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S29.E13: Let's Make A Move

Tara Ariano

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The editing is really killing this season for me. I haven't been truly surprised at any boot except for Jeremy's and I guess I was surprised at how epicly Keith managed to screw up the first plan to get rid of Jon. But other than that, every boot has been so obvious from the first five minutes of the game. I will say that seeing Natalie get emotional about Nadiya, I did think for a moment she could be the one going home with Baylor turning on her, especially when Jaclyn started voicing concern that she meant to vote for Alec.


However, when the Immunity Challenge came down to her and Jon, I knew whoever didn't win, was the one going home. I will say this episode further solidified that Jaclyn, while maybe not a great Survivor player, was far more observant than Jon. She totally saw that blindside coming but he was so sure in his alliance, just like he would have been blindsided weeks ago if Natalie hadn't told him to play his idol. And that was after Keith's verbal blunder, he still didn't get it and see the blindside coming. 


Wow, a Final 5 of Missy, Baylor, Natalie, Jaclyn and Keith. Definitely did not see that one coming at the start of the season. Honestly, other than Natalie, and she was only okay, none of these people particularly impressed me with their Survivor game. 

  • Love 8

This is going to sound mean but I think if you get so badly injured that you can't compete anymore you should have yo leave the game. It's not fair everyone else has to do the challenges and you just get to sit there.

I didn't like Natalie but I have to give the girl props for getting Jon out of the game. Great play! I hope they get Jaclyn out next. I'm ok with Natalie, Baylor and Keith for final three and Keith wins. Of course Missy would have to somehow get voted out, that will be a dilemma.

  • Love 7
This is going to sound mean but I think if you get so badly injured that you can't compete anymore you should have yo leave the game. It's not fair everyone else has to do the challenges and you just get to sit there.



I don't think it sounds mean, but I figure the other players have the option of voting out the injured person if they resent him/her being unable to participate in challenges, so it doesn't bother me. And since she's one less player who can take the immunity necklace from them, I understand if they keep her around.

Edited by ElleryAnne
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It looks like [Natalie] takes the sour winner to another level in previews.  It won't surprise me if Jaclyn is the bad guy for coming to his defense. 

She would be, though.  If Natalie is being a sore winner, then Jaclyn, from that preview, is being an even sorer loser.  Then again, so was Jon when Drew got blindsided.  So they're two peas in a pod, pretty much.

  • Love 9

Well, at least Missy can tell Jon that she didn't vote for him. And Natalie finally got her revenge for Jeremy's blindside.

Looks like Jaclyn has a major hissy fit when they get back to camp. Finally, she's talking to everyone.

Would love to see Natalie win. How ironic would that be? One twinnie goes out first and the other is the sole survivor.

  • Love 24

This is going to sound mean but I think if you get so badly injured that you can't compete anymore you should have yo leave the game. It's not fair everyone else has to do the challenges and you just get to sit there.

The only thing better than taking a goat to FT, is taking a limpy one. I hope Missy stays in the game.

Keith getting his first massage was... um. He was making some very happy noises.

  • Love 8

Awesome job Natalie, plan worked just the way she wanted to. Jon was just too damn arrogant. I clapped and hollered so loud when he was voted off. Glad Keith survived another week as well.


I wanted to slap the hell out of Missy for that no, I can't vote for Jon, I'm loyal and all that. I think that Missy is the type that probably puts men above her children and everything else. She just gives me that vibe. Hopefully she's voted off next week. Does she not know how the damn game is played, you gotta get rid of the threats. If she was in final 2 with Jon and she won, she would give Jon the win.


Next week have to listen to self entitled bitch princess Jaclyn holler and be upset over Jon being eliminated. She doesn't know how the game is played either and once again gave that entitled attitude because Jon, Keith, & Missy won the reward challenge. This isn't Survivor where the couples win, there's only one winner or did that concept escape Princess Jaclyn's mind. Not looking forward to hearing her bitch next week.

  • Love 19

Well, at least Missy can tell Jon that she didn't vote for him. And Natalie finally got her revenge for Jeremy's blindside.

Looks like Jaclyn has a major hissy fit when they get back to camp. Finally, she's talking to everyone.

Would love to see Natalie win. How ironic would that be? One twinnie goes out first and the other is the sole survivor.


