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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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I think that probably makes more sense, especially if Roland and baby Snowflake are with them (I still can't call him Neal). The writers said season 5 picks up right where 4 left off, but maybe they didn't mean right off.


I think we got our wires crossed.  The show probably picks up exactly where it left off in the evening and we get the aftermath of Emma going poof.  I meant that them being in Camelot seems to happen the next day or whatever (I really wanted a bit of a time jump).  I'm guessing the aftermath is them telling Henry what just happened and trying to summon Emma back with the dagger.


Does time pass the same way in the EF that it does in the LwM?  And apparently the laws that govern time in Camelot are completely different from the ones in the LwM and the rest of the EF.  


Maybe a few days pass in Storybrooke but for Emma it's been a day or so given that she still looks very sane and very Emma.

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I'm excited that all of them are in Camelot. It sounds like it could be a fun adventure, though I hope the quest isn't again just looking for someone. I don't want the Dark Swan storyline to last the whole season mostly because I don't want the 100th episode to have a dark Emma :(

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By the way, I'm digging the Spoilers Only thread. It's a great way to get caught up. I love that everyone is in Camelot, and I think there's a lot of potential for more than one adventure going on, but hopefully it will all be tied together.


And maybe it's just wishful thinking, but Hook seems to be front and center in a lot of the BTS group shots. Could he be taking on more of a leadership role?

Edited by ABitOFluff
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There is another plot point that could last all season, and it's even worse that the Dark Swan: Zelena-Robin-Regina-rape baby.

I'm still not sure that all they have been shooting this days wasn't a dream/hallucination/premonition. It makes no sense to call the first episode "The Dark Swan"and then have Emma acting normal.

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I remember reading in an online article, but can't remember which one, that the Camelot people have a problem of their own to deal with, so maybe the Storybrooke people get wrapped up in whatever is currently happening in Camelot.

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And maybe it's just wishful thinking, but Hook seems to be front and center in a lot of the BTS group shots. Could he be taking on more of a leadership role?

Didn't we learn that he has experience leading rescue missions late last season?

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I remember reading in an online article, but can't remember which one, that the Camelot people have a problem of their own to deal with, so maybe the Storybrooke people get wrapped up in whatever is currently happening in Camelot.

I mean, if we got by common Arthurian knowledge, this is after the Lancelot affair gets found out (because Lancelot has already been banished) and that's usually when the Camelot decline starts, isn't it? I wonder if Genevieve has been banished too. Maybe the twist is that Arthur seems noble and good to the cast, but (like the casting call says) he has banished both his BFF and wife to god knows where. They can also do that thing they like to do where Emma suspects that he's not all he's cracked up to be, and the others go "lol no Emma, you crazy" with bonus that this time they can blame her getting suspicious on the darkness.

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I know we're not getting the full or accurate picture from the bits of filming we're seeing, and we're seeing things totally out of context, but it seems like they're all awfully relaxed and happy, considering the circumstances. About the only thing that indicates that there might have been any strain is Hook's mussed hair, and even that could have been a style change for the new season instead of something that's meaningful for the character (though it does seem appropriate for him to be looking somewhat rumpled in this situation, like maybe he's been pulling frantic all-nighters in the library and running his hand through his hair in frustration). I guess maybe they're all glad to be with Emma, but it still seems awfully low-tension.

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I guess maybe they're all glad to be with Emma, but it still seems awfully low-tension.


Because knowing TS;TW, it'll probably take 24 hours for Emma to disappear, for everyone in Storybrooke to quick change clothes and mourn, and for the tornado to whisk everyone over to Camelot. By the time Emma asks, "Where am I?" everyone will already be standing in front of her.

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This is probably the end of the episode. They've resolved the "must find Emma" crisis, are reunited and heading into Camelot, where they'll encounter the cliffhanger/episode ending crisis.

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Why does this photo remind me of Lando welcoming Han & Leia to Bespin? Now I think he's totally going to double-cross them, but be on their side in the end.

Hee! That is what that looks like.


In those fairly clear pictures of Hook and Arthur next to each other, the resemblance is even more uncanny. The person in charge of casting seems to have a type. And if there's not meant to be that much resemblance, they really need to lampshade it if they don't want conspiracy theories flying.


I would also guess that the usual lunch crowd must have been at Granny's when it was transported, though that doesn't explain Zelena. If they wanted Zelena to tornado them on purpose, would they really have chosen Granny's and taken the dwarfs? Use Gold's cabin for less disruption of the town.

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Is the Dark One vault supposed to be in Camelot? As Merlin is from Camelot, that would make sense, and explain why Emma ended up there, but doesn't explain why she went there without the Dagger.

