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S05.E06: Medford, 90210

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I don't believe Yolanda would be downsizing if it wasn't for the recent loss of 2 child support checks. Somehow I don't see the King willing to spend his cash on his Lemon wife's Malibu Castle. Especially if he's traveling frequently and not able to enjoy it that much himself. 


Finally, we have some snarky teens to breathe some life in this show. Lisa R. earnestly wanting her kids to bond with her on this emotional journey of selling her childhood home. Only to have them wanting to be paid to travel with her. Then not liking her hometown because the people are chubs and eat too much fast food. Beverly Hills mentality indeed. I can only imagine the horror Yolanda would feel seeing so many fatties.

  • Love 6

I was going to snark about Lisa's teenagers being snobby but then they showed the whole thing with Lisa's parents and that hit too close to home for me. I am going through pretty much the exact same thing with my parents and her sisters name is the same as mine. So I ended up blubbering through the rest of the show and missing too much with Kyles party, so I'll have to watch it again later.

  • Love 10

Lisa R's kids acted like they had never been to her hometown before. It was kind of strange. Also, Vinnie seems like he could probably suck the life right out of the room.

What is it about some of these women. They have the wealth that allows them to travel back to where their parent(s) live but only go 1 or 2 times a year! Lisa R's parents only live 1 state away, they are not across the globe in a foreign country where it takes longer to fly there and back. David seems to get back to his home town much more often than Yolanda gets to go see her mom/brother. I have a brother that lives half way across this country, he is not wealthy by any means yet he manages to come back to see our mother at least 4 times a year. I just do not get it.

  • Love 22

I really am getting tired of these women. Kyle/Brandi, saying that Lisa holds onto grudges because she is hesitant to welcome them back into her life. That is not holding a grudge, that is common sense when someone cuts you to your core with insults/lies and hurts you. Holding a grudge would be never speaking to that person again, never even acknowledging them when in the same room with them. Why is Kyle allowed to act hurt or hesitant with Lisa but not the reverse? Why should Brandi get to set the timeline for when Lisa decides to move on? If it were me, Brandi would never get a second chance, ever, after what she pulled on Lisa, both on and off camera.

Thank you! I came here to say this exact thing. If someone hurts you badly, then you're entitled to feel hurt, esp. if they never apologize, like with Brandi. If it takes a long time to get past it, then that's allowed. And some people never move on, and that's ok, too.

  • Love 12

The scenes with Lisa R & her parents really touched me. It's such a difficult thing to watch your parents get older with the knowledge that they won't be here forever. Her Dad really broke my heart.


Maybe her parents want to stay in Medford instead of relocating to California. However, I don't understand only visiting them once a year. Lisa has money to travel, even for a weekend visit. It's not like she has steady 9 to 5 employment. Hopefully she will not regret not spending time with them. Although I guess she stated that it was hard for her to see them as they got sick and she couldn't handle it.


It was not what I expected to see as the visit started with the kids complaining about all the fat people.

  • Love 10

That's was weird too. Lisa R. Said she's the adult now taking care of her parents. No you are not, Lisa. Your sister is taking care of them. I know that because I took care of my parents while my brothers living in the area, couldn't find the time. However, they were both able to make it on time to collect their inheritance. Sorry for going OT, but, that shit pisses me off. Ignore your parents if you want to, but, don't cry about the sacrifices you aren't making.

ITA! She says she is taking care of them in 1 breath and then says her sister is doing all the work in the next breath. Her sister looked more distraught/sad about leaving the house for the last time than Lisa R did and Lisa was raised in that house her sister, half sister, was not.

  • Love 8

Ignore your parents if you want to, but, don't cry about the sacrifices you aren't making.

Well put. This bothered me, too. She seems to love her parents, but she's selfish. She probably flew her parents to LA to see them, instead of visiting them in Oregon. And her kids ("I want cash money," "I don't want to lift boxes") are brats.

