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Erin and Chad: Fifty Shades of Pink

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58 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

So if Mommy doesn't have a baby, do they internalize it as their fault? They didn't pray enough or pray the right way? They lacked obedience? It's such a shitty thing to do. 

Isn’t that what happened last time? They trained all of them to pray for a baby - not knowing if she could have more after her surgeries + to pray for a boy. Meanwhile Z&W had their kids praying for a brother for Bradley. Well I guess they had to tell the Paine kids that God doesn’t like them as much or is teaching them a hard lesson or is punishing them for their bad behavior or they aren’t Godly enough bc God ONLY gave them a girl, whereas Bradley got a brother 🙄. And yet I 100% think this is Chad/Erin’s brand of faith. Jinger Duggar has given lots of interviews for her book release and she clarifies that fundies are 100% about obedience by making the child afraid of God - like she’d get into the car thinking omg maybe we’ll get in a car accident bc God will punish me bc I said I hated my sister bc I was mad at her for stealing my jeans or bc I took a glance at a boy at the store bc I though he was cute. I really do think C/E are this “traditional.”

Not that they care but you can really eff up a child bc giving them this logic. God forbid something happens to Erin in this delivery or she can’t have any more kids at all after #6 — these kids are going to think it’s bc they rolled their eyes once, not bc their dumbass parents wouldn’t stop/wouldn’t listen to drs who told them this was too high risk etc. I believe Erin had been told it’s really high risk to have more - she still had #5 and now #6. Guess they dr shop and/or just don’t go to the dr until she’s actually pregnant so no dr can say - look you have 5 kids who need you, think about whether you want to undertake risky pregnancy 6, if it were me/my wife I wouldn’t chance it.

@Dehumidifier - totally agree about Chad picking up a job at Lowe’s or Home Depot but it’ll never happen. I mean working with black guys, Hispanic guys, non Christians, coworkers who got their girlfriends pregnant, [gasp] women - and having these ppl as his boss - nooooo. It’s ok it’s better to raise kids 8 to a room than to interact with the “other” even for money.

Edited by cereality
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2 hours ago, Dehumidifier said:

Chad really needs to get his butt to Home Depot or Lowes and get some kind of steady employment and hopefully work his way into management.

But but but! He might have to work for a heathen! Or a woman! Or one of those people! Can't have that! 

I wonder if Clomid had a hand in this baby, too. Or Erin exaggerated about her "one-quarter ovary," which would not surprise me. 


Edited by Heathen
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Carson was literally jumping for joy about the pregnancy. That kind of surprised me. They are really cute kids, but I wish Erin would be more careful regarding her health. And that both parents would think about the logistics of where these kids will go. One of the girls figured out that there aren't enough seats in their vehicle. Wonder if Chad & Erin even thought about that!

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4 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

I hope it’s another girl.

And how she gets pregnant when they all are packed in like the sardines as is?

No way the kids don't hear. I'm sure that in the pre-TV money, overpacked, ramshackle house, Erin and her sibs knew when their parents were getting it on, too. 

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2 things that surprised me lately: 

No, not the pregnancy. That’s like whatever. 
1-In Law & Tiff’s video, Carson is wearing Wonder Woman pajamas when they get there. Unless they don’t know what the WW stands for. 

2-In Alyssa’s video about the birthday party, Brookie is seen with a video game controller about to play with the other kids. 

Just two things I never thought I’d see with the Paine kids. 

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I saw this sad new baby video. Did anyone notice how Chad and Erin were heavily leaning towards this baby being a BOY? When asking the kids what they thought it would be, some of the girls said a girl..you could see the displeasure in Erin's face and her steering the kids towards...BOY. Just sad if you ask me. Also, I could not take all the shrieking from Erin. Tone it down, girl! Act your age. I'm surprised Erin had all that extra time to make up those silly bags and rhymes. With 5 children, a household to clean, etc. I would not have had the time for such activity. Carson and the girls were waaaay too excited about another baby. Those children need to get out of the house and have other interests/friends etc. Where are they going to put another child? They are already crowded even if this child is a boy. Chad & Erin will switch to that small bedroom that the girls are using now? Still too small of a house for them right now. I wish this baby well as it is already on it's way; but really, no common sense being used here if you ask me.

