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Alyssa and John: Lunch with Lurch

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18 minutes ago, cereality said:

This is going to be Carson Paine all over again. He's the golden child in that family [too bad they're unable to upgrade their housing, but even still Chad and Erin have said they're desperately trying to find a housing solution - "because you don't want a boy sharing a room with girls past age 8" - though they may miss their deadline there.] But he's still the golden boy and the girls are JUST girls. I mean HE got to go to California with Erin for Uncle Law's wedding, yet his sister who is only a year younger and just as close with Uncle Law didn't??

I see the Websters doing the same kind of thing - his own room + special activities/things just for him because OH HE'S a boy, he can appreciate going to games or driving go karts or whatever. Esp since John always says money is tight, I feel like their feeling will be like - it's enough to make sure the girls are fed and clothed [w/ hand me downs and/or Tiki attire if she doesn't move onto the boy], and extras will go to the boy having all new everything from toys to furniture in his room to clothes to sporting gear.

And did she need to SAY that she's going to spoil the last one [which this isn't] and now she has a reason bc he's a boy?? WTF. We know you feel that way but your 7 yr old isn't a toddler - she gets what you just said.

Did Princess Erin and PW Chad actually do that? Take the oldest child, who just happens to be the golden penis, and leave all the others at home? That's fucking low. 

I hate all these people. I hope all their uteri and testicles pack it in and none of them, except Michaela, ever have another child. They're all misogynist trash and have no business having children. 

I hope Little Lord Webster turns out to be a total hellion. 

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I feel bad for all the kids.  The girls' are about to lose the only attention they have ever gotten and forced to wear dresses and do traditional girl things even they don't want to. Lexi can't play sports if she wants to which she might and Allie's stuck as a miniMom. They don't matter because they don't have a penis. The boy is going to play sports and be manly whether he wants to or not. He'll be spoiled, pampered and all that crap so he either ends up like smug arrogent asshole or as useless like Alyssa's brothers.  John and Alyssa really are crappy parents.

Edited by andromeda331
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Ugh. Those poor little girls. I’m one of five girls and while people assumed my parents were trying for a boy, they weren’t. First three, they didn’t care. Last two? They were praying for girls. My mom knew too many families where there were girls and then a boy and the boy was always either a spoiled, entitled ass, or an awkward outsider. My dad was a dedicated girl dad whose attitude was, “I’m not royalty. Why the heck should I care if I have a boy?”

Anyway, the thoughtless comments by people assuming my dad wanted a boy (actually, no) were hurtful and scarring to me. And I actually had good, smart, loving parents who valued each of us. But these poor girls? Yikes.

My dad’s a big baseball guy too. Guess what he did? Taught his girls baseball. And not one of us has been struck down by God yet.

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28 minutes ago, Cinnabon said:

I love your dad! 

Me, too. His attitude was always that men with daughters are lucky. He and our mom brought us up to believe we could do whatever we set our minds to and encouraged us to pursue our talents and interests. We had value just for being who we are. That’s part of what breaks my heart for these girls (and any girls in this cult, really). So much wasted potential.

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Hate to give him any credit but it seems like the only one of the Bates kids/inlaws who hasn't dropped his daughter in favor of a son is Evan. I assumed he would bc he made a big deal about his family name carrying on, how he and his brother are his dad's only sons and his uncle has all daughters etc. Yet he seems to interact with Layla as he always did. He kicks the soccer ball around with her or sets her up with kid golf clubs when he himself is hitting golf balls. He posted some video where both him and Carlin were going to work out separately and Layla joined him and he didn't say - no you need to go with mom and her friend. Instead when she started copying him doing sit ups or whatever, he praised her for being so strong. He gushes over her when she shows off her princess dresses, nail polish, and dance moves. 

Interestingly he grew up in the same set up that Alyssa/John aspire to -- 4 older sisters followed by 2 boys. But he also didn't grow up in a fundie home, so I'm guessing his parents didn't just drop the sisters or act like they were only put on earth to cook, clean, or take care of Evan and his brother once they arrived. 