  • Love 15

I didn't think Lisa R. was taking credit for actually caring for her parents. She seemed really clear about saying that it was her sister who was doing the caretaking. I think when she was saying 'I'm the adult' etc. she was just saying that when it came to her parents she was now in the position of making decisions etc., as opposed to when she was a kid and they would have only ever made decisions about her. it seemed like one thing her sister wasn't dealing with was Lisa not acknowledging who was doing the stuff, and she even admitted to her that she found it upsetting to even see them for a short time. It was really, it seemed to me, like the flip side of all the marriage/graduation/college stories: people get old and die. Now, if her sister was on the show we'd be hearing more about the realities of caring for elderly parents, I expect. Lisa isn't dealing with those. For it was just about, well, her and that's what she was emotional about.


Re: Lisa, it's true there's just no reason for her to be friends with Brandi again if she was hurt by her. But she always seems even quicker to tell other people to get over things than Brandi's being to her here. Usually when people tell her she's upset them they haven't even finished the sentence before she's rolling her eyes and saying they're being ridiculous.

  • Love 17

Brandi is just an idiot. Eileen kept saying something like "I was there, I worked there". And Brandi just kept insisting she was right. But, she also doesn't think she's the reason her friendship with Ken/Lisa ended, so there you go. If I knew Brandi, I'd hesitate to touch her because she grosses me out, but, I might have to whop her upside the head.

Edited by Bronzedog
  • Love 15

My problem, though, is that when it comes time for Lisa to answer for her crimes, she completely wants to gloss over them! "Darling, I was joking!" and she makes out like the other person is a complete drama queen for having any kind of hurt feelings. It's a one-way street with Lisa, so that is why she can miss me with her grudges.

Yea, but there are crimes, and there are crimes. I agree that Lisa does as you describe, and if someone is hurt by a joke or glib remark, then they're entitled to feel that way. And if Lisa cares about that friend, she should knock it off. But what Brandi did to Lisa, and to a lot of people, is no joke, and a lot more serious. She systematically mistreats people, and then excuses it with all her "I'm a truth-teller!" or "Its b/c I was depressed" b.s. And then chastises them if they don't forgive her.

  • Love 11

My problem, though, is that when it comes time for Lisa to answer for her crimes, she completely wants to gloss over them! "Darling, I was joking!" and she makes out like the other person is a complete drama queen for having any kind of hurt feelings. It's a one-way street with Lisa, so that is why she can miss me with her grudges.

Saying you are joking when it happens, someone's feelings get hurt, is 1 thing but to keep attacking someone like Brandi did Lisa last season, both on and off camera, is another thing entirely. Brandi said it herself, she does not want to be seen as someone's sidekick and is trying to become top dog/queen bee of this show. Funny, all she did was move from Lisa to becoming Yolanda sidekick, she will never be seen as a top HW, only as someone that will claw your eyes out in an attempt to crawl over you to get there before she slides back into that primordial ooze pit she initially crawled out of.

  • Love 7

If I knew Brandi, I'd hesitate to touch her because she grosses me out, but, I might have to whop her upside the head.

That would be satisfying. However, as I get older I'm becoming more like Lisa.  Once I'm done with ya, I'm done.  I'm done with Brandi, so even whopping her upside her head doesn't even interest me anymore.  I just want her gone.

  • Love 11

OMG, Lisa's swans are the best. I almost fell off the couch when they trotted inside and almost started fighting with the dogs. SWANS! Lisa has SWANS! It's hilarious and over the top. I love it.


I thought this episode was an insight into Eileen's personality. She has a good sense of sarcastic humor. Also liked Vince and his WTF face at Brandi. I know how ya feel buddy.


Was Yolanda really going to play the "I'm so hurt, why didn't you invite me to your Star Ceremony" card?  Are you that desperate for camera time that you want to spend so much time with your Hollywood Friend? Really bitch?

  • Love 19

OMG, Lisa's swans are the best. I almost fell off the couch when they trotted inside and almost started fighting with the dogs. SWANS! Lisa has SWANS! It's hilarious and over the top. I love it.


I thought this episode was an insight into Eileen's personality. She has a good sense of sarcastic humor. Also liked Vince and his WTF face at Brandi. I know how ya feel buddy.


Was Yolanda really going to play the "I'm so hurt, why didn't you invite me to your Star Ceremony" card?  Are you that desperate for camera time that you want to spend so much time with your Hollywood Friend? Really bitch?