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2 hours ago, floridamom said:

I saw this sad new baby video. Did anyone notice how Chad and Erin were heavily leaning towards this baby being a BOY? When asking the kids what they thought it would be, some of the girls said a girl..you could see the displeasure in Erin's face and her steering the kids towards...BOY. Just sad if you ask me. Also, I could not take all the shrieking from Erin. Tone it down, girl! Act your age. I'm surprised Erin had all that extra time to make up those silly bags and rhymes. With 5 children, a household to clean, etc. I would not have had the time for such activity. Carson and the girls were waaaay too excited about another baby. Those children need to get out of the house and have other interests/friends etc. Where are they going to put another child? They are already crowded even if this child is a boy. Chad & Erin will switch to that small bedroom that the girls are using now? Still too small of a house for them right now. I wish this baby well as it is already on it's way; but really, no common sense being used here if you ask me.

Someone should tell Princess Erin that wishing won't make it so. Or if you want to shock the curl out of her hair, give her the more earthy version -- wish in one hand, s**t in the other, see which one fills up first.*


* I really dislike scatological humor, but considering the Bateses, I think it's worth it. 

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On 4/11/2023 at 2:01 PM, cereality said:

They're raising kids as if they are prisoners or Army recruits. Yet Erin seems to think it is necessary to decorate the room for the bunch of menopausal grandmas. I'm sorry but what little kids need portraits of THEMSELVES on the wall or shelves full of rosy wallpaper, fake plants, earth color vases, scented candles, and vintage bicycles. Sorry but what happened to kids having TOYS - you know colorful ones, educational ones etc. Love how she goes on about OMG BOOKS I want books everywhere bc that encourages kids to read while simultaneously going - that book is too yellow?! Uh??

I mean all of the bunks are claustrophic and it was perhaps the stupidest thing to built a murphy bed closed off by 2 bookshelves. They're like ok this kid will be able to sleep in it for 2 yrs. Uh then what? If your husband doesn't actually take on work for people who pay, do you think you're moving in just 2 yrs? They could have just not built the stupid shelves or built one set of shelves and then a twin sized bed. But oh nooo then things wouldn't be symmetric.

I mean I love how Erin went on about how all the beds need to be on 1 wall (bc stupid shelves and decor). Uh no - you could have had one regular bunk where the triple is and one across from it. Or you could have one bed as you walk in through the door, another where the shelves are across from the bunk, and then a bunk. Sure it'll look like a prison cell but that's how you're raising these kids.

I mean it's clear all this move and this house accomplished was having more living space so a family of 7 isn't squished onto 2 little couches + give Prince Carson his own room so he and his dick can have some privacy. I mean they had always said Carson couldn't share a room beyond age 8-9 and he turns 8 in weeks . . . so it works out for him. 

Who does Everly look like? That child is beautiful.

Is Everly the one with dark hair?  If so, I’ve always thought that she was a beauty. 

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According to Reddit, Erin and Chad know the gender of the new spawn and will announce it next week. I think that if it were a Golden Penis, they'd have announced the gender right away. 

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17 minutes ago, Heathen said:

According to Reddit, Erin and Chad know the gender of the new spawn and will announce it next week. I think that if it were a Golden Penis, they'd have announced the gender right away. 

Someone who had seen their video said that Erin found out first, and she just recently told Chad. Tori also knows. Speaking of which, she's overdue for another blessing announcement. 

Edited by Salacious Kitty
Autofill strikes again!
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FWIW I guess the YT video had a clip of the reveal - bc some Redditer claims that the look on Carson’s face suggests a penis has been spotted. No clue if this is true/false. 

And fear not Brookie is coming along well on her sister mom role - on the same YT video they say she’s become a little mother and is now asking to learn how to cook 🙄

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12 minutes ago, cereality said:

FWIW I guess the YT video had a clip of the reveal - bc some Redditer claims that the look on Carson’s face suggests a penis has been spotted. No clue if this is true/false. 

And fear not Brookie is coming along well on her sister mom role - on the same YT video they say she’s become a little mother and is now asking to learn how to cook 🙄

From what the other viewer of the video said, it doesn't sound like the kids know. I mean, who else is there to reveal to in rural Florida? I guess KJ will fly down. Alyssa might show up. Maybe.

Edited by Salacious Kitty
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Well they got a child with a penis. It’s been fun girls but we’re done with you - got our boy . . . . Didn’t watch it but per Reddit Erin says something right there at the reveal to Brookie re taking care of a boy . . . not that Brookie isn’t used to being disfavored anyway being born right after Prince Carson.