With Chad/Erin the favoritism towards Carson is obvious. With Z/W, it's less obvious but still there. While Z will carry the girls around or whatever, he ONLY ever does one on one things with Bradley; I'm sure they'd say - oh he's sooo busy with home reno, can't do that with a girl. And W GUSHES over Bradley in a way she doesn't over her daughters but she DOES go over the top praising the daughters when they are "fixing to do something sweet" FOR Bradley. But Z/W still aren't as heinous as Chad/Erin - we haven't seen them ONLY take Bradley places; in the times where they've done an activity like a football game or something and don't take the whole family, they'll take Bradley and Kacey, which at least makes sense as maybe an 8 and 6 yr old can handle an all day outing that a 1 and 3 yr old can't.

Kelton with his gross macho and sexist attitudes re girls will 100% drop his daughters the second a little penis arrives, which I imagine him and Josie are negotiating now bc after all the second daughter is one and a half. Bobby IDK about - he like Evan didn't grow up fundie and grew up with 2 sisters, so maybe he'll include his daughters in fun things. Hard to know yet as the sons are older so sports, rough housing etc. is easier with them, but hopefully he lets his daughters join as soon as they can.

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8 minutes ago, cereality said:

Hate to give him any credit but it seems like the only one of the Bates kids/inlaws who hasn't dropped his daughter in favor of a son is Evan. I assumed he would bc he made a big deal about his family name carrying on, how he and his brother are his dad's only sons and his uncle has all daughters etc. Yet he seems to interact with Layla as he always did. He kicks the soccer ball around with her or sets her up with kid golf clubs when he himself is hitting golf balls. He posted some video where both him and Carlin were going to work out separately and Layla joined him and he didn't say - no you need to go with mom and her friend. Instead when she started copying him doing sit ups or whatever, he praised her for being so strong. He gushes over her when she shows off her princess dresses, nail polish, and dance moves. 

Interestingly he grew up in the same set up that Alyssa/John aspire to -- 4 older sisters followed by 2 boys. But he also didn't grow up in a fundie home, so I'm guessing his parents didn't just drop the sisters or act like they were only put on earth to cook, clean, or take care of Evan and his brother once they arrived. 

With Chad/Erin the favoritism towards Carson is obvious. With Z/W, it's less obvious but still there. While Z will carry the girls around or whatever, he ONLY ever does one on one things with Bradley; I'm sure they'd say - oh he's sooo busy with home reno, can't do that with a girl. And W GUSHES over Bradley in a way she doesn't over her daughters but she DOES go over the top praising the daughters when they are "fixing to do something sweet" FOR Bradley. But Z/W still aren't as heinous as Chad/Erin - we haven't seen them ONLY take Bradley places; in the times where they've done an activity like a football game or something and don't take the whole family, they'll take Bradley and Kacey, which at least makes sense as maybe an 8 and 6 yr old can handle an all day outing that a 1 and 3 yr old can't.

Kelton with his gross macho and sexist attitudes re girls will 100% drop his daughters the second a little penis arrives, which I imagine him and Josie are negotiating now bc after all the second daughter is one and a half. Bobby IDK about - he like Evan didn't grow up fundie and grew up with 2 sisters, so maybe he'll include his daughters in fun things. Hard to know yet as the sons are older so sports, rough housing etc. is easier with them, but hopefully he lets his daughters join as soon as they can.

My first thought was that Evan isn't a macho manly man, and maybe that's why he doesn't act like Layla is less than Zade. Evan also doesn't have a macho manly man business to pass on to a golden penis, like Kelton does. 

I don't know what Zach's problem is, except he's the #1 golden penis in his family of origin. None of these bozos are masculine. 

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So they put the video up. In advance of the reveal they were badgering each of the girls about what they wanted [uh way to set up for disappointment; why not ask them to guess what it is]. Well Ally said girl and the other two said boy. So when they cut the cake and it was blue, Allie was already a bit disappointed. To his credit John hugged and kissed Allie as soon as the cake was cut.

Then John later says -- "everyone thinks I wanted the boy, not true, it's THIS ONE [pointing to Alyssa]." Not sure that I fully believed him but at least he said it. Then dumbass Alyssa says "I want to be able to spoil the last one and not feel bad about it because it's a different gender, so I can just be like oh that's just how the boys get treated." Allie's face FALLS in that moment - you can see her look down, biting her lip/frowning - and the camera isn't even that close to her but still captured it. Even Lexi kind of looks away/disappointed. John kind of laughs and says "that's ridiculous" - again not super convincing - but he said it. And that's how Allie looked for the rest of the video . . . Noticeably the other two just seemed not that interested, esp. after Alyssa's comment.