LOL, I just posted this same sentiment over in Lisa's thread! Why would this "Star" thing mean anything to Yolanda, she did say that Lisa would never get 1 when David got his Star in Hollywood and she calls Lisa a "Hollywood friend" not a real friend. She is desperate for the camera time! LOL

  • Love 3

Is grudge perhaps the polite way of saying Lisa does not want to film with someone?  I totally agree with Lisa wanting to ice out Yolanda and Brandi.  Yet, Lisa and Yolanda did the perfunctory let's move on.  If I were Lisa, Yolanda would be apologizing to Ken about the grabbing her arm bit before there would be much moving forward.  Lisa seems ultra cautious this year and at some point we need to see her do something with someone other than Ken and Lisa R. .  I am hoping the Kyle and Lisa reunion comes sooner rather than later. 

  • Love 8

What is it about some of these women. They have the wealth that allows them to travel back to where their parent(s) live but only go 1 or 2 times a year! Lisa R's parents only live 1 state away, they are not across the globe in a foreign country where it takes longer to fly there and back. David seems to get back to his home town much more often than Yolanda gets to go see her mom/brother. I have a brother that lives half way across this country, he is not wealthy by any means yet he manages to come back to see our mother at least 4 times a year. I just do not get it.


It's called Hollywood priorities--they differ from yours and mine.


Was Yolanda really going to play the "I'm so hurt, why didn't you invite me to your Star Ceremony" card?  Are you that desperate for camera time that you want to spend so much time with your Hollywood Friend? Really bitch?


I thought the same. It wasn't so much the snub from Lisa as it was the subsequent lack of camera time that Yolanda was pissed about. She's become much hungrier for camera time throughout her run on this show.


Brandi is such a classless woman, she really drags this whole franchise down. Tonight she was blabbing about her vaginal reconstruction to complete strangers, boasting about her meaningless trysts with Hollywood actors in confessionals and her behavior in next week's preview is nothing short of horrifying. I can only hope that the rumors of the other women banding together to freeze Brandi out of filming any future seasons is true. 

  • Love 17

Lisa has SWANS! It's hilarious and over the top. I love it.

I had swans.  Mine weren't gay, though.  And they weren't exactly mine.  (They hung out at the end of our dock.)  I think it was the same set that came back, year after year. That's how I know that they can be nasty and attack if provoked.  Or even mildly annoyed. Lisa is crazy for getting her face all up in theirs. Or that she lets her tasty little dogs get so close.


ETA:  Watching now.  Gross.  I don't need to see Ken brush his teeth.

Did Lisa give Rumpy Pumpy to Kyle?  I don't remember Kyle having a Golden prior to this season.

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 2

Yolanda's outfit for dinner at Kyle's!  Goodness me. 


Brandi stalks Lisa and Ken.  Next week's comment to Lisa is clearly a new low. 


Lisa continues to speak in the most affected tones about all manner of trivialities.  I feel like she's just kind of slumming on this show in order to secure the status of VRs, which is of course so execrable that it already appears invincible.


Yolanda's comment about how Eileen and Vince, living in Malibu, obviously share her "lifestyle."  Can't stand her anymore.  

  • Love 2

My favorite part of tonight's episode was Kim's story about having to learn tennis on the fly to be on Magnum PI. I remember that episode!! That's the stuff I love to hear about, especially since it involved Eileen's brother in law. And then the juxtaposition of Eileen's story about getting mauled by a motorcycle vs. Kyle wearing glasses? Love!!


I loved that part too.  This is exactly what I want to hear from the BH set.  It wasn't too braggy, a la David Foster's constant name dropping, since it was all a bit self deprecating.


Lisa Rinna's daughters are horrid. "Do chub chubs live here? Ewww." "You went to CHURCH?? Ugh!" How could you stand this place? Nauseating.


What bothered me more than the kids being judgmental teens was that LisaR didn't correct them in any manner.


Oh, and I don't buy Yo being hurt by LisaV over the Palm Springs star thing one bit.  Yo had just flown back a week before to deal with Bella's DUI.  If LisaV had invited her, no doubt Yo would have begged off, being too emotionally distraught to attend.

Edited by Lizzing
  • Love 11

OT - Happy Holidays to everyone.


Enjoyed the episode for the most part.  Well, except Brandi.  Nuff said.


