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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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I was afraid of the musical episode but now at least I know we have the beautiful Charmings song, they have nice voices, it really felt like a Disney movie, also Revenge is catchy (despite the retcon of Hook meeting the Charmings...). But oh boy... Lana seems an enthusiastic and good person,  but she can't sing. I'll have to keep my fingers in the ff button. 

I do wish this was the last season and 06x20 the last episode, we started with Charmings wedding and the EQ, now Regina os good, she has Henry and friends, the Charmings are together, lets defeat the Black Fairy and end with Emma and Killian's wedding. Sure, there is the fact that the BF is nonsensical, sure the EQ is out there happy, sure Rumple is still there with Belle "I knew you were good", sure we needed to see the Charmings and Emma connection more, we needed to see home scenes, waking up together to make pancakes... But being realistic those stories had 6 Seasons to be developed. If we go into season 7... None of it will happen anyways, we'll have more random characters bring drop onto our screen. 

So I wish upon a star... I'll pretend it all ends with the wedding and happily ever after. 

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One thing that stuck out for me in the Snowing song, is that the characters not talked about hope - they looked like they had hope.  They were animated and dynamic and looked like they were having fun.  I noticed something similar when Charming woke up in the Awake flashback - he was all - lets do something and seemed to be motivated.  

In most of the scenes of the last few years -- all the characters (not just the Charmings) seem downtrodden in full of gloom by the latest situation.  Even the flashbacks usually end doom and gloom.  In the first season, while Storybook had a bit of an oppressive feel (although there was more of a mystery and dramatic tension that does not exist now), the flashbacks could be fun and adventurous.  Sure there were some set-back and cliffhanging endings, but you also saw Snow fall and love and laugh and on occasion outwit their foe.  

The musical episode really shows how little they have of those fun moments where the heroes get to have some more light-hearted or more whimsical, fun, swashbucking action moments.

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On May 6, 2017 at 6:40 AM, tanita said:

I'm the biggest Regina/Evil Queen stan, but I got to agree, Lana can't sing. Her songs are the weakest vocally and lyrically to be honest, not to mention those dance moves - yicks.

+100. I couldn't even get through that entire clip on Hulu. Lana grinding on her mirrors does NOTHING to improve upon this.

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Trivial note -- not to date myself - but the music playing in those previews as the book opens at the beginning really reminds me of the original All My Children theme when the opening was the simple opening of the book - no pictures.  I am guessing partially because it is an opening of a book, but those intro instrumental chords do remind me of that opening from the pre-90s show.

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Wow, I just watched the Charmings duet.  It was awesome.  I loved it.  I always new Josh had a great voice. The only thing it made me wish that the Charmings and Emma and heroes got to be the main characters and main solutions for this show.  I hate that they who have love which is supposed to be the strongest magic are so dependent on Regina and Rumple.  

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The only thing it made me wish that the Charmings and Emma and heroes got to be the main characters and main solutions for this show.

At one point, I probably would have agreed. But between the eggnapping, Emma's WALLS, and Snow's guilt complex, I wouldn't wish that any more. S1/2A Charmings though, definitely.


(despite the retcon of Hook meeting the Charmings...)

According to one of the recaps, everyone gets memory tea'd. Surprise, surprise.


If we go into season 7... None of it will happen anyways, we'll have more random characters bring drop onto our screen. 

IMO, the new characters will either make or break the (potential) new season. If they're anything like Aladdin and Jasmine, we're screwed.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Ending of tonight's episode.


SNOWING: We can defeat you, The Black Fairy!  We have a strong weapon on our side - The Song In Our Heart™!  Emma, it's in those conch shell earrings you love so much but we've never seen before, that you're wearing right now!  

BLACK FAIRY: Bwahwahwahwahwahwahawah.  You think a few melodies will affect my inexplicably strong powers?   


BLACK FAIRY: Bwahwahwahwahwahwahwaha.  The actions in this episode was pointless yet again... let The Final Battle begin next week!  Oh right, I almost forgot.  I will destroy your happiness, if it's the last thing I do... because.  