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Well, I'm grateful another girl won't be crammed into that tiny, crappy bedroom. Silver linings, I guess....

I haven't had a chance to watch the video, but I feel like this priority for Carson to have a brother has always been kind of pointless. He's what, 8? 9? I have a big age gap between myself and my siblings, and as much as I love them, we weren't really buddies growing up. By the time this kid is old enough to do anything, Carson will be in his teens and into different hobbies. I think the boy obsession is more about satisfying Chad's and Erin's egos than anything else. 


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I suspected it would be a boy due to the enthusiastic screen shot at the beginning of their YouTube. Chad looked quite relieved despite their "whatever God sends us" baloney. Once again, Carson is way too "invested" in his parents' business; like what/how many children his parents have. I feel sorry for 4 girls; they just lost their worth even as a group of 4. They will definitely IMO be delegated to sister-mom duties and housework. Erin hasn't lived through a Central Florida summer yet and she's pregnant too. She will be boiling with that long hair, gobs of makeup, which will melt off her sweating face and modest clothing. My son was born in September and I can tell you it was an uncomfortable summer for me here in Cent FL.

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21 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Well, I'm grateful another girl won't be crammed into that tiny, crappy bedroom. Silver linings, I guess....

I haven't had a chance to watch the video, but I feel like this priority for Carson to have a brother has always been kind of pointless. He's what, 8? 9? I have a big age gap between myself and my siblings, and as much as I love them, we weren't really buddies growing up. By the time this kid is old enough to do anything, Carson will be in his teens and into different hobbies. I think the boy obsession is more about satisfying Chad's and Erin's egos than anything else. 


Exactly what I’ve been saying. Not that they can’t have a rewarding relationship. But it’s not like this new kid will be a playmate. Their next-closest sisters are more likely to be their real “friends.” At least until they’re forced apart by proper gender roles.

Little boys often idolize older boys. (Same with girls.) But I’ve witnessed first-hand how that can annoy an older boy. He may think it’ll be wonderful but it’s also just as likely that he may find it not as awesome as he thought in a few years.

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Since all the Paine kids are homeschooled the siblings are really the only kids they know or interact with. Sure there might be a cousin visiting occasionally or sweet church friends. But I think Carson and new brother will be close just because there aren’t many other options. Pretty soon the Paine girls will be busy doing girl things, ie learning to be moms and no way Carson will be part of that.

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@ozziemom - if that ends up being true, it'll accomplish what all these mommies want anyway - keeping their baby boy a baby for that much longer. Fine you want him not be be girly so how dare he learn to cook and clean with his sisters, then fine he ought to be out rough housing with boys his own age. But that's easier said than done when you don't send a child to school, nor let him join any sports teams because the horrors there could be non Christians or kids with two dads/two moms or these days even kids who are LGBT themselves on such teams. So that'll get you a 15 year old boy playing trucks with his then 7 year old brother - and out of more than just politeness once in two months. But I guess C&E think that's fine because Carson will get his man training from daddy when he's out there on the back porch building dressers and dining tables. To them the only training a man needs is being Goldy, being handy/building stuff, speaking sweetly to women - while laying down the law that they are the HEADSHIP - which he'll get from Chad + church.

I think they've been SOOOO wrapped up in "a brother for Carson" for the last 8 yrs since Carson was born, but they haven't cared to think about the practicalities or the dynamic between brothers. Hell now that they've made boy #2, I wouldn't be shocked if they're already plotting out when to get her pregnant next for a shot at boy #3 - bc then the 2 youngest boys grow up together idolizing big brother Carson. Carson still doesn't get a true playmate but hey he gets a following, which these fundie big bros love - see daddy Chad who is the oldest boy in his fam.

If they have thought about it, I am betting they're expecting a dynamic like Trace/Jeb - 15 yrs age difference but aaawww how sweet, once a yr Trace takes Jeb out for ice cream and makes an IG post about his bc they're birthday buddies. Too bad no one has considered that Jeb's idea of a good time is Legos or ice cream, Trace's idea of a good time is having sex with his wife. Or they hope for a Zach/Jackson dynamic - 14 yr age difference and J has openly said you shouldn't have more kids than you have time to pay attention to etc. - making it clear that by the time he came along Gil didn't give a damn, so J turns to Z to talk over ideas, life plans etc.