Lisa R went down a number of pegs in my book this episode.  They're your parents too.  Been there.  Done that.  It's just so wrong to have to be the caretaker for your parents when you have siblings who don't step up.  Seeing the posts above, it's nice to see I'm not alone.  Shame on you LIsa.


Pump and Todd need to get over themselves.  I guess this is her storyline.  Her hurt feelings.  Just tell Brandi you don't want anything to do with her.  It's over.  I'm tired of this being dragged out.


I really enjoyed the conversations about acting careers.  Of course Brandi had to ruin the atmosphere with her rejuvenation.  Hope it's her last season.  She adds nothing except something for Lisa (and Ken) to feel sorry for themselves about.  Lisa needs to go up a dress size or not wear such form fitting clothes.  It wasn't flattering but it was nice to see her in a different color.  I thought it was funny seeing Yo show up in shorts.  With that body you can get away with it.  The woman does have a fantastic body.


I could understand Yolanda being a little hurt about not being invited to Pump's star because Yo invited her to David's but she overplayed it.


Kyle's dressing a whole lot better this season and I wouldn't have minded going to that barbeque.  As long as I didn't have to sit near Brandi. 

  • Love 5

Lizzing, you are right. Even worse than their behavior was their mother's total lack of response. No wonder they feel so free to be such mean girls. Maybe they will be struck speechless after running across a third McDonald's in Medford, and we will be spared their haughty observations.

Kyle could have been spared the fussing over the menu if she'd known in advance that Brandi was going to ruin everyone's appetite with her coarse comments. Did I really hear the long C word? Give me strength.

Edited by renatae
  • Love 9

I had swans.  Mine weren't gay, though.  And they weren't exactly mine.  (They hung out at the end of our dock.)  I think it was the same set that came back, year after year. That's how I know that they can be nasty and attack if provoked.  Or even mildly annoyed. Lisa is crazy for getting her face all up in theirs. Or that she lets her tasty little dogs get so close.


ETA:  Watching now.  Gross.  I don't need to see Ken brush his teeth.

Did Lisa give Rumpy Pumpy to Kyle?  I don't remember Kyle having a Golden prior to this season.


No, I believe Kyle has had him/her since at least last season, ryebread.


I seem to recall her taking it over to someone's house (Lisa?) on a leash because it had killed a rabbit or something.


Pretty sure the dog shown last night was the same dog.  

Edited by Persnickety1

Forgot to say, Yolanda really left me cold with her, "Our kind of people" don't mind that our children indulge in sex as long as they use birth control speech. Pretty much most of what she said tonight made me see her in a less flattering light. That outfit she wore to Kyle's barbecue looked more appropriate for a hayride.

ETA: Oops! My bad, that wasn't Yolanda, that was Eileen. Well, at least she didn't want the stepsons to go around impregnating Malibu. Yolanda's lifestyle stuff still a loser.

What's a Ladysitter??

I think Kyle and Lisa were well on their way to becoming friends again, but she's more wary again since Brandi called her using Kyle's phone.

Loved the swans!

Edited by renatae
  • Love 1

Yolanda:  "I figured if I didn't wear these boots tonight, I'd never wear them!" 


Too bad I didn't get a vote, 'cause I would've voted for never.  There really is such a thing as too thin.  Not having calves is too thin.  And wearing (ugly) boots that call attention to the absence of any muscles where your calves should be is not a good look.  IMO.  Really stupid outfit in general.  Didn't she make the usual "What are you wearing?" call to at least one friend?  Even Brandi was dressed better.


Boy, scratch that faint veneer of "I'm just a regular old girl" on Lisa R and you get Hollywood phony through and through.  As if it weren't enough that we had to hear endlessly how hard it is to not deal with your parents' health and aging issues in spite of having all the resources in the world, she couldn't even hug her weeping mother without making sure she was facing the camera when she did it.  It's easy to see why her daughters are the way they are.

  • Love 12

I think Kyle and Lisa were well on their way to becoming friends again, but she's more wary again since Brandi called her using Kyle's phone.

Loved the swans!

As she should be. Kyle is still trashing Lisa in her talking heads.