And BTW it's already started. There was paper confetti on the cake later and Alyssa has to say "THE GIRLS destroyed MY cake, why is there confetti on this cake." John says something like - oh they said we aren't eating it. Uh - I realize they're just THE GIRLS but you're still the parent and they are little kids who think this is a prop. Why did you not say in advance or when they started messing with the cake - hey no, no do not pick up confetti off the floor and put it on the cake bc we will eat that. 

And for as much as Alyssa cares about image, I assume she is PISSED at John that his shirt had very noticeable pit stains.

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14 minutes ago, cereality said:

Then John later says -- "everyone thinks I wanted the boy, not true, it's THIS ONE [pointing to Alyssa]." Not sure that I fully believed him but at least he said it.

I may be inclined to believe him on that. I’ve known a couple of families who had girls and kept going for the boy (and his brother) and in both cases, it was mom. Dad was all “you know what? I’m good here.” There are a lot of men who need a son to prove and pass on their manliness, but women can be just as bad, if not worse, in my experience.

Not watching the video, but it sounds like John’s at least trying to take care of the girls. Alyssa’s the one I’d want to throttle here.

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I just watched the video, and wow, that was sad.

I thought both Allie and Lexi looked upset when Alyssa made the spoiling comment. The smiles after the reveal felt forced and the kids seemed pretty underwhelmed the rest of the time. Maybe they were just struggling to process their emotions, but I didn't sense much joy. 

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33 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I just watched the video, and wow, that was sad.

I thought both Allie and Lexi looked upset when Alyssa made the spoiling comment. The smiles after the reveal felt forced and the kids seemed pretty underwhelmed the rest of the time. Maybe they were just struggling to process their emotions, but I didn't sense much joy. 

I have a feeling that for the girls at least, life at Chez Webster isn't all as peachy and happy as it's portrayed. Alyssa strikes me as the type who has a mean streak and a tendency to fly off the handle if things aren't perfect. 

I hope I'm wrong. 

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I watched too.  Weird how Alyssa and the girls are all dolled up and all the guests/worker bees and John were more casual. Noticed that her "dear friend" Kinlee came in carrying a small baby and yet there was no acknowledgement of the child.  AFAIK, Alyssa never mentioned doing anything special for Kinlee when she had her baby, but it's possible Kinlee did not want anything on SM.

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Alyssa def strikes me as the type with a mean streak. I mean John has said that she was kind of mean when they were courting, engaged and even in their first yr of marriage [he didn't say the word mean but very clearly implied that she was standoffish/would stop talking to him] and he kept running back to her and doing what he had to to make her happy. Apparently he had low enough self esteem that he thought that's what the types of girls worth marrying are like?? At some level she probably calmed herself w/ John as the realization set in that this marriage wasn't just about getting out of G&K's house and having a fundie wedding and sex, but she had to make a life with this man and he was her $ maker. But then that's ok bc along came the kids and in that house, while John is above her in fundie hierarchy, she is above the kids.

She grew up in a crappy home with crappy parents and dreamt of having her own pristine quiet mansion with all white and glass furniture. All well and good, but usually the people who want that don't go and have 5 kids in 8 yrs. And given her crappy parents, she was scrubbing the house and cooking 3 meals a day with Michael prob by the time she was Allie's age. So you KNOW she looks at her kids esp Allie and Lexie and thinks they have it "too easy." I have a feeling a lot of keeping the house clean is falling on Allie and Lexie now when the IG cameras aren't on. A few months ago she started the - oh Allie LOVES to make lunch for her sisters. Granted lunch was like PBJ but I have a feeling Allie will be doing actual cooking of hot dinners sooner rather than later. 

John honestly doesn't even seem like he wants kids and if he's being truthful about not being desperate for a boy, I think he would've been fine if they had stopped esp after Alyssa's heart issue, which he seemed traumatized by. At that time they had 3 and I think he would've been fine being like, it's the lord's will to not keep stressing Alyssa's body out here after heart procedures.