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BTW did anyone catch in the new episodes Gil saying Covid was so hard on Erin it affected her HEART along with her lady parts!? And then smugly G&K go on the - but we got our miracle, she can still have another baby blah blah.

It's horrifying how this family ignored Covid given that someone in their own fam had cardiac issues after it - not to mention Carlin's problems as she had Covid while pregnant with Zade and Josie had Covid and a miscarriage around the same time. Yet despite that it's always been - hahah it's NBD, fake, WE are ESSENTIAL workers we can't stay home, and of course running from Target to Walmart to restaurants to wherever else. I don't mean now I mean during the heart of the pandemic. And all while laughing off/mocking vaccines. Wow.

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Erin said she had Covid twice. Probably still walking around unvaccinated and planning to surpass her idiot parents on the number of neglected children. 

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I kind of like Erin's kid names. It's the only thing I like about her, actually. I'd rather have a Holland or Everly than the misspelled, cutesy monstrosities Alyssa inflicts on her daughters. 

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34 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

Erin apparently admitted that she wished they would have called Carson by his real name, Charles. 

They could change it to Charles if they really want to and it wouldn't bother Carson.  For minors, name changes are much easier than adults.  It's frequently viewed as a correction to the birth certificate

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12 minutes ago, Absolom said:

They could change it to Charles if they really want to and it wouldn't bother Carson.  For minors, name changes are much easier than adults.  It's frequently viewed as a correction to the birth certificate

His given name is Charles, so they wouldn't have to change his birth certificate. 

Charles Something Paine IV, I believe. 

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30 minutes ago, Heathen said:

His given name is Charles, so they wouldn't have to change his birth certificate. 

Charles Something Paine IV, I believe. 

Yup. I forget the middle name as well, but that's his legal name. 

Oh wait! It's Stephen! 😃

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::smh::  If she wants to call him Charles, then do so.  Erin is definitely a bit off the beaten path.  She could use both names.  People who use nicknames do that all the time.

I'm sure I knew the kid's real name when he was born but my how much I've forgotten with the raft loads of gen 3 fundies.   I'm losing track of how many offspring are in each family.  Plus I find I don't really care any more.

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I think Erin once said with the girls she picked the first names and Chad picked the middle, so it seems with this kid Chad picked the first and Erin picked the middle.

I know a lot of folks who started using their given name at some point in their lives, but it was usually during school years or as they moved into the workforce. 

I remember a couple. I'll call them Liz and Bill. For their wedding, they used Elizabeth and William, not just for the invitations. On the napkins, their champagne glasses, signs, etc. They still go by Liz and Bill and regret that decision even today, lol.

It makes sense that Chad uses a nickname because I believe the dad went by Charles, but Carson could easily have been called Charles since his dad wasn't. But they certainly could start calling him that now. But Erin being Erin, she'll likely start calling William "Liam", so both the boys have a nickname.

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8 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I think Erin once said with the girls she picked the first names and Chad picked the middle, so it seems with this kid Chad picked the first and Erin picked the middle.

That makes sense. Despite what Erin says I can't see her picking William. Gage feels more like her speed. While the middle names Chad has picked have all been normal Elise, Hope, Grace and Marie. So it makes sense he picks William. 

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Let's be honest, in this fam/cult all the dads pick all the boys names bc they are actually excited and they actually care for boys. For girls, they don't give two shits as they just look at it as another mouth to feed until she goes off with her headship in 18 yrs, so whatever the mom can pick whatever cutesy monstrosity of a name she likes.

I mean the grandsons in this fam are named Bradley, Charles, Robert (Kade), William, Rhett. The granddaughters OTOH Khole, Kacie, Lexi, Zoey, Maci, Willow, Hazel [I know Willow and Hazel are real names but still hardly serious names], Everly, Cambree. I mean there are some exceptions - Charlotte got a real name, while Kolter and Ryker got made up monstrosities. But by and large the males get traditional important names bc they will need to be manly men out there in the world getting business for their plumbing companies or whatever. 

And these two are so divorced from the world it's amazing. They can't start calling Carson Charles, why exactly? The boy doesn't go to school, doesn't play sports; who is he seeing besides his 5 siblings and 20 person church cult? This isn't like he has to correct 8000 classmates and teammates re his name. And even if he did, kids do it all the time. I had a classmate who went from Andrew to Drew in the middle of his senior yr of high school bc he had been considering it for a long time and wanted to graduate HS and go out into the world as Drew. He told his best friends and his teachers, once they started calling him Drew - classmates/acquaintances caught on real quick. This kind of thing happens with kids, what's the big deal!?