Jacyln has no one to blame but herself & Jon. She let him carry her - none of her own initiative. 


I'm actually torn now about who I want out next, Jacyln or Missy. I don't think Missy should be allowed to skate, but I'm going to be very happy to see Jaclyn go when she thought she'd be in the final 2.

  • Love 5
This is going to sound mean but I think if you get so badly injured that you can't compete anymore you should have yo leave the game. It's not fair everyone else has to do the challenges and you just get to sit there.


I was thinking that way too, but actually, if you think about it..she's not hurting anybody but herself. I mean, since the merge, it's an individual game and she is missing out on opportunities to win immunity and now, potentially, reward. I'd rather see this than yet another quitter, even though I wouldn't blame her for quitting under these circumstances. 


I have to say Natalie for the win! She finally got all of her ducks in a row and got Jon out. Good for her. BTW, I read that they don't let you take your unplayed idol home as a souvenir, probably because all of that stuff is auctioned off for charity after the season. 

  • Love 6

I understand. Jaclyn ought accept Natalie talking shit about Jon the night she blindsided him. 

Meh.  Doesn't bother me.  They both brought it on themselves, and it was a near-impossible feat to pull off, so I'm not gonna come down on Natalie at all for gloating over it.  Plus, Jon clearly annoyed the piss out of everyone who wasn't Jaclyn, so . . . whatever.  I'll let the shit-talking slide for as long as possible.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
  • Love 15

Question: has there ever been an all-male jury so late in the game? I only started watching at the Denise and Malcolm season. I think Jaclyn or Keith next week.

For Natalie to win, Keith needs to be gone before the final vote. It might be better to get Keith next week, from Natalie's perspective, because of the remaining women, she's the most likely to get the jury's votes.  I was wondering if Keith would be the next Mr. Missy.

Edited by Lamb18
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Baylor said as much an episode or two ago, about how Missy was easily influenced by Jon because he was so similar to the guys her mom has dated/married.

And she repeated that again tonight. It must be tough having a mom that you watch make mistakes about men over and over. Baylor even said "Jon's like the son she always wanted..." I felt sad for her with that.

If Natalie or Keith don't win immunity next week, they are still safe with their idols. Those two can coast to the final four now.

  • Love 5

Question: has there ever been an all-male jury so late in the game? I only started watching at the Denise and Malcolm season. I think Jaclyn or Keith next week. I

For Natalie to win, Keith needs to be gone before the final vote. It might be better to get Keith next week, from Natalie's perspective, because of the remaining women, she's the most likely to get the jury's votes.  I was wondering if Keith would be the next Mr. Missy.

The jury now has six men on it, all voted out in a row -- Josh, Jeremy, Wes, Reed, Alec, and now, Jon.  This beats the record of One World, which, up to now, had the longest streak of male jurors with five -- Jonas, Michael, Jay, Leif, and Troyzan -- before being broken at just the right time by the (still inexplicable) blindside of Kat.  Though of course, the last man standing, Tarzan, was then voted out after her.  Coincidentally, both One World and San Juan del Sur have seen six men voted out (or just exiting the game) in a row -- Colton, Jonas, Michael, Jay, Leif, and Troyzan from One World, and Josh, Jeremy, Wes, Reed, Alec, and Jon from San Juan del Sur.


As for Keith winning, I don't get the thoughts that he'll win if he faces the jury.  Josh, Jeremy, Reed, Alec, and probably Jon do NOT respect his game.  Only Wes would vote for him.

  • Love 10

Triple ownage!  If I am not mistaken, she would be only the second woman of color to win, after Vecepia.  And she would not be subject to the criticism of Ms. V for lucking into the win, etc.  If Nat wins, there's no doubt that she controlled or influenced the game from start to finish.

Don't forget Sandra (one of my faves).  I hope Nat can take it.  I've been rooting for her all season.  So glad that the "golden couple," is broken up.  Have fun sipping your merlot at Ponderosa Jon!

  • Love 13

Keith is a lock to win, that I agree. Not sure about Jaclyn (unless both Keith & Natalie are gone)

Once again, how?  No one respects his game.  The only thing he can rely on is challenges.  And that only worked for Bob in Gabon because the jury were just bitter babies, and for Fabio in Nicaragua because Chase and Sash were so disliked and had fucked over way too many people.


I see almost no one on this jury being all that bitter.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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