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1 hour ago, Absolom said:

Alyssa was the noise intolerant Bates child and didn't want chaos in her house as an adult.  I doubt she's a lot of fun to live with and doesn't allow much playing around in the house.

Rhetorical question -- then why the hell is she having her fifth kid?! Kids bring chaos no matter what! Not to mention, they bring noise and mess and crumbs. 

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2 hours ago, cereality said:

She grew up in a crappy home with crappy parents and dreamt of having her own pristine quiet mansion with all white and glass furniture. All well and good, but usually the people who want that don't go and have 5 kids in 8 yrs. And given her crappy parents, she was scrubbing the house and cooking 3 meals a day with Michael prob by the time she was Allie's age. So you KNOW she looks at her kids esp Allie and Lexie and thinks they have it "too easy." I have a feeling a lot of keeping the house clean is falling on Allie and Lexie now when the IG cameras aren't on. A few months ago she started the - oh Allie LOVES to make lunch for her sisters. Granted lunch was like PBJ but I have a feeling Allie will be doing actual cooking of hot dinners sooner rather than later. 

John honestly doesn't even seem like he wants kids and if he's being truthful about not being desperate for a boy, I think he would've been fine if they had stopped esp after Alyssa's heart issue, which he seemed traumatized by. At that time they had 3 and I think he would've been fine being like, it's the lord's will to not keep stressing Alyssa's body out here after heart procedures.

I think it might come down to the Bates family competition for attention. Alyssa's not getting any attention for stopping at three kids or even four. She's getting attention and fundie brownie points for continuing to have kids, especially since it's a boy! and after her heart issues! she's so obedient to gawd! The family competition is what I think is at the root of Carlin's fake health issues, too. 

How different their lives would be if they'd ever gotten adequate attention from their worthless parents. If useless Gil and Kelly hadn't joined a fertility cult and kept having more kids at the expense of the ones they already had, Alyssa might have been the youngest of a big, normal-sized family instead of just one of way too many. 

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19 hours ago, Heathen said:

Did Princess Erin and PW Chad actually do that? Take the oldest child, who just happens to be the golden penis, and leave all the others at home? That's fucking low. 

Erin and Carson did attend Lawson’s wedding in San Diego. FWIW Chad stayed home and Carson was a ring bearer along with Bradley. I’m of the we all go or we all stay mentality, but since Carson was part of the wedding party it made sense to them. I also think Erin stayed the bare minimum in SD.

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17 hours ago, AgathaC said:

Me, too. His attitude was always that men with daughters are lucky. He and our mom brought us up to believe we could do whatever we set our minds to and encouraged us to pursue our talents and interests. We had value just for being who we are. That’s part of what breaks my heart for these girls (and any girls in this cult, really). So much wasted potential.

Your Dad and my dad would've been great friends.  I'm one of 5 girls and 1 boy.  My dad loved my brother, but no more or less than any of the rest of us.  He wasn't terribly athletic, but he loved sports and he shared that love of sports with all of his kids.  One of my sisters and I were the ones who inherited his fanaticism.  One of my best Christmas presents ever was tickets to the NFL playoffs with my dad when I was 14. My brother stayed home, it wasn't his thing.  (1971 Browns vs Colts; we lost 20-3 and I didn't have to look any of that up).   When people heard we had 5 girls and a boy they'd say; 'I guess you wanted a boy, right?' My dad would reply, 'no, we wanted a family'. My bro was #4.

For all his life, my father bragged about how lucky he was to have so many wonderful daughters. Whenever a family event happened, he'd tell us over and over how glad he was to know his girls would come together and handle it.  And we did and still do.

I feel so sorry for these kids, shoved into narrow little slots with no room for anything other than rigid roles.  The looks on the older girls' faces says it all.  They've seen firsthand how little girl children are valued, except as household help, in their extended family and they know they will never be able to compete with baby boy's magic penis.


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31 minutes ago, SMama said:

Erin and Carson did attend Lawson’s wedding in San Diego. FWIW Chad stayed home and Carson was a ring bearer along with Bradley. I’m of the we all go or we all stay mentality, but since Carson was part of the wedding party it made sense to them. I also think Erin stayed the bare minimum in SD.

