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Alyssa and John: Lunch with Lurch

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Alyssa and John finally got their house painted. Surprise, surprise it’s light grey with white trim and blue grey garage doors.

To be fair,  the HOA may have a very limited colour palette, and it does look much nicer. I hope they get their fence done too because it looks just awful next to the freshly painted house. It’s a wood fence painted white and I assume the Florida climate is not kind to painted wood. 
New car, new couch, and paying to get someone to paint the house?  I guess they are doing well. 
There were a few lingering shots of the contractor’s sign in the yard so they may have negotiated a discount.

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They must have one very patient HOA because the outside of their house looked like a dump. Dead shrubs, dilapidated fence, several years past due for a paint job. I know improvements cost money, but I can't believe they let it go this long.

I think Alyssa finally smartened up and realized if she wanted stuff done she had to figure out a way to grift it. She didn't feature long, lingering shots of the painting company's sign out of the goodness of her heart. John even said he's too cheap to pay pros, so they definitely got some form of discount. 

I agree it looks nice. I like the bluish-gray on the garage doors. 

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My grandmother always got a discount for displaying the contractor's sign in her front yard -- roofers, driveway pavers, septic tank, you name it. The Websters aren't unique in that respect. 

I guess Allie's lousy Christmas paid for the paint job and the new SUV and whatever else John and Alyssa got that wasn't for their children. 

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I watched J and A's latest video..something about being organized and having goals for the new year...well I FF'd through most of it...but 2 things stuck out to me...1. Alyssa asked Allie what she learned in spanish class that day at their co -op and Allie replied " you are loco" HA HA HA...which means crazy or insane..so she told her mother she is crazy...and 2. there was a little squabble between allie and one of her sisters at the fridge over who was going to erase something on the chore chart alyssa put up...allie was quite aggressive on grabbling the marker from a sister...so I am seeing alot of repressed anger in her...I actually see each child exibit coping mechanisms for lack of attention and neglect...its like they want these kids to raise themselves...these kids have not bonded with their parents...

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I also watched this video. How sad it was. Offering Dollar Store prizes for keeping your room neat and making your bed? I think those awful stacked beds that Alyssa had made for the girls makes it rather difficult and annoying for them to make up. I know it would kill my back to try and make those beds at all. I also noticed another thing...whan Alyssa was "forcing" her children to pick one thing they loved at the co-op school, Alyssa's voice dropped to an annoyed voice when she asked Allie what she liked the best. No enthusiasm with Allie at all from her mother. Those girls all love going to "school" so much it's a shame that they are not enrolled in a real school, public OR private of sorts. Their mother would get so much done very day with the girls at school.

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52 minutes ago, floridamom said:

I also watched this video. How sad it was. Offering Dollar Store prizes for keeping your room neat and making your bed? I think those awful stacked beds that Alyssa had made for the girls makes it rather difficult and annoying for them to make up. I know it would kill my back to try and make those beds at all. I also noticed another thing...whan Alyssa was "forcing" her children to pick one thing they loved at the co-op school, Alyssa's voice dropped to an annoyed voice when she asked Allie what she liked the best. No enthusiasm with Allie at all from her mother. Those girls all love going to "school" so much it's a shame that they are not enrolled in a real school, public OR private of sorts. Their mother would get so much done very day with the girls at school.

ah..I forgot about that...and when alyssa asked what they liked ...they said they liked everything - and liked being with their friends...they want to go to school...and I think because they are not as sheltered as the bates kids were...they see what they are missing out on...allie in particular...I bet she is a sister mom behind the scenes and resents it - big time...like why am I taking care and doing your job - when other kids are doing ballet and going to school...I hope allie is smart enough in the future to get away...I think alyssa and John are the worst of the worst....and are raising these kids with classic trauma roles...the scapegoat , the jester, the lost child, the sick/martyr child and the golden child aka penis...all classic symptoms/roles of a dysfunctional family...

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14 hours ago, Dimi1 said:

..allie was quite aggressive on grabbling the marker from a sister...so I am seeing alot of repressed anger in her...

It's funny you say that because I noticed similar behavior in the Christmas video. There were a couple of times Maci reached out to grab something Allie had in her hand and Allie snatched it away and gave her a death glare. I know toddlers can be grabby and don't understand what's theirs and what isn't, but the interaction was so hostile. That is not a happy kid. 😥


1 hour ago, Dimi1 said:

..I think alyssa and John are the worst of the worst....and are raising these kids with classic trauma roles...the scapegoat , the jester, the lost child, the sick/martyr child and the golden child aka penis...all classic symptoms/roles of a dysfunctional family...

There's definitely no question as to who fills the scapegoat and golden child roles! 

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And Allie gets to see her much younger cousin Layla go to ballet lessons while Zoey & Lexie see Zach’s kids playing soccer. Or maybe they aren’t allowed to watch the Instagram of their relatives so they have no idea. But John apparently doesn’t want his daughters to do anything except church and co-op. Very sad.