Yolanda prattling on about how she and Eileen were kindred spirits because of their shared Malibu "lifestyle" was barfworthy. I'm fairly certain that was a thinly veiled euphemism for rich and privileged. Thankfully Eileen doesn't seem to be playing that snooty elitist game. At least not yet.

  • Love 2

As she should be. Kyle is still trashing Lisa in her talking heads.

Yolanda prattling on about how she and Eileen were kindred spirits because of their shared Malibu "lifestyle" was barfworthy. I'm fairly certain that was a thinly veiled euphemism for rich and privileged. Thankfully Eileen doesn't seem to be playing that snooty elitist game. At least not yet.

I am not getting the moving forward process between Lisa and Kyle.  Ken cracking wise about Kyle, Lisa on the endless loop about how bad "her friends" are and Kyle and Kim butting into the Brandi/Lisa situation.  Have these ladies learned nothing about talking heads and butting in? 


I don't think Eileen has quite the spread Yolanda has and she seems a bit more practical about things like driving time.  I am still in this show for the house porn.  It was nice to see that Vince and Eileen had a manageable vegetable garden.  Once Yolanda's house sells I will be interested to see exactly where she and David end up.  Something tells me it will be more along the lines of the Vanderpump home rather than a modest Beverly Hills bungalow. 

  • Love 1

Boy, scratch that faint veneer of "I'm just a regular old girl" on Lisa R and you get Hollywood phony through and through. As if it weren't enough that we had to hear endlessly how hard it is to not deal with your parents' health and aging issues in spite of having all the resources in the world, she couldn't even hug her weeping mother without making sure she was facing the camera when she did it. It's easy to see why her daughters are the way they are.

Oy, ya don't have to scratch too hard to get Rinna's phony surface. She talks teary-eyed in her TH bout taking care of her elderly parents & yet visits them 1 time a year? That's really, really shitty, if ya ask me. Some of this scene didn't make sense. Was this the first time those girls had been there? If it was, then Rinna is a fuckin' monster. And if it wasn't, then the whole thing made no sense. Sorry, producers, but I'm lost with this. All in all, Rinna's sympathy for parents she never sees & left in the care of her sister full-time, rings false & shallow. Rinna shoulda left this stuff out. Doesn't make her look good at all.

Lisa Rinna's daughters are horrid. "Do chub chubs live here? Ewww." "You went to CHURCH?? Ugh!" "How could you stand this place?" Nauseating.

Agreed, but that's why having kids, especially teens, on a reality show ain't a great idea. Cuz they say any stupid shit that comes into their heads & don't think about consequences. They seem like typical bratty, spoiled teen girls. I can't dismiss them as horrible cuz they greeted their grandparents & aunt so warmly & sweetly, in what seemed to me to be a very genuine way.

Also, Vinnie seems like he could probably suck the life right out of the room.

Well, he looked thoroughly disgusted by Brandi & anything she was saying. Can't blame him for dat. But he seemed completely charmed, & even delighted, by Kim. It just shows Kim is not the sad, pathetic zonked-out mess we've seen before -- at least not all the time. She can be really great. Anyhoo, I hope Vince is on again cuz I liked watching his reactions to this bunch.

If someone hurts you badly, then you're entitled to feel hurt, esp. if they never apologize, like with Brandi.

I agree Lisa is playing the victim card to an annoying level. And she certainly dismisses anyone who points out some failing in her. Wow, she certainly shut Yo down quick on asking her why she didn't invite her to the "star thing" in Palm Springs, didn't she? Hate saying this, but Brandi does have a point that Lisa thinks she's perfect. In her mind, she never does anything wrong. It's kinda maddening.

Brandi was pushing too hard at Lisa to be pals again -- like she hadn't said horrible things about Lisa, which were mostly either untrue or unproven. It was certainly nothing that ruined Lisa's reputation cuz most of it was nonsense, & long forgotten. But it was nasty as fuck. What makes me scratch my head in disbelief is how Brandi is still not offering Lisa an apology. Er, why? Not even a simple apology -- whether she means it or not? Again, WHY??? Does she not understand she owes Lisa an apology before she will even remotely treat her as an acquaintance, let alone a friend. Lisa pretty much spelled this out to her when she called on Kyle's phone. So why has Brandi just ignored this? Could she be that fuckin' stupid? Guess so.