It's still gross. If you have a mixed-gender family, it's all or none. ALL kids go, regardless of whether one is in the wedding, or none go. Otherwise hurt feelings are guaranteed, and parents who willfully do that to their children just suck. 

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17 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

In all fairness they don't film everything that they say or do.  How would we know if Alyssa did or didn't do anything special for Kinlee? 

True, but normally Alyssa’s SM posts are sooooo boring and Kinlee has been in some posts, so it would seem like Alyssa would have posted something. But then again, Alyssa might think we are only interested in her so why bother posting something about her friend.

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1 hour ago, Heathen said:

It's still gross. If you have a mixed-gender family, it's all or none. ALL kids go, regardless of whether one is in the wedding, or none go. Otherwise hurt feelings are guaranteed, and parents who willfully do that to their children just suck. 

No doubt that Carson is the favoured golden child of the Paine family.  And it was especially sad that Brooklyn, who is very close to her Uncle Lawson, was not able to go to his wedding.  But I do wonder if in this instance it was a case of not being able to afford more than two plane tickets. I think the Paines probably have the tightest budget of all the married siblings.

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12 minutes ago, 3 is enough said:

No doubt that Carson is the favoured golden child of the Paine family.  And it was especially sad that Brooklyn, who is very close to her Uncle Lawson, was not able to go to his wedding.  But I do wonder if in this instance it was a case of not being able to afford more than two plane tickets. I think the Paines probably have the tightest budget of all the married siblings.

Then they should try getting real jobs (both of them -- plenty of couples trade off childcare so they both can work), not having any more kids, and laying off spending on more animals, flowers, redecorating, or stupid campers that are already too small for their family. And stop the tithing to gawd or GotHard or whoever. They need to take care of their family first, and that includes not treating one kid better than the others. 

Edited by Heathen
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23 hours ago, Heathen said:

Did Princess Erin and PW Chad actually do that? Take the oldest child, who just happens to be the golden penis, and leave all the others at home? That's fucking low. 

I hate all these people. I hope all their uteri and testicles pack it in and none of them, except Michaela, ever have another child. They're all misogynist trash and have no business having children. 

I hope Little Lord Webster turns out to be a total hellion. 

If they had all the money in the world there would still be no reason to drag a bunch of kids to California for a quick wedding trip, especially in a family where there is a wedding every time someone turns around.

When I was 10 years old I was my aunt's companion at a family wedding in another state. The only thing I remembered later from the wedding was that the bride did the Italian thing where she walks around with a bag(?) and collects monetary gifts. 

That and that I ate grapes on the bus going there and threw up on the sidewalk as soon as I got off the bus. You'd think my aunt would have been warned that I got bus sick...

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2 hours ago, Dehumidifier said:

If they had all the money in the world there would still be no reason to drag a bunch of kids to California for a quick wedding trip, especially in a family where there is a wedding every time someone turns around.

Then none of them should have gone, or Princess Erin could have gone alone. I speak as the second daughter (with a much younger half-brother/golden child) who was the one left out. 

Edited by Heathen
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1 hour ago, 3 is enough said:

No doubt that Carson is the favoured golden child of the Paine family.  And it was especially sad that Brooklyn, who is very close to her Uncle Lawson, was not able to go to his wedding.  But I do wonder if in this instance it was a case of not being able to afford more than two plane tickets. I think the Paines probably have the tightest budget of all the married siblings.

It was def a monetary thing, but they aren't the first people in the universe to have tight finances. In most non fundie families, when the thing that is unaffordable is a trip to Cali for 2 similar age kids, the automatic solution is NOT pick the boy. The solution is ok no kid goes, only mom goes bc it's her brother's wedding.

As much as I am not a fan of Law, even before Tiff came on the scene, he would go out on little outings with Bradley and Kacie and also with Carson and Brooklyn. Nothing big but just like 2 hrs at a local amusement park or fair followed by ice cream; he wouldn't just take the boys but each boy AND his almost same age sister. He EASILY could have told his sister/SIL that he just wanted to take their son out on a guy's outing/it's easier to take a little boy etc. and they totally would have agreed bc after all as Alyssa clarified "that's how boys are treated." But he didn't do that. For that reason alone I'm convinced he didn't just ask Carson to be in his wedding but asked for both Carson and Brooklyn [just like he asked both Brad/Kacie] and Chad/Erin said - eh we can't spend the $ on more than 2 Cali tix, just ask Carson, instead of saying nah it won't be fair, you know what just skip our kids.