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I just watched it. The first thing the parents need to do is stop calling non-chores, chores. Bible time and school are not chores. Personal hygiene is not chores. Picking up, making beds, etc are chores.

What they want is cooperation. It would have made more sense to call them cooperation prizes. And maybe add a bonus prize for helping a sibling out and/or doing a task without being asked.

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I not only hope Allie gets away from this toxic brew as soon as she can, I hope she doesn't do what her mother is doing and repeat the cycle with her own kids (if she has them).  I could see her becoming childfree if she can get away from the fundie prison.  I wish Alyssa wasn't the pray it away type and would get herself some help with her issues.  She is carrying around a lot of resentment over her upbringing and just taking it out on her kids.  What a mess.

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20 minutes ago, Meow Mix said:

I not only hope Allie gets away from this toxic brew as soon as she can, I hope she doesn't do what her mother is doing and repeat the cycle with her own kids (if she has them).  I could see her becoming childfree if she can get away from the fundie prison.  I wish Alyssa wasn't the pray it away type and would get herself some help with her issues.  She is carrying around a lot of resentment over her upbringing and just taking it out on her kids.  What a mess.

I hope all the Webster girls escape. Rhett is being held to the fundie male standard; I doubt he'll go anywhere.

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Has anyone watched Alyssa's late Christmas video? Kelly, Warden, Jackson and wife visited after Christmas and Kelly brought her gifts for the kids, etc. I noticed Alyssa was holding some anger and frustration with John about who throws out the garbage in their household. She was "nicely" letting off some steam. It seems that she does not want to do that job and thinks John should always do it. IMO, Alyssa holds resentment with John about more than just the garbage. Kelly also brought cheap gifts for the kids. Where do they find such things? Poor Allie got another baby doll. Alyssa's voice was more animated when she told one of the other girls to go ahead and open a gift..then I noticed her voice drop to indifference when asking Allie to open one of hers. Did any of you notice this too?

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Man, what is it with fundie couples and taking out the garbage? (See Anna Keller-Duggar lording it over us singletons because she had JInmate to take out the trash). 

3 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

Geezus, take out the garbage, Alyssa. It's not a gendered chore. Get over yourself. 🙄

I probably take out our garbage and recycling about 80% of the time, and I haven't turned into a man. 

I'm in the same boat, Salacious Kitty, but to give some small bit of sympathy to Alyssa, when you consider how frikken little these manly fundie men are expected to contribute (including actually working and earning a living) I can see how the garbage does become more of a thing. 

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29 minutes ago, satrunrose said:

Man, what is it with fundie couples and taking out the garbage? (See Anna Keller-Duggar lording it over us singletons because she had JInmate to take out the trash). 


That worked out well for her, eh?

I agree that the garbage really isn't about the garbage, it's Alyssa's frustration over John not helping with the little things. 


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I just watched the video. Is weed legal in Florida? Because Alyssa needs some THC gummies stat. She was trying to come off playful about the garbage, but you could see the anger coming to the surface as the joke dragged out uncomfortably long. I felt so bad for poor Warden awkwardly assembling his peanut butter bites as John and Alyssa sniped at each other over division of labor. When Alyssa chucked the bag out the front door, I was like damn girl, tell us how you really feel. 🤣

Alyssa mentioned Mia was in heat. I pray they're not planning on breeding her. I'm sure the entire family is watching Katie make a mint off Remi and the wheels are turning. If not, I wonder why they haven't gotten her spayed. 

I thought the gifts Kelly brought were actually pretty nice. From what I saw they looked like an age appropriate mix of toys and games. I'm not a fan of her, but that was a kind gesture to bring Christmas to the kids who couldn't make it to TN. 

I've officially decided Lexi is my spirit animal. Who can resist a kid that loves tools, sports and coffee?!

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To be fair, John does work a real physical job. He works in the Florida heat, rain and cold on a/c units. This is a real job. Alyssa does not go out to work and has a housekeeper, Isabella, who cleans her house. Why can't she manage to run her household properly? It's no big deal if she throws the garbage when needed. John has renovated the house and has done a lot of the work himself all while working his regular job. He's not like the fundie stay at home dads IMO. Alyssa just doesn't have good time management skills and she's a bit lazy. I know she did more than  her share of the housework/cooking at home from when she was a small child. If she's tired of it, there was no reason to have so many children so quickly that she seemingly can't handle. I don't think John would have minded having less children or more space in between. She has a pretty good life going compard to what and where she came from and she should be grateful for where she is in life. I never had a housekeeper and scubbed my own toilets...still do at age 65.

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Most likely a cleaning lady who comes in once a week. No big deal. As far as what she does all day she has 5 kids. Maybe their agreement is if she cooks and cleans up the kitchen it's his job to take out the garbage.  If he didn't take out the garbage then I would tell him to clean the kitchen after supper and I would take out the trash.  

Maybe she has come to her senses about stopping the baby train. 

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It's funny to me that Alyssa did not want to publicly state that the had a housekeeper come in and clean for her once a week, I think. She slipped that info in an earlier youtube and John coaxed her to admit it. In the most recent after Christmas video, there was a shot in there of another woman sitting at the dining room table that was not Jackson's wife. I don't know who this woman was but perhaps another "dear friend" who helped her with this overwhelming task of her children opening presents. Does anyone know who she is?