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It's nice to see that Colin and Liam seem to be getting along. The actor BROTPs are strong on this show.

At first I thought they could have all been transported at breakfast, since Henry has his backpack. But your mom becoming the dark one is as good a reason as any to stay home from school. He's probably just carrying the book, or maybe a new one to write in.

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I will say that there does seem to be a bit more of that tension I was looking for evident in this round of pictures. They don't look quite so much like they're taking a casual stroll through the woods on the way to a picnic. However, it looks more like "armed knights are marching us to some unknown destination" tension than like "we've somehow traveled via diner to another world, where we've run into the person we lost when she became the Dark One" tension.


There's one shot where it looks like Hook and Arthur are talking to each other, and not in an entirely friendly way. There seems to be tension between them. You could almost imagine that they know each other. On the other hand, in general Hook seems the most tense and unhappy. Even in the shots where everyone else is all "la la la, out for a walk while we're being herded by soldiers" he looks like there's something wrong. Maybe it's just the slightly mussed hair that makes him look stressed, but his posture while Emma's holding his arm doesn't look at all like any of the shots of them walking down the street together in season 4.

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Maybe Hook does have a history with Arthur and not a particularly good one. Perhaps Hook doesn't trust him, but everyone is all, "Pshaw! It's King Arthur! He's going to help us find Merlin and save Emma!"


There were spoilers that Charming and Arthur are going to be total BroTPs. Maybe Hook is cranky about the threat to Captain Charming.


But yes, everybody does seem tense and serious in these latest pics.

Edited by Souris
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Yes. I can think several scenarios for the tension.

1 - Arthur has promised to take them to Merlin or tell them where he is but he wants to make a deal for something. ..maybe Emma has to do something for him that requires her powers..maybe find the Holy Grail

2- the Dark One did something pretty darn rotten in/to Camelot and they won't help out with Merlin until they get restitution

3- Arthur has been holding Emma captive by some other version of the anti-magic cuff, she escsped .. hence the force of Knights out and about and they tracked her down when she met up with the Storybrookers (very farfetched but fun to speculate)

4- Emma had already been working with/for Arthur and he isn't happy at the idea might have give up her help. ..or he has the hots for her since Guinny strayed with Lance

So, so many possibilities. ..

Edited by PixiePaws1
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RE: Those latest photos -- in some they look tense, but others it looks more like they're looking at the castle (or something on it?) in awe.


My (totally unsubstantiated) guess is that there is a bit of a time jump while Emma is stuck in Camelot (possibly locked up, as she clearly hasn't met the local royals yet; maybe Merida breaks her out?), and then a spell (probably Regina's rather than Emma's, as they must have brought Zelena along deliberately) magics Granny's and everyone in it over there. Emma is in fairytale clothes, so she must have been there some length of time, but Baby Do-Over is still very small, so it can't have been that long (unless the timelines are different). 


Anyway I'm excited for it. I wouldn't have minded a longer search for Emma, but I'm pretty stoked they're all in Camelot and will have some out-of-Storybrooke adventures. It is way past due. 


And just to follow through on what I said about the French impersonator and Hook's costume last page, here is the interview:


Colin said it could be possible to have a new costume for the next season, so I think I'll have some work for FT4.


I guess he could have been struggling with the English and Colin actually said something more definitive, but yeah, it reads more like "yes, that could theoretically happen" to me than "yes that will happen" (and apart from anything, they weren't back in Vancouver yet by that point, so if there were any costume fittings, they'd have happened last year, which seems unlikely).

Edited by retrograde
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Isn't the TV Guide article weird? A&E indirectly confirm Ruby's return, talk Arthur/Charming friendship, but for some reason there's no hint of any Regina storyline yet.

Edited by Serena
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About the costume, I think it makes sense for Hook and everyone else to have new ones, no? I can't imagine them remaining in the EF wearing their Storybrooke clothes. I must say I really feel for Emily and those ankle breaking heels she has on. This isn't asphalt she's walking on.

About Hook, he and Emma seem to be the only ones having a conversation while they're following Arthur to the citadellle. And again the order in which everyone is following Arthur is really odd. Emma and Hook, followed by Snow and David who should actually be the ones following right behind Arthur. Arthur must be a very trusting fella to have a pirate with a hook for a hand and the Dark One walking right behind him.

I was wondering what would be on the Camelot banners and I see they've chosen the dragon instead of the lion.

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About the costume, I think it makes sense for Hook and everyone else to have new ones, no? I can't imagine them remaining in the EF wearing their Storybrooke clothes.