And what's with Kyle's nastyass cracks at Lisa anyway? I may not be thrilled with da Pump anymore, but there's dependably phony baloney Kyle, all smiley-smiles & kisses & tellin ya "you look gorgeous" to your face & talkin' shit on ya behind your back. Sheesh, I hate her fuckin' phony baloney guts.

Ah, say buh-bye to white t-shirt Mauricio cuz slickster Mauricio is back in town, baby. When he was meeting Eileen & Vince, I thought he was gonna slip 'em a card & tell 'em he could sell their house & find 'em a new one -- all in 24 hours. Why do I think Mauricio the slickster is ALWAYS workin', workin', workin da crowd?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 11

In Yolanda's defense (yuck), there is a Malibu lifestyle. Living in Malibu is definitely different than, say, living in Bel Air or in Beverly Hills. People in Malibu tend to love the ocean and the land, and they tend to be more laidback. It's a choice to live in Malibu because it is so far away from the hub of Los Angeles - you're basically making a statement that you'd rather be on the outskirts, away from all the goings-on, in your little ocean oasis. People who live in Malibu definitely have a bond they share.

  • Love 15

Yolanda's outfit for dinner at Kyle's!  Goodness me. 


Brandi stalks Lisa and Ken.  Next week's comment to Lisa is clearly a new low. 


Lisa continues to speak in the most affected tones about all manner of trivialities.  I feel like she's just kind of slumming on this show in order to secure the status of VRs, which is of course so execrable that it already appears invincible.


Yolanda's comment about how Eileen and Vince, living in Malibu, obviously share her "lifestyle."  Can't stand her anymore.  

Well you know, "managing household help" is as difficult as doing all the work yourself. I loved it when Eileen responded to Yolanda saying she was the best at cleaning toilets that she, Eileen, in fact was and that she once did it for a living! LOL


Yeah, I believe she did, ryebread.


I seem to recall her taking it over to someone's house (Lisa?) last season on a leash because it had killed a rabbit or something.


Pretty sure it was the same dog.  

RP was a small pup last season and would not have been that large by the time they filmed the party at Lisa's. The dog that killed Portia's pet rabbit died last year, this golden is new. Lisa tweeted this......

"@LisaVanderpump   Yes many of you are asking about rumpy,he went to school for a little while and he is very much here and just as naughty! You will see him"

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 3

I didn't think Lisa R. was taking credit for actually caring for her parents. She seemed really clear about saying that it was her sister who was doing the caretaking. I think when she was saying 'I'm the adult' etc. she was just saying that when it came to her parents she was now in the position of making decisions etc., as opposed to when she was a kid and they would have only ever made decisions about her. it seemed like one thing her sister wasn't dealing with was Lisa not acknowledging who was doing the stuff, and she even admitted to her that she found it upsetting to even see them for a short time. It was really, it seemed to me, like the flip side of all the marriage/graduation/college stories: people get old and die. Now, if her sister was on the show we'd be hearing more about the realities of caring for elderly parents, I expect. Lisa isn't dealing with those. For it was just about, well, her and that's what she was emotional about.

I can actually relate to what Lisa R is saying here. I'm the oldest of three and when my parents died, one after the other, within 18 months of each other, all I kept thinking was I'm now the Adult. I'm now sitting in God's Waiting Room waiting for my ticket to be punched.

And even after my sister and I went back and sold the family home, where we both grew up and emptied it out--hands down, the hardest thing I have ever done--I still can't shake that feeling. I'm the one in charge, I'm now The Adult.

I hate it.

  • Love 15

I'm not even sure what a "ladysitter" is.  When he first appeared, I thought it was just a "clever" name for someone to keep an eye on all of her girls living at home, from the teens down to the little one.  After tonight, when he was shadowing Kyle making plans for her bbq, I thought maybe he is her sitter, and she is being derogatory by not calling him her assistant.  But, OTOH, I loved his comments along the lines of "why don't you all do anything normal?" and "Curtis Stone always takes my calls".  I would tolerate an entire ep of crazy Kyle & co. if it were entirely narrated by the Ladysitter guy...or at least half an episode.

  • Love 3

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