While yes us adults think weddings are boring and forgettable, from Brooklyn's perspective - Carson got to get on a plane, stay in a hotel for 2 nights, go to the beach in the free morning [and this fam rarely travels], and all that while getting 1:1 time w/ mom, seeing Uncle Law/Aunt Tiff and a zillion cousins. So yeah he got something BIG that she didn't bc he has a penis. 

And I thought Erin was OH SO SENSITIVE to post pics of Carson throughout - eating ice cream at the airport, at the beach, in the wedding. Now granted Chad isn't a social media person so maybe he wasn't showing Brooklyn pics, but I wouldn't put it past him TO show her pics and fully expect her to be THRILLED for her brother. And she's now old enough to realize how old school her dad is - if she didn't act THRILLED for her brother, you know she'd be yelled about how much God hates jealousy, it's a sin, and made to repent.

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13 minutes ago, cereality said:

As much as I am not a fan of Law, even before Tiff came on the scene, he would go out on little outings with Bradley and Kacie and also with Carson and Brooklyn. Nothing big but just like 2 hrs at a local amusement park or fair followed by ice cream; he wouldn't just take the boys but each boy AND his almost same age sister. He EASILY could have told his sister/SIL that he just wanted to take their son out on a guy's outing/it's easier to take a little boy etc. and they totally would have agreed bc after all as Alyssa clarified "that's how boys are treated." But he didn't do that. For that reason alone I'm convinced he didn't just ask Carson to be in his wedding but asked for both Carson and Brooklyn [just like he asked both Brad/Kacie] and Chad/Erin said - eh we can't spend the $ on more than 2 Cali tix, just ask Carson, instead of saying nah it won't be fair, you know what just skip our kids.

So why didn't Lawson say, if I can't have both I'll have neither? Or offer to contribute. Not like his wife is poor.

3 minutes ago, Dehumidifier said:

So why didn't Lawson say, if I can't have both I'll have neither? Or offer to contribute. Not like his wife is poor.

Didn't Lawson try to include someone from every family (save Alyssa)? They probably already had other flower girls selected, probably Whitney's oldest daughter whose name escapes me, Kaci? 

Erin may have also made it known that they were on a budget and could only afford to fly two. 

We'll never know how it shook out.

10 minutes ago, Dehumidifier said:

So why didn't Lawson say, if I can't have both I'll have neither? Or offer to contribute. Not like his wife is poor.

YMMV but I don't think that's Law's job. He was raised fundie, he knows Chad and Erin are very fundie, he wouldn't be wrong in assuming that they are raising their kids how they were raised -- boys get special privileges and the girls have to deal. Not sure why they'd change their mind bc childless Law thinks they're wrong. Plus as @Salacious Kitty points out, we don't know how it shook out - maybe he DID say, are you sure that's ok, won't Brooklyn be hurt - and Chad/Erin were all like no no it's fine, she needs to deal with this stuff. What's he supposed to say then, ok well I still don't want Carson alone so he's out?

And with a family that big, no way can he open the door to contributing to certain people's flights bc forever others will bitch that they had to spend $$$ to fly out there. These things don't stay secret.

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A lot of what we think is really just speculation.  We don't know who said what to whom and how all these decisions were made.  I was the useless girl among two brothers back in the olden days.  But, managed to get past it and love my brothers.  Who knows how it all is in real every day life.  Maybe worse than we speculate, or, maybe just average.

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18 hours ago, Heathen said:

I think it might come down to the Bates family competition for attention. Alyssa's not getting any attention for stopping at three kids or even four. She's getting attention and fundie brownie points for continuing to have kids, especially since it's a boy! and after her heart issues! she's so obedient to gawd! The family competition is what I think is at the root of Carlin's fake health issues, too. 

I feel the same can be said for Erin and her continuing to have babies. 