That's what I'm thinking. They'll likely all ditch their SB clothes for something more FTL appropriate in the second episode. In one of the SDCC interviews Sean Maguire mentioned having seen some of the Camelot costume designs and, while he didn't specifically mention a new Robin Hood costume, I imagine you don't just randomly meet up with Eduardo Castro for no real reason while he's busy working on the first sets of costumes for s5.

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Speaking of costumes, I really like the touches to Emma's coat and the feathers around the hands.  I also noticed some serious shoulder pads going on.  So when Emma takes on the darkness, she's wearing a white sweater and now she's in grey (light grey?).  I'm assuming the colors of her costumes will progress into darker territory as the season goes on.


It's sort of interesting to see everyone back in the EF (or wherever they are now).  When they went back in season 3, they went back to their old hair dos (Regina and Snow) and now they're there and it's not because of a curse, so it will be interesting to see if there's a variation in those outfits where Lana doesn't exactly wear Evil Queen hair and outfits and Snow maybe isn't completely Snow.

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Isn't the TV Guide article weird? A&E indirectly confirm Ruby's return, talk Arthur/Charming friendship, but for some reason there's no hint of any Regina storyline yet.


Clearly whoever answered those questions were impostors, since A&E would never NOT mention Regina.

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I still can't totally figure out Colin's hair in these shots. In some photos, it looks like his normal hair but in others, it looks extra floppy like maybe they added some extensions to the front of it or something. But then if Hook is supposed to have longer hair to show that time has passed, what's with the little baby Neal? (I know, I know, this show has severe problems when it comes to showing how time has passed based on baby growth.)


The photos combined with the video from yesterday make me think about the time issue that A&E have hinted to in relation to Camelot. I feel like Emma has been there for a few months, but only a day or two has passed in Storybrooke. When the knights come upon the group, Emma steps in front of the group and seems to be talking reasonably to them. And then with the way they are walking over the bridge with Emma holding onto Hook, it's almost like they are happy or going willingly with Arthur. So my theory is that Arthur and Emma are somehow working together and when the Storybrookers show up, Arthur willingly suggests they stay in Camelot. Of course, there's probably some nefarious double crossing in there by him but I'm assuming that's for later in the season.


And yes, let's definitely talk about the potential for new costumes, especially Hook and Regina. I'm starting to wonder just how much Lt. Duckling is going to come through in Hook's Camelot costume. I'm thinking it'll look similar to Colin's costume in The Tudors, so yes please. And with Regina supposedly easing up on the evil stuff, I wonder how she will look like as a not-so-evil queen in someone else's kingdom.


I'm assuming there won't be alot of emphasis on Outlaw Queen in these scenes since that's obviously Sean's double on the bridge. Nice of them to do that for him so he could be with his new baby. :)

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With no Regina plot mentioned yet...I'm sure she'll have one of some sorts. If we follow the pattern of recent seasons, it'll get regina heavy in 5b and hopefully stay light in 5a.

Uggghh, that tvguide interview!! Do I dare get my hopes up about a good Charming storyline (or even just the screen time?)? He deserves it!!!!

And yes, will this threaten Captain Charming brotp?? (Which I know is more fanon than canon, but at least Captain Charming fans have a lot of fun according to what I see on tumblr).

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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All this Charming and Arthur are going to be BFF is either leading to Arthur not being what he seems and double crossing them or to more Charming thinks Hook is not good enough for Emma and tries to push her towards Arthur.

With no Regina plot mentioned yet...I'm sure she'll have one of some sorts. If we follow the pattern of recent seasons, it'll get regina heavy in 5b and hopefully stay light in 5a.

This is why I think that the plot that is going to last all season, or at least one of them, is going to be the Zelena vs Regina family feud.

And yes, will this threaten Captain Charming brotp??

You can't threaten something that doesn't exists.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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All this Charming and Arthur are going to be BFF is either leading to Arthur not being what he seems and double crossing them or to more Charming thinks Hook is not good enough for Emma and tries to push her towards Arthur.


Arthur is married for one.  And David doesn't get to choose who Emma loves for another.


ETA - Where is this whole thing about Arthur turning on everyone coming from?  If it's from the casting call, then it's a huge assumption that the guy is about to fuck everyone over.  I thought the character traits they described outside of his very humble beginnings were about Gwen and how borderline obsessive he is when it comes to her and I think the underhandedness probably has something to do with her and Lancelot.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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I still can't totally figure out Colin's hair in these shots. In some photos, it looks like his normal hair but in others, it looks extra floppy like maybe they added some extensions to the front of it or something.