Haven't watched it but per Reddit - apparently in the YT they say Chad is working a lot but it's "tricky." They're vague about it but me thinks he's finding that being an unlicensed, not bonded or insured contractor in Fla is a challenge, esp in a new place where they don't have a large community of "sweet friends" who need to reno a kitchen or bathroom. 

And then apparently CHAD says they're open to moving back to Tenn - if that's where God leads blah blah. Super interesting. I do wonder if the cost of living of Fla vs. rural Tenn is hitting him. Harder to find work + paying more for housing + if they ever want to buy a house it'll be harder in Fla than in Rocky Top.


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6 minutes ago, cereality said:

Let's be honest, in this fam/cult all the dads pick all the boys names bc they are actually excited and they actually care for boys. For girls, they don't give two shits as they just look at it as another mouth to feed until she goes off with her headship in 18 yrs, so whatever the mom can pick whatever cutesy monstrosity of a name she likes.

I mean the grandsons in this fam are named Bradley, Charles, Robert (Kade), William, Rhett. The granddaughters OTOH Khole, Kacie, Lexi, Zoey, Maci, Willow, Hazel [I know Willow and Hazel are real names but still hardly serious names], Everly, Cambree. I mean there are some exceptions - Charlotte got a real name, while Kolter and Ryker got made up monstrosities. But by and large the males get traditional important names bc they will need to be manly men out there in the world getting business for their plumbing companies or whatever. 

And these two are so divorced from the world it's amazing. They can't start calling Carson Charles, why exactly? The boy doesn't go to school, doesn't play sports; who is he seeing besides his 5 siblings and 20 person church cult? This isn't like he has to correct 8000 classmates and teammates re his name. And even if he did, kids do it all the time. I had a classmate who went from Andrew to Drew in the middle of his senior yr of high school bc he had been considering it for a long time and wanted to graduate HS and go out into the world as Drew. He told his best friends and his teachers, once they started calling him Drew - classmates/acquaintances caught on real quick. This kind of thing happens with kids, what's the big deal!?

Haven't watched it but per Reddit - apparently in the YT they say Chad is working a lot but it's "tricky." They're vague about it but me thinks he's finding that being an unlicensed, not bonded or insured contractor in Fla is a challenge, esp in a new place where they don't have a large community of "sweet friends" who need to reno a kitchen or bathroom. 

And then apparently CHAD says they're open to moving back to Tenn - if that's where God leads blah blah. Super interesting. I do wonder if the cost of living of Fla vs. rural Tenn is hitting him. Harder to find work + paying more for housing + if they ever want to buy a house it'll be harder in Fla than in Rocky Top.


Not that I'm defending the Bates...but Willow, Hazel, Lexi, Maci, and Zoey have become more popular names in the 21st century.

And my parents used a unique spelling for my name as well.

Erin and Chad I think have found out that they are now little fish in a big pond in Florida vs being big fish in a small pond.  Maybe they should have done some research before moving to the more expensive state of FL.


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27 minutes ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

Erin and Chad I think have found out that they are now little fish in a big pond in Florida vs being big fish in a small pond.  Maybe they should have done some research before moving to the more expensive state of FL.


That's my take as well. When Chad said work was "tricky," I knew the immediate translation was "There aren't as many rubes in Florida willing to take a gamble on an unlicensed contractor as there are in Tennessee." FWIW, I don't know why he won't just suck it up and get licensed. It would allow him to take bigger, higher paying jobs. He'd have to carry liability insurance, but surely whatever he'd make in earnings would offset those costs. 

It's weird because they act like the move was the best thing ever, but they haven't even been there a year and they're already considering moving back to TN? I wonder if whatever shady pastor lured them down there pulled some kind of bait and switch? 

I also agree about Carson. The kid's eight. It's not like he's the President of the United States and his name is etched in plaques and statues. I know several people who started going by their middle names in high school. As mentioned above, it's really not that hard of a transition. The poor boy's life is already a dreary grind as it is. At least let him go by the name that he wants. 

Edited by BitterApple
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Wow they've only been in Fla for 8-9 mos and are already talking about moving back. I had to go back and look and it looks like they only moved last Dec.