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On 10/30/2022 at 10:59 AM, Heathen said:

Then they should try getting real jobs (both of them -- plenty of couples trade off childcare so they both can work), not having any more kids, and laying off spending on more animals, flowers, redecorating, or stupid campers that are already too small for their family. And stop the tithing to gawd or GotHard or whoever. They need to take care of their family first, and that includes not treating one kid better than the others. 

That would be the smart thing to do. But they won't.

Edited by andromeda331
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6 hours ago, YupItsMe said:

Whenever I think we're starting to progress as a society, all I have to do is read a Fundie Insta comment section and it's right back to reality. I hope none of these peoples' daughters ever read that Mom thought they were cool, but they just don't compare to having a son. 😥

2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I guess Kiki(?) will need to learn how to sew little baby boy pants to match the dresses.

Ha ha, Tikky is Alyssa's stalker. Is she actually making the dresses? I thought she was buying and sending them? 

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3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I hope Alyssa puts a door on the upstairs TV/playroom and puts the girls in there, rather than squish them together in one of the bedrooms.

What?  And not have a dedicated play space and TV for the young prince of the realm?  Unacceptable.  More likely, the girls will be banished from the area so that they don't accidentally touch baby boy's toy trucks and Army men.  Wouldn't want them to escape their little pink boxes and God forbid they should break something belonging to their brother.

  • Sad 12
16 hours ago, cereality said:

Alyssa is doubling down. She can’t wait to spoil her little man rotten - per her IG post re the reveal. Daughters be damned I guess.

Alyssa is trash, and so is John if he allows his daughters to be subjugated to the "little man." 

I hate knowing how those little girls are going to grow up. 

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1 hour ago, Heathen said:

Alyssa is trash, and so is John if he allows his daughters to be subjugated to the "little man." 

I hate knowing how those little girls are going to grow up. 

Agreed. I did appreciate John saying loud and clear that "everyone thinks I wanted the boy, not true, it's THIS ONE [pointing to Alyssa]." Maybe Allie and Lexi understood it, maybe they didn't understand it yet but videos live on forever and at some point in the next few years they'll stumble upon their parents' YouTube. BUT it'll only mean something if he actually backs it up and makes sure his daughters aren't treated like trash bc of "little man" -- and I have my doubts about that. He is very very traditional. AND at the end of the day, they're with Alyssa 40 hrs'wk, not John. Alyssa needs the help with cooking and cleaning and John as a fundie likely thinks that's right bc hey we're raising them how they need to be raised to be good wives and mommies and we'll raise little man how he needs to be raised to be king of the castle.

Hope John at least steps in on the small stuff. Like kids are kids and at some point yeah the girls will end up breaking little man's toys or excluding little man - whether accidentally or jealousy or whatever - and I hope he can then reign in Alyssa's screaming and he himself can recognize it's kids being kids.

John has talked the talk before. In a YT video pre-Maci he also said something about not needing a Jr. and something along the lines of "how is that going to make our girls feel if we're desperate for a boy - like they aren't good enough?" So he at least recognizes the issue. Whether he can act on it is a different thing.

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2 hours ago, Heathen said:

Alyssa is trash, and so is John if he allows his daughters to be subjugated to the "little man."

Alyssa said that because this was the last baby she could spoil him and not feel guilty. Maybe not the most tactful thing to say but I didn't pickup on anything that John or Alyssa said that sounds like they would allow their daughters to be "subjugated" to a baby boy.  And  I don't think that Alyssa and John are trash. I don't agree with their views or religion but I don't see anything about them that would make me call them trash. 

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On 11/1/2022 at 6:32 PM, 65mickey said:

Alyssa said that because this was the last baby she could spoil him and not feel guilty. Maybe not the most tactful thing to say but I didn't pickup on anything that John or Alyssa said that sounds like they would allow their daughters to be "subjugated" to a baby boy.  And  I don't think that Alyssa and John are trash. I don't agree with their views or religion but I don't see anything about them that would make me call them trash. 

I'm not sure I believe this is the last,  Erin has been saying the same thing about it being the last since kid #2.  Even creepy Dr. Vick wasn't buying it after a while.  I do hope the girls aren't pushed aside for Alyssa's "little man".  I don't think it is very nice to say you are going to spoil the new baby right in front of your older kids, though.

Edited by Meow Mix
sprained wrist makes typing difficult.
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