Edited by Camera One
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I guess the scenario for Rumple dying doesn't seem likely at each con that Emily or Gilles goes they emphasized about sweet scene or Rumbeller should be happy with it.

Actually, I will appreciate because it will proof again how all the paps and others were wrong about their supposed scoop.

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I'm reading some old spoiler posts from the spring hiatus, and I guess this show is really good at keeping the show shrouded, what with predictions that Gideon/Black Fairy would be done by now, Zelena going back to Oz, Rumple already dead, and Emma/Hook never having a scene together.

Edited by Camera One
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2 hours ago, Camera One said:

Emma/Hook never having a scene together.

Well, to be fair, they did go several episodes without a scene together! Given what's actually happened this half, I don't see how anyone could have predicted any of it, spoilers or not - it's so random!

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I'm totally dreading next week. I don't want to see Emma in a mental institution, the characters back to their FT selves, the Final Battle with the Stiltskins, or another random curse. There's literally nothing to be excited for. It sounds as bad if not worse than the S5 finale. It's depressing after such a hopeful wedding filled with encouragement for the future.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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7 hours ago, maryle said:

I guess the scenario for Rumple dying doesn't seem likely at each con that Emily or Gilles goes they emphasized about sweet scene or Rumbeller should be happy with it.

He's dying to save/protect Belle and Gideon, obviously.  

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He's dying to save/protect Belle and Gideon obviously.

Will find out in one week but not sure Emily will use" sweet scene" to describe that or that anyone will believe any scenario where Rumple is dying will make the Rumbelle fans happy.

I will obvious prefer Rumple dying in a sacrifice I really believe the best for him is to be a tragic anti hero but it's A and E we talk about...

And like I said Emma was supposed to be written off( very unlikely by the spoiler) and Rumple dead before the credit roll next week. If that doesn't happen what that tell you about all their gossip and inside source. I definitely be laughing!! So, I am rooting for Rumbelle tlk on this one.

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So according to Gosh, there's a twist at the end of the finale that could go either way as a series or season finale. It serves the characters well, most fans will be happy, some will be angry. Josh: "I think each character gets something that the fans should be happy with, that each character deserves."

I hope whatever their "twist" is doesn't end up destroying the characters' happy endings that we see them getting. Also, I think Rumple "deserves" to die. I think the bigger love Ginny talks about to break the curse is Emma sacrificing herself, or at least her Savior-ness.

Ginny: "I don't think that the wedding as the final episode of the season would have been as satisfying as what is to come for Emma. It's a really good storyline."

Edited by Souris
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Is it just me or have they been pretty heavy-handed with the Hook/Rumple feud here at the end? Given that they are "wrapping up" this storyline, I wonder if they will give any closure to that relationship? 

Have I mentioned lately how sick I am of Emma & Hook being separated? I mean they were JUST separated for three episodes. Do we really need two more episodes of Hook fighting to get back to Emma? Unless there is some True Love connection between realms, it's basically going to be the heroes spinning their wheels in FTL until midway through 6x22. It's just so repetitive and depressing. I'm tempted to just pretend the wedding was the end of the season.

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Was that Charming and Hook climbing the beanstalk in the preview, maybe to get a bean so that Hook can get back to Emma? I guess all that speculation about the beanstalk being one produced by Hook and Emma's true love was wrong. Looks like it's probably suppose to be the same one that Hook and Emma climbed in the EF. I guess if Hook and Emma can't be together, Hook and Charming having adventures would be my second choice.

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We also see the group in what appears to be Jefferson's hat room with doors to different realms. They probably try several ways to try to get back to SB.

Edited by Souris
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1 hour ago, pezgirl7 said:

Was that Charming and Hook climbing the beanstalk in the preview, maybe to get a bean so that Hook can get back to Emma? I guess all that speculation about the beanstalk being one produced by Hook and Emma's true love was wrong. Looks like it's probably suppose to be the same one that Hook and Emma climbed in the EF. I guess if Hook and Emma can't be together, Hook and Charming having adventures would be my second choice.