It's been floppy since at least the Brazil con.

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Isn't the TV Guide article weird? A&E indirectly confirm Ruby's return, talk Arthur/Charming friendship, but for some reason there's no hint of any Regina storyline yet.


Shhhhhhh... Don't jinx it.

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It's been floppy since at least the Brazil con.

Well, that was a well researched scientific post. :) But then you would think they would cut his hair for continuity when he's back on set unless there's a reason for them not to. Hm... more research will have to be done!

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But then if Hook is supposed to have longer hair to show that time has passed, what's with the little baby Neal? (I know, I know, this show has severe problems when it comes to showing how time has passed based on baby growth.)

Is Hook's hair that much longer, or is it just falling over his forehead rather than being pushed back? He usually wears it brushed back (and shellacked, but I suspect that's more a production thing than a character thing), so we don't really know how long his bangs would have been last season, other than maybe when Ariel had just pulled him out of the water. This look could just be meant to show that he's unraveling a bit. If he didn't already have a beard, they'd use a three-day growth of scruff. He looks like he's been running his hand through his hair and messing it up, or maybe he got mussed up in the tornado or whatever transported Granny's.


As for the baby, Snowflake should have been about 3 months old at the end of the season. At what age does a baby transition from being held like a babe in arms to that perched on the hip thing? I can see why they'd delay the perched-on-the-hip thing as long as possible because it requires a real baby, while they can wrap a doll in a blanket for most scenes while it's still being carried cradled in the arms.

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Didn't he have bangs as dorky Hook? Not as long as he has them now but his bangs were reaching his eyes right? Also damn he looks good running his hands through his hair.

Edited by mjgchick
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Emma's long jacket robe thing looks like it's got a slight camouflage look. It might not show up as well in film, but that's interesting. I wonder if she conjured the clothes or if they were stolen or provided somehow?

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Wouldn't babies 3 mths old still need a bit of head support depending on how fast or slow they're growing?

I think Killy's hair is about the same length as it usually is. It's just styled differently. It might be just a tad longer, but we usually see it more pushed back so it could just be an illusion.

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Looking at the spoiler pics: Aw, Lana with the kid that plays Roland on her back. So cute.


There's also one where Jen has her hand on "Roland's" head, and her arm around Colin's arm, and it gave me lots of CaptainSwan family feels. The photos of Liam showing Colin his sword also made me laugh, because I can see Hook and Arthur having a "my sword is bigger than yours" thing.

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The cast has been passing that kid around.  They seem to be taking turns carrying him around.


About Ruby, if everyone is transported in the EF, then I guess it's a missed opportunity that she's not there.

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Didn't the line "you see her with Snow, Ruby and anybody" mean "Merida and Ruby are similar in some ways" because "Merida can fit in"? I don't get my hope ups about Ruby's returning.

This was also my interpretation.

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Could the jar that Belle is holding, as well as being a BatB reference, have something to do with Rumple's heart?


Never saw BatB myself, but that's the running bet on the Rumbelle tags on Tumblr. The fact that it's frosted white gives me the strong sense that his heart in there.

It wasn't quite clear, but I believe Robert said at Comic Con that Belle doesn't wake him from his coma, someone else does, so....yeah, I got nothing.


Arthur is married for one.


So was Robin. 


Is Zelena is having one of those magical pregnancies where she gains no weight? You could bounce a quarter off Bex's abs in the spoiler pics. I look more pregnant than that on any given Tuesday, and I've never even had kids.

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So was Robin.


Yeah, but when OQ started, Marian was supposed to be dead.  I'm not even going to get into everything that happened after that because I just can't with it and everything that went down.  Arthur's wife is as far as we know alive and kicking.  I doubt David would be encouraging Arthur to go and have an affair with his daughter is basically what I was getting at.  I also remember the conversation between Snow and Regina because that's just something I cannot unhear like ever!


Never saw BatB myself, but that's the running bet on the Rumbelle tags on Tumblr. The fact that it's frosted white gives me the strong sense that his heart in there.

That has to be it.  I don't see them logging the body around.  It's interesting that Rumple will be there in whatever state and that he is likely to come out of his induced coma in Camelot.  He seems to have messed a bit with Camelot in his time as the Dark One.  

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Oh, I agree that David is unlikely to push Emma at Arthur (or anyone else). I just meant that I'd be wary about assuming traditional canon relationships are going to be show canon.

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Well, that was a well researched scientific post. :) But then you would think they would cut his hair for continuity when he's back on set unless there's a reason for them not to. Hm... more research will have to be done!


Paris hair. Purely for research.

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