitching about what a shitty friend Stassi was, but right now she's not being a much better one. 

Didn't she invite Kristen and DJ Muppet Busboy on a "probationary" status, on the condition they behaved?

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Oh Lord I forgot about sleazy Jax's "explanation" about this past relationship. About how he came from the midwest where there are no gay people. Classic, Who knew? No gay people in the midwest.


All the tomfuckery and educational too. I love  this show.


Right!  And you know "back when he started" there were no openly gay people either.  Umm... did ya get your start in the 1950s??  If so, then kadooz to you, good sir, for maintaining the body and face of somebody in their mid-to-late 40s.


But if you mean, oh maybe the mid or late 90s?  Try again, Jason Coochicoochicoo.   


Man, this show really is the gift that keeps on giving.  I mean, giving STDs, obvi.  But giving nonetheless!

Edited by Duke2801
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Um wow. I feel like that idea has been simmering in my head for years, but I never realized it until you said this. But - YES, YES, YES to this! Oh my gosh, it's uncanny. 

Right????  I feel like we're going to see Kristen give Katie a weirdo creepy hug at the reunion whispering sweet nothings in her ear.

Edited by stumpy
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Vail: "I feel like Jax is a lovable idiot."


She has the idiot part right. 


I couldn't contain myself at Tom's crying and finally cracked up in the middle of it. 


Stassi showing Lisa all her "tricks" was dumb, no doubt. But she clearly thinks she will never need Lisa as a reference or that she will never return to SUR or another of Lisa's restaurants. She probably thought her "tricks" were cute and clever, like the little kid that gets in trouble all the time because they think it's cute but it's not. Although I would find it hard to believe Lisa didn't already know this was going on or that her staff wouldn't try to steal drinks. She was spot on with her comment regarding Stassi's view of friendship. It's really sad. If she was in middle school or high school, it'd be more understandable that she'd have that "followers" mentality, but given she is like 26 or whatever, it's plain pathetic. Especially since she does not work at SUR anymore but seems to think she still controls everyone there. I'll bet the only reason Kristina is hanging around her is to get more camera time. I can't see any other benefit.

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Honestly, I don't know how they manage it, but this show truly does keep getting better and better with each and every passing episode.


Hell, I'm even going to forgive Andy/Bravo for giving us stinkers such as Courtney Loves Dallas, Thicker Than Water, and all those other duds.


The glorious train wreck that is Vanderpump Rules is, I believe, the best gem Bravo has ever unearthed.


The look on FI Tom's face in his talking head when discussing John and Jax and said "It's going to be a great reunion" (paraphrased)?  That cat-that-got-the-canary smile he gave the camera was just drenched in awesome sauce.  


Maybe FI Tom is finally growing a teensy set and learning how to get back at Jax in more subtle ways than slamming a cocktail into his forehead.


Although I'm never advierse to seeing objects bounce of Jax's exceptionally hard head, I do prefer the more subtle counterattacks, such as inviting John to tag along so we, the viewers, can watch Jax squirm.


This might even be my favorite episode EVER.


So many chucklefucks, so little time.  Damn, I wish they'd do 2-hour episodes.  

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These people do know they can date outside of Sur, right?



No, they can't!  Now someone go tell that butthole Patrick he's gotta film with this bunch so we get back get Stassi back.  Don't hit me, but I still want her on.  Her Dynasty getups are givin' me the constant chuckles.  Oh man, I just know Stassi's gonna show up next in a Linda Evans wig & steal some of Lisa's old lady chiffon/silk dresses.  Hey, then all they'd need to do is plop a crooked Joan Collins wig on Kristen, put her in another of Lisa's shitty old lady dresses, and ya got . . .



Well, just a thought anyway.


I didn't enjoy Scheana's high-waisted silvery shorts this time as much her disco-girl/Rollerina gold lame ones.  Those shorts were tight & awesome.  These looked baggy & kinda meh.


Andy should cough up some dough to use Psycho music.  How awesome would it be if they played Psycho music in every one of Kristen's scenes?  I mean every one -- not just the ones of her talking bout Arianna or FI.  Oh Ms. Smuggy-smug Ariana, I totally wanna see Kristen chasing your smug ass down, Road Runner style.  Can't wait for dat!

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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And just how indescribably delicious would it be to have Queen Stassi, after revealing all of her underhanded tricks of employment at SUR, find herself in need of cash and having to prostate herself at Lisa's feet begging for her job back?


Bravo Gods and Goddesses, make it happen!!!  

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And just how indescribably delicious would it be to have Queen Stassi, after revealing all of her underhanded tricks of employment at SUR, find herself in need of cash and having to prostate herself at Lisa's feet begging for her job back?


Bravo Gods and Goddesses, make it happen!!!  


Should this happen, I will slowly sip on the nectar of her tears. 

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I didn't enjoy Scheana's high-waisted silvery shorts this time as much her disco-girl/Rollerina gold lame ones.  Those shorts were tight & awesome.  These looked baggy & kinda meh.


They WERE baggy. They did not fit her well at all; like a child's droopy diaper.


Didn't she invite Kristen and DJ Muppet Busboy on a "probationary" status, on the condition they behaved?


Pretty much. They were not originally invited, but then they kind of awkwardly invited themselves and said they would behave. Muppet did, and Kristen was so proud of him. But she just can't help herself. After all, Arianna IS the Devil incarnate.

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