Ahh!  I was trying to figure out why Charms was on the beanstalk and Hook was so tiny in the room.  Going for a bean makes a lot of sense for them.  Atleast they appear to have their memories in the Enchanted Forest (apparently BF didn't remember to wipe them).  I guess BF plays the role of Regina with Henry in Storybrooke since those are the filiming spoilers we saw.  I'm not sure where the spoiler came from that Emma's been committed but, ok.

What I really want from this finale is for that long awaited TLK between Hook and Emma.  The series started with one between Charms and Snow, it would be a great bookend to see Emma have one with her husband (finally).  It would also go well with the storytelling if, next season, it's adult Henry as the main character and the little girl bringing him back to Emma and Hook who are presumably cursed yet again.

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We're well aware that we've done a curse occasionally in the past on the show, but this time we're trying to do a little twist on it.

"Occasionally"? As in every single season but the second?


Kitsis: I would say that how they're going to break the curse is kind of the conundrum of the episode because the usual tricks don't work anymore.

True Love's Kiss is the most powerful magic of all, except when it isn't.


Kitsis: I would say the theme of the final two hours is belief.

Oh yay. I loved it when Henry taught us all to believe in fairies magic in the last season finale.

I feel so reassured by A&E about this finale. Not. It seems so irrelevant to everything the show's been for the past six seasons. How can I take it seriously as a series finale, or even just a "end of a chapter" finale?

Edited by KingOfHearts
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This is the first finale where I have legitimately no idea what the heck they're going to do. They've been so utterly vague about "The Final Battle" and what the Black Fairy's curse actually entails that the writers can do whatever they want. By not dropping any hints, they've left open a million different options. Why are only a select few in the Enchanted Forest? How does Older Henry (if it's not Older Henry and he's just some random dude, I'll eat a sock) and the little girl fit into all of this? Those new characters are unfortunately going to take up a good chunk of this finale's time, aren't they? And if they don't take up a good chunk of time, how does A&E expect the audience to latch onto them for Season 7?

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3 minutes ago, Curio said:

This is the first finale where I have legitimately no idea what the heck they're going to do. They've been so utterly vague about "The Final Battle" and what the Black Fairy's curse actually entails that the writers can do whatever they want. By not dropping any hints, they've left open a million different options. Why are only a select few in the Enchanted Forest? How does Older Henry (if it's not Older Henry and he's just some random dude, I'll eat a sock) and the little girl fit into all of this? Those new characters are unfortunately going to take up a good chunk of this finale's time, aren't they? And if they don't take up a good chunk of time, how does A&E expect the audience to latch onto them for Season 7?

That's what I can't figure out.  Why would we tune in for "Once Upon a Time" season 7, if all of the stories are wrapped up and the focus is on "new" characters that we only meet in the finale? I will also eat my hat if that's not adult Henry.  What's the point of continuing the show without its core cast?  Henry's been a minor player since Pan.  Do we care what he's like as an adult? No!

They filmed endings for the characters so it feels all wrapped up but somehow Henry ends up in NYC bitter and alone 10 years later? It doesn't feel like a new concept.  I'd like to see Hook and Emma married and I'd like to see people commuting between Storybrooke and the EF.  There doesn't have to be a little kid driving the action because the characters have been established.

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I wonder if they'll take a page out of "Lost" and do some flashforwards next week.

Frankly, shows that try to do a season finale that can also serve as a series finale rarely if ever make a satisfying product.  Given last year's 2-hour finale, I can totally see 3/4 of the episode being pointless filler, despite being potentially the last episode ever.

Edited by Camera One
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1 minute ago, Camera One said:

I can totally see 3/4 of the episode being pointless filler.


I feel like that describes every episode this season. Every important scene seems to take place during the final 10 minutes. I wish I could time hop and edit all of the final 10 minutes of each episode together and watch those 220 minutes instead of sitting through this entire season.

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“It's a combo platter kind of curse. There's a bunch of different things that happen,” says Horowitz.

Translation: We just threw anything we could think of against the wall.  


“The way we sort of look at it is, these are stories for these characters, and there are set endpoints to different stories,” says Horowitz

Set endpoints?  If that were the case, Rumple and Regina and Zelena should be off the show by now.


The best bet for characters likely to be written out would be Charming and Snow, seeing as their story has truly come full circle.