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5 hours ago, Dehumidifier said:

Housekeeper or cleaning lady

I'm assuming cleaning lady. 

3 hours ago, floridamom said:

 I don't know who this woman was but perhaps another "dear friend" who helped her with this overwhelming task of her children opening presents. Does anyone know who she is?

I couldn't figure it out either. At first I thought it was Emerson because the woman looked tall, but the hair was too dark. 

14 hours ago, AstridM said:

Then WTF does Alyssa do all day? We know full days of homeschooling aren’t happening.

If I had to guess, scrolls on her phone and complains. She never seems happy about anything, ever. 

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I get it that having five kids is a ton of work and possibly John does very little after working a very physical job all day.  But just stewing in resentment does nothing to fix the situation.  Therapy would really help her to unpack all the resentment she has from childhood on.  And it seems that she and John could do with some real couples counseling instead of some fake church marriage retreat.  Her kids are not going to want her around when they are adults if she keeps this up.

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3 hours ago, Meow Mix said:

I get it that having five kids is a ton of work and possibly John does very little after working a very physical job all day.  But just stewing in resentment does nothing to fix the situation.  Therapy would really help her to unpack all the resentment she has from childhood on.  And it seems that she and John could do with some real couples counseling instead of some fake church marriage retreat.  Her kids are not going to want her around when they are adults if she keeps this up.

it is a real possibility those girls WILL ditch Alyssa. One thing about growing up in a dysfunctional family ( and J and A are dysfunctional with a golden child, forgotten child, scapegoat...etc...Alyssa is the martyr and John the Narc)....Kids who grow up in a household like this learn savvy survival skills...and....those girls will go to family functions and see the way Josie lives ( with her schooling and her own business) and the way some of the other married women live...and I think they will get OUT...especially Allie who is the scapegoat and who shows the most anger...all they need to do is learn to do is discover higher ed/make their own money....

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Alyssa is on IG while the kids are in school..She is asking her followers what they want to see ..IE: content for youtube...she is out of ideas....ummmm let's see...how about we see allie take some ballet lessons...and the kid that likes tools take a class at home depot. Maybe they could enroll the girls in sports??? anyone else have any ideas..and I think she is not going around her family ...because no way her girls need to find out the girl cousins ( josies girls and layla) are doing everything her girls want to do...

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23 minutes ago, Dimi1 said:

Alyssa is on IG while the kids are in school..She is asking her followers what they want to see ..IE: content for youtube...she is out of ideas....ummmm let's see...how about we see allie take some ballet lessons...and the kid that likes tools take a class at home depot. Maybe they could enroll the girls in sports??? anyone else have any ideas..and I think she is not going around her family ...because no way her girls need to find out the girl cousins ( josies girls and layla) are doing everything her girls want to do...

The Home Depot workshops are a great idea. They're free and whenever I've seen one at my local store, the kids always look like they're having a blast. 

Alyssa's between a rock and a hard place. She needs the money so she can't quit YT, but to be successful in any social media, you have to hustle and come up with creative content. I think she's too exhausted and run down to put much effort into it and it shows. 

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2 hours ago, Dimi1 said:

Alyssa is on IG while the kids are in school..She is asking her followers what they want to see ..IE: content for youtube...she is out of ideas....ummmm let's see...how about we see allie take some ballet lessons...and the kid that likes tools take a class at home depot. Maybe they could enroll the girls in sports??? anyone else have any ideas..and I think she is not going around her family ...because no way her girls need to find out the girl cousins ( josies girls and layla) are doing everything her girls want to do...

So she is asking people to do her job for her? I love your ideas!

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Admittedly, I rarely watch any of their videos. The snippets I have seen, show Alyssa's flat aspect, her low energy and her uncharacteristically low-maintenance appearance at the last wedding. I don't know if it's PPD or non-pregnancy related, but I'm feeling some serious depression kinship with this woman. And, because cult, she won't get the help she needs, will fuck up her kids like her parents fucked her up and the cycle continues. 

Immature and poorly educated 18yo got married asap to escape the it all, shook off some cult-chains  but didn't realize that the son of Daniel Webster would not lead her to any kind of freedom. This is not where Alyssa hoped to be and she's miserable. 

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On 1/28/2024 at 12:47 PM, Meow Mix said:

I get it that having five kids is a ton of work and possibly John does very little after working a very physical job all day.  But just stewing in resentment does nothing to fix the situation.  

Oh, the resentment is real. There's an entire scene in the Christmas video where Alyssa says she "wants it documented" that John doesn't take out the trash and he films her as she angrily pulls the bag out of the can and drags it out the front door. She sarcastically says "just call me John Webster" and says she just needs a hat and he actually tosses her one! It's clearly a longstanding argument they have because she says she always says "this is not my job." John just doesn't give a shit. Say what you want about Chad but at least he does work around the house to help Erin.

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