I imagine a LOT of reality has hit them in the faces in 8 mos. It's very possible that they moved thinking this new church family would somehow bless them with a house and now they're realizing that won't be happening. If they stay in Fla and keep renting a more expensive house, it makes it that much harder to save to buy a home - which will necessarily be more expensive in Fla than in Rocky Top.  And all of this is going on with a smaller income bc it sounds like Chad is just getting fewer jobs in Fla.

I believe these 2 don't watch/own a TV and they don't exactly seem like finance news readers to me, so they may not even realize that $ is just drying up for the kind of services that Chad provides. Sure big contractors everywhere are booked solid, but ultimately unlicensed guys like Chad or Trace aren't getting jobs for 10-20k+; they rely on jobs where some relative of some sweet church friend has saved up 1-3k and has decided they really don't like their kitchen floors or whatever. People have less money laying around for those types of things now - they've been paying higher food + gas prices for over a yr; fiscal stimulus money is long gone; student loan repayments come back in 1-2 mos; and people have resumed traveling, dining out etc. so they may be willing to live with their ugly flooring or paint jobs bc they'd rather go to the beach with their fam this summer.

I mean there was a fair amount of commentary re Trace and how his kid's nursery furniture just looks cheap - I don't think that's shocking as I think Trace is not bringing in a ton of $, just like Chad isn't. Trace and Warden are also big on posting on social media when they're working on a job - and there has been very little for months.  

They always considered their landlord in Tenn a sweet friend and were soooo sad to leave. I wouldn't be surprised if they're keeping in touch, asking him to let them know when the house comes up for rent again and then we'll hear - we prayed and the lord is leading us back to Tenn . . . . IDK how they'd make that house work with 6 kids. But I can see them making a deal with the landlord to add on a new room in exchange for free rent for months. Or coming up with some ridiculous plan like - by the time Carson is 11, he's old enough to live in a trailer or tiny home on the property parked right up against the house and his brother can join him a few yrs later bc he'll have his 8 yrs older brother looking out for him.

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54 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

Carson said he wants to be called Charles. 

That's all anyone needs to know.  If the kid wants to use his real name rather than another name that is completely unrelated, then everyone needs to get on board and do it.

I have an aunt who had a childhood nickname, unrelated to her birth name that she never liked.  Finally, when she was 50, she started telling the family that she really would appreciate it if everyone would call her C--- rather than P---- because she never liked the nickname.  And so we did.  Every now and then someone forgets and uses her former name, but we really do try.  I'm sure she wishes she had had the courage to speak up when she was a little kid.

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It’s not like the kid’s name is Charles and he wants to legally change it to Philip. At that age, I wouldn’t legally change it, since kids that age can change their minds with the wind. He’s just asking to go from his nickname to his official, given name. Big deal. Such odd, frustrating people.

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2 minutes ago, Patricia07 said:

It's probably too hard for Erin to change.

Well, since it was Erin who somehow felt it made sense to call her son Carson even though his given name is Charles; I expect a lot of things are too hard for Erin.

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1 hour ago, cereality said:


I imagine a LOT of reality has hit them in the faces in 8 mos. It's very possible that they moved thinking this new church family would somehow bless them with a house and now they're realizing that won't be happening. 

Yep. This. I remember Erin gushing before the move, saying they visited this church several times, the people were amazing, so welcoming, etc., etc. I'm sure she had visions of someone handing them a quaint farmhouse on four acres and only expecting them to pay $500/mo. along with an endless stream of church ladies volunteering to babysit and help around the house. Whatever they were promised to seal the deal doesn't seem to have materialized, nor do any details on how they're "helping" this church. 

They certainly wouldn't be the first couple to get excited over a new opportunity only to realize they don't like where they're at, but what exactly is their long term plan? Do Chad and Erin want to be 40 and still relying on friends for discounted housing? Maybe their faith really is that strong, but for me that would be a terrifying way to live, especially with six kids in tow. 

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In their most recent video, I noticed that when Erin was answering the question about where she buys her clothes, Bates Sister Boutique was conspicuously missing from her list, despite the fact she specifically mentioned "cheap" as being her only real criteria in choosing where to shop.  I guess I assumed that when Erin ended up being sick for a prolonged period of time with COVID, etc, and stepped back from participating in the fugly boutique stuff that it was all amicable . . . but now I'm wondering if maybe not?  Probably reading way too much into it, but thought I'd see if anyone here knows the story of how that all went down?

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