What potion is this article author on?  Come full circle as in sleeping away half the season again?  Give me a break.  They have no more interest in these characters, so they're using this as an excuse to dump them like last week's trash.  The ship has sailed on giving these characters a satisfying conclusion, because they have completely skipped all the emotionally resonant stuff they could have experienced over the last 5 years.

Edited by Camera One
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What broke the very first season's curse was the kiss, a very pure unromantic true love expressed between mother and son. The love that it takes in the finale in order to do what has to be done to break the curse, I feel is categorically bigger.

Maybe it's a TLK between Storybrooke and Misthaven. True Love between magical and non-magical realms. What could be bigger?? 

Yeah--definitely no TLK between Emma and Hook. That's for sure. And I don't really care. TLKs have been a dime a dozen in this Show.

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Emma is going to die. It's the ultimate sacrifice of love and blah, blah, blah. Maybe she takes the combined saviourness of all the Saviours so she's the Saving-est Saviour that ever Saved and only then can her death defeat the darkest power. It definitely seems to be part of the plan too. It has to be a deliberate sacrifice to make it meaningful enough to be powerful.  Obviously, she's not dead dead. I want her to be done with the whole Saviour thing, but I'll be pissed if she loses the things that make her special and who she is. That includes her magic and her Saviour title. Like maybe she can be Saviour Emeritus or something. 

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27 minutes ago, Rumsy4 said:

Maybe it's a TLK between Storybrooke and Misthaven. True Love between magical and non-magical realms. What could be bigger?? 

Everyone holding hands and dancing in a circle right off a cliff, since Love Can Move Mountains.

Edited by Camera One
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A few things I got from the promo:

1. "The curse is going to destroy all the lands and everyone in them." When thinking of a worst-case scenario, this was exactly what I pictured. Bravo, writers. Hopefully they are able to follow through on this.


3. Snow tells Killian to find Emma and make her believe again. Does this mean we are going to get a TLK?

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How do they even know what's going on with Emma when they are in a totally different realm? Why would they think they need to make her believe? It's totally a rehash of S1 all in one episode. Henry will convince Emma she's the Saviour. Meanwhile, in the Enchanted Forest, Hook, Zelena, the Charmings and Regina try various methods of getting back to Storybrooke. Emma will go off to fight and die and everyone else gets back to watch at the end. Henry kisses her so she's not dead. Then they all hold hands and sing while Rumpel has yet another change of heart (mostly because he needs to be on the winning side and/or Belle is pissed at him) and they all banish the Black Fairy and her evil ways for good. Okay, I made that last part up.

How Tiger Lily and the newbies fit into the story is pretty much the only question we don't have an answer for.

Edited by KAOS Agent
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40 minutes ago, oncebluethrone said:

3. Snow tells Killian to find Emma and make her believe again. Does this mean we are going to get a TLK?

Nah. The only thing I'm certain is that a TLK between them is never going to happen. Open a window? Maybe. Breaking a curse? Never.

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2 hours ago, oncebluethrone said:


3. Snow tells Killian to find Emma and make her believe again. Does this mean we are going to get a TLK?

It depends on the conditions in the curse. The BF doesn't need a Saviour for her curse like Rumpel did, so there might not be a True Love's anything that can break it. ..

But Z is welcome to drive over her as much as possible...!

I am leaning towards everyone trapped in the book on different pages..which is why the sets look familiar but slightly off. Like the huge dreamcatcher pattern painted on the floor...could explain why the BF wants to get the book burned and the comment made about people still in town but not easily located (or something like that)

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 I'm a little afraid that I'm not going to like this finale, especially if Emma loses her happy ending, or if it's left open - ended.  Then, whenever I watch the show in the future I'll know that's how it ends up.

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Jennifer Morrison has just published in her Facebook and her Instagram that she is not coming back if there is a Season 7. I think she should have waited until the finale to say something, or, at least, until the confirmation that there would be a new season. 

I hope Colin is out too, but he is probably still under contract.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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19 minutes ago, RadioGirl27 said:

Jennifer Morrison has just published in her Facebook and her Instagram that she is not coming back if there is a Season 7. 

She does say she would do 1 ep...

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20 minutes ago, RadioGirl27 said:

Jennifer Morrison has just published in her Facebook and her Instagram that she is not coming back if there is a Season 7. I think she should have waited until the finale to say something, or, at least, until the confirmation that there would be a new season. 

I hope Colin is out too, but he is probably still under contract.

I just saw that too, WOW. That blows all the theories about who has signed on for next season out of the water. I'm really surprised she posted that so soon.

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7 minutes ago, PixiePaws1 said:

She does say she would do 1 ep...

I am guessing that means she disappears and the one episode is the last one for the series and a happy reunion with Hook.  Now I am kind of hoping they end it now, so everyone gets their happy ending instead of dragging it out and ruining the closure they have planned for Snowing.

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That's some seriously questionable timing...

Honestly, if ABC was serious about the reboot idea I imagine they're fine with this development, though. If it works and the show might even make it past a s7, they can use her 1 episode to write Hook out too in case CoD wants to leave after that as well and if it tanks they can bring her back for a series finale.

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At this point, Colin needs to leave too. If it's renewed, they (and Snowing) can get the happily ever after, and Once can continue with what A&E really want to do, Regina's story. 

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I don't blame either Jen or Ginny and Josh for leaving after the crap storylines they've been dealt with this season. A&E metaphorically pushed them out of the Show with their extraordinary (and ultimately pointless) focus on Regina and Rumple, and all the horrible retcons.

I have a feeling Colin will stay on if there is another season (he's still under contract + steady job). And Lana Parrilla will for sure, becasue she's A&E's pet. Carlyle could go either way. 

Edited by Rumsy4
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If Colin sticks around then so will I but I'm just not sure how they're going to make this play out. I wonder now if they had Hook and Emma separated so much to test if Captain Swan would work with them apart. Although this also means Emma's last real appearance has her separated from Hook. Why would they do that if they thought this might be the end for her? They had to have some idea when they floated the reboot to ABC that this would be a possibility.

I can see this going a few ways. Henry is bitter because his mom dies or disappears and some girl in Storybtooke finds his book and then finds him. That could be fine. But there is just no way I can imagine this working with Colin on the show, JMo gone and it not being dark or bitter. 

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They could do what Smallville did with Chloe gone having Oliver do everything he can to bring her back. They could do the same with Hook but they'd have to pay JMO to come back for maybe a few episodes. Something tells me Hook won't be treated as a lead either way. Then again they did so those random episodes where Hook was in an adventure with all those other Disney characters so who knows. It felt like they were testing him there.

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I understand jmo! Honestly, at her place with the opportunity she have now I had probably do the same. It's not like Once is really creatively challenging. But, with snowing gone and cs gone too. I not sure Once can interest me anymore.

I will surely look for Hook episode and still read the forum but watching regurlary the show? Not sure!

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13 minutes ago, sharky said:

But there is just no way I can imagine this working with Colin on the show, JMo gone and it not being dark or bitter. 

I agree. I feel like with the writing quality already so down, I can't handle another round of Hook angst over being separated from Emma, and them just reuniting in one final episode. I feel conflicted, becasue I want to support Colin, but I don't think I can do it. If the Show leaves Emma/CS in a shitty place with the finale "twist" I'm going to be sooooo pissed. 

Anyway, with the news about American Idol, I doubt OUAT is going to be renewed.

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What kind of mess the show will turn into with the Charmings gone and Captain Swan gone??? They are literally the heart of the show. Now I really want ABC to: 1. Keep the Charmings, resolve all the storylines that have not been completed, meet Emma again in the finale, end. or 2. End the show now. The idea of the reboot is tiresome, people will just turn in less and the show will finally be cancelled anyway.

And people still care about American Idol???

Edited by worryfaraway
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40 minutes ago, asabovesobelow said:

I just saw that too, WOW. That blows all the theories about who has signed on for next season out of the water. I'm really surprised she posted that so soon.

The timing coincides with ABC making the decision, I guess, it's very close to Upfronts.

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I hope ABC realizes, like they did with Castle, that you can't just split up the main couple. So either it ends or the Charmings + CS are off screen and it continues with new character (and Regina) in the same "universe".

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